Muiz Bukhary – The Best Manner of Seeking Forgiveness

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The importance of forgiveness is highlighted in a series of narratives from the Prophet sallali, including a story about Jesus's actions and promises, a narration of the beast's story, and a narration of the Prophet sallali's actions. The speakers emphasize the need for forgiveness and the importance of avoiding actions and staying true to oneself. They also encourage others to practice forgiveness and share in on the reward of their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. We begin by praising Eliza Virgil. We asked him the almighty the Lord of all worlds the exalted the majestic to send his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of Panama. My dear brothers and sisters, do you want to know what is the best way of seeking forgiveness? The best manner of seeking forgiveness? If the answer to that

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question is yes, then let's go into the Koran. Let's go into the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in this particular video, and find out our maker Subhana Allah Allah, He says in Soto Zuma

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is number 54. So saltos Zuma is the 39th chapter is number 54. Orly Eva de la Vina as rafo while

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forcing him pointed to me raw material.

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In a long Hail ferrozzo no by Jeremy

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Rahi him Kalia Eva De La Nina asafo Allah and footsy him

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sell Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yeah he by the home I said servants, all my slaves Alina as Rottweiler and foster him who have transgressed against themselves. And this is through transgression through

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you know, through sin through wrongdoing, love that point to my Rahmatullah. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala in La Jolla. Pharaoh de novo Jamia Indeed Allah forgives all sins in the whole of a photo Rahim. Indeed he is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. I chose to start off with this idea as an introduction to establish in our hearts, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the most forgiving, and this ayah fills us with so much of hope. It fills us with so much faith. It fills us with this enthusiasm and zeal to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala knowing

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that there is going to be a response knowing that Allah azza wa jal is willing to forgive us of our sins.

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In another place, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, and this is in sort of the North for call to start, Robert come in who kind of

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so with regards to advocate Ayad Guan, you'll see the samurai like midroc volume did the con BM Wiley we're burnin ya gi la come Jenna to edge Allah come and

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install Fedora back home. seek the forgiveness is still far Is he still federal robber come seek the forgiveness of your Lord in the who can have.

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Indeed he is the most forgiving offer is upon a hyperbolic scale. an exaggerated scale He forgives excessively, using the semi la comida raw He will send rain to you in abundance while you need to come by and while he will give you increase in wealth. We're burning and children while AGI lecom genart were jala calm and Hara and he will bestow he will grant you Jannat gardens. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all access grant us all entry into his beautiful and lofty gardens. Why I like him and her and he will bestow upon you rivers Jenna integrity mentality her and her highly D in a fee her gardens beneath which rivers flow living there in abiding there in perpetually.

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So you turned to Allah subhanho wa Taala you seek the forgiveness of your forgiving Lord, he is willing to forgive and not just forgive Subhana Allah, he is willing to reward you where your wealth is going to be increased. You're going to be given children, you're going to have a good life in this world

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and a good life in the hereafter. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all with different forms of goodness in this world, as well as the hereafter I mean, so as you can see the previous IRA it fills us with so much of hope this idea this idea promises numerous benefits.

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You see, and we understand through this again, the forgiveness of our maker subhanho wa Taala and we also understand the generosity of our maker subhanho wa Taala

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it is written that a man once goes to

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an Imam.

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I'm not mistaken. It was hassanal bacillary Rahim Allah goes to him and he

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What does he do? He complains to him of poverty of how difficult his life is.

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The chef Imam Hassan Obasanjo even hustler Buhari Rahim Allah He goes on to instruct him and advise him, seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So this was the instructions that he gave this individual who came to him doing what complaining of poverty. Now after a while there was another man who comes to him complaining that he does not have any children. He mom has an elbow sorry rahimullah went on to tell this individual as well seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Another man comes to him now and he complains to him.

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Perhaps he was a farmer. He was involved in vegetation cultivation, he comes to him and tells him You know what, this time my crops have died. My lands are barren. My fields are barren. There is no harvest during this particular season or for a couple of seasons. mm has an alibi. Sorry, Rahim Allah. He goes on to advise this individual as well seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now the Imams students were puzzled because three different situations. Three different circumstances if you will, and the Imams response was the same. seek the forgiveness of Allah seek the forgiveness of Allah seek the forgiveness of Allah. So they go on to question the share, they go

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and ask the teacher

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the logic behind this the rationale behind this if you will, and Imam has an adversary Rahim Allah then reads the idea that we just read for call to stop fear or back home in

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your scene is

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needed or while you're the comb be.

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Bernie now why ngi lakum Gen.

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Y Gen. Con Gen.

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Con and

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were in this is the command is being issued seek the forgiveness from your Lord indeed he is most forgiving. Your silly semi la comida raw He will send rain to you in abundance so you your land is barren. There is no harvest no crops, no rain in sight. Make it still far Allah will send rain in abundance. The man comes to him complaining of poverty seek the forgiveness of Allah young did the combi and while he will grant you increase in wealth, a man comes to him complaining or telling him that he does not have children. He instructs him seek the forgiveness of a lot what you only do can be unwilling, we're binding. Allah will grant you abundance in your wealth and Allah will grant you

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children Subhana Allah look at the knowledge of the scholars of the past. You know they go back to the Quran to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for light for guidance for lessons May Allah azza wa jal opened doors of beneficial knowledge for all of us mean. So as you can see, I think we've established the fruits of forgiveness, the importance of forgiveness, the importance of turning to Allah subhanho wa Taala seeking His forgiveness

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and to elaborate further on the forgiveness of our maker subhanho wa Taala we have beautiful a Heidi that very

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eloquently described the mercy of Allah azza wa jal, the forgiveness of our maker subhanho wa Taala. For example, you have this lofty Hadith codici Hadith, called the CCR the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala, being reported to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it is not considered Quran, it is considered this particular category is known as Hadith codici. So Allah azza wa jal he says the Prophet sallallahu Sallam informs us even Adam,

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lo Bella, what Xu buka Ananda sama,

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or son of Adam, if your sins were to reach, I Nana sama the high parts of the heavens of the sky, the lofty parts of the sky, okay, or the clouds of the sky, you can translate it either way. If your sins were to reach the clouds, okay? And if you were to come to Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you were

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To turn back to him Isaiah Virgil seeking His forgiveness that Allah subhanho wa Taala the Hadith goes along the lines of these words Allah azza wa jal would forgive you of your sins, if you turned to him without associating any partners unto him, believing in Him and seeking His forgiveness, Allah azzawajal the most forgiving, the Most Merciful will forgive you of your sins and this deed of is still far. It is from the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam we have a hadith that Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah He mentions that the prophets of Allah Islam as a reporter have said, whether the nuptse bat by the one who's walked by the one in whose hand is my soul, I certainly seek

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the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and repent to him more than 70 times each day Allahu Akbar. So I want you all to pause for a moment and let the words of the messenger sinkin. Who are we talking about here? The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, the pinnacle of virtue, the epitome of goodness, if he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is turning to Allah subhanho wa Taala in Toba and seeking His forgiveness 70 times a day, that my dear brothers and sisters What about you and I, we are

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we think of ourselves, we think high and mighty of ourselves, but we are perpetual sinners, constantly making mistakes constantly. trespassing, and and transgressing. Subhan Allah so just imagine how many times do you think you and I we have to turn to a lion tober and seek his his forgiveness, even alma rhodiola one who is reported to have said

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we used to count

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and if I'm not mistaken this narration is regard to the book of mama to me the Rahim Allah, we used to count that in in one single gathering, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say I seek Allah's forgiveness and I repent unto him more than 70 times and he will he's not alone, while he will wisdom would continuously seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So these are Heidi clearly tell us many brothers and sisters. So like I said earlier on we are perpetual sinners, right? We keep making mistakes. So therefore these Hadith educate us that this is something that we need to make part and parcel of our day to day lives. It's not something restricted to the

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month of Ramadan. No, it's not something restricted to a certain duration a season of the year. No, this is something that we had to make part and parcel of our day to day lives. Because at the end of the day, we have been created as such, we have been created between forgetfulness, and between making mistakes. And we also have the narration where

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Abu huraira the Allahu anhu. He mentions that the prophets that I said that was reported to have said by Allah, if you did not commit sins, Allah will take you away and Allah would bring about a people who would seek Allah's forgiveness and he would forgive them.

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You know, so if you were a people who would not commit sins at all.

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Then Allah would bring about people who would commit sins and seek the forgiveness of Allah because Allah loves those who seek His forgiveness. Yes, we're not supposed to dwell upon sin and go on and go on with our sins. No, that is not something that Eliza loves Allah loves those who slip, and then turn to Him seeking His forgiveness. Turn to him sincerely seeking His forgiveness. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to do so. So these are Hadith clearly outline the fact that we are supposed to make it part and parcel of our day to day lives. It outlines the mercy of Allah azza wa jal and along with that we have Beautiful Names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala that

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clearly describe our maker subhanho wa Taala, the majestic the almighty as being extremely extremely forgiving. You have in the law for Rahim Indeed, Allah is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful, you have a love of being another name and name slash attribute of Allah subhanho wa Taala, describing him as being the most merciful. We have a Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that tell us that Allah azza wa jal is more merciful unto us than our own mothers.

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You have I add that describe Allah in the law your funeral Are you sure I can behave well through my una delicacy Manisha in it Allah will not forgive shift associating partners unto him but anything else everything that Allah forgives, and even shared many brothers and sisters you will qualify you to understand the IRL

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shark here that is if you die upon shark but you have committed shark and now you want to turn over a new leaf you know before before you this is before you die, you want to turn over a new leaf you want to turn back to Allah. You want to turn to Him Subhana Allah and you sincerely seeking His forgiveness, Allah azza wa jal will forgive you be in their lap, but Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive all of our sins. I mean

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So my dear brothers and sisters, now with regards to tober very swiftly you know of the conditions you know that you have to have near them. You have to have deep regret.

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You can't. The October basically has to be sincere yeah you have Latina amanu ilahi toe but then nurse who ha tober nurse who has sincere Toba then you have to cola you to come out of the sin. You can't dwell upon the sin like I said earlier on and and and take the kindness of Allah subhanho wa Taala for granted No, we fear the anger of Allah azza wa jal and we should not take his kindness we should not take his mercy for granted. And then as a determination that we are not going to go back to that sin again now, I mean, we slipped, we fell into a hole. Okay, and see that's that's the beauty. When you look at tober and dakka

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dakka is being mindful of Allah subhanho wa Taala this whole month of Ramadan. Yeah, you already know amanu quotevalet Kumasi and come up with a ballerina Min kobelco la la quinta taco,

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the lofty objective behind the month of Ramadan, it is not just merely staying away from food and drink. It's not some kind of a diet. It is the lofty objective is the COA. The lofty objective is to be conscious to be mindful of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So now talking about those holes talking about the traps of shaitaan taqwa helps you to be mindful and navigate away from the traps of Shere Khan away from the holes. But let's say you slip and now you have fallen into one of the pits into one of the holes. Now, Toba will help you get out of that pit get out of that hole. So now as you are getting out, I'll have some determination not to fall back into the same pit. May Allah protect

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us from the traps of shaitaan. I mean,

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so you mentioned another regret we mentioned.

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What is it a fella coming out of it? We mentioned Al Azim firm determination to go back to it into it. And you also have to understand that your tobor has to happen has to be initiated by you, before the Angel of Death comes and stands in front of you. Once malloc will see at the end of the day, our our period, our time on this earth is appointed right colonus in the Ecuadorian mouth, every soul shall inevitably taste that no matter kuno you direct human mouth, while Quantum fibrogen macheda wherever you may be that will reach you even if you're going to be in a fortified and lofty tower. So at the appointed time, the angel tasked with the responsibility of extracting souls, he and his

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team will come May Allah bless us with good endings, I mean, when he comes and now when you witness him, it'll Subhanallah you you you may be in a position where you were driving, you were sleeping, perhaps you were walking you were studying.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala again, I pray Allah make our endings beautiful, I mean, let us not be taken away in a position where we are displeasing Allah subhanho wa Taala No, let us let our souls be extracted in postures and positions where we are pleasing lies of a gel, think about a person passing away in sujood Subhan Allah, think about the person passing away in Salah, think about the person fast passing away while he or she is fasting. Think about the person passing away, passing away while reading the Koran Subhana Allah

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during a good deed, may Allah take our lives, I mean, sort of coming back to that,

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and the Angel of Death is going to suddenly come. And now if you're not prepared, you're going to beg and plead that you want more time to perhaps give away all of your wealth in charity, that wealth that you were holding those notes that you are counting

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the dounia that you are running behind now you know, there's no point you're going to traverse onto the next realm. And you'll beg and plead Give me one more day Give me two more days I'm just going to you know, give everything away and do as many good deeds as possible set the record straight with with with the creation of a life have wronged people, if I've heard people I want to seek their forgiveness. But do you think you will get respect? Do you think there'll be an opportunity No, my dear brothers and sisters when the Angel of Death comes in front of you when the whales have been lifted. And now when you see this dunya this worldly life for what it truly is, you have to

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understand something extremely serious, even your tober is not going to be accepted at that juncture. You have to look at it like the example of an examination. You see the writing the the paper

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when the timer goes off, or perhaps the bell rings and now you're to hand over the paper.

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And at that juncture, the the person in charge of the examinations, the teacher is now in front of you and you've given your paper and at that point I'll just before giving the paper

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But the time has run out and you receive the answer sheet. Now, do you think there's any point you can't write any of the answers onto the sheet because the pens have been taken away and now you need to hand over your sheet Subhan Allah so that's that's a similar situation when the Angel of Death comes and stands in front of us. And the other situation is before the sun rises from the west, without getting into too much of detail because it's a discussion for another day. This is from the major signs of the day of climate, the sun rising from the west, usually the sun rises from the east, you will have huge cosmological changes and then the sun will rise from the west. It's going

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to be Think about it. It's going to be a huge phenomenon that everybody will witness. And once that happens as per the teachings of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The doors of Toba will be slammed shut May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to turn to Him in sincere Toba before these things occur, I mean,

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so now coming back to is still far.

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So Toba, I would say is a broader understanding it's an umbrella term under which is still far comes in. Okay, so so far is to seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala Toba is broader it is to turn back when you define the term Toba it is to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. At this juncture, I'd like to inform you all about a series during Ramadan known as words from the Quran and the Sunnah. So during that particular or in that series, inshallah, I will be at the end the whole series, it's all about basically choosing words from the Quran and the Sunnah and and unpacking it as much as possible deducing as many lessons as possible from these words. So for example, we have

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covered the word Al Quran we have covered the word asuna. We have covered the word Allah, we have covered the word Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, and eventually we will discuss the word Toba. And when talking about the word Toba, I will go into certain amount of detail with regards to its literal definition with regards to its shadow redefinition. So I'd remind you to subscribe to the channel if you haven't, and then hit the little bell next to the subscribe button as well so that when one of these videos goes alive, you will receive a notification so we can all benefit from the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So talking about

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is still far now. We have a narration.

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It is an authentic narration shed that they've been out for the Allahu anhu he narrates from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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that the noblest and most excellent manner of seeking forgiveness is that the slave of Allah says and now the Prophet goes on to mention this beautiful form of Mr. Farr. I'm going to try to have a slide put up with the wording and as I read it, I would like you to try to commit this to memory so that you can use this beautiful form of seeking forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala that has been taught to us by the prophets of Allah Islam is beautiful wording in your eyes and we will also learn that you're supposed to be reading it morning and evening so we'll discuss the narration inshallah. So, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he tells us that the noblest most excellent manner of manner of

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seeking forgiveness is that the slave of Allah says, Allah whom and turabi illa Illa and Hala petani were an Abba duck. Were an idea the kawartha can muster thought out to becoming shared the mass on at bhulekh habenero medica halaya abou be them be fulfilled Lee for inna hola yo Feroz on Oba Illa and

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let me repeat it once more. Allah Houma Antara Bella Illa Illa

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holla petani wanna look for an IRA deca deca master taught to become in Sherry masan at Abu Dhabi near medica La Jolla Abu Dhabi thembi for fiddly for in the Julio ferrozzo Nova Illa. And now for the translation Allahumma Antara de la ilaha illa Allah and Allah and turabi You are my Lord, La Ilaha Illa and there is no deity worthy of worship other than you holla putana Anna Abu, You created me and I'm your slave, we're an eyelash, deca, deca must part. And I'm faithful to my covenant and my promise, as far as I'm able to do so, to the best of my capacity to becoming shared Lima Sana, I seek your refuge from the evil of what I have done bhulekh carbene aromatic layyah what abou will be

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them be I acknowledge before you all the favors that you have bestowed upon me all the boons that you have conferred upon me. And I confess all of my sins unto you for fiddly, so forgive me for in the hula, you're frozen over in that and as no one can forgive sins except you now this is the translation of this very powerful form of

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Mr. Farr so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa early he was Selim he tells us that whoever reads this in the day or during the day with firm conviction in it and if he were to die during that day before evening then he is mean a little Jenna he is from the people of Jenna. whoever reads it in the night with firm conviction in it and if he were to die before the morning then he is mean Allah Jenna from the people of Jenna May Allah azza wa jal makers from the inhabitants of Jenna mean. So as you can see this this hadith it's an authentic one. It's recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah. And interestingly Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah He brings this narration under the chapter

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under the title, the most excellent manner of seeking forgiveness and Imam Al Bukhari hamdulillah. For those who are familiar with Hadith, the students of knowledge you would know that Imam Al Bukhari Rahim, Allah has this very powerful and interesting way of bringing about chapters. So he has

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brought down to the chapter the most excellent manner of seeking forgiveness and when you look at the wording of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he refers to this this beautiful form

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of seeking forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal using the wording say needless to

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say this too far can be translated as say you can be translated as the leader or the chief of making is still far the format's of is still far.

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And we have other narrations as well, for example, the one that has been recorded if I'm not mistaken the book of the moment, tell me the Rahim Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he asked, shall I not guide you to the most excellent manner of seeking forgiveness?

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In another in another version of the narration, the prophecy has reported have said learn the most excellent manner of seeking forgiveness as you can see in all these narrations, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes on to make reference to this format, using the wedding the most excellent form of seeking forgiveness the most, the most excellent form the most beautiful form of seeking forgiveness, see the list so far? So my dear brothers and sisters, when you when you look at this

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format, there are the words are so powerful, it starts off Allahumma where you address Eliza whether you are asking Allah Subhana Allah,

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Allah Homer, it is translated as Allah or Allah. And now you are about to put forth your Doha you are about to ask Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, and Robbie La Ilaha Illa and Hol aquatennial Anna Habu. Now this statement, It comprises of two very powerful elements, you are establishing the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Okay, the oneness of Allah azza wa jal with regards to your your your knowledge and your information. So you're saying

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Allahumma anthropy You are my Lord, with conviction, La Ilaha Illa and, and then you are bearing witness that there is no deity worthy of worship other than you. And then you say, Hello cottony, You created me. So all of this is with knowledge with conviction. And then you also want to establish the oneness of Allah azza wa jal with regards to your worship. Well, I know I but look, say I am your slave. I am your worshiper, I am your slave, you are establishing this by saying well, an Abba duck. Hello catani. Well, Anna, Abu can then you also going on to say, but

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with regards to the covenant with regards to the promise, that you must attach that to the best of your capacity, you are holding on to the covenant you're holding on to the promise. So there are layers of establishing the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. You start off with with basically establishing all of that.

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And so by saying all of that, you you make it very clear, with regards to your belief with regards to your

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theta and then you go on to confirm the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Where you you acknowledge the blessings, the favors of Eliza Virgil, where you say after after saying what Allah is deca deca master thought after saying all of that, you basically seek the protection of Allah, Allah to become and shall remain so not from the evil that you've committed. And now you go on to acknowledge the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we're in town to near Matala, Hila Dasa. If you were to try and enumerate the blessings of Allah azza wa jal, you would never be able to do so because we are valving

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in a in an ocean of the mercy of Allah the blessings of Allah subhana wa Taala Think about it, my dear brothers and sisters from the time you wake up and

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Even before you wake up your sleep is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Go and speak to people who are struggling with insomnia, finding it very difficult to sleep and you'll understand what a huge blessing it is. If you are able to go out like a light as your head hits the pillow, where you can sleep this fitful sleep and wake up feeling energized, feeling fit and fresh to tackle the next day Subhana light a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the fact that you woke up, there are many who passed away during their sleep. It's another blessing from Allah azza wa jal. And as you wake up, if you can feel your limbs, and if you are free from sicknesses, if you have been

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blessed with good health, another blessing from Allah azza wa jal, and then what do you do generally, you know, obviously grassing you would, you would read your do as you would do all of that and eventually you would make your way to the washroom the toilet. Now as you open the faucet, if you have water flowing at your convenience, where you don't have to walk miles to access water, carrying a bucket, there are many people combating water poverty Subhanallah the numbers, the numbers are colossal, when we were dealing with projects we have the clean water project where we're trying to help so many people gain access to water and and we know of the situation locally and

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internationally. Subhan Allah, people are struggling for water. So if you have convenient access to water is that not a blessing from Allah azza wa jal, a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then as you go on to relieve yourself, if you are able to relieve yourself,

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you know, comfortably without pain, without feeling there are those who struggle and experience excruciating pain is that not a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. In other words, if your kidneys are functioning, the way they're supposed to be functioning without you doing anything about it, is that not a blessing from Allah azza wa jal speak to those who are undergoing renal failure. And you will understand how complicated it becomes when your kidneys fail you.

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You'll have to hook yourself up to a machine that undergo dialysis after dialysis. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect our kidneys, I mean, and May Allah help and ease the affairs of those who are undergoing kidney failure, renal failure, I mean, and then my dear brothers and sisters, think about each breath that you take in.

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If you can feel your lungs if you have pure air to take in, and if your lungs are functioning, every breath that you inhale and exhale, is it not a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then if you are able to eat your pre dawn meal, if it's during Ramadan, and if it's outside of Ramadan when you are not fasting, if you have easy access to food, where there's always food on your table, your your ladders are stocked, your pantry is stocked your refrigerator is full of food, you can go in and there is there is cold milk waiting for you, you have your cereals waiting for you, you have a selection of fruits waiting for you. And then for lunch, you have meat, you don't have to worry and

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throughout the week, you have a selection of meat. There's variety for you. You're not you're not, you know put into a situation where you are bored with regards to your food, your food, and Subhanallah today for those of us who have access to things like Uber Eats and whatnot. Just imagine how many types of cuisines that you have access to if you feel like Indian today, you have access to Indian cuisine, you feel like some other cuisine you have access to it Subhan Allah, just at the tip of you in it at your fingertips, basically. And before you know it, you place the order and the food is with you in a matter of minutes. Subhan Allah, so are these not blessings of Allah subhana wa

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Taala huge blessings. And if you have a roof over your head, if you have a loving family, if you have children, if you have a spouse, if you have a good job, if you have financial stability, if you have a mode of conveyance of vehicle to get around to move around if your parents are alive. If you have a loving united family if you have good friends good company.

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Blessing after blessing My dear brothers and sisters, how unfortunate is it that we tend to focus on the negatives rather than focus on the positives. So this powerful to us so see, this is the thing, this is the thing. Now I'm sure as you were listening to me, kind of spell out all these blessings you might have thought hey, you know what, I never really actually give

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too much of thought to all these blessings but this is what you're supposed to be doing. See this do as you read it in the morning.

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What is the Prophet telling us is telling us the one who reads it with firm conviction, right? So as you read it, you're not supposed to just pay lip service to the DA and read it like a parrot No. As you say abou laka be Nam.

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at the college, you need to reflect and ponder on all these blessings that you are enjoying. And you need to feel that sense of gratitude flow from within you, emanate from within you with regards to these countless blessings. If we were to remain in sujood our entire lives my my dear brothers and sisters, that is not expected of us but even if we were to do it, it would not suffice for the blessings that we are enjoying. And then look at the next statement we're about will be them be. I acknowledge I confess my sins and to you see the beauty of our Deen My dear brothers and sisters is that we don't have the system of confessing to others we don't confess to the creation. We confess

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to Allah subhanho wa Taala and are here to here are supposed to just skim over this you're not supposed to just gloss over this statement or or pay lip service to this No. Now you need to hold yourself accountable the genius armor of the Illa one who he tells us how Cebu and fusa Kampala and to her sub, take account of yourselves before you are taken into account. And when are you going to be taken into account on the day of karma?

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Before that take yourself into account on a daily basis, evaluate your actions evaluate your statements, and this is what the pious people of the past would do. So here you're doing that many brothers and sisters but it will be them be as you say that. What are you saying? You're saying I acknowledge my sense like I confess my sins unto you think of the sins My dear brothers and sisters

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Oh, you know what today I slipped in this regard. You know, my tongue slip in this regard. Or perhaps I did this I did that you Allah, I regretted. I confess my sins unto you, and then fall fairly right after the after confessing after acknowledging after reflecting after taking yourself into account, because if you don't take yourself into account, it's going to be this this repetitive cycle May Allah protect us but when you take yourself into account, now you're holding yourself accountable you need to do that. Right? You need to do that. And then you say for fiddly Allah forgive me Forgive me for in the hola yo quiero Nova Illa and since none can forgive sins except

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you. Now do you see how powerful this device is when it is infused with this reflection with this introspection.

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It's very, very powerful. And this is the most beautiful manner of seeking forgiveness as has been taught to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam many brothers and sisters in Islam I hope you found this video beneficial. Please do share this video around so that others can benefit as well so that others can learn about the most beautiful manner of seeking forgiveness and so that they too can implement it in their lives and inshallah if they do so you and I are going to share in on the reward it's a cycle of goodness, the caravan of goodness has to continue. I look forward to talking to you all in another video soon inshallah. Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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