Yasir Qadhi – The Descriptions of Jannah & Jahannam #2 – The Names of Jahannam

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the use of "brink" in a title, which refers to the "beating of the weather evil" of the title. It explains that "brink" refers to the "beating of the weather evil" of the title, and that "brink" is used to describe a situation or situation. The transcript also mentions that "brink" is used to describe a situation or situation, not just a person or something.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mina shavon hongji

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We're in

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Do you want a

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woman to do?

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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Alhamdulillah we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for having sent the Koran down to us, having created us from a single pair of male and female, and having sent to us the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and having revealed to us socially, we ask Allah subhana wa tada that he allows us to enter the abode of eternal bliss, and that is genuine. And we seek His refuge from ever coming close to the abode of punishment, and that is jahannam. We are now doing our series of genda and jahannam. And we're now on lesson two or part two of the reality of jahannam, as mentioned in the Quran, and Sunnah. And in my last lesson, I had discussed

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some of the, the rational and the textual evidence for the existence of an afterlife in the existence of john them. And we briefly went over some of the problematic issues that some people who reject Islam have about jahannam. And we will return to this topic in a future lecture as well. So I just wanted to make that brief disclaimer. And in the end of the day, those people who problematize gender or jahannam, the problem was they problematize, the descriptions of Heaven and *, and they either ridicule or they dismiss, the reality is that they do not have an alternative that is more logical and rational. And that, in fact, most of them, in fact, if not all of them, they end up

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rejecting, even believing in a higher power. And that creates a whole larger set of problems that as I have said in other lectures problematizing one area of Islam and rejecting Islam because of it actually creates a longer list of problems and a longer set of questions that people do not have answers to, in the end of the day, it is not my decision or yours, what is going to happen to the afterlife. In the end of the day, we accept that there is one creator and that he sends prophets and that the Quran is his book, this is something that is fully rational, it is something that we understand it is something that makes sense. It is something that is intuitively correct. And then

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with that package deal, there also comes laws, there also comes certain wisdoms. There also comes beliefs that may be our mind cannot fully comprehend or understand. And that's where the man belief comes in. That's where submission comes in a levena you may know Anna Bella hype, the question is not we believe in Islam because of gender and jahannam. The question is, we believe it or the the reality is we believe in Islam, because it is the only religion that makes sense that appeals to every fiber of our being, we understand that Allah is one and that he is all perfect. We understand the Quran to be his divine book, we understand the prophets of Allah says to be a prophet, we

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therefore believe, once we believe that belief, it comes with an entire holistic system, we are not obliged, nor are we even qualified to understand each and every facet, each and every aspect of the entire package. Just because we don't understand one aspect. It doesn't mean we ended up rejecting. And this is what we see, the common, you know, belief system in our times is, of course, agnosticism, or a rejection of religion. And one of the things that they mentioned with regards to our own topic is that the descriptions of gender and jahannam they mock or they make fun of or they say it's not befitting and they bring certain arguments, we can try to respond one after the other.

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And there are some responses to everything that they say, in the end of the day, even if our responses are not satisfying to them, we ask them, What is the alternative that all of this is meaningless, that you came from nothing which is absolutely an utterly ludicrous and foolish, that there is no creator that life came from nothing that evolution occurs from all organisms to a higher power based on what exactly where it is that that the synchronization of the harmony come from. So we believe firmly that is

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Islam makes complete rational sense, and that there are certain aspects that might be beyond our rationality, it is not irrational, it is beyond our rationality. And if some people do not understand a heaven or a * that has the descriptions of the Quran, that does not make it irrational, it is simply beyond our rationality. And that is why a man believe is so important. When it comes to this entire realm. We do not know the realities of the afterlife, no one has gone and seen gender and gender and then come back and told us other than the prophets right there, the prophets have told us this. But of course, that is a circular really, if you believe in the Prophet,

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so you believe in them. Otherwise, it is, as we said, a man believe. So we will come back to this issue again. And also, by the way, just a quick note here, that one of the main criticisms that those people have is the fact that jahannam is going to be eternal and non perishing, and they claim that it does not make sense that a finite amount of sins will be punished. For an infinity, we will come back to this issue at a much later topic or date, when we do all of the descriptions. And I'll come back to the issue of is jahannam, eternal or not, and the controversies that have been raised, and the statements that have been attributed to even taymiyah And who am and whether they're true or

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not, and we'll also discuss this issue, but in the end of the day, really all of this when it is said and done, it is not our responsibility or job to propagate what is wise and what is not we accept and a law is an Hakeem, if you do not understand the wisdom, that does not mean there is no wisdom, we have to humble ourselves and put ourselves in our place. Once we acknowledge that there is a creator and we acknowledge that out of all of the faith traditions, the only faith that has even a possibility of being correct is that of Islam, which is really obviously true and this is just very obvious to all Muslims, that the the the belief systems of other religions are simply not

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true theologically, once we acknowledge that Islam is the only candidate and it is a not just a viable candidate, but it checks all the boxes, then we accept it as a package deal. So, I hope that is clear. And inshallah we will come back to the question of the eternality of jahannam because there has been some discussion amongst certain scholars whether genom is eternal or not. So we will have a long discussion over that but now today inshallah Tada. After that rather lengthy introduction, I wanted to now discuss what we know from the Quran regarding the names of jahannam what are the names that have been used by Allah subhana wa tada to describe this abawd displays of

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punishment and of course, are our nicknames are very important. Why? Because Allah xojo chooses names that have meaning. When a law describes something with a noun with an adjective with a verb, then you can be assured that it is the most quintessential aspect of that entity, which is why Allah is using that noun or that verb or that adjective. So it is very important that we look at the Quran, and we extract from the Quran, what are the nouns that Allah has used to describe Jehan with Now, the problem, though, before we begin is that sometimes it's not quite clear whether it is a proper noun, or whether it is a description. And that's where the whole gray area comes. If you've

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taken the previous classes when we talked about the day of judgment and the names of the Day of Judgment, when we talked about other issues, I said the same thing that sometimes there is a phrase used or a word used, and we're not quite sure, is it a proper noun? Or is this simply a description, and so I'll mention some of them, but realize that this is there can never be like an exhaustive list in a brief lecture, but inshallah This is a pretty thorough introduction to the proper nouns that are used in the Koran to describe jahannam. Some scholars have said they're only seven, and the rest are descriptions, and we're going to come to this point. So let us just begin with these, these

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seven some, some some, many of them actually have said they're exactly seven names of Johanna in the Quran. And that is, I would say that is an opinion. But there are other nouns that are used and they do seem to describe them. So Allah knows best there might be more than seven. Now obviously, the primary name that is used to describe the abode of punishment, so much so that it eclipses all the other names by exponential factors is the term jahannam. And this is a very key term. In fact, it is used at least 77 times in the Quran.

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And it is the primary description for the Kuru awaba jahannam in jahannam, lamorinda Marine, and of course, 77 times is a large amount in the Koran, and therefore, the term jahannam is one that we need to pause it for.

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While and unpack now first thing we do is we ask ourselves, is this an Arabic word that has an Arabic root origin? Or is it something that goes back to previous languages and that Allah subhanho wa Taala has then used it in the Quran or is it something that has no previous language and it is something the Quran itself came down with hence it is a new term, there's only three logical possibilities right either it is an Arabic word, which has an Arabic Arabic root and therefore we can describe the extract the meaning or it is what is called more out of rubbed and wild rub means that the term originates from another language, but it was adopted by the Arabs and it became Arabic

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so there's just a technical difference, every language as we as all linguist know, languages breathe, they give out and they take in this is the reality of all languages, languages interact with other languages and of course, those who studied linguistics you know, that all languages are related together in the end of the day, they all go back to one language there's you know, proto languages, you have, you know, proto indo European, you have the proto, the Semitic languages, so, you have families of languages you have cousins and brothers and sisters within the language family. And so the point being Arabic being a world language, and being a part of the the, the global

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language tree, it is giving words out as we all know, so many English words come from Arabic, and it is also taking words in and when it takes words in they become Arabic, but the origin is non Arabic. And the Quran has plenty of non Arabic origin words which are now Arabic. So there's no contradiction when Allah says be sending out OBM will mean that the Quran comes down in pure Arabic or clear Arabic, there is no contradiction to say some of the words of the Koran were taken from other civilizations and the arrows were using them such as the word Sal Sabine, for example, right or establish Iraq, for example, established is a Persian word. And even for example, the term for

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the dose, the term field, those also originated from sassanid lands and it was then adopted by other civilizations and our English word, for example, paradise filled those paradise filled those paradise, it is the same cognate or the same route, and the Quran then adopts it and uses it and that's totally acceptable because the Arabs were using this term. Now, the term jahannam. The majority of linguists of the tradition of our tradition, they said that jahannam is not originally an Arabic word. And then they differed. One group said that it comes from Persian canon, and other said that it comes from Hebrew. And when they say Hebrew, by the way, they typically made Aramaic or

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Semitic because again, the science of linguistics, again, was not fully understood or developed by especially the first and second and third century of our scholars. But still, when they say Hebrew, they they mean Aramaic, or they mean Semitic languages. So a group of our scholars, they said that jahannam originates from Aramaic or Hebrew, so the Semitic languages, and this does seem to be the correct opinion. Even Mahmoud and others, they mentioned this. You can also look up a Roth IRA Swanee, you can look up other other linguists as well, that the term jahannam or the word jahannam is originating from non Arabic languages. And there are some very small group of scholars who say

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no, it is from an Arabic origin. And they try to

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find some precedents to it. But this is a minority opinion. And frankly, it doesn't. The the root cognates and the structure the morphological structure of jahannam is not something that is standard in Arabic, and to read in that it is an Arabic origin seems to be what we call color for a bit of a stretch to try to push it in. So it is a word that is non Arabic and origin. Now the second question, was it used by the Arabs before Islam? Or did the Quran itself come with it, and therefore it is a completely original word that is not used by the outdoors before Islam? Now, some people again, this is ongoing, you know, debate and discussion and what I'm presenting to you are my

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findings and as with all research, you can take or you know, given taken and bring other opinions are no problem with this is what researchers we build on. I'm sure in Sharla, some of you will be inspired, and you'll spend, you know, far more time than I did in this. So you might come with other views, that's good and hamdulillah and that's fine. That's what research is we build on other people's expertise and experience and research. So my small research in this regard.

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It is, it is said that one poem, pre Islam did use the term Jen, and they ascribe it to a poet by the name of Antara.

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Antara was one of the famous seven poet poets that are called the famous seven authors of the same seven hanging O's the Wilder kata sabar by the word going down one of our tangents here. But the good point is no problem. Let's go down that tangent. So pause here, when we look at words and word origins, right? When we look at the the Arabic language, and we want to see, well, what was this word? What does it mean? One of the sources of word meanings is pre Islamic poetry, and pre Islamic Poetry Out of all of the pre Islamic poetry. There are in particular, seven famous poems that were prevalent at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, they predate Islam, and they, some

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of them are very early Islam or I should say early prophet or like when the process was a child. But these seven poems are called locata Saba, the seven hanging poems, and they were called the seven hanging poems because the poems were so famous that for a period of time they were hung from the cab. So you had seven poems that were hanging from the cab, and this is early Islam, not early Islam, like not the revelations of Quran, but early profits Hello, seldom, maybe when he was in his 20s, or something of this nature that the seven hanging points while caught the server were hanging on the cabinet, and they are considered to be the pinnacle of Arabic eloquence. Now, the Koran came

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at a time when the Arabs prize themselves with the seven hanging poems, and the Koran demonstrated a level of eloquence that far surpassed the Marlowe kata Sabha and therefore the mylocker to server becomes a standard text that is studied to this day by all advanced students of the Arabic language so that one can extract Arabic eloquence, styles, rhetoric, grammar, and then look at the Quran and say, oh, wow, the Quran did this and the Quran did that. So the Quran is a totally different genre, obviously, but the Magna Carta Sabha is the pinnacle of pre Islamic Arabic poetry. And one of those seven poets was Antara and Antara

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was, he had a series of poems, and it is mentioned that in one of his points, he has the word jahannam in it. Now, the problem comes that, again, this is a very deep issue, but firstly, we are not 100% sure whether that poem that is ascribed him is actually his because he didn't write a book, these are oral traditions, right? The the preservation of these seven authors and their Other Poems, poems, other than the warlock artists about his oral it's have been handed down, and the first people to write what these people have said, it goes back to 200 years after the origin or the times of these poets. So, firstly, there is a big question mark, whether he actually wrote the point that

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has the term jahannam. And secondly, for reasons beyond our topic, that, even if he were to have used a word jahannam, the context of the line clearly shows that he is not referencing a hereafter and the fire of * and the punishment, the context indicates that he's Indic that he's using it to indicate a faraway, well, let's say for example, right, so, from all of this, all of the tangent Now we go back, intentional tangent from all of this. It is my hypotheses, but I am free to be corrected online and whatnot in a gentle manner. This is not a matter of Okay, the guys Calm down, if you want to refute No problem, let's have a back and forth. It is my hypotheses that the term or the word

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jahannam is something that was not found in pre Islamic Arab poetry. And in fact, the Koran comes with the concept and the term Jana, and the Quran is what introduces the term now. Is it found in other civilizations? Yes, definitely. It is definitely the word is found. There's no question about this, and we're gonna talk about that. But the Arabs were not using the word jahannam. And even if you want to claim that Ankara uses it in one verse, still, it is an exceptional word. It is not something that is common. And for sure, the Arabs were not just saying, you know, go to * go to jahannam as it wasn't in their vocabulary. So the term jahannam is or our Nick in the introduction

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of the term to the Arabic language, that doesn't mean it is not found in pre and other civilizations. And one does find the similar equivalent gahanna in Jewish and Christian traditions and scripture. And so what I surmise and Eliza knows best This is an opinion that the term is used by Allah subhana wa tada in the previous revelations and scriptures, and Allah used it to describe the country

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And that is why the punishment of the Hereafter, and that is why it is found in the Old Testament. And in the New Testament. However, key points here in the Old Testament, the term gahanna is not used for an actual fire or punishment in the hereafter. It is actually used to describe a valley of punishment in this world. And it is said that one of the kings of old would use that place to sacrifice his sons a very evil place. So it's a cursive place, a damned place in this world. Ironically, there is a valley in the modern apartheid nation state of Israel,

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that they they outside of Jerusalem where they actually say this is the Valley of Ghana, they still say that's the value that the Old Testament says so they mentioned that that is the Valley of Ghana. Now that isn't the Old Testament, in the rabbinic literature, in the, the what is called the the, the the tale mood, and the rabbinic literature, of course, so you should all know, the Talmud is the main source of Rabbinic Judaism, and it is the collected scenes of the ancient rabbis. And there are two versions of the Talmud that the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud and the Talmud is the source of Jewish law and the source of Jewish identity the what is called the Rabbinic Judaism there

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are very minor strands that are non rabbinic, but Rabbinic Judaism was the primary Judaism. It bases pretty much everything upon the Talmud and the Talmud. It is somewhat of a commentary, but not quite. It is a collection of rabbinic folklore, rabbinic stories, rabbinic laws, and it is the basis of Jewish theology and Jewish law. In the Talmud, there are references to Ghana, multiple types. So the concept of Ghana of Ghana is known to the ancient Israelites and it is something that is mentioned now. I looked up that just today to a little bit briefly, I looked up in the Jewish Encyclopedia. The and the Jewish Encyclopedia says is very interesting. I find this very

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interesting. And I quote from the Jewish Encyclopedia, the fire of gahanna, does not touch the Jewish sinners, it touches the non Jews, because they confess their sins before the gates of * and return to God. So in the encyclopedic Jewish recycling, there's a famous Jewish Encyclopedia by a bunch of rabbis, I think, a century ago. They say Ghana does not touch the Jewish sinners. It's meant for the non Jews and in the Babylonian Talmud.

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There is another interpretation that Ghana might be a place a punishment for even Jewish sinners, but they say the maximum and this is in the Babylonian Talmud, the maximum amount of time that a sinner can spend in Ghana is one year, okay? They cannot spend more than one year. Other sources of the Talmud add that even during this year, every Saturday, they get a break from jahannam, they get a break, they don't have to be punished. So according to this Jewish folklore of I shouldn't call it folklore, it is the Talmud so you know that how authoritative it depends on which faction of Jews you are. So imagine if outside of the faith somebody outside of our faith, if somebody quoted a

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heady thin image, let's say, right, and they derived a lot from it, somebody is going to come along, say, oh, but some scholars say this, some scholars say that so understand, I'm quoting you to tell mood. And some Jews accepted some Jews don't so understand that point. Now, the Talmud basically says that a number of points Firstly, some groups say the Jews are not going to be punished in janam. Another group says that well, they will be punished, but the sinners but maximum one year, and then they say, and even during that year, the Saturdays, they will be taken out and given some vacation and then be sent back in if they're sinners. Now, of course, why do we find this so, so, so

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interesting? suta Baqarah, verse 80, Surah Baqarah, verse 80, right, we'll call Lu Lenten masala, narrow Illa, a Yama and Medusa. The Quran mentions the Subhana Allah, and they said, we're only going to be there for a little period of time. And then Allah says, put in the law here, do you have a promise with a law? Do you have a contract with a law firm and nuclear for law Allah will not go against his promise? Or do you ascribe lies and say things against a law that you have no idea about? So I found this very interesting that the Koran is aware of this Jewish folklore that we're only going to be in jahannam for a period of time and then be set out and the Quran challenges and

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says, Where do you get this from, nonetheless,

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the concept of Jana or Ghana, in even in rabbinical folklore, it doesn't appear to be the same as showell, which is the the concept of john Neville appears to be pre jahannam. So the Jewish folklore does not ascribe so what let me let me

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Explain that that was very confusing the concept of gender isn't gender it is pre gender. Let me explain that. The concept of gahanna in Jewish folklore does not appear to be exactly the same as the Islamic concept of Jana, rather, gahanna appears to be in Jewish folklore, a punishment before jahannam a temporary punishment that will then stop, and then there's going to be a permanent punishment for the sinners outside of the fate of Judaism. And they have another term, not another term for that. So Ghana, Ghana is not eternal punishment in the Jewish folklore, it is a temporary punishment, and then it is gone. Of course, that is in the old. That is in the rabbinic Talmud, the

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Old Testament doesn't mention Ghana, as a as a punishment. As I said, the Old Testament mentions it as a valley, in, in the land of Israel. Now, the New Testament on the other hand, the sayings of Jesus and the the compiler nations that definitely mentions Ghana, a number of times, and it uses it the way that the Quran uses jahannam. In other words, an everlasting punishment for the sinners and the wicked. And there are many verses, you can look this up in any Bible concordance or look this up yourselves that it does appear that that

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the New Testament ascribes to Jesus Christ, statements that clearly indicate the notion of gahanna has been an eternal punishment. And there are a number of verses generally speaking, Jesus Christ says this to the people of the Israelites that he disagrees with. And some of these statements are pretty harsh. Jesus Christ gets away with saying this, if anybody else said this, then they would be accused of anti semitism, but Jesus says it and so he allegedly says it. And so he gets a pass in saying these things in the New Testament. We're simply quoting the New Testament. The Jesus Christ allegedly says, Matthew 23, verse 33, he says to the Pharisees, which is a sect of this is the

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rabbinical * so that the Pharisees eventually become Rabbinic Judaism. He says to the Pharisees, you serpents, You brood of vipers, how shall you, how shall you to escape the sentence of Ghana? How do you think you're going to escape? jahannam? Right, so he says to these Pharisees, who are considered to be hypocrites, they're they're evil people. And there are a sect of the there there are basically people who are hypocrites. They claim to preach and teach love, but they're not actually following it. So he calls them you serpents, You brood of vipers, how you going to escape jahannam. In Mark nine, verse 47.

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Jesus allegedly says, it is better for you to enter the kingdom of heaven with one eye than to have two eyes and be cast into Ghana. Okay, gentlemen. So again, and there are many other verses. So the point being, all of this was to explain the term jahannam, or Ghana does seem to have been used in sources pre Islam. From our perspective, it is absolutely logical and rational, it is the reality it makes complete sense. Allah uses a term in previous scriptures, and it comes in the Koran, you understand those that don't believe in Islam, they will find other theories when they find the term in the origin that is not mentioned pre pre Islam, and they find it in other scriptures. So they

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have their theories, we're not concerned with them in this lecture. So, the term jahannam therefore, seems to be a proper now, it does not actually have a meaning per se, other than the fire of health, it is the proper noun to describe the fire of * it is, it is not a derivative, it is not something that has an Arabic root, it is not even a cognate per se. Rather, it seems to simply be a noun that Allah subhanho wa Taala used to describe the the this, this creation of is and again, some nouns like I mentioned 20 minutes ago that Allah uses nouns and adjectives and adverbs, but there are obviously proper nouns. Ibrahim is a proper noun, right? It's hack is a proper noun, it doesn't

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actually have a meaning per se. So sometimes a proper noun is used. But usually when the Quran and Sunnah mentioned something, the noun has a meaning. And so the rest of the names we're going to do all have meanings. So to conclude the first name of this entity or this place, not entity, this this this place. jahannam is the primary name that the Quran came with. It was not definitely not common in pre Islamic Arabia. Perhaps it might have been vaguely known the word but perhaps it was unknown completely. And one does find references to to this term and other

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texts. And I mean, here the Old Testaments explanation, which is the Talmud, and I mean, here, the New Testament, which is allegedly the sayings of ERISA, and for us, it makes complete sense. We move on now to the second term, and this is the second most common term

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That is used to describe the the fire of * and that is of course jehane that is of course Jain, the term jehane is used 26 times the term jehane is used 26 times, and jehane comes from Johanna, and jackhammer, some aroma, or some linguist said, it is the sound of the crackling of the fire, it is the sound that comes from a very fierce fire. And some have said that it is the heat that comes from the fire. In either case, it is not the actual fire, it is the effects of the fire. And so Allah subhana wa tada is using a term that is describing the effects, what do you think of the fire itself is describing the sounds of the crackling and the sparkling that's going to happen, or maybe

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even the heat. And so what do you think of the actual fire itself? And so this is the term jehane and Eliza uses it more than 25 times I counted 26 times, but again, this is just my brief analysis, and again, correct me or add others or whatnot. So 26 times, I'll use the term jehane.

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In the forum, and a lot has already been mentioned that whether the NACA 401k there will be Athena will cost habel jehane, that those who reject our science and those who are kuffaar, they shall be of the people of jehane, the people of jehane. So the term jehane is a noun that is derived from a word that means the sounds of the fire or the heat of the fire, and Jayma that wasn't a fire at like semir it is the, the noun that describes a very, very excited or very powerful verb, whatever the verb is to the example is Sameer. So Samia and Samir basura bossy so tjahaja him, so, it is the more powerful. So, therefore, the cackling of the fire or the heat of the fire will be extremely powerful

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and hence it is called.

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A third name that is used is surreal, surreal. And so it is used as a noun, as an adjective and as a verb, all of them and the permutations of this are more than 15 times in the Quran. So for example, as a noun 31 field jannetty Will Ferrell on fiscal year one group is going to be engender one group is going to be in salary as a verb jehane we saw a lot when jehane is sorry. And as an adjective either boost if it is a punishment that is sorry, and also as harborside the people of sorry, and Eliza just says in the law, I don't fully know what the law home says y'all that Allah azza wa jal has cursed the caffeine and has prepared for them say it. Okay, what is sour? Sour, is a place of

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intense heat. So all of these permutations, the adjectives or verbs or nouns that go back to the heat of jahannam, a place of heat, okay, so Sarah is to inflame up to make it very hot. And so serene, is the eternal place of heat, and Syrah either way, the jMo saw a lot as in the Koran one, so we can deal up you know, when you do the barbecue, right, that's, that's Sara, that's to make it hot, you're making it hotter and hotter and hotter. And so this is the term sorry, editors used more than 15 times in terms of its nouns and adjectives and conjugates. Another name that is in the Koran for the fire of help is level level. And the verb is to love VA as well. So the noun and the verb

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both occur once only once level occurs once and teleworkers only once and level is the pure flame level is the most intense flame that you can have because the Arabic language has multiple nouns for different types of flames. And lava is the most intense flame that is possible. And Allah uses the term level to describe the the the fire of *, and sort of the Laila in Laval, Canada in Laval, and it's sort of my adage, that Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv so both of these are used there, and they've been Mahmoud mentioned that it is called lava, because lava is a shed do neilan it is the most intense of all fires, that is Lovell and Jana is called lava in order to discuss or in order to emphasize how

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intense is that fire. Another term that is used is the term Saqqara. It is the term soccer and the term soccer it only occurs four times in the Koran, three of them back to back in Sudan with death, and one of them is sort of an armored verse 38. So soccer is used primarily in Sudan with death hit

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That masala comfy soccer and that one maraka soccer that would do you know what what will make you understand what is soccer so that is in sort of with death it also sort of reverse 38 Allah mentions the term soccer. This is a very interesting term soccer and soccer, it means the dried up remnants of something that the desert sun has shriveled and burnt to a crisp. So Saqqara is that the sun has what we'll say in English roasted the object, right? That's what sucker is right? The shriveled and dried remnants, the ultra skinny shriveled up the the object is completely dry. And so the sun has Saqqara that's what the sun has done that that's how the Arab use the term soccer and so

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you know, we can say like the sun toasted, distinct completely, that's what Saqqara mean burn to a crisp. That's what it means. And interestingly enough, when Eliza just says in the Quran, that woman, drachmas soccer, what will make you understand what is soccer? He then says love to broccoli while together, nothing shall remain after the soccer. Now, in this world, something remains after the sock that shriveled remains, and a lot is saying the fire of the actual soccer there will be no remnants and that's why a lot of contrast the soccer of this world in that there will be something that remains versus the soccer of the hereafter led to the white title, it shall remain nothing

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shall remain after the fire of Saqqara burns. So this is another term that is used in the Koran, and that is the term soccer. Another term that is used in the Quran is Obama, Obama. And Obama is used only once in the whole on that now to learn real time as we all know and one since I'm so hooked on and help llama is the most intense verb to destroy the the best equivalent I have in the English language how Tama is to pulverize it's not just to smash hot llama is to pulverize to smithereens called it right that's what helped them. And so karma is that which completely destroys and Crusher. So for example, in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala mentions the ants when they see a man's army

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coming, or do the ants say that the man comes with a man who was you know, to make sure that Solomon and his army they don't pulverize you imagine this is the term health llama here, the men that come so the ants are seeing 1000s of horses and elephants and beasts and the armies of men and jinn, what is gonna happen after the all cross over the army of the ants. That's how Tama lightly men come. And the fire of * is called a full timer completely pulverizes and destroys and it's mentioned, basically certain humans and humans

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and humans, that

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not a lot of hoopla. So this is mentioned in sudo at home as the next name that is mentioned the Quran is how we how we move from Moo hoo ha we only mentioned one pseudo tokara verse nine, and how we comes from the verb Howa

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and of course how you all know how means the the wind or the the air with the Hamza and how our means your your wishes, your desires, and what it means here and how we Is that what you are constantly falling and falling and falling and falling and there is no end to it. Okay, so that's why how is called however, your your desire, because when you follow your How're you are falling from grace, it's very interesting point here. That How is your Caprice, your whim your lusts, your passions, when you follow your How're you fall from grace, how we have that which has no ending, you're continually going down and down and down. And so that which has no ending, you're

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continuously falling. That is and how we will talk in our next lesson about how deep jahannam is. And this is something that our minds cannot comprehend. So we mentioned here, seven names so far. Once again, you have jahannam you have jehane. You have sorry, you have level, you have soccer, you have Hill, Toma, you have hardware. Now some of our scholars said these are the seven names of jahannam. And Johanna has only seven names, and they reasoned this because of the verse in the Quran, let her set it up, which we'll discuss in our next lesson in sha Allah jahannam has seven doors so they figured if jahannam has seven doors, it should have seven levels and these are the

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levels that are mentioned in the Koran. However, there is no indication that jahannam has only seven levels. Having seven doors is not the same as having seven levels. You can have multiple doors on one level and you can have multiple levels even based even if there are seven

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dores entering them. And so really there is nothing from our tradition. Even if some of our scholars have said this, we respect them. But the opinions of scholars remain the opinions of scholars, no matter how great they are, we have to get this point across that. Yes, an authority is an authority, we respect that authority. But at the end of the day, an opinion of an audience remains the opinion of an alum, it does not become the Quran and the Sunnah. And we have to keep this point in mind, throughout all of our enterprises and lectures and whatnot, because again, that is the reality. There's only one person who when he says, something we hear and we obey, and that is our Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So what if many earlimart said jahannam has seven names we respect but we say that the Quran mentions other names as well. And there's no indication that says that there's only seven and there is no indication that each one of these levels has a separate name to it. There are other names for example, the Orion mentions the term c gene. So gene has mentioned twice as written above 15. While Morocco MSC gene were NC gene is another it seems to be a noun and the word c gene. It means to trip up and to lock the word sigil is prison modern Arabs called a prison surgeon and surgeon means you lock him up, see gene, you're never going to come out of it you are

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eternally locked up. Another term that is used in the Quran is Sun Moon, and Sun Moon is used twice in the Koran for men Allahu Elena will corner adabas Simone and fee some woman will hammam solo tour and salted waka they mentioned the term some home and some movies again, it seems to be a noun of jahannam. And the term some home is very interesting. It comes to the Arabs here, they might say hey, doesn't that have something to do with poison, and you're right, the term soon is poison. And some woman some go back to the same route. And basically what they mean is that which is going to destroy you, that's what the term swim actually means. It's not just poison. And so some womb is the

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term that was used to describe the harsh desert wind, that if you did not have protection, you would be destroyed, it would kill you, if you didn't have water, and in a place to protect you, the moon, the desert wind would kill you. And so Allah uses that term to describe Jana as well as Simone. And a number of nouns occur in the Koran that have the term dar or that have the term bisa. And these are not we don't know we would you want to call them nouns, or do you want to call them descriptions but they are there. So I'm going to mention some of them. And I'll leave it to what do you want to say it's a proper noun, or whether it is a description in the end of the day. They are used in the

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Koran to explain jahannam and so we should pause and pay attention to what exactly those terms are. So we began with the term Big Sur beep sir, and then an adjective or a noun after it. And not an adjective, adjective and noun after it beats. The term bitset is the opposite of Nirvana. And bitsa in Arabic means the most unfortunate the most unluckiest the worst. And Allah uses bits followed by a noun in multiple places to talk about jahannam For example, 11 times in the Quran 11 a law called jahannam would be cell mostly what the cell must see the worst place to end up mercy where you end up mercy, your final abode 11 times in the Quran. Allah says that jahannam is big sell mercy, which

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means the most wretched place of return. And so we don't want to return over there. Where does the believer want to return? The believer wants to return to Allah subhanho wa Taala as the Koran says, and sort of offered that Allah hora, buena wa boku Milena Maldonado America who just abandoned Romania Paulo ah Marubeni. Now what la hidden mostly for the believer Allah is the mercy of Allah is the enter the end we want to end up with Allah subhana wa tada but for the people of jahannam will be settled mercy so is the opposite we want to go up there we want to go to Allah subhana wa tada and the other people that are going to end up there we seek Allah's refuge will be Sal mahseer five

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times in the Quran we have the term Wabi Sabi semi hard we'll be selling me hard and we had again is the place of your so this might be a bit of

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a bit of a irony or sarcasm here that we had is a place of resting generally speaking, beat sell me had what an evil place that you think are going to rest in You shall not be resting and five times a lot of calls jahannam beat sell me had the worst place of resting quote unquote put that in, in exclamation marks. quotation marks Excuse me. Another term that Allah uses three times in the Koran for the Sabbath. Well moutere kept beating the weather evil abode of the arrogant, so jahannam is Furby semeth well mutter kabillion mouthwash is a place where you reside will take a beating is arrogant three times in the Quran.

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fredholm awaba Johanna mahavihara Fela semeth well mo tech have been interesting here. Jan Nam now is linked to a crime. And as we shall discuss the two primary categories of people in jahannam. Number one amongst them are those who are arrogant to kabu and Alok halls jahannam. The place of arrogance number two is ungratefulness schofer, which is a type of arrogance as we'll talk about. But the point is that failure is a myth well, motor capability in jahannam is the place of people who had kibble to cupboard also an twice in the Quran. Allah mentions that Johanna is being self taught or in Surah, Abraham and other places as well that Johanna is Luna her will be settled Cora,

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Cora is your final resting place or or is the Quran is to stick there. And so Allah mentions jahannam as being the worst place of ending up you couldn't end up in a worst place. Once in the Quran. Allah says beat semeth wild volley mean that it is the worst abode of those who do learn or injustice once again linking jahannam to the crime of doing boom. And we also have so this is visa. We also have a number of terminologies that have the term Tao, and we'll mention three of them and then inshallah call it our lecture today. And so we have three terms of doubt that are mentioned that means you place a living, and Allah says jahannam is done.

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And janam is Sue Adele, and Johanna This is Darrell faceting. Three times down, as mentioned to describe Johanna all of them is only once or twice very rarely, but still it is there. Now, Dowdell Beauvoir is once in the Koran so Abraham was 28 that I'm sorry the lady in a bed deleeuw narratological fernweh Helloooo coma home de la Johanna mais la Furby itself Cora. So,

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Darrell Beauvoir once in the Quran, Darrell Baba, the abode of Beauvoir, what is Beauvoir, but while is a catastrophic loss, it is the worst damage imaginable. And Allah says the most wretched place shall be your place of abode doubt on Boa, Su adult similar meaning so as you all know, evil, the worst dar su adapt what a humble Lana to weather homes to adopt a lesson sort of offer upon those people will be allies, Lana, and they shall have the worst house or the worst residents imaginable. Doubt is your house, generally speaking, but it also applies your village. It also implies your place that you're living. And so Allah is saying jahannam is the worst place you can ever possibly

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live in. And the final term that we'll use today, and again, this is not exhaustive, because what is the line between adjective and now it's, it's, it's not really clear cut. So I mentioned I don't know how many 15 or whatever it was. So you can add to this and say, oh, but you forgot this? No, it was not forgotten. But inshallah we'll discuss the descriptions of jahannam and those are the descriptions as well and you can add them here as well. In the end of the day, it's and by the way, I it's not I forgot but I did not mention another common term, which is enough, are you gonna say a nod as a proper noun, right? a noun we'll slow down they shall reach a noun is a noun, a proper

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noun, or is it a description, the fire again, you can say it is a noun. And you can say it is a description, and I'll use it the term and now more than two dozen times in the Koran. So you can add that to the list of names as well. Or you can say this is Allah is calling it the fire. And that is a description of it. But I wanted to conclude here with the doubt I said, doubted by wazzu adopt, and doubt will fast your teen, which only occurs once in the Koran so without offers 145 that Allah says that, that doubt will fast your pain. So recomendado faceting, that I'm going to show you the abode of those who committed evil. So jahannam is the abode of those who did boom. jahannam is the

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abbot of those who did evil, and Johanna is the place of those who were arrogant. Notice how Allah describes and we'll have an entire lecture about what are the major sins that gets a person to jahannam and how we can save ourselves from jahannam. In any case, to conclude today's lecture, what we did today was that we introduced the primary terms and nouns that the Quran uses for this abode displace, and we mentioned the reality of the term jahannam. And we mentioned the other six names after that. So the seven primary names that are said, but in reality, this is a HD high the issue about there's only seven does could be even more than this and in reality, there is no clear cut

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response, where a noun ends and an adjective or a verb begins, but we mentioned the primary descriptions that are used

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to name this abode, and we seek Allah's refuge from ever having to enter any of those nouns and adjectives and inshallah we'll continue next lesson about the descriptions of jahannam. May Allah protect us from it until then Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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