Yasir Qadhi – The Parables of The Quran #13 – An’ām Verse 122 – A Parable Revealed for Hamza R.A
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The transcript describes a man named Hamza who fostered his nephew with a bow and arrow to cause chaos in Morocco. The story is told by a speaker who describes Hamza's behavior as a "willful act" and a "will" related to Islam. The importance of Islam is discussed, including the concept of life and the constant trend of the title "how the light represents guidance and light represents" in Islam. The segment also explores the concept of a "will" that is constant throughout the Quran and is linked to the concept of life, and uses various examples and paraphrasing to describe the concept.
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Hi I'm
Nina Shay. banyo lungeing Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim
watching can
see one
smilla Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah alihi wa sahbihi one what I'm about today we're moving on to return on verse 122. And it is actually a parable or a method that has a very beautiful story. And the story goes or the incident from the zero goes that you've all heard of this the the the infamous episode where Abuja Hill,
saw the professor some praying, and he commanded that the entrails of an animal be thrown on him. You remember the famous story in early maccha? This happened, right? And
the Prophet systems uncle Hamza, who was also his brother by foster ship, right. So Hamza and the Prophet system are of a similar age two or three years difference. And one of the slave girls of a woman by the name of swaybar. She foster fed both of them. So Hamza and the profitsystem were uncle nephew, and they were also brothers by Foster and they were also very close because of their age. But at the time, Hamza was not a Muslim at the time, he was on the Dean of the aurash. And so Abuja Hall did what he did the people of Makkah rubella, they laughed and they joked, and nobody defended the profits of the loss and and why because Abu Jamal was on the other side, you have to realize
that Abuja had was the pinnacle of the bunu masoom. He was the chieftain. He was the big shot, and nobody would dare do anything against a Buddha, except Hamza. Hamza was his peer is equal from the Banu Hashim. Hamza was somebody who could do something in terms of status. Nobody else could do anything. So Hamza was out on an expedition he wasn't in Morocco. When he returned from Makkah. Somebody taunted him. Don't you know what Burnham of zoom did to your nephew? Didn't you hear the story said What happened? He told him the whole story. Hamza, his blood boiled, not out of love of Islam, but out of out of what? pride? How dare Ubuntu masoom do this to Ubuntu Harsha, my nephew?
How dare this happen? And so he didn't go home. He had with him his bow and arrow, and he marched straight up to Abuja, in front of the Kaaba, straight. He went up to him, and he said, How dare you insult my nephew in public? And he lifted the bow and arrow and he smacked it down on the face of Abuja. Nobody could dare do this, except somebody like him by the way, Hamza was Mashallah Tabata cola. He was the tall person muscular, very, you know, bodybuilder and he had the status and the reputation and the anger. Abuja had when he saw that anger, he could not physically do anything. You see that anger in the eyes, he says to Hamza, that is his conejos. I will omit that. Don't you know
what he is saying about our idols? He is considering them to be any suffer or foolish. He is making fun of our religion. At the time, Hamza was not a Muslim. So Hamza said, and what is there not to make fun of you are worshipping stones that you make with your own hands, a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa shadow under Mohammed rasulillah. Without even intending, right, it was the anger of tribalism that guided him to Islam, that if that's the case, the Colosseum upon the religion of Islam, and he then went to Donald Arkham, and he embraced Islam, and the rest, as they say, is history. What does this got to do with our topic for dity? Allah revealed after this suit and on
verse 122, as a reference to Hamza robiola one this is an idea. It's been abass and even Abbas was also Hashimi it been Abbas This is his nephew and his his uncle and his cousin, even Abbas Hamza is his uncle and the process of his his cousin, right our bus and Hamza were brothers. So even above the insider of the family, he tells us this idea was revealed because of the story, which is a woman kind of mate and for a hyena who were another who knew she'd be he fineness command method horfield lumati, laser hydrogen minha. Allah gives two examples. And Allah says, are these two examples the same? Are these two people the same? The first example the one who was dead, and we brought him back
to life, the one who was dead, and we gave him life for
Allah gave him life. This is Hamza the Allah one. Allah called him dead because he didn't have a man and this is a powerful
Powerful symbolism powerful motif of the Quran that when you don't have religion, you are spiritually dead. You might as well not have a job. And that's why Allah calls the religion and he calls the Quran he calls it life. What are radica and zanla ilica, rU hamin and Medina. This is how we have sent down to you the rule what is the rule? It's what makes the dead body alive, what is the rule? It is what is the difference between the adjusted and the poor human being without the rule here a corpse with the rule you become a living human being. And Allah said we have revealed to you the rule he calls the Koran. Why? Because without the Quran without even without the Kalima, you are
literally spiritually dead. You have no purpose of being here. You are like an animal literally. And that's why Allah says if you don't have a man in whom Allah can and I'm there like cattle. So when you have a man, then you have higher heart, you have spiritual life. And this is a motif that is constant throughout the Quran, Allah azza wa jal calls goofer Maja he's dead and he man he calls it alive. In another verse, Allah subhana wa tada says that
Yoda dynamin was ajibola, who was either the Akuma he can respond to the call of Allah and His Messenger, when they're calling you to that which will give you your life, what they're calling you will give you your higher email your Econ, if you don't respond, you're dead. If you don't respond to the call, you don't have high art. So Allah says the example of Hamza he was dead and we brought him back to life. This is not the death of the body, this is death, death of the soul. And Allah gave him life or he guided him to Islam and then was another who neuron emcpe fineness. We gave him an all with this node he is walking around the people, the node here is the Quran, right? The node
is the Quran and Allah says in the Quran one Sunday lecom Luna Medina, the Quran is the noon so Hamza has been given life and Hamza rhodiola one has been given the nor now the metaphor is powerful, and this is a constant theme throughout the Quran. By the way, another motif throughout the Quran is that darkness represents Miss guidance and light represents guidance. This is the common motif of the Quran. euregio manabu. Mati. Eleanor, this is what Allah azza wa jal says that I'm the one who takes people out of the darkness to the light. So the point of Hamza having the light and having life, what does life do? It makes you alive. What does a light to do? When you have
light? What happens? You can situate yourself, you can see what's around you. You can see your goal. You can see how to get there you have purpose you have meaning. If you're not with light, then what are you going to do? Nothing. You don't know where you are. You don't have a purpose. Even if you did, you wouldn't know how to get there. How are you going to go from point A to point B when it's complete dark and you don't have a light? And that's why Allah Singh Kham, a method who filled motomachi laser behind a German How can you compare a person like Hamza and by the way, this is an example of Hamza and anybody who is like Hamza viola, one IE anybody of Yemen and taqwa who follows
the Koran. He is also on this parable. Then Allah says, Is that the same as the one who is in darkness wandering, never to exit? Who is the one in darkness?
Abuja Abuja and everybody who is going to be like, Abuja has no purpose to life. No reason to be here no higher cause What are you doing? Why are you here? What's going to happen after death? He doesn't care living for the day right? Just whatever comes and goes there's no higher purpose command method Foo Foo Matt. He is wandering aimlessly in the dark no vision no goal no purpose. Even if he had one he wouldn't know how to get there. Place a big hearted human hmm he's never going to exit from that. And that is the life of the one who doesn't have any Dean so Subhanallah What a beautiful parable What a beautiful example and what makes it even more beautiful is the actual story
because of which it came down. So inshallah please read this verse. Hold on, I'm responding 22 and inshallah we'll continue tomorrow with another parable cinematic moments a lot of what a
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