Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2015 – Day 13

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Bible is a source of light, energy, and light is the source of the Bible. The title of the Bible is the heart of the believer, and the image of the man in the hub is the bus of the woman. The title of the parable is the image of the star, not the image of the moon or stars. The title of the Quran is the heart of the believer, and the image of the man in the hub is the bus of the woman.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. While early he was sahibi, a woman, voila hammerberg. So we finished reciting surah, a note. And in Surah, to nor, there is the famous Ayah to nor or the verse of nor an ayah to nor, which is verse number 35 of suta. Nur has the distinct honor of being the most oft commented verse in the entire Oran. In other words, there has been no other verse, upon which more commentary has been written more to faasil more pages, more ink on paper, more separate treatises, there have been entire volumes and treatises, about tafsir ayah to know. And there is no other verse in the entire Quran that has the amount of commentary then verse number

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35, from Seurat unknown. And so in today's short cartera, I'm going to have to squeeze in one interpretation out of hundreds, if not 1000s, because I have to note is something that we all read the Imams recited all the time. And there is too much to say, for one short, hotter, but at least to give you one to see, and please the disclaimer, this is just one interpretation. The fact that I read this verse has so much commentary, so much interpretation, also different theological groups interpreted in different manners. So the mystical groups, they really go Mashallah hardcore in this verse, and they have all of their rather interesting, sometimes even bizarre to see as of this

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verse, and then you have the other types of theological groups. So what I will give you is one standard interpretation of mainstream orthodox if you like, Sunni Islam, and this is one interpretation, I'm not saying is the only one it is not the only one. There are many other interpretations. So what is this verse? Allah who knows sumati will, Allah is the light of the heavens and earth? What does it mean Allah is the light of the heavens and earth, a number of interpretations first and foremost. Nor here, according to Eben above symbolizes hedaya hedaya. So Allah is the guide in the heavens and the earth. And this is very common because the whole Quran has

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the motif of light being guidance, and darkness being misguidance. Right, and alignment chooses so many times you'll lose your minerals automatically in an in a node. So this is a very common and in fact, in the beginning of surah Ibrahim, Allah says, We have revealed this book to you so that you may take mankind out of darkness into light. And so the Quran has been called new ones, then the electron neuron Medina, and in one verse, even the Prophet system has been called Nur. And some interpretations take this under misunderstanding that he himself is actual new. No, he is known man he's the guidance He is the one who guides and a lot of calls him nor and a lot of calls the Koran

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nor So Allah is the source of guidance and Allah guides. This is the first interpretation, the second interpretation that Allah is the source of actual light Allahu Muna widow semi What do you want, oh, Allah is the source of all light. And this too is valid, because Allah has created this sun and the stars and the moon, and and all of the celestial objects. And Allah mentions this of His signs. And the third interpretation is that we take it at face value, and Allah Himself of his names is neuro semi what he went out. So Allah is neuro semi watty. Without, and when it comes to a lot of names and attributes. We do not think too deeply we believe, and we don't let our minds think

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because we cannot understand how when Allah says he does something we say we believe we hear and we believe we assimilate. Now, Walter, when Allah says he did something, we don't think how does he do it? Allah says he hears it says how long to ask, how does he hear? What does he mean? We know what hearing means. We know what hearing means. When Allah says he hears we understand, but we don't know how the hearing occurs. The same goes over here. A law is the new of the heavens and earth how our minds go blank and we're not supposed to think and this as well is proven in the admittance of a Muslim that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that a laws hijab itself is new job Oh, who

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knows? A lot he job in new is no Hey job Oh no. Meaning Allah has a veil around him. And that veil is itself nor Luca who if he were to lift the veil of a job of nor la harakat super hard to manage a boss or woman healthy. The raise super hot is the raise we call super hot and Arabic would even comes from the sun, we will say super hot. The rays that come from his face would destroy all that his eyes can see. So in this hadith which is assigned Muslim, we learned that Allah has taken a hijab of North and if that hijab have nowhere to be lifted, then nothing could withstand the beauty and the majesty of Allah and of course, this is proof

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Under the story of Musa when he says Let me see you and Allah says you cannot see me it's not possible to see me and Allah showed himself or to the mountain and you know what happened to the mountain. So Allah is demonstrating in this world we cannot see him but this had this demonstrates Allah Himself is * in a way that we don't understand. And as well when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went up to Israel with Mirage, and he went higher than even gibril as the books of Sierra tell us, and he was in the Divine Presence, obey have been kept sorry, a Buddha, if it sorry, if it asked him that question that all of us want to ask the other Sula, la Halle. ater, Rob back on

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messenger of Allah, did you see your Lord? Did you see a lot when you went up? Just saw him out Raj and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No. And there was light, how could I see him? Meaning our Prophet system was in the presence of the veil of a law nor an era there was light, how could I see him? So this demonstrates that our Prophet system went to the hijab and nobody can go beyond that in this world. Nobody can see beyond that, of course in the era, it is one of the blessings of the people of Jen May Allah make us amongst them. So this is Allah Hulu semi wati without masanori he commish couch and fear hammer spa now begins the analogy. And I have to be very

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brief, because I'm only going to give you one interpretation, as I said, there's many more the example of his light even Abbas said the example of his light here is his image that he puts in the heart of the believer, imagine for a moment. So, according to this interpretation, and again, there are many others the whole idea to note is about the hub of the movement, and the man that is placed in the hub of the movement. This is the parable according to one interpretation and this is even ibises interpretation. So, the example of hedaya of the man of the elbow of the woman is can be shot and famous by is like a mascot mascot is a crevice inside of a

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wall if there is a crevice inside this is muskets Fie ham is by inside so you know in the old times, they would carve things into the wall so that they could place the light there so that if the wind blows it would not affect the light. So this is the muskets inside the musket. There is a misfire misfire has a lantern or a light or a lamp ulmus bio FIU, Georgia, the lantern is inside of a glass. Now briefly, what are these three things? According to again, one interpretation. The Muscat is the chest of the believer and the zoo Georgia, the glass is the heart and the light is the man that Allah places in the heart of the chest of the believer. Okay. And this is a beautiful analogy

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because the heart is compared to what glass and what is glass and what types of glass are there and what is the variety of glass some glass is see through transparent. This is the elbow of the believer he is as he is heart, some glasses murky and dark you cannot see this is the color of the moon after he presents other than what is inside of himself. Some glass is soft and fragile. This is the hub of the soft movement a lay in some glasses hard as a rock. And this is the caliber of those who they don't have the type of sympathy and whatnot and people are of all types. You have the soft hearted you have the transparent you have the hard hearted you have the translucent, all of these

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types of glass they symbolize what is the what is the heart of the believer and inside the heart is the the lamp and this lamp or sorry is the lantern the lamp, this lamp or the lantern? automatically the heart of the believer is attracted to Allah and wants to worship Allah even before it hears of the Quran and the Sunnah. And the example of this is our Prophet sallallahu I said them before the Quran was revealed. There was something in his heart about belief in Allah about wanting to worship Allah. Then Allah subhana wa tada mentions that the Sujata itself the the heart itself, can Coco Bhandari, it's like a brilliant star. So the heart of the believer is already a light, it's pure.

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It's already there. It wants to demonstrate its light. So this is the heart of the believer. You call dementia jurati mubaraka this lantern in the middle, it is going to be fed from an oil that is sacred and holy from a blessing treat schrijft mubaraka as a tuna, an olive tree, natural kya Wallah gotta be here. It's neither Eastern nor Western. Again, one symbolism there's so much more one interpretation. This is Allah white and Quran. It's neither from the east nor from the west is from the heavens. And it is coming straight down. It is a divine light. It is a light that is so pure your characters as to how you Leo one of them says who now the Quran itself is so pure and

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Powerful, even if no match touches it, it is already a light. So the oil of the blessing zaytoun tree is already a glow abuzz. You don't even need to put a match on it. And so this is the example of the Quran. And the heart of the believer already is waiting for that light and the Quran will come and add to that light. And so Allah says, No, neither nor there is light upon light, the light in the pure arts and the light of the Quran. So when the pure heart hears the Quran, what do you get new rune Allah No. So the heart is pure, and the Quran is pure, and the two of them will meet and you will get the hearts of the believer and Subhana Allah. This is the reality that the people who

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convert to our faith, they are the best of the Muslims, and they are always the most sincere and they're always the purest, even before converting to Islam, because they had the knower of the cult, even before they heard of the rule of Islam. So when the note of their club meets the knower of Islam, what do you get? known? Allah No. Yeah, de la julio de Manya. Sha, Allah guides to his light whomever He wills oil believable law, who am Saladin NASS, and a log is parables to mankind, and Indeed, Allah is aware of everything. And by the way, as I said, there are many other interpretations. Another very beautiful interpretation, which I don't have time to go into. The

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whole example is that of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is the one that is being made an example of in this in this whole parable, and there's nothing wrong with having multiple interpretations. And in the end, Allah subhana wa tada knows best, but what I have presented is pretty much the most standard and Orthodox interpretation and this is the one that most of the root amount of Tafseer agreed to as being legitimate and valid. This does not negate there might be other interpretations as well. That's the beauty of the Quran there are multiple interpretations. May Allah subhana wa tada make us of those who have that pure * and who here and

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and and see the rule of Allah azza wa jal and therefore we have neurone Allah Nur was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi gives the standard interpretation from mainstream orthodox Sunni Islam of Surat al-Nur verse 35 – The verse of Light.

“Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.”

– [Surat An-Nur, verse 35]

No Ayah of the Qur’an has been the most oft-commented than Ayah al-Nur (the verse of light) with a plethora of Tafasir based on the exposition of Ayah al-Nur.


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