Yasir Qadhi – The Meaning of The Hadith – Walking Over The Bed – Ask Shaykh YQ #203

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to the use of the "verbal" phrase in Arabic language to describe a woman who is caught in the act and not allowed to walk over her beds. They also touch on the issue of women being able to marry and the need for awareness about the science behind their decisions. The use of the "verbal" phrase in Arabic language is emphasized as a way to underscore the need for women to have a status with their previous wife, even if they are divorced.
AI: Transcript ©
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Our second question for today, interesting women actually chose this one, for a reason I'll get to it. So hear me out here, brother is from India, emails that there's a hadith that he has read and its meaning has confused him. And he emails saying, Can you explain this hadith? He says that the Hadith is that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said that of the rights of the husband over the wife is that and I quote, the Hadith, she does not allow anyone to walk over his bed that he does not like end quote, he does not allow that she does not allow anyone to walk over his bed that he does not like end quote. He is asking, what does it mean to walk over the bed? And also with this

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condition, which is what really confused him that he does not like? Because he's saying that why would that condition be there? Because the implication would be that if the husband did not mind then this would be allowed. So he's asking this question. Why am I

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mean Kobe league in Illa? De Jalan, no, hey, la him first.

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Lake Erie.

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Now, the response to this, I actually chose this question, not just because of this one idea, because actually, there's many such texts and many such, you know, translations that I could bring it up. But I wanted to choose this question to bring up to underscore a different point. And that is that it is very, very risky to read the translations of Quran and Sunnah. And then to derive or attempt to derive filk rulings or understandings from them, frankly, it is also risky to read the Arabic If you know Arabic, but you don't know. You know, the rules are fixed. And the rules have a solid effect, because you wouldn't understand some of these some of these problems. So this is a

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classical problem, not just of translation, but in fact, so there's one translation problem. And then there's also another problem of also welfare, which we're going to come to as for the translation problem. So the translation problem is that this translator has taken a phrase that is meant to be figurative, and translated it literally into English. And the Hadith is an authentic hypothesis, a Buddha telemedia and decide in the Muslim Ummah, but it's also by the way, a part of the hold button. Ah, so this is a very important phrase. The prophecy is some said this in front of the largest group ever in his life, maybe 100,000 people, he said this, and the Arabic phrase is

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that he's talking about the rights of the wife or the husband and the rights of the husband or the wife. And he says of the rights of the wife of the husband over the wife that he has this right that over his wife, that for a mahakam either Nisa come for you in a furusiyya comb Manta, Cora Hoon, as for the right to that your wives have that the husbands have over the wives that the y's do not allow them this translator translates is as to walk over your bed. And you know, this is an actually valid literal translation, you will take in a Photoshop document to walk over what it means to walk over. So the mock or the famous book is the book that has been well traveled. So you will take the

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photo shall come to walk over your beds. Now, obviously, obviously, this is a metaphor for intimacy, it's a metaphor for inviting somebody into the bed. And so the point is that the rights that have the rights that the husbands have over the wives is to guard their modesty and to guard their personal chastity and to not go and out to be let go to other men, that is not something that is allowed. And so a figurative speech is used. And that is that do not allow another person to walk on your bed. So this is a figure of speech, that means intimacy, like we're saying the English language, that so and so was caught red handed, it doesn't mean his hand was red. And if this phrase

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were to be translated into another language, it would in fact, be a mistake to translate red handed as literally red handed. No, you should say he was caught in the act, you should say that he was caught, you know, doing the deed whatever is the figurative meaning needs to be translated, not the literal meaning. And this is the same that goes for any translation of Arabic. So you know, furusato should have been translated as, you know, to allow intimacy that this would have been a better translation. And so this is the first problem that the translation was the literally so the brother was like, Well, I guess he figured

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it out that it meant intimacy, but he's like, what does it mean to walk over the bed? But then he brought about the more, you know, interesting point. And that is that manchaca hoon, that somebody whom you don't like? Does this mean I was allowed to build up that if he doesn't mind that oh the villa This is a disgusting Yanni, you know probability. But does this mean that was the question that our brother asked like, why is this condition put there? Because the implication is that if that condition is not met, then the act might be out of permissible. And this is yet another misunderstanding, which is why I said it's so important that we look at the text of the Quran and

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Sunnah with knowledge, because when we don't have knowledge, and we don't have the necessary tools, it is very easy to misunderstand or to derive rulings that are absolutely wrong. And so the the notion of the notion of mentor Cora Hoon, this phrase, those who you don't like, it is not a conditional clause such that if this condition is met or not met, then it will affect the thing before. Rather, it is a description. And sometimes a description occurs in the Arabic language in the form of a conditional clause, but it is not meant as a conditional clause. So I'll give you an example in the Quran that will help clarify inshallah Tada. And that is that Eliza just says in the

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Quran, that in a long list of those who whom you're not allowed to marry Allah subhanho wa Taala says that you cannot marry you know, the mothers of your wives. Okay, so you cannot marry the mothers of your wife. So your mother in law? And what about Ebo COVID Latif, you heard Julie come and the robber, or the daughters of your wives who live in your houses. Okay. So the Quran forbids that we're Omaha to Lisa, the mothers of your wives. So once you marry a lady, okay, her mother becomes how long your mother in laws, how long for you can never marry your mother in law? Okay, even if you divorce your wife, and the is finished, your mother in law remains forbidden permanently

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for you. Now, then Allah says What about he broken? A lot if you have jewelry come, and you're the daughters of your wives who live in your houses? Now?

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Why does Allah say who live in your houses? Does this mean that when you marry a lady and you live with her, but she happened to be married to another man, and he kept the daughters from that marriage? So if this lady you ended up divorcing? Are you allowed to marry her daughters from another marriage? And these are your stepdaughters, know, by unanimous consensus of all of the scholars of Islam, all of the four schools of Islamic law, all of the roadmap of this this seed and they say, this clause is meant to underscore How could you marry this girl who was raised in your house and you are married to her mother, she has a status that okay, she's not your biological

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daughter, but she takes on a status. So Allah brings a clause and that clause is not needed for the mother in law. Because generally speaking, there might be that once the divorce takes place, and this lady might have a daughter from another husband and janelia this would have been happening in the pre Islamic time. If that divorce took place, a man would marry the daughter of his ex wife who was from another husband, okay, and that was allowed in Jamelia. Now the Quran came and said, No, you cannot marry the daughter of your wife. Then Allah says, who lives in your house? Now, does this mean if the daughter of your wife did not live in your house? You could marry her if you're if

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you're if you're divorced your wife, no, that is not allowed. If you lived with your woman, your wife and she was your you know your wife, even if she passes away, or divorce happens, and her daughter's lived in another land? Those and you never met them until after the divorce or after she passed away? Those daughters would be permanently how long for you permanently? How long? So why does Allah say, what about Malachi? If God can to underscore that there is a responsibility there is a relationship and it is not a condition it is a description? Okay, so the point here when our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that, no, that the right of the wife that she has the right

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of the husband over the wife is that she And oh, by the way, I mean, this hadith also looked at the context that it was very common. Back then up until recently, when still it is common in many you know, cultures, especially in those you know, places where the economic situation might not be so, you know, powerful or whatnot that husbands might have to leave for long periods of time. And it is possible therefore, that

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These types of circumstances are created where How long can take place. And so our profits a little longer. I said, I've said this is the hawk that the wife has, the husband has over the wife that even in his absence, and he is gone for a few months, you know, earning and doing whatever and sending the money back that even in his absence, she has to feel a lot so kinda without and of course, he does have to do the same as well. And she should not allow any man in her bed. Because that is something that he would not like, not someone whom he would not like, because that is something that nobody likes. This is how the Hadith is intended. Okay, so when you're going to get

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literal, and you're going to translate according to the translation that our brother sends me, which is that you do not allow a man to walk over your bed, if you don't like him. So then our brother is doubly confused, like, what does it mean walk over the bed? I guess he understood that. And then he goes, if you don't like this man, then it's not allowed. And as I explained that the reason I chose this question is not just because of this highlight is interesting it to explain, but the point is broader than this, and that is the reality to underscore that it is imperative that when you open up books of the Quran and Sunnah when you open up these classical references that you have some

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background to derive fifth, if you don't have that background, go ahead and benefit generically but do not apply, you know, specific filk rulings without verifying them from people of knowledge. Otherwise, you will walk into you know, disasterous areas and derive very bizarre ruling. So I hope that that clarifies and that inshallah we'll also understand why this question was chosen, so that we do not misinterpret of phrase or without precondition knowledge that we need to have about the science of deriving the rulings of fifth and a large panel without that knows best

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