Yasir Qadhi – Lives of Sahaba 76 – Abu Hurayrah pt.1

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Prophet system is viewed as the driving force behind Islam, with emphasis on protecting individuals' privacy and good deeds. The importance of learning the Prophet's and the history of religious affiliation is emphasized, along with the use of the Prophet's image in various ways, including narrating, criticizing, and calling people by their names. The current state of Islam is centered around giving people food and hangers from the president's and eventually reaching their stomach, and the Prophet system sends out workers to help those who have fallen hungry.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala he was like the edge mine. I'm about.

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So today we have the beginning of we talked about dementia. hora de la Juan, we're going back to our series of the Sahaba. And when I sat down to write a book hurrah, I realized that I needed to do one Sahabi, before Abu huraira, because it was because of him that have already accepted Islam. So the story of Abu huraira is linked to him. So today we will start up ahora insha Allah because the Sahaba is a very quick Sahabi will just quickly go over his story. But he is the one who basically gave our to Bora Bora. And the story of Abu huraira would not really be complete without him. And again, before I jump in, so realize that

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which Sahabi we choose to talk about is actually not an easy question Alhamdulillah I've done all of the major Sahaba pretty much in terms of the male, we have the female ones that were going to do the almohads. And moving into Charlotte soon, I've done pretty much all of the major important ones that actually number Russia and the bulk of them. The problem comes that most of the other Sahaba we just have little tidbits about their information, we don't have full biographies. So when we get to those Sahaba, some might find it a little bit tedious, like there's not much to extract from it. So I'm kind of debating which the hybrid Should we do or not before we then move on to the Manhattan

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momineen and the female of the Sahaba yet, and when we get to those female Sahaba. And mothers of the believers, you will also I'm just warning you from now there will be an element of disappointed because the nature of things, not much details are mentioned about women. That's the society that was there, we don't have that much details about the lives of the mothers of the believers about the lives of most of the female Sahaba just tidbits here and there. So even when we get there, we're gonna have this problem. So as we begin this series of the Sahaba inshallah, this will be our final journey in sha Allah because by the time we finish, it will be the end of the demo meaning as we

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began just keep this in mind, we were done with the the, the more if you like detailed lies of the Sahaba we just have the final ones left. So what is this noise coming? Oh, this is over here.

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So today's shallow data, we're going to start off with the chieftain of the tribe of herbal hora. And that is to fade live in Ama dosi. To fail live an AMA dosi. And what is it are there and to fail was the one who gave up ahora Dawa. So we have to talk about him before we get to the story of Abu hurayrah or the logline to fail was the chieftain of one of the tribes of the Yemen region, which is called the tribe of those. And in our times, it's also called the tribes that hold on. So if the Arabs have heard of the ability to hold on, this is basically that tribe, and to fade was the chieftain of the tribe, and one of the most famous outcrops of the time. And the tribe of dos was a

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tribe that lives in the current lands of basically nudge Iran, which is at that time it was called Yemen in these days. neutron is south of Arabia. So it's basically southern part of Arabia. This person to fate he performed Hajj in the sixth year of the prophetic Dawa in Makkah, so the processor is in Makkah, and he performed Hajj and his story I glossed over it quickly. I mentioned it quickly when we did the Sierra, how many years ago I think six, seven years ago his story was would have come because this is middle to early mcca. To failure but Ahmed performed Hajj, maybe fifth sixth year of the Dawa in Makkah Nottage LA. And when he arrived in Makkah, the Horace visited him because

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he was a famous delegate. He was the chieftain tofail is a famous person, he's not some average person coming. He is the chieftain and the courage visited him. And after welcoming after greeting him after honoring him, they said, also failed. We need to warn you that we have a man, one of our youth, his name is Mohammed Salim. And he has caused much havoc, he has broken our society apart. And he is a type of magician poet, and he has destroyed many people's families. I broken them up. So we warn you against this man.

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we warn you to listen to anything from him. And the delegation continued to give so many horror stories that tofail became so scared that he decided to put cotton in his ears when he saw the process a little of it was send them so to fail decided that he carried cotton earplugs basically. And whenever he saw the process of me put them in his ear. So it's not too hard.

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Hear him, he became so terrified one day at nighttime to fate decided to do toe off. And so he went to do toe off. And he saw the Prophet system praying in front of the cabinet, probably Muslim, or something. So he pulled the cotton out, put it in his ears, and he began doing throw off. But as all we all know, professional earplugs do not actually cover, you know, the noise. How about those cotton in that time. So even as he's doing blow off, he could hear the processes and recite Koran. And he became mesmerized, and he stopped listening to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then he said to himself, auto fail. You are a smart man. And you can tell good speech from bad speech. Why are you

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acting so foolish by putting this cotton in your ear? Listen to what the man has to say. And if it's good, you'll take it if it's bad, you will reject it. So he made up his mind to

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pull off the cotton, and he waited for the process to finish. And then he followed him home. He didn't want to do this in public because he knew there was cause of controversy. He followed the process and home when the process of entered the house, there's been House of Khadija he then stopped and he introduced himself and he asked permission to come in. So then he explained the whole story that I am fulfilled as an amateur, the chieftain of the tribe of DOS, and the orange warned me against you to such an extent I became terrified, and I put cotton in my ear. But now that I heard you recite, I want to hear more about what is the matter between you and your people? What is going

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on? Tell me the whole story.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam introduced him to Islam, and he then recited or on in his house to him. And obviously, anybody who got to this level, there's no question. I mean, the whole series is full of these types of stories, and so to fail, became one of the very few non Mexican people in the Mexican era to embrace Islam. Those people you can count them on the fingers of one hand, very few in the muck and face to embrace Islam outside of Makkah, right. And this is even before the unsought even before the treaties of Aqaba, so to fade embraces Islam in early Mecca, and he said Yasuda law, I have much respect amongst my people, I will go back and give them that word to

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Islam, I will go back and give them to Islam. But I need a sign, an ayah, a miracle that can help me convince them. So the Prophet says and made to our that Allah bless him with a sign or a miracle, so to fail, then returned back to his tribe.

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And before he entered his village, he saw a light coming from his face. He saw a light coming from his face. So he realized this is the sign. Then he said, Oh Allah, don't let it come from my face, they might think it is some type of impediment or something, let it come from some other place. So the light came down, it's the books of CLSA came down his body went into his hand, and then it went into his whip, and then his whip became something that had a light coming from it. So this is like this miracle of Musa alayhis salaam. And this shows us, we believe in the karma acts of the righteous people. We believe that Allah subhanho wa Taala can grant many miracles. And typically,

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the mini miracles are not as magnificent as the miracles of the prophets, the splitting of, you know, the Red Sea or the splitting of the moon, these are the resurrecting of the dead, generally speaking, that's not given to the nonprofit's the nonprofits can get

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karma and karma to remind you miracles. So his

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whip became something that had light in it. And when he came home, he was very close to his father and his wife. And he said to the both of them that now I have nothing to do with you, because you are worshipping false gods and I am a Muslim, and both his father and his wife eventually accepted Islam, but nobody else accepted Islam. The other people did not accept Islam, and he kept on preaching and preaching to them. And very few people converted to Islam at that stage.

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So after a few years, he returned to Makkah for Hajj, we don't again, the books the Sierra don't mention, how many years was it two years was in three years, we don't know. He returned for Hajj. And he complained to the Prophet salallahu alaihe was send them and he said the other Salalah My home is immersed in Riba and in Xena

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and they are not accepting Islam.

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Now, it seems that one of the main causes that they want don't want to embrace Islam is because they don't want to give up these sins. Okay, my own is embracing Riba and Xena they're just rampant and they're not accepting Islam. So make dua against them. Make against them.

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To fail is tired

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He doesn't have the patience to deal with his people. And this is after one or two years imagine the Profit System for 20 years. Imagine not for 950 years to fail, he can barely last a year or two. And he just gives up. And he says make do either Allah destroy them. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam raised his hands up to the perimeter. And this is in Makkah. And he said, Allahumma, the dose and Allah guide, the dose drive, our luck guide that those tribal law guide those tribes, and

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to fail, then returned back to his village. And one after the other people began embracing Islam until over 80 households, which means 80 times on average, three or four. So maybe 400 300 people have embraced Islam at households with their family, women and children embraced Islam. And this shows us that there are some times a processor made against people. And sometimes he never did this he made the general rule was he would ask a lot to guide them. And if you look at when he made against people, it was typically when they had arrogance, when their crimes were crimes of kibble. So for example, when they threw the sheep on him remember the famous story. This is a crime of

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arrogance, like they want to reject a lion, His Messenger. However, this is not a crime of arrogance. This is a crime of shadow of lust of Riba and of Xena, this is not something that is an arrogance. And so generally speaking,

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the rule is mercy. And especially when it is the sins of this nature, the rule is mercy, and no need to make dua against people, even if they're not embracing Islam, except in rare occasions when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam did so. So those the tribe of those a lot of them, not all of them, a lot of them embraced Islam. And it was at this stage, we don't know exactly when Abu huraira embraced Islam as well because it was from this tribe. His name, of course, is Abu hurayrah. His name is a DOS see at the end, he is from the tribe of dos. And we don't have the exact details of his story, but it is around this time that avoider embraced Islam. So 80 households embraced Islam

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from the tribe of DOS, then to fail returned back to Makkah.

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This is his third hedge as a Muslim in Mecca. Okay, the first one he embraced Islam The second way he complained. Now the third time he comes one time before the hedgerow. Still the process is in Mecca. And this time to fail, says Yasuda law. Shouldn't you desire a protected fortress that the that the DOS can give to you? In other words, he's saying why don't you come and live with us? We are now at households we have and it is also said that they might have actually owned a physical fortress in that area. So he is saying Yasuda law instead of being persecuted in America, come and join us, you know, to in the the the the lands of Iran, which was called the Hammond ajarn was

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called Yemen at that time. It's part of a part of the Yemen province at that time. As I said in our time, john is the southernmost province of Saudi Arabia, and it is bordering Yemen. So he said, Why don't you come and migrate to us and we will protect you. But the prophet system said no, because Allah did not give him permission, because Allah knew that he would have to migrate to Medina. So Allah subhanho wa Taala basically did not allow that to happen. Then the Prophet says have migrated to Medina and to fail then migrated to Medina, in the seventh year of the hedgerow. Seven years after the Hydra tofail migrated to Medina, with many of the people of DOS, at least 100 people of

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those came. And this occurred during the Battle of hunt duck during the Battle of hunter and the Battle of hunger, if you remember it did take place in the seventh year of the hedgerow. And it was at this stage that Abu hurayrah joined the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So our hurayrah met the Prophet system for the first time from the Battle of the seventh year of the hedgerow his chieftain, his leader to fail had met him at least a decade earlier multiple times three times he had met him and offered the Prophet system to come migrate to Medina to to the lands of Magellan or the lands of Yemen. There's a very interesting idea profane did not narrate any Hadith himself,

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because as we will study he passed away early. So there's no Hadith narrated from profane but there are two or three Hadith that mentioned to fight. Okay, so there's a difference between the two files saying I heard the process of say, versus for example, in this Hadith, we have that job or the last one is narrating that he that

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to fail and Ammar said. So this is a hadith from Java dibner Abdullah, it is in Sahih Muslim

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It is a very interesting Hadith.

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And it is one of the very few Hadith that mentions to fade by name, but again it is not narrated by him. It is narrated by Javed Abdullah and it's a very interesting thought that is just so useful we can benefit from it in shallow dive overall. And this is in Sahih. Muslim the book of Eman, kuttabul. Eman? no mama no we has the chapter heading that the evidence of the one who commit suicide does not become a Kaffir

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the evidence that the one who commits suicide is not a Kaffir and Imam in no we narrates from his not sorry Mr. Muslim narrates from his not to Java abdillah that to fade Eben Amma dosi came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said Yasuda law, holography heslin Halcyon in woman, or messenger of Allah, don't you want a protected fortress and a defense mechanism. And hisun was one of the fortresses that dos had in the days of Jerry Lee. So Java is now reading Java said, The Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not accept the offer. Because of what Allah subhanho wa Taala had in store for the unsolved Java is unsightly. So Java is saying Allah wanted to honor us. So he said no

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to them. Then when the Prophet system migrated to Medina, to fail, migrated to Medina as well. Now this is obviously Java is condensing the story to fail came after seven years to fake him after many years, so to fail came as well. And many of the people of his own came with him, amongst them as Abu hurayrah. As we're going to come to in his story, many of the people of his home came with him. But when they came to Medina, Medina did not suit them well, and they fell ill, and they began to complain. So in those days, people were so accustomed to living in their little places and villages, that even going to one city to another, it would actually be something that physically causes them

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to go sick. And we know this because even abubaker and Bella and others were authentically narrated to others, they would fall sick. When they went from Mecca to Medina, physically, they would become sick, they could not stand the environment. Now, the land of those By the way, I only visited once the province of Milan, it's a very atypical province of Saudi Arabia, very atypical, even the people are different there. It's very luscious, and green. And Nigerian is the place where there's lots of cultivation. There's actually believe it or not dairy farms in Nigeria, and even that's how green and luscious it is. You go there and you cannot believe it is Arabia, it's not desert at all. It is

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very green, you see grass everywhere. So it's a very different land that people as well, they're very different. Very nice and very humble not to say that the others aren't or maybe they are no, the point is that the people of Iran are very different from the rest of the people of that region. And you can imagine from the people of Iran, who are used to a very luscious environment, green and whatnot, they're going to a very rugged environment in Medina, very difficult environment, Medina, so they fell sick, and they fell into many problems. So one of them took

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an axe or a knife like a large knife or something and cut off his hands. Suicide basically one of the people of those whose name is not mentioned one of the tribesmen he cut off his hands, and his hands bled until he died.

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In other words, basically, he fell into such pain and suffering, mental anguish, depression, that he took his own life. And he died

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to fail. Even amber saw him in a dream.

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And he saw him in a beautiful garb in a beautiful manner. But he had a cloth over his hand.

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He had a cloth over his hand to fail said What did a lot do with you?

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The man said lafora Lee behavioral t lnav. Because of my hedger, Allah forgive my sins. I gave up my land. Now what you have to think by the way, for though even for us to move from one city to another, it is a hassle, big hassle. And I think all of us have done that in some time in our lives. It is the American way. Even though we all have done it. It is such a hassle. You have to realize in this time in place, leaving your land was very, very atypical and leaving your family and your belongings and physically giving up the property of your forefathers. It's a very big deal. So to do 100 off for the profitsystem sake, is a

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Very big blessing. So this man in the dream said, Allah forgave me because of my hedger so to fail, said, and why are you covering your hand?

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So, the man said, it was said to me, we shall not fix which you destroyed yourself.

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We shall not fix what you destroyed yourself, then to fail Welcome

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to fade one two the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and told him of the dream. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allahumma one day he fulfilled What an interesting howdy Allahumma Walia de fulfill, Oh Allah and His hands, forgive them as well.

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Forgive them as well, and his hands forgive them as well. And so we hope that inshallah Tada This man got his hands back

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because of the drought of the Prophet salallahu idea he was sending him. Now this hadith is inside Muslims very interesting. It actually is a very beneficial Hadith as well.

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It tells us a number of things, it tells us of the blessings of the tribe of DOS, by the way, because those as far as I know,

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is the only tribe to offer the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam protection before the unsought did. No other tribe offered unconditional protection, one or two offered conditional, we will give you protection if you give us the kingdom, no tribe offered unconditional protecting other than the dose and then eventually the unsought and this is a very, very symbolic, you know, a good to the tribal dose. And perhaps Allah knows best perhaps the fact that Abu hurayrah is from that tribe. And Abu huraira is called the defender of the Sunnah. And Abu huraira is associated with being the primary narrator of Hadith as we're going to come to inshallah Allah, the fact that Abu huraira is

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from this tribe. It is as if it is as if Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed this tribe or in particular ovaherero of this tribe to be, if not the main, one of the main protectors of the legacy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they offered physical protection. It is as if Allah subhanho wa Taala. From this tribe, he took somebody who would give the defender of the sun, the main navigator and are one of the main narrators in fact honestly, and it depends on how you count them but others of the top two or three narrators of Hadith, some say he is the number one Some say is the number two, basically his of the ones who narrated the most of the Hadith of the Prophet

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sallallahu either he was setting them and Allah knows best. The fact that the chieftain is offering protection, I don't see this as being not linked. There's a linkage here and Allah subhana wa tada knows best. This also shows us the great blessings of hyjal that this sin of suicide was overlooked in light of the hatred. And from this, we learn that no matter what sins you do, there is always hope by doing good deeds, and we should maximize the most important good deeds and the most efficient good deeds in the in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala because not all good deeds are the same. So even though we know that suicide is a major sin, the fact that this person did his job,

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absolve that major sin, and that's a very positive sign for us that look, good deeds and bad deeds are weighed out. And this shows us as well, a very important point. That's why the mama no will we in his chapter heading, the chapter headings are from No way, by the way is trying to make no way as the commentator, my Muslim, a Muslim did not have chapter headings, you just had book headings, the book of a man and then just goes on and on and on. In my mind, no, we then sub divided into chapters. So this is always chapter headings. So I'm always chapter heading is very profound. The chapter heading that proves that major sins and suicide is not covered. Why? Because there are

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different trends in Islam. And some groups like the Morteza like the hotter giants, they say a major sinner is essentially outside the fold of Islam and other groups like the Moto G or they say, if you commit a major sin, it doesn't mean anything all is forgiven if you're a Muslim. And this hadith shows us the position that is basically the Sunni the Orthodox position, and that is that a major sin is neither Cofer nor is it trivial. A major sin is exactly that it is a sin and Olam might punish and a law might forgive. So this hadith clearly proves that even major sins can be forgiven by Allah subhana wa tada and they are done so in light of good deeds. Also, this demonstrates that

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the righteous committing a sin is not the same

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As the unrighteous committing a sin, the two are not the same, because the righteous committing a sin, they have some good deeds. And that's what goes on. And others they mentioned this that don't judge a person, you know, just by the one sin that he commits, you might, he might have a lot of good deeds you're not aware of, and that sin might be forgiven in light of those good deeds. Another very interesting point from this Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad is narrating or is actually witnessing is that it's very profound here that depression is real. And depression can at times even lead to suicide, because why was this person committing suicide, because he was just painful, emotionally,

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physically for having left his faith, I mean, so not as not fate sorry, left his land for having migrated to another land. And this led him to eventually take his own life. And this also proves to us a very simple point in Sunni Islam. We never judge a person's hereafter, even if they die committing a major sin. We are quiet about their faith in the Hereafter, and we expect the best from Allah subhana wa Tada. This also shows us that reward and punishment can be compartmentalised. You can be rewarded for something even as you're punished for another. So this person, even though he was rewarded for the digital, he was still punished for mutilating his hand, and he did not get his

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hand back. And that is a type of punishment. And if the shift out of the process and had not gotten to him, then he would permanently be without a hand in gender, imagine that. So this is a reward along with a punishment. And that is again, what we believe that it is possible that you can be punished and rewarded and a similar timeframe or your good days and bad deeds will both influence you. And you can get one thing even as you get another so we have over here the compartmentalization of rewards and punishments. And of course, we also see see here, the shift out of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in making dua for the man and we hope that inshallah Tada, his sin was forgiven.

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So back to the story of profane and we finish off this trip to fade, so to fade, stay with the profits of the lower sell them throughout the remaining three, four years in Medina, he was a part of the conquest of Makkah. And then when the Prophet system surrounded the city of a thought, if if you remember your Sierra, he attempted to conquer a lot if the first time and it didn't happen. And so he then came back to Medina. And so then the people of Baja eventually came and beg forgiveness and accepted Islam. But he did lay siege to thought if, and who can tell me what tactic he used for the city of five.

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For the city of thought, if

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the magenic, the engineer, which is

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the catapult, right, he used the tactic of the catapult on the city of five, but it still did not work. And they eventually left and the President said Allah will bring them to Islam. And eventually they did come to Islam. So when he surrounded the city of thought, if he said to fail, to fail, take your men and go back to your tribe now. So the mcca has been conquered. So go back to your tribe, and destroy the idol of a dose, the idol of a dose was one of the largest idols of Arabia. And it was the most famous idol of that region, who was the most famous idol of that region. And it was to fail idol in His childhood was his own his tribes idol. So to fade was the chieftain, some of his

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tribesmen were still living there worshipping the false god, not all of the Hebraic had embraced Islam. And so the process of assigned to fail the task of destroying his own idol. And this is of the wisdom of the Prophet sallallahu. I said them because if another person had done this, the tribesmen will find a reason to reject Islam. But when their own chieftain is doing it, how can they say anything, this is their own chieftain and their respected person, he's the one coming back and destroying it. And this shows us human psychology, the same action, if done by a person on the inside versus on the outside. This is called identity politics, right? The big difference when

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somebody on the inside does something versus somebody whom you already have issues with does it on the outside. And that's why not every person is qualified to give that to every person. Not every person is qualified to say the same truth to every person. This is something we see all the time. Even, you know, I mean, everything going on here. I mean, in any situation or scenario, whether it's race where there is gender, sometimes when the criticism comes from your own, it's easier to hear when somebody of your own says the same truth. Whereas it when the other says it, oh, you're only saying it because you're on that side of the equation, right? So here tofail live an hour because it

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is his own. Idle means when I say his own, I mean, the tribe. It says tribes idols, it's called the Sonam of dos is the tribe of dosis idle, he's the one who's who's put in

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Charge of destroying it and so to fail rushed with 400 men and he surrounded the idle and threw wood on it and then basically lit it. And he, you know, basically destroyed the idol. And then he told his people that it is now time to embrace Islam. Because maca has been conquered. So as you know, the slowly but surely all of the Arabian Peninsula will enter into Islam. And so he, his tribesmen, then converted to Islam, all of them, and they then joined the Prophet sallallahu it was setting them in Medina, so the entire tribe at that stage converted to Islam. It is also said the Hadith is slightly weak, but there's no problem and its meaning it is authentic and its meaning and is not as

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weak. It is also said that when the process of them sent him to fail, said Yasuda log, advise me What do you advise me I should do? So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, you have to fail. If she's Salaam spread the Salaam and be generous with your food. So this is another Hadith that's combining between spreading Islam and begins with your food and be shy from a law. The way that a person of dignity and rank is shy in front of his own people and family. In other words, how do you conduct yourself if you're a person of dignity, when the people are looking at you, Allah is also looking at you. So have that higher in front of Allah subhana wa Tada. And if you commit to sin, then do a good

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deed because Israel has an attitude humanists at the Vatican. Currently, Zakat in good deeds abolish bad deeds. This is the reminder for the believers. That's a verse in the Quran. So it's a beautiful, simple Hadith spread this annum, be generous with your food, be shy of a law the way that a nobleman is shy in front of the others. And if you commit a sin, then follow it up with a good deed. Because good deeds, abolish evil deeds, so to fail, then came back to Medina as we said, he remained in Medina until the Prophet sallallahu. I said and passed away and Abu Bakar then appointed him to be a commander against the the motored armies he fought against today had sad and then he was sent

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against Mozilla Alka that he was sent against mausoleum with a liar. And on the way there in the army on the march there, he saw a dream. So he said to his people interpret this dream for me, I saw that my head was cut off, and a bird flew out of my mouth. And a woman met me in the dream, and I entered her body. And my son was looking for me, and he wasn't able to find me. They said, We don't know this dream. So he said, I will tell you that had been cut off is my Shahada. The bird is my soul, because the soul will be

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in the bird, the woman whose private part I entered, this is the earth where I came from, I will go back to it. This is the other that I came from. I will go back to it and be buried in it permanently. My son searching for me, but not finding me is the desire of my son to become a Shaheed but he won't become Shaheed in this battle. So my son wants to be with me, but he's not so his son was with him in the in the battle, but only he died to show heat and the sun did not die shade. Okay, so to fate of an hour passed away Shaheed in the battle against maceda Malika dub, and this battle took place the first year of the digital, so obviously what have you they're going to be

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narrated? No, he didn't narrate any ID no time didn't read any ID. So to fail has zero headed narrated by him, but there are a few that mentioned him. Basically, somebody heard him speak to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, so he died in the battle against Masai llama, and then the dream of his son searching for him and not finding him. It became true. Some years later, his son died of Shaheed as well, so he's searching but not finding these he's gonna eventually find so his son also died of Shaheed in the Battle of Yarmouk against the Romans. So that was later on, his son became a shade as well. So this is quickly the story of that was supposed to be quick, by the way, the story of tofail

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of annamma dosi.

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And the reason that again, for those who are coming late, the reason that I have to mention this story is that you cannot talk about right or talk without talking about the context of the tribe of dos. Now you know, the tribe of those, now, you know, the chieftain of the tribe of those now, it's time to introduce you to the most important and the most famous person from the tribe of DOS, and this is none other than our own Barrera and we will start today and then a shallow to finish off in our next class on Wednesday, about the life and the times and the Hadith about water. And by the way, unlike other Sahaba and I would go over it, I cannot go overboard it was headed that would take

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years, literally years of hackers to go over a high data bubble, whatever there are simply too many at a minimum 5700

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Heading at a minimum that is more than double or triple their editor body.

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It's just not possible to go over the idea that Bo Herrera and in the Muslim Imam had like three or four volumes that thick are for Abu hurayrah imagine this is a small volume double the size three or four volumes are all our data but we cannot there's no point doing selections of added because he has narrated about anything and everything you know we did obey have been kept, most of us are on we didn't even miss wrote most of it. As for abou Herrera, there is no one topic, every topic of Islam, from filter theology to science of judgment day to see everything is there. So ironically, because it's so many, there's no point doing any, because you can literally find anything in any topic. And

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it is pretty much almost always by a Buddha or the love of Thailand. Now today we're going to start off and avoider as you all know, is one of the most copious narrators of ahaadeeth. And one of the reasons why it is so important to talk about Abu hurayrah is because he is used by those who rejected the Sunnah as one of the main punching bags to reject this for now. You see, you all know there are groups that reject the sun, and they rejected via different mechanisms, okay, some of them. They reject that Sunnah is a part of Islamic law in the first place, right? They call themselves Parana, Yun, peronists of them is the submitters Group here in Arizona was it to New

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Mexico, that I shall hurry for the 19 theory guy, he was one of them. And in the Arab lands, there are small groups in Pakistan, there are the bases, we have small groups there, they completely reject as soon as a source of law. Now this group is always very small, because the average Muslim cannot understand how can you reject something coming from the prophecies center, it's common sense. The one who sent the Quran down to the Prophet system meant the Prophet system to be a role model. The Quran is full of the prophecies and being a role model. So that trend is very minor in the oma and it shall always be minor. It has been around since the beginning of time, and it will be around

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till Judgment Day, but it is a miniscule trend. Very few people can say. I don't care if the process them said it. That's blatant Cofer. And anybody who believes that I don't have to follow the Profit System is not a Muslim, because they have rejected Mohammed Rasulullah. So there's no two ways about it. There's no ifs and ands and buts about it. Anybody who says I am not obliged to follow a Navy or a school and Habiba Mustafa sallallahu sallam, anybody who says this, this is not a Muslim, you are not a Muslim, because when we're attacking rasuluh, because Fela Arabic Allah you may know, I mean, you can quote 70 verses of the Quran that commands you to obey the prophets. So what are you gonna

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do about so that that group is very miniscule, however, there is a much larger group. And its danger is more because they do not say we reject the sooner

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they say, we reject the preservation of this window.

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And they say, we don't know this book of Sahih Muslim that you have in your hand, it was written by Mr. Muslim who died in the year 261 eijiro. Who is Mr. Muslim? Who Is Buhari who is Timothy, so then they cast doubt on the authors, then they'll cast doubt on the chains, who is the teacher of so and so we don't know him, then they will cast doubt on the habit themselves. And of course, the biggest punching bag is

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our Sahabi. Today, Abu huraira. Because why

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he narrates the most.

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If you can discredit him,

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then you can use that as a stepping stone to discredit Heidi, and you can then save you have saving grace, like, Oh, I'm not rejecting the Prophet system I'm rejecting.

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I'm not rejecting the Prophet system saying something. But I just don't know these other people who they are. You see the point here, right. And that is why there has been a vicious attack against Abu huraira from the beginning of time. In fact, the beginning of this attack was even in his own lifetime. And we're going to come to this in our next lesson on Wednesday shall the next Wednesday, in his own lifetime, people began spreading the heart of giants and others began spreading rumors. The heart of giants, like who is this person who he seems to know more than if an Ibis, the cousin.

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He seems to know more than, you know, the great Sahaba in his narrations. So this criticism began, even in his

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his lifetime, and it has lasted up until our times and

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not to pinpoint any one particular trend or strand but because it is prevalent in our times we should especially know

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a common technique of these so called Islamic feminists is to reject a Baha'i era. And this was expertly done by Fatah member Niecy, who is considered to be the founder of modern Islamic feminism, she passed away two years ago, I think, and again, she died as a Muslim I May Allah forgive her. But these ideas of hers were very, very wrong. She wrote one of the first books of Islamic feminism called the veil and the male elite. And

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she was a Moroccan lady, she taught at Harvard in many places, then she went back to Morocco. And for 3540 years, this book came out in the early 70s, I think 71 or so the veil in the mail elite and in this book, and she is considered, as we said, the founder of Islamic feminism in the Western world, every feminist in our time, reads from her, and then they've taken her ideas much further. In this book, she has a section dedicated to a warrior.

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I mean, this is how relevant this topic is. And in this section, she basically literally accuses Abu huraira of being a misogynist, literally, these are Hadith about women. They all come from Abu hurayrah. And we know that he had a problem with women, and he was a misogynist. How can we take his a Howdy. So here's the tactic, the tactic is these ahaadeeth trouble you, but you are a Muslim? So how can you say you believe in the prophets of Saddam? And then these are troubling, how do you find a way out what is the way out, attack the narrator?

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Okay. And this is something that we find from the beginning and still common in our times. So that is why today's lecture and next week's lecture are so important, because in particular, defending a bahara is defending the sooner and that is why

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I have told you the story of one of my teachers many times, and I'll mention it briefly again, and Alhamdulillah. I actually have video footage now that I still have to translate, but I have it. It is online, but it's not public yet. One of my teachers, as I've already told you, his story, his shift Mohammed alchemy, who was a Hindu in his younger life, and then converted to Islam. And then he became the Dean of the College of Heidi, I told you about him. And he is one of my teachers and I have a geyser from as well. And, and hamdulillah when I went to perform hajj, I actually visited him in his house

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and got his whole life story on video. But it is an older so I have to transcribe and translated which I haven't done yet. And I asked him his, you know, his whole what why was he interested in it and all that. And he became one of the most famous who had detained he is not became he is one of the most famous editing of our time. And he has just finished writing a book that is called the Encyclopedia of Sahih Hadith. And he took the methodology moment Bahati, and he applied it to 550 books of Hadith.

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And this is the most comprehensive Sahih Hadith collection in the history of mankind. And he has done this now.

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He was one of the first people

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to go from Medina, to us hard for a PhD back when he did his master's sorry, when he did his bachelor's, there was no Masters and PhD in Medina. He went to MIT PhD to do as her

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and his his dissertation topic was in defense of Abu hurayrah. Defense. And before I that's his PhD topic,

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in defense of Abu hurayrah. This is back in the early 60s. He did this. So So handler Can you imagine a Brahmin Hindu at one stage of his life, eventually does his PhD on defending Abu huraira which shook the Arab world at the time. Because

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in the late 50s, there was a very famous Egyptian intellectual, by the name of a warrior, very famous, very well promoted, people loved him. And the same secular mindset, the same progressive modernistic mindset. What do you do with all of these quote unquote problematic ahaadeeth? When you're a Muslim? What do you do with them? So about a year ago when he attacked Abu huraira avorio was name of the author. He said, all of these are Hadith because of Abu huraira. It's not the Prophet says he didn't say it is because if we just reject Abu hurayrah, then we'll be fine. So he wrote a book, criticizing Abu hurayrah and arrive on the scene shall alpha me and his

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PhD was in defense of Abu huraira. And it was then published and it is still available, you will find it. And you can find a PDF of it as well in Arabic language. I mean, it has not been translated to English. And you will find it online. It's an academic dissertation. And again, I mean, in my conversations with him as well. So Pamela, just the mindset, right, you just a fresh mind comes along, and you're just in awe. So he said, one of the things aborto, you're criticized, avoided from jumping the gun. This isn't my notes. I'm just going into the tangent here. This guy abora said, How can I avoid it? I narrate 5000 ahaadeeth. How is that possible? And he can now read 5000 ad, when in

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a bus and others I mean, by the way, this is the same point that was set in his own lifetime. But what I had no idea because he's not studied history. How can this be? So chef allowed me my show, he said, I sat down and I calculated the number of days that Abu huraira lived with the prophets of Allah, Allah he was sent them. And I divided it by the number of a hadith narrated by him. And it came down to on average per day, he narrated two Hadith. So why is that strange? If he memorized two sayings every day, he was with him. How is that problematic? What is that? So just a simple calculation, that if you remember two things every day, you know that you were with the provinces?

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And how is that something so strange? When he lived with him for three and a half, four years, and you calculate it out? It's just one point something today or two per day, and that's how much he's narrating. It's not something that is strange. So the point is that again, back to our story, defending Abu huraira is really defending the sun now, because he is used as the punching bag to those who rejected the sun. So Abu hurayrah Who is he? One of the ways that he is attacked

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by the rejecters of Heidi, is because of the controversy over his name. And this is actually relatively trivial. We don't know for sure his name and Joe Hillier. So what?

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What has that got to do with him as a person? He has a name and jania What was it there's 15 opinions and this is used as an attack against a warrior himself as a person it's a very trivial matter what there are so many names so Cain, buddy up dinner him up the chumps so on and so forth, is how has a narration but it is weak and so that's why it's not fully authentic, obviously, is the missing link. That doubleheader himself said my name during the days of Jah Julio was abdus shrimps. And then I was named Abdul Rahman in Islam.

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One day, I was carrying a kitten that I found in my sleeve. And someone asked me what is this? So I said it is a hero, a kitten? So the profits of the lives that um, den said, Yeah, hooray Allah, or father of the small cat or the kitten. Okay, so this is an aberration inhibitors house. And even if there's a missing link, it's basically solves the problem. He had a name and yahaya of the chumps most likely when he converted to Islam in the eighth year of the hijra, so obviously up the chumps his or her own name, so it's converted to a doorman. And then, within a short period of time, it's clear that Abu huraira liked to have cats and kittens. We know this from his lifestyle that he liked

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kittens, and, you know, he would feed them and whatnot. So because he's associated with kittens, so then I will hurayrah so he'll means a cat. Herrera is a little cat. It's a kitten. So Ohara, the father of the kitchens. So that's how his name came about that the Prophet says that, um, once said in a joke, yeah, but whatever, and the name stuck. The fact that we're not sure of his original mother's name. So what how does that affect the integrity of that person, it's not a big deal at all. Nonetheless, most likely, it was in fact, of the chumps. And then it became a man who had been so hot, and then this became a bahara from the tribe of dos. So he is commonly known as Abu

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hurayrah, a dosi, Abu hurayrah dosi. Now, some people mistakenly claim, I will have accepted Islam in the seventh year of the hedgerow. However, this is a misunderstanding and a trivial mistake. And the source of this he didn't accept to stand with a seven year old, he met the Prophet system in the seventh year of the law, he must have accepted Islam way before this, because we already know by the time he came to Medina, he was already praying and fasting, and he knew quite a lot about Islamic history, Islamic history of early Islam. And that's not something a new convert knows immediately. So we know that a Bahadur accepted Islam early on from the story of fate of Adama, and that's why I

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needed to mention his story. That to fade went back to his people, one decade before the Battle of Cuba. So for 10 years to fade, his preaching to his people. When did avoided accept Islam. We do not know at all.

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There's no details in those 10 years, nobody narrated from his tribe what happened. And in the tribe of those, we just know that by the time Abu hurayrah comes to Medina in the seventh year of the hijra, he is one of the more well known people of the tribe of those. So we can guesstimate he would have been a Muslim for a few years, maybe even he is of the first batches who embraced Islam 10 years ago, we do not know exactly when we also know that he was a Muslim, from another incident in the co op. And it's mentioned as a Muslim as well in another chapter. And it's a very long story, which is a little bit complicated. So I'm not going to go into it. But I'll just summarize it. And

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that is that in the Battle of high bar, a man stood up and demanded, some of the booty said, I want some of the booty as well. And Abu hurayrah was there. And he said he had a pseudo law. This is the murder of even though Oh, don't give him anything. This is the murder, even though Hold on. Don't give him anything. Now. Story is a bit long, even a whole pile was one of the early Muslims who died in the bottle of butter.

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And the man who stood up

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at that time was on the side of Quraysh. And he was a mushrik. And so he murdered even a polka means he killed him in poker in the Battle of butter, then he embraced Islam, then he is fighting with the Muslims, then he is in hyper. Now he stands up and he wants something. And I will hurayrah who was not at better, not at Ohio, not at hand up. Abu huraira is coming in the seventh year of the hedgerow. And Abu huraira recognizes who that man is, and brings back a story from six years ago and says, Yeah, Rasulullah This is the concept of imminent, how can he doesn't deserve anything. And of course, the man got angry at him. And so there's a bit of a story there. But that's beyond the point

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here. But what is really interesting here, Abu hurayrah knows a very, my new detail of Islamic history, like something that most of us even when we read the Battle of budget is going to zoom over our heads, even though cause death was a tragedy, but other people died as well. And for the for elbow. Herrera who is not from Makkah, not from Medina, not from the kurush, not from the tribe of Oakland was not from dos has nothing to do with him. yet. Abu huraira knows who the artist was. And what does this show. He has a good memory. And he's very interested in narrations from the beginning. Okay, this minor tidbit and this editor is assigned Muslim, this minor tidbit, it shows

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us that Abu huraira has a sharp mind. He's memorizing things. And this is you know, the trivia Jeopardy questions, right? You know, some of the questions like why would you even bother to study that this is the operator mind is just absorbing everything and then regurgitating it out. And this is the person who who was from the beginning. And by the way, this is basically the first meeting with the Prophet is not the first day maybe but within the first week, this is high, but that's where he meets the Prophet system. And right then in there, he says, Yeah, this will Allah, this is the opposite of imminent Kolkata, he doesn't deserve anything. So this shows us that Abu hurayrah

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must have been a Muslim for a good period of time for him to know the details of the Battle of but that's not something a new Muslim would know. For him to know all of this, clearly, most likely, he was a Muslim from the earliest of that time. So he's following all of the incidents of the Sierra, even before he gets to Medina, he knows what's going on. And that's a very important point of Ohara. Being a Sahabi does not have to have a chain, to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, even if you heard something from other Sahaba, it is a headache. This is a principle of Hadees By the way, a Sahabi doesn't have to hear directly from the Prophet system. Also how he can hear from other Sahaba and

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all of the Sahaba are trustworthy. We don't need an it's not within the Sahaba. So Abu hurayrah, it is very likely that many of his ahaadeeth are heard from the other Sahaba around him, and he's then narrating it basically directly from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So Abu hurayrah is an early convert to Islam. We don't know exactly when, but most likely before the digital, but he meets the Prophet system in the seventh year of the hedgerow. We know as well that when he migrated to Medina, that he was absolutely impoverished. He had nothing to his name. He had no money, he had no wealth. He had no family. He was not married at the time.

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And when he first came, he came alone. As we'll mention next Wednesday. His mother eventually came but that was later on. When he first came he came alone and when avoided I came to Medina

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He was one of the recipients of the gift of the Prophet system known as the gift of soft, hollow sofa that people have so far that he lived with the people of sofa. And he was the most famous of the people of our sofa, who are the head of sofa I mentioned this in the series, and it's just time to refresh our memories very quickly. The most famous of the analysts so far is none other than Abu hurayrah. In fact, Abu huraira is the leader of the people of the sofa. Whenever the Prophet says I wanted to communicate with the people of the sofa, he would call Abu huraira. When he wanted to give something to people, though, so far, it was Abu huraira he was the de facto in charge of the people

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of the sofa, what is the people or who are the people of the sofa, sofa means shade. sofa means shade. And in the early time of Islam, there were groups of people who did not have any place to live. So they would live in the back of the masjid, towards if you're facing the Qibla towards the left hand side of the masjid. And that is basically towards the eastern part of the masjid, the left hand side, eastern part of the West in the backside of the masjid. And they will just sleep there. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam commanded the people to build a roof for those people in the back. Remember in early Islam, up until I forgot the date, and it was the seventh or sixth year,

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there was no roof, it was an empty thing. Then a very primitive roof came, and then it was solidified later on. So even at the time of the process of the roof was very primitive. If it would rain, the rain would come into the question. But the first few years there was no roof whatsoever. It was just an outer outer thing. That's it, and then a courtyard was inside. And that is why the structure to this day seems to resemble that they wanted to keep that structure, that inner courtyard open to resemble the way it was in the profitsystem lifetime. So he commanded that at least in the back, there should be a shade for the people who slept there. So they will call the

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people of the shade. Hello sofa. That's where the name comes from the people of the shade, hello sofa. And woreda himself narrated that the people of the shade Hello sofa. They were the guests of Islam. They had no other place to go to they had no house no money, no family, he called them the guests of Islam are the orphan Islam. They were the guests of Islam, the guests of the Prophet sallallahu ala he was setting them. And Allah revealed a number of verses about them regarding them, praising them, encouraging the people to give to them, and the people would come and go to the sofa atwill It was like an open Hotel in the masjid. Whoever would come would come, whoever would go

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would go, it was like an open area for anybody who had nowhere else to go. And at times, there were over 70 people in the sofa. Imagine 70 people in the sofa aboard hora himself narrates and by the way, most of our narrations about the people of the sofa come from abroad. Because he was their leader, he was their de facto representative and Ambassador of Bora Bora himself said that I saw 70 people of the sofa, not a single one of them had an upper garment, just a lower garment, or at max one cloth that they would tie around their necks, and then it would cover their bodies up until they're up until their knees or their shin. So the people on the sofa obviously were very poor,

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because that's why they're sleeping in the masjid, they have nowhere to go, they have no family to go. And that's why once the Prophet system saw them all huddled up, and he made an announcement and you all know the Hadith, that the food of one person shall be enough for to the food of two shall be enough for three the food or three shall be enough for for meaning, or people of Medina, whatever you have shared with the people of the sofa. So this famous ID the food of one is enough for two, it was meant for the people of sofa that anybody was a little bit of food, let him bring somebody else and then they can share the food with the people of the sofa.

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And anytime this habit, any extra food, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would encourage them to give it to the people of the sofa. And generally when the unsought whenever there was harvest season, they would come and give the first of their harvest, they would take the bunch of dates, and they would hang it in the sofa area, they would just hang it in the software area. So you would see the dates hanging and the people on the sofa would eat from it. And it is also narrated that once the bed ones of the outside of the city came to the city of Medina and they saw the people of sofa and they assume them to be murjani and crazy people. Why? Maybe because of their appearances and their

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thin bodies. They're all huddled up

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And they're all poorly dressed. They assume them to be basically people, you know, because in those days, when you were crazy or whatnot, you would just wander the streets, right? You would just there was no mental asylum or something you would just live there. So the better ones, they thought these must be like the crazy people over here. Why? Allah knows best, most likely because of their appearance and just their living in the masjid, and whatnot. But of course, they were not crazy people. They were the students of knowledge at the time. That's exactly what they're doing. Why are they living in the masjid? Why aren't they doing something else? Because they want to maximize their

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time with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it is authentically narrated that faulty model de la juanda.

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The famous story of Fatah model Yolanda, she sent a request for servants for the to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the as you know, the story is a very famous story that some slaves arrived. And Ali said that Oh, Fatima, you work so hard. It's so difficult for you. Why don't you request your father to give you somebody that can give you a hitman? Okay, there's a bunch that has arrived. Prisoners of War, get someone to help you, you know, to do all of your chores for you. So Fatima, sent a message and asked the Prophet system to gift one of them to her. And the Prophet says and visited them in our Wiley, close to Koba. He visited them in Bali and came to them at night. And

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he sat down with them. And he said to them, while law he, I cannot give you a servant, when the people of the sofa, lie hungry without food,

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he linked the sofa with his children not having a servant. Okay, I cannot give you a servant on the people who have also fallen hungry. Then he says, shouldn't I tell you something better than a servant? And what did he advise them to do? Who knows?

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Subhana Allah? Well, hamdu Lillah Allahu Akbar 3333 34 times before you go to sleep, this is better for you than a servant. So there's that famous Hadith. It is linked to the people of the sofa.

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And there's a beautiful Hadith in Sahih Bukhari as well. It's a very powerful Hadith. And it's one that we've all heard, and it deals with Boko Haram. And it deals with the people of the sofa. Abu huraira said, and this hadith in Bukhari, and Muslim is the one of the most authentic hadith from abora, O'Hara said, a la hola de la ilaha illa, who I swear by Allah, Allah is like, I swear by Allah.

01:02:34 --> 01:03:23

And there is no god other than him that I would sit down on a pillar in the masjid, because of hunger, I can't even stand up, I would just sit down and lean on a pillar for support because of hunger. And there were times when I would tie a rock on my stomach, because of the pangs. And this is something again, we hear from the Sierra, I don't know of any culture that still does that. But there was a custom that they had, that they would tie some rocks in there, around their stomach. And some have said that this is psychological your stomach feels heavier. And some have given other reasons for this. But this was something that they would do that they would just tie a rock around

01:03:23 --> 01:03:59

their stomach because of hunger. And one time, one day the situation was so bad. Well, they're saying that I sat down outside the masjid, waiting for someone to go, and will law he I was not interested in any question. But it was my hunger. And they saw Abu Bakar passed by. And I asked him a question about the book of a law and a verse about it. The only reason I asked him was because he might invite me in. But he didn't do that. Then almost

01:04:00 --> 01:04:53

passed by. And I asked him a question as well. And the only reason was for that, but he did not do that. And then Apollo Qasim solo law while he was settling Sallam passed by me, and he smiled when he saw me, and he knew what was my issue and why my face was the way that it was. So he said, Yeah, of a hill. So a bow Herrera and a bow Hill both is basically the same thing. Yeah, by him. So I said Rebecca rasulillah. I answer your call a messenger of Allah. He said, I'll help Bina, Come let us go. So I began to follow him. And he asked permission to enter into his household means that he's telling I show whoever that I have a boy with me, whatever. So he's asking permission. So permission

01:04:53 --> 01:04:59

was given. So he entered into the house with Abu hurayrah and he found a

01:05:00 --> 01:05:26

glass full of milk. So he said, Where did this glass come from? So, they said the people of the household such and such have the answer, they gifted this milk to you. Now, the Prophet says some did not even have a glass of milk in his house, such that he has to ask who's giving us this milk. So, such and such a household of the unsightly gifted it to you.

01:05:28 --> 01:06:26

So, the profitsystem said, Yeah, about here, I said Rebecca rasulillah. He said, Go to the people of the sofa, and call them to come here, go to the people of the sofa and call them to come here. So, and then he said, I will Herrera said that our Hello so far are the guests of Islam, they had no wealth, nor any family, nor anyone in Medina. And any time any charity would come to him, he would send it to the people of the sofa, and he would not take it unless he shared it with them. Who is saying this bahara he is explaining why the process of sending him to the to the people of the sofa. But aborted is saying and he's honest here. I was very grieved at this task. I was not happy that I

01:06:26 --> 01:06:41

have to go and get the people of the sofa. And I said to myself, he's so honest, he's telling us right? What will this glass of milk help the whole people of the sofa? How will this glass help the people of the sofa?

01:06:43 --> 01:06:48

And I said to myself, I have more right to that milk.

01:06:49 --> 01:07:19

Then Anybody else? Maybe because he's the senior and maybe because he is now with the prophet SAW Selim. First come first serve. So I have more right to that milk than anybody else. But I had no choice, you know, except to go. And while I'm here can mentor Attila he will try to really he would I had no choice except to obey Allah and His messenger. By the way. Subhana Allah May Allah forgive us. This is the essence of EMA.

01:07:21 --> 01:07:25

To feel difficulty is not bad.

01:07:26 --> 01:07:44

It's difficult to wake up for fragile, right? So in the cold winter was gonna come a few weeks to us. And that alarm goes off and you're like, I don't want to get out under the covers. Do I have to get out under this cover? Do I have to go do we'll do that struggling is not at all problematic.

01:07:45 --> 01:07:48

To overcome that struggle is the essence of Eman.

01:07:50 --> 01:08:42

Right? This is what we find out what he is saying. I don't want to obey. But what's the next phrase? But there is no choice except to obey will lie. how honest is this? Right? And when you hear these stories, you actually can relate it? Well, not to the hunger and poverty but to that struggle. You can relate you know what we're all like abora In this sense, right? So there was no choice except to obey. So I said that Baker rasulillah the bake, I'm going to do it. And so I went, and I brought all of them. And I asked permission for them to come in. And they came in until they filled all of the house. The whole room was filled up. Then the profitsystem said, Yeah, Abba Hill, I said the baker

01:08:42 --> 01:09:22

of pseudo law. He said, Take the glass and give it to them. So it's, he has the guys, viola from beginning to end now. Right? He is going to the process of knows what's going on Abu hurayrah Oh, ye of little faith is what we need to say right? He just he does not have that, that patience there. And so Mandala will lie, we would have had even more than the problems or whatever. So he said, I took the glass, and I went around the group of people giving one by one. And they would all drink to their fill, and they would give the cup back to me. And I would give it to the next man. You can tell

01:09:23 --> 01:09:59

the struggle, right? It's a beautiful narration, you can tell the struggle. He's not expressing this what is very clear that he remembers this vivid in his mind that he's narrating this idea so many years later, and I went doing this one man after another until I finished the whole gathering. And I came back to the Prophet salallahu idea he was setting them and all of them had drank to their fill. So the I gave it back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he put it in his hand

01:10:00 --> 01:10:08

And he smiled at me. And he said yeah about him. I said the baker rasulillah he said, just me and you left

01:10:09 --> 01:10:53

bucket and I will and this is the humor of the prophecies. Right? We're gayborhood about this. This is this is a Hillel sarcasm. Okay, just me and you left Yarra Sula, law. I said, Sadat a lot of pseudo law, it's just me and you left, right. So he said, sit down, I sat down, shut up. So I drank and gave it back to him, gave it back to me, is shrub I drank, he gave it back to him, gave it back to me. And he continued to give me back the drink, and say, drink, drink, drink, until I said, I swear by the one who sent you with the truth, there is no space in my stomach for any more drink.

01:10:54 --> 01:11:05

It is full to the brim. So the prophecies have said, Now give it to me. So I gave him he said it hamdulillah and he drank the remainder,

01:11:06 --> 01:11:51

one cup and 30 people we don't know the number but whoever filled that room, and Abu huraira is being Mashallah Tabata Cola, the second to last. And the last is none other than the prophet SAW the love for it, he was sending beautiful headed, his lessons are self evident, self evident. But what strikes me here, the poverty at that time will lie we cannot even imagine that poverty, such were the beginnings of Islam, and where to where, you know, from where to where such difficulty with one glass of milk was looked at, with such an amount of of blessings that the people of the sofa were invited. And of course, the bulk of the profits will always send them the other of the profits or

01:11:51 --> 01:12:30

similar profits or some said, South they'll call me a hero home. Sure, but this is one of the etiquettes of eating and drinking authentic hadith. The one who pours the drink should be the one who drinks last. This is a headache by the way. So if you are pouring, if you are giving the food, you should be the last one out of Adam. So the one who's pouring should be the last one, I will hurry is the one giving here. Or what is the host here. So he should be the last one. And the Prophet system is the one doing it all. So he followed what he is preaching unto others, Salvation Army, our hero who memorizes Hadith, and is adept as well. The one who's giving the food and the

01:12:30 --> 01:12:50

drink should be the one who is taking it to the last as well. And this is something that hamdulillah in pretty much all Muslim cultures. We have it and then the final Hadith that we'll do and then I shall open the floor for q&a a little bit. The final editor will do today that inside Buhari as well and again this is very, very profound.

01:12:52 --> 01:13:37

And so hello Buhari as well. Abu huraira narrated in Nicola chacun in Abu huraira Youth through Hadith and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what are orona mavado Maha giannina one onsolve la you had this owner and Rasulullah sallallahu Are you send them be mithali Hadith e RB hora. This is a very powerful phrase in Bahati. You guys are saying Abu hurayrah is narrating too many a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu I send them and you are saying how come the Maha Julian and unsought are not narrating from the Prophet system? Like a Buddha is narrating? Who are these you guys? These are some of the people who were in the people who killed Earth man.

01:13:38 --> 01:14:18

And eventually they become the hostage. Okay, these are that group they were already criticizing of Boko Haram. Okay, so you guys and we're going to study next week inshallah, there was tension and those people did not like Abu huraira because he would narrate a hadith regarding the blessings of earthman regarding other things that they did not like. So, again, this is the conundrum of the progressives, the modernist, the feminist, these types of people, you cannot believe in the messenger and reject his message. It's a conundrum, right? Anytime you have a philosophy there's other than Islam, other than the Quran and Sunnah. What do you do? So you attack the messenger

01:14:18 --> 01:14:58

rather than the message you attack the person rather than the answer you attack the narrator's you attack. This began in early Islam, whenever he would narrate a hadith about the blessings of Earth man, those guys instead of saying, you know, instead of correcting themselves, they reject a bullhorn. And other things of this nature. So, he is saying, I know you guys are saying that doubleheader never eats too many ahaadeeth and I know that you are saying how come the more hydrocodone and Ansari do not narrate the Hadith that Abu huraira is narrating why because the Maha Judah the unsought predate Abu huraira this is one of the main criticisms against a writer and it is

01:14:58 --> 01:14:59

as if Allah

01:15:00 --> 01:15:39

How to what to add a new this would happen. So even in his own lifetime, he was criticized with the same thing. And his defense is coming from his mouth. So panel, it is so rare for this to happen, that in my opinion, this is a miracle from Allah, truly the same criticisms that are launched against Abu hurayrah by these modernists and progresses and whatnot, those same criticisms, we find them in his lifetime. And he's defending against them. How bizarre is that? So I will her and this hadith is in body again, like the first one as well. And so Abu hanifa is saying, and I will tell you, my brothers of them will hide your own, and the answer.

01:15:40 --> 01:16:21

The business of the swak would keep them busy. My brothers from Ohio, Julian, excuse me, the businesses of the supermarkets, not the supermarket, the business of the markets would keep them busy. And I would stay with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam despite the grumblings of my stomach, my stomach would rumble all the time, I would stay. And I would witness what they would not witness. And I would memorize what they would forget. And as for my brother and from the unsought, then their agriculture would keep them busy.

01:16:22 --> 01:16:31

And I was a miskeen man from the people of the sofa. And so I memorize that which they did not.

01:16:32 --> 01:16:55

Okay, this hadith is invalid. And it is very profound for multiple reasons. The most important reason in my opinion, is that this is exactly the criticism that modern Hadith rejecters use. And that is, how could avoid it and narrate 5000 ahaadeeth, when people who are with the Prophet system for 20 years, narrated a fraction of those,

01:16:56 --> 01:17:41

and the response is a number of things, we're going to come to more of them next month. But for now, we'll mention to number one, the quality of his time with the Prophet system. And number two, the length that he lived after the death of the Prophet system, which was unusually longer than others to have these two things combined. There is no doubt in our minds as Muslims, that Allah subhanho wa Taala used Abu hurayrah to preserve the sword enough, because you needed one companion to do what he did. And he was that companion in our minds who believe in Allah and His Messenger, and we believe in miracles and we believe that Allah uses ASVAB to do what he wants to do. We have no problem

01:17:41 --> 01:18:25

saying that abohar era is the protector of the sooner that's the title given to him, that Allah azza wa jal meant for him his role in life was to be the preserver of the pseudonym. And that's why for three years, he did not have a job. He did not have a career, he did not start a family. He did not have a wife and children for three years. He is literally living in the masjid morning and evening, starving, just to be with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for that period of time. So obviously, what he will absorb is something that the other people will not absorb, even if some of them were with him longer periods of time. And then of course, the other point is that he lived 55

01:18:25 --> 01:18:35

years digital, he died. Well, what year did he die? We're gonna come to 5759 Some even say 60 most likely died 60 that is a very late date.

01:18:37 --> 01:19:13

Imagine, you know most of the senior Sahaba walk around Earth man, they're dying, you know, 10 1112 1417 2021 and Abu huraira is living essentially to 60. That's 50 years after the death half a century Can you imagine? Right? So no question that Allah created him really, for this function and role he is the person who preserved the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and this is just the beginning. There are so many other things as well that inshallah we'll get to next Wednesday with invite Allah so with that inshallah we have three four minutes for q&a and then inshallah we break for sada

01:19:45 --> 01:20:00

so the first question is, that, if so happy to hear something from another Sahabi must be mentioned that Sahabi his name when he's narrating the Hadeeth the response No, by unanimous consensus, it is not necessary.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:28

Sorry, because it's irrelevant to us, which Sahabi heard it, because we consider all of the Sahaba to be people who were going to narrate what they heard from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam without any doubt of their integrity, the Arabic term is a Sahaba to kulu home rule, they are all trustworthy. So an example is if an Ibis, if an Ibis when the process and passed away, he was 13 years old.

01:20:29 --> 01:20:32

Yet, he is one of the big inheritors of Hadeeth.

01:20:34 --> 01:20:36

The bulk of his ahaadeeth he did not hear from the Prophet says

01:20:37 --> 01:20:56

he heard them from other Sahaba. And we don't care who he heard them from. Even Omar was a child, when the process is a teenager. Yet even Omar is one of the big names of the narrator's of Haiti, we don't care. Because if an Omar was someone who studied with the Sahaba, his father's

01:20:57 --> 01:21:17

most of his idea coming from Omar and his other relatives and people doesn't matter to us whatsoever that whatever he heard, now, the second point is that it's a theoretical question, that if somebody heard something from the Prophet Sall, Allahu Allah who was setting them, can he as a non Muslim?

01:21:18 --> 01:21:25

Can he then narrated later on if he converted to Islam afterwards? So this is an interesting point.

01:21:26 --> 01:21:27


01:21:29 --> 01:21:35

By the way, I cannot think right now of any such example of a headache, I'll have to look this up, I cannot think of any example.

01:21:36 --> 01:21:40

Such a person would not be considered a Sahabi. Number one,

01:21:41 --> 01:22:25

you have to see the profitsystem as a Muslim to be a Sahabi. If you saw him as a non Muslim, then embraced Islam, you have a category called, he saw the Prophet andraka. And maybe, but he wasn't a Muslim. So whoever saw the Prophet system as a Muslim, that is so happy. Okay, if whoever saw him in a wakeful state, obviously, meaning in a when the processor was alive. So you see him when you're awake, seeing in the dream does not make a personal, so happy, as you know. So to see the Profit System in a wakeful state in the process of alive and you are a Muslim, that's the definition of a hobby. Can he narrate What has happened? Yes, he may narrate. He may narrate. But it should be known

01:22:25 --> 01:22:29

that when he when that incident happened, he was not too Muslim.

01:22:31 --> 01:22:33

Okay. Next question. Yes.

01:22:56 --> 01:23:10

Next Wednesday, we'll do this. Okay. He's asking, paraphrasing, like how to double hurry to get so many ahaadeeth in his head. We'll talk about this next week there are x there are explicit narrations how that happened. Okay.

01:23:32 --> 01:24:08

Yes, it is. It is authentically mentioned in numerous traditions that they would not walk in front of the offices or by his side, they would be behind him. So there will be behind him out of respect for him. This is something that is well known multiple narrations that they would basically be and they would not walk behind him without his permission as well. So if he were walking on his own, they would not congregate, you know, out of respect for him, they would let him go, unless he told them to accompany them. And so that was again out of respect for the Prophet. So I said, Yes, this is a valid point this good.

01:24:18 --> 01:24:34

Yes, we do not have an exact date of birth for a boho. But if he was maybe around 25 years old, when he came to Medina, let's say, or early 20s would be reasonable.

01:24:35 --> 01:24:59

So he passed through the process and passed away 25. So 50 years after that, he's 75. Right? So he's a young man. Also, he wasn't married when he came. So again, all of this fits in perfectly. So maybe again, 2122 is a young man when he comes to the processor at the prime of his youth memory is at its peak, okay. He can sacrifice all of the troubles and whatnot. It fits in perfectly and again, like I said,

01:25:00 --> 01:25:37

We have no problem saying this was he was created for this role when everything fit in perfectly to fit that role, young man dedicated to Hadeeth nothing else to do except memorize heady, and especially the Hadith. And the last three years this is essentially when Islam has been now finalized completed. These are the ID they needed to know anyway, right, the most important outcome that are finalized and solidified at that time, that's when it will Haneda is essentially, and we will study next week, I will hit it I became somewhat of a secretary somewhat of a personal assistant like walking with the process of doing whatever being the board, not the bodyguard, but

01:25:37 --> 01:25:44

the door guard, you know, just guarding the door, whatever needed to be done just that's the whole point that he dedicated his life to the preservation of Hadith and

01:25:45 --> 01:25:55

because of that, the status that he has is unique amongst all of the Sahaba that even accompany the process of for a longer period of time of what Allah has this blessing over them and shall we

In this lecture, we are transported into the life and times of one of the greatest defenders of the Sunnah – Abu Hurairah Ad Dawsi – by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi.

The lecture begins with a brief transcript of one man – Al Tufayl ibn Amr al Dawsi- who was the chieftain of a tribe named Daws (Yemen) and the reason behind this discussion is revealed in he being the one who gave da’wah to Abu Hurairah to accept Islam.

Abu Hurayrah was formerly called Abd al Shams  and Abd al Raḥman ibn Ṣakhr. He was given the present name by the Prophet ﷺ in all likelihood of his extreme fondness of kittens.he was the leader of Ahle Suffah. 5700 hadith have been narrated by Abu Hurayrah which is 2 to 3 times more than what any other Sahaba might have done.

Narrated by Abu Hurayrah, “One day, my hunger became so severe that I placed a stone on my stomach. Abu Bakr passed by and I asked him about an ayah of the Book of Allah. I only asked him so that he would invite me but he did not.Then Umar ibn al Khattab passed by me and I asked him about an ayah but he also did not invite me. Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ passed by and realized that I was hungry and said,’ Abu Hurayrah!”’At your command,’ I replied and followed him until we entered his house. He found a bowl of milk and asked his family:’From where did you get this?”Someone sent it to you,’ they replied. He then said to me: ‘O Abu Hurayrah, go to the Ahlus-Suffah and invite them.'”I did as I was told and they all drank from the milk.” when they had finished, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said  to me drink! I drank and i drank till i was satiated. Then I said ‘O Messenger of Allah ﷺ, there is no way I can drink any more.’ He realised that the Messenger ﷺ was teaching him the blessings of Allah SWT.

Narrated Abu Huraira : You people say that Abu Huraira tells many narrations from the Prophet ﷺ and you also wonder why the emigrants and Ansar do not narrate from him as Abu Hurairah does. My emigrant brothers were busy in the market while I used to stick to the Prophet ﷺ content with what fills my stomach; so I used to be present when they were absent and I used to remember when they used to forget, and my Ansari brothers used to be busy with their properties and I was one of the poor men of Suffah. I used to remember the narrations when they used to forget. The Prophet ﷺ once said, “Whoever spreads his garment till I have finished my present speech and then gathers it to himself, will remember whatever I will say.” So, I spread my coloured garment which I was wearing till the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had finished his saying, and then I gathered it to my chest. So, I did not forget any of that narrations.”

Tune in for the next part in this lecture and be mesmerized by the greatness of this companion and narrator of Hadith.


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