Yasir Qadhi – Verbs of motion in the Quran

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The use of "verbal" in the definition of walking is common in various religious contexts, including building wealth and a race festival. The transcript discusses the use of "verbal" in various context, including travel and building wealth. The transcript also touches on the importance of good deeds and the need for a race to win. The transcript describes the use of "verbal" in Arabic and its relation to "has been" and "has a heartache," and discusses the use of "vanishing" in Arabic to signal a determination to run away from fear and protect from the danger of Islam.
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Oops. So today's hot data will be eight verses of the Quran, each one of which deals with a motion of a human being. And we see Why did Allah use that particular verb for that motion? We begin with the slowest of them all, and that is to walk. And Allah mentions command to walking. When he says in the Quran who Allah the janela como agua de Loulan femme Shu fi man akebia he is the one who has subjugated this earth to you so the earth is yours you can do as you please in it. So walk from shoo in its path, and Calomiris pay, eat from the risk of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So when it comes to getting Allah as it is, Allah says walk, you don't have to run. You don't have to rush you don't

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have to race walk and enjoy. There is no hurry whatever it is because written will come to you from shoe for you, man akebia. So this is mushy or walking one level a little bit higher than this, that Allah subhana wa Tada says, for either odia to Salah to fantas you to fill out once the Salah is over, then spread forth in the land and spreading forth. Once again, there's no urgency, there's no speed, it's just you go here, you go there, go forth in the land and find the risk of Allah subhanho wa taala. So there's the notion of each person finding his space, because when I say spread out, this means each one of you has a little bit of a space. So Allah uses spread out when it comes to

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going getting your risk. Why? Because your risk is written somewhere your risk is written somewhere my risk was written somewhere go and spread out in the world, and you will find your risk. Once again. There's no speed, there's no urgency go and spread out the third level of this world as well. We'll see who fill out the founder Okay, Ferber the alkyl founder okay if I can ask people to legitimate public who see you Phil or say travel in the earth say it means to travel from one land to another. And once again traveling is not done especially in the good old days with speed traveling was done with leisure traveling was done on a Campbell are walking and Allah is saying go

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travel in the earth. And as you travel, look and pay attention to the people before you look at how the world began. So some of our scholars say this is a verse that allows traveling in the earth for the sake of contemplation for the sake of benefiting from history for the sake of learning from what is around you. And once again the command is see you and see remains go and travel. None of these verbs when it comes to this world is urgent. None of them indicate speed. None of them indicate something that is very, very strict. Now we get to the religious stuff and the religious stuff we find all of a sudden the verbs change. We'll begin with number four on our series of eight. Number

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four, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, Yeah, you have the Dena Amanu either new Dr. Salah team in your mail Giamatti. What's the verb? For SAO now we get to the first sense of urgency, when the van is called for Joomla. Then rush first tao sa means to be determined and walk at a brisk pace. Sa means you have Azima in your heart, you have strict intention, you give up everything else and you are now that's what we call Saturday say that's the same thing. Say Salah means you have determination you have now a strength in your heart and it's demonstrated in slightly a little bit of a gate that is determined and brisk. Let's say brisk so we have now for SAO Illa decorilla Rush not quite rush rush

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is still too harsh, but it means walk with with a force with a determination make sure you're getting straight to the masjid like we're doing say back and forth for South either Vickery law he was ruled by a that's number four. Number five even more than this, Allah subhana wa Tada says twice in the Quran. For Staebler pool Hyatts establish means you are before the other people establish means in English race one another to see who gets there first, first step for what I will say a lot, which means has are not good deeds. When it comes to good deeds. We now have a sense of urgency, who will be the first to do it, who will be the first to build the masjid, who will be the first to

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sponsor the orphan who will be dispersed first to build that wealth, who will be the first to do something positive that nobody has done as our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the one who begins a good deed shall get the reward of all those who follow him without diminishing the reward of those who follow the one who starts it that is first typical. So when it comes to good deeds,

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is now saying you will be the winner there is no from shoe there is no see you there is no rock leisure in the know we have to win the race festival qualifier rod win the race when it comes to good deeds Why should you not somebody else do this look at Abu Bakr and Omar that we kept on competing with one another on the Allah who I know that's what he said that whatever your hot Bob said I kept on Starbuck car racing Abu Bakr until the day after book when he gave his full money. Then I said, Okay, you've won. I cannot beat you in the race. So again, the philosophy is stuck on Saturday. Oh, and this leads us to the next verb number six from Istanbul cop number six is savvy.

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Now established car and Saba are the same route, but Saba has a slightly higher speed than Starbuck. Starbuck just means you came first. So you're totally you're going very slow, but one of you is first then you have established, you're the one who came first Saba, now you are coming first, but also running, so Saba is also winning, but along with winning there is the sense of great speed and what is sadaqa in the Quran word the fourth word is Allah say Saba, where does Allah say where the fava

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Sabbath Sudoku Illa, Mo Fira? Tim Mira Beckham. We're Jana. Saba is for Jana. Right? hierachy estaba kabhi the first and you win Saba, don't be lazy. Don't go slow. You have to get to Jana. You have to rush to get to Jana Subiaco Illa Monferrato Mira become what Jen net and out of Doha this summer you will be the first to win the race. Be the first to rush and get to Jana. A Jana who's with is like the heavens and the earth. So in Arabic We say like in English we say as far as the eye can see this as an expression. As far as the eye can see. The equivalent in Arabic is but the customer wants you will not like the heavens and earth the distance between the heaven and earth. So in this verse,

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Allah says Sabu in Amman Pharaoh Tamil Rebecca agenda 10 out of Doha out of this summer it was all race to forgiveness from Allah when the race to get to Jana, a Jana who's with is almost like the heavens and the earth. Now we move to the seventh one and the seventh one is from Saba or we get to Saudi or through Saudi Arabia. This is different than Subiaco but if you're paying attention the next five six words are going to be exactly the same as number seven what was number a number six issue was number six six Saba or Isla Mo Farah Timmy Rob de como Jana 10 outdoor dua number seven. Sorry, same thing. Isla mo filata. Mira become what Jen net and out of Doha out of Doha us to what

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the profile this is how you memorize. Okay. Sabah, and Sarah Saba has the calf on it Sabu Jonathan Agulla cow this summer Sarah gender 10 out of Doha a summer what now? This is a little bit I have to go a little bit into the Arabic language here that calf here is let him feel it's like so it's like is not the same as it is. There is a higher level and that higher level is for the Saudi or not this Abacha why? Because listen to this carefully. Number six was Serbia. Serbia coup in Morocco janitor outsmarted or is that for whom? No, Linda Dina Armando Villa he was right. sadhaka for those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, that's good. That's great. There is a higher level, Sadie Oh, in

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agenda to mirabito Serena more filata mirabegron agenda 10. Out to do his summer watch, we'll all do that. Then talking. There's a higher level for them to clean. This is a very, very deep and profound point. For those who believe. It is like the heavens and earth means you're in it. You think it says because of the heavens and earth, but it's not quite as big as the heavens on Earth. For those who have Taqwa and those who have Taqwa is a higher level than those who have Iman. Taqwa is a higher level. It is the level of sun. It is the highest level. Those who have Taqwa Allah azza wa jal says there Jana is as vast as the heavens on earth, not their agenda is almost like the heavens and earth

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there's a difference between the two. So Musa Sadhguru. Now what is the difference between Syrah and saalbach? Very, very precise difference, even though there's a bit of an overlap between the two. But here's the main difference. Saba Commons in your Nia is to win a competition. Deep down inside there something to do with another person and you want to be number one

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I'm Sarah. There's nobody in your mind at all except the deed that you're doing and the one you're doing it for Syrah you're wanting to win, not because you want to beat the other guy, but because you want to win for the pleasure of Allah. There is a level of heir son, there's a level of purity of the floss. It's not wrong to make more Saba it is completely aligned to make Musa you get the point was Abacha isn't racing on one other for goodies? It is completely valid and it is good you feel to yourself Oh, why did he give 1000 I'm gonna give 1500 for the sake of Allah why did he memorize your Bacara and how long two months I'm gonna memorize it in one month. Good. Good Musa.

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Good for you. How about the one who says I want to memorize Bukhara for the sake of Allah not caring whatever anybody else is doing. I want to give my 1000 2000 3000 for the sake of Allah not caring what anybody else is doing my interest between me and Allah. That is the highest level and so there is no sense of competition. Once again. Understand me there's nothing wrong to compete in Hassan for a rock festival called Kairos. It is completely alive. But the highest level of Taqwa does not concern himself with what others are doing. The highest level of Taqwa worships Allah as though Allah is Seeing him even if he does not see Allah He knows Allah azza wa jal is watching him, the

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level of the floss is completely high. For that level. Allah says sorry to be fast, not necessarily be first because it's quality, not quantity. Make sure you do your best don't care what others are doing, and make sure you are as fast as you can be Sadhguru in a more fair tumble bit more gender 10. How to do has somewhat worn out this it's weird is going to be like the heavens and earth. This is level number seven, and then number eight for our lecture today. And obviously there's more examples that can be given but time is always limited in lectures that we give number eights last and definitely not the least, the most powerful verb when it comes to motion in the Quran. The most

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powerful Arabic verb that is used is Farah for few in Allah in Nila caminhada Euro Mubin. Farah is the strongest sense of fleeing. It's literally there's a saying in fact it is narrated as a hadith and scholars differ is it a hadith or not? Some say it's a headache Some say it's the saying of a sahaja.

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Filled Ramadan most Dhoni Pharaoh recommended method run away from the one who has leprosy like you run away from the lion. So the word cathedra come in an acid This is what Farrar is, how faster you're going to run if you're in the desert and you see a lion after you that is fear on as fast as you can as well fear or has very easy to remember an element of fear for fear okay, it just so happens that the English word fear sounds like Farah and there is an overlap because fear off is only done when you're scared so when you're scared when you're terrified what speed are you going to run that with fear on? So this is for where do you run when you're terrified for fear rule? Hill

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Allah Now what are you scared of? You are scared of Allah crush Yet Allah every other object that you're scared of you run away from and that is why for typically is followed me for a min he ran away from the lion for a minute I do you run away from the enemy almost always in Arabic poetry in Arabic language even in examples in the Quran. The formula is followed by men running away from the one time for funeral row. Ila run to you typically don't run to the object you're scared of. But in one case and only one case you run to the very object you seek protection from. While one no metal Amina law he in LA and they recognized that there is no one who can save them from Allah other than

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Allah. This is in the Quran surah Toba, the believers recognize there is none who can save them from Allah other than Allah and this is what our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself said that Oh Allah, there is no one that can protect me from you other than you, no one can protect me from you other than you so we are scared of Allah's punishment. Where do we run to we run to the mercy of Allah to protect us from the punishment of Allah and that is the highest level for futile who eat Allah rate rush race with full tear to protect yourselves Where will you run to protect yourselves from Allah you run to Allah for Pharaoh in Allah in Nila calm

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manhood of your mobian these are eight levels of activity in the Quran. And by the way, similar can also be applied to the non Muslims up to the monastic one and the hypocrites. Allah azza wa jal is mentioned in the Quran. The hypocrites when they stand up to pray far more in astrology far more Kusa. They stand up really lazy, really slow, they're not eager to stand up and Allah mentions in the Quran, don't be like those who you saw the owner, Phil Cofer. They're racing one another to do Cofer. So there's something called racing for Cofer. There's something called being lazy in good deeds. And there's something called racing for gender and racing for good deeds. We want to be of

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those who raced to Jannah we want to be of those who are racing to Allah fleeing to Allah rushing to the salah. Now obviously this is metaphorical, you don't actually run to the Salah, our prophets of salaam said that when one of you here's the karma, and the salah has started, don't run, but rather it can be sticky that you will recall be dignified when you come to the solder. Obviously, these are metaphors of the heart that in your heart race to Allah you obviously physically don't run to the Salah, even the word first out, it doesn't necessarily mean run hastily, it means you have a determination to get to the salah. That's why when it comes to the Salah, Allah says first out, he

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doesn't say Saudi, because you don't actually run into the masjid to pray the Salah. Even if you're late you walk with dignity but internally you are racing to Allah, your psychology you are rushing to Jannah your mentality you are fleeing away from Allah to Allah to protect you from Allah. These are some of the beauties of the Quran. And by the way, my dear brothers and sisters, this technicality of these specific verbs, it is impossible that a human constructed this it's impossible that the precision of these verbs simply just came about out of nowhere. This is one of the indications of the betta of the Quran which indicates the Quran is indeed 10 Zero lumen Hakeem and

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Hamid it is a revelation from Allah the all wise and the Almighty. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us the people of the Quran May He make us of those who win the race may make us of those who rush to Allah to save ourselves from Allah wa Kuru Dawa and hamdulillah Arabic. Amin was Salah Allah who has son Obi Wan he was a big marine

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