Yasir Qadhi – The Fiqh of Salah #08 – The Description of Salah From Hadith

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Hadith of wa Caleh is the most comprehensive Hadith and is the basis of the Arcana of Salah, the god who recites the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy. The importance of setting up local ham for prayer and not harming others is discussed, along with the importance of reciting scripture in the daily life of the Islamist community. The shrouds and the shrouds are discussed, along with the use of the finger in Islam and the importance of practicing a prayer. The segment also touches on the topic of the moon and the stance of the hip, with some speakers suggesting that the head should be on the left and the head on the right. The transcript also discusses the importance of praying in public and the use of head, body, and body positions. The shrouds and shrouds are discussed, along with the use of the finger in Islam and the importance of practicing a prayer.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali was ivh mine on my bed. So before we begin the actual textbook of filth, just some basic Hadith that we should be aware of when it comes to the issues of Salah. And as usual and understanding these Hadith and interpreting these headings, this is where so much of the Flf comes from. So of the most important Hadith we should be aware of. In fact, this hadith forms the pillar of the differences of the middle have bought Arcana sada is a famous Hadith reported inside Bahati, Sahih Muslim and all of the Sunon. It is reported in every single book of Hadith. It's a very famous Hadith, and it is

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called the Hadith of the one who prayed badly. A hadith is called a hadith of the mu C sada to who the one who prayed badly. And this is a famous Hadith in which it is narrated that the prophets of Allah said him saw a man pray in front of him. And then he came and said salaam to the process of the process of Wailuku Salaam. And then he said, is helpful, sadly for inoculum to suddenly go back and pray because you have not prayed. So the man went back and prayed again, then he came back and the process again said, Go back elegir for saldi for inoculum to solve for the second time. And then for the third time, when the third time the man came back. He said, Yeah rasool Allah, I limpness

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salah, teach me how to pray, because I don't know how to pray other than what you have seen me pray. So this hadith is so important because it is the most comprehensive Hadith, about the description of the Salah from the tongue of the prophecies. And so he said, When you stand up to pray, then say that it could be and then he went on now, it's a very long Hadith, I'm not going to quote all you all of it for one simple reason. Firstly, it's very common, you can find it on Google and anything but secondly, there are many data fat in the wordings there are many different wordings of the Hadith. And in resolving those wordings. Scholars have therefore derived many different rulings,

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many different outcome. So this hadith forms the basis of the Arcana of Salah because it is understood whatever the process said, must be a token right now because he's commanding him when he is describing the Salah. So he said when you stand up to pray, so then standing is broken for example, right. So say that cobia so this becomes broken for example, and on and on. So this this is why the Hadith of the one who prayed badly and Hadith, musi Salah to the one who prayed badly is a fundamental Hadith that we should all be aware of. as well. There are certain a hadith that are well known in the collections of haughty and Muslim I'll go over them very quickly so that we have a good

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idea before we jump to the text of the fifth book of them is the hadith of Ibn Abbas that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said I have been forbidden to recite the Quran in RUCO or sujood I have been forbidden to recite the Quran in recording sujood so it is haram to recite the Quran recording sujood we do not recite the Quran and reconstitute. So in ROCOR

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Avi movie herb, glorify Allah Subhana Allah him and in sujood then fetch that you do fit to so increase your DUA because it is likely that your eye will be responded to. So we learned that in the record, we do account in the sujood we do account and also do that we make to Allah subhanho wa taala. And our missionary did another Hadith that whenever the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up from the ROCOR he would say Subhana Allah humara Bennett will be Hamed ik stood up from the sujood RUCO and the sujood. He would say Subhanak Alohomora Bennett will be Hamitic Allah homophily so this phrase, Allah homophily Rob Bell, Philly, Rob Bell, Philly has been taken by the humbly

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madhhab to be a part of the Salah in between the sujood based on this hadith, and we're going to mention this, right now, in between the sujood in between the two stages when you sit down the humbly madhhab says it is wajib not rochen it is wajib to say some do some vicar, whereas the other men that have don't have that and will this is the evidence. This is the evidence for that. And of the Hadith narrated as well, that one beside in history that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam whenever he would raise up from the record standing he would say Allah humara Banach Lachelle hamdu mille SMRT what are the women Mr. Shute dementia embed Alesana it will merge the a Hakama call and Abu

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workqueue Luna like I've done

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Allahumma Nilima Arleta what more clearly mama atta well i in for the judge the medical judge to report it inside a Muslim, this is the long dua that should be said when you stand up from record and it is mentioned in all the books of dua so if you don't have it, even though the author mentions a long phrase but the phrase is even longer that Allama Bonilla Al hamdu Allah this what we say Rabindra callaham Then the processing would add mill a semi Watty will out how much hum should you have? You should have the hand equivalent to the scales of the heaven and earth all that is in the heavens and earth is hemmed for you. And the scales of anything beyond the heavens and earth woman

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Mr. Shute dementia embark, so infinite Hamed you should have left Santa he will merge. You are the one who is worthy of being praised and venerated. Less than that he will judge you are the one who is worthy of Santa and Santa is praise merged His glory, a how Omar chi lab. This is the most befitting that a servant can say what is the most befitting that All praise is due to Allah. How komak Allah will cool Luna laka and all of us are your Abd Allah. All of us are your Abd Allah Houma. La Amani, Alima Arteta. What more is the mama not Oh Allah, there is no one to give what you have denied and no one to deny what you have given while yen for vilja de miracle Jeju and the one

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of power or money will not benefit with his power or money, because power and money comes from you. While I and Father God, the One of jet and jet over here means either power or money or status, Lion fire, it's not going to benefit why miracle Jeju from you is all power and all glory and all money it comes from you. So how can the one who has money benefit when all money and all glory is coming or all power is coming from you? So this phrase is reported and also a sidebar inside Muslim? This long phrase, we should memorize this, even though to say all of it is sooner. But of course robbing our local Hamed is watching as we all will learn to set up in our local ham this wajib but to go

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beyond this, robbing our local ham do Hamden cathedra on the Yerba Mubarak and V mill SMRT women that are the women Mattia dementia embeded lesson that he will mage a help Kumar pilot abd will call Luna carbed Allah Allah Manya THE MODERATOR what's more clear Nirvana, Mata wala and founder JD Minka Jeju. This entire thing is reported in sambal, Hadith Sahih Muslim that the process would say when he stood up from the ruku and the final Hadith that we'll do before we move on. All right, you will do one more, that even a bass narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I have been commanded to prostrate on seven limbs. I have been commanded to prostrate on seven limbs

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or mildew on us God Allah said it album. Number one he said on the face, and he pointed to his nose.

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when you say the face typically you mean the forehead. But he pointed to the nose to indicate you need the forehead and the nose. So that's one. Number one is the forehead and the nose together. Right? And he said, Well, he adeiny work by attaining what Raphael codomain both hands, both knees and the toes. So that's 72467 Okay, so I have been commanded to do such stuff on seven limbs

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a job hmm. And technically the job means the top of the face right but he pointed to his nose to indicate and this is a big problem that a lot of people do such and they just put their head on the ground and not their nose. And this is absolutely wrong. In fact an argument can be made that says that has not occurred some strict rhythm I would say says that has not occurred because he is saying I have been commanded to do such the on seven and one of them is the nose. So the proper said that will have the nose and the forehead and then the both hands and then both knees. And then the toes are often called Amin is the toes. Okay, so this hadith in Bukhari and Muslim whatever Kali and it

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is the standard Hadith that we need to know for understanding the the Sajida and

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Abdullah bin Mohini narrated that whenever the process and and prayed whenever he prayed for Raja beignet. He had that Yep, do it by our deputy he, he would put a distance between his hands and Sagitta until you could see the whiteness of his armpits. So we learn from this that when you do such that your hands are not close and attached. This is when you're alone when you're in congregation then you don't want to harm the person next to you. So you go as much as you

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Can but when you're alone, the hadith is most of it Bukhari and Muslim the process and would open his arms out not to a level that is uncomfortable, but to a level that clearly indicates humility, and the armpits would be visible to the one who's standing. So his armpits because these are sometimes you'd be wearing your hat on basically, the Haram what we call the haram. This is a common a common garment a lot of times the Sahaba and process would wear it because that was the garment the simple garment they would wear that at regular timings. So when they're wearing this when you do the search there then you can see the the armpits and

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other a hadith inshallah we'll do that next week. But I just wanted to introduce you to some fundamental Hadith about the Salah, before you move on about the description of the prayer of the process. And I mean today, we will try our best to do as many of the autocannon YG bot as possible, but we still haven't finished the description of the Salah. So if I'm not mistaken. We were on some you Kabiru Wirecard right, that's where we were correct. Is that what we finished last time?

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Then he does the tech Kabir. So we talked about the recitation in the salon I remember right now our author even Kodama is describing the whole Salah without mentioning what is rockin what is watching what is sooner right now he wants to describe it all. Then he will describe what is icon and what is what Shabbat and what is the sooner. So right now is just a generic description to know how to pray. So once you've recited what you need to recite some of you Kabiru Wirecard. Then he does the tech bit and goes into record where your follow your day he got off the hill a wall, and he raises his hands as he had done the first time. And as I said, last class, this is the position of the humblest

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and sharp fairies and magic is that they do roughly again and the Hanafis have their position that they do not do for God. But in other three men that have they raised their hands, then he goes into ROCOR so Maya barrio de He, Allah rukh but he then he places his hands on to his knees while you first read your sob Yahoo and he opens his fingers. So he grasps onto the knees and he opens his fingers what the medulla Hora whoa and he straightens his back wage Allah so who hire who and he makes his head straight in accordance with the back. So the head and all of us know this, we were taught this as kids and this is pretty much all that I had they agree to this that this is something

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that should be done, that the back in the head should be straight and the head should not be high up or low down. It should be in accordance with the in accordance with the with the with the back. So this is something all muda had agreed upon. And this is authentically narrated in the Hadith about homemade that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he went into court, it Tangela he would go straight. So the Hadith explicitly mentions when he went into rucola aerator della della Insu will be nice and flat in the record. So the back and this is another problem a lot of times for no reason. We will have our backs if you're sick if you're elderly, okay, I follow on myself. But if

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you are healthy, you don't have any back issues, then it is incorrect to hunched your back and make it into around or something. This is people who are lazy do this and it is not appropriate. You should make the back completely straight and the head as well because this is explicit narrated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So Maya Hulu Subhanallah Bill Alim three times then he says Subhanallah Bill alim, of course three times we all know this. Some may have five or seven or 11 and this is reporting the hadith of Asia, that when Allah revealed in the Quran for sub Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, the process of them said, I will take this idea and put it in my record. And when

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Allah reveals sub the his Murghab because Allah He said, I will take this ayah and put it in my sujood Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim for sabich Bismillah because alim, the process of them said, I will take it in the record and submit is not Bacala he said I will take it in the sujood so what do we say in the record Subhanallah bill of him for submit very similar because of him. And then in the other Hadith, I'm sorry, in the same Hadith sub base model because Allah What do we say in the sujood subheader Abele? Allah Okay, so when we are the lowest in the Sajida we say Oh Allah, you are the highest suhagra Bill Allah because we are the lowest right now. Okay, so in that posture, we

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say, Oh Allah, you are Allah and Allah, Allah is the One who is the highest and the most majestic. And again, all the men that have agreed hamdulillah no Tila whatsoever that you say subhanallah Bill Alim in the ROCOR and subheader have been either in the sector and that you should say it three times as the sun

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And what is the why Job and record we'll talk about in a few pages insha Allah Huhtala so Maya Pharaoh, sir, who are ill and then he raises his head, while he says semi Allah Who Leeman Hamidah and again all the men that have agreed that Allah here's the one who praises him semi Allah Who demon Hamidah warrior faria day he got off your Hill award and he raises his hands like he did the first time once again, refer you again. So the rough earlier Dane is done according to the humble ease. And the other majority when you begin the salah number one, number two before record number three after a core, and then there's an extra laugh when you stand up from the second rocker. Some

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say you do some so you don't that off earlier then, okay, these are the four timings that I've been teaching others basically their argument, these are the four timings of everything. Number one, the beginning of Salah number two before record, number three after record. And then number four, if you're praying three or four guys, when you stand up from the second, then you say all as well with your hands, Allahu Akbar. Okay. So in, in, in this textbook. In this textbook, they mentioned only the first three of them for that data core image. Once he is standing straight, he says Rob bene, well, I call him do mill Assam Awatea Mila are the one with the machine the machine in bad. This is

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what we have already mentioned in the Hadith. And the Hadith goes longer than this. As already mentioned, the vicar is actually longer than this. As for the moon way across the room Moon He only says Robin our local ham meaning he does not say semi Allah Hanuman Hamidah.

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This does not mean the moon cannot say the longer version, Robin Alhamdulillah, Hamden, Kathy, Ron, yerba Mubarak and female so my word that doesn't mean that what even Kodama is saying that the moon does not say semi Allah Hanuman Hamidah. This is what he is saying. So the moon only says Robina Welaka hum and whatever he wants to say after that, and that is because when the Imam says semi Allah Hanuman Hamidah Allah, here's the one who praises him. So the moon should immediately then praise Allah Robina welcomed because that's what the moon is his Moon was following the Imam. So when the Imam says Robin I will call him the moon should immediately praise Allah subhanahu wa Tada

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from my opinion, Russa Juden mocha Baron wala yada yada he then he falls down in such the saying the tech beer without raising his hand. So notice here note of earlier Dane. When you fall into such that there is no rough reading, okay. He explicitly mentions and this is pretty much none of them at that he says that there's roughly reading when you go into such the or get up from such that nobody says the referred you then when you're sitting down. That's not a point of reference again, as we said earlier, then is before and after the record, while you're Kunal our Roma yaka Roman who Island Ile de Luca Tahoe, Sama, Kufa, who some Magetta who and for who. Now, this is a lot of controversy

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amongst the muda hip and even amongst the same method, you find two opinions such as the humbling but have you actually find both opinions? And it's a trivial matter, I'm the whatever you do is fine. But the issue comes that

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when you fall into Sagitta, which limb should touch before which limb there's two classic opinions goes back to the time of the Sahaba and the medina have themselves differ. So even Kodama right now clearly says and this is the dominant position of the humbly madhhab. When you fall into such the, your knees first, then your hands and then your face. Okay? So it's clearly understood when you're going into Sagitta your first knees and then your hands and then sorry, and then your hands and on your face, okay? And this is because our prophets Allah, Allahu Allah, who was celebrities authentically narrated from the hadith of why they've been that One the prophets has a went into

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such that he would place his knees before his hands and what he would stand up from such that he would raise his hands before his knees.

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Now this hadith is in Abu Dhabi. And believe it or not, the same hadith is reported in a different version with the opposite. So the one of the narrator's basically got confused and because of that, the mother have themselves have two opinions. And many people argue that you're supposed to put your hands first so you bend down and then you put your hands and then you put your knees okay. And this also goes back to this also goes back to the a Hadith of the Prophet system in which he forbade or he said do not fall into such that like a camel falls into sitting down, okay, so do not fall into such that like the camel does. So he forbade the imitation

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of the camel. Now, this as well has led to a difference of opinion because how does the camel how does the camel sit down?

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Rear first

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the front first, right, the front first and then the and then the rear. Okay, now the majority have interpreted this hadith to mean that, okay, don't do like the camel, which means don't put your hands first, put your knees first. But believe it or not, there is another interpretation of the Hadith, in which it basically says, Don't do like the camel. And so the camel is putting its its knees first if you like because that is considered to be, let's say, the knees so that the camel is putting their knees down. So they say don't put the knees down, put the hands down. There is an interpretation like this that flips it around the other way, but the dominant and majority opinion

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and frankly, in my opinion also, which one is more respectful and appropriate, and also the more logical thing to do? Like when you're going into such data, it would make sense that you put your knees before your hands, and this would even Kodama says, and that's what I myself do as well. Nonetheless, there is another opinion out there that you put your hands before the knees and whoever does that insha Allah they have in their intention as well to follow the Sunnah. So he even Kodama says, he first puts his knees then his hands and then his face. While you Jaffe out today he and Jim and Jim Bay, he was about making and First Lady, and he puts a distance between his limbs from His

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sight. So as we said, he spreads his hands out, I quoted you the Hadith, this is where it will put down was getting it from he spreads his limbs out, and his stomach is also far from his thighs. And this is another problem that a lot of us when we do such that we prostrate such that our stomach and our thighs are touching one another. And that's not the case the appropriate is that there should be a space so that we are in proper Sajida. Now, another problem comes mashallah some of our stomachs are so big, mashallah to Barack Allah, that, no matter how we do it is automatically touching the dice that we're not talking about that we're talking about the fact that we,

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we try to perform such that in a manner that space is given to each of the limbs, okay? Now, some of them have said and this is a dominant position of basically all them at the hip. So it's nothing strange that women should not do this. Now. There's no explicit Hadith. That's, that indicates this. However, there is this notion of common sense that when a woman is praying, then she does not need to be exposed more than she already is, especially when she's in public, especially when she's in the masjid, or whatever. And even though there's no Hadith to this effect, nonetheless, common sense and logic dictates that when she is in public, then she should keep her hands a little bit closer

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than the men and she may keep her stomach is a little bit closer to her thighs than the men do. Because there's no need to expose more than what is already being exposed. So this is logical, it is something that most of the mudah have encouraged. And in fact, the humbly method is explicit. hydropneumatic is explicit. But there's no Hadith it's simply common sense that in these not and so some methods would say that if she is alone in her house, nobody's there, then she does exactly like this boy, when she's in public, then she should be more modest. And others say that even when she's alone, she should make herself used to praying in this manner with more modesty. And they shall

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whatever a woman does in this regarding shoulder there's good there's nothing explicit in the Sunnah. Nonetheless, from for the men, there's no question that for the men, their hand should be away from the body and their stomachs as well should be away from the thighs. So that the says that is done properly. Way I know your day, he had to watch monkey Bay, he and he places his hands at the same level as his shoulders, okay, at the same level as his shoulders. And this is also from the humbly madhhab there is a minority opinion that you put your hands on your ear lobes around that, okay, and the other position is a little bit lower. Now, these details, whatever you do with him

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that it's not as if any Salah is Barton, no one says if your hands are closer to the ears or so that is about it is just a matter of what has been narrated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and

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in the hadith of Abu Hamid, it is mentioned that I saw the process in place his hands at the level of his shoulders. So when you do such the so the head is out front

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And then the hands are at the level of the shoulders. And then he says Subhana, Allah Subhan Allah, Allah Subhana Allah, again, all the Muda, hip, agree, thumb, Maya Ferro, Rod, Sahoo, mocha baronne, voyage Lisu move Teddy SHA move tarisha Then he raises his heads to say Allahu Akbar, and he sits in the if the rush position, and what is the if the rush position, if the rush position is something Alhamdulillah, again, all the mud I have agreed to, by and large, and that is that the left foot, the left foot is placed flat on the ground and the body, you sit on it, and the right foot, the toes are pointing to the Qibla and it is straight up. Okay. And this is the common way that the majority

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of the OMA is taught to pray. And this is explicitly narrated, that the Prophet says that it is narrated that the Sahaba said, I saw him praying more tarisha I saw him sitting more steady shot, I saw him after the shoot, move tarisha. So they are explicit narrations of the Sahaba saying I saw him and if they launch what is if the rush mean, once again, the left foot is straight down, and the body is sitting on the left foot, right, and then the right foot is up, and the toes are pointing towards the Qibla this is the way we all learn to pray. hamdulillah and there's really no difference of opinion in this regard.

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And he then says while he's sitting down, Rob Bell, Philly Rob Bell, Philly, Rob Bell, Philly. So this is the humbly madhhab and we just quoted you the Hadith that the process some would say are fairly he would say otherwise. So between the two such as well, there is a vicar done and we'll learn the humbly say this is wajib and the other muda have don't have it as wajib but the humbly say it is wajib to say this decline between the two do as for most other muda they are silent or they say you're allowed to say something but it's not watching

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and then he prostrates so Maya studio Asana can Oola he prostrates exactly like he did the first time and then he raises his head by saying to Kabir William Hello All Amen. For you suddenly a Sania tickle Oola and he then stands all the way up and he finishes the second rocker exactly as he did the first striker. So so far so clear for either Fatah. Minh Houma JELA salud. Tasha hoody move tarisha. Once he has finished from both rockers, he sits for the Tisha hood in the same if the rush position as we have just said, okay, in the same position. Now he's sitting for the Tashahhud what does he do for you Ebisu together who use raw IFAD, he'll use raw, he will place and make his hands

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out on his knees, the left hand. So on his thighs, excuse me, he's going to place his left hand on his size, he will stretch his hand out and place him on his thighs and wire the whole Yumna Alfasud iliamna and his right hand will be on his right type five, but Yuck, Virgo men whom all homes are cancer, well, Binsar or a console Bansal and so he will fold up a fence or wall Binsar so in the Arabic language, each of the fingers has a name. Each of the fingers has a name. Unlike in English, we really don't have the names in Arabic each of the fingers mashallah diabolical. They have a special name, right? You're taught these names. In middle school, high school, you're taught these

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names it's well known

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and your languages well you have the five names mashallah okay so what is the little finger?

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You don't know I just asked you if you taught it you say yes.

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They taught us what I can do Sita

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little finger is a cancer and then the other finger Alban Saarinen the third finger a loose thaw and then a suburb a very good mashallah See he remembers Middle School mashallah, okay.

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My Shall I look inside while Binsar you can say alcanzar world The world wants to both are allowed I'll Kinser while Binsar while was saw was said Baba, when Abraham Okay, these are the five fingers in the Arabic language. This is you should learn this for those that are learning Arabic. Did you learn this yet? Okay. So learn this so that you can now impress your Arabic teacher. You're taking every classes right? Call us now you can impress your Arabic teacher inshallah. Okay, so

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even Kodama says so well. Yes. Bill min Harlequin Sowell Binsar he closes the inside and the Binsar everybody looked at my hand now. He closes the inside and the bins over here. Where's this? Okay, there it is. Okay. He closes the Hensler and the Binsar he closes it up. Okay. What what you had liquid Avraham Milu straw, and he makes a circle with the Woolsthorpe and the Abraham. Okay. So he makes a circle with the Wooster and the Abraham

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Will you see Ruby sub Baba? And he then continues to point with the sub Baba This is the sub Baba. Why is it called the sub Baba? You know?

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Very Good going, I guess it's a good guess. And you're right.

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So Subbu means what? To curse, right? So when you curse somebody when you say something

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okay? This is sub bhava that's why though the thing that curses, okay?

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For someone else, okay?

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You didn't memorize your lessons from?

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So, so even Kodama says I'll cancel. Well, Binsar are closed up like this. Okay, last thought is made into a circle. And then you see Ruby Sababa. Now, the standard humbly position is that he just moves it back and forth. Okay, he,

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from the start to the end. But there are so many opinions about the movement of the finger. And the fact of the matter is, there's nothing that is unequivocal and explicit. There's a lot of murky Hadith that we don't we're trying to decipher. What did the process of use to do and whatever you do in sha Allah equal in whatever you do, any all of them without him say you do something with the finger, right? What do you do? How often do you do it? This is where the love comes. Some some physicians say that you keep it out straight. And others say you move it

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And others say that you only pick it up when you say a shadow Allah, Allah Hi, Lola, which other numbers would Allah, okay?

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Whatever you do in sha Allah, if equally, I mean, these are differences that as long as you're, you know, following the sooner you need to follow the Sunnah. It's all inshallah to Allah good. But in any case, so.

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So in one Hadith, it is narrated that the Prophet system curled his hands up into a 53, homestead with at 13. Okay, and this is somewhat like a 53, where this is the five and this is the three and the Hadith in Sahih. Muslim, he curled his hands up into a 53 Compson. With that, I think, and this is comes this is the Hamza and this is the third artha on this site. Okay, so this is, this definitely seems to be the more preferred position to do something like this, okay, this definitely, now the draft comes the finger only, that's where the mother who basically have their positions, and some say, as I said, you keep it straight out. Some say you curl it up a little bit, and there is a

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Hadith that, that he would just have it just curled up like a natural position, right. So because if you straighten up, you have to use a muscle. And if you leave it without the muscle, then it will be just as in its natural state, and other madhhab say that you keep on moving it because in a hadith and Sunnah, notice it It is narrated that the Prophet SAW Selim said that the moving of the finger is more painful to Shavon than being hit with iron. Why is this because you are affirming La Ilaha illa Allah. So you are affirming Tauheed when you raise your finger, so it is more painful to JSON than being hit with an iron. So whatever you do in sha Allah, any, some some Hadith seem to mention

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he would move, other Hadith seem to mentioned he would not move. And again, there's this controversy from the classical narrations. And Allah knows best Allah knows best. Me personally, after a little bit of research, because you can spend weeks doing research on this and then more importantly, after a little bit of research, I have just personally, I don't move it I keep it up the whole time. I just keep it up. And it's natural position, because there's a hadith in Sahih Muslim that seems to suggest that he would simply just have it up throughout the show, okay, from the beginning to the end, from the beginning to the end. But in any case, whatever you do, don't spend too much time make

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a decision and go with it and hamdulillah the shehryar has more important things to worry about then, then how to use the finger. So, but again from the from the the book here, so we have what you see Rubis Ababa and he then points with his and he then points with his sub Baba the primary finger. And then he says a to here to LA or Sala to water yerba salam alayka UNLV Warahmatullah wabarakatuh As Salam wa Naina whatever the Dasani in a shadow Allah Allah, Allah wa shadow now Muhammad Abdul Rasulo for her that are Sahil mode, all we are adding a beautiful Allahu Allah he will send them a fisher hood. This is the most authentic Shah hood narrated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam. This is also called that the Shah hood of Eben Masood, okay, memorize this and write it down this is that the shahada Libyan Massoud, why? Because you have the shadow that will be you

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You have the shahada, Abu Huraira you have multiple Tisha hoods, but the most authentic one which is in Behati and Muslim, our Prophet SAW he said I'm even Massoud said,

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the prophet system taught me that the Shah hood, I lemony Rasulullah says, Tisha hood, kama, you eliminate Surah mineral Quran, just like he would teach the SUTA from the Quran. So he taught me that the Shah would just like he would teach me the surah from the Quran. And then even Massoud said, a year to Allah wa Salatu was to you but and at the hayyat means veneration is to Allah, veneration is to Allah was salawat and all prayers are to Allah, what per year but and all pure things are ascribed to Allah. Okay, a year to the law he was Salawat to work for you but all generations and praises to to Allah and all Salah is to Allah and all pure things are ascribed to

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Allah assalamu alayka, you honeybee? May May peace be upon you, oh prophet, and a Salam wa Elena wherever the Sala Hain May peace be upon us and upon all of the righteous servants of Allah. And of course, this is the motif of praising Allah and then asking for Salam upon the righteous is found in the Quran many times. Patil hamdu Lillahi wa salam, ala Abadi, Ladino Stofer say Alhamdulillah and salam upon his chosen servants. And this is found in multiple verses say Alhamdulillah. And Salam upon his chosen so in the Koran. Okay. And so in the Takaya, that's exactly what we do, here to the law, or Salawat will tell you that as salam ala KB wa rahmatullahi, wa Barakatuh As Salam wa Elena

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while everybody that has solid hain. Now as for this legend or rumor, that this was the conversation in this hour Mirage, there is absolutely no basis for this whatsoever. And it is a common myth that is become a fairy tale but there is no basis in the Sunnah. And in fact it contradicts what we know of the historian mirage.

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So we should not believe this, this at all. Some way of go then he says Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad, Ali Mohamed, come masala Talib Rahim Allah Allah priming the comida Majid Obeidallah Muhammad Ali Mohammed Omar Abdullah Ibrahim Ali Ali Ibrahim in hamidou, Majid and this is the famous the salah Ibrahim iya, that has been narrated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it is something that the Sahaba themselves, the Sahaba themselves, they asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam how to do and he taught them how to do this. So again, this is authentically narrated that they that they they made a mistake in the Shah hood, and they said something they

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shouldn't have said and say that they will say a salam ala Jibreel salam ala Mikaela Salam, O Allah, they kept on going and the person said, don't say this. So they said what should we say? So he said, say Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed, so he taught them the second Tisha hood. So both the Shia hoods are explicitly mentioned in a hadith in Bukhari and Muslim and the two together. By the way, no one Hadith mentioned both of them together, there are two separate and that's why they're called to Tisha hoods to show that over the shoulder standing there are never mentioned together in the same Hadith, right? We're getting there we're getting there inshallah. But yes, there's one of

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them is more important than the other, but we're getting there inshallah. Tada. So,

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the prophets has taught them that the Shabbat as well and this is the second childhood. Then after he finishes that the shuffle What should he do? What is the hey boo, and it is encouraged so this is not a wajib it is not as soon as it is not broken, it is encouraged, what is encouraged, and UTAU with them in either be Jahannam woman as I will cover woman fit that in my hair when my mad woman fitna did Missy had the job, to seek refuge in these four things. Why? Because I will hurry to narrated that the Prophet sister would always pray at the end of his Salah Allahumma India would become an adult will cover woman either but nah, woman fit it into my hair. All right, well, if it

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didn't get the job, and he narrated that I never saw the process and pray except that he sought refuge in Allah from the fitna of mercy in the job. So this clearly indicates that the prophecy is and will always make some type of DUA and other Hadith mentioned even longer to as you would make. So one of the timings of dua insula is also after the second shout and before that, the slim and especially when you're praying by yourself, this is also a time along with the sedge. So the says that is the main time of dawn and along with this says the another time of dua is when you finish that the childhood and before you say that this theme and especially at this time you seek refuge in

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these things allow me to do because I will cover on either but now, with that in mind

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Muhammad when we felt that in my day job, these four things he would regularly seek refuge from. So my you sell him on Yemeni, a Solomonic Warahmatullah one yesterday he could, then he turns to his right and he says, a Salah, Malik Muhammad Allah, and then he turns to his left and he says the same thing. And again, this is exposit narrated from Eben Massoud that the Prophet system would say to his right Assalamualaikum warahmatullah and he would say to his left Islam, Radek, Warahmatullah, and I could see the whiteness of his right and left cheek, which means he would turn all the way. So he's immunise route is behind, so I could see the whiteness of his right and his left cheek. So this

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means when you say that this name, you turn all the way and then you turn all the way. And this is something again explicitly narrated in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We're in Ghana to Salah to XL Rahman raka Taney and if he is praying more than two raka So, what does he do in this case? Now, how Baba Tisha who did what he can hold we him in a suit, he will stand up after the first Tisha hood as he stood up from the sujood some of you saw lira Kartini, then he will pray the other tool or this is for the Horde and acid and Muslim Orisha sorry, la COFI Hema back Delphi to high tea Shea, he will not read other than the Fatiha anything. So it's only going to be

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the factor in the third and the fourth block God fader Jenessa lit the Shah who did a theory then when he sits down for the final Tisha hood toward raka toward raka he shall sit in the work position. So the work position is different than the other position what was the other position called who can remember if the rush if the rush position and work position to work position? How was it done? Even Kodama narrates for nasaga original volume now we're thorough shall use raw will Raja Houma Anya meanie, so he would raise the right foot so the right foot is exactly the same, the right foot is exactly the same in both that the toes are pointing towards the fibula and it is straight

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up. But in this time, the left leg will go underneath the tie and the weight of the body will be on the left thigh and the left buttock. So you will sit down on the floor with the left side of your body. And both feet will then be pointed outward. Okay, underneath you going underneath you and the right foot will be up and the left foot will simply be straight underneath that, okay, and we see people do this all the time.

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Is everybody understanding this position? It's a we see this very commonly all the time. Okay. You want to demonstrate to what rock you're sitting almost our rock, if you can just put your head your view your excellent you will know you're sitting over. No, that's if they're OSH. There we go. Exactly. But put the right foot up. Put the right foot up the right. No but still you have to sit on the left. No, no, no, no, you haven't gotten tower. Who gets who gets the work? Did you get the work? You get to work shows. Ah

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there we go. Okay, this is though this is a version of the bottle guests. Okay? You don't necessarily have to put the left foot underneath. But that's the version of Table Rock. Right? Excellent that you sit on the left side of the body. Okay, and the right foot is up and the left foot is underneath it. Okay, so the word

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practice makes perfect.

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Keep on practicing and you will be able to do it in sha Allah. In any case, it is sunnah. If there are untoward rook is Sunnah, if you're not able to do it, nobody says your Salah is not this, okay? But it is narrated that in a four raka or three raka prayer our processing would do to work in the third or fourth Raka and he would do if there are in the second record, and if there's only two records he would do if there are in the second rocker. Okay, so by the way, another thing we notice is very interesting, that the Sahaba are observing in so much detail. So we have all of these explicit a hadith. Also our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the famous Hadith in Bukhari

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and Muslim so Luke comma or a to Mooney, also Li, solo Lu Kamara, Ito Mooney. Oh saldi pray as you have seen me pray. So they memorize the prayer of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So even Kodama says that if it's three or four raka then he will sit in the terroir rock position, and he describes the terroir root position. Walleye at our Graco Illa fuselage and fee Hi, Tasha who Danny fill a theremin Houma. He will not do to our

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broke, unless it is a prayer with two Tisha hoods so Muslim Russia

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and vote and ask her and he will do to work in the second Tasha hood of these prayers. Okay, so as I just said to work is only done in the end if there are multiple T shirts if there's only one t shirt hood fajr prayer there is no textbook. Okay Sunnah prayers there is no Tallarook so no two there is no tomorrow only in the three or four o'clock prayer and the second one of them there will be to work for either Sal lemma. Once he says that the Slim is devil Farah salah. Then he will say a soft for Allah a soft for Allah a stuffer Allah because it is authentically narrated that as soon as the Prophet says finished praying, he would say stuff for Allah three times and then he would say Allah

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Houma and the salaam woman could sell ammo terracotta here they'll generally well a Quran and there and there are many many other of cow that are mentioned after the the slim attain and it will put ama does not mention all of them he just mentioned he should make some basically of God. And so this is the overall the overall description of the prayer.

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00:46:41 --> 00:46:51

feels cool Ruby mimma. Janita Anza down to Isla

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Rafi down

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