Yasir Qadhi – What is The Sunnah Way to Pray – Ask Shaykh YQ #264

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Sun waking and Moore's Law are discussed as competitors to the Sun waking, but the Sun is meant to be used for praying rather than for anything else. The speakers emphasize the importance of creating a culture of respect and avoiding offense towards Muslims, as it is crucial for Muslims to understand the book of Sun. The use of the Sun in praying is discussed, and the importance of creating a culture of tolerance of difference and respect for established schools of Islam is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next question actually, I'm not even going to quote a question because I'm simply going to answer generically because I think it's time by that I address this issue directly. I have received numerous questions since beginning this series almost more than two years ago. numerous questions about the specifics of Salah and the Sunnah way to pray, I mean, literally every single aspect of Salah raising the hands and where to place the hands and to go on the knees or the hands first or to raise the hands during that they showed in order to the moving of the fingers or what not every single point you know, people have been asking them hearing electrodes and somebody says, this is

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the Sunnah and this is the right way. And so you know, people are wondering I was taught to this way in my school, the Shafi school the medic is called the Hohner Hanafi school and now I'm being told this is against the Sunnah. So the generic question I'm asking on behalf of all of those questioners, what is or even Is there a sunnah way to pray, and such that all the other ways are incorrect. 107 me call Bernie in regionalen No, he lay him first earn Oh, rickety.

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now I have dealt with this topic, generically and other q&a, but I guess it needs to be said in a very direct manner so that inshallah young people understand my perspective, in the end of the day, it's my opinion, take it or leave it, it's up to you what you want to do. So this type of question, what is the sooner way to pray? And we hear a number of preachers, and this is very common in YouTube channels and q&a, websites and whatnot. This is the sunnah to do. This is what the process of did in the Salah he placed his hands here, he raised the hands there, he moved to the shahada there, and therefore, the impression is given that anybody who does not do that particular opinion

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is somehow going against D soon. So this goes back to a broader question of methodology. And I need you to understand this very simple point. And again, this is very introductory and basic level, although my Q and A's generally are very introductory level, but sometimes we have to introduce concepts and facts. There are two predominant philosophies and again, it's very simplistic, there are two predominant philosophies when it comes to how we view the Islamic schools of law the methods.

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The first is that we view them as attempting to understand the Sunnah as extrapolating from the sunnah to us as the conduits, how do we approach the Sunnah through the mother type through the methodology of the jurists. So the schools of law, the Hanafi, Shafi, Malik, and humbly and there were more once upon a time, but these are the four main ones, all of them are attempting to extrapolate from the Sunnah, and tell us what to do. That's the first paradigm. And that's the paradigm of the schools of laws themselves. And of the bulk of the OMA for all of its history. There is an alternative paradigm and that paradigm views the schools of law as competitors to the Sunnah,

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as if the schools of law are somewhat replacing the books of Hadith. And this paradigm, factually speaking is a very minority paradigm. And there are some, you know, prominent scholars and and we respect those scholars, but we do not at all impugn their intentions and we view them as people who wanted the truth and one to, to to, you know, come close to Allah and His messenger. And they view the schools of fifth as having deviated from the authentic sooner as even sometimes trying to suppress or fight against the Sunnah. And this type of philosophy you find it amongst, for example, the these type of you know, movements in Indian Pakistan. So the Hudson Han, the great scholar of

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the last century, maybe even Imam Ashoka, Annie, a little bit of that with we get from your membership and even though it's not as explicit, but still they mature Kanye was a great scholar from Yemen over 250 years ago. So in the 18 hundred's middle 1800s, early 1800s Imam Ashoka was one of the most famous scholars of Yemen and he had this disciple of Yanni Hadith if you like streak, of course in the last generation, no doubt the one who embodied this type of view, the most famous and the most respected, is the great scholar we love and admire and respect him. Sheikh Muhammad Nasir de ll Barney, and all of these type of genre that type of people, generally speaking, they felt that

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the books of Hadith should be our direct reference that there should not be omitted

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It'll a conduit which should go directly to the Hadith, and then extrapolate what we need, you know from from them. And that's the perhaps was best or this sentiment was perhaps best embodied in the famous book. The prophets prayer describes the lower Selim, as if you are seeing it from the beginning to the end from the tech below to the slim as if you are seeing it. And this book, it kind of gave that presumption, maybe even I would say, illusion, that the sooner is all that you need directly to understand Islamic law, and that the presumption was there that every minute detail was unambiguously and categorically preserved, and that anybody who wanted to could follow it directly

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and anybody who had an alternative view was somehow rejecting or dismissing the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But you see, this type of notion is simply not correct. And what ended up happening is that, instead of, you know, trying to go back to the sooner essentially another school was created with his own paradigm and its own methodology. And, frankly, this school in and of itself is not only much less developed than any of the other schools, it has much less scholarship, historically speaking, but also because it is not as developed it began differing amongst itself, and its practitioners were actually not consistent in extrapolating the laws of

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physics. Because you see, Islamic law is not about cutting and pasting snippets of the Quran and Sunnah to form detail law. Islamic law is about interpretation. It's about extrapolation. It's about finding exceptions. It's about reconciling that which might differ in the books of Hadith and Sunnah. It's about working through the wording and what a wording implies when the process has said this or did this what exactly does it mean? Is it haram is it why jobID is Mr. Habit? Is it is it a one off? So the books of fic are not substitutes the books of sunnah? No, not at all. There's completely separate genre, sunnah. And the books of sunnah is one science. The scholars have 50

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Their job is to take the Quran and the Sunnah, and other sources of Islamic law, and then present to us codified Islamic law. So my position throughout all of these q&a is has always been that we should understand the books of fic as being extrapolations of the sooner ie taking from the sooner what it needs to and presenting to us, the sooner as we apply it. The notion that the books of fiction are somehow an alternative to the books of sooner is incorrect. The books of Phil cover job and the books are soon have a job to play. So therefore, to say that there's one methodology to pray that is sooner, and all the other ways are bidder. That is simply not something that is going to

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come from me, I don't agree with this in the first place. I don't view the methods as coming with this type of notion. And in fact, if you look at it, Allah subhanaw taala really has blessed and protected our OMA above any other civilization in that what we agree upon, even in our Salah is really everything. And what we disagree about is utterly inconsequential, and trivial. And I'm standing by what I say. Look at all of the schools of Islamic law. All of the med hubs pray five times a day. All of them include the TM with the Fatiha and the ROCOR understanding backup and the to says this in every rocker, all of them have beginning with deadbeat and ending with the slim all

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of them say the same Athar so how do I bid Allah Subhana Allah Allah, Allah Who up are going up and down that the Shah hood, Salah Ebrahimian all of them are in agreement about the exact number of rock out of the fold and when to be quiet and when to be reciting out loud And subhanAllah it's a and we're gonna say this as well. Even non Sudanese have the basics of Salah down, you know, to basically the same thing even the baldies disease, the Twelver Shia might be minor differences but in reality is the same structure we recognize this dear Muslims recognize that outside of our Shadia look at any other faiths civilization there is nothing comparable Allah has protected this deen and

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the Sunnah prayer of the Prophet system has permeated throughout all of the strands of Islam. Now, when it comes to where to place the hands, do you really think this is something we should be bickering and fighting over? Do you really think that we should say, Oh, this is the only way and every other way is bolted and wrong and bitter and balala? This is simply wrong brothers and sisters. It's a wrong attitude. It's a wrong spirit. And it inculcates a sense of arrogance to yourself and disdain to other Muslims. It creates a sense of breaking the unity of the OMA, this is the look at what is in common and then realize that hamdulillah in

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In reality, the Sunnah of the Prophet says and really is preserved. Now when it comes to the finer details, and I don't want to go into a lot of details here, but every single school has its evidences. And we need to create a culture not just of tolerance of genuine respect. So what is the sooner way to pray? Who's going to tell you what the sooner way to pray is? Every month has its own evidences. So I will give you I don't want to go into too much detail but just to give you a flavor of this, the famous controversy of refferal Yeah, Dane right. When you're standing up from the Roku and when you when you're going out, should you raise your hands up or not? Well, two are the two and

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a half of the month has basically because there's reports and you have to say you should you know, and you know, one of them that have said the Hanafi madhhab says you should not you should not do that for your thing. Okay, so those that say you should do Subhanallah they have so many evidences, the Mohammed Bahati actually wrote a booklet called the treaties of refer your name in Salah, and he brought me dozens of narrations of the tablet room the type of tab rune from the Prophet SAW Selim, dozens of narrations that we do this. Imam Al Bukhari was very certain we should refer you then. Good for him to humbly school the Shafi school many of the Maliki school they followed all of this

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great and hamdulillah

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are we going to accuse the Hanafi school of rejecting the Sunnah? Oh, honey forward, you have to say, bow Hanifa says I have an authentic hadith from my chef from his chef from a Nephi from you know, even was rude, and it is reported without knitted meat. I had a humble that even was rude stood up to say, I'm going to teach you how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed and he prayed in front of his students. And he raised his hand at the beginning and he did not raise them until the entire end of the Salah. This is even Mr. Guardiola one for those who say that the Hanafi madhhab or anyone who is not following the Sunnah. Would you dare stand in front of even Massoud

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somebody who spent 30 years you know even before Islam he was in Makkah you know sometimes I want to say 30 I mean even as a pre Islam he was in Morocco the Prophet says that I'm somebody who spent money from the beginning one of the first five or seven conversation was rude, even miss rude accompany the Prophet says I'm in Makkah and in Medina, he was there for the entirety of the revelation pretty much of the earliest of converts. Would you say to evenness rude or rude? You don't know the soon would you say that to him? Well, honey, Farah Hambleton is following even Massoud, he has his evidence in his mind. That is the Sunnah in his mind. That is the Sunnah. And in

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fact, this notion of not following the Sunnah, and you're wrong or what not any our early scholars, you know, debated this and they solved it long time ago. So Fianna 30 narrates from an Mahira that Abraham in the hype was asked that what are you going to do about the Hadith that the Prophet says and and raised his hands when he did record Okay, Abraham enough die is the basically the sheer hubbub behind militia say the Shabbat behind it right? So the Hanafi school is coming from inukai From even muster this predominately the Hanafi school. So Brian Mackay said that so the question was, what are you going to do to the Hadith? Why even heard that he said the Prophet sallallahu

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wasallam raised his hands in ROCOR when he went down to the court, okay, what element who accepted Islam? I think in the eighth or ninth year of the hijra, he was with the processor for a short period of time. It Brian Mackay said, If why they've been hedger saw the Profit System raise his hand once, then we know that Abdullah bin Massoud saw the Profit System never raised his hand more than 50 times Which one should we follow? So the point being the one who comes and tells you it is the sunnah to raise your hands when you do it, according to God. And by the way, just for the information, I will also do that for you then in my own silo. But I understand the Hanafi school has

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its understanding of the sooner they're not trying to reject the sooner they're not trying to reinterpret, the sooner they have an authentic sooner and they prefer that over the others no big deal. Why do we need to problematize why do we need to come and say oh, whoever does this as soon as the other one is better? My problem is in the second not the first if you feel one is closer to the sooner good for you do not feel the other is farther from the sooner do not feel that the other is lesser wanting to to reject the sooner the placing of the hands again Yanni. You know, the scholar who wrote the book about the process of prayer described he has a position which is actually none of

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the four Sunday schools actually had held that technical position none of them and he felt this is the Sunnah, as if the entirety of the OMA did not know the Sunnah until this book is written, you know, 1400 years later, it doesn't make any sense brothers and sisters, there are authentic narrations, authentic narrations that some of the Sahaba prayed with their hands, you know, on their stomach. Others prayed with their hands below the navel, it and even Massoud they played they prayed with their hands below the navel which is that the Hanafi school their authentic memory

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That Tabby rune, they prayed with their hands at their size, which is the Maliki madhhab. And there's a narration as well that one of the Sahaba put it on his chest and the chest that the sharp three says the chest means the lower chest over here, right? Only one interpretation, which is really discarded by the four schools by and large set on the upper portion of the chest, which is over here. So this hadith scholar comes along, and again, we respect and admire him. And he goes, this is the sooner you must put it here, high up on the chest. None of the four schools really held that as an interpretation, but because he felt it is so now, so all of his followers felt this is

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the real soon, even though in reality, if you actually technically look at it, none of the earliest called is held this view. But that's besides the point or even those that follow this opinion, no big deal, in my opinion, you're wanting to follow the sun. My problem is not in taking an opinion. My problem is in dismissing the other opinion is in claiming that those who are not following you are rejecting the sooner the same issue of the Tashahhud. And again, just as just FYI. So you understand, again, this author of the prophets prayer described, he had a particular interpretation. And so this is the Sunnah. And he maneuvered through all of the Hadith to get to his opinion, good

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for him, Do realize in that maneuvering, that's a sort of, that's legal hermeneutics, other scholars would have a different maneuvering, because within the books of Hadith, one finds so many, sometimes even contradictory narrations about the moving of the finger. In one version, the prophet system would raise it, what does it mean raise it once and down or keep it raised? In another version? His finger was up in another version, kinda you had Rico Ha, he would be moving it in a yet another version, that thermal you had equal, then he would not move it. So how do you reconcile between all of these, in reality, a little bit of ambiguity was tolerated. None of the earliest colors made it a

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big deal. That's why they said okay, he would raise it means he would raise it once. And so when would you raise it? Clearly, you would raise it when it says a shadow Lie, Lie Lie. It makes complete sense. That is one method. Another would have said, well, he would raise it means it's continually raised. So they would keep it raised the entire way. Another mother had said he would move it. So therefore this means you would raise it and you would move it, another mother took the head, he says he would not move it. So keep it down. The point is, every one of the methods if you ask them why they're doing it, guess what they're going to quote you. They're going to quote you a

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hadith, they're going to quote you a sunnah. So this notion of which way is the authentic way to pray, the Salah, the responses, all of the ways that the Muslim ummah has embraced out of all of the legal schools are authentic. The problem has come that when this notion has spread among certain groups of people, that it's my way or the highway, that it is only one way that is authentic, then this this has created intolerance. It has created a feeling of elitism, and that feeling of elitism and arrogance is far worse, to be like then, you know, making a mistake and trying to follow the sooner. The sooner way to pray is the way any school of law has taught you any of the established

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schools of law. They're all sunnah. And they're all trying to grasp what the promises of them did. And some level of ambiguity is completely fine. So pray the way that you have been taught to pray, pray the way your parents taught you as long as it obviously, we expect they're following one of the established schools of Sunni Islam. I'm not saying we invent our own way, obviously, but to claim that one particular opinion is the only way and all of the other established opinions are rejecting the Sunnah. I actually am strongly in disagreement with this and this has been my consistent methodology throughout my entire q&a, we must create a culture not just of tolerance of difference

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of opinion, but respect when a scholar of caliber whose track record and reputation when Imam Abu Hanifa or Imam Shafi Imam Malik, Muhammad Ali, Mohammed Ozar. You remember booth Oh, remember later in San Jose a position, they have every right to hold it. And even if we disagree, we disagree with respect. Even if we say You know what, that's a good opinion. But I'm not going to follow it fine. You don't follow it. You follow your shareholder teacher, but do not disrespect and do not accuse these great Imams of rejecting the Sunnah. And most importantly, do not create this notion within your circles within your Masjid within your community that only your opinion is the correct opinion.

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And all of the other established opinions of giants of their own ama are somehow misguided No, live and let live and you choose your scholars that you respect and you follow them and hamdulillah but don't create controversy or disharmony. So with this inshallah I will not return to this question. I don't believe there is only one way that is authentic to pray Salah all of the ways that our religious teachers and our folklore have done have legitimacy to them. And I have my own way of praying which is generally speaking, following one of the schools but so be it. It's because I've been trained and taught that way. I don't think it is the only way all of them they what they agree

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about is actually much much much more than what

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They disagree about and that's the beautiful thing of our faith Allah has preserved this deen and the Sunnah has been preserved in all of these mudarabah of Islam. How would this inshallah we come to the conclusion of today's lecture will continue next week shoulders Zack moolah head cinematic MURAMATSU la hora catch?

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me boy.

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me Mr. Heaton Dawsey any wanna tell

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me what to feed

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at what

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feels cool Ruby mimma. Janita Anza down to Isla.

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De down

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