Yasir Qadhi – The Belief in the Resurrection Motivates to Live a Pure Life Surah Yaseen

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of belief in the Bible's framework for the generation of the beast is highlighted, along with the use of negative language in the Bible. The discussion delves into the "rock era" and the importance of writing down all negative emotions and experiences. The history of Islam is discussed, including the transition from the Prophet system to the ain't alayhi wa sallam (the god's leave behind), and the use of a symbol to apply to a situation. The importance of rewarding individuals is emphasized, as well as the need to show proper behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah He was so happy woman while Muhammad

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I recited Surah Yaseen today the beginning and last verses of Surah Yaseen. So a brief reminder of some of the lessons and in particular, one particular lesson of surah. Yaseen, of course, what I see and as we know, it is one of the most beloved sutras are those the OMA and it is true to say and there's nothing wrong with this, that indeed the Quran is the all of it is the majestic kalam of Allah. But some portions of the Quran are more blessed than other portions. All of the Quran has blessed it. But is the Quran Equally Blessed that our scholars have said the Hadith clearly indicate that some Iots have more blessings than other ayat AYATUL kursi is the most blessed I have the Quran

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Surah Fatiha sub Alma Thani, who Allah who is 1/3 of the Quran, so some Quran is more blessed than other Quran and all of the Quran is infinitely more blessed than any other speech. So out of the Sutras of the Quran. Surah Yaseen has always occupied a special status in the Muslim ummah. And this is something that goes back to the time of the Sahaba themselves a number of traditions about this, and one of the more authentic ones that isn't, oh, Buddha would and Timothy and it is authentically narrative from the Sahaba as well, that Surah Yaseen was to be recited over the dead of Quran. Oh, Allah multicam Surah Yaseen, this hadith is in Abu Dhabi and also in Timothy, some scholars have

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made it slightly weak, but it is authentic from the Sahaba that they would recite Surah Yasin at the time of death. The reason why this is the case, is that the entire Surah Yaseen the main thrust and theme of it is the revival is the fact that Allah shall revive the dead that Allah will bring the dead back to life. This is the central theme from the beginning from the first page in

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moto we shall indeed resurrect the dead all the way to the last page as I just recited while the Robert Anna method wants to haka Ottoman your ad Obama yami, Julio, Hillary and a wall Amara, the One who created the body in the first place shot resurrected again and if you look at the stories within the Quran, so for example, the three people who came to the city for ISIS Nabi found it and they ended up killing one of them what happens that Allah later call me Allah Moon Bhima offer Ali Robbie, we're Jelani. Mindomo crommelin. I wish my people knew that Paillard full agenda here it was said to him and to agenda. Some of our scholars say it is because of this verse that we should

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recite. Surah Yaseen Clelia the holy Jana over the one who's about to die, it was said to him, enter Jannah Allah Ya later call me on the moon. When he entered agenda. He said How I wish my people could see that my Lord has forgiven me and my Lord has honored me. So this entire surah is about the reality of reviving from the dead. And if you look at all of the examples given and the stories given and the passages, it is all over this and today's brief Hatha, I wanted to go back to the first idea that I just quoted which is on the first page of Surah Yaseen in no no he'll Mota onec to Buma a demo wa sallahu wa Kula Shane X Lena houfy Eema me moving. Let us understand this beautiful

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and powerful verse. This verse occurs after the first patients what have you seen is a very deep theological page. It proves and discusses all of the account of Eman belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala and rissalah and the sending of the Quran down and the prophets Islam is a prophet in Nicola Mina mousseline Allah Seraphim was 1310 zielen Aziza Rahim. So Allah talks about him, and Allah talks about the decider, and Allah talks about the day of judgment. And Allah talks about the resurrection. And Allah talks about other as well. This is all in the first page of Surah, Yaseen, all of the Archon are mentioned in the beginning angels are mentioned later on the first page

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matches all of the icon minus the angels. Then Allah says, In Na Na Na and Mota, we shall resurrect the dead, one neck to Wuma demo thorough home, and we shall write down what they send forward, and we shall also write down their thoughts. Why is Allah linking resurrecting the dead with writing down of the deeds? Why is Allah mentioning this linked together? Because belief in the ACT era, belief in resurrection is one of the main motivational factors for living an ethical and a pure life. Those who don't believe in the hero don't believe in accountability. When you deny the akhira when you deny resurrection, and you say in here Illa Hatena dunya Anna Muto Anna here, we only have

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one life to live you only live once YOLO they say right corner pay Diem live for the day. When you deny the akhira then there is no meaning to morality. There is no meaning to a higher purpose. This is your life.

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Enjoy it hulless but when you believe in an era, everything changes. And that is why belief in the ark era is such a fundamental pillar, it changes your entire psyche, you have a different perspective on life. Life is not the end, it is the beginning of an eternal life. And you have to live this life in a good manner. And that's why Allah links it in No, no, your Moto onec to Buma demo artha ROM, we're going to write down all that they do, because that is when the hisab and the judgment will take place. And it also gives us an indication that in this life, there is something we are preparing for market demo. We're sending it forward, every wise person amongst us we plan for

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tomorrow. We all know where we're living tomorrow. We all have enough money in our bank account for tomorrow, the next week, the next month, the intelligent people amongst us have a retirement plan, we are making Kadeem of the dunya. That's how we live our lives. And Allah is saying, we're going to resurrect you prepare for that life. We're not to Wuma a demo, you have sent your 401 ks of the akhira. You have sent your Hassanal forward and you will meet them together. What are thorough home? And there are thoughts? What does it mean a thought there are a number of opinions, I'll summarize three of them. Beautiful IR by the way, this one, the first opinion without a home, it had been

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Abbas said that thought here is the footsteps, footsteps in the sand of the desert as they disappear, that Allah will write everything that they have done. Even the footsteps in the sand as they disappear. They are written down that what they have done. So this is one opinion of the thought that the point of mentioning our thought is the detailed notes that the angels are taking. So the point of mentioning our thought here, that as I've been above said, if the angels would have overlooked anything, they would have overlooked your footprints in the sand, you see because that is temporary. You know, when you walk in the desert, it goes away in a few minutes. So even above that,

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if the angels were to ignore anything, they would have ignored those footsteps in the sand but they're not going to ignore it. So here what I thought our home becomes in Arabic is called toolkit and emphases. We shall write down everything they do, even their transient footsteps in the desert that is one interpreted all these are valid by the way. So beauty of the Quran, multilayered. The second interpretation, we shall write down all of their good deeds, even if those good deeds mean they have walked to do a good deed. So both opinion one and two involve walking but opinion one the walking is basically the footsteps and is going away. Opinion two is that even when you're doing

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something good and you're walking to do that good, Allah will count it as a hacer una and they base this interpretation on the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari beautiful Hadith that the famous tribe of the blue selama that they gathered together one day the blue cinema lived around Masjid kibble attain. And you have all gone to Medina, many of you have gone to Medina, you have seen Masjid cripple attain, where the two of scribblers were transformed in the Surat Al Asad. It happened to the bunu selama tribe. That's where the blue cinema lived. It was the tribe that they prayed after facing Jerusalem, while they were praying, somebody said, Hey, the Qibla has changed. It is now Maccha. So

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Jerusalem from Medina, Jerusalem is due north, and Makkah is due south literally 180 degrees. So the Bible sent them a try. They were praying towards Jerusalem, somebody shouted to them, I just came and pray Laura, from the Prophet systems, Masjid, and he prayed facing Maccha the Prophet system himself did not switching the inequivalent that's a common misconception, the process and prayed Fajr facing Jerusalem, and he prayed Lord facing Maccha somebody from the tribal berusaha prayed to her in the prophecies in the masjid. And he realized the Qibla has changed. He went back to the Bonnaroo selama tribe, and he said, Look, Qibla has changed. That's where the button was sent him a

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word. One day they came together and they said, we are not able to pray every single Salah with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what if we were to sell all of our property and our houses and move to the town centre of Medina and live so that we can see the profits of them regularly. So they're willing to take a huge pay cut, they had massive lands, they had agriculture, so they're willing to give give up all of that and move to the city center. The bone who set them up? We're a hour and 20 minutes walk from Medina, right these days is a 15 minute drive. There's a highway, but back then they have to go through on foot, hour, 15 minutes every single time back and forth, and

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they're coming as many times as they can. They said why don't we give up everything, sell it and then we will just live next to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So they went happily to the Prophet system. And they said yeah, to sue Allah, we've decided we're going to sell everything and we're going to come live with you. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Allah has revealed in the Quran, why not to Guma per demo

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Eartha, whom the Prophet system said. Yeah, but he said him the outro who took double Athol rockin the outro who took taboo Athol rockin our scholars say, the surah is murky. This incident is Madani, not the Surah Yasin came down again. But sometimes a verse was used by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to apply to a particular situation. So they are seeing came down in early MCCA. It's an early makansutra. There was no blue cinema then. But the prophet system understood this idea can apply to them. And so he recited the verse to them that went up to Buma demo, thorough home. So Allah said, We shall write down everything they do, even the footsteps they take. So the prophets

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have said, Oh, but who said I'ma stay at your houses, your footsteps to my masjid, are being monitored by Allah, every footstep you take, you shall get a reward for that the outcome took to Earth outcome. So the second interpretation of a thought here is even the smallest good deed, don't trivialize it, and Allah was recording it, and Allah will bless you for it. The third interpretation of atheism is it is the opposite is opposite of a demo. One, act two, boom our demo was a thorough, we shall write down what they send forward, and what they leave behind. This is the third interpretation, because I thought is a trace. That's why your footsteps are called a thought,

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because it's the trace you leave behind when you walk away. When you walk away, what's behind you in the desert, it is your Athar, you are not there, your thoughts are there. Okay, so I thought it means that what you have left behind, so why not to Buma a demo what is our home, we shall write down the good deeds that they have sent forward, and the good deeds that they have left as a legacy in this dunya this implies there's two types of good deeds, the first good deed you do it and it's a one off Colossus done, such as your Salah, such as your vicar, such as any good deed that you do that is in transient one off, that is going to be sent forward. The other type of good deed you

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might not actually see much in this dunya but the remnants the legacy remains here. This is the author, you taught a new Muslim how to read, and then Hala Salah and then Hollis he went his way you went your way you forgot all about him. But that person the rest of his life, his Salah is one of your authority. His Salah is one of your authority, you have forgotten, but Allah azza wa jal has monitored the legacy that you are left behind. You created an endowment you gave walk fund charity, you helped sponsor a your team, and for 510 years you paid the money holla as the team grows up and moves on, but Allah has remembered this your team, you were the one who helped raised him and now

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his legacy shall also be yours legacy, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Man significant Islamic sooner than hasn't written whoever Institute's a new policy, while being a Muslim, whoever does something send us sooner than here means to start something that wasn't happening. So to sponsor an orphan, or to start a legacy that wasn't being done before. Whoever follows in that legacy, the one who started shall get the reward of every single person. And then the Prophet system added, while the rewards of those who do the deed are not going to be diminished. Why did he say this? Because unfortunately, brothers and sisters, I am stingy and you're stingy. We're all stingy.

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So if I were to discover that if I listened to you, you get 10% of my good deeds. I'm like, Ah, you know what, I'm not gonna do it. But see, in Islam, there is no Ponzi scheme or with a biller, there is no Ponzi scheme. Allah is Kareem, and Allah is generous, and Allah rewards everybody 100% But some might get 150 or 200. So when you teach somebody how to pray, the guy who prays will get 100% of every Salah he prays, that's his reward, but guess what, you get double, you get the reward of him and the reward of teaching and the one who taught you and then the one who taught you, so it is a chain link. And wherever you are in the chain, there is no deficiency you get the full amount, but

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if you caused another chain, if you influence somebody positively, that is your Athar. And there are so many people that have gone from this world, but there are thoughts are still around. There are so many people, their bones have decayed and gone hulless but their names are mentioned in every single gathering in every single Masjid Imam Al Bukhari is one who always mentioned he lived for 60 years that's it, but it is as if he lived millions of lifetimes. There is hardly a heartbeat that is given hardly Halaqaat that is mentioned except that such instance of Hadith reported by Behati in his Sahaba he is alone

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long gone, how long is 1300 years he has gone 1200 years, but the legacy he created is still around to this day. This is a thought. So we conclude by reminding ourselves, why not tomorrow but demo what our thorough home what will be my legacy and your legacy? What are we standing forward and what are we leaving behind? In? No, no your Moto. Allah shall resurrect the dead, I shall be resurrected, you shall be resurrected, let us have a positive legacy. Let us meet our retirement account in this world that we have. We meet it in the era by establishing both the 401k that's going to be sent forward and the 401 K that is going to be left behind May Allah subhana wa Tada. Bless all of us for

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that which is righteous, which is Kamala Harris and I'm not going to lie here but I catch you

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got the F la Halima meno goon a levena woovina sala de him for last year your own well levena umani love we weren't born well. levena Homeless Zeca de lune Wallasey now whose only 4g him have you hone in

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as Why do you

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get amen for

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