Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2015 – Day 9

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of using color for past events and future problems. The use of color can lead to past mistakes and harm, and it is crucial for addressing actions and actions that can cause blessings and harm. The use of color is important for addressing past actions and actions that can cause harm, and it is crucial for addressing future actions and actions that can cause blessings and harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He will be here.

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Today we're reciting surah Telegraph and so telegraph I have given a detailed Tafseer I think two years ago at this very place. However there are some benefits and reminder to go over one particular sutra of course the whole sutra and the whole stories in it are beneficial, but I thought that today inshallah we'll go over one of the stories and sort of tell calf, which is a very profound story that we can all benefit from. And that is the story of Musa and hidden Musa and hidden. Now, it is not mentioned by name in the Quran, he is mentioned by name in the Hadith literature, and hidden has become the object of a lot of folklore and not a lot of legend and a lot of superstition and myth.

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And the fact of the matter is that all of this folklore and legend is simply not Islamic. It was a prophet like the other prophets, and he lived and he died. As for this notion that he's still alive and he's visiting people. This is something that comes from

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superstitious with it is not in the shadows. So Hitler was a prophet Musa was a prophet, and Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed Moosa to study with hidden so Moosa traveled in the world to a place we do not know and he studied with credit it his solemn, and the story of who that is given in the Quran, and it is of great benefit to all of us because we learn from the story of Hitler and Moosa, that whatever happens in our lives happens for a wisdom. Even if we don't see the wisdom, we will benefit from that very incident in our own lifetimes before we benefit in the hereafter. In the story of moussaka, the three incidents are mentioned. First and foremost is the incident of the fishermen,

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that Moosa and his dad walked up there was a lake it is said, and they didn't have money to go to the other side. So they asked one of the fishermen, the boats over there to carry them for free. They didn't have any money. And so the fisherman agreed to take them across to the other side. And when they're taking them to the other side, it goes into the ship, he takes out an axe and he starts making a hole just small enough that the ship can be saved, to be brought back to the shore and large enough obviously for the water to come in. And Moosa gets angry at hidden and the condition that is in the Quran, Heather said to Moosa, don't ask me what I do. That's the one condition I

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have, do not ask any questions. When I tell you, I tell you until then you have to be quiet. So Moosa said what is the wisdom? Why would you do this? They were generous to us, they carried us for free. They didn't take any payment, and what did you do in return, you put a hole in the ship. So Hitler said, I told you, you're not going to be patient. Moses said, I forgot. I'm sorry not to be behind a seat. I forgot. Don't Don't get angry at me. It was a genuine mistake. As soon as he finished saying this with the same x, that he's just broken, the ship did that then see some children playing and he takes one of these children and he kills the child in front of Musa Musa did

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not forget, but what has happened right now in his eyes is murder. Now, of course, it's not murder for the simple reason that we believe Allah told her to do this. Otherwise, no other person can do this. No human being can do this. But a human that Allah speaks to a prophet can do this. So Heather is told to do this and he does it. So Moosa did not forget the promise Moosa said. Patel 10 appsense sekiya tambien. Right, enough's. How could you kill an innocent little soul, beautiful little child, you killed him?

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A new crop, you have committed a monstrosity. This is the worst type of murder. The monstrosity new crop is a very evil thing. And further said, Call akula. Didn't I tell you you wouldn't be any patient. So Moosa realized, you know what, he's right. So he put a condition on himself. He says, If I asked you a third time, then I will leave you three strikes. And I'm out. Basically, if I ask you a third time, I will leave you. And so they go to the village. And it was the custom of that time, and it is still Islamic law to this day, that when a stranger comes, you should give the bare minimum requirements of a piece of bread, some glass of water, this is hospitality, any stranger in

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the world when it comes to a city, that bare minimum requirements should be given by the people of the city so that people don't die when they're traveling. This is the culture of the previous times. It is Islamic law to this day, that their minimum hospitality is given by the community so food and a drink of water and then they can go on their way. Moosa did not have any money. And by the way, the fact that the two most blessed people in the world are walking around without any money demonstrates money is not how Allah blesses people so they didn't have any money. So that asks the people to give them their their their requirement that give us what we need, but the entire city

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refused to even give them a piece of bread and a glass of water. So Moosa and Heather are forced to go out they're humiliated by the people they're forced to go out and before they leave the city

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finds the wall broken, and he stops and he prepares and he repairs the broken wall. And Moosa, angry, frustrated, he says, The least you could have done because he's hungry. Now, the least you could have done is to get payment for fixing the wall for the food, I eat this wall that we fix, get us some food. So he either said or has a thorough pobeda. webinar, three strikes, and you're out. This is your third questioning, and I will now explain to you and then explains the three parables or the three incidents. The first one of them, he explains that these fishermen behind them was the king that was confiscating every single ship that was in usable condition. The scholars of the

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Sierra mentioned that he wanted to take the ships to go on a war. And being the king, he would simply steal, confiscate steal, without any payment. So out of all of the ships of that region, the king took all of them other than one. And that one that he didn't take was the one that wasn't in service, and which is that one, the one that hated himself destroyed. And this teaches us a very valuable lesson. It teaches us many lessons. First and foremost, imagine the anger and frustration of those fishermen, when they discover that Hitler has done this. Imagine how fuming they're going to be, how dare that person we carried him in our ship. And now he did this. And as soon as the King

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would come to that village, confiscate all the ships, that anger would immediately turn into what hamdulillah Allah sent us a person to make that holding our ship. The same cause that they were for being getting angry, becomes the cause for them to thank Allah subhana wa tada in an instant. Why? What has happened is the same hole, but they did not have the patience and the foresight to think 10 steps ahead, maybe a lesser amount that has something else planned. And this is exactly what was the case. And our scholars mentioned that these fishermen, the people who own the ship, were the righteous fishermen, they were the honest fishermen. And this is demonstrated by one simple fact,

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they offer to carry Musan hidden for free, generous people, they're poor, they can't, they can't do anything other than say, okay, call us coming right on our ship for free. So notice as well, when they were generous with what they had a lot of preserved, through their generosity, the blessings that they had, they had the ship, that's all they had. And they gave it to musang hidden because of that generosity, Allah preserve the ship. So if you want a lot to preserve your wealth, give it a lower preserve your wealth, you want a lot to bless you and your time, give and allow will preserve your time. You want to let to bless you in your health, give from your health, do something for

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people, and a lot of xojo will bless you, whatever you want given to others, Allah will give you more of that very thing. We learned this from this story, the second story of the child, and it is, of course, the greatest tragedy to lose a child. It is the greatest tragedy to lose a child. Can you imagine the parents how they would have felt, and especially this was a day before mass murders and rampages that we're not accustomed to. In this time. we're accustomed to people going crazy and killing, you know, schoolchildren or whatnot. Back then this never happened. And some mass murderer comes from their perspective and just kills a child playing on the beach without any reason. Can you

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imagine the pain, the anguish, the grief. And that explains to Moosa what a man Hold on. As for this boy, then his parents were more meaning they were good people. And we knew that if this child were to grow up, he would cause them much grief and anguish to Leon and wako. For because there is one thing that is worse than the memory of a lost child. And that is the living child who becomes obstinate, arrogant, stubborn, who becomes a pain for your life. A child that dies a sweet death when he's young, will can't carry those beautiful memories, but a child that becomes an obstinate and arrogant a pain, a child who is the worst to his parents, that will cause everlasting grief,

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right? And so Allah azza wa jal knew this boy would cause that type of grief. So, the boy is gone with sweet memories, then what happens?

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Allah azza wa jal for our Adora bukannya blog, that your Lord one tip that he substitute, Hiraman was a cotton cover over a child that was better for them in mercy and better for them in purity. So Allah substituted that boy for another boy. So we learned another thing in this story, and that is, never does a lot take something away from you. Except that if you're patient, he gives you better in return. Man, there's a hadith of this regard men who shape our lives.

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arrowmen whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah will give him better than what he left. And the same applies when Allah takes something away from you, He will give you something better than what he took away from you. And so this story demonstrates for us that even the loss of a life if you are patient, you persevere. You put your trust in Allah subhana wa Tada. Allah will give you better than what he took away from. And the third story is the story of the widow. Her husband has died. She has young yet team young, yet he may need two orphan boys and they don't have any money. And she's wondering where is the money and she's making dua to Allah I need help. I'm

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struggling with these two kids. And Allah azza wa jal seems to not answer that door. She's years go by decades go by and they're struggling in poverty. Then when they build a wall, that explains to Moosa under that wall was the buried treasure of their father. Their father had that treasure he buried it over there for Adora bukannya blue shoe de Houma. Allah had wanted these two young boys toddlers to become adult men. And then yesterday, Jacob Zuma, they can acquire this treasure Rama Moravec as a mercy from their Lord. Now, if the townspeople were so stingy, they couldn't give a glass of water to hit it and Moosa, what would the townspeople have done? If they discovered this

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gold, they wouldn't have given it to the orphans, they would have confiscated it themselves. But when the orphans become adults, men now now they can take it and they can do with it as they please, as well. Even though the mother at the time is thinking, I need the money. Now I need the money. Now, we all know when do you really need money, most urgent time of money is when you become a man, when you're starting a family when you're starting. That's when you need money more you can struggle when you're a toddler, you can struggle, the family will struggle. When do you really need the money when you become an adult, when you're thinking of a family when you have to build for your own self,

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when they needed it the most. Allah gave them the money. And if Allah had given them the money back then it would have been literally taken out of their hands. So from these three stories, we learn a very simple rule. Whatever happens to us, my dear brothers and sisters, there is wisdom in it. Whatever happens, whether it is loss of property, loss of a job, financial problem, that's the first story, whether it is death of a loved one. That's the second story. Whether it is the persistence of a calamity, which is the third story, you're in a problem, the disease isn't being cured, whatever you want, you're making, you're making God's not changing, whatever it is, if you put your trust in

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Allah subhanho wa Taala, there is a wisdom that you do not understand, but a lot understands. If your attitude is positive. If you have that in a law, then there is yucky and there is certainty that your calamity will become a blessing in disguise. And this is a promise from a law and a promise from his messenger our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I generally Emeril minify in Amber akula who hire amazing are the affairs of the believer. Because whatever happens to the believer happens for his good idea by the American woman, amazing. It's just amazing what happens to the believer for in Amara who, who hire because everything that happens to the believer is good for

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him. If some calamity happens, he is patient and Allah rewards him and that is for his good and if some blessing happens, he's thankful and he gives us those blessings and that will also be for his good and Allah says in the Quran was Takahashi and highroller. Come to have Boucher and Shahrukh Khan. It's possible you don't like something it is for your own good. And it's possible you love something it is for your own harm. And therefore your brothers and sisters the believer believes in the other of Allah and this point we conclude In fact, this whole story deals with other belief and other is the salvage that we put on top of our wound. It hurts when a problem happens. How do we

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calm that wound down? What Band Aid do we put on our heart? The biggest band aids that we can put on our heart is belief in other Qatar Allah Masha, Allah has wisdom Allah has decreed. Whatever Allah has willed happens, it is for the best. And color is always used to justify calamities, not to justify sins. We justified the past not the future. We don't use color for what's going to happen tomorrow. We use other for what's going to happen for what happened yesterday. For what happened yesterday we justify with other with a federal law home I shall file as for tomorrow, we don't say Oh, but the law. I'm not gonna pray because I was not willing to pray. We don't use color for

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tomorrow. We use color for yesterday for calamities. And this, these three incidents teach us that belief in other is true that everything happens for a wisdom that Allah knows that the believer is never tested with a calamity above his abilities and that whatever calamity happens to the believer if the believer is playing

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Then that calamity will turn into a blessing and he or she will get back much more and that allows wisdom will always prevail. We might not understand but Allah understands what law who Yeah, then we'll wait until later the moon was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi delves into verses 60 till 82 of Surat Al-Kahf that teach us about the wisdom and benefits from the story of Musa and Khidr.

Allah SWT relates the story of Musa & Khidr in Surat Al-Kahf – two noble Prophets of Allah sent to different nations. This story is  a story that deals with the Fitnah of knowledge. Their journey of knowledge is replete with lessons for us to reflect, comprehend and decipher the greatness of the Wisdom of Allah.

We are also made aware of the fact that Khidr assured Musa AS that he did not perform any of the deeds at his free will, but it was the command of Allah that he followed. And, this was the mystery that Musa AS could not bear patiently. 

What was the mystery? Listen intently and get captivated by this intriguing story.

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