Yasir Qadhi – The Parables of The Quran #28 – Surah An-Nahl 94 – Don’t Unravel Your Own Good Deeds!

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to the concept of "weaving," including a woman who caused destruction by breaking a carpet and doing it again, the meaning of "weaving," and the importance of protecting one's deeds. They stress the need to maintain routine and avoid wasting time, as well as to avoid denying one's arrogance and avoid wasting time. The speakers also offer advice on how to avoid wasting time and maintain a consistent routine.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hi I'm

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Nina Shay. banyo lungeing Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim

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see one thing you know,

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Fidel hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah. Early he was a woman whether hammerberg we have now come to the conclusion of our series of parables of the Quran today will be our last parable. Tomorrow we'll do one more aphorism or statement of the Quran. And our last parable is actually not to the chronologically last one. I'm going to choose one from the middle of the Quran because it fits with our theme of finishing off with the month. So I chose this parable to be the last parable so that we can shallow to either reflect and take advantage of it. It is the parable is sort of the novel verse 94. Allah says, Well, that's a kuno keleti nakazato hustla member ID and katha Don't be

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like the lady, who after, twice, after intertwining all of the yarn, the thread into strong rope, she then starts breaking it up, and then getting rid of it. After it was firm and strong. She causes its own destruction. The parable is very deep and profound. And of course, the image is very vivid. I don't know how many of you have visited a carpet manufacturing place an actual weaving place. I have visited a number of them in Uzbekistan, and other places where they do it old school, they take the thread from the silkworm, which is hardly even visible. And then somebody sits there and takes all of this thread and then uses that spool and bit by bit makes it into something that we can then

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see. And then she sits and she does weaving one after the other some of these carpets or rugs that are hand spun. They take up to a year to make and it's very labor us work. Can you imagine if somebody did that, and then after the carpet is done after the rug has been woven, she herself then starts breaking it up and bringing it back into that thin string, that thin original yarn. Can you imagine somebody doing that? Why not kuno Cala t knockout Don't be like the lady who broke open the hustler have the hustle Of course, her husband, of course. Many of you think husband means the baby, you know the gazelle, the English word Gazelle, by the way, it comes from husband, the English word

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Gazelle. But in reality it was that means that beautiful rope. And the reason why that Gazelle is called Gazelle is because it's very beautiful. And by the way, the poetry has an olive, you know, because that is called Gazelle. Because it's beautiful. That's why it's called husband. So Allah is saying, don't be like the lady who after she made that hustle the body. And it's strong, and it's beautiful, and it's tight. Then what does she do? She breaks it up and Katherine into its original strings again, who would do that? Now? What is the metaphor being given? What is the parable? Once we've built something, once we've established something, once we have worshiped Allah properly? Once

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we have raised the bar in Ramadan, once we have a system of praying daily, coming to the masjid giving a car, why would we then go and break it with our own hands? It doesn't make any sense. We've established a higher level of Alhamdulillah worship in this month, every one of us that is sitting here, I have no doubt you have raised the bar. That's why we're here. Now, when we come to the end of the month, and we're going to face the rest of the year, do we want to be like this lady, we've established a solid foundation, we are now doing something that we've always wanted to do. And then when the month finishes, we then destroy with our own hands, the handicraft with our own hands, the

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efforts that we've done, we're going to end up destroying them. We don't want that at all. So Allah is saying, we were saying English, protect your investments, protect your efforts. You did this by Allah's help. You're here by Allah help you got to this level by Allah help. Why would you want to go back to square one? Why would you want to start from the beginning? Don't be like that lady. And there are many ways that we can destroy our own deeds, how the Quran mentions a number of them obviously number one on the list is confidential. We seek Allah's refuge falling into Kufa, check all of our deeds was destroyed. Number two on that list that is explicit is when we do something for

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other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we are showing off, it destroys our deeds, we have to have a loss. Another thing that destroys our deeds, Allah says in the Quran, or you who believe Do not raise your voice above the voice of the Prophet what will happen

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binfer.com your deeds are going to be destroyed. What this means is do not take your positions or your opinions more correct than that of the Quran and Sunnah doesn't work that way we submit to the Quran and Sunnah of the ways we destroy our deeds is arrogance. This is one of the most dangerous ways to destroy our deeds. And that's why I already gave the other example earlier in our series of lectures Latrobe to do so the corticon will manual other don't destroy your good deeds by reminding people that's arrogant by doing something and then as if it's a favor you've done unto them so arrogance destroys our deeds and of the ways our deeds are destroyed. Listen to this hadith isn't

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cyber hottie. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever intentionally misses Salah teleSUR, his deeds have been destroyed. Our scholars say the deeds of that day are gone. Like if he cannot pray also set up the deeds of that day are gone. Imagine Subhan Allah missing one Salah, it's as if what's the rest of your deeds, you haven't done anything. So we have to be careful about not skipping our song. But also some of our scholars add as well. That of the ways we not necessarily destroy but diminish our deeds is we stop practicing something we used to practice. In a hadith in Sahih Bukhari our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to one of his wives Don't be like so and

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so he used to pray to her God, and He stopped praying to her jute. He used to do something good. And then he stopped doing it. That's going back that's going to the beginning of the race when you've already been halfway you're about to finish you give up and you go all the way back to the beginning. This is what we need to think of it as the month is coming to an end. And I advise myself and all of you that no matter what deeds you have done, I understand we cannot maintain the same amount nobody can pray an hour and a half every single day after Isha that's not going to happen. But I advise myself and all of you if we can pray an hour and a half, pray 10 minutes, pray

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something extra when nobody can fast all 30 days, okay, do something extra every month, nobody can give the amounts of care that we give in Ramadan. That's our routine. Okay, give something regularly, something is better than nothing. We've established routine. We've built up a report now try to maintain and always remember the most beloved of all deeds in the eyes of Allah is that which is consistent, even if it is small. So as I said so many times to myself and all of you up at the bar, raise the game. We are all coming to the end of the month. Tomorrow is our final turabi for this month. We do not know if we're going to make it to the next year or next and I'm Oban are not

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think about what are the empty spots in my life in terms of rituals and add what is reasonable to add, we can't do the amount in Ramadan but add something more and think about what of our major problems that I need to solve and deal with and make that on your mind that for the rest of the year. I'm going to solve these problems and whatever we do, make sure we do not destroy the good work that we've done in this month. lotsa kuno keleti Nakata was the member the cotton and katha we have to be very careful of this. One final point. The context of this verse is about doing volume to other people doing volume to other people. So Allah is saying when you do listen to other people,

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you are destroying your own deeds. You know, it's one thing to sin between you and Allah. That's bad but Allah is Allah for Allah is Rahim. But when you sin and transgress another human being, you take his rights, you eat his money, you backbite you slander, you hurt another person. Allah azza wa jal puts this verse in the middle of that context, that when you do volume to others, you are destroying your own deeds. So be careful during Muslims, Allah azza wa jal is a foreign Rahim. But on the Day of Judgment, fellow human beings will not be forgiving and merciful. Make sure none of us have transgressed against the hope of another person. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If

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any of you has done home against anybody else, solve it in this world before the next because in the next world, there is no currency of money, the currency is good deeds, we don't want to be giving our good deeds to other people. As we come to the end of this month. I ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to make the Quran a source of Shiva and nor for all of us. I asked Allah azza wa jal to make us of those who read the Quran and understand the best of it. I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to allow these parables and the message of the Koran to impact us and to be of those who yesterday Your Honor Code for your tip, Your Honor, Center, which is akmola who was sent on why they come to LA he was about a

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