Yasir Qadhi – Towards Understanding Surah Yusuf – 19

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The use of Aliza in Egypt is discussed, with some verses from the Bible recited and the host providing an update on its potential impact on town. The use of the word "Gracia" is allowed in religious practices, but it is also used in context of religious practices. The importance of trusting one for one's success is emphasized, along with the need to strive for a decisive state and use words like "has" and "has he" to indicate a positive or negative experience.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. I welcome you to another episode of our fascinating series towards understanding through the use of this is your host Yes, we'll call the we're about to reach the climax of the story and that is the reunion of the Prophet Yusuf Alayhi Salaam. With his father he has invited his father and his family back into Egypt. So today's episode, we will talk about the conclusion of the story of use of Aliza with his father, please stay with us. Local the canopy Pasolini, neither not only only

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Welcome to another episode of our series towards understanding pseudo use of in our last episode, we had discussed the incident in which the Prophet Yusuf Alayhi Salaam, gave his shirt to the brothers and said go back to my father and throw the shirt into his face. He his sight will return back to him and bring me your family's here into Egypt. So in today's episode, we come to the conclusion of the story of use of and the reunion with his father Yahoo. There are still some verses left which we will discuss in our next and final episode, but today is the episode in which the story itself concludes. And as usual, we will begin with a recitation of the pertinent verses. So I asked my

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viewers to follow along the recitation if they have or odd with it, that would be great. And today we will recite from verse 99 to verse 104.

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So in this segment Allah subhana wa tada begins with the return of Yaqoob and entering in upon use of Allah His solemn. So we can imagine that Yaqoob and all of the family of Yahoo, and it is estimated by the historians and again as we said in a previous episode that these numbers and details that are not found in the Quran and Sunnah we may quote them, but we have to realize that their source of authenticity is doubtful. We don't know for sure whether it happened or not, but there is no harm in quoting them. Because our Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, you may narrate from the other sources of the Jews and Christians without any problem. But also remember, other scholars

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tell us that remember that if anything contradicts the Quran and Sunnah, we have to reject it. So they were around 70 people. In other words, Yaqoob is 12 sons had so many grandsons and great grandsons, that the entire tribe was around 70 people. So they entered upon user fermata Hello, other use of when they entered into use of our array of a way he he brought his parents close to him, he must have hugged them, he must have greeted them with the greatest respect. Finally, after 3040 years, we don't know exactly how long but almost a lifetime has gone. And the last time that Jaco has seen his son was when he was just a small lad of six, seven years old. And now he is seeing

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his son, as the Minister of Egypt, as the finance minister, as a rich and powerful and a full grown man, he must have had his own children, he must have had his own houses there. And so he is seeing his son after such a long time. So Allah says, Allah, Allah, he have a way he he hugged his parents and brought him close to himself. We'll call it Hello, Miss Allah insha. Allah who I mean, and he said, enter into Egypt, the land of Egypt, enter into Egypt, insha Allah in a state of security and peace, I am the minister here, I will make sure that everything is comfortable for you. So this was the point in time when Yeah, code and the children of your code and your code his title was Israel

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in remember. So when Benny is wrong, he left Palestine, and they came to Egypt. And we will talk about this in a little while, what happened to them after that in a very brief setting. So Allah says waterfowl have a way he allows she.

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And he raised his parents on the throne with her ruler who Suja. And they then all fell into prostration in front of him. So the first thing that use of alayhis salam did, he honored his parents, he showed respect to his parents, he raised his parents on the throne. So he put his parents on the throne of the kingdom, because obviously he is the minister, he has access to the throne. Or maybe he himself had a throne as the minister. So he put his parents there as a sign of respect. Now, once again, we say what Allah says his parents, it could be his father and his mother sister, because some people say that the the mother had passed to it, and it could be his actual

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parents. And the reason this is allowed is because the prophets of Salaam said the mother sister is like the mother. I'll call her to women zealots. And the mother sister is like the mother. So he raises his parents on the throne. So the first thing that use of does, he shows his parents respect, he shows his parents respect. And this is the way of all believers in Allah subhanho wa Taala. All people who worship a lot, they must show utmost respect and dedication to their parents. And when he did this, then we'll have a ruler who sojourner, all of them, all of the 11 brothers and all of the and and the parents, then they fell into frustration in front of him. And he said, what color Yeah,

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but he had that we do.

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He said, Oh, my father, this is the interpretation. This is the actualization of the dream that I saw. Remember the dream that I saw 3040 years ago when I was a child, he said, my father, this is the interpretation of the dream. It is finally for the gyla how to be how it is my my Lord has made it true. My Lord has made it real. The reality has now come now. Here's somebody might ask, how could the children of Jacobian Jaco prostrate to use of how could they prostrate

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To another human being is not prostration or right that is due to Allah alone. And the response is, well, it's not that simple. There are two types of prostrations two types of sentences. And there are also two types of bowing down which are called record. The first type is a prostration that is done for worship. This type of prostration, has always been exclusive to Allah. Only Allah deserves to be prostrated to as an act of worship. Only Allah subhana wa Taala can be shown that utmost reverence that you lower your head, which is the most noble part of your body, down to the ground. And this was one of the ways of worship that all the prophets of Allah did, that they would lower

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the most noble part of their heads, which is their face, the nose, the most blessed part of their bodies, they lower it to the ground, as a sign of respect to Allah.

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But the second type of frustration, is a prostration of respect, that you did it to another person, as a sign of respect to that person, as an indication that you thought that this person is worthy of respect and not worship. And this type of frustration, was the type that the angels did to our father, Adam, they prostrated to him as a token of respect, not as a token of worship. And this type of frustration was allowed in the previous nations and the previous cultures and the previous civilizations. Then, when our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam came, he forbade this prostration and he said, I don't allow any human being to prostrate to another human being. And in fact, it is

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once narrated that one of the famous companions, more as a bingeable he entered into the mosque and he prostrate it as a sign of respect to the prophets of Allah, Allah he was sent them and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Oh my god, what are you doing? Oh my god, what are you doing? Why are you prostrating to me? And so what I did when Jasmine said, O Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I saw when I went to Syria, when I went to Rome, I saw those people prostrating to their leaders and their priests and their, and their and their religious clerics. And I felt that you have more right that that somebody prostrate to you. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, I

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prohibit any human being from prostrating to another human being, and were I to have allowed this, I would have told the wife to prostrate to her husband, meaning the one of respect to show the rights that he has over her. So this is a commandment of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he forbade any type of prostration. But this is what he prohibited. And as you know,

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the legal rulings change from profit to profit, but the theology remains the same for all the profits. So the legal rulings of what to eat and drink and where and other transactions and, and, and legal things they can change from one prophet to another. So the Sharia of the Prophet Yaqoob allowed prostration to humans for respect, not for worship, but our shitty I was the Prophet system has come, this is completely forbidden. Allah subhana wa Allah says in the Quran, that the sun and the moon are the creations of Allah. So don't prostrate to the sun and more don't prostrate to them, but prostrate to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. So Yusuf Alayhi Salam shows respect to his father

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and mother. And then they without him saying anything, they in return, show respect to use of Allah, his ceram and all of them, they fall down in frustration and use of says, My dear father, this is the actualization of the dream, my Lord has made it true. after all of these years, Allah subhana wa tada his promises true. Whatever Allah says will happen, even if it happens after some time, the promise of Allah is never false. But as you either held up be held up off, my lord has indeed made it true and fulfilled his promise. We need to take a short break. As soon as we come back. we'll resume our story. Stay with us. lafonda ganas de casa de Maria.

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Somali Welcome back. So the Prophet Yusuf Alayhi Salam tells his father after the prostrate to him, this is the interpretation of the dream that my Lord has made true. And then he goes on and he says, what are the SNB in Accra gentlemen, surgeon and he has been so generous to me. So kind to me, when he has taken me out of the prison was a bit communal, by the way and

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He has brought you out of the wilderness and the desert. Remember, the prophet Yahuwah. He said, I was not living in a civilization he was living in the wilderness and desert. And the life was very harsh and very difficult and very tough for them. And that is why he wanted them to come into Egypt, and live the life of a city dweller lived a life of ease. So he says how gracious My Lord has been to me, after he has taken me out of the prison. And he has brought you out of the desert men by the anessa shavon obey any webinar equity, after shaytaan caused some problems between me and my brothers. This is such a beautiful statement of the Prophet use of it his setup. Notice here, you

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know, the average person when he is afflicted with all of these things, he doesn't look at the good he looks at the bad. So imagine if somebody had been in use of profit use or split place, it would not have been difficult to imagine him saying, look at all of the hassle I've gone through. I have been attempted to be inverted by my own brothers, I have been thrown into slavery. I have been kept in a in a dank prison cell for so many years. I have been humiliated. I have been this I have been that. But no, all of this is ignored. All of this is glossed over and he concentrates on the good. Yes, indeed, all those trials have happened. But also look at the bright side. What did Allah bless

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you with? What are the blessings and when you look at the blessings, you'll notice that they are much, much, much more than any trials that you have undergone. And even those trials are blessings because Allah will reward you for them, such as the nature, it tells the difference between a pious person and an empire person. A pious person appreciates the blessings of Allah and an empire, that person takes these blessings for granted. Look at all of the blessings you have around you. It could be health, it could be wealth, it could be your very life, it could be your family and children. And don't concentrate on the bad concentrate on the good. And this is what the prophet Yusuf Ali Hassan

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does. Also notice, he doesn't mention the biggest issue that happened to him. And that is the fact that his brothers tried to kill him or their brothers tried to destroy him. He doesn't mention that he doesn't mention when Allah saved me from the well. He says when Allah saved me from the prison, even though saving from the well was more important, because there he was alone, not provided for, whereas in the prison he is being provided for why does he not mention the well and he mentioned the prison, because to mention the well would cause some Distress to his brothers. So he ignores it, as we said, the perfection of his character, to make sure that his brothers do not feel even the

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slightest bit hurt because of what they have done. He doesn't want to rub it in their face. He doesn't want to remind them of the sins that they have done. Look at the perfection of the character of use of it his solemn, who can possibly be such a perfect character except the prophets of Allah, but at least we can try. At least we can take them as role models. When somebody does you are wrong. When somebody does you a sin, then try to remember the Prophet Yusuf Alayhi Salaam, not only did he forgive, not only did he forget, he doesn't even mention the sins that his own brothers have done. And the Prophet Yusuf says, in Nairobi, lovely from Lima Yasha my Rob is Latif and leaf has two

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meanings to it. The first meaning of Latif is the one who is intimately aware of even the smallest details. So he is saying, Allah azza wa jal knew all along what's happening to me. He knows my feelings, he knows my emotions, he knows my state. So when Allah is a Latif, how can I possibly give up hope of good, I know that my lord is aware of my situation. He knows my innermost thoughts, he knows my fears, he knows my status. So my rub is Latif to all that he pleases. And the second meaning of life is the one who is gentle. So by mentioning Allah as the one who is gentle use of Allah said, I'm saying, of course Allah would save me How could he allow me to die in the wealth?

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How could he allow me to rot in prison, my robe is Latif my robe is gentle and loving to me. So use of it he said I mentioned this attribute of Allah subhana wa Tada. And we should remember this attribute whenever we are faced with a difficult situation, we should think of a lot in the best terms and as we think of Allah, so Allah azza wa jal will treat us in the hood it will Hakeem he is indeed Allah, Arlene and Hakeem, and we have talked about these two names many times before. It is of the most common combination of names in the Quran. Allah is knowledgeable of what he's doing, he knows exactly what's going on. And he is all wise so he does what he does for a reason and purpose.

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You might not understand it, but Allah has the Divine Wisdom. So accept the decree of Allah and realize whatever happens happens for the best. This is the attitude of the believer who puts a trust who who puts his trust in Allah, you put your trust in Allah and you realize my rub is a demon. Hakeem, my Rob is all knowledgeable and all wise he knows what's happening. And he is doing this for a wisdom. So instead of complaining instead of getting angry

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your trust in Allah and resign your fate over to Allah. And what has happened has happened. As for the future, of course, we say, you must try your best to get to the means, while you put your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then the Prophet Yusuf Alayhi Salam makes a powerful drop a door that comes from the heart. And that is of the most eloquent two hours of the Quran. He says, a lot, because at a 20 minute mark, my Lord, You have given me all of this power, this kingdom, you have given me the power to have so much effect, he was not, of course, the king of Egypt. But he had so much power in some ways, he was even more powerful than the king. Why? Because he controlled the

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sustenance of the people, he controlled their food at a time of drought. So in some ways, he was even more powerful than the king. So he says, a lot, because at a 20 minute mark, oh, my Lord, You have given me of this power, and this kingdom, where I left any mentor, we did a hadith. And you have taught me the interpretation of dreams, or the other meaning, you have taught me knowledge of the book, both of these meanings can be applicable foulbrood or semi wati, when you are the one who originated the heavens and earth, under what he dounia will ask you and you alone are the one who protects me, you are my helper, you are my source of comfort in this world and the Hereafter, there

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were funny Muslim, and allow me to die as someone who submit to you what happened he was solid, and put me in the ranks of the righteous and the good people. So he begins this by mentioning the favors of Allah. And this is the etiquettes of, Oh Allah, you have given me power and knowledge. And these are two of the greatest blessings of Allah, to be blessed with power and knowledge. Although you have given me all have this status in the land, you have given me all of this prestige. And you have also given me so much knowledge and use of it histogram was one of the few prophet kings, there were some prophet kings, Kings, I mean, rulers and prophets, and most of the prophets were not rulers,

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but of the few who were prophets and rulers was our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam as well. And the Prophet that would ensue the man and also the Prophet Yusuf and there were others as well. They were prophets and they were rulers, so use of Allah His setup, thanks Allah and praises Allah and he says, Oh my Lord, You have given me the kingdom and knowledge. So my dear brothers and sisters, when you want to make a door to Allah, the first thing that you do, you praise Allah, and you thank him for what he has given you, before you ask for what you want. So the first thing you do you thank Allah for all the blessings that He has given you. And then you praise him like use of Allah, his

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setup file to SMRT went out, you are the one who originated all of the heavens and earth, how much power do you have? How much knowledge do you have? How much other Do you have when the entire creation originates from you, the one who begins the creation of everything in the heavens and earth, until when even dunya will occur? You are the one who will give me what I want, you are my source of support and comfort. Well, he means your intimate friend, what he means your source of protection. So use of alakay salaam says, You are the one who created the heavens and earth will protect me, how can anybody harm me, you who have originated the creation? How can any part of the

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creation, then harm me when you are the one who is my protector? And Allah says in the Quran, Allah Who were the you Latina, amanu, Allah is the friend and protector of those who believe if you want a lot to be your body, or you need to do is be righteous and pious you turn to Allah, Allah will turn to you so use of Allah His setup says, You are my daddy, in this world and also in the hereafter. And he makes this straight from the heart telephony Muslim and caused me to die in the state of Islam. Why? Because what is the most important is your state at the end of your life. If a person lived his life as a sinner, but then repented and died as a righteous person, Allah will forgive all

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of the sins and look at the end state of affairs. Of course, the question arises, nobody knows when they will die. That's the whole point. So if, when you don't know when you will die, you always have to strive to live a righteous and pious life. So use of Allah His Salah makes it to Allah, O Allah caused me to die as a Muslim as one submitting to you. And Subhanallah you will say, How can a prophet of Allah be doubting that he will die as a Muslim? And the response is, it is a part of Eman to be scared of falling into sin and evil. It is a part of a man to be scared of leaving a man even if there is no chance for the prophets delete a man still they are so scared of this danger that

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they make dua to Allah, Allah Allah caused me to die as a Muslim and we too should make this to our to Allah and say, Oh Allah make our last kalama law in law in the law and make us die in the state of Islam. This is the door that is coming from a prophet. Don't you think we need this even more? Well, how can he be solid him

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Make me amongst the ranks of the righteous. And Allah azza wa jal then says,

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This is of the knowledge of the unseen that we inspire to you. And you were not there yet a pseudo law when the brothers of Yusuf were plotting how to kill him, or what to do with him, you weren't there. So how do you know who gave you this information? Allah gave it to you. In other words, the stories of the Quran are an indication of the miraculous nature of the Quran, in that the prophets are some could not have known these stories. How did you know these stories living in the desert of Mecca? No books were there. There was no library there. There was not a Jewish or Christian civilization in the part of Mecca that you know, the stories and of course, our stories are always

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different from the Jewish and Christian equivalents. They are much more pure and cleaner and of course more authentic. So Allah azza wa jal says, How did you know this? You didn't know it. You weren't there. When they plotted and planned, I was the one who told it to you, what am I gonna see? What was the remote meaning? And Allah says, and the majority of mankind will not believe, even if you are eager for it. So this thing shows us two things. Firstly, the eagerness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to guide them, he wants to help them. And in one verse, Allah says that I like a burned up psychological meaning that Allah says it is possible, your grief will kill you.

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That's how much you are grieving, because they don't accept Islam. So the Prophet system was so eager, was so concerned, was so was so loving to guide them. Allah subhanaw taala says, you might even this grief might even cause you harm. And the last verse that Allah azzawajal says in this particular session, we're saying, Allah says and you're not even asking them for any return for any remuneration, you're not asking for any rewards. Rather, all of this is only a reminder to all of the worlds so this is the story of the Prophet use of Allah has set out that Allah subhana wa tada says, There is much to benefit from, there are still some verses left of the sutra and that will be

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the topic of discussion of our next episode. I hope to see you then until next time,

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi recites the verses 99 to 104 of Surah Yusuf which is the conclusion of the story of Yusuf AS.

The return of Yaqub AS with his family to Egypt and the reunion with his beloved son, Yusuf AS was a beautiful one. Yusuf AS hugged his parents tight and it was an emotional union and he raised his parents on to the throne of the kingdom to honour and respect them. When he did this, all of the 11 brothers and parents fell in prostration to Yusuf AS, thus, bringing his dream as a child to a full circle of interpretation as it achieves actuality.

The practice of prostration to another human being as a predominant sign of respect was only valid until the time of Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ forbade this vehemently in his time. 

Prophet Yusuf AS was full of gratitude for the fact that he could provide his family with comfort and respect. The perfection of the character of Yusuf AS comes to the fore when he avoids mentioning the sins committed by his brothers to avoid causing them distress.

Yusuf AS mentions an Attribute of Allah. Allah is Al Lateef. What does this mean?

Yusuf AS makes a powerful Dua at this juncture. What is this beautiful Dua? It is something not to be missed and makes for a very mesmerising listen.


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