Yasir Qadhi – The Stories of The Prophets #19 – The Story of Adam (Pt. 7) – The Creation of Ḥawā

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the origin of the name Hawa, which is the mother of all, and the concept of "what" in the Hadith, a reflection on the evolution of gender roles and rights in modern society. The speakers emphasize the importance of consistency in interpretations of the Prophet's words and the use of language in political writing. They also discuss the confusion surrounding the concept of the sun and the use of "from the perspective of man" and "from the perspective of woman" titles, as well as the history of the Prophet system and its influence on the Bible. The speakers acknowledge the need for clarification and discuss the "work" created by the creator, which is not explicit.
AI: Transcript ©
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humulus shavon Raji

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Bismillah learn Rafi

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call them.

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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu our praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala the one and the unique, it is he alone that we worship and it is his aid that we seek. He revealed the Quran and he taught Adam how to speak. He is the Lord of the oppressed and the answers that are of the week. Today inshallah tada we will be discussing the creation of our mother Hawa, it has set up what do we know from the Quran and Sunnah about the creation of our mother. So if you look at the Quran and the Sunnah, the verses and the Hadith about about Hawa are just a few in number. And from them, the vast majority of scholars of our tradition have claimed that and this is basically the default position

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that our mother Hawa was created from our father Adam and this is something that is quite explicit in the Quran. Allah says in the Quran in Surah Nisa, verse one, the first verse, you will notice with the auto button that all mankind created over all mankind have be conscious of your Lord, Allah The Haida, hakomi, Neff, soon wa he that in that he created you from one soul, and then he created from it, it's xojo its partner and Allah says is written and then from the two of them what betheme in Houma and from the two of them, so this is very explicit, right that Allah created the soul from the soul, Allah created another soul, and then from the two of them betheme in Hammadi, john and

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Catherine one Isa, Allah spread forth multitude of men and women, sort of an on verse 98 well who are the uncheck a common Neff sin wahida he calls your origin and Sha to cause your origin to be the one who caused your origin he caused all of your origin to be from one neffs from one soul one person so tell our office 189 well hola the Hello communists in wahiduddin so much admin has Oh jaha li escuela la ha, He created you all from one soul and then Giada from it he made its zoji it spouse so once again from one another, and sort of Zoomer asserted Zoomer, verse six, that who are the Calico communists and why this is a gentleman who is older, the same phrase that he created you from

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one soul. And then he created he died that he made from it, it's zoji, its spouse, and pretty much by unanimous consensus of the aroma of Tafseer, that the soul that is being referenced as the primary soul is Adam, and the spouse is Hawa and of course the name What is not found in the Koran. The name Adam is of course found in the Quran. The name however, is not found in the Quran, it is reported by some it is narrated in the books it is said, we find in our literature, even abus might have said that, how what was created was named how what because she is the mother of everything that is Hey, so he said how what from Hey, and as we said, firstly, these types of reports, we really

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don't know whether they were actually uttered or not, we find them in earlier books, Allahu Allah, if they were actually uttered. And secondly, the notion of reading in Arabic meanings into names that are pre Arabic by 10s, of 1000s of years. Really, as I explained a few lectures ago, it doesn't make any sense that those names and the languages that were spoken back then they clearly were not Arabic. And so to derive an Arabic origin or an Arabic name from Hawa, it's a lot harder it doesn't make any sense whatsoever and Allah knows best Her name is how well because it is found in the tradition and it is pronounced what in Arabic as I explained again a few lectures ago, we do not

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know the actual pronunciation when it was uttered by our father Adam, how it was, and that how it made its way down to

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the Latin languages as Eve. But the origin is of course the the same name. Now the name does not occur in the Quran, how about in the soon, in the sooner the name Hawa is mentioned it is referenced that in wonder too heavy that in sunanda Timothy and in the Sahaba, Bahati as well the name What is mentioned so we can derive the name from the Sunnah of the prophet SAW the love why they he was sending him now as for the origin of what the Quran simply says from min and it doesn't mention any details.

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We find in the hadith of course a number of very explicit details in the Sufi Hainan so Heidi answer Hey Muslim, I will forever and I read it that our Prophet salallahu it he was sending them said that whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him not irritate his neighbor

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and let him treat women with kindness was supposed to be slightly higher or he advised us the processor advised us to treat women with kindness for in hoonah hood economy and bullying because they were created from a rib and the most crooked thing of the rib is its highest point. So if you try to straighten it, you will break the rib. If you leave it the rib shall remain crooked, therefore treat women with kindness and in Sahih Muslim, another version of the same narration of Abu hurayrah that Verily, women were created from a rib and lenta Steffi Malacca Allah Takashi will not be in a straight line she's not going to be in that type of form. So if you benefit from her,

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you will benefit while she is still shaped like the rib if you attempt to straighten her you will break her and breaking her is divorcing her breaking herb is divorcing herb. And a similar narration is found from a Buddha and others but not in the not in the six books these are found in other books. So the main Hadith is from Abu hurayrah rhodiola who tada nine who and it is, in some wordings perhaps found in other narrations as well. However, this hadith By the way, does not mention how what where is the name What mentioned in, in, in the body. Once again, the Hadith is Abu hurayrah that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we're not for the children of Israel,

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that were it not for the children of Israel, meat would never become frustrated, would never go off. And we're not for how what? So here's where the word what mentions the name, what mentions what word not for how well, then no wife would ever betray the interests of her husband, meaning the notion that it was her word, this is the notion that is found in this in this hadith it is not explicit in the Quran. But it is found in this hadith that there is the notion of how

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tempting if you like them to eat from the tree, we're going to get through the story of in the garden, we are not there right now, we're still talking about the creation of how we're going to come back to this this point over here, later on. Now, from this genre of a hadith from this genre of a hadith in nL merata, holy Academy and Buddha, that the the woman was created from the rib from this genre, the vast majority of our commentators and our theologians and our historians and our scholars of Tafseer have understood quite literally, that the woman meaning her work was created from the rib of Adam alayhis salam. Now obviously in our times these types of narrations are deemed

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to be politically incorrect. And understandably, some people derive now this is not in the Hadith, but some people derive from these a hadith that is toffoli any women are not spiritual equivalent, they are second rate, or they are underneath or what not. And, of course, they derive problematic interpretations. And the fact of the matter which is undeniable is that definitely in pre modern cultures, especially in Judeo Christian cultures that was explicitly derived from these narrations in the in the Bible. And it is also true that culturally in a lot of places, those notions are there. And they reinforce an interpretation of these a hadith I say uninterpretable not to the

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actual meanings, they reinforce an interpretation of the Hadith that is deemed to be problematic or demeaning. And there is no doubt that these are Hadeeth. And the notions derived from them are a very important topic, a very necessary topic. And I'm not trying to shy away Far be it from me to shy away from anything that is controversial. But factually speaking, our series now right now is about the creation of Adam and Hawa. And it's not about, you know, the the evolution of understanding of gender and gender roles and gender rights in the struggle for gender equality. That's not our talk today, and it is a very lengthy talk. I'm not shying away from it, maybe in

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Charlotte and a longer q&a or in a library chat that I do or maybe other times I will go there, but this issue is not what is pertinent, you know to us right now, but I will just very briefly just a few sentences that and move on that suffice to say to that, the reason why these Hadeeth exists, let us let us move beyond the wordings and let us look at the intent. Let us look at the concept of what is imbibed in these ahaadeeth the beginning of it is those who have been decided Pharaoh, treat women with gentleness and kindness.

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And the ending of it is treat women with gentleness and kindness. So it is very, very explicitly clear to state that the goal of these Hadees was to better the status of women and the treatment of women in the societies that they were uttered in. It was meant to encourage men to be kinder and gentler, to overlook the psychological and physiological differences, the impatience of men in their understanding the frustration that men have, in that women don't act the way that men act. Of course, they don't they're, they're physiologically different. It's not negative or positive. It's just that, you know, this is something survey after study has shown that the way that the brains

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work, not how strong the brains are, not how intelligent their brains are, know, how do the brains work, Allah blessed women to multitask and to think simultaneously of so many different things, whereas men cannot multitask, as we're well aware. So the point being that it is common, and it is something that you find even in the cultural books that discuss these notions that there is sometimes a misunderstanding between the two genders about how to express about how to convey and the purpose of these Hadith forget for now, the problematic interpretations. And again, I'm not trying to shy away from controversy, I'm simply stating, it's not what I'm talking about. It's not

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the goal of today's lecture. But I do need to mention because I brought up the idea that, you know, in the end of the day, if we believe that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, these words, if we believe that is an if I'm not putting this on you, you are you, you You are all going to have to decide in the end of the day, the answer to Allah, if you believe that the prophets of the law why you sent him said these words which are mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim that in their motto, Cambodian festival, sweetness, a pharaoh, that and if you try to straighten, the rib is going to break if you leave it, if you believe the profitsystem said it, then you have to have an element a

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modicum of respect of how you deal with these Hadith. And if you come to the conclusion that he didn't say these words, and you reject these words, as having emanated from him sallallahu alayhi wasallam, then you need to have a methodologically sound and epistemologically consistent answer as to why you rejected this Hadeeth and not others. And again, I'm not saying you cannot derive. So I'm saying you have to have one. And of course, we understand that Pandora's box that opens up to say, Oh, I don't accept this headache, because I don't like it. Think about the repercussions of going there, in which case, everybody can open up a book of Hadith and decide based upon one's own whims

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and desires. So again, I'm not putting anything in you, I'm saying you have to have a consistent methodology. If we say that the Prophet sallallahu it he was sending him uttered these phrases, then what is the spectrum of permissible interpretation? Now, I will not deny that these Hadith has been understood even by some of our own earlier scholars in ways that are demeaning to the intellect and to the humanity of women. There's no denying that they have been understood. But is that the only understanding rather than challenge the Koran or So now, let us see, okay, what are the other interpretations that might be derived because in the end of the day, interpretations are always

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fallible, yours can be fallible, the mind can be fallible, the earliest scholars can be fallible, but if the Quran says it, or if we are certain are fairly certain that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said it, then we have to be respectful and understand the reason understand and try to interpret in a way that is consistent with the overall methodology of Islam. And I would say that a very, very plausible interpretation is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching men to be compassionate, he is telling them to overlook mistakes to to to be forgiving in a marriage, and he is telling them in a way, and using phrases that will actually work that will be effective for his

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time and place. And in fact, to be honest here, not just for his time in place, but for the bulk of human history, and across the majority of human civilizations, using language that is effective is the hallmark of an effective speaker. Now, we have to be honest, that the times we live in, these are the exceptional times in terms of our understanding of gender, and gender roles. And again, let's be brutally honest here, if we found Hadeeth. Using terminology that employed key essential as concepts derived from post locking in notions of liberal equality, and employing new religions based upon gender theory pivoted off of modern notions of post third wave feminism, I can assure you for

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99% of the world, such terminology would have been completely ineffective.

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Rather than get involved in, you know, let's just take a step back. The goal of these ahaadeeth was the professor some telling men to act like gentlemen, to be gentle to overlook, to forgive, to not expect the other gender to act and interact like men. And that is a very, very positive goal. Now, the point being that this is the interpretation that is derived for from the vast majority of scholars that our mother Hawa was created from a rib of our father, Adam. Now the there is also, by the way, as a side point here, there's something called a spiritual tafsir, if you like that was a number of our scholars have said that. From this, it is as if the woman who was created from the

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side of Adam, not from the top to dominate him, nor from his feet, so that he can dominate her, but rather from the side so that it is close to the heart so that the two of them can find comfort and love together here. So the interpretation, therefore, that is derived by the vast majority, this is the default position that we find across the majority of theological spectrums, even and schools of interpretation and books of hadith of seas of the Koran, and should we have Hadith that our mother Hawa was created from a rib of our father, the Maliki setup. Now is this the only interpretation that is historically existed? No, there have been, you know, small, dissenting voices, but frankly,

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they are a very small fringe, if you look at the bulk of the oma nonetheless, for the sake of completeness, we will just mention those other voices for the sake of understanding where they are, where they're coming from, and what their interpretation is. So we have a number of groups, a number of theologians in groups that did not take Hadith in the first place, right? So they reject the concept of the books of Hadith. And they say that we're not going to accept any of these are headed by the way again, to be pedantic and I've said this many, many times, no, pre modern group of the Muslim oma ever rejected the concept of the sunat per se, no Muslim group, pre modernity, the old

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This is something that is extremely, extremely modern. We are talking about literally the 1920s 100 years ago, were the first time a group of people claimed to be Muslim, and they literally said we don't care are with Herbalife, the profitsystem said it or not, it's not a part of the religion. That type of attitude is unprecedented pre modernity, one does not find it across the spectrums of the oma, because frankly, it is, again, to be a little bit blunt, it's nonsensical. You can't believe that the prophet of God is a prophet of God, because he tells us a prophet and then reject what the very prophet of God tells you. Because he's a prophet of God, it's a complete kind, it is a

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filler, it is a conundrum is a oxymoron to say that you believe in the Prophet system as a prophet, and yet you don't believe in him, you know, as a prophet, it doesn't make any sense that you're only going to accept the Hold on, because he's the one who told you what the Quran is, and told you what the Hadith is. So in any case, pre modernity, the notion was, such as the hardage, or the Morteza or the Shia, these groups, their definition of Suna and their concept of the preservation of the Sunnah is different, they don't reject that the Prophet system is a source of law, that the Prophet system statements would be binding on them, of course, they don't, or else they wouldn't be Muslim. What

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they say is to assume these and I'm assuming, as you're all aware, what they say is, you guys and your books of Hadith and your methodology of Hadith, we don't accept that. And there's a big difference between the two. And that's important to to point out to you. So those people and those groups who rejected the books of Hadith, they were able to have other interpretations. And so we have, for example, some of the Morteza not all of them, because, again, the more visitors were interesting group and you know, there were different strands and different interpretations and different stances towards a Hadeeth. Some of them were it as it did not consider any of these need

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to be authentic at all. And perhaps one of the most famous amongst them about Muslim Alice Barney, who died 322, Hydra 322 Hydra. That was fine. He was a he was a great theologian in his own way, obviously, not from our tradition. He's from the martignetti tradition, but he was a erudite scholar. And he felt that what he has said, was created not from the body of Adam, not from the rib of Adam, but directly from clay. And so Adam was created from clay and how what was created from clay like Adam, so the two of them were created from clay. We also find this type of interpretation in some of the, the ethnicity or the twelver Shia books as well. And we have

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One of the earliest books that I've seen a girl is she who died 320. Again, very early on, by the way, again, Subhanallah Annie, Allah has tested me with people, they literally take one second 10 seconds and they derive it My dear brothers and sisters, I am a person of 100 sooner. I believe in the books of headed, I'm simply quoting for your information. This is an educational lecture. And I meant I intend to teach you things simply by teaching. It's not an endorsement of everything that I say I'm making this disclaimer. So please don't take my snippet and say, Oh, he has become this or he's supporting that. No, this is a teaching mechanism. Allah has tested me to always have to be

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careful of everything I say, along with Stan, I am a Sunni, so but I've given many lectures about this, I have a whole lecture but gotta listen to my stance on that. I believe in the Sunnah, and the preservation of the headache. I'm simply teaching you that these are other views out there. So in the seed of an idea she one finds from being knocked down from his father that he said I asked a Buddha for

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it. He said, I'm one of the Shia imams that the 12 Imams, again, this is in their books weep, would not believe that he said this, but I asked, what was what created from so the Imam said to him, what do you think she was created from? And I said that wasn't she created from one of the ribs of Adam. So in this report, the Imam responds, they are lying. That Do you think that Allah needed to create her from a rib? So he said, I asked, I asked him, then May my mother and father be given in ransom, Oh son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from what were they what from what was she created? So he said my father informed me from his father's from the prophets of Allah Almighty Who

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was sent again this is their it's not in their books is different than our Sunni books. That Allah subhana wa tada about COVID Ottoman clean infohio habia me and he he will kill Tejada here mean that Allah took some of the earth with his right hand, and both of his hands are right. Meaning it's not like that type of hand, we would understand that Allah has Jani hand in a way that is befitting him, and he created from it, Adam, he took it clean, and he created from it, Adam, and from a portion that remained of it, he created how wha Okay, now again, guys, I'm not endorsing, I'm literally narrating to these are strands, the Morteza, the some of the twelver Shia, this is their inter not

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some not some, excuse me, some of them, not all of them that they have this notion that Hawaii alayhis salam was created from clay as well. So this is one strand, and this is those who don't take Hadeeth as a source of law whatsoever, another strand are Sunni Muslims. And they overall believe in Hadith. But they say that this hadith in particular, they say that we will not accept it. Even if it's in Bahati and Muslim. They say we will not accept it. Why dear thinker, Dear muhfucka, why would they reject it? They say that the this hadith in particular, it is doubtful that it came from the prophets of Allah while he was sent them, it seems to come from the Judeo Christian sources from

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Israel, Eliot, and again, you have a number of you know, famous they call them or fuckity, or thinkers of Islam. And these, again, well known, perhaps most famous amongst them is Mohammed Abu, one of the great minds. I mean, you know, he has a lot to offer, whether we agree or disagree, we cannot deny that he had a great impact on the oma 100 years ago died 1905. And one of the first and again, I speak as somebody who has studied many of his books, and I strongly disagree with many things that he has said and done, but I have to admit that, you know, he clearly wanted to defend Islam, and he brought some really interesting ideas. And, you know, to be honest, a lot of the

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discourse that we now have about how Islam was ahead of its time and it was the leader of civilization and technology for so many years and all the type of rhetoric we really find it emanating from Mohammed Abdullah, one of the first to really, you know, do that deep dive into Islamic history and bring the sense of civilizational pride to the oma and to take on the hegemonic challenges that were coming from Europe at the time and to show that hey, the Muslims also have much to be proud of and to demonstrate why that is the case. So in any case, Mohammed Abu is a very interesting figure and we can agree and disagree with a lot of what he has said but we cannot deny

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that he was inshallah sincere man who really wanted to help the oma in his own way. Now, of course, he was also what we call call more on the rationalist strand if you like and I don't see this as a pejorative. I'm just being factual here that he was more skeptical of a hadith overall, even though he's Sunni and he accepts the books of Hadith, but just because it's in Bukhari and Muslim, he's not going to take it as necessarily binding and of course, it's he's not a

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There's actually a whole group of scholars, perhaps the most famous many of our our brother and would know of him not an English because he didn't redirect. He didn't write in English who spoke English fluently. But a great thinker of the last generation only passed away 10 years ago, Dr. Otto Sabo, Shaheen very famous as her graduate, and then he's taught in many universities across the Arab world. And he wrote many books used to give many, many lectures, and he was very popular in the 80s and 90s. And then he passed away around 10 years ago, and he again was one of those who, again, you can agree to disagree, but he's taking on water and challenges and he's trying to to defend Islam

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from many of the attacks that are happening in his timeframe. And Dr. Abdul sabol Shaheen as well as a Sunni respecting of Hadith he said this particular Hadith I we are not going to accept it because it seems to be coming from the Israeli attenders others as well. Again, there's a long list of names. In the Urdu speaking world, there are many famous, you know, factors that are, you know, very popular in our times similar stance in the Arabic speaking world in our times, as well, very famous, you know,

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speakers and preachers in this strand. And even in the English world, we have the same type of mindset. And they point out that they their methodology, again, this is their methodology, it's not the traditionalist mainstream student ism. So again, just to be clear here,

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that this notion of God creating, Eve from Adam, it is straight from the Bible, Genesis 221. So the Lord caused man to fall into a deep sleep. And while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and then closed up the place with flesh, then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man, the man said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man and quote here, and this group says that look, you know, we have no problems narrating from the Israeli art. But we do have a problem when the Israeli art are quoted to be as a part of a binding fact, ie, they say that, and this is where they differ from

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mainstream Sunni methodology, they say that it is possible for perhaps certain Israeli to have crept in to mainstream Hadith literature. And this is where the main difference occurs between between the first group, the first group here, meaning the majority of scholars, and between this group, we're jumping over the second group, which is those who don't accept had the note, by the way, I did mention the concept of Israeli at many, many lectures ago. And again, I hope you guys are all watching all these lectures, because they're one long, long series. And I meant I mentioned that there's no problem to quote, Israeli art, meaning there's no problem to go back to Judeo Christian

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sources, as long as we acknowledge those sources, and don't fully believe in them. We know these are potentially problematic sources. The issue here is that this group is saying that, that these potentially problematic sources might have crept into Hadeeth. So it's one thing to say, a second century scholar said something and that something might have been from the Judeo Christian sources. And it's another thing to say Bodhi and Muslim has a hadith that actually is not from the Prophet system is coming from yesterday. This is what this group is saying. You understand the difference here, right? So one can find let's say, Mujahid, one of the students that had been abus Mujahid was

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a great scholar, and many of his statements about the prophets of the Old are based upon the Jewish Bible, no problem. He's not saying the Prophet system said it. He's simply saying his opinion, no problem. He's allowed to quote the Bible or even say it's his opinion, no problem. And none of us has a problem with saying that Pooja has said this, we don't accept it because it can be for Australia. But the demarcation between traditionalist Sunni Islam, and between this group of reformist thinkers is the claim that even if it's in body and Muslim, and of course, no doubt, this opens up a huge can of worms. And no doubt this causes causes a lot of consternation and because of

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this, this, this group of scholars, these, these groups of scholars have been severely refuted if you like dozens of books have been written in the last few decades to demonstrate or to prove the traditionalist network and paradigm and what this group alleges. What this group claims is that there were a number of very prominent early converts to Islam, who interacted with some of the senior Sahaba and from whom those seniors have one finds many of these narrations that seem to parallel to

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Closely biblical material, and in particular, they quote out now what I'm going to tell you is absolutely, factually correct. And again, I'm simply teaching you this so that you should be aware. So please understand, I hope nobody Yeah, again I have to always put this disclaimer along with Stan May Allah azza wa jal protect me and you and protect our honor. And Your Honor, I am a believer in whatever the prophets of Salaam says whatever he says, We hear and we obey. But yes, if he didn't say it, meaning a legitimate reason, then yes, we have the right to to question that. But anyway, this is I'm just quoting you their narrative, that what they say is that, historically, this is

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true. A few very prominent converts to Islam

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interacted with groups of Sahaba, who then narrate quite a lot of material that seems to mirror biblical narratives, but they don't just narrated from themselves there seems to be at times and a tribution, to the Prophet sallallahu. It he was sending them and in particular, they mentioned the name of cab, bar cab, you know, from the, from the tribe of rabbis gap from the rabbinical family gathered about his the historic figure is a real figure is not some mythical person who converted to Islam. In the lifetime of a bucket of wine, he converted, maybe even the electron, the process, and we're not sure exactly when, but he didn't meet the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he migrated to

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Medina, right at the death of a look at a study called the long run. So literally two years after the death of the process, and he's in Medina. And because he was a rabbi and the son of a rabbi and the grandson of Rabbi, his a family of rabbis from Yemen, fluent in Arabic, and a Yemeni Rabbi and a convert to Islam. And because of his knowledge, and his erudite and his skills of preaching and teaching, he was given a very prominent place in aroma rhodiola one time and earth man and the later Sahaba In fact, he accompanied or modafinil, kebab when they conquered Jerusalem, and has a famous interaction with him that I've gone over in my other lectures. Now, this gavel about it is well

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known, everybody knows this, that he would give lectures about the knowledge of the Bible and about biblical folklore. And at the time, this was considered to be totally normal and accepted. And I mentioned the quoted women Hall Dune, around 10 lectures ago that describe the the the paradigm of the time that the Arabs were new to civilization, and they deemed the Jewish civilization and the Jewish folklore and knowledge to basically be a source of knowledge for them. And what added to this concept was the authentic Hadith of the Prophet. So I said, I'm had this one, but he is right in our heritage, go ahead and narrate from the children of Israel, no problem, go ahead and narrate but

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don't believe them. And don't say that they're lying, just narrate the stories. So cabin bar became a storyteller, and he became a teacher of the folklore of the Jewish rabbinical literature. And amongst his main students was, in fact, Abu hurayrah rhodiola, which I doubt and in fact, God once mentioned that I don't know of anybody who is more knowledgeable of the Bible, the Old Testament without having read it than abora. This is kapalabhati saying, I don't know anybody who knows the biblical material better than Ebola, and yet he has not read because I've already couldn't read the language, you know, the language of the Jewish script, he could not read ancient Hebrew and so

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obviously he's learning from Kappa bar. Now, this group claims Muhammad Abdul is amongst others. So both Shaheen and other you know, thinkers of this nature. This group claims that if you look at our own literature, you find reports that should raise eyebrows. So for example, in ima Muslim is a famous author of the Sahih Muslim has a book called keytab with dummies and with an authentic isnaad he narrates from one destroys Abu hurayrah be suitably sorry, who says that

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fear Allah subhana wa tada and be careful of narrating a Hadeeth Helter Skelter without thinking them through for Allah He, I remember and I saw myself multiple times sitting in the gatherings of Abu hurayrah. And he would narrate from the prophets of Allah while he was setting them and he would narrate from cab and then he would stand up and leave and I heard myself that the people sitting in the gathering would mix up what is from the profits of the law why he was selling them and what is from the cab and what is from cab with what is from the prophet SAW the law while he was sending now this report is found in eema Muslim the famous email Muslim with an authentic it's not from his

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guitar but me us to one of the students of Abu huraira saying I saw this

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happen in my own lifetime that says God said this, then he says the profitsystem says this, and then the students sitting there, because he's just going on and on, they kinda sorta mix things up. And even Kathy, the famous even Kathy in his video when the higher and also even a saccade, of the famous scholar of Islamic history and theologian mentions from us he didn't hold on from shorter, but that shorter but the famous scholar of Hadith, the teacher of the teacher body, short ago says that Abou rhodiola, one, he mixes up your deltas, he mixes up sometimes he hears from the gab and sometimes he hears some of the prophets of Allah while he was sending him one or you may use them in

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harder. And he doesn't separate this from that. So

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the the notion, therefore, of being extra critical of certain a hadith narrated from certain Sahaba, when it seems to match up to directly with biblical material, this is the angle of this group of scholars. And again, to be very clear here, I'm just telling you what they say and what their evidences are. Now, again, they're not saying just because it's in the Bible, that's got to be wrong. In the end of the day, you know, Jesus, his name is in the Bible, and Jesus, his name is an Oran, Moses and the Israelites are mentioned, it's not the matter of Bible and Koran, it's the matter of something as fundamental as this concept. And it only comes from a source that was known

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to be interacting with rabbinical literature, and whose own students saw with their own eyes that sometimes a mix up occurs, that is where this group is coming from. So this is the second category. And so they say as well, that Hawa was not created from the rib of Adam, it is said that she was created from clay as well, and maybe from the clay leftover from the creation of Adam, but not from the rib of Adam. So this is the second group. So we have the first group, and this is some of the Morteza and the non Sunni theologians and thinkers, we have the second group, and these are, let's call them, let's call them the rationalist minded Sudanese IE, they're more highly skeptical. Let's

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put it that way. They're more highly skeptical. Now there is a third group as well this is I find the most interesting actually and very fascinating group. This group actually accepts Bukhari and Muslim accepts books of Hadith. And yet, they still claim that Hawa was not created from the rib of Adam, but rather that she was created from clay. Now this is really intriguing. How can some people accept a hadith and accept these a hadith Robo hurayrah, because the second group say, the second very clearly say that these traditions are Australia, they're not found from you know, I'm going to hop off or they're not found from you know, I show the love wine. They're found from somebody they

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say this is their claim. There's from somebody who we know for a fact from our own sources from the same sources that sometimes cross contamination occurred. And so something as fundamental as this, we were going to be very skeptical of if that is where it is coming from. Now, the third group of scholars says no, no, no party and Muslim, I don't see what I mean, we accept we respect it. But you have misunderstood. How have we misunderstood your scholars explained to us, they say, if you look at the heady, it doesn't say what was created from Adam, but rather, women were created from rib. And this is a metaphorical phrase meant to be understood that their nature in comparison to that of

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a man is not straight. Not that how Wah was created from a rib of Adam, because Adam has the same number of ribs. It's not as if one rib is missing, by the way, unbelievably, medieval Christianity, there was this notion that in men, there's one rib missing, they literally would think this. So there was this notion that men have one rib missing, because one word was taken out to create, to create how well so they say that the phrasing that women were created from rib is meant to be metaphorical, that her nature in comparison to that div a man is not straight, ie she was created with a different disposition and a different framework of from Adam. And so from the perspective of

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Adam, the from the perspective of man, I should say, not Adam here, from the perspective of man, the woman thinks and acts very differently in a way that he will not think is the way it should be done. And from the perspective of women, she would also say that man is not acting the way that I want, you know, I don't find it logical, irrational, the way that men are acting. So this interpretation, we find it in a number of early scholars, including a portfolio By the way, the famous ought to be he mentions this as being a plausible meaning. And we also have al Qaeda money, another great Sunni scholar and had this

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Mahmud, Mohammed Al kilimani died. Don't quote me 530 something early on the idea for two days after electric remains before him. And Kimani said the same thing. And he actually posited that how what was created from clean from clay directly and not from Adam. And Kimani is not a Morteza light or Rafi do something. He's actually a mainstream Sunni and theologian and scholar. But he said that this hadith is not meant for her in the first place, the word what doesn't occur. It's a concept that women were created differently than men. This is how they understood it now. So we mentioned three different categories and again to be very pedantic, fractionally speaking fracture that

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doesn't make sense quantitatively speaking, these are far smaller than the vast majority of the meridians are small in terms of sheer quantity, the first opinion which is the default is the normative opinion and the second third fourth I should say by second third fourth I mean those who said that how what is created from playing by the way the other three positions all agreed that how what is created from clay but then the reasons why they said this is different, as I explained so you understand the three different schools over here now. I hope the intelligent people that are listening those that are very perceptive, I hope they've already understood another fault. And that

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is that hold on a sec. Suppose we don't have any of these headings in the first place. Suppose Okay, one group rejects Hadeeth another group says this particular is not appears to be contaminated. And a third group says, You guys have misunderstood this inauthentic IDs, but it doesn't apply to how we're fine. All three of these camps. What do you do about the Oran? I hope you guys were following this though, right? What do you do about the verses of the Koran holla Caminha Jaya. minha. What do you do about those explicit words in the Quran, that clearly indicate that Allah created the one from the other? I mean, this is a very, very explicit preposition halakha minha you don't think the

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three groups have answers ready, every single group that develops its thought has thought through all of the other issues and has an answer ready so these people will all collectively respond because in the end of the day, they have all interpreted on the same okay and the end of the day, their reasons for not accepting these Hadith are different through three different reasons. But they all accept the Koran as the as the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala as the words of Allah, they all accept the Koran as binding. So, the response from all of these is the same and that is that the preposition min like all prepositions of all languages has dozens of meanings. The word from an act

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and in the word mean in Arabic has over 20 meanings. In fact, even 20 is a small number Some have said over 6070 meanings right? And what min means varies from context to context. And therefore, they would say you guys are interpreting the mean here to be the specific term is meant to be really the mean that is an extraction from the mean that is a partial part of the whole. So you are assuming the min here means that from the one Allah created and extracted from a portion literally a portion the other this is min a Tilbury Leah, they say as you're well and this is, of course, this is not a contentious point. This is not a point of controversy. The word Minh has many many, many

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meanings. And you can interpret men differently depending on the context and sometimes the context is not definitive. Sometimes you can interpret it in two or three different ways. And this verse according to them is one of those interpretations and so they say for example, Allah says in the Quran, who will lead the bath if domina Rasulullah min home, he has sent from the from He has sent

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to the amin the the unlettered a prophet from them. Now, obviously, the prophet system is not extracted from a body of another human being, from them from their genus, from their tribe, from their peoples. And what this group says is that Allah is saying, the mean of substance, not the mean of extraction. The mean of, of basically a source is maybe the English term to use here, that Allah created from the same source Allah created its spouse, Allah created from that source, its spouse, not from a part of its body. And they say that in fact, even the Quran in the reference to man and wife mentions the same men and you understand it to be the men of source and not the man of

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extraction. So for example, Allah subhana wa tada says, what are the haha combination we're headed into Mohammed has Oh,

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Yo, Leah schooner la hub Salamat Alicia hammer at Hamlin Sophie French Mr. Ravi, Allah talks about the husband and wife that you know when that he created

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you from one, and from the one he created the other. And then when the one envelope to the other IE when the husband envelopes the wife ie the conjugal act, she becomes pregnant, and then she carries her pregnancy the verses go on and on right now, Allah is talking about literally every husband and wife, every single husband and wife, Allah say is talking about father, mother, Russia, when the husband envelopes her. Yet Allah says he created her from him hold on a sec. Obviously, our wives were not extracted from our rib literally. Yet Allah is saying that the same phrase is used in this verse about the men. So they say the mean here is very obviously that he created you from the same

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species the same substance to be together. And of course this is also very explicit in the famous verse in the Quran, that Allah says woman it he and Hala Pilate come in and forsake them as watch and he created for you from you spouses later school Elijah once again for you from you, Allah did not create every wife from meaning the front of the body of the husband, did he Allah did not create every wife from the body of the husband and yet Allah is saying for you from you meaning from the same you're you're you're the same species You're the same origin you're all human beings that's what the firmness is according to this majority opinion. And therefore, this group says that there

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is nothing explicit to indicate this is their opinion as I said the those three other groups that I mentioned to indicate this notion of the rib rather we can derive that what was created directly from clean as well no again to be precise, this is a historically speaking and in modern times, it is definitely the minority opinion. Now, this is therefore the issue of the creation of Hawaii. It has salon What about when was what created let's move on from Okay, so some, some small groups said that she was created from clean and the vast majority said that she was created from the rib of Adam it has Salah Okay, now with a question here also, we have to ask before we conclude for today, when

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was what created? When was her work created? What is the time of her creation in the chronology of this timeframe? If you look at the Quran, and sooner, it seems to be that what was created after the command to prostrate, which we'll come to in shallow Tyler, and before the command to enter gender. So how what was created before Adam alayhis salam entered Jenna and after Allah taught Adam the names and after Allah azza wa jal asked the angels to bow down to Adam. So we derived this now again, this is not explicit, but there seems to be that sense. So for example, the suitor Baccarat if you look at the chronology, verse 30, mentions the creation of Adam. Right, the announcement of

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the creation, verses 31 to 33 was a smart cooler versus 34. We'll put that in Malacca to the Adam we told them angels to prostrate then verse 35, will own a skin under was ojochal. Jenna, we said to Adam, you and your spouse and to Jen. So it appears that the spouse is created after this sequence of events is sorted out off. Verse 11. The creation of Adam is mentioned verses 12 to 18 is the story but the prostration that we release, and then verse 19, is the story is the command to antigen. So after the prostration Eliza just says what can I add the Muskaan Anto was ojochal gender so the Oscar Nando's ojochal Jenna comes after the prostration and in Surah Taha as well three

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sutras there's a similar chronology so Taha verses 115 to 116. The command to prostrate is mentioned for ordinaria Adam that when that prostration did not happen, that was when illustrata then says after the event of the prostration Allah azza wa jal then announces to Adam and his wife to enter Jenna and to be aware of shavon so it is as if and again this is a derivation nothing explicit. It is as if how what was created after the command to bow down and before the command to live in Jenna and the famous scholar of Tafseer. Lucy he mentions that this is the majority opinion of the scholars of Islam it's a majority opinion but there's nothing

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explicit at our final point for today and inshallah we end on a child more if you'd like romantic note and shallow to other that the notion of them and how work being created before entering Jenna and Eliza we're just saying to the both of them on the screen enter was ojochal Jenna that even before Adam is asked to enter gender and to eat and drink and to live in Jannah even before that Allah subhana wa tada created a companion for him. And that companion had a companion as well how what had done and this shows us the need for every single human The default is that you want that loving partner, you want your marriage partner and the the beauty of that marriage taking place even

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before entering Jen, as if some of our scholars remarked, even Jenna is not Jenna. Without a beautiful marriage, even the pleasures of Jenna are not going to be enjoyed fully without having that spouse and that is why By the way, our Prophet sallallahu I just hit him said there is no single person in Jenna so all of you that are single right now and you're struggling to get married I asked Allah azza wa jal to find you a righteous spouse. And if that is not going to happen in this world, and some people are, Allah has tested them or they don't want to. In the next world, you'll be pious to be righteous. Just like your father, Adam and your sister your mother Hawa just like the

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two of them, were married and enter Jenna together so too, you will not be single in Jenna because Jenna was created for ultimate happiness. And even in Jenna, you cannot be happy without your spouse. And so Allah created the two spouses and then said to them, go ahead and enter Jenna but Allah subhana wa tada grant all of us beautiful marriages and healthy marriages and May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us give us spouses that are comfort of our eyes and accordance of our heart And may Allah subhana wa tada allow us to be with our mother and father Adam and how up in general for those inshallah, who will continue in our next lecture until then sit on

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a couch

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he can

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