Yasmin Mogahed – How to respond in times of grief

Yasmin Mogahed
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the loss of a deceased's father, the treatment of a deceased's uncle, and the focus on Allah's relationship with a less pathetic person. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not being angry with someone and not blaming God for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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The other example was a time when the prophets I send them was at his most difficult, painful period of his entire life. And this came after the death of his beloved wife. And then shortly, and you know, within the same time period, he also lost his uncle.

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And these were two of the most beloved people to the Prophet, Mohammed Sai send them. And not only were they

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among the most beloved, but they were also among his greatest supporters. So two of his greatest supporters were taken at, like around the same time. And that's why this year was called almond hosting, it was the year of sadness where he lost Khadija of the line her and his uncle in the same period. Now, after going through this tragic loss, he goes to life. And when he goes too far, if he's going there to get support, he's going there, you know, to be during a time, which is very difficult looking for someone who will support him. And when he gets there, as you know, the story, he was treated so badly, and he was thrown out of the city, and he was pelted with stones, to the

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extent that he was made to bleed. And the prophets I send them with this type of treatment was given to him at a time when he was already grieving. So if you can imagine what where he was at this point, and then he left. And this is what I want you to focus on. So this is a man who has just lost his beloved wife, and has just lost his beloved uncle who raised him and took care of him and protected him and supported him. And now he's been treated in this way where he came to this this this he came with in peace to these people and this is how they treated him. So at this point, he makes a really profound to Allah subhanaw taala and I advise everyone to look up this door at the

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door of life it's so powerful, but there's a couple reflections I just want to make about this job very inspiring. First of all, at this point, what was the Prophet Mohammed sighs Helens reaction? See, a lot of times when we're put in a situation where things you know, when they say, when it rains, it pours Has that ever happened to you in your life? A point in your life where it's like one thing goes wrong, but then everything goes wrong, and it feels like everything just keeps on going wrong. One loss after another. So at this point, it's one thing after another, how does he respond? Is he angry?

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Is he angry at the people? Is he angry at Allah? subhanaw taala? Well, you're gonna see, first he calls out to Allah subhanaw taala. And listen to what he says. He complains. And I want to I want to emphasize this here. Usually when things go tough for us, we complain about that, which is causing it right. Sometimes we even go to the extent of blaming God, how could you do this to me? Why me? It's not fair. Right? Sometimes we react this way. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala for protection from that type of reaction. But the prophets I send them at this point, he says, I complained to you, who's he complaining about? He says, I complain to you about my own weakness, about my own

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inability. In other words, he's complaining to a lot about the fact that he's only human. And the fact that he is at his own inabilities, he's not complaining about Allah. He's turning to Allah about himself. He's humbling himself. And then and this is the other part I really want to focus on. He calls out to Allah subhanaw taala at this point, and he says, that if you are not angry with me, then I don't mind.

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He says if you are not angry with me, then I don't mind. So you see, again his focus and the reason I brought up these stories is because I want you to understand and reflect on the focus of the Prophet sighs Salem's heart right?

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without a shadow on her his the focus of his heart was what Allah and her relationship with a less pathetic it wasn't the people wasn't what are they going to say? Wasn't How is going to appear on me? how's this gonna look on me?

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And then here, his focus again is on Allah. He says, if you are not angry with me, even though he had been through so much trial at this point, right. In fact, later on when he was asked, what was the hardest part in your what was the hardest time in your life? He said it was that time, the time I felt alive.

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