Tom Facchine – Quranic Character – Musa Models Fatherhood

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of parenting and educating oneself to be a good father. They emphasize the need for parents to be true to their values and the importance of fatherhood as a crucial step in growth and development. The natural way in which gender is structured and the importance of trust and strong character in the fight against evil is emphasized. The success of the "median path" of male development has led to a culture of fear and distraction, and the importance of accepting the possibility of success is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. So we're about to start. If I could just ask some of the brothers if we can move towards this little bit when the sisters are done and also move up as the brothers are coming the same thing with the sisters. You can come to the right before the camera so there's this three rows in the front. Their sisters are all huddled up at the back so if you can just move up please

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As we want to give space to the sisters that are coming in sha Allah if I can ask all the younger girls if you want to just move up let's do that. Thank you so much

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insha Allah and same thing with the brothers if we can just move up because as the brothers come in and Sharla and.

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Sit down want to lower the cartoon, so

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if the volunteers can please go around, you know what we need to do with the sister side and the brother side? Inshallah you all know that adab we've covered the etiquettes of dimensionless of the Quran we've covered this multiple times. So let's give some of due respect he has traveled all the way to share some knowledge with us inshallah. So if we can have the children with you if you brought your child you know where they should be, they should be with you. Where your parents

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are your his parent, okay? Wow, mashallah amazing. All right. Insha Allah Zakka lucky

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Yes, fine.

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This one that our mother our heme Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam, ala Ashraful, MBI Omar saline, maybe in our cold war to Mohammed Allah, he offered a surah was Curtis theme. Aloha Melinda man federal No. And finally, my Olympian I was in an era banana mean. We're very privileged. All of us here because we have to start this off a little bit differently. Like to invite sister let me show to the front.

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And you could bring the young man to if you like, yeah.

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So Cecilia, Misha, I've got your name correct, right. Okay, so So the Misha is here to take shahada

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and she's local. So we expect not for you to pepper her with advice and bury her in books, but to be her brothers and sisters and uncles and aunts and support.

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To the Misha. Nobody forced you to be here. You're here on your own free will. No one forced you to be here. Okay, are you ready? Okay, so you're gonna repeat after me and English first. And then we'll give Arabic a shot. All right. I bear witness and bear witness that there is no God. There is no God except Allah, except Allah. And I bear witness and I bear witness that Muhammad Muhammad is the slave is this messenger. The Messenger of Allah, Allah Allahu Akbar.

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That's right.

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Do you want to give it a shot in Arabic? Your turn you're ready to

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Okay, let's do it. So it repeat after me.

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You gotta repeat after me though buddy.

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I bear witness

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that there is no God.

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guys except Allah,

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and I bear witness.

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that Muhammad

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is the Messenger of Allah.

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I asked the last panel to order that that'd be his words today and his dying words. Inshallah.

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You want to give it a shot in Arabic? Yeah. All right, ready?

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Ash, doo,

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doo doo, Allah, Allah, Allah ala in love Allah in

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natural rights

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Almost almost not yet. Wha ash Hedo wa es Hadoop and NA, anna muhammadan Mohammad rasool Lu la rasuluh la Takbeer.

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She speaks better Arabic on some of you.

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So congratulations associate Do you want to?

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Well, we'll talk later with you. Okay. So congratulations to the sister. It takes a lot of courage. Yeah, you won't do it. We'll do it later in the office. Okay. All right. But please, again, get her number, peer support, be there for her, you know, make yourself known in sha Allah in a helpful way. And thank you so much for having the courage to be here with us.

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It's a beautiful way to start off tonight. Because it's family night.

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Yeah, I know, this mic.

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is such the trouble of having these mics with glasses. Because, you know, the glass was getting in the way that Mike and I might get something the glasses. Yeah, that okay.

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So we're here tonight to talk about family and to talk about the example that Musa Lisa offers to us to be a parent to be a good human being and to be a father. So it's a great thing that we start out with a testimony of faith. That shahada was someone who brings a child. And I was telling the Misha back, you know, in the office that I had a similar story. When I came to Islam, in 2010s, panela, 13 years ago, it was very soon after the birth of my first child. And for people who have an intact fitrah, who have that innate disposition, you register that you have a degree of responsibility over this person. And so somebody who is sincere, they will look to try to be the best parents that they

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can be.

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And so for me, at that point, I had been exposed enough to Islam and knew about enough about Islam, that I said, Well, this is the best thing I'm aware of. So I better start applying myself and educating myself so that I can be that person.

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And really, it's not too much different from the choice that every single one of us has to make. When it comes to how do we be the best parent of our kids? Too many of us unfortunately, we're in cruise control. We take little bits of parenting advice here and there. Or we do what we've seen other people do. Rarely do we go back to the Koran, and we look at how Allah's parents oughta educates us about how we should think about parenthood, how we should think about family, how we should think about what are the virtues and the values and the things that we're supposed to embody? How are we supposed to act? How are we supposed to react to different situations. So this is

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something that began as a another talk that I gave, but I completely restructured it and furthered it when it comes to the story of Musa they said, particularly as a lost bone to Allah tells it and sort of the causes, and how it shines a light, particularly on fatherhood, and how important fatherhood is, and what are some of the essential responsibilities and characteristics that fatherhood should bring out in us. But it's not something that's particular to men, it's something that everybody has to know about. Because Parenthood has transferable skills. When it comes to being a mother or being a father, there are certain skills that both of you have to have, there's a lot of

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overlap. And if you're a young person, then even more so because one day that's going to be you. And it might also help inform the way that you relate to your parents. We live in a world right now, that is sort of at war with men in general, and fathers. And you can make an argument that it's at war with everybody. I think that's true, too. It's also at war with women, but in a different way. There's a very specific way that the society that we live in, there's a war going on against fathers.

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Anybody here watch Disney movies?

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Young people, I'm sure there's some I've gone across the country and I've asked this question, and nobody has been able to give me an answer. Can you think of a Disney movie in which there is a good example of a good father in a Disney movie?

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A Disney movie that has like a role model father figure somebody that is considered noble, somebody that's considered someone that

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You would like to be or that you would like your father to be.

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I couldn't think of one either. In fact, if you look at Disney movies, and they've been going for a while, so they've had plenty of opportunities, you'll find that the Father is usually rather a symbol of oppression, you'll find that the father is the one that's standing in the way of the child realizing their dreams, living the life they want to live, or the father is out of the picture entirely, either removed or dead or something like that. This isn't an accident. This isn't an accident. And it actually plants a seed in our children's minds, from a very young age, that fathers aren't really maybe that important. Or even worse, that your father's expectations of you, and your

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father's demands upon you, or actually holding you back, and standing in the way, and the only thing for you to do is to rebel against them one day, to become free and liberated. This has gotten worse, as the years have gone on. We've seen with the LGBTQ movement, that as people have pushed for gay parents, and families that are made of to, quote unquote fathers and to, quote unquote, mothers, that there's been a push to try to make us think that parents are interchangeable, and substitutable, that the Father is not so essential. After all, if I have two women, it's just as good as two men. Or if I have two men, it's just as good as two women. And this is something that

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completely defies logic and reason, and faith and tradition.

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To be a man in this era,

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is very, very difficult. You are what they call a sis, male, you're somebody who is trying to be part of a productive family and you're considered a potential oppressor.

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But Allah subhanaw taala tells us something very, very different about gender. He tells us that gender is something that structures our purpose in life. And Allah is found to auto created everything in this world xevil Janene, he said, in two pairs, that got our own, male and female, and we derive our purpose from this distinction, we come in with a certain sort of identity or something that we're given this maleness, or this femaleness, and it's kind of like a raw material that we have to develop and change into something else. So you see that everybody has a life stage. So you start out as young men and young girls, and one day, you're going to be a mother, or one day, you're

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going to be a father. And then decades later, you're going to be a grand mom, or you're going to be a grandfather, and you're going to have people under you. And so this is the natural way, if you understand this, that you have an expectation in life, for how life should move, and how should you develop and grow. But every single stage of development, it brings something out of you, and it asks something from you.

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So when it comes to fatherhood, fatherhood is something where a lot is asked of you.

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A lot is asked of you to be a father. And if you look at the story of Musa de Sena, particularly in sort of the classes, you find this amazing story of character development, you see that Musa Alehissalaam started out in a certain situation, but he keeps growing and growing and growing and developing along the way, until he kind of reaches this point

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of command of completeness and of reliance upon Allah subhanaw taala

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I separated me you can separate most of his life into three acts. If it were like a play, or a stage act one would be as a youth Musab a Saddam as a young man. And then later, Musa on a Sudan. He has the situation where he has to leave his homeland. And he's in the stage where he gets married. And then the third stage Act Three is when he's coming back and he's going to be commissioned to be a prophet.

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And the amazing thing is you see step by step by step how Allah Spano Tata takes Musa he said them and keeps building him and building him and building him. But it's not without hardship. And it's not without trial, and it's not without test. He throws things at Musa alayhis salam, to see how he's going to react. And we already have a tremendous benefit for parents, right here. Sometimes as parents, we want to swoop in and save our kids from every single trial and test. But being a parent sometimes is about letting your kid fail. Putting them in a situation that proves what they're made of, and then helping them make sense of how it turned out. And how they responded.

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Allah is bound to Allah tells us about Musa alayhis salam. Well, Emma Bella should was stoer I'd say now who Hoekman were element mocha Derek and Xena Martini. When Mousavi Saddam had grown up, he attained maturity, his full strength and was mentally mature. Allah says, We bestowed upon him two things, judgment and knowledge. He says hurt men were.

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And thus the read reward the doers of good. Allah subhanaw taala. Right here, he tells us two of the things that every single young person should be after

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judgment, sound judgment, being able to differentiate between good and evil, being able to tell who's a good friend and a good influence, being able to tell who's a bad friend and a bad influence. Being able to see a show on a screen and say, This is good, or this is bad, I need to stay away from it.

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The second thing he said was knowledge, a lot of the stuff the ability to judge between right and wrong, it's not something that you can necessarily figure out for yourself. Every single person has a responsibility and a duty to educate themselves. And the Hamdulillah, you're blessed in this community to have Sheikh Ahmed and other people in the city that are very, very capable of helping you in your quest for knowledge to understand to be able to differentiate between what's right and wrong, and what's good and bad.

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Allah is bound to otter says, This is how we reward the doers of good. So there's this kind of synergistic effect, if you do good, if you put good out there, if you try a lot, sponder is going to keep on increasing you in that good. And in this case, some of the fundamental good is judgment and knowledge.

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What happens in a story next is very, very interesting. And honestly, it's something that could happen today. It's something that could happen right here in Atlanta. What happens? Musa alayhis salam, he enters into the city, and he finds two people fighting.

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Right? One person in the fight is from his team, his crew, his gang, his group,

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and the other person is from the other guys, the bad guys. And so he's in a situation where the person who's from his tribe, or his group calls upon him for help.

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And so what does he do? He rushes the help. He says, Hey, that's my boy. He's getting jumped. He's getting mugged. He's getting beat up, I have to step in to help him. So he steps in to help him.

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And he rears back and he strikes the man the other man. And he kills him by accident.

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So Musa is Salaam has tested?

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What's the nature of the test?

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Allah Subhana. Allah is testing to see that judgment and the knowledge that he gave him, is it going to hold up to a certain situation, the situation is you have to choose between doing what's right. And doing what everybody else expects of you. Everybody expects you to show up for your tribe. Everybody expects you to show up for your people, your clan, your posse, whatever it is.

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But that's easy. What's hard, is doing the right thing. As the law says, and certainly set, even if it's against you, even if it's against your family, even if it's against your tribe.

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That's real justice. It's easy to be just quote unquote, just when the person that you hate their guts Anyway, did something wrong.

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And then you drop the hammer on them and throw the book at them and say you did this and you did that. What's hard is when it's your best friend,

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or your family member, or someone you're close to. They fall afoul they do something wrong. And now the just thing is to hold them accountable.

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So Musa they send him he's tested. And to be honest, he fails a test. He doesn't do what he should do. But something really, really important redeems him.

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And what redeems him is his judgment. The judgment that allows pantalla gave him he recognizes the evil of what he did.

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And that is a tremendous source of hope for every single one of us because every single one of us makes mistakes. Every single one of us fails tests every single day. It's built into life, it's going to happen. But the true test is what you do after do you follow up a bad deed with a good deed like the promise of the lies that I'm said. Whoever follows a bad deed with a good deed erases it. Because the most important thing is that you don't lose two in a row is that you turn the ship around. And so most holidays Sadam, he says call it up in volume two NFC, he said My Lords I have wronged myself.

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Felt Philly felt offer Allah.

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He says I have wronged myself. He's asking a lot

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Forgive him. And so Allah has found out I forgave him. Indeed Allah says He is the forgiving and the Merciful. He's not done there, Musa he said I'm Paula Robbie Bhima. And I'm Talia, felon Hakuna law here on little Majidi mean, look at this, to be forgiven. To set yourself on a new path, you have to have change, you have to get the lesson.

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If you're in a classroom, and you learn two plus two equals four, right, now it's time for the test, you get two plus two equals, you write five, red pen wrong, it's for Okay, that's excusable, but then what's going to happen the next time, maybe you didn't study, maybe you didn't prepare, you have to learn your lesson and act differently next time, most of a sudden, he makes a promise. He says Ferlin Hakuna law hit on the emoji mean, I'm not going to assist the criminals. I'm not going to help wicked people anymore. This thing that I did, I recognize that as evil. And next time, it's going to be different. Not only am I Sorry, I'm going to prove that I'm sorry, by resolving to act

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differently next time.

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So we see Musa alayhis salam, he's not just in cruise control, he wants to get better, he wants to improve. He wants to change and everything that comes his way he interacts with it as an opportunity to learn and an opportunity to get better.

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Every time you increase in knowledge, Allah is going to test you a lot is going to increase you in responsibility.

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One of the things Musa at least

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learned here is the importance of having the right crowd around you, your friends,

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if you have a good crew around you, people that come to the messy that people who do good things, people that care about what Allah subhanaw taala thinks they care about doing things that Allah is happy with and approves of, then you're going to be fine. But if you find that the people that you're surrounded with her bad people, they're asking you to forget about what Allah once they're trying to distract you from Allah, then this is something that's going to have an effect. And you're going to have to face a fork in the road one day, and you're going to have to decide whether you're going to choose improvement, or choose to stay and do whatever you've already been doing.

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The story continues, you guys know how it goes Musa alayhis salam, he's tested again with the same exact thing. The next day, same situation, same guy in another fight with somebody else.

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And he's called upon to jump in and get involved again.

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So here, we're gonna see what he's made of did Musa alayhis salam, is he really committed to improvement? Is he really somebody who's going to pass the test.

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And he did this time, he actually and even though he almost he almost came into getting tempted and falling into the same mistake, he stopped himself.

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But he realized something, he realized that he had to get out of the scenario. And there's somebody who comes into the town and says, Musa, they know that you killed a man. Thereafter, you gotta get out of here. And so he leaves

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and he leaves. But he says something on his way out when he's going. He said, My Lord saved me from the wrongdoing people. There is again, his commitment to change. Previously, he said, Oh, Allah, I don't want to help the criminals. Imagine we can make an example of today like somebody who's involved in gangs or involved in pushing drugs and things like that. He's wrapped into the game. But he says, I don't want to help the criminals anymore. I want to change I want to get right. But he's in a situation or he's in a scenario where it's tough to get himself out of.

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Now he realizes he asked a lot of save him from this people that are doing wrong.

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And so he's forced to out he's ready to sacrifice and he's ready to make a change. We have another Hadith about this same principle. You know, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, he told a story about somebody who killed 99 people, very well known Hadith. And so this person, he comes to a Christian monk or something like that, a scholar. And he says, Is God gonna forgive me? I killed 99 people. It's like, The Tick Tock like, what's your body count? I killed 99 people. Is God gonna forgive me? And the, the Christian guy is like, Nope, no way. It's like 99. Dang. Right.

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And then so what's the response? He kills another guy, he kills him, make it even 100.

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Then what happens? He goes to a safe, he goes to an island. He goes to somebody who's a true Muslim. And he says, Look, I killed 100 people. Is Allah gonna forgive me?

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And the sheikh says to him, he says yes, but

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You have to get out of here. You can't stay where you are. Look at what the environment that you're in and surrounding yourself with the environment you're surrounding yourself with is pulling you into this life of crime, this life of sin, this life of disobedience.

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So then something amazing happens, he leaves and he dies on the road, he has the intention, he makes a sacrifice. He's on the road, he's going to someplace that's better. A new Start New Leaf turning over a new page. But he dies on the way.

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And so the angels come down. And they're starting to argue they argue with each other. What's going to happen to him? Is he going to *? Are you going to heaven? Is he going to be saved? Or is going to be punished?

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And somebody just say, no, no, come on. He was trying to change your look, he almost made it and then the other angels and he didn't do a single good thing. He killed 100 people.

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And then a lost Pantera intervenes and makes him just scoot that much closer to the place where he was going towards. And so he's forgiven. And so he's rewarded. He didn't do a single thing. But he resolved the change and he acted on it and he was ready to sacrifice.

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That's Act One. Mossad, a sedan ready to learn, ready to improve, ready to sacrifice.

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So he's on the run, he's on the lam, actually, because he's a one admin now, Public Enemy Number One. He gets to Medion.

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This place that he's not from, he has no idea, no relations there. And he comes across a scenario. He comes across a watering hole.

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And there's all these different tough guys there with their animals. And they're making their animals drink from the watering hole.

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Except there's one group of animals that's off to the side. There's two women by them.

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And so Allah subhanaw taala says, when he came to the wells, he found there a crowd of people watering their flocks. And he found on the side, there were two women who were holding their animals back from going and drinking. So Musa approached them, he said, what's going on?

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Why aren't you giving your animals the water that they need? They said, We're not going to water our animals until these guys get out of here.

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It's like those neighborhoods, you don't go in after sundown. Right? street smarts, you know that some places are dangerous.

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Subhanallah back in the day, you know, my first job, when I converted to Islam, was to work in a Muslim restaurant,

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a Syrian restaurant, and I made pizzas. And I did everything. I was the delivery guy. I was the cook. I was the waiter. I did everything.

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And there was a neighborhood. That was a very, very dangerous neighborhood. If I was sent to go make a delivery in that neighborhood, my boss would say, okay, all the cash you've been carrying all day, give it to me.

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In case there was a stick up or something like that, this is that type of neighborhood because you understand that something might go down. This is the situation. These ladies understand. Listen, if we try to water our flocks here, something might happen to us. Somebody might grab us, somebody might harm us, somebody might try to pull something funny. And so we're holding back and waiting until they get out of here. Musa alayhis salam sees an opportunity, an opportunity to do the right thing.

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And so,

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listen to what he does, because a man is judged by how he responds and treats the most vulnerable people around him.

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A man can be judged by how he treats the most vulnerable people around him.

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And so Musa alayhis salam, Allah tells us that Sakala Houma, thorn matawa La ilaha illa Ville, the kohlrabi in De Lima and Santa Ilya mean higher in filthy. So what he did was he took the animals and he brought them down to the water. And there's other Hadith that indicate that there might have been some sort of super heavy cover on top of the water like a well, that not that took like multiple men to lift, and Musa alayhis Anam lifted it himself, mashallah to Valhalla.

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So he does this for them. And then what does he do? It sudden, then he went back and he sat in the shade.

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He didn't hang around. He didn't ask for any sort of payment. He didn't try to take advantage of the situation. Look what I did for you now what are you going to do for me? He turned back to the shade and he sat down. And he talked to Allah. And he said, My Lord, indeed, I am for whatever good that You would send down to me in need, I need your help.

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I need the good that you're about to send me

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because he trusted Allah. But he didn't see the way he didn't know what was going to happen.

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Musa alayhis salam was ready to do the right thing.

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Even though he's the one in need, he says he's

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Faqir, he is in need of help. And yet, he has the opportunity and he helps other people.

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He does the right thing, even if it's not going to benefit him.

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Look at the difference here, once he's put in a position of responsibility, and men especially, I want you to think about this. As you grow, as you're given responsibility, it takes something out of you, it calls you to be better, it calls you to be on a level higher.

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And for the parents, you have to think about when you've got young men and young women that are coming up, the more responsibility you give to them, you're offering them an opportunity to prove themselves most highly, Suriname is given a huge opportunity. And he aces this test, a plus, he does the right thing. He trusts Allah. And so look at what's going to happen.

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What happens next? One of the two women come to him walking and Allah says, walking with shyness. They say to me, she said, Indeed, my father invites you

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so that he can reward you for what you did for us.

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So then Musa Ali salaam walks back with this woman, to her father, and the Hadith tells us that this wasn't just any type of walking Musa has a salon told her I'm gonna walk in front of you. And you told me where to go? Why

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Do you ever want to be behind a woman on the staircase? No, you do not? Because the devil is there to tempt you to look at this. Or to look at that. Musa alayhis salam look at how smart he is. He's only concerned with Allah. He said, Okay, I'll go, but I'm gonna walk in front. And you tell me where to go. If Musa he sat down had a smartphone.

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Imagine how his newsfeed would be imagine how his viewing history would be it would be squeaky clean.

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That was how he disciplined himself. That was how in control of himself he was.

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And he foresaw he wasn't just gonna go get into a situation and be like, oh, you know, Allah is gonna forgive me. No problem. One look is allowed. It's the two looks that are the problem. No, he was smart. He saw ahead. He said, This is a dangerous situation. I might be tempted. I'm going to be proactively righteous about this. I'm going to ask her to put myself ahead.

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And then she's going to tell me where to go. Even if it looks funny. I don't care. You guys see some of the UFC fighters.

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They got all these half naked women around them. What are some of the Muslims do?

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They look down. They cover their eyes, they cover their face, honor,

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honor. They don't care how they look, because they're relating to a last poem to audit. And they're not worried about what other people think of them.

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So one of the women they get back to the Father and what does one of the women's say? Paulette, Houma. Yeah, potty stepped Jen, who, in the higher end minister, Delta, alcohol, we, I mean, she says, Oh, my father, hire this guy. Certainly the best person that you can hire is somebody who is strong, and someone who is trustworthy. So the men have to listen up and take notes here. The best person, the most useful type of men that there is, is someone who is strong, and trustworthy.

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Man, we have responsibilities. We have to protect. All these women here are our duty to protect. God forbid if somebody comes to the message right now looking for trouble. We're ready.

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And the last founder, Allah tells us in the Quran a couple different times to take the means to prepare every sort of preparation so that nobody can mess with us. We don't want trouble. But we have a responsibility and a duty to protect.

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Strong and trustworthy and these two things have to go together. It's not enough to just be strong. Conor McGregor is strong, but he's not trustworthy. And so what good does his strength do? His strength is wasted. His strength is actually oppression. But if you're strong and you're trustworthy,

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then you're going to be someone who puts that strength to good use. That puts it to righteous causes, and someone who's going to protect everybody. Look at how again, I don't mean to beat the dead horse on the on the UFC thing, but look at how much influence Habib has had on the world on the world. And people who didn't know about Hobie, before the fight with Conor McGregor, after that fight, so many people their eyes are open, what is it? What is this guy?

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He acts respectfully he acts with honor he's got discipline, huge data for the Muslims, despite maybe some issues with with striking the face etc. We're not getting into that. But look at the role model and the example that he put forth

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This was someone taking the lessons of Musa alayhis salam and applying them in a new way, someone who is strong and trustworthy. How does the father respond? The father says, yes, certainly I wish to wed you to one of these to my daughters basically, forget about just hiring you. He sees value he understands, he says, You know what, you can marry one of my daughters on the condition that you serve me for eight years. And if you complete 10, then that'll be even better. But I don't want to make it difficult on you. And you will find me if Allah wills from among the righteous. One of the benefits that we take from this part of the story. For eight years, Musa alayhis salam had a mentor.

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He had someone to look up to, he had someone to emulate. We're not told in the Quran about this period of his life, it skips over. But the fact that there's an older male, that sees his value, and takes him under his wing is extremely significant. And I guarantee you, in this community, and in every community, you have young men who are thirsty for mentors, for people who will take them under their wing, maybe they have an interest or a hobby or a talent. Maybe they like your career or what you do or they just like, sort of how you carry yourself.

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And so you have the opportunity, a tremendous opportunity to take them under your wing and to show them just like this person show to Mousavi Sana

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that's act to this period of his life Act Two, curtain drawn on Act Two, act three.

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We have a situation now Musa alayhis salam has time is up. Eight years he spent now he's ready to go back.

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And one of the most amazing and revealing parts of his story is about to happen. There traveling through the desert, him and his family. Now he's looking at where he's come from. He started from a troubled youth getting mixed up in this sort of violence. And now he's got a family. He's got a wife, he's got kids, and he's traveling with his family. He's full man. He's top G. That's top G that sigma male. Okay, is having a family having kids that you're responsible for that you're taking care of? He's traveling through the desert and he sees a fire.

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There is no highway. There is no police. There's no rest stop.

00:42:28 --> 00:42:35

This is the middle of nowhere. He's traveling with his wife and his kids. And he sees a fire.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:44

What's his reaction? What is Musa Ali's and I'm say if I'm not called by Musa wasabi Allah He aniseh

00:42:45 --> 00:42:56

minjiang a bit torn out or poorly Lilla Lee uncouth all, in nearness to narrow. He says, Hey, you guys stay here. I see a fire.

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I'm gonna go check out what that fire is.

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00:43:02 --> 00:43:42

Yeah, very risky. Who's going to be there? It might be someone who wants to hurt him, someone that wants to rob him, somebody that wants to hurt his family. But look at the sacrifice of this man. This is full father mode, every single father in the room, you know that you would make the sacrifice for your kids and for your family? And this is what Mossad ASAM does. You guys stay here, you're safe here. I'm gonna go check out what it is. Maybe he's going on the possibility that it's going to help them out. He says maybe there's going to be news of like how to I can go turn left turn right, whatever. Or at least I'll be able to get part of the fire and we'll be able to, you'll

00:43:42 --> 00:43:44

be able to warm yourselves by the fire. He says

00:43:45 --> 00:44:01

look at how Musa SNM is exhibiting these sorts of characteristics. He's protecting. He's sacrificing. He's always concerned with his family's best interest. And he's always concerned with facilitating what is best for them.

00:44:03 --> 00:44:12

I'm sure many of us I had a father. I mean, my father still live humbly that May Allah guide him who he went day in and day out to a job that he hated

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a job where he was disrespected. A job that was very, very difficult and physically demanding. But he did it every single day for 40 years, just for his kids. And I know every single father in this room is the same. And every single father in this room had a father that was the same.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:41

This is what it means to be a man and this is what it means to be a father. You will take on every hardship

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and even smile about it.

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If you even have the chance of giving your kids something better.

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And that was what Musa de Sudan was prepared to do and that was what he did. Full father mode

00:45:00 --> 00:45:26

Do you see throughout the story of Musa alayhis salam, this kind of two directional relationship with virtue, he's put in situations that require virtue. But he's also put in situations where they draws the virtue out of him, it asks him to reach up. And to grab onto that next rung, let's just a little bit higher to keep on climbing to the next level and the next level and the next level.

00:45:28 --> 00:45:38

This is what we have to do for our kids, we have to give them that ladder to climb. Life can't just be video games until you're 18. And now it's time to become a doctor.

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That's not a ladder.

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It's being responsible for things, it's being able to have skills, it's being able to know what's right and wrong, and to help the ones even younger than them.

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Every 10 year old in here is a superstar to every six year old in here.

00:45:57 --> 00:46:16

Every 14 year old in here is a superstar to every 10 year old in here, you've got people watching you, looking up to you. And so as a community, when we actually facilitate these relationships, and they take on responsibility, it actually caused them to act better and to act more responsible

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for men to make it work.

00:46:22 --> 00:46:27

Okay, I'll say one more thing. I have this somewhat controversial part that sometimes I leave out, but

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I'll mention it for you guys, we started talking about the war on men that we exist that we see in the society.

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Part of the war on men,

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is the idea of removing them from their positions of power.

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If in mid-off and inheritance law, we have a brother that gets twice as much as his sister,

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the modern response to that, oh, we got to make it equal. We got to make it equal. This is not fair.

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Without realizing that the reason that somebody has a privilege is because they have an extra duty.

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That every single privilege comes with a responsibility and a duty. And that when we remove people from their place of responsibility and duty, we actually impoverished them and take away their ability to be righteous, and to righteously wield the power that they have. Martin lings, who wrote the famous Autobiography of the Prophet Muhammad SAW someone has an amazing quote in a different book, where he says that, imagine that a young boy becomes king, when his father dies. And his father, he has his cloak, and he has his robe, and it's big and it's flowing.

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He asks, and that question is rhetorical. Do you cut the rope to fit the boy?

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Or do you help the boy grow up into the rope?

00:47:57 --> 00:48:04

We have young men and young women, that they need to be allowed to grow into the ropes. They need to be put

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on a trajectory, a path of purpose, so that they can fulfill what Allah subhanaw taala calls them to not to remove the responsibility from them, not to save them from hardship, and being tested. But rather to expose them to tests in a controlled way that's going to bring out the best of them. How did Musa alayhis salam do it? If Musa alayhis salam is a success story of male development, or of human development? How did he do it? He did it with two things.

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He did it with being connected to his Lord.

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And with good role models connected to his Lord, how if you want to track another development of Messiah, the Sunnah, check his confidence level, from the beginning of the story to the end.

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When Allah subhanaw taala Commission's him the burning bush and tells him he's going to be a prophet.

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What is his response?

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In both surah Taha and solar cell classes and elsewhere in the Quran? His response is almost like, I don't think I can do this. I've got this problem with my tongue and a point how to him to help me and he says kohlrabi in the cartel, Toninho nevsun, for Ahafo and Yocto. Loon. He said, Listen, I killed one of their guys. I'm afraid that they're going to kill me. He's not sure he's not sure that he can do it. But then as Allah brings him along and brings him along, and he keeps climbing this ladder of development,

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the end of the story, he's completely different.

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They go through all the plagues, they go through everything. They reached the Red Sea for two hours and how hot pursuit with all of his sores and henchmen and army and everything, and his people are freaking out. Allah subhanaw taala says Fatima, Tara l Gemma

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caught us harbor Musa in the mudra Khun, we're done for they're gonna catch us and at this point what is Musa he said m se pa the Kerala

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Kerala in America Robbie say you're doing? Nope Allah is with me and he's gonna guide me.

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We go from doubting himself to trusting in Allah subhanaw taala Musa alayhis salam realized through his connection to Allah Subhana Allah, he didn't have to rely on himself.

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If he thought that he was going to be the one to do it, yeah, you can't trust yourself that much. But he figured out that he had to rely upon Allah subhanaw taala and that Allah has called that articoli Sheikh that Allah can do whatever he wants. And he also did it with having support. That male figure that we mentioned, mentors, people that are willing to see the value even if you made a mistake, even if you have a history, to see the value, and to take you and to say, You know what, I'm going to take this kid and I'm going to turn them into something, I'm going to develop them into something better, I see the potential

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and every single person in this room has the ability to be that type of person to one of the young people in this room. So we ask Allah spawn to other for success, and we asked him as a gel to protect our youth and to make them from among the righteous and to accept from us the small talk and forgive us for any shortcomings biografie Comala Huhtala Adam Subhanak along with him they can shut up later and are still critical to where they are vertical our FICO multiple Amina women come

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so don't want to go on with Allah. So we have five minutes before we call the events if you guys have any questions pertaining to the topic. Okay.

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