Yasir Qadhi – Towards Understanding Surah Yusuf – 02

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The interviewer discusses the context of a death related incident during political stress, which has had a devastating impact on people of the city. The Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam was rejected by the people of Mak-Am, and the interviewer explains the importance of learning from the event's lessons and spreading their message to others. The interviewer also touches on the history of the Prophet system's use of stone and its impact on the world, as well as the importance of hearing stories and obtaining guidance from the Prophet's title. The segment also covers reciting the Prophet's statement about being a winner of the throne, the meaning of "ar Rachel" in the Bible, and the use of "naqim."
AI: Transcript ©
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Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Camden County, Ebony Allah Bullock

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu and welcome to another episode of our series towards understanding so what I use if I'm your host Gasser coffee. In our previous episode, we had begun to lay the foundations for understanding the context into which pseudo user was revealed. In today's episode, we'll continue along the very same discussion, and he shall allow you to either begin a short summary of the themes of the pseudo Stay with us. Local the canopy, Pasolini, neither not only only

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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was like to be human Well, I am about we are continuing in our discussion of understanding this beautiful surah in the Quran, surah Yusuf. And in our previous episode, we had mentioned we had begun to talk about the context into which the sutra was revealed. And we mentioned the fact that it was a very distressing time for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Meccans had increased in their opposition against him had refused to accept this religion from Allah subhana wa tada and had begun to basically exacerbate the situation and to continue the persecution

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of the early Muslims. Added to that the primary political mentor, the political protector of the Prophet salallahu, it who settled them and the senior most authority and figure in the life of the Prophet system as an elder, his uncle had passed away. And shortly after that, within six weeks of the death of a startup, this was followed by an even more personal loss, an even closer loss, and that was the death of his beloved wife Khadija, we said that the Prophet sallallaahu Sen then decided to undertake a journey to the city have a thought if and to try, basically new ground fertile ground, and to see whether the people have thought it would possibly be interested in this

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new religion. And so he undertook this rigorous and long journey. It was not long in terms of distance, but it was rigorous because the city of a thought it is a mountain top city, it is a city that rests on top of the neighboring mountains of Makkah. And even in our times, when we go to the city, it is a very winding and torturous road up by the, through the mountains to get to the city, and whoever has visited the city really and truly can understand imagining the processes of walking up to the top of the city, we're in our times, it takes an hour, an hour and a half by car going up and up the winding roads in a very dangerous and a very sloping

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the mountains of thought, if yet the processes and undertook this journey by himself, walking all the way to the top of the city, only because he wanted to spread the message of Islam, hoping that the people have thought it might be more receptive to the teachings then the people of macabre. However, to summarize what happened to thought if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was rejected extremely brutally and extremely sarcastically. And one had these will understand will make us understand the impact that this incident had upon the Prophet salallahu it he was synonyms psyche, and that was that when our Isha his beloved wife for the love of Diana asked him, or

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messenger of Allah. Was there any day that was more painful to you than the date of the day was the day when he was physically wounded when his motor teeth were removed when a javelin or a spear was stuck inside his very cheek, a day when blood spells from his very face a day when so many of his beloved included including his uncle Hamza had died a Shaheed this was the day of offered, and he thought this was the worst possible day in the life of the Prophet solo set up. So she said, was there any day worse than overhead? And he said, Yes, the day of life, the day of thought if he himself by his own testimony, he himself told us that this was the single most traumatic and most

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difficult experience of his life, the rejections that he faced from the people of life. And again, to summarize, we don't know we do not have time to go into all of the details.

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That is for another series of episodes. But for this talk to summarize the context into which surah Yusuf was revealed.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam approach the leaders of thought if and they happen to be three brothers when their father died, who was the chieftain, they agreed they're not going to fight and bicker, the three of them together will rule the city of bife. So when he approached these brothers, he told them about his message, he told them about the teachings of Islam, and he asked them to embrace it and help him spread this message. But the three of them rejected him in the utmost of contempt and sarcasm. One of them said, has Eliza not found anyone more worthy than you to be a prophet? Allah, another one said, I am not going to speak to you. Why? He said, because if you're a

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liar, then you are too ignoble for me to speak to. And if you are truthful, then you are too noble for me to speak to you. In other words, he's being sarcastic. He's being extremely contemptuous. Either way, I am not worthy of speaking to someone of your stature. So he's ridiculing, and he's making fun of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Not only did they reject him with the utmost contempt and ridicule, they then sent the slaves and the riffraff of the city to physically pelted with stones to physically persecute and torture him. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had to flee for his very life down the mountain. And the story continues in other books of Sierra, where he made

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a beautiful draft. And the angel came and said, Oh, profits of the library, send them if you want a lesson how to what tada has willed that you may destroy the city by the command of an angel, and you may crush the people of thought between two mountains. And if you want, it is up to you what you want to do. And so the Prophet system chose to forgive. And he said, I hope that insha Allah to Allah, if they reject, perhaps their children will accept Islam, and that is exactly what happened. But the point is, that this the the incident of the city of La it was the single most traumatic incident in the entire life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we find them then in the

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context of religion, a number of things to understand first and foremost, the length of time that he has been calling and preaching in Mecca, and he does not receive a positive and a full response from his own people. He faces persecution and torture, and much has occurred in Mecca itself, which we do not have time to get into, but physical torture and mental torture, attempts to discredit him to ridicule him to make fun of him, accused him of the worst crimes and we see this in sort of use of as well. When the Prophet Yusuf Alayhi Salaam is tempted, he is tortured, he is rejected by his own brothers and people and he is accused of crimes he did not commit. We see all of these themes

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recurring in the Tafseer of surah Yusuf similarly we noticed the loss of loved ones, the prophet SAW the uncle of authority, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam his wife Khadija died, and we noticed in the deceit of so use of that use of it his system is even though his father does not die, meaning that in his lifetime that we know but he is departed or he is separated from his father, and he is not able to enjoy the love and comfort that he would otherwise have enjoyed. There is a traumatic scenario where the families themselves are split apart. Also the rejection that the people have thought if gave him well, if the people have thought if rejected the Prophet solo Selim, verily the

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very Blood Brothers of use have rejected him and the very Blood Brothers of use, have attempted to persecute and even tried to kill him. If the people have thought if did this to the Prophet says in a very early use of Elisa also suffered much in his life, so we understand the context of Revelation. Now, this is a general context. However, there are also specific incidents that occurred that precipitated the revelation of pseudo use of and this is what we call the science of baboons a zoo, or understanding the reason why a verse or a surah came down. And this is an important topic in understanding the sciences of the Quran.

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As Baba newzoo tells us, the specific situation that caused the revelation of a verse or a surah exactly what happened so that the surah came down. And there are two specific reasons, two specific scenarios what we have talked about before is the general scenario and that helps us understand but there are two very specific incidents that occurred that as a response to these situations, Allah subhana wa tada revealed pseudo use of the first of these was that the people of makup went to some of the Jews of Medina. Now there were no Jews in Mecca. There was a group of Jews in Medina. There were no Jews in Mecca and the Prophet system did not have any contact with them while living in

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Mecca, but there were a number of tribes in Medina and the

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koresh considered the Jews to be a learned civilization and culture. They consider them to be a people who had a scripture and revelation and this is true. They consider them to be superior in terms of, of civilization, in terms of, of reading and writing. And this too is true, because the Jews had a book, and many of them could read and write, whereas the pagan Arabs, like most pagan religions, they did not have a holy book. And most of them could not read and write. And so there were a number of times that they went to the Jews attempting to find information to discredit the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they wanted information they didn't have, they wanted a

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perspective they could not have because they were a pagan nation. They were a nation steeped in idolatry. They didn't have a revelation from God. So they went to the Jews. And they said, can you tell us how to outwit this man, how to show that he is not a prophet of God? So the Jews said, and they said many things are many of them were the causes of revelation for other suitors and verses, but of the things they said, they said, Ask him about use of Allah His solemn, ask him about use of, and the people of use of and the story of use of and the brothers of users, and if he is a prophet, he will respond. And if he's not a prophet, he will not be able to respond to you. So this was a

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question that was asked to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, by the Quran that came from the hood. The second cause of revelation was that the companions themselves began to ask the prophets of the law, why he was selling them, all messenger of Allah, why don't you tell us stories from the people of the past? In other words, we want to hear the trials and tribulations of the previous generations. Why don't you tell us why don't you tell us stories? And so as a response to this, Allah reveals in the Quran, that nanako sonica sLl Cosmos will reveal to you the best of all stories. And it is human nature, that human nature wants to hear stories, look at our children, when we put them to sleep.

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What do we do, we tell them a bedtime story. They love to listen to stories, it inspires them, it gives them morals, it gives them a world that existed before whether it's a true or it's a a fable, it doesn't matter. The Children's imagination works and it begins to think of other things and other civilizations, other cultures. Even as an adult, there's an element that every one of us loves to hear. And that is why we love to hear stories. That is why even the Quran has so many stories in it. But the stories of the Quran, of course, are true stories. There are stories of actual events that have benefits for us. So the Sahaba said, O Messenger of Allah, we have lots of wonder about

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theology, we have lots of other things. Why don't you tell us some stories? And so as a response, Allah subhana wa tada revealed through the use of that wasn't just a story. It was the best of all stories, so no, cos we need to take a short break. When we come back. We'll continue talking about the deaf seat and the interpretation of this beautiful surah Stay with us. lafonda ganas de casa de Maria.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Welcome back. So, in the previous episode, and also in our previous section, before into the break, we have basically laid out the foundations for understanding the context into which surah Yusuf was revealed. Now inshallah tada we will begin the actual Tafseer or the actual discussion of surah Yusuf and inshallah, what are the what we're going to do is we're going to recite the verses in properties with the property they're supposed to be recited piecemeal, bit by bit, and then inshallah Tada, we will explain each section and each segment as we go along. It would be very beneficial for the viewers, if they were to take a Koran with the translation and

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follow along the recitation and also see the translation in their own mishaps and inshallah tada will also appear on your screens. But if you have the copy of the Quran with you, that would be very beneficial as well.

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So these were the first six that we recited of pseudo use of and we began obviously by reciting our ruler Billahi min ash shaytaan regime. And of course we began this because Allah commands us to begin anytime we recite the Quran Allah says in the Quran for either cartel Khurana festa is Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. Anytime you read the Quran, the first thing you should do is, is that if Billa seek refuge in Allah from shavon, the cursed so we begin every single recitation by saying, we will be lying, which means I turn to Allah for refuge, I turned to Allah to seek help and protection. Allah is my protector. Allah is the one that is my refuge, my source of all serenity and

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peace. So I turn to Allah for refuge from what Ooh, Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim from shavon. shavon is the description of a police shaytaan is the name that is given to a police his proper name is the police. The name that he that he has a police shape on is his title or his description. And it means the one who has gone beyond the bounds, the one who has gone out and above what he should be doing. This is shavonne he has transgressed the bounds or regime means the cursed out regime means he is cursed by Allah. He is somebody who has been deprived of Allah's mercy. So before we begin understanding and reciting the Quran, the first thing that we have to do is we seek refuge in

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Allah from shavon. The first and the reason we do this is so that he does not cloud our minds up. He allows us to read this Koran and obtain the best guidance we can from it. I then moved on to the second thing that we need to say before beginning the Quran, and that is Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim and this is the student of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he would always say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Every time especially when he started a surah. Every time he started a surah he would say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, except for the night surah, surah Toba. All the other suitors in the Quran will begin with Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim. The meaning of Bismillah Ar

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Rahman AR Rahim basically means I began this recitation by mentioning the name of Allah, the Merciful, the extra beneficent.

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The point of beginning by mentioning the name of Allah has many benefits. First and foremost, you remind yourself of why you're doing this deed. I began by remembering a lot I'm doing this for the sake of Allah. So we say Bismillah before we

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do any good deed because we're supposed to be remembering Allah and doing this for the sake of Allah. Secondly, we seek Allah's help. Bismillah IE I am turning to Allah for help. So after I have sought refuge in Allah rubella The next step is to seek help. So refuge means protection. Once you sought protection, now you want to help to become even more protection is one level higher level is actual help. So once we seek refuge We then move on and we say in the name of Allah, I begin this presentation, In the name of Allah I begin this eating In the name of Allah I began this writing whatever you are doing, you say, Bismillah when you eat, you say Bismillah when you write, you say

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Bismillah. When you enter the house, you say Bismillah. So you say In the name of Allah, I began whatever I am doing. Rahman AR Rahim, Rahman AR Rahim, are two of the names of Allah that are very common, and they occur many times in the Quran together. All right man means the one who is merciful by nature. Allah azza wa jal nature is that He is merciful. And Rahim means the one who is merciful in his actions, whatever actions Allah does, He is merciful in those actions. So every time we begin, we're supposed to say, Oh, do Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. When we begin a surah, we're supposed to say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. But if we begin in the middle of the recitation in the

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middle of a sutra, here it is optional. If we want to say Bismillah fine, and if you want to leave this middle and just say, I will double administrate ology, and then jump into the surah, that is permissible as well. In other words, if you begin the beginning of a surah, you need to say Bismillah. But if you begin from the middle of a surah, then you don't have to say Bismillah. If you want to, you can say it, and if you don't, you may leave it and restrict yourself only to our other Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. The first letters of the sutra are Alif Lam RA, and these letters give us a point to think about. We all know that many suitors in the Quran began with letters Alif

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Lam Meem halloumi incm cough Baha known yacine cough know all of these students began with specific letters. What is the meaning of these letters? Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala use these letters, there are many, many opinions about why these letters are used. But the one that appears to have the greatest credible strength and indeed only Allah knows best is that Allah has used these letters as a means of indicating that the Koran is composed of the same letters that you have, it is composed of the same words that you use, and yet it is not like your speech or the speech of men. Even though it is in your language, even though it is used in your letters. Still, it is not in the speech of

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men it is a speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And of the indications of this is that if you look at all of the beginning letters of the sutras, hammy, minesing, of Baja, known all of these letters, you compile them, they turn out to be 14 in number, and we know that the alphabet of Arabic is 28 letters. So 14 letters are used in the beginning of the suitors. And the entire alphabet is composed of 28 letters. It's as if a lot of saying here is half, this is half the language, see if you can with the other half, bring something similar to the whole arm. So it is as if Allah subhana wa tada is proving the miraculous nature of the Koran. Through these letters, Allah says Allah Flamborough

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tilaka Ayatollah Kitab will move in one phenomena that we noticed almost every single time Allah begins a sutra with letters. The very next verse talks about the Quran itself yacine will Khurana Hakeem offer Khurana Majeed Alif Lam mythological keytab every single surah that begins with these letters. The next verse talks about the Quran. And perhaps the reason for this is that the letters are meant to indicate the powerful nature of the Quran. The miraculous aspect of the Quran, Allah says, These are the books these are the these are the verses of the clear book. So Allah mentions that the Quran is composed of ayat and align. Other verses mentioned that the Quran is composed of

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sutras. So the differentiation of sutras and ayat is chosen by Allah Himself. Allah Himself mentions a surah is a chapter, an ayah, is a verse in the chapter. Allah himself says in once in one revelation, he says, this is a sutra that we revealed soon and Zenda in another chapter in this one for example, Allah says these are the ayat. So in this we understand that the suitors and react are from Allah subhana wa Tada. We have come to the conclusion of today's episode, inshallah to Allah in our next episode, we will continue talking about the explanation of the first few verses of surah Yusuf. I hope to see you then. Until next time, Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi now discusses the event of the journey of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to the city of Taif to spread the message of Islam hoping they would be more welcoming to accept the religion of Islam more than the Quraysh.

To his complete misery, the people of Taif were brutal in their dealings with the Prophet ﷺ. The story that transpired between himself and the three brothers (leaders)is explained which ended in the utmost of contempt and sarcasm. 

Surah Yusuf and the life of Prophet ﷺ have marked similarities.

  • The length of time of preaching without receiving a positive and fair response for Islam.
  • The death of loved ones.
  • The rejection faced by the two Prophets at the hands of their own people.

Asbab e Nuzool means specific cause for the revelation of a verse or the Surah. Two specific scenarios that occurred that caused Allah to reveal Surah Yusuf: 

  • Some Jews from Madina went to Makkah and the Quraysh considered them to be superior in terms of civilisation. So the Quraysh wanted a perspective to reject the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW.hence, the Jews asked them to ask the Prophet ﷺ about Prophet Yusuf AS and see if he responds.
  • The Sahabas also questioned the Prophet ﷺ about stories about Prophets so that they could reassert their belief in Islam and the Prophet ﷺ.

Also, an explanation is provided on the first 6 verses of this Surah.

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