Yasir Qadhi – Scholarship As a Beacon of Hope
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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Mala Nebia BARDA, Amma,
you know, brothers and sisters, it is awkward to be talking about institutes and knowledge, when we know what is happening in the holiest of holy places. And at times there is this sense of fighting a battle that isn't quite the most important battle. And I get that we all get that. As we speak, you know, the toll has already cost 10,000 lives Subhanallah more people have been massacred on live TV, literally, we're getting updates every single hour, then we're massacred in Srebrenica, in Bosnia, more children have been killed in the last three weeks than in all global conflicts of this century. And yes, so here we are talking about an institute of knowledge. And it's very easy for us to
wonder, why isn't there something better to do? Isn't there something more important for the OMA to do.
And the fact of the matter is that there are multiple good things we can be doing. But one of them, one of them is to be brave enough and courageous enough to understand that even at times of grief and stress, even at times as dire as these, we need to think not one, three, to five to 10 steps ahead. We need to have a vision not just for tomorrow, but for the next generation. And that requires a sense of courage, a sense of stamina, that we can only get from the CEO of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, you know, one of the stories of the Sierra that really, it moves me beyond, I can't express how it makes me personally feel, knowing how much our Prophet system loved
his Alma knowing that he sacrificed for his Alma knowing that, as you all know, in the one Hadith, a bit of a tangent, as you all know, in the Hadith, that every prophet is given one special dua that they're guaranteed to answer, right. And every Prophet used that dua in this world. There is only one prophet that took that special request, and he kept it. He kept it to his heart, he did not use it, even though he's being tortured to death he's seen or he's seen his uncle, he's seen so many things, and he did not use that one guaranteed dua because he said to her lumati I kept it for my ummah, on the Day of Judgment. That's how much love he had for us. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the
DUA was the entirety of my own ma I want them to enter Jannah eventually, anybody who says the Kadima La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, they shall enter Jannah because our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saved that special dua, somebody with that much love. I want you to imagine back in Makkah, the third fourth year of the Dawa, and he passes by Bilal being dragged in the streets. He passes by Yasser and soma Yeah. And they're literally being tortured to death. The first shahada, as you know, ya said, the one my father named me after that sabe he was literally martyred by two camels or two horses being told to go in opposite directions and his body torn apart
as a type of joke in Makkah. And so Maria, you know, she was stabbed in her private areas with the Javelin in the hotel hotel villa. How do you think he felt? How do you think he felt when he saw the very people who embraced Islam because of him? Because of his clout because they trusted him and he could not protect them in this dunya all he could say as you would pass by them sovereign Alia surfer in the Maori, Docomo Jana, sovereign, Allah Yasser, for integrado. That's all he could say, be patient. I can't help you now but your reward is in Janna, be patient, but Allah will help you in the era. And the same goes for the Treaty of are they be under famous incident when Abu Jandal came
the famous incident when Abu Jandal comes and he's literally the shackles around his hand. The torture is imminent on his body. He's literally bleeding. He's been trapped in a dungeon in Makkah for months. And as you're aware in the Treaty of are they be as you're aware, right when this when the final signatory is going to happen? And the the Sahelian ama is there, and he's trying to negotiate with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he says that we will make a condition that any Muslim from your side who comes to Makkah, he's not going to be returned, but any person from Makkah who migrates to Medina, you have to return to him. And they said that's not fair.
They're still negotiating before they write it down. And Abu Jandal comes Abu Jandal the torture is clear. He's heard the Muslims are outside and he manages to break free and run outside thinking I'm safe thinking finally I'm here I can see the Muslims I'm not going to have to go back and the Prophet
So Allahu Allah, he was setting them turns and says, Okay, I'll agree to the condition but only after this one we save him at least let us save this one. Let us save agenda and no that's not going to happen. That's not going to happen we're not going to allow you are prophets Assam attempted 567 times in my reading of the Sierra, I have never seen our Prophet system negotiate with more passion more frequently, only to be told no, no, no, no, no compromise. And even on top Can you imagine the scene, even herbal photography, Allah Ron, he's fuming. How can this happen? Ya rasool Allah, we will accept humility, we will accept humiliation and we are the people of Allah. How can we allow
this to happen? Even he's above the law one could not understand. And he marched close to Abu Jandal with his sword on his on his you know, on his belt, and he's pointing here, you take it, I can't help you. Maybe you can do it and do whatever you want. That's how he felt. And yet our profit system could only say to him, may Allah make us a deal for you? May Allah make a way out for you. Because sometimes strategy requires that you think long term, you don't necessarily have to win every single battle for today. And so yes, well, Allah, He, I do understand, but I look at the Sierra and I look at our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam. And I know that he felt infinitely more
compassion that we do now. He felt the pain and the burden of the violence and bloodshed against his own community, complete injustice. And yet he understood that the mission is bigger than this one small issue and cause the overall mission of Islam mission. The mission of this deen is bigger than one particular issue, even though yes, we tie it all to that issue. And so yes, I'm here to tell you part of what we need to do apart. And I'm not going to say exclusively a part of what we need to do, even in these difficult and dire times, is to think 10 steps ahead, and to understand and appreciate that the fundamental backbone of our religion, the permeating thread, that every single aspect of
our religion is linked to is the backbone and the thread of knowledge in isn't Ms. where everything begins. You want any proof for this, the entirety of the Sierra shows this, what did our process of do for 13 years in Makkah, there was no state, there was no political establishment, there was no waging war and jihad, there was nothing except the preaching of him. It was teaching and preaching that is the backbone of this entire faith tradition for 13 years. That's all the Profit System was doing. Because Islam and all that we do its entirety. It begins with knowledge. You want evidence for this, look at the Quran. Look at the first three revelations and it will explain to you the
philosophy of Islam. Look at the first three revelations and it will summarize for you the entirety of our religion. The first revelation when our Prophet system is sitting in Hatha Hara, the first revelation is caught up this Mira beacon lady Hara in the land in a society in a place in time where hardly anybody read and write there was not a single madrasa in all of Arabia. There was not a single library, a shelf of books, there was not a single shelf of books in the entire land of Arabia, civilizations were up north and down south Arabia did not have academic civilization in that civilization. What did Allah begin with? Ikura you need to read and our Prophet system said I don't
know how to read my answer because I don't know how to read nobody knows how to read we're not taught how to read and write in Quran and decode it It caught up man a bit caught it and Allah subhanho wa Taala then said no, but your camera is not reading because there are means two things that can mean to read from a book and Clairol can mean to recite, to recite, not necessarily from a book our Prophet system understood is crap from a book. I don't know how to read. I don't know how to read I don't know read. And then Gibreel tells him to read recites to him, God reveals through Allah subhanho wa Taala is ye Gibreel reveals your reading is not from a book. You don't need the
books of men. You don't need encyclopedias, in your case, yellow suit Allah, the fact that you cannot read and write in your case it will flip over and become something of pride and honor anybody else. If they cannot read and write it's not something to be proud of. But in your case out of SUTA Allah it is something to be proud of. And Allah will call you a newbie or me the unlettered prophet because for you, you don't need to read and write why would you need to read the writings of men when Allah azza wa jal is communicating directly to you if Cara Bismillah Arabic Allah the hara, you shall recite from Allah through Allah with Allah your recitation is not from men, it is from Allah
directly. If Quran this mirror big you shall be the conduit through which Allah shall communicate to mankind your camera will be the way from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So everything big
ends with what with knowledge with Clara with reading everything begins with that first foundation. The second foundation. What is the second sort of revealed? Yeah, are you * Muslim mill or Malayala Illa Cadila Noosphere who I went postman who Cadila once you learn the basics you have better start applying it start praying start to head June that's what the process is being told. You have to really make sure your personal iCloud your personal Ibadah is down on par So once you learn it caught up the next thing you won was Xinmin como la la la casa de la nuestra who are in Cosmo naka de la oz de la Hirata the Quran it says Dr. DE LA in San Liu P alayka. Polenta Taylor, the book
is going to be heavy, the book is going to be heavy. You need to prepare for that through your spirituality. So after in spirituality after knowledge, your personal rebuy that your camera, your liquor, your club, you're reading the Quran in the middle of the night. That's the second revelation. Then what is the third one? Yeah, Johan with death hit home for India. What are the Kapha cabbage? What's the Yerba for target? We're Ruzafa wala tam notice texture, a list of actions, do's, this is what you need to do. You need to preach to the others you need to purify you need to do this and that. So action comes after when what is action after in and personal test gear. Now you
do your actions. Actions come in the very third category. This shows us the philosophy of our faith tradition, what is the ultimate and the beginning backbone? It is the backbone of him. And this is where at times like this, we really have to think long term. Imam Al Bukhari has that famous chapter in his book, Bob alum Pablo Kohli will handle the chapter of knowledge before you say anything or do anything. Knowledge comes before actions, knowledge comes before preaching and teaching. And that is why regardless of what is happening in the world, one segment of the Ummah must always be continuously engaged in knowledge, in fact, in Surah, and so that the Toba What does Allah subhana
wa Taala say that follow Allah Allah forum and Khalifa ricotta minim for for dunya de facto who fit Dini, what do you do? Oh, Mom era Jerry de him. I love him your journey Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, that even when people need to go and engage in actual physical battle, when the situation is dire, Allah says make sure some of you remain behind. Don't leave the entirety of people some need to remain behind. And what should they do yet to fucka who fifth Dean, they understand the fifth of the religion, literally this is in the Quran, even when the situation is dire. And the Imam and the Khalifa calls out everybody go and defend. Even then Allah says up but but there's one
aspect it needs to continue. And that aspect, scholarship scholarship needs to remain because it is the ultimate backbone. It is how we will situate ourselves scholarship is our moral compass scholarship is what we need to tap into so that we can think forward. So without scholarship, we are nothing and you want to speak about OXA you want to speak about you want to speak about Villa Duchamp, you want to speak about the Crusades and whatnot, I just gave a hot that maybe some of you listen to it. I'm going to develop a little bit more from that, even during this timeframe. Because again, most of us we have a very superficial understanding of Islamic history. Well, I that is true.
We have a very idealized understanding of Islamic history and our history. It's it's it has its ups and downs, right? We love to look at the ups and we ignore the negatives. And I have said many times our religion is divine, our history is very human, or religion is divine. Our history is very human. And once you study history, you have to re situate yourself. Fact of the matter fact of the matter is that we lost we lost an axon, despite the fact that we had a powerful civilization. Why did we lose the lochsa? In the first crusades? Why did we lose it multiple reasons, but there was so much internal warfare so much bickering, and also a really awkward thing to say. There was really,
overall a lack of piety and Taqwa it's really awkward to say this, but that's just a fact of the matter. You know, alcohol was rampant in that timeframe in those lands. Again, we have a very naive, romanticized version of the past. And I don't like mention these awkward facts, but I've mentioned them because, frankly, if we have naive understandings of how to proceed, if we have utopian, idealistic, you know, it Dilip, really just grandiose understandings of what's going to happen, then we're just going to remain immobile, doing nothing. Because we're expecting the MADI to come with Gibreel on his side, it doesn't work that way. When you study history, you realize there's a good
there's the bad, there's the beautiful, there's the ugly and you have to negotiate even some of our heroes in medieval times. They have darker sides as well. I've tried to reference reference that in the past, the founder of the Zen good dynasty, and not mentioning his name looking at the founder of the Zen good dynasty, who
When we aggrandized you know how he died? drunken stupor I mean just the fact I'm sorry to be blunt to you, but there was good from him, but he died because his his slave stole from his liquor literally. And in the middle of the night he woke up and he goes, Oh, you're, you're stealing from my liquor. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna, I'm gonna punish you in the next morning. And the slaves like I'm not waiting for you to punish me. He kills him in the middle of the night. This is the founder of the Xanga dynasty, right? Well, that's the founder, but then new to Dean comes along. New to Dean he's not the founder. New to Dean comes along. And new to Dean is a different character, Notre Dame
without a doubt, as one of the chroniclers of an athlete, he mentions him know that he is the great historian, one of the greatest historians, if not Athena mentions that when I read the Sierra who the biography of Neutrogena zanghi, the only person I can think of in the past that resembles him is or would have not had that disease and before him to call a rush you don't like from the time of the whole effort you have Omar, and then you have no That means only like even even a theory saying this guy's legendary. Noda Dean is one of those few people genuinely pious, you know, living the life of Zaha even though he's the ruler and remember Notre Dame did not conquer Jerusalem right? nurudeen
paves the way and by the way, even though Dean he's a politician, there are things about him that you know, politicians have to do it is what it is, but overall, his heart is in the right place. And you know, one of the things that he does New to Dean brings an entire revival of knowledge and religiosity, while Aqsa is burning under the Crusaders, because Notre Dame did not pre Aqsa, while OXA is doing what it is doing right now. The dean has two visions. Number one is the jihad number one is the military. And number two, it is the intellectual. And so what does Newton then do? New to Dean and this is part of the research that had not only for my PhD, but I'm continuing doing this
research, may Allah make it easy to write and give what the more lectures I traveled so much because of these guys, I don't have time to give more lecture, but Inshallah, let's hope to, I always say I'm going to retire this year, but it doesn't work. Subhanallah so much, you know, to do Wallahi I wish I could stay in my library and just write and type and give those but I have to travel and that kind of diminishes some of the lectures I'm giving, but I'm doing research on this actually have research done on design good. And the Salahuddin a UB is the Ayyubid Dynasty and the intellectual revival that they've done. So the Zen get dynasty, newsworthiness. zonkey one of the things that he
did I'm chronicling right now, I have written down over 15 madrasas over 15 madrasahs that nurudeen either revived and sponsored or founded from scratch, founded he literally founded madressa, from his own personal wealth and from donors that he knew and some of them from the public treasury, which he is allowed to do and of course, the most famous madrasa Of course, I mean, this is understood they name it after themselves, this is the reality and Nordea nurudeen, a Nuria just like Salahuddin had the solid here right this is it is no problem. We don't care I mean, you want to find a for your just found some addresses you you guys take their credit, no problem. We need mattresses
right? While the Crusades are happening. He's making sure that 15 mattresses are sponsored by the way of the sub to take note of this. He sponsors what is noted these methods do you know
how Hanafy Mashallah. But guess what, he sponsors multiple metres of other mud hubs.
He's so broad minded, even though he himself is Hanafy. And in a time when there was some sectarianism between the metal hubs, right. And yes, it is true, most of his mother of mothers are Hanafi it is true, that's fine. We give him that. But Subhanallah he founded multiple Shafi madrasahs, he founded one or two humbly when we founded means he supported I should say, he supported multiple humbly madrasas. He understood that it's not just my school that I need to support. This is what you call a visionary, right? That's why I'm fundraising for your school. Even though I have a school as well. Islamic seminary American, we plug that in for free, but we need
scholarship. We need scholarship to flourish, right? We all have our mantra says here and we want all madrasas to flourish. It's a win win for all of us, right? Just like new to Dean so he founds the new media now listen to this again, this is something that I've uncovered really interesting tidbit of history that I haven't said this in a hotter so when I do say it you can say oh, I listened to it first Indium of that fundraiser eventually Oh, man gets in the hotter as well. Maybe next week, we'll give it so this is an interesting tidbit. Of course, due to the never lived to see the conquest of Jerusalem right. Salahuddin the UB is the one who conquered Jerusalem and when
Jerusalem is conquered, obviously you need to repopulate it with element or odema with Madras says which you Right And subhanAllah guess who he chooses to become basically the first Mufti and the first all the and the first 40 of Oxford that's conquered now the first Islamic law
During 100 years is going to be the rector of new at your school that noted the innocent he founded Subhanallah even though Notre Dame did not live to see the conquest, the intellectual, you know, seeds that he planted the mud rasa that he himself built. The rector of that madrasa was the one who eventually Salahuddin says okay, you're the most qualified guy come and so the first time Allah's name is mentioned, the Salah is low, the Quran is recited the first time is taught after 100 years, actually knew the Dean planted it even though he didn't live to see that this is what you call visionary. I give a hotter last weekend. Last week. I don't want to repeat it about the foundations
of the Salahuddin or UBS you know, what happened in the interim. And I mentioned if not a sharp, right, the first the first person who literally, you know, raise the flag of how do we say this politely struggling for the cause of Allah, we have to be careful here. Right. So raise the flag of I'm not as brave as Dr. Jawad because I have different backgrounds and whatnot, Dr. Wilde will get away with things I might not get away with Allah and Mustang. I say all the time, if Noam Chomsky had brown skin in a beard, he'd be sitting in Guantanamo, okay, that's just a fact of the matter. Chomsky will get away because of his white privilege. And so we have to look at who we are, because
of my background, I will say scholars wrote treatises about struggling in the path of Allah subhana wa Tada. And they kept this reality alive, who sponsored those scholars noted in zonkey, nurudeen, zonkey, even Asaka, even a sack of that great scholar, every student of knowledge, thinks that they've been as accurate as a historian. No, of course, he's a historian in our psyche was writing history and reviving the legacy of OXA, the legacy of Jerusalem, because this is how you're going to keep the spirit alive. How will the spirit of Oxford be kept alive through knowledge and so even a saccade is supported by the Zen gets as well, even though he wrote all about history, and he didn't
get involved in the struggle actually, but this is the intellectual struggle, he kept the memory alive, right, other scholars as well. Zeno this time and how are we the first one to go to the salt onto the Khalifa and literally chastise the Khalifa, another scholar from avant Hasan from Herat, Afghanistan, he was the chief of the of Damascus and when and when Arcsoft was first rampage was first you know, taken over it was a new Islam and how are we he closed his book he goes, There's no more time for teaching, I need to have a bigger priorities. And he traveled from Damascus all the way above that. And he made his way to the honey fist Palace through hook and by crook, you listen
to the stories in the Katara he made his way and he challenged the Khalifa How can you be sitting here doing nothing when Assad is burning? The first person to raise the conscience of the OMA was an alum. And then if not a shot, the first person to say guys, you can't just sit back you need to struggle for the liberation and he riled up the people to do that. And the first major victory that took place on the battlefield. Ibn Al Shabaab was the one in that battle. And interestingly enough, I gave the story is really interesting. You know, in those days, professors had garb and warriors had their helmets and whatnot. Ignace Hashem came out to the battlefield wearing his professorial
garb with the turban of the professor, the turban and the garb of the professor, so much so that when the Crusaders saw him, Baldwin was on the other side, the ruler of Jerusalem fought with eternal Hashem not in Jerusalem, it was outside but still you're actually getting you know, you're getting there, right? Even though Hashem rode out on his horse, and the Crusaders laugh what is a professor doing? What is an Adam doing here? He turned his back to the Crusaders because his goal he's not the warrior. He's the chef and Adam, his goal he turns to the warriors, and he gives the whole, the entire crusaders could see that the army is riled up, the Army is ready to fight. People
are crying, shouting, and the Crusaders realize this is a no ordinary professor here, this professor this shift, he is the one that's in that's really riling up the spirit, keeping that spirit of life and that victory was the first major victory against the Crusaders. And it was even though Hashem who single handedly instigated it riled up the people and then was on the battlefield, again, sisters and brothers, we have to think so many steps ahead. One of the things by the way, interesting anecdote here also found out from from design good write this, you can use it in your classes, because you guys are 100 V. I'm humbly studying the humbling but we're all good at
Hamdulillah. But this is 100 V. Looked for you guys up one of the scholars that are new to the assembly sponsor, what is sponsoring mean, by the way sponsoring was something very common in the past, right? And this was that great politicians, when they saw somebody who was really beneficial to the OMA. They literally said, Okay, this is a work for you, you do you, you do your teaching, you know the concept of endowment chairs, right. This comes from our oak off the concept of endowment chairs and Professor Oriole colleges and universities. Because what an endowment chair does is that it allows independence, it allows free thought it allows people that are qualified to just preach
and teach so that even though Hashem
Sorry Zen Gi, moodiness, zanghi, he had these types of endowed chairs and one of the people that he endowed all of you studying in the Hanafi madhhab you know this very well and that is the author of by Dr. osanna. Err, who is the author of adulterer. Sanaya
who is the author of Buddha arrow? sunnah. Come on. Yeah, you should notice much of this up who is the author now I'm gonna quiz you
Cassani Cassani was actually sponsored by Notre Dame's engi and of course, by the way, Cassandra story you know, Mr. Romance here, he thinks he's Mr. Romance actually. Let me not say too much, but anyway.
Casson is better Arizona air is actually one of the most romantic fixed stories
so Carson is teacher was a summer candy and a summer Candy had a book called Don't forget to polish which nobody actually studies in resist hardly ever printed. And he had mashallah number of daughters one of them. Her name was Fatima and Fatima was known to be Masha Allah fucka, Idema and Masha Allah Jamila as well, okay, all of the hasna was in her and she got sutras from all over the world that is even said that Prince is, you know, gay for her and but she refused all of them. And so our guy Cassani he knew the key to her heart was through fear, commercial law, martial law, right. And so he took her father's book somewhere from this book to alpha. And he wrote a
magnificent commentary, which is called Budhha, Arizona air, all of you, you know, Hanafi guys, you know, this is one of the classic books that inherited his school, and he gifted it to the Father. And He said, This is for the mother of your daughter.
This is the mahute of Euro so but that your asana is actually the man, right, literally, and the father and daughter willingly accepted that this is the metaphor so indeed Cassani married Fatima bint a summer candy and the book but that Arizona became the method for the marriage right? So what was your matter by the way anyway, so let's start to let's not do which book did you raise your okay
so we have a teasing thing going on with nori.
Where was I went into complete different tangents, Zandi. nerdiness engi imagine Part Time Warrior by day, sponsoring Elon by night. This is using he was why, because in his Khilafah are not so so tonic isn't a Khalifa in his soap on it. society began to change. He literally like go read YBNL Athena, go read the books of history. The hamara began to shut down what are the Hemanth I'm sorry to break your bubble the pubs.
There were places to drink alcohol. Again, we have this really idealistic notion of the past. I'm sorry, learn and read your history. This is the reality of us. We're all weak. They're all going to in his reign, gambling and vices and these dens of iniquity they began to shut down. Why? Because he's sponsoring it.
This is what happens when you organically not like some of the harsh regimes we're going to start with with with the force No, you cannot force people without a backlash. Organically you help throw them out. You bring preachers and teachers you open Madonna's This is what Notre Dame isn't good. And when you do that, what happens the love you know, in the end of the day will Allah He the average Muslim loves Allah subhana wa Tada loves the messenger. And if you just approach with the right tools, the right equipment, they're going to want to come to you but if you come with the dandy if you come with the luxury, if you come with the stick, right, I'm sorry, with Adams here, if
you come with the Hashem and you're there, I want to just, you're gonna turn people away. This is not the way to preach. So Nadine isn't you understood this he laid the foundation and in one generation Subhanallah there was an overall revival of the deen. This is well known and documented, that revival paved the way for the next generation. And that next generation included who Salahuddin a UB and the entire entourage you needed Zen Gi, you needed that intellectual revival to pave the way for the future. So again, I can go on and on sisters and brothers. But you know, I understand it's frustrating for us when politically things are so dire, but I'm somebody who my reading of
history shows me time and time again, that the backbone of revival always is going to come from the intellectual side, from the visionary side from the side of him. And this is why we need to come together and support every single Institute of knowledge. And I'm saying this as somebody who again, I don't teach form if doc but Allah has Allah is my witness. It makes my heart so happy to see Institute's like miftah and so many others flourishing. Again sisters and brothers, I want to conclude on a personal
Last year, I started my journey to religion to study, you know, my, my first chip and America 1991 Right 1991 When there was hardly anybody that spoke English fluently and had knowledge, and that era 1991 There were no institutes of learning in all of North America. There were no, nothing like this. There was no seminary, there was no chef that spoke English as a mother tongue. I don't want to mention names, but although the names you know, they weren't preaching in 9192. They weren't. The people that I had to study with were either minor students or shoe that spoke Urdu or Arabic as a mother language. In fact, that's one of my incentives for going to study Islam. I was born in the
70s in Houston, Texas, there was no heartbeat I attended an English because the people that were there what are the outcomes are this is and I spoke neither fluent or do nor fluent Arabic at the time, my entire childhood, and I had no connection with the Masjid. Why? Because I didn't understand a single nothing. That was one of the incentives that caused me as an adult and chemical engineering, University of Houston. I don't know my faith. I have memorized the Quran at home as a DC not knowing a single thing of Arabic memorize the entire Quran. I don't even know what it means. I was so like, it really hurt me that I've memorized this book, I can't even understand it. And it
really made me feel empty inside. I had to give up everything and go overseas. But times have changed in the last 35 years of him to do nothing but hamdulillah there's institutes galore every state has massive institutes. Every single large community has multiple you know, students of knowledge Geneva ulama that speak English as a mother tongue, the world has changed and is changing even more so. So the way I look at it, well, Allah He there's things that make me cry, but there's other things that make me aspire that make me look forward and happy. The future is bright brothers and sisters, the future is bright. And indeed the tide is changing, not just for federal Steen, but
for Islam in the OMA there is a global revival going on around the entire world. Look around you in every country in every lamp, and especially in places you would never think here in America. Look around you who would believe we have a madrasa like this One who would believe hundreds of students are studying here memorizing the Quran, and it is but one of so many other dozens if not more madrasahs across this country and hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah the future is bright. We are seeing a tidal wave of change and we are riding that wave but the goal is are we going to push it even more forward? Are we going to incentivize it even more? That's what we're here for May Allah subhana wa
Tada allow every one of us to be a part of that change. May Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to be visionaries, movers and thinkers, shakers who understand that the real revival is going to take maybe 234 decades but this is what we need to do right now. We are doing what needed in a Zen guided we don't have a Zen gear anymore. But collectively, all of us together, we can come together we can help Institute we can found modalities. We can build professorial chairs and slowly but surely that knowledge will trickle down to the masses. There is going to be a revival. We are seeing that revival. We're witnessing that revival we are a part of that revival. So let us help whatever we can
let us be a part of this change and we ask Allah subhana wa Tada in our own lifetimes. To see the fruits of this result. We ask Allah that a muster the lochsa is freed in our own lifetimes. We ask Allah for peace and stability in that land and region. We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to show us there is an glory of Islam through his righteous servants and to make us amongst them which is our common law. Hey, Ron, was Sarah modicum Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.
Either call
me Mr. Heaton doll Seanie when she
told me what to feed done Sunday, what
to me,
Jenny Tansa down to
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