Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2015 – Day 3

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The history and cultural and political factors have impacted the cultural and political culture of the United States, including the implementation of Islam and the "we" concept. belief in Islam is crucial to one's life, including the spirituality of Islam and the "we" concept. The importance of giving money to one's parents and sharing one's experiences to achieve success is emphasized, along with providing a positive attitude and positive attitude to achieve success in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was so happy about so we started obviously the second Jews inshallah we'll be finishing up the second just today. And the beginning of the second Jews, it deals with the change of fibula. It deals with the change of dividends for the first two and a half pages. Allah subhana wa tada mentions that he has changed in the Tabler from Jerusalem to Makkah. And at that time when this verse was revealed, there was a bit of a crisis amongst the Muslims and amongst the non Muslims of the community. So the non Muslims many of them said what type of religion is this that you change one day you're facing this way, the

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next day, you're facing that way, because the Qibla in Medina was 180 degree change. Jerusalem was due north and Morocco was due south. So there was a type of, if you like, calamity was a type of smear that the non Muslims and in particular one group of the food, they said, what type of religion is this one day they're facing this way? The next day they're facing that way can they make up their minds? And then of course, in their religion, they had to face East when they pray. And so this added another point that this is not the correct religion. So Allah subhana wa tada revealed two and a half pages. And then the last verse about this whole topic is going to be our hotter today, which

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is verse 177. And in verse 177, Allah says, lay sell bureaux unto one Luigi, how can people mess up? Well, Margaret, righteousness bill. righteousness is not defined as praying towards the east or to the west. It doesn't matter what direction you pray. That's not how you judge religiosity. Because for the other group religiosity was all about following the letter of the law, and they forgot about the spirit of the law. They forgot about the who sure they forgot about the taqwa. And it all came down to following exactly what the letter was, without thinking about the goal. The Maqsood the spirituality. So Allah says, it doesn't matter which direction you face. That's not what really took

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what is and look at the world around us. Some Muslims on one side of the world are facing maccha. And the exact opposite, they're facing mcca from the other side, because mcca is the center. It doesn't matter the direction of the compass, what matters Allah says they sell beuran to allow Joker Bella Misha to omokri just a matter which direction while our kin Bureau, but what is righteousness? What is good righteousness, then Allah describes what makes a good Muslim. What makes a good topic, what makes a good person who believes in Allah and the Last Day so we will discuss the characteristics that are mentioned in this verse that describe the righteous believer, Allah says

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don't concentrate on the direction concentrate on then begins a long list while I cannot be wrong, and this verse is divided into four categories. Okay, so righteousness is divided into four broad categories. The first category is proper belief. Well, I cannot believe I'm an amateur biLlahi while Yamanaka de Waal, mother equity will kitabi when they begin, this is proper belief, five things are mentioned. And these five are the common five pillars of a man minus clutter. There are six pillars of Eman, this verse lists five of them. So to be a good person, you have to have good belief. And this is a standard point of our religion, you must believe in a law, you must believe in the angels,

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you must believe in the Day of Judgment, you must believe in the prophets, you must believe in the books. Now, why is belief so important? Because belief is the philosophy upon which we base our actions, I repeat, belief is the philosophy upon which we base our actions. If we don't believe properly, then our actions will be improper. If we don't have the proper theology, if we don't have the proper religion, of what of who created us, and why we're here, then our actions will also not be proper. Conversely, if our EMA is correct, then our ML will also be correct. So belief is the spiritual DNA, we have to make sure the internal wiring is correct, then the external circuits will

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run properly. If we don't have the wiring correct, then we're not going to be able to function properly. And that is why I look around you everybody acts in accordance with his or her belief. So those who are passionate about a particular belief, their lifestyles reflect that passion. There are so many examples. So those people who believe for example, in veganism or vegetarianism, right, as a matter of philosophy, they will change their cuisine, they will change their entire etiquettes of eating and drinking because they have a philosophy of living because they have a certain theological because it is theological, a certain theological principle that they believe in so strongly that it

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affects their life, it affects their actions. Similarly, we have our own emotion. So if that emotion is correct, then the actions will be correct and therefore

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Believing in Allah brings about stability, believing in the Day of Judgment, accountability, believing in the melodica your conscious there are angels writing down believing in the books and the prophets. You realize Allah sent a code for us to live by. He didn't just create us and let us be. So each one of these points of beliefs, it brings about a change in action of philosophy of living. Now question, why did an alum mention other in this series of verses in this verse because either we believe is also in the six pillars of a man. And of course, color is mentioned in hundreds of other verses in Kula Shane Hakuna hoga kata we have created everything according to color, but

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this verse and this is actually a common phenomenon in a number of verses Allah lives the five pillars of a man and he doesn't list the six which is other as a series, including in the last verses of Surah Baqarah. If you look at the last two verses 100 is not mentioned explicitly, but you find the other pillars, why is this because cutter is in fact incorporated in belief in a law. Belief in a law entails belief in the laws knowledge and belief in the laws power and culture is all about Allah knowledge and allows power. So true belief in a law in fact, incorporates belief in other so in some verses, it is not mentioned as a six and in other verses, Allah explicitly mentions

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other and of course, in the hadith of gibreel, the six are mentioned. So this is the first of the four I said, Bill is defined in the Quran to be of four things, the first right belief, okay, now we move on to the second and the second, Allah subhana wa tada says that after you have the right belief, what are telma who believe that will obey what you tell him? I will my Sakina urbanist CBT, was

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called Masato artistica. This is correct rituals. So after correct belief, number two correct rituals and in terms of correct rituals, Allah mentions three things. And once again, it's a partial list. The first of them, He gives freely of his money, despite the fact he loves his money, what are telma Allah rupee? So you want to achieve righteousness? You want a lot to love you. You want to be a good person, you had better give your money freely. Yes, you love money. It's not how to love money. It's human nature to love money. What a bonamana have been jamaa. Everybody loves money, it's ingrained in us, but because we love a lot more than we love our money, what do we do? We give money

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for the sake of Allah, Allah, He loves money, a lot of firms, the righteous person can love money, but the righteous person loves a lot more. So what does he do? What are the man he gives his money to whom then there is a list in this verse of five categories. The first is the will quarterback relatives, and it's interesting relatives comes before orphans and the poor people and the people who beg so the first category that you should take care of is your relatives. Your immediate family is of course followed upon you to take care of your wife and children. This is followed, then your cousins and uncles and aunts and relatives, it's not fun. But before you give to a stranger, give to

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your family members, your sisters in distress your cousin is in a debt, you have to take care of them before you go give to strangers. Even the orphan comes number two, your family comes first then number two is the orphan Well, yeah, Tama and then

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one must Hakeem the poor people and then wobbliness Sabine the travelers and in those days if you traveled, you didn't have access to ATM or bank account, you could be a millionaire at home. By the time you get to your country or your destination, sorry, you've been robbed or something's happened, you could be poor, so there was no access to bank accounts. So even as Sabine is a category, some, by the way, have said Ignis Sabine includes guests, because they are your recipient, they're in your house as your traveler so some have said a karamo brief or being generous to guests comes under this verse urbanest, Sabine and Allah says was saturnino a filter for those who are asking they have a

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right as well The beggars on the street, you find them on the street begging, these have a right Allah says in the Quran, assassin, warfare rehab, and those who are in chains who are in chains, prisoners of war and slaves and Islam has come to free these people, you give your charity to these people. So the second category is rituals and rituals mentions three things underneath it. The first of these three, I hope you're following me right, this is the second category to ABC there was one ABCDE now you have to ABC to a is charity to be what you call masala, establishing the Syrah to see what he thought was Zika giving Zika now this is interesting to a and to see both deal with money,

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but to a is nothing sadhaka to see is followed sockets. So the righteous person goes above and beyond what is required when it comes to money.

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Money is of the greatest indications that you love a lot because money is dear and precious. So when you give up your money when you're generous of your money, Allah says that his ultimate righteousness as well. Allah mentions salah and Zakah. And he doesn't mention fasting he doesn't mention Hajj even though they are a part of the canon of Islam. And this is very common in the Quran to link between praying and Zakat is in over 50 verses. And Allah never mentions praying and Zakat and Psalm and Hajj in one verse, it's never linked together in the entire Quran. Why? Because

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fast fasting and Hajj cannot be monitored by other people there between you and Allah. But prayer and Zakat can be monitored. And an ideal khilafah would be monitoring this, like aboubaker study when they didn't pay the gap. But you cannot monitor if somebody is fasting or not. That's a private thing between you and Allah, you cannot monitor who goes for it doesn't go for edge, which is not even obligatory if you cannot afford it. So by mentioning, sila and zecca. Automatically, it's included the other Pillars of Islam, which is what fasting and going for Hajj, as well. Human nature, the one who perfects his Salah will automatically perfect this occur and the fasting and the

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Hajj. Whereas the opposite is not true. Have you ever heard of a Muslim who regularly prays five times a day and yet when Ramadan comes he's lazy and he doesn't fast for an excuse? That doesn't happen? But the converse is true. How many of us Unfortunately, some of us here as well. We're fasting Ramadan, but we haven't perfected the five. So otherwise, right? So Allah mentions perfecting the Salah, because whoever perfects the Salah automatically the other pillars are included in that it is impossible to be regular five debut solo throughout the year, and then you become lazy when it comes to hedge when it comes to fasting. So Allah mentions in terms of rituals,

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you want to be a good Muslim, number one proper belief number two proper rituals. then number three, Allah mentions that one move forward the IDM either How do they fulfill their covenants and their promises? When they make promises with people? This goes back to the third category of righteousness and that is good o'clock, good manners, more armella with other people. How do you interact with other people? So Allah mentions the most important parameter that everybody judges everybody else by? Do you live up to your word? Are you honest? Are you honest? When you make a promise, when you say you're going to be on time, when you make any type of treaty or covenant, do you live up to that

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and by indicating honesty, all other allow are included? Because the most important characteristic when we come to dealing with each other is what is honesty. We will never forgive a dishonest cheating lying crook. We just don't do that. Whereas honesty will win our hearts over. So by indicating the third category Allah mentions only one thing. And the third is luck. You want to be a good person, a good human, proper belief, proper rituals, proper o'clock, the third and then the fourth one And the final one Allah mentioned that was saw obedient, I feel sorry, we'll borrow a heinous bus. Today's hobos about sober for those of you that attended, and Allah mentioned suberb.

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sobbing, because sobor is the pinnacle of the internal characteristics of a positive man. Because a man also deals with how you think of the world and how you think of a law and the pinnacle of this suburb. So you're more armella with Allah as well as important. What do you think of a lot? How do you act and Allah mentions the most important and I mentioned this in the hood, but today, and that is the aspect of silver and those who are patient feel sorry, when times are tough. What Bharati when calamities we'll see what's happened, well, angels bus and during times of war, if you can conquer your emotions, if you can have a positive attitude, if you're patient, and you think the

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best thoughts of Allah these, Allah says these four characteristics. So once again, number one is good belief. Number two is proper rituals. Number three is a halachic proper interaction with other people. And number four is the internal spirituality that is in maybe you can say yes, and as well, the internal spirituality. If you master these four things, what does Allah say? Allah equal leadin or Sadako? These are the people they've lived up to the promise they've spoken the truth. What is the truth when they say we are believers, when they say we are Muslims, when they say we are Mormons are not equal lettino Sadako they're the ones telling the truth. What we like a homeowner. And they

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are the ones who have achieved actual taqwa. So in this first we learn when it comes to rituals, it's not the outer form that is important which direction you face. Two Muslims could face two exact opposite directions in the same city not knowing which direction is valid. So if two Muslims don't have a compass

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And one of them says markers that way. The other says no no markers that way. What are they going to do? Each one will pray according to their HD hat. And both of their prayers will be equally rewarded by Allah. Laser

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thermography it's not important what direction you pray. You think markers that way you pray that way. The other person think maca that way. Pray that way. What is really important what's inside your Iman and taqwa, your rituals that you do properly, you're alive with other people and your sun and spirituality and attitude with Allah subhana wa tada May Allah Subhana Allah make us of those who achieve ultimate bill was salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi delves on the verse 177 of Surat al-Baqarah in this mesmerising Khatirah.

Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous. 

This verse was revealed when the Qiblah was changed from Baitul-Maqdis to the Ka’bah and all hell broke loose when this matter became aware to the public of the time.ensued a long drawn out controversy and conflict in the public. It was then that this verse was revealed.the key aspects of this verse are:

  • Righteousness in belief.
  • Righteousness in rituals like Sadaqah, Prayer , Zakah.
  • Good manners.
  • Ihsan or internal spirituality -Sabr or patience.

The ones who tread on the path that is laced with the above essential traits are the true believers and those who have the best form of Iman.

Listen intently to comprehend the importance and lesson for us to imbibe and inculcate through this verse.


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