Yasir Qadhi – Questions on Issues Pertaining to Christmas Q&A #17

Yasir Qadhi
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The speakers discuss the issue of alcohol in modern times, advising against drinking and trying to impress with alcohol. They stress the importance of following rules and avoiding alcohol in public events. The speakers also advise against trying to impress with alcohol and suggest avoiding drinking and showing proper behavior. They stress the importance of showing proper behavior and avoiding impressing others with alcohol.

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			Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad in while
early he was a big marine and Mulberry. So all of today inshallah to Allah Who will doing
miscellaneous questions about the season tis the season and so we have a lot of questions about the
issue of Christmas. So we began to shell out the other first one, somebody emails and says, Oh, by
the way, all of these have been compiled from many weeks I'm just waiting for this for this
particular season. So the first question we have any practical advice about how I can explain to my
children why we do not celebrate Christmas when we drive around, we find all of the lights and all
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			of the you know, celebrations there and my young child any practical advice? So this is a
psychological question more than a 51 the parent is saying how do I explain to my I'm assuming very
young children that we are not celebrating and the other culture is celebrating. So I think that
this is a very a question that is very sensitive to the age of the child and if you ask those who
are more age appropriate there's not a fifth question but I'll give you some generic advice. If
they're very young I think one of the best ways is sorta tell if loss because this is a beautiful to
the point sutra. We explain them yet one of you that will make a local phone we explain that every
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			OMA every nation has its rituals has its festivals. We are Muslims, we have our two reads, if
they're a little bit older, we can present them evidence is from the Quran and from the Sunnah about
this issue of them is that when the Prophet SAW Selim came to Medina, and he found they were
celebrating two festivals, he said, that every nation has this festival Allah has given you two
festivals better than this one there, you don't have happ and the riddle filter. And of course of
the reasons why we do not celebrate other religious festivals is because our Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, Men, Tisha Bobby Holman, for whom in whom, Whoever imitates a group of people
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			will be considered to be amongst them, and imitation that is forbidden, as I have mentioned before,
and I will mention it in the future as well in a detailed lecture, the forbidden imitation is to
imitate the rituals of another civilization and society. This is what is forbidden to do something
that is unique to Buddhism, to Hinduism, and to Christianity to Judaism, something that is a sign of
Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, we cannot take that and then make it our sign, because
that is unique to that faith tradition. So Christmas is clearly something that is a fundamental
ritual and a fundamental festival that is associated with a faith tradition. It is not our faith
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			tradition. And of course, by the way, we can even tell our teenagers a little bit more than this, we
can tell them that even early Christians did not celebrate this holiday. In fact, this holiday was
invented in the year 320 Or so CEER 350 BCE, it was first introduced by Pope Julius the first not
even something the disciples did. In fact, many Christian researchers believe that Jesus was born in
the spring season, and not even in the winter season anyway. So this will even if he was he was born
in the winter doesn't mean but the point is, this festival of December 25. In fact, this festival
does not originate in Christianity. This festival is pre Christian, and it goes back to a holiday
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			that was found in pagan Rome that is called Saturnalia, Saturnalia and this holiday was to mark the
winter solstice, which is basically this season right now. And this season, of course, this is when
the time changes, as you know, this is when the short days become the shortest and then they start
becoming more and more. And because of this civilizations across the globe, welcome that this is now
essentially the beginning of you know, the new season coming in. So we have the Celts, we have the
ancient Nordics, we have Malta and the ancient pagans of Rome, multiple civilizations celebrated
December 25, not early Christians, they didn't do this. However, when the Roman Emperor converted to
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			Christianity, they adopted certain pagan festivals because as you all know, Roman the Roman
civilization used to be pagan, up until around 300 or so when the Emperor Constantine made
Christianity a state religion and he himself converted to Christianity. Before this point in time,
Christians were persecuted in the same timeframe. December 25, which used to be a pagan festival,
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			miraculously became a Christian festival. It was simply adopted, and it was then made into a
Christian festival. And so you know, the point is, it's really an of course, as we said, even the
ancient Nordic gods and by the way, a lot of the symbolism and the rituals and the icon and iconic
graphs is actually coming from other pagans civil
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			Opposition. So for example, Santa Claus, they say he is actually Odin of the ancient Nordic gods. He
is the God Odin and is being you know, basically iterated until he becomes Santa Claus and other
things, the wreath and the heart symbol of the, the fruit tree. All of this comes from certain pagan
symbols, none of it is coming from Jesus and the disciples of Jesus. And even if it did, by the way,
come from the disciples of Jesus, we say that's their religion. We have our own faith tradition, the
bottom line, we as Muslims, we are very clear about this. Our Shetty does not allow us to actively
participate and celebrate other religious festivals, any festival that is a symbol and an icon of
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			another civilization of another faith tradition, excuse me, in which other gods are worshipped. We
are not allowed to participate. And we are not allowed to import those icons. No Muslim should have
a fruit tree in their house. No Muslim should have special lights and decorations around this
timeframe. Because the cooler Coleman read, every nation has its aid, liquid ginger lemon comes here
and when they hatch, Allah saying every one of you has their own way and their own Yani methodology.
And it's not just us, by the way, even most of the Orthodox rabbis, most of the conservative rabbis,
they prohibit their followers of the Jewish tradition from celebrating the symbols of Christmas,
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			because again, this is something that is not cultural, it is religious, this these prohibitions, of
course, they are separate when they become cultural, then we can talk a different issue and I have
given other lectures and maybe won't one day, we'll talk about them. Fourth of July, for example,
and other things, which is no religion, you cannot apply this hadith over there, because there is no
religion, and there is no riba being done. And in my humble opinion, those types of celebrations
don't come under this hadith at all. What comes under these traditions that are forbidding is when
you take a festival that is a holy day, and you then adopt it, and you then follow it. This is not
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			something that is allowed. They have their read, we have our read, and how you tell your children
this best. It is psychology, I can give you generic advice. I also have four children and they're at
all age levels. I've tried my best but at the end of the day, how you teach to a child is more
psychological related than 50. I can give you generic advice, but we cannot adopt these festivals as
our own. That's the easy question Jade. We now move on to the more difficult ones the second
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			Sister I don't know how to pronounce this Mary Lee Mary Lee from Finland emails, mashallah we have
people watching in Finland. I've never been to Finland. But we have a sister from Finland, saying
that she is the only Muslim convert in her family. And all of her family gathers on Christmas. And
is the only time of the year that her family meets she is the only convert, apparently, from what I
understand. She doesn't have a large community or whatever. And she goes online to do her fatwas.
And she finds a website. I'm not going to mention it. But it is a website that I'm not too fond of
in particular. And they say they have a lot of q&a answer on that website related to Islam, but I
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			don't personally like their website a lot anyway. So she goes on to this website. And she says the
scholar sitting 5000 miles away in the land very far from Finland has said that it is sinful for a
convert to go to her family or his family, whatever, on the day of Christmas, because it is a pagan
festival. And she is saying, If I don't go, I will be very sad because my family has accepted my
Islam and is the only time I can meet the extended family. And if I do go, I'm going to feel guilty
because this fatwah has said that I'm sinful for going and she has emailed me asking what is my
opinion on this? The response to this question, what is prohibited in our religion is to worship
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			other than Allah subhanho wa taala. Right law, I would matter I don't want to answer I don't know,
man. But what is prohibited is to worship other than Allah subhanho wa Taala
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			those fatawa that you're referencing in those websites with the respect that they deserve. They
don't understand what exactly a family gathering at Christmas is. They have never interacted with a
Christian civilization. They are living in a very different world than the ones we inhabit. And so
their understanding is skewed. We all know that a family gathering together on the day of Christmas
or the night of Christmas Eve, and they come together is more of a family event. Generally speaking,
there's zero religion, and if there is it'll be one or two phrases at the beginning in the very
religious families and then they'll move on from that. So the claim that attending a family guy
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			Have the ring on the night of Christmas is the same as worshiping other than Allah subhanho wa Taala
is a claim that can only come from somebody who is not aware of the realities of the cultures that
we are living in. And of course, this is the case here. In my humble opinion, we as Muslims do not
celebrate Christmas, that is true. But your case is different, you are not celebrating. Your family
is gathering together, as is the culture. And she actually mentions in her in her email that in
fact, my family don't even believe in Christianity. And I say even if they did believe in
Christianity, it doesn't matter. You are not celebrating Christmas, when you go to a family event in
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			your mother and father's house, and they're having a family get together, the uncles and aunts are
coming. You are the only Muslim of your extended family, with my utmost respect to those scholars
who say otherwise. If you're going to tell this only Muslim lady, the one time she can meet her
family don't go, then you have no clue what Dawa is in the Western world. You don't understand what
it means for a more hijab, a lady or a Muslim lady, a man or a woman, the only one to go and act in
a positive manner. Show them the beauty of Islam, humanize Islam to your uncles and aunts and second
cousins. And third, well, nobody's going to come together on this day, from all over, except on this
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			day, excuse me. And the one day the family is going to come somebody 5000 miles away says oh, it is
haram for you to go. No, it is not haram for you to go not at all. You are not celebrating
Christmas, you are going to fulfill the ties of kinship. That's your new year, make that your new
year, I'm going to meet my extended family on the one day where the whole family comes together.
Now, if your family is going to do a religious ritual, before the meal, they're going to invoke a
prayer they're going to say something at that point in time you step back, you excuse yourself
beforehand, you tell them look because I'm a new, you know, convert or whatever, I'm not going to
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			participate if you know them. In this case, she is saying there is no religion whatsoever. They
don't even have is as you know, the remnant I mean, Finland 70% agnostic anyway, these people 80%
You know, as this as we know, in these lands, more Muslims go to Juma Arden Christians go to church
on Sunday, Muslims are 234 percent, there's more Muslims in Joomla 234 percent of the population,
then the 70% nominal Christians on Sunday, look at the statistics going on here. So even if they
were practicing Christians, when they do something that is related to worshipping Jesus, you do not
participate in that after they're done with that, to sit on the table to eat with them to be happy
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			with them. Obviously, you do not you know, drink haram you do not do anything. Obviously you avoid
anything that is haram to consume pork or anything but other than that your participation in the
family festival does not constitute worshiping other than Allah subhanho wa taala. And there is no
hint of servitude to other than Allah in a generic fest festival of this nature. So make your Nia to
give Dawa. And by the hour, I don't mean you have to pass pamphlets out to your family. I mean, your
presence, your dignified presence, your o'clock your manners, whoever you were pre Islam, they're
going to see a new view. And that new you will be 1000 times a million times better than the old do.
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			That is your Dawa right there. And so your participation, far from being haram, I actually think it
is Mr. Hub go go and participate. And your Nia should be I'm participating to present what it means
to be a Muslim in this society. And insha Allah with added this will be a stepping stone for others
to ask you more and more so that inshallah many of them will be sympathetic to Islam and maybe even
beyond this and convert to Islam. So that is the next question. No problem to go to a and this is
for the Convert of viously. The Muslim should not have any festival on their own. That's not what
they should do. And the Muslim should not for no reason go to a friend's house on this day. What's
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			the purpose of doing that? Your we have our culture we have our civilization This is the fatwa I'm
giving to the Convert whose whole family is Christian in that scenario is different and Allah azza
wa jal knows best. Next question, we have brother Nadeem, asking that, and this is actually brother
under the email but we have at least three or four questions. So I'm going to combine them all
together that in his workplace, there is a gift exchange that takes place around this timeframe. And
even though the word Christmas is not mentioned, still it happens around this season. And everybody
is supposed to give an anonymous gift they put it into the pool and then somebody gets good this
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			person and gives the person in an anonymous manner. So basically you are participating. So he is
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			If I don't participate, it looks very bad. And if I do, am I committing any sin? as well? We'll add
on we'll tack this on as well, that what should I do if my colleague passes by me and says Merry
Christmas to me, what should I do if they greet me with Merry Christmas, okay. So, this is now the
corporate setting. Okay, we are now talking about you in your office place. And you have these
various things taking place in your office. Once again, we need to look at in them an AMA Lavinia
and what is going on? What is going on with this gift exchange? Is there any hint of worshipping
other than Allah subhanho? wa taala? Are people giving their servitude to another god in this
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			corporate environment? Or is it being done for camaraderie for pleasant environment of the
corporation? I think it is very clear that given the circumstances that we live in now, given
especially the secular nature of the Western world, that these gifts are not being done to worship
other than Allah subhana wa Tada, you are not presenting it to a God of false god, you're not
presenting a platter to an idol. This is a mutual gift exchange that is done for camaraderie for
building some office rapport. And in fact, we have authentic narrations from the Sahaba in this
regard, of accepting gifts. In fact, this is much more the the wire I'm going to report to you is
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			much more than what this brother is asking about. This Brothers is asking about secular corporate
generic festivals in the America that we live in. This is not in the church, the Sahaba, the Athar,
I'm quoting you, they were gifted from the religious communities because of the religious has
festival, not just some generic stuff, and realize that the Sahaba they conquered lands that were
majority non Muslim, and in particular, Iraq when they conquered it, and of course, Syria, but Iraq
when they concrete it was a land that predominantly was the restaurant, Zoroastrian, right they were
what we now call in our lands Parsis, we call them in our India, Pakistan Parsis, right. They will
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			call policies because they came from Persia fatos Farsi, so we call them policies. So this
Zoroastrians, they came because the Muslims conquered, that's when they came to India. So these
restaurants were the predominant people of those regions. And there are multiple narrations from the
Sahaba regarding the gifts that happen on their festival days, the festival they have no rules for
example, so of them, for example, Alito, the Allah who and when he was the Khalifa of Kufa, and of
course he was surrounded by Zoroastrians on the day of Noah ruse he was gifted with many gifts from
the religious leaders from the people he's the leader now and these are minorities so they want to
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			now basically give so he was gifted many gifts and he accepted all of them no problem another
narration I love this narration you'll see why
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			he was gifted something called follow the edge this is in the Hadith by the way, okay. They see
people deluded isn't Pakistani don't worry it goes back ancient forests ancient Persia you did not
invent follow that you don't worry it goes back okay, but the term is exactly the same. Now there
follow that wasn't mango and kullfi and ice cream there follow that was honey and milk and other
things, but the hustle was you know what we have it's been of course we have now version 3275 I
think but there are still falou that was a cold drink of milk and honey and other things. Now we
have added mango lassi and other things and you know the weird weird worms in I don't know what you
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			call it, whatever you call it, you know, but what do you call it?
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			spaghetti noodles that are there all of that. I'm pretty sure the ancient Iranians did not have
that. Oh Adams. You don't have to do that right? Arabs. You have no idea what falooda just you don't
know what you're missing. You don't know what you're missing. So Oliver the Allah one
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			and you will see why I love this narration and my respect for it really Allah went up 10 notches
after this narration when I first came across it I did the Allah one was gifted follow that
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			he ate it and he loved it. MashAllah Tabata cola man after my heart. He said what is this? They said
to just follow the edge. Said what what's this? Why are you gifting what is going on? So they said
today is no rules. No rules of course. By the way, what is notice? narrows still in our Sanskrit and
older narrows new day, no rules. Today is no rules. It's the Festival of the New Years, the holy
day, the holiest day for the Zoroastrians, and still to this day, Iran celebrates no rules even the
Muslim population celebrate nor is it has become a different thing.
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			But anyway back then it was a religious festival akin to Christianity of sorry akin to Christmas or
Hanukkah or whatever. Today is the day of no rules. No rules is a religious festival they gifted it
to the Allah one follow the edge What did my man say when he was gifted follow that may every day be
a notice for you
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			he went up respect Marsh anyway that was just he deserving of our respect, whether we like follow
that or not, but if you like follow this then Mashallah. But here's the point And subhanAllah and
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			to be gentle, some strands, they interpret Islam in a manner that life becomes so difficult and
unreasonable. And they claim to follow the self. And the self themselves had very different lives
from those who claim to follow them in our times.
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			Hollywood the Allah one is the who is he? I mean this I mean, do I need to give you the formula
Valley? Is anybody gonna accuse him of not being following the self and if he is the self, or the
Rhodiola? When is being gifted follow that on the day of no ruse.
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			Like, imagine a Christian gifting you because it is Christmas. I'm gifting you this. And he smirks
he smiles it goes great. Everyday should be notice give me this everyday I don't mind. You are not
worshiping other than Allah when you eat falou there are no rules Alhamdulillah for that, you're not
worshiping other than Allah. If your Christian neighbor gives you something on Christmas, he's being
happy on his date. He gives you a now there are some conditions and I mentioned them. Inshallah the
Allahu anha.
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			Aisha Radi Allahu anha was asked by one of the Sahaba we have some Zoroastrian neighbors. So some of
the Sahaba back in Medina no, okay, I should never went over there to that place just to live there.
Somebody's in the Medina. And she asks our Isha, we have some Zoroastrian neighbors, they gift us
on. There are no rules. We read them which is their nose. They gift us what do we do? Can we accept
or not? What does our mother say about the Allahu anha? Listen, whatever was sacrificed on that day,
do not eat. But whatever comes to you from fruits and plants, meaning vegetables and non meat eat,
so on that day, they're going to sacrifice to the false gods.
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			They're going to mention the name of other than Allah azza wa jal don't eat that meat. There are
strange because the restaurant meat is different than Ali kitab. You should know this. The
restaurant meat is not adequate. So the meat don't eat. But the fruits and vegetables and follow
they're just basically non non meat. I'm the law. Okay? The fruits and vegetables is an eat from the
sweets eat from it, no problem. This is our issue Radi Allahu Anhu. As well, we have a Buddha who
settled also in Iraq, and he will tell his family, his wife and his children that on the day of no
ruse, anything that comes to you from the meat, don't eat, but anything else that comes go ahead and
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			accept it and eat from it. So what was haram was their sacrifice because the Zoroastrians are not
adequate up. So if they give you some meat, do not take their meat. But if they give you anything
else, sweets, halwa love do anything, no problem, except it. These are the Sahaba and their day was
the Holy Day. So in the corporate world that we live in, this isn't even Christmas, what they're
asking us to do. There is no deification done. Nobody is worshipping a baby God, nothing like this
is happening. It's just a generic. Now, obviously, if we're in a Muslim land, and you are a
corporate owner, why would you do this on the 25th of December for you, I will say fear Allah azza
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			wa jal, we have our rituals, we have a festival, but when you are going to work and the corporate
over here has announced that Okay, on the what day, is it July 15 20th? What days usually the 20th
or so, right? Anybody? What is usually done was before Christmas or after Christmas, before
Christmas, the 20th or so. Right? And the week before? Yeah. So on the 15th Whatever. On this day,
everybody bring a $20 gift, we'll pull our names from a bag and we'll just swap over gifts. Okay.
Where is the worship being done to other than Allah? Nothing? How can it be made haram? I agree. If
you are in charge of the company and you're in a Muslim, then why would you bring in on the 25th of
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			December, but that's not the case here. So Koolhaas will only hire the MATA if there is nothing
wrong whatsoever in participating in this exchange of gifts. In fact, even more than this, if they
actually gift you on the day for the day because of the day we have the authority of the Sahaba here
you can accept and then when your turn comes you give them back when
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			They have read. I actually encourage all of you on the Day of read to bring something special for
your colleagues to bring something extra This is a means of Dawa. Nobody can say no to some baklava.
Okay, nobody can say no to some nice, you know, gulab jamun or bring value that Masha Allah because
we have adopted validation or we took it from them we upped the bar we raised it mashallah because
now falooda has mashallah the mother of all which is ice cream. Now you have ice cream, mashallah
Tabata Cola, Ben and Jerry's vanilla, by the way that would do works good on falooda. Just FYI. So
if you give to your colleagues follow that may be a bit difficult, but if you managed to do that, or
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			anything good on the day of or eat, and then they gift you back on their Christmas or holy days,
there's nothing wrong with this, as long as what they're gifting you is halal, obviously. As for
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			taking advantage of other things going on, I'll just add some other stuff here as well. How about
going to the bazaars on the day of their Aedes? Okay, how about going to their
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			shopping malls, and taking advantage of
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			How about that? Mr. Muhammad was asked
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			about going to the bizarre on the day of the Christian celebrations. And by the way, in all
civilizations, the bazaars have extra on this days of celebration, this is human culture, correct.
This human culture. When you're in India, Diwali, the bazaars you do that when you're in, you know,
the Zoroastrian that places? Notice when you're in these lands, you know, Thanksgiving, what is
human nature, when you're in Pakistan, the days of eight by one, get three free in Pakistan every
time you know, then you still bargain for the fourth one free anyway. So the point being that it's
human nature, where there is a holy day, there's going to be bazaars that are offering concessions,
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			Imam Muhammad was asked, Can we go to the bazaars of the Christians on their holy days, and he said,
if he is going to the bazaar, and he doesn't go to the church, that is not a problem. And Imam
Muhammad was on the more stricter side of the muda had been this, but even he's like, what's the big
deal, you're going to the bizarre, you're taking advantage of the shopping, you're not getting
involved in the worship, you're not going to the church on the holy day, and even shareholders and
even Taymiyah, who generally speaking is one of the strictest aroma when it comes to celebrations,
and I have no problem with that opinion. But do realize there are other opinions as I'm going to
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			mention. But even shareholders have even Taymiyah, he was asked about buying on the holy days of the
Christians and whatnot. And he said that no problem you can purchase from them on their holy days.
But he did add, you should not sell to them things that they're going to use for their festivals. So
they're gonna, they're going to do something that is going to be under worshipping other than Allah,
you should not sell it to them. So that's with regards to taking advantage of sales and whatnot, no
problem. As for congratulating them, this is a much more detailed question, I'm going to summarize
it and maybe one they'll give a long Grindstone I have given a longer lecture, you will find it
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			online. But to summarize, there is nothing explicit in the Quran, or the Sunnah, or any of the four
Imams or any of the early scholars in this regard. One of the earliest scholars to write a treaties,
or I should say, have a detailed discussion about this is Abdullah, Iam in his famous book Occam,
Allah Jim, or the rulings of the people of them. And he made a very famous remark there, which is
now well known and a lot of people quoted, in which he very, very strongly prohibited
congratulating, the non Muslims on their days have holy days on their days of celebration. And he
said, a phrase here to congratulate them on their holy days is worse than congratulating them for a
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			major sin, like drinking alcohol or like murder. So to congratulate them for committing a sin. He is
saying to congratulate them on their holy day because of their holy day, it is a bigger sin than to
congratulate them for a sin that they do. And by the way, because of this, people don't read Arabic
or don't understand it, some neophyte said in a lecture, to come to say Merry Christmas is worse
than murder. And this is the position I am he said, and nothing could be further from the truth. And
this guy's video went viral the right took a hold of it and this and that, and just you don't
understand Filipino soldiers. And actually then you start giving photos. This is what happens if
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			you've never said that have no claim said what I had explained. And even that is one opinion and I
respect that opinion. It is a great scholar. He has the right to say that. But that is one opinion.
There are other opinions as well. And if you look at the fatawa of so many modern councils, the
European Council of fatwah and so many, they disagree with this fatwa. And the reason is very
simple. So here's the here's the cause
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			when you
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			We congratulate somebody for their holy day.
00:30:04 --> 00:30:43
			Do you mean to congratulate them for worshipping other than Allah? If you do that AIIMS photo is at
its place. If your intention is or if your paradigm is that, yes, you're worshiping other than
Allah. Yes. Good Millbrook to that congratulations more power to you than ignore volumes fatwa is
110% accurate? How can you congratulate somebody for worshiping other than Allah? But see, here's
the point. When you say congratulatory phrases, positive phrases, is that what is implied?
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			That is the issue of controversy between am and between many other scholars of our times, when you
go and you say, some generic greeting, okay? Even if you say the phrase Merry Christmas back on to
you, if he comes in says Merry Christmas, and then you say, oh, Merry Christmas to you as well. Even
though I'm gonna say we shouldn't say that at the end. But I'm saying even if you said it, blunt
question in the context that we live in, Will anybody understand from you that you are
congratulating them for worshiping other than Allah? Is this the understanding of the phrase? No,
what is the understanding?
00:31:26 --> 00:32:12
			Just a greeting. And this is the paradigm that so many other alum of our times, by the way, you will
find very little classical discussion on this only a few. And also this must be said, most of these
fatawa are in the context of a Muslim dominant Islamic land, where the dynamics are very different.
And one needs to ask, why would a Muslim land be celebrating Christmas of course, you should be
ultra strict, etc, etc. None of these fatawa deal with minorities except until modern times. So in
my humble opinion, even to quote even Taymiyah copy and paste and apply to America or Europe in
itself is a mistake. Because the fact to have had been Tamia is a different context, different time
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			different place, and even that it is one opinion. Nonetheless, there are a whole host of Roma in our
times who have said that it is permissible to generically greet, and I personally say get out of the
controversy. And do not say the word Merry Christmas. This is my personal advice. Rather, when
somebody comes and says Merry Christmas to you say something generic and response. God bless you.
God bless you. Generic.
00:32:40 --> 00:33:18
			May Allah bless you with hidayah with Eman with Islam with good health you can make dua for the non
Muslim, right? God bless you, okay, or something generic of this nature. There should be nothing
wrong with this. Allah says in the Quran, where either who eaten butter hatin for how you be accent
I mean her when somebody comes and greets you greet him back with a better greeting, or at least
return the same greeting. This is a generic verse. So if somebody says good morning, you say good
morning to you as well. Somebody says Good afternoon, good afternoon to you as well. Somebody says
Merry Christmas, in my humble opinion, even though I do not say it is haram. By the way, I want to
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			be very clear, still just to get out of the controversy. Don't say back Merry Christmas, just say
May God bless you, God bless or happy seasons or something of this nature. And
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			conclude this question. We have one more question after this conclude this question had been Abbas
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			If fit around, said to me,
00:33:40 --> 00:33:46
			Rahim, Allah Allah, I would say, may Allah have mercy on you as well?
00:33:47 --> 00:34:13
			If that our own were to make a dua for me, I would say back unto May Allah also have mercy on you.
And what's wrong if Iran were alive, meaning and he said this to me? Why can't I respond even to
fiddle around with a similar thing? So there's nothing wrong with giving a generic response back and
it does not imply any type of servitude to other than Allah subhana wa taala. Our final question for
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			What is the verdict on attending gatherings or meetings or office parties where there is alcohol?
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			What is the verdict on going to these types of occasions where there is alcohol response? The
consumption of alcohol is something that we all know is completely forbidden in our religion. Our
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam has called it The Mother of All Evil or the source of all evil, and
it is a tool of shaitan. We all know that, in this country, one of the leading causes of liver
cancer, heart disease, even other types of cancer, in fact, almost 100,000 deaths in North America
alone, is because directly of
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			Alcohol and it is one of the leading causes of preventable death in this country. By the way, one of
the leading causes of preventable death is the consumption of alcohol its harms are well known. And
it is because of this that the Sharia has not just forbidden drinking alcohol. The Shetty has also
forbidden anything related to it, such as transporting, buying, selling, witnessing the transaction.
These are all called preventative measures said the video when something is haram. Allah azza wa jal
makes the things leading to it haram as well. Obviously, the level of huruma of the things leading
to it is not the same as the level of itself, you understand this point. And that's what we're going
00:35:41 --> 00:36:26
			to come to now. When something is haram, the avenues that lead to it also become haram. But those
avenues are not as sinful as the Haram itself, obviously. And this is called in the Sharia said do
the raw hair, cutting off the doors to this to this avenue. And one of those prohibitions when it
comes to alcohol is to sit at a table where alcohol is served Hadith isn't mustard, the amount
Muhammad it is Hesson which is acceptable, it's not so hey, it's not the if it has a has an Hadith
that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not sit
at a table where alcohol is passed around Youdao or LA Hellhammer. Okay, so one should not sit at a
00:36:26 --> 00:36:45
			table where alcohol is being passed around. This is a Hadith in mustard, Imam Muhammad. And this is
the default position that a person should avoid sitting at a table where alcohol is served. And one
should try to get out of this as much as possible. Now, this is the default.
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			The problem is that this default becomes very difficult or at times logistically impossible in the
world that we live in. And I have asked over a dozen mentors and teachers of mine and peers of mine
this particular issue, these are one of the questions that are on my mind, and I asked many people,
and I'll just mention some names here. But the opinion I will give you a ascribe it to me. But I'm
telling you just because understandably, I never claimed to be a scholar. I'm a student of
knowledge. I'm not a scholar. I'm a student of knowledge. So understandably, people say who are you
to say things and that's a valid concern. But I try to quote positions that have bases and that have
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			precedents. I never ever tried to bring an opinion that is unprecedented. I don't feel myself
qualified to do that. But I tried to find precedents. And when it comes to this issue, I have asked
over a dozen people whom I look up to, including people extra Salah who saw we Dr. Hatem Alhaji of
USofA, Judea Shia called Kaaba, we others I've asked all of these, this specific questions
specifically, I've asked them about this hadith, in light of modern times, and in light of corporate
America. And by the way, FYI, I have worked in corporate America for a period of my life. And for 15
years, I was in academia, which is a different type of corporate America, I had to meet many people,
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			politicians, business interviewers, presidents of universities, presenting papers, at Harvard and
Princeton, I have been in that environment. So I understand what it is like to be the only Muslim in
a room full of people that are coming together for another cause they're not coming together to get
drunk, you're not going to a pub to socialize, you're going for a conference, you're going for a job
issue, you're going because your boss's boss, or the company's president has thrown a big party, and
you're a member of that audience. And once again, with my utmost respect, many of our scholars and
teachers have never been in that situation. And so they give fatawa that they are there and hardly
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			anybody can follow them. Because those fatawa cannot be applied by the average person working in a
corporate environment. And that's why the one who knows knows the one who is there understands and
that's why I myself have been very eager to ask many of my mentors and teachers, pretty much all of
them who live in these lands, or at least are well aware of the situation of our lands. Because
again, what you need to realize, when you ask a person or a shoe that has never been in these lands,
there are two so what is very different of reality, they can give a fatwa, and they don't understand
that photo is impossible to apply. Always go to people who live in your lands for your scholarship
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			specially for these minutia issues. And as I said, I've asked over a dozen, to be brutally honest, I
think it might be two dozen because I've been talking about this for these are some of the issues
I've always discussed with my peers and my mentors. And every single one of them without exception,
has given caveats and exceptions to this hadith. None of them unconditionally said it has always
held on and you have to stand up and leave every time there's alcohol within five feet of you. None
of them have said this because they
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			To understand that you cannot be that strict, this hadith is not meant to be used as an elastic band
and apply to every scenario. That hadith is a general ruling. Let's keep that as the default. Let's
not become comfortable, but there are always going to be difficult scenarios. And by the way, this
isn't without precedents. Again, there are minor precedents. of them is the issue of the Muslim man
married to the Christian lady. And we find a number of exquisite narrations, even from the very
strict ruler Ma, like Imam Muhammad have been humbled, somebody came to him and said that a man is
married to a Christian lady, can he force her to not drink alcohol? Now remember, it's her right as
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			a Christian, and it may be even some in her Shediac it's allowed, and maybe even in her rituals is
what she does. If she's a Catholic, she's even gonna drink it. Right. And Imam Muhammad said, he
does not have the right to forbid her from drinking her alcohol. He doesn't have that. Right. So
this is someone that came up Muhammad, and the context is in a Muslim land, and it's in the person's
household. And oh, by the way, think about the technicalities. Whose money is she typically going to
use to go buy the alcohol? Think about the technicalities? Where will that alcohol be stored in
whose house think about these technicalities right before you make these blanket statements of haram
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			haram haram? think things through and that's why fear is very different than just quoting Hadith.
And then extrapolating, my dear brothers and sisters, extremism typically occurs with people who
don't understand. They just take a verse or a hadith, and they become folk AHA overnight, actual
folk Aha, or always much more understanding much more reasonable. As I said, more than a dozen
scholars, I ask personally, this question more than a dozen, every one of them, they give slightly
different but every one of them is given caveats if this if that. So the position I'm going to
present is coming from me, don't ascribe it to them. But I will tell you, all of them have given
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			caveats and exceptions to this hadith. So based on this, I form an educated Rich Dad, if I'm right,
it is from Allah file, it is wrong than it is from myself. And I ask Allah as refuge what I say is
as follows. This is my advice.
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			The Muslim working in corporate America should never make it the norm, to feel comfortable around
alcohol. This Muslim should make it known to his or her close colleagues that they don't like
alcohol and the presence of alcohol, it should be something that is known that they feel
uncomfortable around the presence of alcohol, it should not just become overlooked, not a green
light. Anytime there's alcohol, let it be. Occasionally such a Muslim might find himself or herself
in a situation where it's just the battle is not worth fighting. For example, the annual meeting,
for example, the CEO comes in, and the whole staff is there. For example, the ceremony that is going
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			to take place around this time when the raises are given and announcements are made right before
Christmas and your presence and your your point is a part of being with the community of your
corporation, you need to be there because that's what everybody is doing. So on those exceptional
scenarios, try your best to avoid being in the direct vicinity. So if the alcohol table is there,
you go on another side, and you intermingle with the people over there. And if you are forced to sit
down, try your best to get a few people that you know will not be drinking and sit. One of my
teachers actually said this, I'm not going to mention it but a respect to him as the one of my
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			teachers actually said, if there's a large table, get three, four or five people sit next to them
and in your mind, draw an imaginary line. This is my table. There's no alcohol on it. Point is you
have to work your way. What are you going to do if there's 50 people at a corporate meeting, and
you're all sitting at a table and they're drinking alcohol over there? What are you going to do?
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			I mean, if you really thought it's necessary to stand up and leave, that's your business. And I'm
not saying don't do that. But I'm saying law you colorful, low enough sun Illa WUSA, how
unreasonable is it for you to stand up and leave because somebody else is drinking your boss's
boss's drinking alcohol, that you will not be able to function in corporate America this way. You
cannot function in a regular you're going to a job interview for example, right? That stage you're
going to tell other people Hey, you got you can drink by the way, huh? You're gonna get that job or
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			Is the law requiring you to be that unreasonable? I don't think so. will lie. I do not think so at
all. And is the position that many of my teachers have as well. You're going to a job interview,
you're going to the annual corporate event or whatnot. Now is not the time to enforce it on other
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			Their drink
00:45:00 --> 00:45:34
			He is there a bit you obviously are not going to drink he will say I don't drink okay? You order
your alka seltzer water or whatever you want to do you know is like what you you do whatever you
want, but you do not obviously, obviously drink yourself. And if they're drinking that one fine then
when you get in and your colleagues and you should then say you know what you guys are going there
if it's just a regular chilling event just to evening out, you should not compromise on that type of
thing why? You know, you guys go ahead and enjoy and you don't have to say even alcohol. So you guys
go ahead, I'm a bit tired, make an excuse of I'd rather I'd make a few phone calls, whatever. But if
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			your presence is important, not the rural life and death because this is not a matter of life and
death, it's a matter of reasonable your job is at line here. Your presence is required for the
promotions, your ambience is there you you being there is going to show the company that you're a
part and parcel to the company, in these types of scenarios, be reasonable, and participate what
needs to be done. And then as you all know, as the evening winds down the party, River State and
then people who want to leave can leave right up of those who leave as fast as you reasonably can
fit to Allah muster talk to them fear Allah subhana wa Taala as much as you can, and even as you are
00:46:16 --> 00:46:26
			there, in your heart do not like it because our Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Whoever can change
Monica with his hands good if not then with his tongue. If not that what?
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			Don't like it in your heart hated in your heart. I'm being very explicit. Don't make it the norm
that I'm surrounded by alcohol. No, it should never be the norm. Don't make it lackadaisical. No big
deal. It is a big deal. And you should not just be observing people getting drunk. But once in a
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			You cannot enforce 100% When you need to be as minimal as you need be as discreet as you need to be
do what you need to do. And then make your excuse and then be away from there. And then ask Allah
azza wa jal is forgiveness. But I do not think it is a sin. When, as we said, when you're pressured
into this type of scenario, that you're in the presence where alcohol is, nonetheless, if it is not
something that is required, and it is simply a pure socialization of pure merriment, in this case,
no need for you to compromise. And you can give an excuse, and I give you a classic example, you're
going to a meeting or a conference somewhere else, then your office is going to go out for a dinner.
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			And you know, there's going to be shut up and laughter and merriment, and there's no need for the
business has been done. Right? The meeting has been done. Now, we're not talking about a business
meeting with a client where you have to be, again, be sensible. You all know the difference when
your office colleagues are just going to chill because the company tab is paying for it. Right? No
need for you. When you know there's going to be alcohol, you're not going to lose your job. If you
don't show up to that thing, no big deal. I and give an exclusive view. And you don't have to say
because I'm a Muslim, I'm like if you want to it's case by case. If you don't have that authority,
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			they can excuse I'm feeling tired. I have to make a few phone calls. I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Simple as that. And then be away from there. But if you do need to go for reasons that you know best
for your job sake. In my humble opinion, it is not haram and the Hadith will not apply to final
point one of my teachers made a very good point one of my mentors, he's at a very good point. He
said one needs to look at the context of this hadith. What is the context of this hadith? A group of
Muslims sitting and drinking alcohol to for the point of getting drunk Youdao to Alejandra means
Hamid is being passed around.
00:48:40 --> 00:49:20
			Why would you be in such a gathering of Muslims? What excuses they're one of my teacher said this
hadith needs to be understood as silent approval of other Muslims getting drunk. You shouldn't be
there. You cannot just copy and paste and apply it to a corporate setting where your non Muslim
colleagues are drinking a cup or two with their meals. They're not even getting drunk because
they're not supposed to technic as you know, you know, they're not even doing that. It's just what
they're doing on the site. So Allah azza wa jal knows best. The first word that I have given based
on years of research and asking many of my colleagues and mentors, avoid it as much as possible.
00:49:20 --> 00:49:55
			Don't make this the norm. Your colleagues should know that you feel uncomfortable around alcohol,
but when push comes to shove, and you're in a situation where you kind of sort of for the greater
good of your job and career, you have to be in there, do the bare minimum, do what needs to do try
your best to take reasonable precautions. Try your best that alcohol is not immediately around you
if you're able to do that. And if you're not, for example, a job interview with you're the boss
that's going to hire you, it's you and that boss and you're on one table, what are you going to do?
You go to the job interview, tell your bosses your future boss, I'm sorry, you cannot drink. Let's
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			be real here. You're not going to get that job, and that we fully understand why they
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			because you're not somebody that company can work with, if you're going to enforce your policy on
other people, that's not going to work right? So
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			the wise person uses the right time in place. And in my humble opinion, that's not the right time in
place in the job interview to to demand that your boss doesn't drink or whatnot. And so if that is
the case, and that is happening, ask Allah's forgiveness, try your best to be as minimal as
possible, do what needs to be done. And then remove yourself from that and insha Allah to Allah
there will not be a sin on you if you hate it in your heart. And with that in sha Allah to Allah we
conclude for today and tomorrow will be our classes are going to look I said I'm going to what I'm
going to do but I catch