Yasir Qadhi – The Divine Name al Sittir – The One Who Conceals Our Faults

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The use of the symbolical designation of Islam in the Hadith is important for avoiding false accusations and avoiding private behavior. It is important to avoid false accusations and not share false accusations unless it is a serious offense. It is important to be mindful of one's words and not to share them unless it is a serious offense. The history of Islam is discussed, including the use of "has been" to signal harmed and embarrassed individuals, and the use of "has been" to signal that people are harmed and not embarrassed.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was a woman who

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reported in the western Levy, Mohammed and also other books of Hadith that once the Prophet system was walking in the streets of Medina and he saw a person in the distance a Bedouin, taking a holster without any clothes on in the public, and this was something that Bedouins did. The Prophet sallallahu I said them, walk to the masjid and he stood on the member and he gave a mini hotpot and by the way, the professor's would often give the moment or the or the hotter from the member. That was the default, not just the hot tub, he would stand and he would give what we give the hotter here. He would give it on his on his member. And he said in Allah ha ha ye Yun, si te Ron, you hibou

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cetera. Allah subhana wa Taala is shy, heavy and seductive. He loves to cover your boo Sutter he loves to cover. So when one of you take some muscle failure stutter, let him cover himself. This Hadith teaches us it is the only Hadith in which one of the names of Allah occurs and that is a CTL. This name is not found in the Koran. There are a number of names that are found only in the Hadith. And this is one of those names of Allah that is found in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam a CTL from the root cetera and cetera means to cover up cetera means to envelope so that you don't see and therefore we call the curtain sitar because it covers up okay we call the curtain

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sitar because it's covering what is behind it. A CTR otherwise nefarious it means the one who covers up regardless of how large what is underneath it needs to be covered. So a Cydia, the one who covers no matter how large the covering Allah is cover can encompass it. By the way, the name of Allah, the technical name is a city. Some of our brethren they say yes.

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And this is not wrong. It's not incorrect, but it is not correct either. The name of Allah is CTL. And also some brothers say setar. So Abdullah set out is a common name in some lands. And again, it's not wrong, but the better version or the more accurate version is the deal. And this is what it found in the Hadith. So in today's short, hotter one, extract some benefits from this name of Allah azza wa jal What does this mean? A satyr is the name of Allah that indicates that Allah is nature and Allah azza wa jal name, and the last action is an action of covering the faults of those whom he loves. Allah covers the faults of his beloved, Allah protects other people from seeing the faults of

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those whom he loved. So Allah Himself is a CTO, and he loves sitter and he commands sitter and he practices sitter. All of this is encompassed in the name of Allah, a city, there are many types of sitter, we'll go over three or four of them as time permits. The first type of sitter is mentioned in this Hadith, and that is the physical Sutter, the covering of one's own hour. And this is the most obvious Allah wants us to cover. And Allah does not love Phylicia he does not love nakedness and * in public it is not of the commandments of Allah, as Allah says in the Quran, that when the Quran said that Allah commanded us to do tawaf, without clothes, Allah says no, in Allahu Allah

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your mobile fascia and the hadith of or the the verse of Adam alayhis salam that Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, what and then I think you have any Adam called answer nitricum lieberson you worry so article mauritia are children of Adam. We have sent down clothes on to you. Allah did not create us with clothes. We are born without clothes. Where did clothes come from? How did they get here? By the end Zenn la calmly basa our mother and father according to our tradition did not come down naked. Yes, in genda what happened happened but when they came down to earth, they were dressed they were clothed. So Allah sent our parents down wearing the garments that they wore, Allah sent

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them down wanting to teach them and then Allah says yeah bunny Adam, are children of Adam. We have sent down clothes we taught you and we ingrained in you that you should be wearing clothes. What is the purpose of clothes because buttons are an adequate device and you worry so article, it covers your hour and what he showed it

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is a declaration for you. So this is the first setup. And it is mentioned in the Hadith that the Prophet system said, Allah is citied he loves cetera. So what why don't you take a bath, don't do it in public do it in private, fairly aesthetic. This is the first meaning of setup. The second connotation of subtle is to cover and conceal one's own faults from other people. It is a matter of HIA and a matter of belief in a law that we do not want to publicize our own sins. And this is something that some people misunderstand. They say, you know what, if I'm going to do a sin, everybody should know about it. On the contrary, don't do a sin. But if you're going to do a sin, do

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not publicize it, keep it between you and Allah because Allah azza wa jal is citied. And he loves such a, this is something explicitly mentioned in a hadith in Abu Dhabi. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that all believers yamashiro muslimeen avoid, these are the raw these disgusting deeds, avoid doing the sins, but whoever amongst you has done one file yesterday will be Saturday law. This is Hadith of the Prophet system. If you've done it, then do cover yourself with the covering of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he told us don't do since. But if you've done one, don't go tell people about it. Cover with the covering of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because when you tell

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other people, then our Prophet system said, Could lumati more often ill Buddha, he ruined all of my oma shall be forgiven, except those who publicize the Sahaba said, What do you mean those who publicized so the Prophet system said, a man commits a sin in the middle of the night and Allah has given saturd to him. Then the next day he goes, and he says, Hey, so and so? Do you know what I did last night I did this and this and he tells them and he destroys the sutra of Allah, Allah has at least covered your sin have enough hyah and shame that you don't take that center away. And the head Ethan Bahati, a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said O Messenger of Allah, I

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have committed a crime. And I have hugged and kissed a lady that I should not have done. So it knocked the hood on me. That's all he did. He hugged and he didn't go all the way he hugged and kissed or whatever hottub said, Yeah, haha. Oh, so and so? Were you hack woe to you? Allah subhana wa tada SATA. Raka BCT. He, Allah covered his sittard upon you, why did you have to come and break that setup? Why did you have to come and tell us in public, I did such and such you did something. You don't have to come and tell us it's something private. So this shows us if you do a sin that is private between you and Allah, we're not talking about a sin, that is boom unto other people, that's

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a separate category, we're going to come to that a private sin, you don't boast about it. You don't go and publicize it. You don't go and tell other people it is Allah's nature, a city, he wants sins to be private, he doesn't want you to commit sin. But if a sin has occurred, then between private and public, you choose private, this is the second meaning of city. And the third meaning of city or the third connotation is if you see another person commits a sin that is a private sin between him and Allah, it does not involve the bulk of the rebar, it does not involve the over the community. If you see a person committing a sin, that is private smoking, drinking, you know, consensual thing

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that might happen between two people, if you see that, then you give them nasiha privately, you tell them to fear Allah privately, but unless the community is involved, unless the Koch of innocent people are involved, because obviously By the way, if somebody is stealing money, and he's gonna keep on doing that, now that's a separate thing. You know, if somebody did something that is a crime against humanity, that's a separate thing. We're talking about a private sim a slip up that is between a person and Allah subhana wa Taala nobody else is affected. The community doesn't need to know our Prophet sallallahu either he was sent them said, Man cetera either he'll Muslim whoever

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covers the faults of his Muslim brother cetera, whoever covers the force of his Muslim brother in this world, Allah azza wa jal will cover his faults on the Day of Judgment. This is an authentic hadith, which contradicts completely the culture we live in right now. This culture that we live in, it loves gossip, and it loves spreading innuendos and drama. You don't need to subscribe to HBO and the drama channels, Facebook, and your social media will tell you all you need to know so and so did this, you know the latest thing are Oh Billa. And they are especially in this culture, news channels and specific programs dedicated to spread gossip and innuendo. And unfortunately, our communities or

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Muslim communities have absorbed this culture. Yeah, it is nobody's business. If somebody commits a sin that is private between him and Allah or her and Allah, and if you happen to find out about it, it's not your business to go tell other people. Yes, you go to that person. Yes, you advise that person directly. Yes, you try to correct it within you know, private between you and him. But unless it involves the work of others, you are not forget obliged. You are sinful in most times for spreading and that's why

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Allah says in the Lydian a boon and Tashi, alpha, those who want far heisha to spread and in the Hadith of the kiss of the slander of Arusha, what did we learn from that slander story? Be quiet, don't spread slander, don't spread gossip, you just stop Don't spread it to the Kono be authentic. So our Shetty aims to cover up why oh, by the way, why somebody can say, but I need to know the crimes of so and so. And the responses. Why? Why do you need to know because it is possible that the crimes of so and so might indeed be there, but then his good will outweigh that bad. And by publicizing the bad, you have minimized his good, you have made tobor difficult for that person.

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Also, when you constantly publicize evil, you desensitize evil in the eyes of the masses. So in a society where hardly anybody drinks and you come across somebody drinking, then you start spreading Oh, so and so's drinking soda surgery and 510 15 people that she thought is going to come in and say, You know what, everybody's drinking, let me drink as well. You shall incentivize by spreading far harsher, the goal should be to minimize, don't speak about it publicly. And the same goes as well when you spread the sins of other people. shaitaan comes and gives you an ego boost because one of the goals by the way of gossip and this is well known psychology. One of the goals of gossiping,

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is it makes you feel good by speaking about the faults of other people and that's not ethical that's not shattering. That's not Islamic Kibera. arrogance is of the greatest crimes. You know what our profits are. Some said Hadith isn't a Buddha would listen to this. Our Prophet sallallahu I said him said that oh groups of people meaning the Bedouins who have embraced Islam, with your tongues, but your hearts are not yet Muslim, Fear Allah and do not follow the mistakes and sins of the believers. What after tibideaux are rotten, our rotten Muslim men do not follow and expose the mistakes of the believers. For whoever exposes the mistakes of his brothers. Allah will expose him and humiliate him

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even if he is in his house without any witnesses, Allah is going to expose him this is a Hadith of the prophets of Allah. Why don't you send them do not expose the faults of your brothers and a workers to the UK one said that if I had to hide a shalabi as somebody whose drinks or a Zani with my own phobe, I would hide him this book could acidic if some if a person is running from from drinking or something he needs refuge. If I had to hide him with my own phobe. I would hide him Why should I go tell other people that I found somebody drinking, I found somebody doing that. And one of the scholars of the past said that I met a group of people, they did not have any mistakes or

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sins, but they started speaking about the sins of other people. That was there. All they do is spread gossip and innuendo until Allah subhana wa Taala created sins in their lives and then expose them. This is a very famous quote from one of the scholars of Medina, his name is escaping me now that I dropped to acquirement I met a group of people that they were good people overall, but they started emphasizing gossip and talking about others and spreading column and spreading fires and whatnot. So Allah subhanho wa Taala created sins in their lives, things happen to them. That didn't happen before they started talking about other people. And then Allah humiliated them because they

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emphasize the faults of other people. So the third commandment have settled cover up the faults of other people don't speak about gossip and innuendo unless it involves the rights of the innocent and the rights of the community. If somebody is harming people, then yes, you need to get involved and go to the public. And then we conclude a shell load the other with Well, two things we can quickly conclude it is prophetic sooner do Hadith and agudo of the daughters of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would say, Allah whom muster our RT, he would make dua to Allah, Allah cover my weaknesses and my our outro here isn't just your physical, nakedness It is also the spiritual Allah

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who muster our it we make dua to Allah, that our faults are with whom our sins are covered. We don't want people to know our sins we don't want them to know. And we ask Allah the cities to cover our sins. One of the scholars of the past said that if sins had a smell, then none of you would sit in my vicinity because my sins would spread to all of you by smell. But Allah has covered me with his subtle Allah has covered me with his setup. This is the reality of what Saturn is so of the prophetic to us, Allah who muster our Almighty Allah conceal my mistakes and my our and the final, Heidi will conclude with beautiful Hadith about Saturn. And this is what we strive for when we cover

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our own hours and we cover our own sins and we cover the sins of our brothers. What is the fruit of all of this, the final Hadith in Sahih Muslim, a man was doing tawaf and he saw Abdullah had been Omar, the Allahu taala and he would live in Mecca for the last 20 years over

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his life and he will do to off all the time I shot at about a cola. And so this is a Heidi that was narrated during the toe off of the Kaaba, beautiful headed, it's headed that was narrated during the twofer, the Kaaba. So he rushed up to him and Omar and he said, Omar, what did you hear from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the Nigeria, the private conversation between Allah and the person on the Day of Judgment, what did the process and tell you about that private conversation? So even? Even Omar said that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhana wa Taala will come closer and closer to the believer until

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there is nothing between him and Allah will speak to the believer directly. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will say to the believer will say to the movement, did you do such and such a sin? And the believer will say yes, then he will say did you do such and such and the movement will say yes, and he will continue going over all of the list until the movement things I am destroyed. Allah has mentioned all of my sins, and then Allah subhana wa tada will say, set total to her alayka for dunya. I was the one who covered these sins in the dunya and today I shall forgive all of them. The fact that Allah conceal the sins in the dunya was a blessing from Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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bless the believer by concealing his sins, it is a blessing from Allah that my sins are concealed and your sins are concealed. We take this as a blessing from Allah and assign that in sha Allah to Allah, Allah wants us to repent, and Allah wants us to be better. So this person thought he would be destroyed because Allah listed all of his sins. But even in this conversation, it's a private conversation. It's a Nigeria, even on the Day of Judgment, Allah will not expose the believer and Allah will conceal the sins then Allah will tell the believer set out to her alika for dunya I'm the one who conceal the sins from everybody else on in this world. And so today, I shall forgive all of

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them. We ask Allah subhana wa Tada, the CTO to cover our sins who stood our atina and to make us of those who on the Day of Judgment, we are not embarrassed. We are not ashamed in front of mankind and our faults are covered in this world and the next and forgiven by the food and

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