Yasmin Mogahed – The Importance Of Spiritual Resilience

Yasmin Mogahed
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of sub and how it relates to actions and behavior. They emphasize the need for action and offer a framework for success in the face of oppression. The four ingredients needed for success in life include patience, perseverance, and a desire to be a people of resilience. They also discuss the importance of building a strong foundation for political and social struggles, and the need for a solid foundation to ensure consistency and resilience in one's life. They emphasize the importance of protecting relationships and mental health, and the need for hope and seeing through in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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I was going to share.

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Rahim Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah while he was talking pH main strategy suddenly were Siddeley Omri wha Hello, Dr. Millis any of Govan Kona, Mia was pannacotta bless your event, bless your community, I am going to be talking about a topic which I was very pleased to get as my topic, because I think it's extremely important. And it's something that I personally feel very, very strongly about. And that is the topic of resilience. Now, when we talk about resilience, I'm going to give you some Arabic terms, some color and concepts that have to do with resilience. And I'm going to begin with a concept called salt. Because when we I think to begin with, we have a very,

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very major misunderstanding of what salt really means. And so to begin with, I want to sort of discuss the meaning of sub, and, and, and, and sort of take care of these misconceptions in order for us to continue and talk about what resilience really is. So one of the misconceptions when it comes to self is that if I were to ask you this question, What does self love mean? Many people, everyone mostly will respond was saying patience suffer is patience. Okay, that's beautiful suffering among the meanings of subs. Patience, yes. But what does that mean? And a lot of times people understand sovereign as being passive, that sub means just don't do anything, just stand

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there. Just take it that kind of thing. For example, this idea of turn the other cheek, this concept of turn the other cheek, first of all, doesn't come from Islam. But this concept of turn the other cheek, we have come to understand software as turn the other cheek. What does it mean? Essentially, this this phrase comes from, if you were to come and hit me on this cheek, I wouldn't do anything. In fact, I would turn my cheek so you can hit me on the other cheek, that is a concept coming from other religious traditions, which is not our tradition, that we have taken and called itself, which is that if I am being abused, if I am being persecuted, if I am being oppressed, that sobre means do

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nothing, right? Take it, swallow it and do nothing about it. For you know, this, this idea of have solar system, right have silver. And this is not the meaning of self, because in fact, when Allah subhanaw taala talks about so when the prophets I said, It teaches us about sub part of Southern scholars, in fact, define the sub and categorize and classify sub into three parts. And one of the parts of sub is in taking action. For example, we're told that sub that this concept of sub involves being able to restrain ourselves from the house, so there's a, there's a part of sub two, which is restraint. But there's another part of sub, which is being able to persevere with the commandments,

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that's also part of self. And in order for me to persevere with the commandments, I have to have soap, that's an action. That's for me every single morning for you to wake up before fetch, right and to take your surfboard, and then to, you know, make will go and pray. This requires self that this is a muscle that is required, and involves action. And so I want us to change our concept of what sub means that somebody isn't doing nothing, that somebody is not just being passive, rolling over and playing dead, that kind of thing. What so but it actually involves action, and it is perseverance. And when I take action, I require self. Now, it's also important to note that the

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prophets I send them told us that if we are oppressed, that if we see oppression, that in fact, we are supposed to take action against it, the prophets peace be upon him so that I sell. And then the reason I want to say this is because so much of our religious rhetoric is teaching and this is why I'm emphasizing as so much of it teaches us that righteousness is to swallow oppression, right? That if you swallow, and you turn the other cheek, and you do nothing about oppression, whether it's within your home, or whether it's happening to those around you or it's happening overseas, that's a swallow and do nothing about oppression. We were taught that this is righteousness, that this is

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what makes you a patient person. But in fact, the prophets I send him gave us a different prescription. He said that if you see something wrong, you should try to change it. He doesn't say to turn the other cheek, he says that you should take action to change it. He said you should try to change it with your tongue. And if you cannot, then change it with your hand that that first tried to change it by doing action or speaking out against it. And if you cannot then at least hate it in your heart, and this is the weakest of a man. He also said help your brother if he is an oppressor or he is oppressed. And the companion said, well we know how to help him if he's oppressed but how

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Do we help our brother he's the oppressor. And he said by stopping him from oppressing part of our amen is taking action against oppression. So Sabra to begin with, I want to just kind of clarify the meaning of sub. There's an A and the poor and in the end of sort of lm wrong the very last day it's a 200 of suited lm Ron. And in this era, Allah subhanaw taala is giving us like, sort of like ingredient list for success. Okay, it's a list of what is necessary to be successful. Is there anyone in this room who actually wants to be unsuccessful? No one, right. In fact, if I had a roomful of every religious group in the world, one thing we would all have in common is everyone

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wants to be successful, right? Everyone wants success, but success is defined differently to different people. Okay? So Allah subhanaw taala in this area gives us how to be successful he gives us an ingredient list. And this ingredient list involves four things four ingredients. Okay, everyone ready? It's always fun to speak to people while they're like totally blood sugar low and when

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it's like, it's like, I don't know what's better. It's like speaking before it's gone when everyone's like, really, really like low blood sugar or right after when everyone's like food coma. Both are kind of I got before I'm done. So the four ingredients for success. Last panna cotta says ya know, Indiana Avenue, hospital, wasabi, what are the two worked up? Oh, La, La La come to fly from. So la has told us now four ingredients for success. What are those ingredients, you'll notice there's four. And actually three out of the four involve some form of patience, some form of perseverance, some form of sub sub, or in some capacity, okay, three out of the four. So 75%. In

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order for us to be successful in this journey through life, we have to be a people of resilience, we have to be a people who can withstand the first is ospital. Right? Have patience, have perseverance, have sovereign, you already spoke about what is self sovereign, it incorporates and encapsulates patience, perseverance, constancy, all of these things in one, but then the next commandment is we'll solve it'll ospital will solve it. So it sounds similar, but they're a little bit different. The second word involves a different form of the same route. And it's, it's actually a more intensified version of patience or self. And it's when you're not only just having patience, but

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you're you're you're competing in this in this perseverance, you're competing against an opposing, like something that's that's as against, you know, like resilience, you have to have something pulling you in the other direction for it to be resilient. How many people have ever worked out? No one, no one does those things. When you work out, when you go to the gym, and you want to build muscle, right? The way that you're going to build muscle is to do resilience training. In fact, the more that you have something pulling against you. And the more that you'll you're pulling, right, the more you're going to build. So the more the more opposing force there is, the stronger you

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become when you pull. That's resilience. That's and that rather sorry, resistance training. Yeah. And so what happens is here, it's an it's another, like intensified version of sub well solvable, and then we'll all be to Robbie to just to like, be ready. So for example, in battle, you'd have two two armies that are going to be fighting, there's a point right before their attack, right where the you have to be stationed. And you have to stand firm, because that's the point when people want to run, you know, I'm saying is like, just that point, just that point right before the battle. That's when you're like, I'm out of here. And it requires a lot of strength and resilience, and

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perseverance and also been right in this this, this intense or revolve This is called what all we do is to stand firm and to be ready. Now obviously, it's not only talking about battle, but in life that we have to have this ability to be firm. And then the fourth part of the ingredient is taqwa what Tahoma these are the ingredients Allah gives us for patients to have to have rather success. Now, the question becomes this, how can we have perseverance? How can we be resilient, especially in the type of political climate, we're dealing with the type of you know that the issues that we have both politically socially financially, we are dealing with storms, we are in a we are in a situation

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right now as an oma collectively, where we are dealing with storms, people have their individual storms, we have our collective family storms, we have our community storms, we have this global storm that we're dealing with from many different directions. And among them is the stem phobia that we're dealing with. Yeah, that the fact that we have become a targeted company.

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Unity and in fact a community where it's not just accepted to be semi phobic. It'll it's actually like a currency. It'll win you elections. You know what I'm saying? The more is semi phobic you can be now you can win elections being a semi phobic that that by attacking us as a community, it's going to in fact when you votes, that's the situation we're in right now. It's very serious. Yeah. And people have, you know, their individual struggles, we are dealing with storms. So the question becomes, how can we be resilient in a storm? Let me ask you this question. In fact, I'm going to answer this question by telling you a story. Okay. It's a story. You guys don't? How many people

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have ever heard the story of the three little pigs?

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Like two people, where was your childhood?

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Okay, a lot of people never had a childhood, but I'm going to bring back your shot. I'm going to make up for the three little pigs. Okay. So there's three little pigs, as you would imagine.

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One of them is very, very lazy. Okay. Um, maybe he's been fasting, although he wasn't fasting, but he's very lazy. Okay, so what does he do? He built his home out of something very easy and quick. He's like, he like uses like straw or something. Yeah. And so his home is very weak. But that's because he doesn't have doesn't put in the work to build a strong house. And then you have the second pig who's like, somewhat lazy. And so this pig makes his house a little bit stronger, but still not very strong, out of like tweaks. And then you have the third pick. And this third pick, I should really change this for Muslims. I call it something else because we're really offended by

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pigs, but it's okay. You get the idea. Then the third pig is is not lazy. And the third pig actually puts in the work to build a solid foundation made of brick. Okay, everyone follow me? So then what happens is, who comes around guys? The Big Bad Wolf comes around. Okay. And he Huff's and he puffs, and he blows the first house down? Why does he blow the first house down? Because it was never strong, it was weak. Now, why would the story? The reason I'm telling you the story is that in life, there's a lot of big bad wolves that come our way. Okay. homeland, the US. He's got a toupee type looking thing.

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And I mean, in America,

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we have we have Yes, we have a lot of different forms of the Big Bad Wolf. And for those of you who don't know, one time I was referring to Trump. But the idea is that we have financial big battles, we have financial problems, we have health problems. We have, we have community problems have mental health problems. We have all these different struggles that come our way. political problems, we have Pete things happening all over the world that we're getting blamed for. These are things that are going to come our way, this is the big bad wolf, huffing and puffing. All right. But what happens with the second house, the second house is a little stronger. But still, it's not strong

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enough to be able to withstand the huffing and puffing of the Big Bad Wolf. These are trials that come our way. These are the wind and the storms. But look at the third house, the third house was built strong. The third house had a solid foundation. And so when the big see the big the same circumstances coming to all three houses I understanding is you're hungry. Yeah. The same circumstance are coming to all three houses, but one is getting destroyed by it. One is getting destroyed by it. But the other is not. The third house is not getting destroyed by it. That is resilience. That is the ability to withstand the storm and not be destroyed. Now, how do we do that?

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How can I do that? As a human being as a believer, how can I be a person of resilience? And the answer is I have to build a strong foundation. I have to build a strong house. Basically, I have to have a strong shelter around me. So that when storms come my way because storms will always come. If anyone came to you and said you know what, it'll never rain. You know, storms will just never happened, then they're lying to you. Because that's part of life. Life is that there's weather, there's storms, there's rain, there's wind, we can't control these things, right? No matter how much power you have, no matter how much you know, political or wealth, you can't control the rain. Can

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you control control the rain? Can you say you know what, I'd really, you know, tweet about it. You know, it really shouldn't have rained at this time. I decided it's going to stop raining at Tuesday. He can't he can't you can't control the rain. But what can we do? We can control where we are when it rains. We can we can choose to go within the shelter. We can wear a rain jacket, we can have an umbrella that's following. So what happens is that spiritually, we have to build these shelters. We have to build these spiritual

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shelters, whereas we can withstand the storms. And we can be a people of resilience. But that will never happen unless we are inside of shelter. Make sense? Fair enough. Does that. Does that make sense? So now I'm going to tell you how to build those bricks, I'm going to tell you how it is that we can build that home. And the answer is this, I'm going to tell you, I'm going to give you a three part prescription, a three part sort of blueprint of how to build that home. And you're going to be like, what, but just just just stay with me. Okay. Number one is the salon. See, here's the thing. We everyone in this room probably learned about salaah when you were like three years old, you know,

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I'm saying you learned how to pray maybe when you started praying when you were a kid. But it's one of those things that we just take for granted. We take for granted, number one, how important it is. And number two, how powerful it is. It's a bit like oxygen. You see, every one of us in this room? And how many labs is breathing, right?

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Not sure.

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Yes, right.

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I get them right before everyone in this room is breathing. But we're taking it for granted, right? We're, obviously we need oxygen, but no one really thinks about it until it's taken away. And when it's taken away, you start to see the effect, right? If you do if you go without oxygen, even for a few seconds, you'll feel the effect, right? It's the same with Solo Solo is one of these things that we've taken for granted. But without solo, it's like a person who has been who has been deprived of oxygen. So law is the oxygen of our soul, the oxygen of our heart, and a person cannot be healthy, and cannot even stay alive spiritually without the salaah. And it's as simple as that.

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The other thing about sola is it's prescribed, you know, when a doctor gives you a prescription, and there's a certain timing for the prescription. Yeah. So the doctor says, here's a prescription. You know, ma'am, Sir, you are you you need this to stay alive. In fact, this is so serious that this medicine is going to keep you alive. And here's what you have to do, you have to take the first dose in the morning, before sunrise, and then you have to take the next goes around noon. And then the next one around, you know, four o'clock, and the next one around seven, and so on. And you have to take five doses, but they need to be taken at a certain time or a certain time interval, right? How

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many people are going to take that prescription, and number one, just throw it in their drawer and not even care? Or how many people are going to take the medicine and say you know what, I'll take it once in a while. But when I'm busy, I'll just skip two or three doses, or my favorite, um, you know, I'm really busy today. So I'll take all five doses before I sleep.

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Right? No one's gonna do that. That's called overdosing. Yeah. And, and and it's actually not going to work that way. When a medicine is taken has to be taken properly as prescribed by the doctor. Fair enough. So this is the thing a law has prescribed this medicine for us. And it isn't just medicine, it's actually oxygen. And when a person is deprived of oxygen, it affects them spiritually, just as a body is affected by the deprivation of oxygen. And it's nothing short of that. And I want to emphasize that in every single audience that I speak to, because I feel like we've lost the basics. And when I say we've lost the basics, I don't mean basics, because they're

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unimportant. I mean essentials, we've lost the essentials, you know, when a person is like a person goes to a doctor and says, yo, Doctor, I'm having all these issues. And you know, the person helped me with this, prescribe this. And the first question is, are you getting enough oxygen? You know what I'm saying? * no. And why don't do that. And why don't breathe? That's not something I do. It sounds silly, because the person would be dead, right? But this is our problem. We have all these issues. We have all these issues, and we're going to find solutions in all these different places. But we're not even breathing. You understand? How can we possibly solve our problems if we're not

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even breathing? We don't even have the essentials to keep us alive. One other thing I want to say about Scylla is when Ramadan comes around, we start to see sort of the way we were we're supposed to be the rest of the year, but we're only we only really see it in Ramadan. I'll give you an example of missing fetchit Okay, missing fetcher is one of these things is very serious. Okay. But in Ramadan missing fetchit it's very serious. Can anyone tell me why?

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Exactly. Thank you sister means you Mr. Horse. Okay. Or Sadie, what are you afraid to call? You have missed the meal that

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chance to eat, because now you have to fast. And so if you miss fetch it in normal dawn, you wake up, and you're in a panic, like, right cold sweat, you're in tears, you're like pulling your hair. Because the reality is you have to fast another, like 1314 hours and you didn't need, That's intense. So you're very upset, okay, for a month, if you miss fidget, everyone following, but then there's these other 11 months, the rest of the year, where if we miss fidget, we don't even notice maybe, you know, I mean, it's just like, Oh, you don't mean. And the reality is that, that's because we're very focused on the needs of our body. Our stomach needs food, you know, and we're very

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focused on those needs. But we neglect the needs of our heart and our soul, that the salaah itself is the food and the oxygen for the soul. But neglecting it is something that we take lightly. So it's interesting to look at how in Ramadan, another thing that you'll notice, another thing that you'll notice, is the way the Salah should be in our lives. Yeah, the way we kind of organize our lives, even those who pray is like, we have certain activities, like say, we have our day planned out, okay, and we'll have certain activities planned. So say I have a meeting at noon. And then I have you know, this, I have to pick up my kids at at two and I have, so we have certain things that

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throughout our day, and then what do we do, even if we do pray, we fit the salon in between these other sort of activities and appointments. So in a sense, we take our lives and our activities within the lives and make them the pillars. Yeah, and then select fits if and when in between the pillars you follow. But it's actually supposed to be the other way around. Right? It's supposed to be that the salon times are the pillars. So you have featured and then you have God and then you have Oscar and then you have muscle group, and you have Asia, and then you fit your life in between those pillars. That's how our life that's how you actually build a solid. See, right now we have

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pillars here, this building would not be would not be solid without the pillars, you take the pillars down, it loses its its strength, this the pillars of our lives for our lives to be solid, it needs to be the salon. And this sounds conceptual. But in fact, we live this in certain occasions, and one of them is in Ramadan. I'll tell you nothing is planned at that time at all of them. Except for food. You know, I'm saying like, you basically say, Look, I'll do it before. I'll do it after methadone. But methadone is a pillar right? in Ramadan. methadone is a pillar, what else is a pillar in Ramadan? fetchit. You guys have seen what I'm saying? Why? Because it revolves around food. Okay,

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but we see a glimpse of what it's like, of what it actually should be that our lives have the pillars of Salah, and then we fit our lives around those pillars. We see that in Ramadan. And there's another place we see that and that's in Mecca, Medina, not only going to Mecca, Medina, and you want to meet up with your family, or you meet up with some friends, how do you say when you're going to meet? What's the lingo? What's the language that you use? You don't even talk about time, what do you say, after us, after the hood before monkhood if you get it, that the entire way you look at your day revolves around those five pillars. That is actually how you live when you're in

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that area when you're in that place. And that's how we should make our lives is that our lives should actually revolve around the pillars of Silla, not the other way around. So a lot doesn't revolve around our lives. Yeah. And this, the reason I'm emphasizing this so much is that if we want that stability, and that that resilience in our lives, we have to build the solid foundation and the solid structure, and it can be solid without pillars. Okay? Is everyone getting what I'm saying? Okay, so number one was the salon. Number two is something called the car. And you guys have heard this term before the car basically mean of cod mean remembrances, the remembrance of Allah

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Subhanallah, that when I say of God, in this context, I'm referring to the profit synonyms habit, that throughout his day, he used to say certain supplications In fact, the Prophet says that if you study his life, and you look at the supplications, that he would say, he had a dog for everything, every motion of life, there was a drive that he would say, you know, I'm saying like, you leave the house, there's a door, you come back in the house, there's a drop, you start eating, there's a drop, finish eating there's a drive, entering the bathroom, leaving the bathroom, you know, driving new clothes, when you're afraid when you're when you're, you know,

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you know, scared or sad, even before intimacy, there's a derive the prophets I send them taught us to, actually through his example, that he was no matter what he was.

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Doing he was remembering Allah, his heart was remembering a lot, even while his body was involved in dunya. You see the depth of that, that's the only real way to be healthy and strong, is that you are remembering Allah subhanaw taala throughout your day, you don't only remember him at drama, don't only remember him in Ramadan, you don't only remember him even just during the five prayers, but throughout your day, you start to get in the habit of incorporating these of God. You know what that's like? So if we go back to the example of going to a doctor, you want to get healthy, right? You want to run a marathon, right? I told you, and I think you agree, we have a lot, we have a lot

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of trials, we have, you know, the wind sometimes gets really, really strong. And for us to be able to withstand that we have to train, we have to build, we can't just go out there, you know, it's like, go up to a tornado and say, Okay, I got this, you know, I'm saying you can't that's then you're gonna get destroyed. But you have to be someone who who has that training in that building. Okay. And in order to do that, these have got to build that every time. You get up in the morning, and I'm going to just tell you this within the off God, I'll give you an easy way to do it. Yeah. So there's an app that you can download on your phone, called my da MYD. You. So it's double AF en

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mydrive. Don't get a cut. My God. Okay. And when you download this app, it's basically the fortress of a Muslim. Yeah, fortress of a Muslim meaning. It's that collection of the God of the prophets I seller that he would say throughout his day, it's from the Quran and the Sunnah, so it's authentic. And when you download this app, essentially, no, don't do it. Now. Essentially, you now have something where in the morning, you click on morning, supplications, and read through those supplications. Now, there's a few among these doors that I would say, sort of, you can't really live without, you have to really incorporate these. And then beyond that, the more you can, the better.

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Okay, those three are the morning ones where you wake up after fetchit you open up your app and you read through the morning supplication, you just click on morning supplication. And then after us, you click on evening supplications. And then before you sleep, you click on the ones for sleep. Everyone with me, these three, you're going to be opening up your app for now, within the day, there's going to be smaller ones, which you can just memorize, okay, because there's, they're, they're shorter ones. And that is when you come into the house. Remember, Allah say Bismillah before you eat when you leave the house when you enter the bathroom. Yeah. And before intimacy, that these

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doors, these doors, what they do now what I've just given you, I'm gonna tell you, I've just given you something very powerful. I'll tell you what I've done. See this room right now? How many doors are there? There's a lot. Yeah, there's probably like about six total doors. Now if I am trying to keep seniors like a robber, say and I don't want this robber to come into my home. Yeah. Obviously my home I have a door, a couple doors. Maybe I have windows, right? Does anyone want the robber to enter their home? Okay, no matter how low your blood sugar is, you know, you don't want to let an armed robber come in your home. Right. So what what do you do when you go to sleep at night? Yes.

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Does anyone leave their front door wide open and then leave their window wide open, and then wake up in the morning? Everything's broken, everything stolen and wonder why the robber came in? Like whose fault is that? Anyone? Yours? Yeah. Why? Because you left all the doors and windows open. You didn't guard your doors. You didn't close them even? No, no, that's not how we are. When it comes to our home. Not only do we close the doors, we lock them. We put a fence, we'll put a security system you feel me, when you really have something you're trying to protect. You will put layers upon layers upon layers of protection around that which you're trying to protect. Right. When you have a fancy

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car. Yeah, you get a security as you're protecting that which you love. Now, here's the thing.

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The shaitan is always looking for a door. The shaitan is always looking for a door to come in and destroy us, destroy our lives, destroy our mental peace, destroy our relationships. One of the things I find very interesting is how many lectures have we heard about marriage? Probably like, like 55 Yeah, already in our lifetime.

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And in every single lecture about marriage, I feel like 100 now there's so much good advice that's given so much, you know, great, even if they talk about research to talk about advice, the Prophet did this lesson. But there's this like, really, really important thing which I feel like isn't mentioned. And that is how to protect the relationship from Shabbat because, in fact, it's tripod. One of his number one goals is to destroy

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Relationships is to come between husband and wife is to come between families is the common between friends. This is something that he has published like he's an advertised, right that this is his goal hit a gentleman in his army. And one of the best just like that home you're trying to protect. When I told you guys about the morning and the evening and the sleep, and these of God, that you're that you're getting from this app, right? That's like closing the doors to your home. It's closing the windows, it's locking them, it's putting a security system. And what that does is it protects the sanctity of your home, your relationships, and your also your inner peace, your inner, your

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inner like, you know, just just to have internal peace. And that's what's so amazing about doing these things God and incorporating them in your life is that you start to see that transformation, not just within yourself, but also in your relationships. So that was number two, we have one more. Yeah. And the third one is the footer. And this is something that we're seeing in Ramadan, we are we are increasing in our in our end, whether it's reading, personally listening and Fotolia, et cetera. And one thing that you'll find is that your emotional, psychological and spiritual state in Ramadan is very different than outside of Ramadan. Yeah, fair enough. Yes, or no? Do you guys notice a

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difference? It's a person who is who is oxygenated, is eating healthy, is exercising, you know, it's only eating organic, you know, I'm saying how healthy is that person going to be, the person is going to start to actually be healthy. And that's what happens to us spiritually in Ramadan. And the reason for that is because we're doing these things, we are making sure that our body, our our, sorry, our soul, our heart and our soul is being taken care of. And that's the way that we build the shelter. Now, if we incorporate this in our lives, now, when the big bad wolf comes, you're gonna have different trials in life. And when it comes, you will be in that solid foundation, where you

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don't get destroyed, like the first pick, yeah, you don't you're you know, that trials come along, and they will always come and go. But these trials no longer destroy you. They no longer make you incapable of going on in life, but you have that ability to be resilient. And that's the only way that you're going to find resilience, you won't find it anywhere else. Now, in order, I'm just gonna, I'm just going to sort of end on this on this note, in order to be able to be resilient, we have to have a few things, and one of them is we have to have hope. We have to have the ability to see through and realize that everything is a process in life. things do not happen overnight. You

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know, when a person when when when a child grows in the womb of the mother, it doesn't happen in one month, it doesn't happen into that there is a process, and no matter what you do, no matter you know, all the medicine, all the science in the world, it can't speed it up, you know, I'm saying a law has designed the process for all things. And so when in our lives, we don't see results. Oftentimes, we lose hope. You know, it's like I did it. I've done this, I've done that I've done that I'm not seeing the result. It's not you know, we oftentimes I hear people saying things like, we feel this, I've made I've been making, my life isn't being answered, how often do we feel this?

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You know, we're asking a lot asking a lot. We're not seeing what we what we want or what we need. What we have to realize is that everything takes a process and a lot always here's your dog, and a lot is answering your dog, but there's a process that has to that has to go through that you have to go through in order to suck to get that that that end result that you're asking for. And finally, let me end with

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with an era in which Allah subhanho data conference, the believers, he he prepares the believers and he also conference the believers and hasip team and that whole agenda. Well, I'm a typical methodology in a Holloman Comic Con. Do you believe Do you think that you will enter Paradise without going through what those who came before you went through my settlement that said the law was only zero hackday Apolo Rasulullah Latina M and Omar who met Anna masala they were they were given adversity hardships, they were so shaken that even the messengers and those with the messengers were asking when will the help of metta Nostromo and then Allah subhanaw taala ends by

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saying Allah enormous roba curry indeed the help of Allah is near hooni pony hair that was tough for a lot he was at home in Nova Rahim subhanak Hello become deck I shadow Allah Illa Allah and istockphoto to Lake como la ferrets. It was an honor talking to you and inshallah Lucky me and my family, your daughters especially

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When breaking the fast and all those throughout the world who are suffering, just academic affairs and I'm wanting to lead the way

The Importance Of Spiritual Resilience In The Face Of Current Events


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