Yasmin Mogahed – Serenity – What Are The Etiquettes Of Dealing With Hardships

Yasmin Mogahed
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of understanding what "rock" means during hardship and the emotional and psychological preparation required for a drill. They also emphasize the importance of finding comfort in one's life and finding a way to avoid the "has been praying for" movement. The segment emphasizes the importance of staying true to Islam and finding a partner.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica, this is Jasmine which I hit and you're listening to serenity streaming live on one legacy radio. Today's topic is a question that many of us have asked it a question that many of our listeners have asked specifically. And that's the question of what are the etiquettes of dealing with hardship and responding to times of hardship. We are told many times that during hardship, our response should be patience. And yet it's it's generally we're told in kind of a very

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non specific way, we don't necessarily have

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actions, action, you know, how we should act and how we should be internally and how we should be externally. But we're told, you know, in general, we know we have some idea that we are supposed to be patient. But then, you know, there's the question of how to be patient, and what does patients really mean? And what does it really looked like, there is a lot of misunderstanding of what patience is. So when talking about patience, and response to hardship, we also need to talk about what sobra or patience is not. Because there's a lot of times when we are Miss, when there's that misunderstanding of what suffer is, and sometimes that misunderstanding the meaning of patience, can

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actually really harm us and harm those around us. So inshallah we will talk about, not only how we should respond in times of hardship, but but how we should not respond as well. And, you know, to begin with, we, we also need to have an understanding of why we are tested or why we are subjected with hardship and struggle. And, and also just understanding that this is a part of our, of our path through this life. Whenever you expect something, it's a lot easier to deal with it. Or when you know that something, when you're when you're mentally and psychologically prepared for something, it's a lot easier to handle it. But when you when you expect something completely different, and

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then you get, instead you get hardship, and you're expecting ease all the time, that's when you become somewhat debilitated and not able to deal with it. One example, I want to begin with, is those of you this is probably relevant on some level in every country, but I personally grew up in a place where they had tornadoes, and tornadoes, you know, kind of Allah subhanaw taala, you know, has given us different reminders throughout the world. And each part of the world has its own type of reminder. And sometimes these come in the form of natural disasters. So there are some areas you know, that get earthquakes and some that get hurricanes, some that gets tsunamis, and some that gets

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sandstorms and then there are some that get tornadoes. And I grew up in a place in the Midwest that Wisconsin specifically but the Midwest, wet, the Midwestern region of the United States tends to have to go through that tends tends to sometimes be hit by by tornadoes. So there's, there's this system of sirens, where where they use a siren to let you know that you need to go take cover.

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But in order to get people used to that, and in order to you know, so to sort of test the response of people, sometimes we go through drills, like at school, for example. And there's also a something called, like a siren that goes off and I think it would be like every first Wednesday of the month, and it was just a test. It was a it was a test siren to make sure that the sound was working and you know, to get people to be

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attuned to it. And so when this siren would go off, we would know and you know, sometimes we would even see it on television. This is only a test and you know, people would say this is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This is only a test. And you know, the The interesting thing about that is that when you hear that, that this is only a test. One of the responses

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to that is that you don't freak out. Internally, you're still called, right because you know that you're being tested, you know, that it's not really real. It's It's, it's, it's a test. And sometimes at school, for example, you'll have drills, where the purpose of the drill, you know, for example of air drill, you know that it's just a test. It's not a real fire, you know, it's a test, but the purpose of it is to see how you'll respond. The purpose of it is to train you. The purpose of it is that the teacher is watching to see and make sure that you'll respond properly. Now, why am I bringing up this example because Allah subhanaw taala has told us in the hood and many, many times

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and in the Hadith, that we will be tested, and that in fact, this life is a test. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in sort of bad that I would have left him in a shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. tabarrok Allah de Bie at the hill Molko hawala coalition, Cody, and levy Hala Kala Mota will hire to Leah Beluga comb au comb ax anomala. Here Allah is saying that it is he who created death and life in order to test you, which of you are best in deeds. In this statement, Allah is telling us the very reason why he created the death and life. We know the reason why we were created because Allah tells us that in another area, when I call up to Jean Noel ins allele, Abdul, Allah tells us

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that we have not created gene and human beings except to fulfill obaldia to Allah subhanaw taala except to worship and serve Allah subhana wa Tada. That's the purpose of our creation. But what's the purpose of this whole time on earth? What's the purpose of the fact that we live and we die? That Allah subhanaw taala is telling us and sort of that molk is to test us, which of us are best in deeds? If we're being told that it's a test, then when that siren goes off, do we freak out inside? Do we do we become very, very agitated and very, very afraid? No, if you know that something is a test ahead of time. Inside, you feel a sense of, you know, you're composed inside, because you know,

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it's just a test. However, you act, you still act because you are being watched, you know that even though it's a test the I'm not gonna freak out, I'm not. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not agitated inside. But externally, with my with my limbs, I'm still acting, I'm still responding. You know, in the case of the fire alarm, you know, there's not a real fire, but you still respond, and you and you do what you need to do because you know, you're being watched. And Subhan Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is, is watching us and Allah has also in his mercy prepared us for these things. You know, your teacher prepares you ahead of time and tells you, you're going to be tested tomorrow, it's going to be a

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drill, it's going to be a fire drill. You know, and and the teacher tells you that so that the kids don't well first so that the kids are prepared to act and second so they don't freak out and start crying and screaming and you know, it's there's a, there's an emotional and psychological preparation for it. And Allah subhanaw taala, psychologically and emotionally prepares us for what we are going to go through in our lives. Allah tells us many, many times that we will be tested and in fact, in one one area in sort of Bukhara, Allah subhanaw taala says, and has said to him and said hello Jen, now lm Maja tickle methyl levena Holloman publikum masseto mullvad says what the raw was

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Zillow hatay akula Rasulullah levena M and o Mau, Mehta and masala.

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See hidden this Allah subhanaw taala is is asking us a question. And the hasip team and Ted Hello Jenna well, am I a ethical method? levena Holloman? publikum do you think that you would enter paradise? And that you will not undergo that which of those who came before you went through or that will not go past you? What what what went past them?

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And that will a akun Okay. levena and then here Allah subhanaw taala is asking us this question. It's obviously a rhetorical question that he's asking do you think that you will enter Jannah without going through those same things that those before you came went through? My set homerun bat, sir, what the raw was Zulu Zulu. Allah is now giving us a window into what happened to those people before us.

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Miss set

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Whom will best sell or what Ah, that hardship and tribulation that they encountered hardship and tribulation was Zulu Zulu. This word Zulu Zulu is the same word that's used to describe an earthquake. They were so shaken you know like an earthquake shakes. The entire you know the entire Earth right the entire the ground and everything around you was in Zulu hat die akula Rasulullah levena M and Omar Mehta and also law. They were so shaken until the messengers and those with them. This is important until the messengers and those with the messengers called out metal Sorolla, when will the help of Allah come? Where is the help of Allah? Mehta Nasir Allah so this is telling us

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that the people before us were so shaken, that even the messengers and those who followed them asked this question, when will the help of a law come? Allah subhanaw taala ends this by saying Allah in nonisothermal, La Jolla party, indeed, the help of God the help of Allah is near. This is such a powerful idea because first, it explains to us that we are to expect these hardships and the struggle, we are to expect this shaking. And we are to expect that like those who came before us, we also will be tested to such an extent that they even asked when will the help of Allah come? This gives us comfort on many levels. One is that we are not alone. We were not the first to be tested

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and we are not the last to be tested. And we are not the only ones being tested right now. And on top of it, it shows us gives us that that reassurance there is not something you know, I'm not being tested because Allah subhanaw taala is is necessarily angry with me because even they were tested and even they were shaken. And Allah is telling us and has said to him and said hello Jenna, will Amelia tickle method or Latina Holloman? publikum this is part of the path to Jenna. You know, they were told in another Hadith, where the prophets I seldom said that When gibreel saw what surrounded Jenna, you know, first, Allah subhanaw taala told Djibouti to look at what Allah has, you know, in

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store for for people in Jenna. And when he saw it, he's he he came back and said, I can't imagine that anyone would hear about this place and not enter it. And then Allah subhanaw taala surrounded agenda with struggle and hardship. And then when Julian went back to his salon and saw what surrounds Jenna, then he said I, I worried that no one would be able to enter it. And then when Allah when Allah subhanaw taala showed him what is in jahannam in Hellfire, he came back and said, I can't imagine that anyone would hear about this place, and enter it. And then Allah subhanaw taala surrounded it by temptation, and so called pleasure. And then he said, I fear that no one would be

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able to escape it, that we need to know these things as part of our understanding of this world, that, that that the path to gender involves struggle. It involves that, you know, it isn't an easy path. But it's a path that if you seek the help of Allah subhanaw taala he can make it easy for you. I really I want to emphasize that point. Because I think that sometimes people misunderstand this concept. And you know, there's the the Hadith that says when Allah loves someone, he tests them. So you know, someone who's weaken faith might say, Well, yeah, maybe I don't need to love me that much. You know, I don't want to be tested out with a biller. But what people forget, I think is that when

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Allah subhanaw taala loves you. Not only does he test you, but he also helps you and that's incredibly important. You You know, the prophets peace be upon them, why were they tested more than anyone else will because their level was higher than anyone else. And not only is it that their level with Allah subhanaw taala was higher, but their provision was also more and when I say provision, I don't mean money or, you know, status, I mean, the provision of Amen, the provision of faith, the provision of patience, the provision of sub, the provision of the you know, it's like Allah subhanaw taala may send you the hunger but

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He also sends you the food. And the more food you have, then, you know, it doesn't matter how much hunger you have, you know, you might, you might be a person who gets more hungry than other people. But no one's going to complain about the level of the hunger, so long as their fridge is full of food, so long as they have the provision to fill that hunger, then there's no problem right? And that's exactly how it is with those near to Allah subhanaw taala Yes, the hunger is greater, yes, the hardship is greater. Yes, the struggle is greater, but so is the provision. So is the sub so is the patience, so is the gift of patience, so is the gift of contentment, so is the man because that

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is the food that's going to that's going to allow the person to deal with the hunger and and and to make it you know to be successful. And and so the feeling the actual experience of the hardship is not the same. Although externally It looks like a harder test. The one who is nearer to Allah subhanaw taala Allah can make it lighter on that person can make it easier on that person. We know this door is aloha Melissa Allah Allah Masha Allah who Salah will enter what will oh shit while Oh shit.

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Aloha mela satellite image alto Salah will enter tajawal husna inshallah Salah here Allah is telling us in this dot, you know we in fact I was teaching at Cisco I had to say to him, there is nothing that is easy, except what you make easy. And if you will, you can make even sadness easy. The hardest thing can be made easy if Allah wills that's the attitude we have to have when facing hardship is the key is not to fear the hardship. The key is to fear whether or not we have shelter, once the hardship hits, whether or not we are where we are, you know, it's it's it's we're not afraid of the rain, we're not afraid of the storm, so long as we have a roof over my head and a

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refuge once that storm hits. And so our focus should be seeking that refuge and being in the nearness to Allah subhanaw taala so that no matter what it is that does come our way, we have that protection and that help from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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inshallah, we will take a short break now, and returning, we will go ahead and open up the chat box for your questions and your experiences on this question of what are the etiquettes of dealing with hardship?

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Assalamu alaikum This is Yes Men which I hit and you're listening to serenity streaming live on one legacy radio, we are discussing today this very crucial question of what are the etiquettes of dealing with hardship? And we are talking about what are the expectations when we go through this life? Well, how should we expect our life to go and what has a line His Messenger told us about what to expect in this life and how to be successful and hardships are are a major part of you know, how do we deal with these tests are a major part of being successful? Because as we know this life is a test our time on this earth is a test and a purification process. You know, one of the things about

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tests is that if done properly, if responded to properly, it purifies and ultimately, we have to think about this journey to Allah subhanaw taala as a journey of cleansing, because what we want to do, ultimately is end up at the time of meeting Allah subhanaw taala in the best form that we can be, were told in the end, when Ibrahim alayhis salaam he has this beautiful diet where he says at the end of the day

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he asks Allah subhanaw taala it'll be last night when he when he asks Allah subhanaw taala

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when he describes the day of judgment and says yo Malayan foul men whenever noon, lm and Ethel lahat Calvin Saleem, here a lot, you know, he's saying to Allah subhanaw taala about the Day of Judgment, that it's the day when nothing will benefit any person from money.

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Children in lemon Atala have a common Selim except for the one who comes to God comes to Allah with a heart that sound a heart that's healthy. And that club Salim is something that we have to work throughout our lives seeking the help of Allah to attain, so that when we go to Allah subhanaw taala we can be successful that that success can only come in purifying the heart and in and and that process of purifying the heart involves struggle. And so we need to understand that and we need to know how to get there. inshallah Tada. So, we are taking your comments in the chat box and your questions. We have someone listening from Norway who says Assalamu alaykum yes me and you have

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helped many people around the world. Me and my friends enjoy listening to everyday from Norway, and listen and hamdulillah we have a very global listenership when in the hand.

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Another listener asks, sometimes people say if you have a happy life and easy life, and you feel that you are not tested, so be aware with your happiness, because that is the test for you. I'm glad you bring up that point of ease. Because Allah has told us that, you know, we talked about sort of the mole core, Allah subhanaw. taala says that he created death and life in order to test us which of us are best in deeds. We know that everything is a is a test that that we that we encounter. But that doesn't just mean the hardships sometimes we we assume that we need to redefine how we understand hardship, hardship, we whenever we are, undergo hardship, we assume right away, that

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we're being tested, or we think we're being punished. And then when we go through ease, we think, Oh, this is our reward. And that understanding is is is is inherently flawed, because Allah subhanaw taala tests us with both hardship and ease. Ease is also a test and I will tell you this, many, many people will say that they that the test of ease is more difficult than the test of hardship. And the reason for that is when you look at your own life, and you see what what points in your life where you nearest to Allah subhanaw taala many times you will find that those periods of time were the times when you were when you were going through the hardship. And in fact, it was the hardship that

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brought you closer to Allah subhanaw taala. And so in that test, you were more successful, then when you think about the times of ease, often many people say that during the times of ease, there are more distant from Allah subhanaw taala more distracted, that's the time typically, where Leffler overtakes you, you know, heedlessness, because I'm comfortable right now I don't feel the need for Allah subhanaw taala I don't really need to ask him in da and crying, I don't I don't feel that need as much as I did when I was going through my hardship. And that's what really makes the test of ease even even many times even harder than the test of hardship. But there is always you know, there's

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always a way inshallah to avoid failing either test with regards to the test of ease, the the the test is,

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is is what what what are we are going to make our focus, once the ease comes our problem is that

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we ask for God's help when we're in trouble, right? We you know, persons in the middle of an ocean storm hits, there's no one else they can turn to, then they turn to God, right? And then Allah tells us that when that you know, those people are now safe on the shore. Now they do they they they engage in shift. Now what let's talk about ship care ship is associating a partner with God. But you know what, there's lots of different ways to commit ship, you know, their ship can love, the ship can focus their ship can fear should can hope. And so oftentimes what happens to us is we're very, very focused on God in our hardship, our heart is very, you know, our heart really sees a glimpse of

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coheed You know, when we're in the hardship, that oneness of Allah, that he's the only one that can help me. But then when we feel safe again, sometimes our heart loses focus and now our heart turns and faces other things yet again, our heart turns and faces you know our money or our comfort status, luxury, sometimes it faces other people. And so this is our sort of the trap that we fall in as as human beings. The the test here in ears

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Is that we still keep our heart focused on Allah, we still realize our need for Allah. And we show gratitude for the ease we show gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala and we don't give credit to other than, you know, we don't give credit except where credit's due. Allah is the one who saved you from the hardship. Remember that remember that and thank him Don't give credit to other than him. You know if you if you had a problem with your provision and Allah subhanaw taala sent you that provision or that job, realize that it's It wasn't your It wasn't your boss, okay, it was Allah subhana wa Tada. That's part of the test of ease is that realizing who it is and being grateful to

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him and then also not losing that focus on Allah subhana wa tada we have a comment from we have a listener in London who says Islam on a coma says that we cannot wait to host you here in London inshallah we're so excited, shall I'm also looking forward to that trip. We I hope to be able to meet a lot of people inshallah and that tour hasm says, settimane combs sister, yes, mean, I just wanted to ask, if I have a good potential to invent something which would benefit our oma, but I need to push first to start I need to know how should I do that? You know, ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to enable you to be, you know, in his service, I think that the greatest, the greatest

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honor that any of us can have is to be at the service of Allah subhanaw taala. So ask Allah Subhana Allah to open up the doors to whatever path it is that can make you most in his service. inshallah.

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Another listener says, I think in dealing with hardship patients is a very important key to keep on trying not to give up but sometimes it's, it's important to let go as well. And of course, while doing all these have faith in Allah, that keeps the heart calm, and allows us to think a great deal. in responding to hardship. This is very true. We need patience. And, and and I want to talk about what are some of the different responses, and specifically etiquettes with regards to facing hardship. There are different ways in which a person can respond when they're tested with hardship, one of the ways that one person can respond and we want to avoid this response at all costs, that is

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the response of impatience, lack of patience, and complaint,

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and resentment towards Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is a person who when hardship faces him, for example, a person is unable to get married. And their responses, well, why me? Why is everyone else able to get married, and I'm not, it's not fair. And they feel angry at a loss of Hannah Montana, or a person isn't able to have children, or a person isn't able to get the job they want, whatever it is that that the person feels, and you know, this hardship that's coming to them and they feel sort of this victim and this anger inside and that is directed at Allah subhanaw taala because of who is it that put us in those situations? Who is it that decides these things? It is Allah and Allah knows

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best and Allah subhanaw taala? When he tests us, he knows exactly what he's doing. The response that we want to avoid is this response of why me and it's not fair and why does this person have an I don't have because this goes completely against the the concept of patience, the concept of sup in order for this hardship to be beneficial in order for this hardship to have the, the,

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you know, that that

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quality of purification, we have to at least respond with with with with sub with patience, one of the the benefits and there are many benefits of of hardship one of the benefits that Allah speaks about in the Kota n is the benefit of Tom Hayes. The benefit of purification, Allah subhanaw taala says well, you might have hola hola Dena M and here Allah is saying that that the default that the hardship that comes your way, that that struggle, it purifies the believers.

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In order for something to purify you though, in order for this hardship to purify you, you have to respond correctly, to respond. With complaint to respond with impatience. It means that it's just hurting you more, and you're not getting that benefit of thumb haste and purification. Similarly, we're told by the prophet sallallahu wasallam

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That no believer goes through any hardship or pain or sorrow, except that it removes that person's sins, like leaves falling from a tree. This is this is part of our purification is that through the hardship, we are cleansed of our sins, and we are also cleansed of our dependency on other than Allah Subhana with Allah, go back to those times when you were in your hardest moments, those typically are the times when you felt most dependent on Allah and the nearest Allah. So hardship in a sense, it removes those other false dependencies, and it also cleanses us of our sins. In order to have that however, we need to respond with sub with patience. And that is the minimum that a

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believer should have his patience. And then scholars say there's even a higher level of response to hardship. And this is a riddle riddle is contentment. So severe means and and, you know, this is kind of where I want to take a moment to clarify the meaning of sub. The meaning of sobra does not mean that I don't feel pain inside. It doesn't mean that I can't cry. It doesn't mean that I can't admit my weakness to Allah subhana wa Tada. In fact, we know on many occasions, that the prophets peace be upon them all complained to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Please understand that that's completely different than complaining about Allah subhanho wa Taala. to complain to Allah subhanho

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wa Taala is to admit your own weakness and your need for his help to complain about Allah subhanho wa Taala is to say, Why me? Why did you do this to me? This isn't fair. And why does that person have this and I don't have it that's complaining about Allah. But complaining to Allah is is actually something that is, is brings a person closer to him in admitting your weakness asking for his help, saying, Oh Allah, I can't do this on my own. Because the truth is, you can't do it on your own. No one can not even the greatest of people, not even the prophets peace be upon them could do it on their own. Look at this, the supplications of the prophets peace be upon them all when they

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were going through hardship, and you will truly understand this concept, even Maryam rhodiola and how when she was going through her hardship, and she was giving birth and what she said and you know her she was in so much pain, that she would she said, I wish that I had died before this and and been forgotten. You know, this is this is the pain that these people the greatest of people went through. Having being in pain doesn't mean that you're not patient, complaining to Allah saying to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, I can't do this on my own. No Holly Salaam and Nima Hello bomb Funkhouser. He's saying I have been defeated. So give me victory. He's admitting this, you know,

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Yunus Allah has sent m La Ilaha Illa enters panic in the continent of volume and there is nothing worthy of worship but you La Ilaha Illa and there is nothing worthy of worship but you you're a high above all of that, in the continent of volume and I was indeed among the wrongdoers he is admitting this and Nima Sania dororo Antara hamara hai mean au balasana you know, all of the you know, here are you balancing them after being tested for so many years finally says to Allah subhanaw taala you know, difficulty has come my way and you are the Most Merciful of the Merciful. We all have these, you know, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the time of die of afterlife. Look at the door of

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Mohammed salicylate after the time of his complaining to Allah subhanho wa Taala he all of these, all of these great people, they did that and we know we know that when when the father of use of family said I'm lost. What did he say? I said he said I complain of my sorrow only to Allah subhana wa diamond. This is this is the the way of those who are seeking Allah Subhana Allah that is when they complain, they do not complain about Allah. They complain to Allah subhanho wa Taala and seeking his help, not complaining about what he has put them through, but only asking for his help to make it easy on them.

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We have a message from weeping heart that says sister I am weeping hard sitting here and because my heart is full of pain I cannot withstand. We are going through many worries. My husband is suffering. He's in Mecca, but still he his heart is full of pain. I want your help.

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prayers, your prayers, save us from these hardship. We ask Allah subhanaw taala and I ask everyone who's listening to make the law in sha Allah that Allah subhanaw taala eases the pain of this sister and her and her family, and makes her matters easy and brings her near to Allah subhanaw taala and brings her husband and family near to Him. And inshallah whatever it is that you went through in sha Allah, may it be a purification for you? And may Allah subhanaw taala make it easy? No. Again, you know, one thing that really gives, I think, a believer comfort is when you look at the stories of those who came before us, and you really It's so inspiring. You look at the stories of the prophets,

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peace be upon him, peace be upon them all, you'll find one one pattern among all of, you know, many of their stories of those that we know. And that pattern is that they each of them reached a point where they were at their hardest, at their, sort of their, their, their, their, the peak of their hardship. And in the at that point, they all did the same thing. And that is that they turned whole heartedly to Allah subhanaw taala. And you can find this in all their stories. And you'll find the pattern is that after that, they were all given. They were all given the Nasir of Allah subhanaw taala, just like the ayah said, that when that time came when the when the messengers and those with

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them, were saying metta and a sort of law, when will the help of a law come. And immediately after this, Allah Subhana Medina says, in Allah in natural law, he corrib indeed the help of Allah is near. And that's what I want to say to you and remind you and myself and all of those people listening, that indeed, the help of Allah is always near. And Subhanallah you see that in these stories, so when they reached that point of their, the peak of their hardship, and may turn wholeheartedly to Allah subhanho wa Taala in each and every story, then that Allah subhanaw taala sent his and his his victory, his help, and and they were taken out of their hardship. Look at the

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story of a YouTube Allah who sent him a tube, he had his health taken from him. He had his children, his family, his wealth, everything taken from him. And when he finally reached that point, where he was at the peak of his hardship, and he said to Allah subhanho wa Taala and Nima, Sania Rotorua and our humble raha mean, that's all he said to Allah subhanaw taala that was his greatest time of pain. He said that this this hardship has has come to me and has has encountered me and and you are the Most Merciful of the Merciful look at the edit that he uses with Allah subhanaw taala that the way he faces a lot it's not complaining, but saying you know, this is really hard on me and I know

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you're the most merciful. Allah subhanaw taala gave him everything back and increased him and you look at us Allah His Salaam when he was adding his, the peak of his hardship he was inside of the hole is inside of the whale slash big fish. And he was and he was in this darkness upon darkness as Allah subhanaw taala describes, and he called out to Allah, that you know, elantas of Hanukkah in the continent of Bali mean, he calls out and by the way, we are told, and we are taught to save the star when we're going to hardship ourselves. La ilaha illa Anta Subhana occur in the continent of Bali mean?

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There is no Illa there's nothing worthy of worship, but you high above that, are you in a continent of volume and I was indeed among the wrong doors. And it was after he did that Allah tells us that only because he did that he was saved. And had he not done that Allah tells us in the end he would have could have been in that situation until the end of time. That because he called out to Allah subhanaw taala saved him. And it is the same thing with all of us. We reach those points and we think you know, it can't get worse. You know Moosa Allah has sent him he was in front of the Red Sea, he was completely trapped. He felt you know, he saw there was an army behind him and an N a

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tyrant, a murder, a murder, as you know, a murderer and a tyrant behind him. And he has a red the Red Sea in front of him. And yet musala his solemn at that point did the exact same thing as all of the prophets did. When they reach their point. He turned to Allah subhanaw taala he put his trust in Allah subhanaw taala Keller in a mire of bsai Deen. He knows allies with him and he was going to guide him through that

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Allah subhana wa tada opened up the sea for him. These my brothers and sisters are not just stories, these are,

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these are timeless lessons, these are lessons for you and for me to seek inspiration from so that we also when we reach those points in our life, what we what you might call your breaking point or what is close to your breaking point, because Allah never leaves you alone never is leaving you Allah is in complete, is completely aware of every single thing every atom in your body and and what it's feeling, Allah subhanaw taala is there and Allah won't give you ever more than you can bear. Never will Allah give you more than you can bear. Allah subhanaw taala tells us this and sort of tell bahara so we know this and we put our trust in Allah at those points in time know that the help of

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Allah subhanaw taala is near in nanosatellite khadim. The the the key is just what are we doing? How are we responding at that point, if you are responding by completely submitting to Allah completely turning to him, then you know for sure you're doing the right thing and you know for sure that ella inositol lahi Aquarium, that indeed the health of Allah is near, that is a promise of God. And that is how it happened with each and every one of these stories. Sharla we will take another short break now. And returning we will take a couple more questions and Sean

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Assalamu alaikum This is Yes minja hit and you're listening to serenity streaming live on one legacy radio. We are opening up the chat box today for your questions about this question.

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This issue of how do we act? And how what are the etiquettes of dealing with hardship? We have a question here from your sister in a stem Who says I have a very sad problem This summer I started really seeking a law by praying more praying to hedgerow than doing lots more dog doing the kind of day and night and I started wearing Hijab yet. And sadly, some days I started to have doubts about Islam and dangerous thoughts start to creep into my mind. thoughts that I had never, I never had when I used to be a less conscious Muslim praying five times a day only as a routine, I feel that before I started doing a lot more than I do not that I do now, I never had doubts in Islam. And now

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that I'm doing so much more to try to please and get closer to Allah start having these. What you are describing right now is actually a phenomenon that a lot of us don't understand. And that is we sometimes think that these thoughts, and this is where we have to be very, very careful. We sometimes think that these thoughts that were that are crossing our mind are from ourselves. But we forgot something very important. And that is that there is something called shaitan. And we know that shaitan is and west southwest, and Hannah's he's described as the one who whispers and then retreats. So what happens is this, when you have this random thought come through your mind, right,

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like something even blasphemous, okay? That is likely to be shaitan. So what he'll do, he might come and whisper something in your ear are whisper something to you. And then he retreats. Now that that whisper has gone into your mind or into your consciousness, and if you entertain that thought, you might actually start to believe that it came from yourself. But it didn't come from yourself. You're not a horrible person. This is just shaitan whispering to you. And what the way that you have to respond to these thoughts is actually by ignoring them. This is so important. Something I subpanel I recently learned myself is a lot of times what we do is we want to kind of prove something right. So

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as soon as this thought comes in our mind, and it could be something ridiculous, right? This thought comes into our mind. And as soon as it comes, we want to sort of fight the thought we want to approve that it isn't right. So we respond to it kind of in our mind. And then another thought comes and then we want to respond to it. What we've basically done is we've gotten into a sort of a punching match with shape and shape

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thought his whole goal in this is not necessarily to convince you of these things, but to tire you out. Because even if you're not convinced, but you've just spent all of this mental and psychological energy, just responding to these things and thinking and then worrying and then you start to worry, are you a horrible person? And then, you know, now he's he's one because now what he's done is, at least he's tired you out mentally. So what, what more more energy do you have left to remember Allah subhanaw taala. He has, he has at least succeeded in distracting you and tiring you out. So really, the solution is when these thoughts come to our mind. And we're actually told

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this in a Hadith, when the thought comes to your mind, for example of certain questions like oh, but who created a law, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that we're supposed to say our Billahi min ash shaytaan energien. That's how we deal we don't sit and have a philosophical debate inside of our mind was shaitan, we say are with a villa human and shaitana regime. And this is for a number of reasons. One is that all shaitan is doing here is trying to engage you in this in this back and forth in trying to engage you and trying to make you feel bad about yourself. Try, you know, the whole point is that he wants to pull you in, what you have to do is not engage what you have to do

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is ignore and what you have to do is seek refuge in Allah and complete disavow that will lead him in a shaitana regime. I know that thought was from shaitan, it was not from myself. And I'm just going to completely ignore it. I'm going to seek refuge in Allah from from shaitan. So so you once you start to do that, then it goes away, and then he might try something completely different again. And this is part of our battle. But it's important that we do not engage the West west of shaitan. We do not engage the whispering of shaitan these ridiculous things that shun will whisper to us. He's just trying to get us tired out. He's just trying to weigh us down. And and that way he keeps us from

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being able to focus any energy on Allah subhanho data. There are other things we can do as well, to try to lessen the whispering of shaitan one of them is one of the chord that we're taught by the prophet sallallahu Sallam is La ilaha illa Anta subhanak intercontinental volley mean, you know it the other the one specifically that I'm that that helps you with regards to protection from shaitan is in fact that ilaha illallah wa who lectured ecola now who will molk Well, I will hand while Aquila shaden Claudia, the previous one was four times of hardship La Ilaha Illa, anta Subhana uniconta monoball. I mean, that's four times of hardship. But the duck but the cod, the vicar of

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that I'm referring to with regards to protection from shaitan is this one La Ilaha Illa La ilaha illallah wa who lash adekola Rahul Molko Alhamdulilah Aquila, Shane Kadir, the prophet SAW Selim says that when we say this 100 times in a day, we're protected from shaitan till the end of the day. So include this in in your in your auth code and inshallah Allah this whispering us you know, as you start to train yourself to not engage it say out with a voluminous shadow energy know that this isn't something wrong with you, but this is the whispering of shade lon and and say out of alignment, a shadow energy and just completely ignore it, and inshallah it will it will get better.

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Another question

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we have is unmarried and pain sisters in their late 30s. and unable to get married? How should they have patience? And how should they face the world when they are looked down upon? How should they try to seek a partner when their family has given up? And when they try on their own? They get heart they get target of man's world men's world, please reply.

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You know, there's there's a really important aspect of this issue that I want to address. Of course, there are many things that one could say about different avenues to find a partner and this and that, but that's not where I'm going to go in terms of answering this question. Because I think there's a deeper issue here. And this is how are we defining our self worth? How are we defining our happiness, it is extremely important that you never allow another person to define for you your self worth, not the SIS not society, not the the people around you, not even your family. If somebody is looking down on you that can only make you feel bad about yourself, if you believe it. If you

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internalize it, and you also look down on yourself. But if you're self worth and you realize, Hey, medion, rhodiola and medion, one of the greatest women of all time, as we're told by the prophet, so I said she never got married. Do you know what people were saying about her? The mother of a scientist? I mean, do you know what people were saying about her? She never got married and he or she is pregnant on top of it, right? I mean, if she was defined

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By what people said about her imagine, she in fact, the prophet sighs lm told us that she was one of the four perfect women. And and yet she never got married and people said all types of things about her. We cannot let what people say define who we are or what we feel about ourselves, our definition of who we are and and where we stand is with Allah subhanho wa Taala if you are good with Allah, it does not matter if the people are looking down on you because believe me, the people look down on all the prophets peace be upon them. The people called the Prophet Mohammed sighs lm

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a poet or are they called him in possessed the things they said to him the things they said to know highlight his Salim Ibrahim Ali Salim they threw him in the fire. You know, think about it, the society isn't always going to be nice to you. The society is always going to say nice things to you but you cannot let that define who you are. And you can't let that you can't absorb and internalize that because you have to know that your worth comes from Allah subhanaw taala and from your relationship with him, if you are good with your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala It doesn't matter whether you get married or you don't get married as long as you're good with Allah

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subhanaw taala then you're good. That's what we have to start standing up and realizing we really have to internalize that reality.

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Medium asks medium says sister Please pray for me. I've been suffering for three months with severe depression and have even attempt to commit suicide I have been listening to your lectures and find so much easier Zach Allah May Allah bless you, Sister Maryam inshallah, feel free to contact me after please do contact me after the show at Serenity at one legacy radio.com that serenity at one legacy radio.com We ask Allah subhanaw taala and in all of us we make to offer you that Allah subhanaw taala eases your your pain and your depression and that Allah subhanaw taala takes you nearer to him and gives you a glimpse of Jenna on this earth because we are told that there is

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agenda on this earth. It isn't forever. It's sometimes it's glimpses of that Jenna and that Jenna on this earth, that paradise on this earth comes in the near and as to Allah subhanaw taala it's in those moments where you feel the peace of being close to your Creator. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant you that and to take away all your suffering and your pain in sha Allah tala Yato along mean.

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Allah writes it she says so true. I've been at my breaking point only a few times in my life where I cried like never before and turn to Allah and said Allah you are the only one who can save me while law he things in my life changed around Allah this absolutely does not surprise me This is absolutely the the Sunnah of Allah subhanaw taala This is how this is the lesson we can learn from all of the stories of those who came before us. This is a lesson we can learn in our own lives. No matter how hard things are. When you turn to Allah subhanaw taala. Allah will take care of it. Remember this, Allah in nanosolar here corrib Indeed, the help and the victory of Allah is near

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Julio Cody has stopped for a lot you will come in now for Rahim subhanak Hello behind darkness shadow and in a hill and istockphoto kona tubu lake was set out Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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