Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2022 – The Manners of The Believers #07 – Being Trustworthy (Amanah)

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The concept of trustworthiness and fulfillment in Islam is emphasized, with a focus on the physical body and its importance in protecting one's identity and reputation. The importance of avoiding harms tenders and keeping secret is emphasized, along with the default of "has" in certain situations. The segment also provides insight into the default of "has" and its impact on reputation. It is emphasized that trustworthiness is essential in dealing with relationships, and that one should be careful with words used to describe oneself.
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have the characteristics of the believer is that the believer is trustworthy. The believer can be trusted. What the believer says he will do he will do. When the believer takes on a responsibility that responsibility is fulfilled. The believer does not betray one's trust and responsibilities. The Arabic word for trust the Arabic word for being trusted is Amana and Allah subhanahu wa Tada reveals in the Quran, a very powerful verse, Allah says in Allah Hi yah Moroccan unto Abdul Amana Illa Allah, Allah is commanding you that you fulfill the Amana to those whom they are owed, you must fulfill the Ummah not and Allah azza wa jal describes the believers in the Quran and not one but two

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verses will ladina homely Amana to him why had him on our own. The believers are those who fulfill their Ummah nots, and they fulfill their promises. And by the way, a promise is a type of Amana when you say you're going to do something that is an Amana you have taken on a responsibility and a trust. So Allah describes the believers including in certain movement known throughout the movement on the first page has 15 characteristics of the believers of them Wallah the inner homely Amana to him why the Emirati rune is suited to admire the very first verse or you who believe fulfill your covenants fulfill the trust our full mineral code, when you make an act when you make a promise,

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when you make a treaty or covenant, make sure you fulfill that. So the concept of Amana is integral to the concept of iman. In fact, when Allah subhanho wa Taala want to to describe the most powerful angel and the most blessing Angel and praise Angel Jibreel when Allah wanted to praise the angel God in the Quran, which adjective did he choose? How did he describe the angel Jibreel Nasrallah Bayhill Rue, who amino out of all of the adjectives of Judea and Jibreel has so many adjectives Djiboutian has so many concepts he can be praised for when Allah wanted to choose the single most important and most praiseworthy characteristic, he said, The Holy Spirit that is a mean nurse, LLB her Ruhul Amin

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Gibidi, who is Amin brought the Quran down. And that is why even the prophets of Allah when they send the Quran in Nila Cumbre Zulu, Amin, I am a trustworthy Prophet and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what was he called by his own people? What was the title give it to him by his own people. He was called Amin, amin, the one that can be trusted. So Allah azza wa jal praises the concept of trustworthiness and mankind praises the concept of trustworthiness. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, unnecessarily Malik said our prophets are some would hardly give a hoot except that he would remind us so beautiful Arabic law Imana Lima Allah Amana Tala who even

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those who don't understand Arabic understand this phrase, la Imana Lima Allah Amana Tala who there is no iman to the one who has no Amana if you're not trustworthy, you have no iman. And as somebody Malik said, hardly what our Prophet says and give a lecture except he would remind us la Imana Lima Allah, Amanda Tada who in fact, Amana is so important and so praiseworthy that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada praises this concept, even when it is found in non Muslims, Allah azza wa jal talks about some Christians and Jews in the Quran. And Allah says women whom there are amongst them in men who became tired and if you gave the Amana of a treasure to a Christian or a Jew that is good in his o'clock he

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will return that treasure to you. Allah is praising a non Muslim for having a man because when you have a man that that becomes praiseworthy in your o'clock and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom linked the concept of not having a manner that in Arabic is called Jana. The concept of not having a man is linked to that of being a hypocrite in the famous Hadith

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He said four are the characteristics of the hypocrite. And the second one is when he is given an Amana he betrays the Amana either to me now con the believer does not betrayed the concept of Amana so fulfilling the Amana making sure you do your responsibilities living up to your oats and promises this is of the essence of iman. And in fact, there are many cons there are many types of Ivana there are many types of Amanda categories of Amanda. Number one, a man have a spiritual or religious nature, this is the highest category, Allah azza wa jal has placed the Amana on us to worship Him and to pray and to do our Zakat and to fast the month of Ramadan. This Amana Is there a man of the

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religion and it is referred in the Quran in our Ragna among other summer Swati well out of the will Jeevan we offered the Amana meaning the potential to be a Muslim and earn heaven or be punished in * This is an Amana It was a privilege we offered this Amana to the other creation and they bought they said no we don't want this it's too much. Mankind took it because we are who we are. Mankind took this Amana What is this Amana? It is the Amana to know the right of worshipping Allah and to choose to worship Him we have been preferred over the creation because of this Amana. So this is one category of Amana, that is the Amana Indien, the Amana of religion. That's the amount of the

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scholars of Aki that we're interested in this series of the Amana between mankind there are many categories of Amana, between mankind of them the Amana of responsibility, whenever you have been placed responsible over other people, whenever you are in charge, you are the judge you are the ruler you are the manager. So, you have been placed responsible over others this is an Amana and the bigger your responsibility The bigger your Amana and that is why the just ruler is praised because he fulfills the amount of the categories of Amana is financial Amana when somebody gives you some money when somebody trusts you with an object, you know in the back in the day there was no bank

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account if you wanted to travel you would have to physically leave your money with somebody else there is no bank account. So it was very common you would leave your Amana at with your relatives with your friends these days that concept of somewhat diminished but still the concept is still there. You give something to somebody and you trust them with this thing. This is a physical Amana it is an Amana of finances. And that too, is one of the characteristics of Eman to protect that Amana and give it back. There's also the amount of your tongue and the amount of your tongue when you say you're going to do something you do it. This is also called fulfilling promises right? So

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you will find a lie they fulfill that this is the amount of the tongue. There's other types of Amana. As usual, by the way, all of these series is condensed. I cannot go into all the details. But what is important I mentioned insha Allah of the types of Amana. This is very important. I want you to pay attention of the types of Amana, we don't understand is the Amana of somebody telling us something? Right? When somebody says something to us, the default is that we do not tell anybody else what the person has told. Our Prophet salallahu Salam said hadith is an Abu Dawood al majali superbill a man at any gathering that is there there is an Amana in that gathering. If a topic comes

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up if somebody says something just because it was set to five people does not mean you go posted on Facebook for 500,000 No I'll My job is to build a man and not just image this hadith and tell me the our Prophet system said when a person comes and says something to you, then when he turns away, then what he has said is an Amana brothers and sisters we are not in kindergarten or grade one I have to promise you to be quiet No, we don't need to the Shetty tells us the default of conversations is Amana, when somebody comes and tells you something when somebody comes in and forms you or asks you or whatever the default you don't go and spill somebody else's secrets. You keep it between you and

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that person. So to talk about other people and to tell the secrets of other people. This is betraying their Amana, you have to ask permission. If it is not public news, you have to ask permission. This is the default of our Shediac. So of the Amana as well is conversations and included in conversations, by the way, is what we might say in the gathering, even if it is haram to say an example of this, if somebody was backed by to dinner gathering and you were here happened to be in that gathering, so it is haram for you to go and tell that other person Hey, you know, I was sitting with those people and they mentioned your name, because that becomes an amoeba and that

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becomes breaking the bonds even that becomes a manner that you should correct in that gathering. But you don't have to go behind their back and go spill the beans to other people. So this is another type of Amana. We keep the Amanat of the types of Amana our Prophet says Adam said Al Mustafa shouto motorman when somebody asks you for advice, when he asking that advice, whatever he says to you, whatever he asks, it is an Amana you cannot tell

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anybody else? So a simple example is that when Ermelo AutoPro, the Allahu and Hafsa became a widow, I would prophesy that Saddam was thinking of marrying her. So he asked Abu Bakr Do you think I should marry? If so, then he asked Earthman Do you think I should marry him? And he's thinking about this in that interim, or MurderBot hakab offers his daughter Hafsa to Abu Bakr and to Earth man, and they both say no, and it broke his heart what's wrong with my daughter that they're saying? No, then the prophets isn't proposed. Then Omar Abu Bakr and Earth man is informed and I'm gonna be all caught up. They said to Him, Omar, perhaps you felt something when we said no. Our Prophet system

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was talking about Hafsa and thinking of marrying her and we would not betray his Amana by telling you he was thinking about her. I'll Mr. Shah motorman when somebody comes to you for advice. I want to open a business I want to do this and that this is Amana. You give the advice and you don't tell other people about that advice, because then you might betray his trust. For example, somebody wants to open a restaurant somewhere you go tell 10 Other people they opened the restaurant in the same place. What have you done, you have destroyed the person's risk and reputation. So Amana is something anybody tells you, you keep it private, have the greatest amount of brothers and sisters

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are prophets of some said of the worst. Amana to break is the Amana of the husband and wife, the Amana that exists in a marriage that the husband and wife they are intimate together. They're a private together. And then the husband tells the secrets of the wife or the wife tells the secrets of the husband. What does this hadith mean? In summary, it means you know, in a marriage, things happen, you know, maybe some things that are not appropriate. Everybody knows the faults of the other, the husband and wife, they cover the faults of their spouse, they don't go and gossip about your own spouse, they don't go and stuff for Allah and you do riba of your own spouse so you cover

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the marriage and protect it as much as possible. And don't tell the false of the others footnote here. Sometimes a husband or wife needs to get advice to save the marriage. In this case, it's not breaking the Amanar you want to get advice to save the marriage but the default what happens in the household stays in the household and you don't go and tell others about this whatever is happening privately. Bottom line brothers and sisters Amana is of the defining characteristics of the believer and why is a man called Amana is from the same root as Iman Iman means to be safe. A man and eemaan are from the same root why? Because Amana means you feel safe being with somebody, trust when you

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trust your friend, your spouse when you trust your brother you feel comfortable that feeling of Amman is called Amana the Arabic language is so powerful trust is built upon feeling safe. So when you trust somebody, the Arabic word for that you feel safe with that person. That is what Amana means are winnable HotJobs said I do not judge a person by how much he prays and how much he fast anybody can pray and fast. I judge a person by his Amana if he's trustworthy. That's how I judge a person brothers and sisters to build Amana takes months and years and to destroy a minor it's a millisecond. So be careful to build a minor and trust because when you meet a stranger, you don't

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have a minor but that stranger becomes your friend then becomes your closest friend. The Amana is built but one thing one slip one aspect and Subhanallah years of trust is destroyed. The believer is not like that fulfill your Amana and of the ways we can fulfill our Amana mind our own business and don't talk about other people behind their back even if it's something they don't talk about other people, other people should not be the topic of your conversation. Also be honest about what is expected. Be open minded, be very blunt and fair. If somebody asks you something for example, rather than take it on and then don't fulfill the trust, learn to say no is one of the ways you fulfill

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your Amanat it is better that the friend is told I cannot do it rather than you take on an obligation and then he finds out you betrayed that obligation and trust So brothers and sisters fulfill the Amana and EMA and Amana are from the same root word. There is no iman for the one that has no Amana May Allah subhana wa Tada grunt assault Amana and a child will continue tomorrow ceremony commercials

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Hello burning up Moon TV won't be muddy

Of the characteristics of the believer is trustworthiness (amānah).In Episode 7 of my Ramaḍān series, I discuss the importance of fulfilling our trusts, and the types and categories of trust, and how the Quran and Sunnah praises this noble characteristic. It is interesting to note that the word for being trustworthy (amānah) is from the same root as faith (imān), and in fact in a Prophetic hadīth, he (SAW) said, “There is no imān in the one who has no amānah.” The reason why the two are related is because when we believe in Allah (imān), we feel a sense of serenity and peace; and the only way to be close to someone is to feel safe in their presence and trust them (amānah). Of the categories of amānah is to fulfill your promises, and guard a person’s secrets, and do your duties assigned to you diligently. The greatest amānah to fulfill is the amānah that is owed to Allah: to believe in Him, and worship Him in accordance with the Sharī’ah.

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