Yasmin Mogahed – Hope in God (Allah)

Yasmin Mogahed
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of trust and proper learning in high school, particularly in regards to age bracket and the age bracket. They stress the need for proper clothing and expression of one's status, as well as the importance of showing off one's accomplishments and avoiding harming oneself. The speakers also touch on sh matter and the concept of "arrogant," which refers to a person who wants to be perfect and not just be perfect. They provide examples of shaitan's actions, including apologizing for mistakes and being patient while avoiding sin.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica.

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Out of la mina chanology smilla rahmanir rahim salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah and he was at the edge mine, rubbish rocky sadri westerly Omri Washington octus. I'm in the sunny of go Ollie. I whenever I speak, I always like to begin with this.

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And this tie is actually the daughter of Musa alayhis salaam. And as we know, Musa alayhis salam was charged with a really, really difficult task, and that is that he had to take his people and he actually had to approach the greatest tyrant that walk the earth. And that was Pharaoh, of course. So when he asks God, he asks a lot of darkness suddenly, oh, my Lord, expand my chest, rubbish roughness, suddenly, were suddenly Omri and make my matters easy for me.

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Wash Lula, Oak determine the sanity of cocconi and take the knot out of my tongue, so that they can understand my speech, my words. So I asked Allah subhanaw taala for this. And, you know, there's something within these words, which I think is relevant to the topic that I wanted to talk about today, which is the topic of hope. And, you know, when it comes to hope, we put our hopes in a lot of things. And in this case, musala sallam, he had a really heavy and very difficult job. The question is, you know, how was he going to fulfill his mission? How was he going to carry out this task? It's a very difficult task. He had to face the worst tyrant to walk the earth, and a tyrant

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who killed babies as a policy, a tyrant who, you know, tortured people, and this is who he had to face. So he's asking God for that help. But when he's taking on this difficult task, where does he put his hope? This is a really important question, because we put our hopes in a lot of things. And the main reason why we end up falling, the reason why we end up becoming broken, the reason why we end up becoming disappointed is because it's like a person who's climbing, right, you know, if you've ever seen, you know, pictures, or videos of a mountain climber, or someone who's climbing a cliff, and when you're climbing a cliff, there's, there's something very important in that in that

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whole equation. And that's what, what's the most important part of or what's the most important thing for someone who's climbing a cliff.

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See it louder.

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The equipment, specifically what what part of the equipment?

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It's basically the role that's holding that person up, right? Now, imagine if that person just got rid of that rope completely, and instead said, You know what, I'm okay with the twigs. Right? I don't need that rope anymore. Because along the way, I see a lot of twigs. I see a lot of little branches, you know, connected to the cliff. And I'm just going to use that to climb. Well, what will you guys don't have to be professional mountain climbers to know what's going to happen. What happens if you do that?

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Well, what's gonna happen to the twig?

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It's gonna snap.

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Is that the twigs fault?

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Is it like, you can go and like, sue the twigs be upset at the twig? Is it the twigs fault?

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It's not a hard question. It's like, it's like a quiz that y'all can get 100 on. No, it's not the twigs fault, right?

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Whose fault is it?

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The climber, right? Because a twig, a twig, everyone knows cannot hold my weight, right? And if I'm going to hold on to a twig with all my weight, then I'm the one who's to blame, because it's not the nature of the twig. It's not the creation of the twig, not the purpose of the twig to hold me up. We agree.

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And if I do that, and I hold on to a twig with all my weight, what happens to the twig? We said, what happens? It snaps it breaks. Okay, now what happens to me?

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Yeah, that was a good illustration. Right? I fall I crash. And that's because of something called gravity. Can I curse gravity? Can I be upset with gravity that I fell? This is just the nature of the world. This is the nature of the creation. Why am I talking about that? Because this is what we do. This is a metaphor, right? what I just talked about, because this is what we do in life. This is what we do in life. We go through our lives and we're climbing I mean, we're going through a journey as the shakes

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We're on a journey. And in that journey, we have to climb, we have to struggle, we have to strive. And in that journey, we're gonna have to hold on to things. So what we do is we hold on to the wrong things, what we do is we put all of our weight, we put all of our hope, for example, in our money

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in our money to keep us secure. And so long as I have that money, I feel like I'm secure. And if I lose that money, I feel insecure. We put our hopes in other people, we put our hopes in our efforts, we put our hopes, you know, in our, in our, in our careers in our degrees. And when we do that, we get to a point where it snaps and we become disappointed we fall. But the problem is not again, you know, for example, if I'm going to put all of my hope and all of my dependents in another human being. Now when that human being cannot hold my Wait for me to then blame that other human being is like me blaming the twins.

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Right? Because it's not, it's not the twigs fault, that's not the nature of a twig, you can't expect the twig to be something that it's not. And in this case, for me to expect a human being, to be something that only a law can be that only God can be is to expect it to be something that it was never created to be.

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So when I put my hope now Allah then says and then contrast to this whole scenario that I just described, unless doesn't suit us and Bukhara that whoever turns whoever disbelieves in savute have a yoke filled with tall booty where you remember Larry, the causes stem circa bellota Watson was call and so mela that when a person just truly believes, here's what they've done, they've held on to the trustworthy handhold that never breaks.

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So, in contrast to these twigs, which is which is what people go through life doing, going from one twig to the next, and our and our you know, false attachments, the things that we depend on the things that we hold on to, to to keep us up right to support us to hold us they change you know, as we as we go through life, they kind of evolve. And this is a progression which Allah also documents in the court and in suits and Hadith, a lot talks about all these different sort of false senses of security, all these different false attachments that they change as we grow.

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Allah says Allah mu and none of them higher to dounia livan wala Hoon was in attune waterfowl forum baina calm water castle and Phil emmalee will lead he talks about five stages almost in this area, because it begins and in the area begins by talking about play live. You know, he says know that the life of this world is play animal animal hyah to dunya live. And you know what? I'm

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what, when you first come into this world? What is your world about like a child? What does that child care about? Most, let me put it this way, if you want to get a present a gift for a child. And you're like, Okay, you know what I really run and make this child happy. So I'm going to go drop $1,000 on an Armani suit, in their size, how much are they going to care? They won't care at all, in fact, but if you drop $1 on a rattle, they're gonna be really happy. And that's because for a child, the most important thing is play.

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Right? This is what is this, you know, the focus of the child, but then you know, the child grows up. And then now, there's something else that's important to the child. You know, when you get older, and you're probably like, 1112 this is where your focus now is entertainment. Entertain me, right? This is that's why like when I asked this question, anyone who works with middle school aged children know that their favorite thing to say is I'm bored.

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Right? Or that's boring. And the reason for that is, it's a stage in life where you just want to be constantly stimulated, keep me entertained. So entertainment becomes the most important thing that's that twig. That's that thing that you're that's most important to you. And Allah says, After live, what does he say next to me, Al,

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la, la, la, la, who means entertainment. It's like just, you know, keeping you occupied. It's basically empty and entertainment.

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ly live on one to one or amusement. That's another way to translate this. Play amusement. But then what about when you get into high school? What's most important when you're in high school?

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friends, but not just friends, how you appear to those friends, what you're wearing, what brand name you're wearing. And you know, if you look and you study things like eating disorders, you find that they mostly happen in that age. And then in the teenage age, because this is a time when appearance is very important. It's extreme. And, you know, there's no other time in your life where you take that long to get ready as when you're in high school, right before you have to wake up really early, because you have to take forever to get ready for school. And once you were, you know, I actually knew someone who kept track of what they wore every day, so they would never wear the same thing

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twice in a school year.

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actually kept track. This is a true story.

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Anyway, um, it wasn't me

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are present bias.

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So the point here is that this is the time when appearance is super important. So Allah next says, was Xena, Xena means adornment, you know, like decoration. That's what's most important to you at that point. But then you know, when you're going to college, you could go to class in your pajamas, you don't care.

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Right at that point, you've given you you've left behind the brand names, you literally, you get out of bed and you go to class, in your sweats, right? Nobody cares what you're wearing to class, but they care what you what score you got on your desk, right? They care what program you got into whether or not you got into med school or not, you know, that's what you use to boast. You don't say, you know, what kind of pants I'm wearing, you know, like, you know what I mean? You know what brand I'm wearing? That was in high school.

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Right? It doesn't matter anymore. Now, it's like, showing off with your accomplishments. And then Allah says, What's a falsehood on the nickel? What's a central vacuum is this showing off? between one another boasting, you know, you boast about like, your scores, your the program you got into your, you know, your MCAT, whatever.

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And then you know what, you get settled, you get married, and you have children. And now, all those other things don't matter anymore. But now what matters? What's cast don't fit. And when you will, oh, lead. Now. It's about trying to like get more and more and compete and collect in wealth and children. Now's the time when you're like,

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Well, you know, your cousin spend this much on their wedding, we have to spend this much, right. Like there's this competition now in money. And in children, or now it's, it's like, what do you use to kind of have status is to talk about what your kids are doing? Right? My kid is a doctor, what's your kid?

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You know, it's like, that's how now that's what's important to me. That's what I use to show my status. Now, all of those things put together a lesson can mess any license. It's like him. He gives us an analogy. You know, the best teachers use analogies. The best teachers use analogies. He says Connect Sally liason and who's the best teacher, Allah subhanaw taala. And then his profits, he says connect any lesson. It's like a heavy rain algebraic affair and that makes the farmer pleased because of the vegetation that the heavy rain brings. So that's what these things are like, but then what happens to that vegetation?

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Can that sell you license? Agia Belle Cofer Annabeth familia Hadrian farfara houmous para, some my akufo karma, but then that vegetation, you all know what happens to it right? Like I could get you the most beautiful bouquet of roses. I love Roses. Roses are awesome. But roses are only beautiful for like two seconds. Right? What happens to a rose after a week after two weeks? What happens? First is starts to wilt starts to become dry, becomes a yellow and then it becomes just something that becomes like debris. I can take that rose that used to be so perfect. And I can crumble it in my hand I can go outside in the wind and it's gone. It's nothing.

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Why does Allah use this analogy? Because he's telling us something is teaching us something. He's saying that these things they please you for a moment, right? The rattles the video games, the play the amusement, the brand name, close the scores on your MCAT you know that the house, the kids, the wealth, all this stuff. It makes you happy for a while. It's like playing minimum

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Right. How people play Monopoly.

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Ever heard of Monopoly?

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All right, I didn't mean that you play Monopoly like now, but you played it at some point, okay? When you're playing it, and you're getting rich, right?

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Because you're getting a lot of Monopoly money, and then you're like, oh, and then you're like owning stuff. And then every time someone visits your stuff, then they have to pay you. So when you're playing Monopoly, you're really happy and pleased for like, 15 minutes. Because why? Because you're rich, you have all this cool. Ownership, you own stuff, you own land, you own property, you own money. But, but can you actually buy anything with that money? If I take all my millions of dollars, I don't even know how much you make in monopoly. But like, you're a millionaire, right? for like, two seconds, you're a millionaire. Now take that money and try to buy a house with it.

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What's gonna happen? Well, they're gonna think you're crazy. But the reason you can buy a house with Monopoly money is it has no intrinsic value. It has actually no value, even though it's, it's like you feel rich, like you have something right. But in reality, capital are in the real world. It has no value. And that's exactly what all of these things are like, the play and the amusement, and the boasting, and the brands and the you know, all the things that you run after. They're just like, Monopoly money, because although it feels good for a moment, just like the farmer, right, who has this vegetation, and it's awesome, and it makes him happy. ajiboye kofod like he's pleased with it.

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But then eventually, the The reality is that it has no actual value, and it passes away, it crumbles, it becomes dry, and then it comes yellow, and then it's just debris. Go maiocco mahatama.

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Allah is teaching us a very important lesson. Now is that lesson that I can't play with a rattle, that I can't play the video game that I can't care about adornment that I want to be adorn, that I can't, you know, do these things go to school? No, that's not what alesse telling us. But he's explaining to us the intrinsic value of these things, that these are things that come and go that these are fleeting things just like that vegetation, that vegetation in there. Oh, okay. That's one way. It's just the water. But

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that vegetation, it makes you It makes him happy, it makes the farmer happy. But then it passes away.

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Now what happens after it passes away?

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What happens after these things that we chase these twigs that we hold on to what happens after they go away?

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Allah says will feel as good as he as a boon shadow mark, Pharaoh told me no law he wanted one. There's one of two outcomes after these other things pass away, and they will pass away. And one thing to keep in mind is this. If you ever get really, really caught up with something in your life, like currently, whether it's your job, or it's your studies, or it's a person in your life, or it's a conflict, or a problem, just do this mental exercise, think back 10 years ago,

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think back 20 years ago, think back 25 years ago, 30 years ago, if you you know, depending on how old you are.

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And ask yourself, what was what was what were you caught up with then?

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And does it still matter? Now?

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Do you understand what I'm saying? I

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think 30 years ago, maybe you were five?

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Maybe you were two? Maybe you were 25? Think of what was was keeping you up at night at that point. And ask yourself, Is that still a concern today? Chances are I hope that whatever you were concerned with when you were five is not the same

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as you are now. Yeah. What does that teach you?

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that teaches you that these things which Yes, in the moment, it feels like it's everything right? In the moment, it feels like it's the most important thing. But eventually, it passes away and and it changes. And then now, those things that were so important now don't mean anything to you.

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What happens at the end, after all this passes away is one of two outcomes. Either there's a lust as the punishment of Allah, or his mercy and His forgiveness and his good pleasure.

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Those are the things that are going to be lasting after these other other fleeting pleasures pass away woman highest dunya inland metalphoto what is the the life of this world but channel of deception

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What is how do we strike this balance? Because people are going to talk about, well, you know, What is she saying? You know, like, I know, you're gonna say, What? What? How do we, you know, she's saying that we can't have nice pastries, right? Oh, well, okay. That's not what I'm saying. And that's not what what what we're taught, what we are taught is to understand the intrinsic value of these things. It's not how to play Monopoly, folks. It's not wrong. There's nothing wrong with playing Monopoly. But if you think that money is real, that's when you have a problem.

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That's your problem. And that's really the issue. Yes. Okay, have your pastries, and have your degrees and have your money and have your pleasure. But if you think that that's what's real capital are, then that's your problem. When you take those things, and you make those things, what has the most value, when you take those things, and you think those are the things of value, and then you ignore the true things of value. That's when you have a problem. These things are okay to have. That's why Allah says woman hyatts with Dunia ilimitado Guru, okay, it's metallic. It's something you can use, and you can have pleasure and you can enjoy. But put it in its proper place. Just like

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when you're playing Monopoly. Enjoy yourself. Yeah, have fun. But if you take that money and think it's real, that's the problem. realize it for what it is realize it for what it is. So that goes now that takes me back to the idea of hope. Where do I put my hope? Where do I put my dependence? If I'm holding on to a twig, I am going to crash. And this is the reason why we go through our lives, you know, various different crashes, various different

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other have these like disappointments? It's because I'm holding on to the wrong things. And Allah tells us that when you hold on to him, this is the trustworthy handled that never breaks. Because a lot every single weakness that we have in the creation, what are the weaknesses of the creation? Well, I'll tell you, one, is that I'm

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talking to a friend about this. You know, sometimes when you're like having a disagreement with somebody,

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and it's like, late at night, and you're really upset, and maybe you really want to, like, you really need their help, or maybe you just really need help, and it's like late and they just fall asleep.

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I mean, I don't know, maybe some people have that effect on others, but they just fall asleep. While you know, it's like, I really need to talk to you right now. I know, it's three o'clock in the morning. But I mean, I'm human, I need to sleep. You know what I mean? So things just happen. Hello, there, Dawn. What are you gonna do then? You know what I'm saying? This sounds funny. But the reason I mentioned this example, is because Allah subhanho wa Taala specifically says lassa hogle. Sen. Well, I know, it's like, he specifically mentions that no slumber overtakes him, nor sleep. I feel like this is for married couples, you know? Like, just like

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a woman's voice puts a man to sleep. What can I say?

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My point is that here a lot is actually specifically say, yeah, how many married people know exactly what I'm talking about.

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A law specifically mentioned that he doesn't get tired and he doesn't go to sleep. This is why because this is just one aspect of the creation that lets us down. Because you know what, it's your it's like, I'm a human being, I need sleep. I cannot stay Oh, even though you might need me right now at 330 in the morning, but I am human. And this is the nature of all the creation we are by nature weak, we can't be what Allah can be. Whereas at 330 in the morning, guess who's not sleeping? Right? Who is it that we can turn to that isn't sleeping and never sleeps? Allah subhanaw taala this is where it comes. So again, this is about where do I put my full dependence? Where do I put my full

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hope? The other aspect I want to talk about in terms of hope, is I think one of the biggest mistakes we make in

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our discussion about religion, our discussion about being religious, is that teaching a concept of perfection. teaching this concept of, you know, like, like religious people have to be perfect people, right? They can't make mistakes, they can't be human, they have to be perfect. And when you hold this, this standard of what it means to be a good human being what it means to be a good Muslim, is that equals perfect. That's very dangerous. It's extremely dangerous. And I'll tell you why. This will later on be used as a tool by shaitan himself because

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If I think that I'm supposed to be perfect, right? So that's my understanding. That's my premise. If I think I'm supposed to be perfect, what happens when I'm not?

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What what's going to happen when I'm not? Because guess what I'm not. And I will never be perfect. I wasn't designed to be perfect. So then what happens when I realize that I'm not perfect? What happens when I slip?

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If I thought I was supposed to be perfect, and I'm not telling me what's going to happen to me,

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you lose confidence you lose.

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You lose hope you give up.

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This is where despair comes in. This is where despair is gonna come in. Because here I am, I'm supposed to be this thing. And I'm not that makes me a failure. Right? Simple enough. If I'm supposed to be something, and I'm absolutely not it. That means I'm a failure. And therefore I now despair, and I give up, I give up. That's something shaitan uses all the time.

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To shaitan will come through different doors, depending on our on where we are, you know, shaitan doesn't got anything else to do.

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You guys understand that? Right? He's got only one job. Can you imagine if you only had one job, like literally 24 seven, if you want to understand his last study, study shaitan.

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Alright, right. It's lost its losses, like, complete, like, removal of any other purpose, any other intention, except that one, to take us to *.

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That's all he's got to do. That's all he has to do. And he's got a lot of practice.

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You know, a lot of job training.

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So he's good at what he does, but he's not that good. But he does know what he's doing. Now. I'm telling you, he knows what he's doing. But I am also going to tell you that, that he is also extremely weak. And even his plots and his plans are also extremely weak.

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But I'll tell you, this one is to shaitan he said to Allah subhanaw taala when he was being removed from Jenna, and he was upset, like, it's interesting to know actually his response. Because when you look at what did shikon do when he made a mistake? And what's in Adam do when he made a mistake? You do know that when Allah gives us a love gives us a story of both of them. And they're kind of put like, within the same context, the story right? Adam was told not to eat from the tree. Right.

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And, and what happened, what did he end up doing?

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Eating from the tree, right? it bleeds was told to do what?

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To bow to Adam. And what did he do? He refused. Okay. So here you have a blease was being told to do something and he refuses. And you have Adam, his was being told not to do something and he does it. We good? Let's look at what they did after. Let's look at what they did after. That's where they completely parkpass because it leaves his response after he makes a mistake is what?

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It's arrogance. And it's despair, actually. Because he says in First of all, what he does is he blames a love for his mistake.

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Does this sound familiar? Do we ever do this, like, blame other people for our mistakes?

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This is actually dates back to

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this idea of nothing's my fault. Right? And it's always someone else's fault. This is a belief because he believes he made the mistake. But he says because you have kicked me out like blaming Allah, you know, because you have kicked me out. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to attack them. I'm going to attack your slaves, your servants from their front and from their back from their right and from their left.

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You know what he's vowing? You know what he's doing right there. He is promising to try to come in from any door he can to get us.

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All right. So he blames Allah. He doesn't humble himself and what else does he not do?

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So, okay, let's go back to his mistake. What's his mistake?

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He didn't make such duh. Yeah. So he's basically refusing to make one such there.

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Can you imagine

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if we all went to *

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missing one such that.

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Do you guys understand what that means? Like fetch itself is how many such does?

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to each truck. All right. So that would mean that if someone missed even one fetch or they couldn't go to Jenna,

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you understand the issue here. It isn't just that he missed a, you know, he refused to make such that every single one of us has missed, probably more than one such that in our lifetime, and maybe even refused to make that when someone's not Muslim. Aren't they refusing, just like he did? Aren't they actively refusing to make such that?

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so weak, then what? What is it that that he did wrong?

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He didn't repent.

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Because, you know, what, if every one of us were banned from gender for missing one such that who would be in gender? Exactly.

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Fair enough. There's something called Toba. There's something called Estefan there's something called repentance, and that is what's saving us. It's not the fact that we're perfect. It's not the fact that we're never going to slip up. It's the fact that we have something from the mercy of a law called repentance. And Iblees didn't use it. A belief didn't humble himself, and he didn't and he didn't have hope enough in Allah. He didn't have he just spared essentially, and instead, he became a rebel against Allah. He rebelled instead of humbling himself and repenting.

00:31:44 --> 00:31:47

Now contrast that with Adam alehissalaam.

00:31:48 --> 00:31:51

What did Adam do after he ate from the tree?

00:31:52 --> 00:32:24

Rob bene the alumna and fusina. Were in Lambton, Carolina with her handle and akuna Minal Casa de Luca, his response as compared to because you've done this to me, you know, you blaming Allah. Adam, on the other hand, he says, He says, Our Lord and notice this this is this is very important. Our Lord, we have wronged our own selves. You notice he's not blaming anyone else? Well, bene will alumna and fusina.

00:32:25 --> 00:32:28

Like how easy would it be for him to blame? shipe on at least.

00:32:30 --> 00:32:30


00:32:31 --> 00:32:34

I mean, shaitan is the one who deceived him.

00:32:35 --> 00:33:10

But he didn't even bring up shaitan. He's taking full responsibility, because he knows that at the end of the day, he had free choice. Right? Even though shaitan deceived him but he's taking full responsibility and saying that our banner, the alumna, and Susannah, I'm not going to blame anyone else. I'm going to take full responsibility. We did this to ourselves. We wronged ourselves. We're in Lancaster. Lana, what's her Hannah then? akuna Minal Casa de and if you don't forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will indeed be among the losers.

00:33:12 --> 00:33:19

You see, when you have that kind of response, after you slip, what happened to Adam? He became a prophet.

00:33:20 --> 00:33:43

You understand? He asked her slipping, he became a prophet. Do you understand how powerful that is? I mean, talk about redemption. Right? He was not only was he forgiven, he was given such an honor. And such an honorable position. This was after the slip guys after.

00:33:45 --> 00:33:58

And that's the power of Toba. I mean, that's the power of this default. That's the power of repenting and humbling yourself is that Allah can I honor you and raise you up even higher than before you committed the sin?

00:34:01 --> 00:34:06

Right. But look at the difference between a blaze and Adam.

00:34:07 --> 00:34:13

It please didn't have hope in that repentance. It blaze was arrogant. It leaves didn't repent.

00:34:14 --> 00:34:22

Adam had hoped and Allah Adam repented, Adam humbled himself and Adam took full responsibility.

00:34:24 --> 00:34:59

That is hope in Allah subhanaw taala. And a belief doesn't want us to have that. He believes what he wants is for us the moment we slip to do what he did, right? The moment we slip, which we will, like I said, we're human, not perfect. But when we slip He wants us to do what he did, which was despair, in the mercy of Allah and to just give up. So that is why when we mess up, he comes to us from the door of despair. And he says look at you. You do X, Y, Z.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

And then you're gonna go pray, you're such a hypocrite.

00:35:05 --> 00:35:11

Look at you, you do XYZ and you're gonna keep that hijab on, you're such a hypocrite, go take it off.

00:35:12 --> 00:35:27

Who are you to walk around with hijab? When you do these things? Just take it off? What is he really saying to you? He's saying give up. He's saying despair. He's saying, You're not even worth the struggle, just give up. You're worthless.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:39

And when he says to you, you know, yeah, but you're, you're just not good enough to put on the hijab. You know, this idea that like, to Jeb is only for angels.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:49

You know what I mean? It's like this weird concept, that first you have to transform into an angel and grow wings, and then put on the hijab.

00:35:51 --> 00:36:00

And so there's this idea, because there's that idea, we hold hijabis to like a superhuman standard, compared to others. Like, she did that and she's a hijab.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:07

Like, I didn't know that I became an angel. Once I put on the hijab, I'm still human.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:17

But you know, there's this weird idea that hijab is something for angels. hijab is like, it's like the crown you put on once you become perfect.

00:36:18 --> 00:36:23

And it and and once you have that on, you better stay perfect.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:24


00:36:26 --> 00:36:27

That's just

00:36:28 --> 00:36:55

listen to Jeb is like Salah is like, it's like. So it's like fasting. It's like, it's like zeca. It's one of many other acts of worship, it doesn't mean that I'm perfect, because I'm doing it. And no one is going to tell you, Hey, you know, the other weird thing we have about hijab is this. There's this weird concept that it's better to never wear hijab, than to wear it and take it off.

00:36:56 --> 00:36:57

Where does that come from?

00:36:59 --> 00:37:05

It's like this made up concept. When in fact, the reason we feel that way is because of what people will say.

00:37:07 --> 00:37:21

That's the reason. So what people do is, and this is also shaitan. Like I said, every door, he can find he'll go right. So he'll deceive you in these really strange kinds of ways. And one of them is no, no, no, don't put on the hijab, because you might take it off.

00:37:23 --> 00:37:38

Well, that's really weird. So basically, logically, you're telling me it's better to never wear it, than to wear it and possibly take it off. So in other words, it's better to disobey Allah for 100 years, then to obey Him for 50 and disobey Him perfect.

00:37:40 --> 00:37:59

Does that make any logical sense? But he makes us believe it, you understand? I'm saying? So he's basically saying you're gonna fail, so don't even try. That's what he's saying. He's gonna he's he wants us to believe that since we're not perfect, or since we can't be perfect, we might as well not even try.

00:38:01 --> 00:38:06

And Allah tells us the opposite. Allah rewards for effort, you know, A for effort.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:37

A law rewards us for effort. He's not asking us to be perfect. He's asking us to keep trying. He's saying kuliah iva de la nostra for Allah and pasta him. Let's talk about him in Rahmatullah. He's addressing who in this area, this is an answer to Zuma, who is he addressing? He's not addressing the disbeliever. He's not addressing the hypocrite. He is addressing the believer. He's addressing the slave he says, cool. Yeah. And Daddy, oh, my slave.

00:38:38 --> 00:38:54

But wait a minute, wait a minute, but what comes after that? Seems to be a contradiction, because he says all say, Oh, my slave who has what? Wrong their own selves? In other words, he is addressing the sinning slaves.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:01

Right? Yes or no? Which means Wait a minute. You mean even slaves have a lesson?

00:39:02 --> 00:39:44

Right? We had this idea in our head that no, no slaves of a loved mean they never sinned. Right? They're sinless. But no, Allah is addressing his slave and saying, who have wronged their own self they have sinned. And what does he say to those people? Let cannot human Rahmatullah do not despair of the mercy of Allah. This is the opposite message of shaitan. Anytime you start to feel like you should give up you know that shaitan Allah will never ever tell you to give up. Allah will never push you to give up. Allah will never close the door. The door of Allah is always open until when.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:53

Until the day you die until the moment that you die, and that's when that's when you no longer can repent.

00:39:55 --> 00:39:59

But until then, until then, anytime you hear this voice in your head

00:40:00 --> 00:40:33

literally a voice in your head, that tells you to give up, that tells you you're not good enough, that tells you you should stop trying that you're a hypocrite that you're this, that's shaitan. That's shaitan trying to make you do what he did. Which was give up, give up, and not continue to have that hope in Allah subhanaw taala what Allah wants from you is not perfection, but he wants you to keep trying and when you slip, to get back up, to get back up, and to go and to keep going and to repent.

00:40:34 --> 00:40:43

A lot tells us that if we were not to sin, and then repent, he would remove us from the earth and bring the people that would sin and repent.

00:40:45 --> 00:41:27

This is something Allah not only does he forgives, get this get this, he loves to forgive. So it is actually a pledge is actually makes a love pleased when we repent. It's not like, you know, when you wronged someone, and they come and apologize, and you'll be grudgingly forgive, you know, like, fine, you know, your sibling, they like punched you. And then they came and said, Sorry, you're like, you know, you're like, you're like upset, like, you know, you're kind of begrudgingly forgiving. This is not a law. Unless high above any analogy, a lot actually loves that process. It pleases Him. And there's a hadith that talks about this. The example that's given is a man in the

00:41:27 --> 00:41:39

middle of the desert, who has his entire livelihood on this camel. All right, and all of a sudden, the camel goes away, like, just runs away. You don't this means for the man, right?

00:41:41 --> 00:41:47

certain death, okay? I mean, your food, your water, everything's gone. So he's gonna die. Now this is serious.

00:41:48 --> 00:41:53

But then he finds that same camel just coming back on its own.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:04

And the Hadith says the joy that that man feels. That's the analogy of the joy that Allah feels when one of his slaves repents, comes back.

00:42:05 --> 00:42:50

It's not just acceptance of that repentance, but his actual pleasure and joy. It's actually pleases Allah, he becomes pleased. He loves to forgive doesn't just forgive, but he loves to forgive. So this is something we have to reject this idea of, I'm not good enough. I'm too far away from a lot to come back. I'm not like those people in the masjid Who are you know, perfect. I'm not part of that club, you know. And, you know, sometimes people make us feel this way too. And may Allah you know, protect, but you have to keep focus and realize, realize that this is a slam, that this path is not a path for perfect people. It's not a path for perfect people, because there's no such thing.

00:42:51 --> 00:43:06

Perfect, people don't exist, but but it is a path for those who are striving to purify themselves, striving to keep going even when they mess up, striving to not lose hope. There's one of my favorite quotes of no claim.

00:43:08 --> 00:43:36

And he says that shaitan rejoice when Adam was kicked out of genda or mean sorry, when as I'm sorry, not kicked out. But when Adam was taken out of genda and came to the earth shaitan rejoice when Adam was taken out of Paradise and taken down to the earth. But what he didn't realize was that the diver sinks to the bottom of the ocean, gathers pearls and then rises again.

00:43:38 --> 00:44:13

And this is exactly supine along that path. Where we yes, sometimes we slip sometimes we get really low, but it is when you're really low that you have a choice. You can either stay there, you can stay there and you can drown. Or you can actually gather pearls from that bottom and come back up actually better than you were before you fell down to the ground. According Coney Heather was stuck for too long. He went home in our food and Rahim subhanak Alo behind deck eyeshadow and nella lens as the critical eye to blue lake. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed discusses the importance of relying on Allah in our lives.

Recorded at the Fisher and Paykel Auditorium at the University of Auckland, New Zealand on 19 April 2015.

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