Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan With The Quran – Day 17

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the contrastive efforts of men and women in the surah, with a focus on the meaning of "arowned deeds," which is a measure of satisfaction with humanity. They also discuss the importance of giving and receiving, as well as "arowned deeds," which is a measure of satisfaction with humanity. The speakers emphasize the importance of being inspired by one's ability to capture actions and the significance of "assurance" in Islam, where "has been corrected" means "has been corrected."
AI: Transcript ©
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Now, these oaths of contrast and complimentary nature, this tussle between night and day in the struggle between men and women, all of that described brings us to the central statement of the surah. Everything else in the surah in a sense is a description of this ayah the I'm about to share with you in NASA, Camila shatta, no doubt about it, the efforts you make all of your efforts are truly diverse. They're truly in every direction, shut up shut, it means something that is metaphoric, you know, and move towards something distributed, something spread out something in vast, many different directions. Allah is saying, the effort you make in this life, the things you

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work towards, the things you run and strive towards, are going in all different directions. And as different sometimes as night and day and as different as man and woman. And as a part of salt, it's often hard. So your humanities making direction efforts in every possible direction. And so from this, now, we get in, by the way, so as some say, it comes in the meaning of gossip of earning, meaning what you're earning is all indifferent, right, you're earning all completely different things. So now what is what are these different contrasting efforts that are going so opposite in direction, like night and day, that's what we're going to learn. Now. The first group we're going to

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learn about is the people whose efforts are headed in the right direction. And there are three verbs that are used, and they are in a progressive order. And I'll explain that to you. Because it's such a beautiful, profound order describing the moral worldview of the Quran. For a moment, Erica, what Taka was said the kaabil husana, three words, aka the s for the one who gave the nest for the one who gave what Taka and was conscious and fearful and mindful, was sad, the carbon hosta and accepted the ultimate beauty accepted the truth in the most beautiful thing, and that's a little harder to understand, I'll get to that in a second. I'll explain these one by one and then show you how

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they're they are the moral view of the Quran, it means to be generous to give up, it actually means to have something in your hand that can be reached, like this is a thought who he was able to reach it and Allah who by law, who

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is to get give by your hand, give somebody else, whatever you can extend to somebody you extend it by means, in a sense, in a figurative sense to give as much as you can, that's actually the meaning of a thought to give as much as you can. Now, when he says ARPA, he doesn't say artarmon, you know, corba miskeen tolyatti, he doesn't mention, he just says you're a giving person, when you have a chance to give somebody time to give somebody a smile, to give somebody charity to give somebody some help to give somebody some advice, whatever you can give your a giving person. And this word in encapsulates our our goodness towards humanity, essentially, goodness towards humanity is giving

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them something a parent giving their child love, a teacher giving the student patience, you know, a generous person giving the poor, you know, charity soda, an expert giving the you know, giving somebody else their advice, or volunteering their time. It's, it's all about giving what we can give what I'm feeling for me Majolica mustafina fee, spend out of what we've given you capability over what we've left with you, some of you have been left with talent, some of you with strength, some of you with money, some of you with you know, wisdom, whatever it may be that Allah has given you, you give it back, you know, you don't hold it within you. You keep on giving this is a this is again,

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the sense in this word, Elias capturing how we are, you know, we're inspired the good people are inspired to be giving towards others, goodness towards others. That's one side. Then he says what Taka and the one who was conscious and of course, you know, when we see hear the word dukkha, to protect yourself to be cautious to be careful, we're talking about our relationship with who with the last origin. So now the first item was your gift to humanity. And the second item is you are good to Allah. See how beautiful this is it captures both sides in just two words, Arthur, what Taka and it just takes care of her cuca robot appa Coco cola with Taka two words. And it captures, in a

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sense already a pretty comprehensive picture. But understand why these two things have to go hand in hand. There are people in the world who are humanitarian, they're, they're generous, they're, they're good people at work, they're nice to you. They're You know, they're maybe your co workers or whatever, you may have Christian or Jewish or Hindu or other other non Muslim friends who are extremely good human beings. You know, they have they have really good qualities. They have the quality of thought. But what they're missing, though is what, but Taka so this is what we're going to learn now is there are people who have one level of goodness missing the second, then they have a

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second level of goodness missing the third, if you have all three, then you have the ultimate good because for somebody else, you know who lil Yusra, the ultimate good that's, that's for the ultimate or the ultimate ease is for the ultimately good. So there are levels

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Goodness, one level of goodness is just a humanitarian person. another level of goodness as someone who not only is humanitarian, who is generous and giving, at the same time, they're also conscious of Allah. They're not only concerned about goodness to humanity, they're concerned about goodness to the one who made them what.

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And then there's the there's the item that seals the deal over both of these. And that is what's up DACA Bill cosna. It's not a complicated lesson. This shouldn't take too long to explain. But it's a very profound lesson sub The COVID was not that the complication for the mufa soon was that the word and husana is actually

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an adjective means the most beautiful. So it says he confirmed or he accepted the truth of the in the most beautiful. Now, what is the most beautiful and the most beautiful, what? sunset in the most beautiful word meaning La ilaha illAllah said the most beautiful deeds, that those are good deeds to do. So there were many variations of what that means, I would argue here, and has not actually means the truth itself. Okay, and can even tell us that any true Word is the most beautiful thing. In other words, but let me explain what this means in simple terms, but before I do, let's understand the word sadaqa, which is commonly understood as the word truth. The amazing thing about the Arabic

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languages, even abstract ideas like the truth, the original Arabic of them is associated with something tangible. This word comes with Safin Southern soul born woman celebrity Barton said COVID don't get him the under who were tharaka who happen savvy to Masako. What happened sabaton karma and FL Kcb Luna,

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it actually means simple actually literally means something solid, something that doesn't budge. And the original of calcium is actually something soft, because a lie has to keep adjusting to the reality. But the truth doesn't adjust. The truth is what the truth is hot or cold, easy or hard. The truth is what it is uncomfortable or not. The truth is what it is, say that actually means the unchanging, uncompromising truth. When you say sadaqa, you're accepting something, whether it's comfortable to accept or not easy to accept or not. It's all you know what they call the hard truth. Literally, you could translate as the hard truth, if the word heart is already understood inside of

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it. So what sadaqa will host Now, now, let me tell you what this means in in our everyday experience, you know, you could be a, you could be a charitable person, you could be a giving person. But there's a problem. And the problem is, you know, you could be wrong. There are times where you have the wrong opinion. Or there are times where you know, you you practice or there's a good Christian, he's charitable. And he's also spiritual in his worship and things like that. And despite all of that, when you discuss Islam with him, or her, and they get cornered, they realize what you're saying is true. At that moment, something in one's hesitation kicks in, like, I know,

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you're making sense, but I'm not comfortable accepting this religion. I mean, have you heard what people say about Muslims in the media? I'm going to be associated with that. I you know, even though what you're saying makes sense. It's not an easy call for me to I'm not going to do that. Or their pride kicks in no way I'm going to accept that I'm wrong. You know, when you when you are when you hold on to a view, and you're confident about a view, and somebody comes along and says, You know what, there's actually a better truth. there's a there's a, there's something that you need to know that I need to tell you that you need to correct yourself. Okay, right. So what I was saying was,

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I'll give my own example, I give a talk. And I share something about an ayah. Or I share something about a Sula. And then somebody comes up to me and says, actually, what you shared was incorrect. You messed up here, here, here and here.

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And in my head, immediately, I realized that what they're saying makes a lot of sense. Immediately, but there are people around, it was watching, what's he gonna say? Now I could say, well, there are other ways of looking at it, you know,

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there's a difference of opinion. I mean, you could do that. Or I could just say, you know what, you're right. I was wrong. I'm gonna fix that. Right at right at that time. If something is presented to me, despite the hesitation despite the social, oh my god, he got corrected or whatever. Despite all of that, if I just accept that there's the more beautiful truth that's been presented to me and I accept the truth of it without hesitation without fear of consequence. truth is the truth. I'm going to humble myself before this is the ultimate goodness that a person can reach

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this is the height of it and this by the way completes the first two meaning ARPA giving people being towards people maybe you're wrong towards someone and somebody comes to you and says you're not being right towards this person. You should have done this this way this way this way. Your first inclination your egos inclination, your self respecting your self esteem says, Yeah, I know I get you but I have my reasons. Like you don't want to accept that you've done something incorrect. You want to justify you want to rationalize. I want to rationalize

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We are hard to live with ourselves if you don't rationalize. Similarly, when it comes to religion itself the taqwa of Allah, you know islamically what you're doing is wrong. Or you know you believe this, but this is not actually what you're supposed to be. Look at this ayah Look at this. How do you think the Prophet sallallahu Sallam look at this truth? How you know what you're saying contradicts this what you believe contradicts this. At that moment. You're like, you know what, you're not a scholar. Or you're not this. You know, I believe what I believe that that moment, it's hard to accept the truth when it's presented to you right away. But when the beauty of the truth of

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something when the most beautiful truth is presented to you, when the most beautiful data is presented to you, you hesitate in no way to accept it. That is actually the makaveli mcommerce CBT this is the this is the station of someone who just when the truth comes, come what may I'm just going to accept it that that's a that's what I'm going to take good enough for me this why this is why they said that this this sutra is about Albuquerque, San Diego de la tala, the truth of the Prophet was presented to him there's no hesitation there's no time there's no processing. Yes, you are the Messenger of Allah done. There was no Let me think about it for a couple of days. I mean,

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processes Let me think of the implications what's my family gonna think what's society going to think? What are people saying about you? You know, this is going to be pretty bad. You realize that right? Like, we're gonna lose our Arab citizenship over this. Our Qureshi citizenship, or they're gonna kick us out of here. If we accept this, I don't think anybody's gonna give us business anymore, or deal with us the same way. There's no thought of consequences. He just accepts it. This is the height of he was already charitable. He wanted to develop taqwa of Allah. And when the truth came to him, he just accepted it. You know, the other beautiful thing here that we're learning is

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that the fitrah of the human being from the very beginning of human experience from from childhood, we experienced the love of our mother and the love of our father. And our first experience of goodness is actually goodness towards humanity. Okay, family than friends and society etc. If a person has that natural goodness in them, then they will actually be inclined towards the goodness to Allah Akbar will be naturally a next follower. It'll just come. Okay. And then when that taqwa comes, the these two things together will be perfected by a snake will host our son, Dr. Bill cosna.

Surah Al-Layl

Following the opening three oaths that compare night and day to the attributes of men and women in Surah Al-Layl, Allah transitions to the central theme of the surah. Ustadh Nouman teaches us that here Allah is saying that our efforts in this world will go in many different directions, some right and some wrong. The order of the verbs Allah uses to describe those on the correct path sums up the moral view of the Quran: If you give, are conscious of Allah and accept the ultimate beauty (al-hunsa) through an unhesitating submission to the truth itself, Allah will surely guide you along the path to janna.

2017-06-12 – Ramadan 2017

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