Can A Sister Live Away from Parents But With Her Biological Brother – Ask Shaykh YQ #137

Yasir Qadhi


Channel: Yasir Qadhi


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A customer asks a question about a girl living alone with her biological brother, but the agent responds that women are allowed to live together as long as the environment is safe. The agent also mentions that women have more crime and conditions due to the environment but as long as the environment is safe, they should be okay.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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This question someone asked is can a girl live alone with her biological brother?

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Li the two of them are Muharram and they are they're allowed to live together and as long as the environment is safe, obviously, the Shetty does. He's very concerned about the safety obviously of men and women. But let's be honest here, women, obviously for understandable reasons. There's more crime against them. There's more conditions put on them but as long as the safe environment and their parents are no problem without each other