Sajid Ahmed Umar – Ramadan 2024 #05 Who did the FIRST Murder

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history and importance of Surah Nisa's title, which is the title of the book on which the transcript is written. It covers the title of Islam and the use of "will" and "will" to describe actions and events, as well as the potential misunderstandings to be made. The transcript also touches on the importance of "verbal" in Islam and the legal framework for alcohol and gambling. The segment provides examples of legislation and news about the legal framework for alcohol and gambling, as well as legal topics related to alcohol, gambling, and the message of Islam. The transcript also touches on the story of a woman who killed her brother and killed herself, as well as the loss of a former member of their group and a former member of their group.
AI: Transcript ©
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Abdullah bin Masaru dropped the Allahu Anhu he says oh Muslim, when you read the Quran and you come across here you Alladhina amanu pay attention open your ears be focused for ALLAH is talking to you directly and after he says oh you who believe he's either going to command you to do something or when you from doing something

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there's an instruction coming be ready for it. People who have Amen, they are fuqaha of themselves and movements Okay, who enough see as Imam Shafi says that the movement the one who has three man his authority of himself, he doesn't need a fatwa from a chef deep down he knows you know what? This doesn't feel right.

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa bikina Sterling on a solid on a Sallim ala Haltom. In the been the Vienna Muhammad Ali he was so heavy he he married a mother and we begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa taala. And we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Taco Bell Allah Mina Amin come Salah Amen. May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept our deeds I mean, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, salaam Allah He Alikum warahmatu Hua Rockette

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mashallah, we remember the last song rather we recited her What did some people forget? Should we try that again? Salaam Allah He Alikum warahmatu whoever I get

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BarakAllahu li can remember the verse were you there who eaten betta here for her UBS? And I mean, how old do her just a quick lesson for you all the scholars have deduced from this dress, that if someone greets you by saying As salam o Alikum. The minimum response is why they come Salem, so obligatory. The greeting is a sunnah, but to respond to the greeting becomes worship, when someone greets you to respond becomes YG because of this verse, And if somebody greets you and says, uh, salam Wa alaykum wa Rahmatullah. It's not enough for you to respond by saying or Alikum salah, you're going against the directives of this verse, the minimum response has to be or are equal.

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Salam wa Rahmatullah and if someone greets you in full and says, uh, salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh you have no choice but to respond by saying why they come Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Now how many here knew this?

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Now we need to bring alive the verses of the Quran into our lives, especially during this month at Hamdulillah. Today, we completed Surah Nisa, and we completed it very early on in the evening. Yesterday, I took you through 20 Vulnerable Groups mentioned in Surah Nisa, and we said one of the reasons why Surah Nisa is named Surah Nisa is because it has many laws pertaining to the females and also because they are vulnerable. They can be vulnerable. They are a people that a people can oppress.

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So, we said Surah Al Imran had the central theme of steadfastness and a Nisa has the central theme of justice, justice especially towards those who can easily be oppressed. And Allah subhanho wa Taala shared with us rules and etiquettes pertaining 20 groups went through them yesterday, but we left out one Calella and Calella was mentioned early on in Surah, Nisa, and it was also mentioned today just at the end, Imam Sahib, he recited it in his portion Kela Allah

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is not part and parcel of our sessions. It has a very strong fiqh, Islamic jurisprudence discussion, but just for your general knowledge, it refers to an inheritance circumstance where a person passes away, and they have no father or grandfather or anyone in that line, and no son, or grandson or anyone in that line, to inherit from the inheritance. So naturally, there will be a deed there will be a remainder, because there's no one to take the remainder normally the Father and the Son, they take the remainder. So what happens here,

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there's money left behind, there's people who have the actual shares. And now we have this many, there is a group that can that are vulnerable, there's a group that can be oppressed because of this money. So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed the laws pertaining to them and they refer to the siblings of the deceased and how they inherit that remainder. That is Calella in a nutshell, and that is 20 groups. Now in completion, that we discussed from Surah Nisa. When we began to Rama, Ada, and MA Ada, can be translated in the English language as the banquet and as Surah Baqarah is named after a historical event. Surah toma ADA is also named after a historical event. And the scholars of

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Tafseer teach us that through the naming

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Use of the sewers and some sewers named after historical events. The Quran is teaching us the importance of learning our history of being well acquainted with the events and affairs of the people of the past. What worked for them? What didn't work for them? And what happened for those who did the right things? And what was the consequence and result for those who did the wrong things so that you take heat and you don't walk in the wrong footsteps of those who treaded the path that you are treading on right now? That there's the rebar there's lessons Allah subhanahu atta Allah, he mentioned to us the story of Tamar ADA in Surah Al matita and inshallah tomorrow, it will be in

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tomorrow's reading, we will hear about it inshallah.

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So today, there is a mid Minnesota meaning it was revealed after Hegira after migration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, from Mecca to Medina. And it has 120 verses in it. And not only is it a madonie surah. But it's one of the final sutras revealed and this is a matter of importance with the fuqaha the scholars of Islamic jurisprudence, this is a matter of importance to them. Why because we know the Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years, and verses came down. And then sometimes Allah would lift a ruling and leave a verse, or he would lift a verse and the ruling, or he would lift a verse and leave the ruling. And this phenomenon is known as the phenomenon of a

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Nasir Wolman Su, or the phenomenon of abrogation. And in the first Jews, we had this discussion, I believe it was in half evac. It was a recitation, man and suck. I mean, 18 or noon, see her let it behind him in her own with the Hala established that in Surah Baqarah. That there is this process of abrogation that takes place with Revelation, because Allah will reveal a law that is suitable to attain. And then, when the Muslim is progress, he reveals the final law and he lifts the law prior.

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So this is the idea of abrogation. Now, when you have two verses that seemingly contradict each other.

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What did the fuqaha do the scholars of jurisprudence methodology also known fic. They say look at the ruling that was revealed later, and the later ruling would naturally abrogate the earlier ruling, because both rulings came from one perfect source that sources Allah subhanho attack. So because of this principle in jurisprudence methodology, the scholars have faith in Islamic jurisprudence, they look for what was revealed later. So the verses in Surah, two made that the verses we heard tonight are known as verses that are more gamma, verses that are established verses that will reign final. If there is another verse in the Quran that has a meaning that contradicts

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it, the scholars will give importance to what we read today in spirit and Matt ADA. So this is an important point for us to take reference off in terms of the virtues of Surah tonight.

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Then the next point of discussion is its relationship naturally to Surah Nisa, because we try and piece these things together for us to appreciate the suitability of the Quran in how it's been placed in its order. And there are several from them. I will just share a few. The ruling of alcohol yesterday we said that Matt ADA taught us sorry Surah Nisa taught us that from the vulnerable groups or new Muslims and how do we deal with new Muslims, we don't take a bucket of laws and throw it on top of them at the same time that you have to do this and you have to change your clothing have to change your name and you have to and you have to. And then immediately after Eman they feel

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overwhelmed and they might leave after they entered. Islam preaches a process of a tender Raj a gradually graduation this gradual approach towards bringing people upon the ideals that Islam revealed. When Allah revealed alcohol being haram. He did it in stages. One of those stages was what we read about yesterday. He said what if you drank don't come to the prayer, but now you want to pray which means most of the day you will have to stay away from alcohol you wean them off it but in Surah, ma ADA the surah we learned today, we will see Allah subhanho wa Taala and I believe that will be in tomorrow's reading Allah subhanho wa Taala he made alcohol haram in totality fetched

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enable, there's no exceptions. Now, it's not a matter of prayer versus non prayer. You can drink in the day but you can drink in the night on condition you sober by the time Fajr arrives. Now it's finished in the Mohammed Al Maseeh royal ensemble well as languages you will hear this tomorrow at the tail end of Surah matted

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so this is the connection, something started or something was present in a Nisa we see it's connected verse in the next Surah Surah that we just read tonight. Then also Surah Nisa was big or not going against your word and maintaining your covenants and promises. I think you'll remember this, right? Allah mentioned this in several ways, especially when we discuss the different vulnerable groups that we should speak what we mean and mean what we say

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Speak we should be true to our promises we should be true to our covenants. When you promise somebody you will do it, do it if you take the orphans wealth, that is a promise to you from you to them, that you will act in their best interest with regards to be true to your covenant. And there were many other examples even with the inheritance Allah said Fear Allah with the inheritance. Those who act in the capacity of an executive to the world, people have entrusted you that you will do the right thing.

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So be true to your promise and your covenant. Surah Nisa ends at the opening of Alma ADA, the Imam Suhaib read today Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. Yeah, you Halloween and whoa, phobal Awkward. Oh, you will believe.

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Fulfill your promises and your covenants don't go against your word.

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If you said you will do it, do it.

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If you say you will undertake a responsibility take ownership of it. Subhanallah as if at the opening of Alma Ada, Allah is teaching us leadership. Many people ask me this question, how do you define leadership? What is the definition of leadership? We see a lot of definitions in the different books on productivity. From my experience, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, leadership means one thing, ownership. If you take ownership of what you have to do, you're a leader. Simply, if it's time to pray, and you take ownership and pray, you're a leader. If Allah blesses you with a child, and you take ownership of your role as a father, you're a leader. If you

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say you, if you volunteer with a program, and a task is given to you and you take ownership of it, you're a leader. Not that you take ownership of it, and then you let it slide. And then people are calling you. Did you get it done? Didn't you get it done? And you part of a chain and because you didn't get it done? You put downward pressure on everybody else's roles and responsibilities. At the beginning of the surah Allah is telling us to be leaders. Yeah, you have levena Ave Oh, you who believe Abdullah bin Masaru there'll be Allah Who and he says all Muslim, when you read the Quran, and you come across, yeah, you Alladhina amanu pay attention, open your ears, be focused for ALLAH

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is talking to you directly. And after he says, Oh, you will believe he's either going to command you to do something or when you from doing something.

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There is an instruction coming be ready for it. Allah says, Oh, you who believe if I paraphrase, be a leader overblow could be true to your covenants take ownership of the promise that you made, take ownership of the responsibility you placed upon yourself. This is at the opening of Surah Surah Surah tonight Anam. So we see this Subhanallah

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in terms of the relationship between these two sources,

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the composition of Surah Ada, if I can distill it, as we've tried to do with the other sources, we can distill it into two segments. Number one legislation, no doubt Surah Baqarah filled with legislation, and these are filled with legislation that continues in America and like I said much of lettuce legislation came down after migration from Mecca to Medina. Why? Because for the first time the Muslims had a Muslim country, and Allah was revealing to a people whose hearts were set on Allah. And Aisha Radi Allahu Allah has said that if the first law that Allah will revealed was to leave alcohol and so on and so forth, they would have said, Please,

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we cannot walk with you on this journey. But the Quran came down with the Moroccan verses and the Moroccan verses focused on toe heat. And they focused on establishing the prophet as the messenger. And they focused on life after death believe in the hereafter, that there is a life after you go in the grave. And it focused on Adam, Islamic morals, manners and etiquette. These are four themes of Moroccan revelation, open any makansutra you will find these four themes present.

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verse after verse, but when you open the Madani Surah as you find legislation present, verse after verse, and there are some exceptions, like Surah, Yusuf, for example. So the use of has longer versus is more story orientated. These are this is an exception, that the madonie Surahs also have an exception, but that's an exception to the general rule. The general rule with many schools is it's filled with legislation. So we have legislation, and then we have three prominent stories. We have more stories if we did use from certain

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packages or verses together, but we have three prominent stories in this particular Surah Surah Al matita. As for legislation, let me run through them very quickly. Allah reveals and we had this today and we will hear the remainder tomorrow. rulings pertaining to contracts, marrying the People of the Book bequest at the time of death, or was the year the meat of animals which includes slaughtered animals and hunted animals, the rulings regarding hunting when in Haram and if you violate that rule, what is the penalty? We find this in this particular surah the ruling pertaining to alcohol to gambling, the penalty for stealing,

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thievery and Hiraga highway robbery. We heard it in the verses recited

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I have exactly the expiation of breaking your oath. We will see that tomorrow Insha Allah, the slaughtered meat of the People of the Book what is the rulings pertaining to it? We find it in the Surah the ruling of wala and Bara

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associating with the truth and disassociated with falsehood, associating with the believers and disassociating with disbelief, associating with the Sharia and this associating what that what goes against the Sharia, Allah and Bara it's big. In surah, toma Ada, and Surah Tula ADA is known for its addresses.

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If Surah Baqarah challenged the narratives of the Jews, and then Al Imran challenge the narratives of the Christians, and then An Nisa continued challenging the narrative the narratives of the Christians Alma either challenge the narratives of both the Christians and the Jews. Allah says, tells us about those who said Allah's hands are tight, and Allah is poor and they are rich. The Jews, Allah says the kufra Latina Carlu in Allahu Allahu taala, the cover AlLadhina cardhu In Allahu Al mercy, memoriam. That's such that the misconceptions of the Christians Allah says they have disbelieved those who said Allah is one of three they have disbelieved those who said that Isa,

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that Allah is Isa oh he says Allah this is we find this present Subhan Allah that Allah ADA challenges both the narratives but also Subhanallah it's filled with advice and commands to the believers yeah you are Latina Amen. Yeah you have Latina Avenue at the beginning of will awkward. Yeah you are Latina Amarula Lucia area Allah it oh you will believe do not make halal.

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What Allah has made Hara

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Yeah, you will Latina Herman who let it take you to Leah who they were NESARA Alia that oh, you believe don't take systems of disbelief. Systems of the Jews and the Christians don't take them as your helpers and your aides? Yeah, you Alladhina Hammond who led the technical lead in at Tahoe Dena kamuzu. Allah Reba. Oh you who believe don't take the system of those who treat your system your religion as falsehood as a joke. We see the instruction to the believers as well. A lot of yeah, you already now maybe tomorrow we can bring them as we when we complete be the lighter. So this is present as well. The scholars of Tafseer they say there's 18 unique rulings found in surah. Toma

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Heda you won't find them anywhere else in the Quran.

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Now remember we saying that this was the final one of the final chapters revealed before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passes away. So Allah is revealing the final matters. 18 of these matters are found in surah. Tonight, you won't find them anywhere in the Quran. Imam Al Quran to be Rahim Allah, the famous Maliki factory. And he mentioned this 19th Subhanallah and just shows you the scholars of Tafseer SubhanAllah. How they think how they settled the Quran, and how they deduced and deduce this richness upon what I share with you. These evenings. It's not for me, it's from swimming through the books of tafsir.

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So panela, he pulled out in 19th. And he said it's in the verse we Allah subhanho wa Taala says, We're either in the tomb in our Salah did the who, who Allah EBA and when you call to the prayer, the take it in ridicule and amusement. The people of the book, Allah subhanho wa Taala is revealing here according to Imam Al Quran to be the other than connected to the five daily prayers he goes this doesn't exist anywhere in the Quran, except in Surah Elma Ada, but does earn exist in the Quran.

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Who can think of a verse if there is another place where the other one is mentioned?

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To prove Imam will call to be perhaps wrong

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Jumeau Amercia Allah what is the verse?

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Ah, yeah you Alladhina amanu either aloo de la sala Are you believe if you call the the new da if you hear the call to the prayer, first our Isla de la go to the prayer that will bear we discussed this yesterday. Correct when we said that Allah commands us to the Crafter Salah and one of the examples was there in Surah Juma man, but the man will prove to be is not wrong in our call to be saying that or then is connected to Jumeirah but the other and mentioned in mid is connected with the five daily prayers there is some general knowledge for you Inshallah, in case one day you are in a minty

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quiz show in sha Allah and the question is asked you have some extra takaful Islami and hamdulillah Okay, so that's in terms of the legislation. In terms of the stories we have three. The first one is the story of blue Israel and Musa like I said, and now either challenges both narratives Allah tells us about an event connected to Blue Israel and Musa which Allah didn't tell us in Surah Baqarah Allah says about them orlu ye Musa in L another hula?

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Madame move

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He had Fred Herbert and Rob Booker for Katella. In

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Dune, they said oh, Moses, indeed we will not enter the city. We will not enter it. Yes, you telling us to go and you're saying Allah said go we will not enter it, we will never enter it. As long as those people that are there in the remain there in we are afraid of them, we're not going to fight them. And if anything, you and your Lord go and fight them we're going to sit here

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Subhanallah so my ADA is building upon the narratives that we discussed during the first night when we discuss a little Bukhara now what's the backdrop here? The backdrop is a few verses before this, Allah says with Karla Musa when Allah said to Musa the Aquarius, or when Musa said trees, people with color Musella Call me when Musa said to his people, yeah, come Oh my people with Curonian Allah He Alikum remember Allah has favors upon you. He saved you from the crowd. He split the river for you to cross. He drowned around so you can live your life without looking over your shoulder. And then he gave you blessings after blessings. And we learned this during the first night with Curonian

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Matala, he Alikum remember Allah says favors upon you and from those favors is the general of Yquem Ambia not did Allah didn't just give you one profit he gave you profits, profits

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were gyla como Luca, and you wanted Kingdom ship and rulers who are kings, Allah gave you this as well. And we discussed this at the end of the second use. When they were asking for a king asking for a king asking for a king then Allah gave them power. Then they started complaining Why firewood? He's not from our lineage, anything he doesn't have the financial standing and material well being that we expect our King to have.

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In any case, Musa is telling them think of Allah favors upon you. Not only did he give you a prophet, a prophet, he gave you prophets and not just prophets he gave you kings. And then he says what I tell Camilla Muti I had them in Allah, Allah mean he gave you things that Allah gave no other nation. You have the ability to be the chosen ones, the chosen ones. Yeah, come with Hulu or the Mocha DESA Oh, people go into this blessed land. The scholars of Syria have differed. What this land refers to some have said it's the Levant Sham,

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which is modern day Jordan, Palestine,

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Lebanon and Syria. And some have said it's Palestine. And some have said it's beta luctus. And these are lands that the Quran says a lot of the Lati Barak Nephi how Allah describes his lands as bless it.

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Musa says to them, receiving this instruction from Allah, that they are people there who are sinners who are wrongdoers, who are oppressors, Musa, you and your people, the chosen ones go and remove them from the these are blessing lands, bless that lands, the blessed people. So this is what Musa said to his people but look how Musa spoke to them. Subhanallah Musa didn't just tell them, right people we need to go and fight them. He said, Oh people remember Allah favors upon you.

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There's lessons here, how to interact with people, how to speak to people, wisdom, when there's the our, if you know your people, and they have this type of attitude, sometimes you have to calm them a little bit you have to you know what they say neutralize them you got to neutralize the situation. But despite Musa s efforts, and Musa telling them do this and don't turn your back on Allah and His command, because if you do so you will be from the losers. They said to Musa Musa interfere Coleman Jabarin, that indeed in this place, a tyrannical people, people of strength, people who are too strong, we are nothing in front of them. There is no match here Musa and indeed we will never enter

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until they leave but if they leave then we will enter now some of the scholars have serious a Musa he was strategic he sent people to go and monitor the situation. And those people came back and told Musa the reality of the people were in and Musa told them keep this between us don't tell the rest of the people.

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But they went and told the rest of the people besides to one of those tools you shall be noon, and you shall be noon was one of the companions of Musa we see mentioned indirectly in the Quran even when Musa went to search for hidden they say the fatten was you shall be noon.

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So now they were all aware of the finding of this group of diligence and this is what they said to Musa but Allah look how just the Quran is and this teaches us how to be just remember the story or the the lesson of justice from yesterday. When you talk about a group Don't be stereotyped and stereo minded in how you mentioned them whereby they listen to things they all bad people. Allah says this is what they said to Musa but cholera, Julian they were two people Subhan Allah. They were two people who are righteous mean Alladhina halfmoon from the people who feared they feared Allah they didn't want to disobey Allah and they remember ALLAH favors upon them. They said, oh people

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enter upon them through the gate. Just do what Allah has told you to do. For either the how to move in the hollobone, just try

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asked Allah as promised when you enter, you won't be able to explain it but you will succeed. You will overcome them. You won't be able to explain it. Just listen to Allah you will overcome. Listening to Allah versus a people who don't listen to Allah. There is no issue here of them being stronger than us we are stronger, stronger is in those who Allah chooses. Strength is in those who are righteous. Send these in taqwa and Eman, not in muscle power in height and size.

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This is what they said. So Allah is telling us to call just the Quran is that this has been to Israel but there were two people who said that I think Allah mentions him in the Quran, where Allah He fed our cattle in meaning and put your trust in Allah if you are indeed believers, if you are believers, this is the time put your trust in Allah and just let's just do it while we are Musa this is when they said to Musa we're not going to go you and your Lord go and fight. Musa then complained to Allah and said Dr. Rapala be in nila, I'm Nicola nfcu agree that Oh Allah, I have no control over the situation except over myself and my brother hurdle for for Kobane and LBNL, calm alafasy teen so

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separate between us and the disobedient people. Allah revealed the punishment, the consequence for not listening to him. Allah said for in Omaha Rama tuna at him or Barina Santa we had destroyed Yeti Hoonah fill out that indeed, that land that we promised them is forbidden for them now. Now they will be lost in the desert for a period of 40 years. This is their punishment, they will just roam around the desert without having any lands that they belong to, without having any country that they will be a part of. They will just roam as nomadic people around the desert for 40 years, they will wander throughout the land. Allah is not grieved over the defiantly disobedient people.

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Second story. And this is connected to Israel, because Allah mentions it in the context of discussing the narratives of the Jews, the story of Kaabil and happy, happy that you're here read the first story I shared with you today. And the story as well.

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Adam Alayhis Salam, when he was sent on to Earth, with his wife Hawa our mother, obviously now he was given children. And the rules pertaining to the children differed back then, to how it is now Allah evolved the rule back then. A brother and sister were brother and sister if they were born together as part of one birth, meaning one womb it was called one whom.

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Right? So a pair would be born and they couldn't marry each other, but another pair would be born. And the people from the first pair could marry the people from the second pair. This was the system.

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Allah blessed either marry he Salem, with children and from them Tarbell and Herbie, the two sons of Adam. Allah tells us in the Quran, the first crime committed on Earth, and was the crime of murder. And he tells us the first sin of the heart that led to that physical crime. It was the crime of jealousy. What happened? The scholars have said that

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haben was born with his sister.

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And Kaabil was born with his sister.

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with regards to Kaabil, his sister was pretty and happy. Easter wasn't considered to be pretty qabil sister was considered to be better, had ill sister wasn't considered to be better. And naturally haben was going to marry Kaabil sister, but cobble felt this is a bad deal. I'm not happy with this. This is unfair. It shouldn't work like this. You getting the better deal. I'm getting the inferior deal. I'm oppressed. So they went to their father Adam Alehissalaam. And they complained to the valley he Salem at the mercy he said he didn't want to solve this himself. He says let's leave it to ALLAH SubhanA who were to Allah, so he told them to

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sacrifice for Allah. At that time.

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The sacrifice would happen whereby people would take from their wealth, and they would go to a high place and they would place what they wanted to give for the sake of Allah and the fire would descend from the sky and consume the sacrifice that Allah has accepted. This is what the scholars of Tafseer and history teachers have been cathedra discusses in lb di or Neha, the scholars of the sacraments mentioned this as well. So the sacrifices were done at a high point. So the two brothers they went now carbon, he was a farmer. He was a farmer, so he had crops with him. He had produced with him. When he looked at his produce, he took the worst of his produce that which he didn't want to eat

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anyway. And he says, I will give this in sacrifice because even if it gets burned, I wasn't going to eat it anyway. But her bill he took the key was a shepherd. And he had animals he took the fattest animal he had the best he says, I will give this to her Allah subhanho wa Taala they went, they place their animals and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.

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Allah accepted naturally the sacrifice who have habit. noticable. And now they're coming down to tell the Father because Adam said whoever has the sacrifice except that he will decide who he marries and that's the end of it. As the walking down qabil is very, very angry, and he's very jealous and he's very upset. Allah tells us what to do early him never had any oedema Bill help. ALLAH says recite to them. The story of Adams two sons in truth is called a robber Kuru burner when they both went and placed the sacrifice for the sake of Allah for Tuco Bella, being a hottie Hema when a mutual cub Berman.

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And Allah accepted the sacrifice of one and didn't accept the sacrifice of the other caller. Corbin said, Let us go to LA Nick, I'm going to kill you. Where did he get this from? Allah knows best. Maybe he saw some animals killing each other. So the idea came in his mind because the murder never happened before. Murder had never happened before the earth never knew this in terms of mankind.

00:31:05 --> 00:31:30

Color had been said to his brother Kaabil in namah, Jakob Belluno, whom in a cane, my brother, indeed Allah only accepts from those who are righteous. My sacrifice was right from righteousness. You didn't step up. He's telling him that he had it, right. So Hannibal goes on to say, let him do

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that Vercoe was reading a burqa. Now let him be softer II like if you hear the cry, if you take your hand and stretch it out to kill me, you stretch it out to me to kill me.

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Myrna be Bersih Lee, I'm not going to stretch out my hand to you. I will not reciprocate your action. If you want to kill me I won't do the same. Because Because why? In his heart the fitrah that he had this is a wrong action. People who have Eman they are fuqaha of themselves. Any other movements Okay, who enough see as Imam Shafi says that the movement the one who has three man his authority of himself he doesn't need a fatwa from a chef deep down he knows you know what? This doesn't feel right.

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So the brother is saying, Man, the boss up at the lake I'm not going to stretch my hand out to you if you do it I'm not going to do the same luck to luck to kill you in your half Allah Allah Allah Mina Thea Allah the Lord of the Worlds he says in the OD do boo be if the me What if mica feta Khun I mean I was having a lesson for Ben who is right and all of mankind. Allah is talking to the people of Musa those who kill discriminately indiscriminately Allahu

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Allah says that he said Indeed I want you to obtain thereby my son and your son. If you kill me, then Allah will forgive me. You will just take my sins from me, but I'm not going to be a person will be a companion with you in this matter whereby we both sinful

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he says first Hakuna minnows have been Naira and you will be from the people of the fire and that is the recompense for those who do wrong and this teaches us that at the mighty he Salam was teaching his sons at MIT he Salam was a father. He to where did they get this knowledge from from the Father the mother he Salem so the days and the weeks passed, Abdullah bin Amma he adds to this. He says her bill was said to be stronger than carbon. If he wanted, he could have dealt with his brother. He was stronger in stature and in power. But his Eman guided his strength, that he only used the strength in the right way. Subhanallah but as for Kaabil, he was weaker in stature and power. But he didn't

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have Iman. So he brought it and he planned. And then one day Kaabil was with his father Adam, and herbal didn't appear. So Adam told cobble go look for your brother. He went to search for his brother and he found his brother sleeping. So what did he do? He took a rock as some of the scholars have to see to say and some say he strangled him and he threw it on his head and killed him. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the Quran for total war at level we'll have to calculate a fee for Katella who for us Bahamas will have Siri that he killed his brother and he was from the losers.

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Now he was in a dilemma. What do I do?

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I have this body here. What do I do with this body? He's dead. I killed him. And this is what happens to a person shaytaan cheats you Shavon says do the crime and you will be a better person after and you will see this in sort of use of what the Shavon tell the brothers Octonal use of kill him. Get rid of him what a cool embody common Salah and after that you will be righteous people. After that you can ask for forgiveness you will be good and the good you do will wipe out the bad Kitaen doesn't tell you that sin gives birth to more sin you killed now now you need to hide the body

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what are you going to do? So he was in a dilemma but Allah's mercy upon the son of Adam who was righteous. Allah sent a CRO and a CRO killed another CRO and the one CRO buried the other grow. So now what happens have Kaabil is watching this, and Allah tells us in the Quran for Bharath Allahu hora, yep how to fill out Valeria who came for us. So Allah says the crow searching in the ground to show him how to hide the disgrace of his brother. He said, Our bill said Woe to me have I failed to be like the crow and hide meaning bury the body of my brother. And he became from the regretful but it's too late. It's a regret that doesn't bring people who've passed away back to life.

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It's a regret that doesn't cause the bullet to come back into the barrel of SubhanAllah. So this is the second story and then we have the third story which is the banquet from the heavens and that is the story related to the people of Isa Alehissalaam and inshallah tomorrow we will discuss that story when our Imams read it in the Salah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from the family of Al Quran. Make us the people that read the Quran, that love to listen to the Quran, that try and understand the Quran there ponder over the guidance of the Quran. Allah He My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, if we were true with the Quran, we will be guided by Allah in ways beyond our

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ability to imagine who are humble Allah Hill met him. Well Cole and Hakeem was Sirata and Mr. King Subhana Allah Subhanallah This is the Quran. It is it is the bond that is unbreakable. It's habla Hemmati and it's the rope of Allah that cannot be unchained and undone was serata musta came as we read in certain fatty it is the right path. And it's called Al Hakim, it is the wise guide. You Allah subhanho wa Taala calls us to live with the family of Al Quran and to be raised on the day of pm with the family for Quran and to make us the people that have the Quran as our defendants when we meet Allah and the DFP Am I mean they are obliged I mean hello Allahu allah sallallahu wasallam Oba

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Colombina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi igmi

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