Yasir Qadhi – Lives of Sahaba 68 – Hassan Ibn Thabbit

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The title Islam is meant to disrespect the Sahaba, not meant to disrespect the culture. The Hustle-And-hol culture is a culture of fear, anxiety, and fear that the world is too busy. The art of literature is used in a range of ways, including reciting a royal wedding, a sad voice, and a shot of a star. The historical context of Islam is emphasized, including the Exiled of the Mosque and the famous Islam praised in the latter half of the century. The importance of learning Islam's methods for protecting religion is emphasized, along with the use of art in reciting a royal wedding, a sad voice, and a shot of a star.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah, he was a happy woman while back. So today we have the biography of the most famous poet amongst all of the Sahaba. And that is his son, even Sabbath, Mr. mazahub, he calls him say you do shout out, meaning the leader of all of the believing poets in the whole world. And he is the poet of the prophets of the Lord, he was setting them the poet whom Allah subhanho wa Taala, blessed with sending gibreel down to help him. And there is no other poet in all of human history that we know whom Julian came down to help in his poetry. And the biography of Hassan bin sabot is a very, very fascinating one. And it is also a somewhat

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awkward one, because of some of the specific incidents that took place, and the life of his son, Evan Sabbath or the Allahu taala. And, and generally speaking, it is not wise for us to discuss the mistakes and errors of the righteous people, especially that of the Sahaba. And his son in particular, I mean, the issues that surround him are actually somewhat of a large nature, nonetheless, because this is a detailed biography of all of the Sahaba that we're doing. And also because I believe the positives of mentioning the negatives outweigh this whole scenario. In other words, I believe there's a lot of benefit to be very frank about the story of his son in Sabbath.

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And I hope inshallah, to Allah by the end of this lecture, you will agree with me. And the reason for this is that we think of the Sahaba typically, like Abu Bakar Omar, that's it full stop. That's our perception of the Sahaba. And we don't really understand or fully realized that there were over 100,000 people in the time of the Prophet system who interacted with him. And even amongst those who are living in Mecca or Medina, not everybody was awoken and Omar, and there were those who fell into major sins. And there were those who fell into other types of issues. And there were those who suffered from personal complexes and has sound old, the old one is a person who is who has some of

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these things combined with him. And so it is important that we are Frank so that we can humanize the Sahaba. And one of the reasons that I like the story of his son to be to be brutally honest, is that at some level, I sympathize with him. I understand I can find something in common to be brutally honest people like a walk in or mow the lawn. I don't at some level, they seem to holy for us. They seem to above like we can never get anywhere close to them. Then you read the stories of people like Hassan, you're like, Okay, well, you know, not exactly the same thing, obviously. But still you find like, Okay, he's human, he has certain issues that I too am struggling with, he struggled with. And

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so the fact that has settled the law one, we can kind of relate and humanize him, rather than istockphoto, viewing it as a negative or denigrating, and I seek Allah's refuge from ever saying anything that is derogatory to the Sahaba. This isn't meant to disrespect, rather, it is meant to be merely be factual about who he was. And then mentioned, obviously, the whole point being the positives of his son Evans habit and the positives go on and on. So with that disclaimer, and I say this because it is so easy. All of us in particular myself, we have people who don't like us, and they'd like to take clips here and there and portray and smear in a certain manner. And I'm

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obviously very conscious of this and I seek Allah's refuge from ever saying anything that is intended to make fun of the Sahaba or with a builder, nonetheless, the Sahaba were human, and they committed some mistakes, sometimes major sins as in the case of sn, and when we narrate them, our point in narrating them as stuff for the law is not to put him down. Allah repent, Allah accepted his repentance and he is forgiven. But we need to emphasize that even amongst the Sahaba, there were those who had some mistakes and those mistakes did not prevent them from doing much good for the oma. those mistakes. Were not impediments that prevented them from giving back to the oma. Rather it

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was a part and parcel of who they are. So with that disclaimer, let us begin. Hasani bizhub. It is from the unsolved, not from the module one, and he is from the hazard edge, and he is on the balloon a job and his son was one of the very, very few people who was already somewhat elderly, not fully elderly, but he was definitely not the young man when Islam came. And in fact, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated to Medina Hassan was already 60 years old. So has sent rhodiola when he lived more than 100, some say 120 years.

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The some of the scholars said he lives 60 in Islam and 60 after Islam. So he's one of the very few Sahaba, who really saw everything from the beginning all the way to the end and much more beyond that. And he lived, perhaps up to the time of Mao era, the Allahu taala. And who, and we only know tidbits of his early life, because again, he was born so early, that there are no record records in in Medina, pre Islamic Medina, who's going to record anything, but we do have, especially because of his fame, we have certain tidbits about him, and also what he himself narrated to us. So he tells us, and this is mentioned in his house, he tells us that I clearly remember when I was six or seven

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years old. So this means that this goes back to the the early the the

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his birth would have been around this time. So when he was six or seven years old, because the process was 53 when the injury occurred, and his son was 16. So he said, I remember when I was six or seven, that my yahudi neighbors, they called one another. And they announced with concern with grave, like worry and whatnot, that the signs have indicated that Matt has been born today, the signs have been indicated that Matt has been born. And because he wasn't born amongst us, so he is from them. So they were not too happy at this. So he remembers this. And we talked about some of these signs in the early syrup. And his son's father sabot

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hazaragi was from of the nobleman of the hustle Raj, and he was somewhat of a rich person. So he grew up in a elite household. And from his childhood, he was always interested in poetry. And this is where has reached his expertise, his forte, his claim to fame. Even before the coming of Islam. His reputation was solidly established. Islam did not give him the reputation of being a poet. Islam gave him the reputation of being the poet of the prophets of Islam. He was already a poet, he was already the so as a young man, he became the poet of the hustle, Raj, and won the Civil War was taking place between the US and the hustler Raj, the US had a poet and the hustler chose his son to

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be their poet. So the two main poets that would go back and forth during the Civil War between us and Hassan, Hassan was one of them. And we're talking about 30 years before the coming of the Prophet salallahu idea he was settled. And then eventually, the other person from the the house, he was won over by his son has said, beat him in the verbal competitions. So his son became the poet of yesterday, before the coming of Islam. And because he was the poet of yesterday, and the leader of the poets of yesterday of Medina, he was invited by the neighboring kingdoms to come in those days that kings and the leaders of the Arab peninsula would, as you know, they would love to invite these

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poets and pay the money. And so he was invited by the kingdom of North Dakota sonnets, and he started going to them regularly, this is pre Islam, and the son is loved him so much that they started paying him an annual salary to write poems for them, right, because that's how they that's propaganda. That's, that's, you know,

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giving the good impression about these tribes. So Hassan became an official poet of the Masonic Empire up north. Then the guys down south in Yemen, heard of his son had been Sabbath. And so the kings of Yemen Yemen had a kingdom, Yemen had established civilization. The kings of Yemen invited his son to their court as well. And so he became the official, the official poet of the Yemeni Kingdom as well, even though he was in the Hassan of Medina of yesterday, still, the people of North that people down south, they both loved him so much that he's going up north and south traveling as the poet's do and he would get money from this. Now, what then is all of the negative I said that

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the heated there are certain things that are awkward or whatnot. Well, I'm going to quote you one or two famous scholars so that nobody says it's from me and wife Katie, the great scholar, the first historian of Islam, and Walker, the one of the earliest historians of Islam. He put it quite bluntly, and he simply said, his son never participated in a single battle with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because he suffered from cowardice in hedger. He quotes another great scholar of the past, and he says, His son is prized in three ways for his poetry. He was the poet of the unsolved before Islam. Then he became the poet of Yemen. Then he became the poet of the Prophet,

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the Shah Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he became the official poet of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yet he was a coward. This is this Frank assessment, yet he was a coward. And what does it mean he was a coward. It means

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He could not face physical battle, he could not, he did not have it in him to even hold a sword and pointed at somebody. And you'd also handle that people are different. And we notice, and even in today's society, you know, it's well known Different people have different personalities and different personalities have different characteristics. And by the way, research has been done. And I remember reading an article, so I actually googled it to look it up, there was an article that came out in 2014. And the BBC and the Guardian wrote about this, and it's an article published in the journal called neuro image. And it actually verified and I'm not joking, this is a scientific

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article. And you know, you guys know better than I do in this regard, it actually verified that artists typically have different structurally different brains than people that are not into the arts, okay, they have a different way of basically, you know, whatever, analyzing data, or whatever it is, and I say this not as a psychological defense of his and he doesn't need my defense, a lot of soldiers were given him, but so that we understand that, you know, even today, when you think of an artist, you don't think of a bodybuilder physique. Think about it, right? When I say this guy's a poet, when I say this person is a painter, right? You're not thinking of somebody who's going to the

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gym and has got these, even though you might find the exception here and there. Generally speaking, those that are into the arts, they have a certain personality, very soft spoken very this and that just that's the way they are. That's Allah created them that way, generally speaking, those that are at the forefront of physical and battled and what not, by and large, they're not into the arts. And obviously, there are many exceptions. And I apologize for these crew generalized stereotypes these days, you can barely make any stereotype before one group is offended at the others. But in the end of the day, some stereotypes do have an element of truth. And the fact of the matter is that Allah

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blesses artists with certain talents. And that means it comes at a cost. And his son was a super genius when it came to poetry, but he simply was not. And this was, of course, you have to realize in our era is bad enough, in that era, for a man to not be able to engage in physical battle, imagine how much of a stress that would have been and how much of a, a point of embarrassment that would have been, as well. And that's really, you know, one of the main things about his son that, that we can say it's a stigma, it's a psychological issue, it's a phobia, whatever you want to call it, these are an internal issue, he wasn't cut out for battle, and Subhanallah, all of the research

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that I've done about his son, I never found a single Sahabi, making fun of him for that, despite the fact that the other people that the time would have found this to be mocking, they would have found this to be worthy of contempt. But they understood his son does not have this capability. And this, one of the issues we can benefit from his son is that Subhanallah people are created differently. And if somebody has a weakness that I don't have, if somebody has a trauma, or a weakness, or a mental issue, or whatever you want to call it that I don't have doesn't give me the right stuff or the law to make fun of them. Not at all. So his son had something that at the time, even in our

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times, it would be awkward. But at that time, when every man is in the army, you don't stay back, unless you're blind, there were the one who say back as in October is put in charge. If anybody is physically fit, they're going to be in the battle, but has said they all and that's why he did not participate in a single battle, not a single from bother to the conquest of Makkah, he did not fight a single fight in his whole life. That wasn't in his nature. And the Sahaba understood this, about him. And they never reprimanded him for that weakness. And of course, the most famous incident that is mentioned about Heston in this regard

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is the incident of the hunt, duck, the Battle of the trench, remember that the Sahaba were in the forefront. And they were protecting the city of Medina. And all of the women and children were gathered together in a mini fortress that was called alpha there, they would name their fortresses and houses, you know, still in some cultures, you name the house that would name their houses back then. And that far there was a relatively large house or call it a massive Villa or a complex that was on top of a mountain. So it gave it some natural protection. And there was a small wall as well. So a mini tribe, a sub tribe had developed their, their their land, and they had built a house up

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there. So in the time of the hunt, duck, all the women and children were rounded up, and they were said go and be an alpha there. And they asked should they have any armed guards, and they were told we cannot afford to spare anybody. We can't afford even one man to be protecting you. And the only

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men that were with the women and children were those that were blind to him. And one or two of the very elderly who could not walk like 89 year old type, and has been

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the only man who was physically semi fit. I mean, not that he was young, but he wasn't old, he was walking and he could, you know, I mean, in those days, if you could physically lift a sword and fight, you would fight, you would only not do that when you reach the level of infirmity, Hassan was not that age, the only man in the entire complex, who was physically somewhat fit, but not in the battlefront was a standard in tablets. And the story is well known that

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the the who the tribe they wanted to basically the the first step of other the first treachery was to see if they could kill the woman and children. So they sent a small guard of two people to check whether the fortress is guarded or not in the middle of the night, and they were all you know, sleeping, and Sophia heard people climbing up Sophia, the aunt, she heard the Prophet she heard people climbing up, and she woke up his son in the middle of the night, and said his son, and she gave him the sword, said, he said, Go protect us. Go defend. And has Stan said, If I could do that, I wouldn't be here.

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If I could do that, I wouldn't be here. Where would I be then?

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And 100, right. If I was able to do this, I wouldn't be stuck here. I can't. And so pedal I mean, again, and Allah forgive us if it is not his fault, but some even in life. And even when it's a matter of crises, he just didn't have it in him. He passed, he could not do it. He could not even defend the women and children at that time. So Sofia, herself, a lady, and elderly at that she must have been older than her son, she is the aunt of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam right, she must have been more elder than in the house. And she takes the dagger as is well known, puts it in her mouth, right? And she then jumps over the wall and hides behind a boulder rock crevice and seeing what's

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happening. And the first of the two, there's only two that were there. She didn't know that when she jumped over, she didn't even know. And the first of the two jumps and she realized is life and death. I mean, she is the most capable and the bravest. Definitely, she is the bravest woman, the bravest person at that point in time of the entire complex she has to do it is on her father's line. So Michelle Obama cola single handedly, she gets rid of this man, and slices off, you know his head to throw it at him. He didn't know how many people are down there, whatever, there's more than one she needed to terrify them. So she cuts off and throws it down to terrify the people. And she heard

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one man scrambling away. And basically and then therefore they they

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did not attack they thought that would be protected. They didn't know it was a woman that didn't know is one person protecting they thought there must be a guard an armed guard over there. So they fled away. So Sophia has done the deed. She kind climbs back in. And she says to her son, I've been sabotage that. Okay, I've killed the guy. Now, can you go and take his armor and weapons because I'm a lady.

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In order to take the armor and weapons, what must you do? Take off his clothes, strip him because those days, armor is expensive. It's a war going on. There's a sword he has. He's got inner armor, outer armor. He's got things there. And Sophia saying I'm a lady, I can't go touch him like that. Okay. And his son said, they're hydrated. If you have no need for that armor, I don't need to go, I have no need for that armor and keep it there. So, again, it shows you right this is who has signed up this habit is and again, this is his whole life, he could not do anything of this nature. And Subhanallah if that any issue was a psychological one, there's one other issue that happened that

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really and truly

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was a slip on his part, and Allah shall forgive him. It was a major slip on his part. And it's a very, very awkward slip. And again, it is typically best to overlook this. But in today's lecture, the goal is not to stop for the law to put anybody down or denigrate any of the Sahaba. The goal is to demonstrate Firstly, the humanity of this habit and secondly, guess what? You can commit to a major sin and you can overcome it and be a good person. There's hope and the rest for the rest of us here. Even the Sahaba were not perfect, and some of them really messed up. This particular mistake of Hassan is definitely one that is very awkward. But Allah forgave him for it and he did what he

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did, and life went on for him. And that incident of course all of you should be aware of it vaguely is the incident of the slander of Asia.

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The incident of the slander of

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issue. Of course the slander was not started by him. It was started by Abdullah had been nobody even saloon. Okay, he was the one who started this evil and filed slander.

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But amongst the Sahaba, three, and only three people kept on telling tales about this. They kept on going and spreading this. Have you heard the rumors? Have you heard what people are saying? and going and going and going and going? Just three. Otherwise, nothing was done except by them when I 15. And when I feel pain, they're doing what they're doing. Amongst the Sahaba only three people slipped up

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of them was misled the distant relative of a worker whom a worker will give money to and we don't know the motives of Mr. Why he did this we have no idea his even his coo we don't know anything about other than just one or two phrases. of them is hemin Ubuntu Josh, the sister of Zane Ubuntu Josh.

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And hamona did it out of a false sense of love for her sister. She did it because I Chateau de la Juana and Xena were the two main competitors. They were the to whom everybody knew that they had the heart of the process more than anybody else. And of course I share more than Xena. But after I show was a no. So hamana on her own and show herself says that Allah protected Xena from saying anything. And this shows you sometimes love causes you to hurt people out of a false sense of love. Zainab herself did not do anything. She was too noble and pious to do that. She didn't take advantage of the situation. Her sister hemin at vintage ashes and

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her sister began going and spreading. How many have been to judge because she thought, this is the time I can up my sister. This is the time she'll win over Asia. And the third person was Hassan, a bin sabot has sent a bin sabot. And

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as, of course, a lot of xojo then revealed Seurat which sort of guys everybody should know. So that I know. So the node to node and in it is the borough of Arusha. And in it as well, Allah subhana wa tada mentions those who speak and accuse chaste women federally do home femenina gelatin lash them at times.

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So these three Sahaba were called forth, and they were punished, including his son.

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And some headlights. awkward, but think about it. Somebody as noble as his son

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is literally lashed in public, for the sin of calumny the sin of speaking out against Ayesha when he should not have done so. Now the story does not stop there. The man who was in all of this the accusations, does anybody remember his name? should I? every few weeks, I'm giving salaams to the note taker and they say a lot of people have said they take better notes than the note taker but to shophouse but you have it somewhere in your notes. So somewhere in your notes, can you Google it Who is the name of the man who is accused in the slander?

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have one even mildly soft one even walked okay. So when the slender one when the origin had not yet come down, and his son was going house to house or speaking, soft one gave us some? I am going to beat this guy up.

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Someone was so angry at his son. And perhaps As for how many she's a lady and perhaps as for Mr. He's from the unsought sorry, he's on the the,

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the Mahajan so soft one basically felt Okay, I can get my revenge from not revenge. It's not a good word, but he has every right to be angry. So one has every right to be angry. And in his anger, he said I am going to beat up his son. So when Allah revealed the Borah,

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soft one took his sword and waited in one of the alleyways where where his son would pass by. And when he saw his son, he jumped on him. And he smacked him with the sword smacking that wasn't meant to kill, but it wasn't meant to just graze either. It was meant to hurt. It was meant to and in fact, they say there was a gush from his head blood coming up, but it wasn't meant to kill. And those days they know what's going to kill what not they know their way of doing it. They know

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He wanted to cause damage without causing permanent damage. Let's put it this way. Okay, he wanted to really get vengeance without exceeding the red line of actual permanent damage. And of course, a commotion emerges because this is now you know, you don't do this, you just don't do this. And so far he's doing this to to his son, and another Sahabi was passing by Sabbath and place him and Seamus, and he sees his son bleeding and he sees the sword. And he jumps on soft Juan overpowers him and ties him up like a prisoner. And they're all now they're all. So Sabbath is has Raj and his son, his husband, okay. And from my brief research, I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like so fun is not

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cousin, Reggie. So it looks like there was a little bit of that tension as well. So Sabbath then drags, so far they've been Walton, he's a prisoner. He's tied him up, he drags him and he takes him to the main house of the Hudson lodge where their disputes would take place in the days of Jamelia so that he takes him there as a prisoner like he almost killed one of our own, he needs to be dealt with now. And as he's going there, one of the senior members of the Raj Abdullah ibn RA, who is going to become a Shaheed, in the Battle of Mota, that even Raja Abdullah under law sees that someone is being dragged like a prisoner by another Muslim to Muslims, God, what are you doing? Have

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you lost your mind? And Sabbath says, Don't you know, he has almost killed his son, I think my son is gonna die. After what he has done and stuff, one has to pay the price. Okay. So he says, Have you informed the Profit System? Do you? Is this something you're doing? And

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software as a tablet says, No, this is our stuff. No. He said, Woe to you. You have crossed the boundaries. This is not you don't take the law into your own hand. Woe to you. This is not appropriate. Go and inform the process of free software on right now and go and tell the process and what he did. In other words, the rebuke is Who are you to take the law into your own hand? How could you do this to another Muslim? And then judge, jury, executioner is not your responsibility. Go to the Prophet system, tell him what happened. So they go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and SFX one called sorry, the process of calls SFX. One and has said now after he's the bandaged up

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and everything, they call the both of them. And he says to soften, why did you do this? And realize this is literally just a few days after the whole incident of the slander has occurred. This is still fresh in the minds of everybody, especially the Prophet saucer.

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And he asks of why and why did you do this? And someone says Yasuda law, he heard to me, he slandered me. So I got angry. And I did this. And he's awfully like, this is my, my excuse, right? And and by the way, the story is a little bit more complicated, because his son had released some poems, in which soft one was indirectly smeared, not because of the slander, but for another issue as well. So there's already some tension between them. So he's bringing up this issue that he's done this, he's done this, and now he did this. I can't just let this go in this manner. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam turned to his son, and he said, I sin. Yeah, has an element aside, like, oh, has

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sun be the better of the two for the one who has hurt you? And this is really amazing here because essentially, what the profitsystem is ruling is that he's ruling in favor of his son.

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But he's making shefa on behalf of so far,

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despite the fact that his son has irritated not just so fun, but also the profits are

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still the Profit System is absolutely fair. Why? Because it was hasanz. Right? For retribution. He could have said, hit him like he hit me. This is the sauce. Right? This is the An eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. The Shetty I would have allowed his son to say that I am going to have somebody hit him with the sword like he had me with the sword. And the profitsystem essentially ruled, but then he said, Oh, his son, practice eraser.

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Dude be the better of the two meaning. And here's so here's and of course, Islamic law is very different than Western law. One of the things about Islamic law and Western law is American law in particular, and especially in the last 20 years or so, as you all should know, federal judges have very little leeway in any type of room for

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trying to find some laxity in particular cases if there's a genuine humanitarian issue, judges are their hands are tied. The law has now been taken out of their hands and the punishment will be

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As per the law, they don't want judges to look at any exceptional scenario. In our study, generally speaking, the whole lot, the judges, they have a lot of leeway. And they will take humanitarian issues into account, they will take specific excuses that are not found in the detailed textbooks. And because of that might be using a mitigating factor. And this is essentially what the process is doing here is that look, the hat is yours, oh, Hassan. But come on, let's realize you also messed up here. Okay, you really went a little bit beyond by your slander and whatnot, and he went too much as well. But I want you to be better of the two and forgive him. And of course, if has done work to

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forgive, then in an Islamic land has said we get some perks and benefits as he's going to get right now. Okay, not just allows forgiveness, but there would be some incentive as well for him to forgive and he's going to get those incentives now. So Hassan says, He alaka It's for you for your sake, I'll forgive him. You want me to forgive him, I'll forgive him, no problem, I shall forgive him. And so it's because his son forgave so far they've been more often, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave him two very, very

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expensive if you like, gifts, the first of them is a plot of land, that he gave him that well known plots of land in the series mention a number of times. And also just at that point in time, more out this, the patriarch of Egypt had gifted the Prophet system with many gifts, and of them he had gifted him with the Madea and CD. So he gave CD to his son, even sabot and CD and then became a wife to his son, and his son in CD and had a son by the name of Abdul Rahman, and his son will forever boast that my son is the cousin of the son of the Prophet have a lot of it he was sending, because

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Ibrahim, right Maria Ibrahim, so my son is the cousin of the son of the Prophet salallahu Allah He was sending him. So this is the story of the slander, the issue of the the, the slander that has said did fall into by spreading, he did not originate now, Allah says in the Quran is sort of a new, one lady to one, Kibera whom in whom la vida,

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the one who took charge of this slander, shall have a major punishment.

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Scholars have differed, who is this person?

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The vast majority and inshallah it is the correct opinion without a shadow of a doubt, is that one lady to one lakh Kibera, who refers to whom,

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Abdullah nobody,

00:32:41 --> 00:32:49

however, in some classical of spheres, and some of the Sahaba, they felt that it is has said,

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and this is just not correct, because I know, we'll get to this point, it is very clear that he was forgiven. And the very fact that had was established against him. So you see, in the shed era, when head is established, the sin is gone.

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Abdullah, nobody was never punished in this world. He was not given the head, even though even though he was the one who started it, he was not given the head because if you are given the head punishment, you are forgiven.

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And this person does not deserve to be forgiven, I'm delimited by me, so his punishment will be in the hero has nothing to do with this with this world. So I just want you to know that there is a position in some of the early books that has sent his ability to Allah kibra, and you find it in Tibet in others, but this is incorrect isn't a position that was held, but it's really just not the correct position, and the person that is referred to as I will live nearby. So this is the main stories that we have about Hassan that are not related to poetry. As for his poetry, then Subhana Allah had this well, how does one can, there is simply no limit to it.

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And by the way, this is one of the compilations of his son's poetry. Just gently take a look at how big this book is. This is the one has done its habit. And it is basically a compilation of his poetry without shadow without commentary, just some footnotes, but otherwise, it is just, you know, point after point after point has signed up in sabbat. Of course, he didn't write the book as a compilation, you understand the Sahaba did not write books, but they memorize and they said it and then later on has been recorded and narrated. And as for his poetry, then you cannot read a book of siara except that every few pages are sanded with fabric as mentioned in his hack mentioned dozens

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of poetry in fact, even his Sham The one who compiled it in his house in his demo, he even says you know I had to delete some of the poetry of Havana was just too much like unfortunately for us but I mean the book was much bigger if you remember back in our second or third car, I mentioned even is happened even a sham in his house because the original died one fifth

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hedgerow, even his Sham comes and summarizes in his house. And what we have today is even his Sham of abundance Hawk not the original abundance hub. We don't have the original abundance house. We have been his Sham summary of him in his house, even his Sham summarize, what did you summarize? One of the main things he summarized was the poetry. And because he did this, then much of his sans poetry was cut off, and even his Shams resection of Avengers Hulk, but it is found in other books as well. It's not the only book we find it in other books, as well. And this book is a compilation of some of them. And there are other authors that have compiled, as well now

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has sans poetry. As I said, even his house is full of it. And it begins at the conversion of Hassan and has been converted before the digital, he converted before the digital and that is why the first poet poem that he has, is at the death of multi Eben ad, the death of multiple ad, who is the one who protected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is the first poem that his son has within Islam. And this shows you how early he, how early he embraced Islam. And we also have many incidents that we learned from the theater about the poetry of has some of them perhaps the most famous one is that during the Battle of the Hon duck, the Quraysh wrote a satire. So the Arabs have

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a specific genre of poetry called hijab, hijab, and he job is essentially sarcasm, poetry. Okay, his job is putting the other guy down, making fun of that guy, how are the kobina? How, by mentioning, by mentioning things that happened to them in the past, defeats

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anything that's to be made fun of any scandal, right? So they would, and also they would write it in a certain type of meter, a certain type of wasn't, it's called, you all understand meters and cadence and all that. So, the hijab is known for that type, like when you hear every poetry you will know that this is all that type of hygiene is a very specific type of genre. So during and of course, the,

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the the art of poetry is, of course, the main propaganda and news and just overall history is through poetry for the Arabs. So whoever mastered poetry mastered the civilization of the Arabs. So, in the Battle of the hunter, the Quraysh, sent a poem over making fun of the Muslims. And it was a very harsh poem. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was sitting amongst the Sahaba. And he said, who will defend the honor of the believers? Who's going to respond to this point? cab even medic, who was the second most famous poet of Medina, and I've mentioned him a number of times, Gabby, the medic stood up and said, Anna Rasulullah, Abdullah, even Rawat has stood up and said, Anika

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rasulillah. And has Salim Fabrice at another school, all three of them stood up and they're all three poets. So the profitsystem chose his son, and he said, Oh, you You're his son, right, your Eja. Here is the satire poetry. Oh, Julia has son. We're rowhill Oh, Lucy, Mark. And Judy will help you.

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Royal kudos will be with you. And another version of the Hadith. He said, write your poetry against them, and continue to do so for God is coming down to help you. And it also appears that has sent us this statement of the process of them, because later on, people would say things about him especially because of the slander incident. And it seems as if he had to defend his honor later on in his life. Remember, he lived for more than 60 years after Islam. It is mentioned in Sahaja. This Hadith is a body that has said was sitting in a gathering and amongst those people was Abu hurayrah. So I sat and looked at Abu hurayrah rhodiola one and he said I asked you by Allah Yeah, about

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Herrera. Did you not hear the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, respond on my behalf. And may the Royal kudos help you? And Abu huraira said yes, I did hear this. So why is his son in a public gathering? Asking Abu hurayrah did the profitsystem say this? The responses it appears that he had to somewhat defend himself there was these again, this is what happens May Allah protect all of us but when there is a calamity or a personal issue that happens it becomes like a mark May Allah protect all of us. This is the reality. And on another occasion later on, another poem was sent because this was the way that they would do it, they would send poetry back and forth. So another

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poetry was sent from the harsh and it reached the Muslim ear. And the Prophet says and this time he called his son

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So he already knows his son is now the official person, he calls his son. And he commands him respond to this poetry respond to this poem. And he then says to his son, but be careful, because when you criticize the Cornish mind minus A goes back to them as well.

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So be careful, because when you're going to make fun of the hora ish Well, I'm also the quraishi. So Hassan says jasola law, I shall gently extract you from that, like a hair is extracted from dough, you just gently you cannot because if you pull the hair quickly, it'll remain in the dough is gonna crack, it's gonna break. So I'm going to gently extract you like the hair is pulled out from the dough, and I shall cut them with this tongue of mine. I shall lacerate them with this tongue of mine. And in fact, it had been even pulled his tongue out. And he should have pointed that this tongue It is also said by the way, he had a long tongue that his tongue could even reach his nose.

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Because it was literally not just a metaphorically long tongue. Yes, you can try it now. Yes. Okay. has already metaphorical In other words, but is that is that a genetic thing? Sometimes people can touch their noses like that. It's a genetic thing. Okay, so Hassan was one of those his tongue could touch his nose. And he actually took his tongue out. And he said, I'm going to do it, I'm going to just, you know, just literally demolish them with this tongue of mine. So Mashallah, he has the confidence that he needs as well to get rid of the poetry of the of the Quran. And so his son says, bresciano surah LA. I don't know much What can I say? I don't know their history. So the prophets

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are some said, Go to Abu Bakar. In one version, he said, Oh, Mia abubaker and go with Hassan for Abu Bakar is the most knowledgeable of the Arabs regarding nessa regarding lineage. Now, here's the point such beautiful this is why we can say teamwork. Okay, this is an early example of prophetic guidance and teamwork. I will Barker's expertise is history and lineage. And what happened in the days of Jehovah he is the historian has sans expertise, his poetry, the two of you cooperate together, do your project and will respond to them. So has sent in came back and versified his poetry and the profits of the law while he was setting them said Shia feta was feta that you have

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done well, and you have comforted me right to show Fado, what you have done well, you have bring me comfort by this poem. And he said to his son,

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that write your satire against them for it hurts them more than arrows raining on them. Your poetry hurts them more than arrows falling on to them. And this is what we know about his son, David Sabbath in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When the prophet SAW he said, I'm died, he wrote one of the saddest poems that has ever been written in the history of Islam, about the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, I will just when the time comes, I will actually Why not? Why don't we do it right now. So there are some poems that unfortunately, they're not in English. And the words are so difficult that even I struggle and I cannot translate simply reading

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the point, you know, poetry as it is. And I keep on telling when I teach anything. I tell us when we teach these types of things, we in the English speaking world, if we try to read Shakespeare, what percentage we actually understand. And Shakespeare is only 500 years old, right? has signed him in Sabbath is the king of the poets of Jamelia and Islam. And someone like me, don't even speak Arabic as a mother language. I'm learning it as a second language. Even the Arabs, I guarantee will not understand more than I would say 4050 60% max. Okay, this is Arabic That is so eloquent, that even the Arabs would struggle. So when I read this, I can get the gist of it. But I cannot get every

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single word. I cannot get every single word I'll need a dictionary to look up because this is very deep Arabic, but we get a sense now has sans poetry is known for its usage of rare words, its cadence its meter that that he would use the the metaphors and the similes in it. Basically, every single element of good poetry is displayed in his son's poetry. Every element that makes a good poet good people have analyzed his poems because his poems are considered to be the best poems. And of course, he is the poet of the Sahaba. So in terms of Islamic content, there is nothing in our Shetty that would be better in terms of poetry than the poems of his son. Sure.

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Some poets later on have amazing poems, Mama shaffir, his poems are some of the best. And by the way, his Arabic is something even I understand him I was shocked. He didn't write in very advanced Arabic He wrote beautiful to the point. But in terms of an Of course, you have other point points as well of course across Islamic history that have done amazing jobs, but none of them is so hot is so heavy like Hassan is, so has sends poetry occupies a whole different level altogether. And I just want to give you an example of one of them. Again, I'm sorry, but without translation, I'll just explain to you what it means. But this is the poem that has sound wrote, in the aftermath of the

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death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it caused the Sahaba to cry. And honestly, if you read the the meanings of this, and if the Arabs listen to it will love you cannot help but but cry, it is such a powerful poem. And I'm not going to translate word for we don't have time, and I'm not qualified. But what it does, if you listen carefully, he's talking about walking in the machine to the process of seeing the member seeing them, seeing everything is bringing back the memories and so very sad for him to be honest, and just even thinking about his reading. It's so sad. Any of the members here that Rob is there, the whole geodata right there, you know, and yet I'm standing in

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front of the cover, and he just the the the imagery in the poem of Hassan, it's so powerful, and he's just talking about how lonely and how much he's missing the prophets, I send them it's a very, very sad poem that was composed at the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So let me just put this on a little bit and again, all the

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in the hands

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come on top of it.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:10

To allow the

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mother in

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profitsystem is hidden in the dust in the sand, I am remaining here crying. That's what he's saying. I'm remaining here crying, my eyes are coming down.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:04

Again, is just very beautiful. But again, what can we do?

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I'm remembering Allah Rasool the blessings of the Prophet on us soon, like for the other week with Allah receive the blessings that the processing gave us all. I'm remembering all of the Allah of Dora soon, and I see all of His signs around me. So again, it goes on and on. This is the sap of Hassan they've been Sabbath Upon the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is one point. What do you do this? Here we go.

00:48:45 --> 00:49:16

This is the the same poem is recited by the famous audit more Hasani, you know, more Hasani famous audit, he recited the same poem, and it's in a much sadder voice I just want to give you and again, as you all should know, poems can be recited in different ways, right. So one style is the one we just heard. And then another style is a very sad voice and long gated, and will hasten he is the expert of sad voices. If you know more Harrison, he knows how to do that. So this is what I'm doing the same, the same.

00:49:54 --> 00:49:59

I can't even count all of these blessings. So all of this open. This is the same point but he did it in a different way.

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voice. So this is one of his

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poems that he wrote. And another poem that is very, very interesting is a poem that he wrote praising the virtue of a shot of the Allahu taala. And

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it was his way of

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compensating and it is one of the most powerful forms of his son short, it's sweet, and it's very powerful. Right? And this is the poem over here and it is basically the the defense of Russia obviously after

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it all happened so he's kind of sort of making like it did on Friday and this is recorded it had been his house and many books of Sierra as well. Oh

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sorry, not this one. This one sorry this one that's the one he gives us.

00:51:00 --> 00:51:02

Hold on let me go back to the beginning Hassan

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Hassan on Roseanne on these are ISIS characteristics, how songs she is chased out as unknown. She has no evil at all. So she's describing her with all of these

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math is in nobody but and not a single doubt touches her. And again, this is his way of apologizing his way of trying to make up

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to spirit a lot of them and to Milhaud, it can you translate that?

00:51:52 --> 00:52:10

What to speak a lot higher Allah Allah Pato spiritual goddess Mingzhu middle Dawa Fili Don't worry, I had to look this up. It's not as if I knew this myself. Okay. Well to spiritual hardest. Humans are wofully. So lakmal alaafin? Is what? What would that be? Okay.

00:52:11 --> 00:52:12

So it's as if

00:52:13 --> 00:52:48

there is meat that is distasteful that is being eaten. And she is a lot of fat, she will starve herself rather than eat the meat of others that is distasteful to eat, ie, she will starve herself rather than cause harm by liba, or no member to other people. And he's kind of sort of referencing himself like I made him as you can tell his guilt in this, you can tell. Right? So he's praising it in a very powerful way. And he's obviously trying to apologize in his own way to it. Now this point, by the way, is also sung by

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mishary Rashid. So you can find this online I

00:52:57 --> 00:53:36

Where's that? Okay, you can find it. It's actually a it's not over here. But it's sung by Michelle Rashid, as well as you can listen to that one as well. Now, it's also very clear let me get back to my topic, and then we'll do one more. It's also very clear that I showed you a lot of wind have eventually ended up forgiving his son in Sabbath and this is what we expect from her. Well, light is exactly what we expected. It would be surprising if the other happen. How do we know this? Firstly, believe it or not some of the main a hadith about the blessings of Hassan are narrated by Aisha it's truly amazing. In Sahih al Bukhari in Sahih al Bukhari we have the hadith of Arusha, that she says,

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would place a stool for his son upon which he would stand in the masjid, defending the prophets of Salaam in his poetry, and the prophets have said to his son, Allah will help his son with the Holy Spirit as long as he defends the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so this hadith is narrated by Ayesha, why do you think she's narrating it? She wants people to know I have nothing against him. She didn't have to narrate this. It could have been quiet. But she goes out of her way and it is preserved in our books, as narrated from Asia and once has sent a towards the end of his life. He became blind. I mean, he's 120 years old. Towards the end of his

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life, he became blind and he visited Arusha in her house. And Arusha commanded that a seat to be given a cushion be given for him to sit on new spread that his son visited Arusha, and I shall honored him. I will buckers brother whose name is guys.

00:54:37 --> 00:54:39

Sorry, his brother. I should his brother,

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not aboubaker is his brother,

00:54:43 --> 00:54:49

Abdul Rahman, Abdul Rahman, even Abu Bakar. He comes to his sister Isaiah.

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Is this true? He came to your house and you honored him. You gave him the cushion to sit on after all that he has done.

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You did this to him. And our issue said SubhanAllah. Look, brother, sister,

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and he's angry than she is angry than she is. And our issue says, Can you DAF, Iran, indivisible, love it who said he would defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the profitsystem was pleased with his poetry against the enemies of Allah. Plus, he said, he has gone blind, I mean, have some mercy on him. And I pray that Allah does not punish him in the

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span of this is our issue. This is what we expected. After all that has sounded

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kinda you fear wanting to be for the sake of the Profit System? How can I have a personal issue, he would defend the Profit System and his poetry please the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and arowana railroad was obviously the nephew of Isaiah wrote, one narrates that I once cursed his son in curse means I said bad things about first doesn't mean I want to curse his son. And my aunt has said, Yeah, Bonnie, oh, my nephew. I asked you by a law that you don't do this stop this, for her son would defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his honor. And it is narrated that a group of women were visiting Arusha, and one of them spoke ill of his son. And she said, Do not speak ill

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of him, especially as he has been afflicted with what he has been afflicted with meaning with blindness. I have some mercy on the guy who's gone. He's gone blind. The lady tried to defend and say, didn't Allah say about him? What led you to well, Kubota home in home, according to the eye in the Koran, and I should have said that in Nila Otto German Allah, I have hope that Allah azza wa jal will forgive him because of one line of poetry that he said to Abu sufian when nobody could respond to it with Sophia and he responded to Abu sufian. And it's a line of poetry.

00:57:02 --> 00:57:43

That it's actually this one over here. Which one is this this one, this is this is the one. This is the this is the poem that has sound wrote. So Abu sufian commissioned the poem to be written and he recited it against Islam. And Abu Sophia is the leader of the orange as you know, and it reached the Muslims. And it was a very good point, Abu sufian had the talent to hire the best, the best people to do it. And the prophets or some commissioned has sand to respond. And hasanz response is this palmitic and I'm just going to give you two three you know, segments of it, and in it is a very powerful versus a very good verse and that is a Jew who Allah Stella who the coffin, for sure rU

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kumala Hi, Rico, Murphy da boo, do you dare try to mock the prophet SAW SLM and you're not even on the same footing as him? Like your words mean nothing? Who are you to even speak about the Prophet system? Verily, the worst of the two will be given in ransom for the better of the two, like you're just a prisoner or just somebody. So again, it's powerful metaphor that the Arabs are familiar with very beautiful language and whatnot. And so I said just for this one couplets, I hope that inshallah Allah will forgive him. Okay, now she's referencing this point over here, which is again in Debian is how

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to be he

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is criticizing the kurush that one Allah sent somebody with the truth, then, and he said, believe in me and follow me. You said we're not gonna follow we're not going to believe him. Nana kumada, we're not gonna follow.

00:59:06 --> 00:59:28

So you guys, the forest weren't able to do anything. Allah sent an army. They're called the unsolved and the unsought are the ones that every day we're doing something to defend. So this would hurt the flourish because what they prided themselves on was an idea and the process was one of their own and he's saying you guys abandon your own person and Allah sent an army better than you and that is the army of

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00:59:43 --> 00:59:43

Did you hear

00:59:44 --> 00:59:48

about Sofia nanny who's gonna inform about Sophia and from

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00:59:55 --> 00:59:55

look at

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our our swords have left you asleep.

01:00:18 --> 01:00:31

Hi Jota Mohammed and worship to learn who you are Abu sufian Dare to criticize the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I defended in his behalf were in the life without leakages. Oh and Allah shall reward me for that.

01:00:41 --> 01:00:59

To The Hobbit coffin, coffin, do you dare criticize them and you're not even at the same level you're not even. You're not even like what's the word? Like you're not even not even equally not even like worthy to respond Who are you to say anything for shout Rue Kuma, Kuma Alfredo.

01:01:12 --> 01:01:13


01:01:21 --> 01:01:23

Honey, I mean

01:01:27 --> 01:01:37

Jota you have dared to criticize somebody who is Mubarak, somebody who has Hanif somebody who's this and that somebody who is the sign of Allah subhana wa Tada, this is the one that

01:01:40 --> 01:01:43

will ever dare satire promises, I am

01:01:46 --> 01:01:47


01:01:49 --> 01:01:58

for in the ob wauwatosa, who were elderly, my father, and his father, and my honor and everything that I have,

01:01:59 --> 01:02:00


01:02:22 --> 01:02:23


01:02:25 --> 01:02:25

a coma.

01:02:32 --> 01:02:33

The one that you're criticizing

01:02:36 --> 01:02:39

is characteristic is to respond to fulfill the

01:02:40 --> 01:02:41


01:02:44 --> 01:02:46

I am definitely who I am.

01:02:56 --> 01:03:00

My father, his father, and all of my honor and everything.

01:03:03 --> 01:03:31

We've all the middle income we call it is to be defended in the honor of the prophets are some against you, my everything will be used as a shield against you when you attack the Prophet. So this is Hassan. Right? And he said for this poem, I pray that Allah will forgive him. This is that point. And so I wanted to give you at least that of course it goes on beyond this as well as of how to love really the the, the

01:03:32 --> 01:03:42

the generosity of Arusha, and all of this so handling multiple times. And this is what we expect. She's defending the honor of her Muslim brother against her blood brother.

01:03:44 --> 01:04:26

In the absence of her son has that wasn't there. And despite all that her son had done, she looked the other way, she forgave because he did say he's sorry, he wrote that poem and all that. And she forgave also in light of the good that he had done. The poetry had written the defense of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And she also felt sympathy, look, he's blind, she says multiple times he's gone blind, have some sympathy for him. And she makes a dua to Allah that Allah forgives him in the next life as well. And this was the attitude of the senior Sahaba as well. And that is mentioned in number of books. Some of incidents are mentioned, once somebody cursed has sent in

01:04:26 --> 01:04:59

front of a bus, even a bus or the loved one. And even a bus replied, he is not alone. He is not somebody who is cursed For verily he did Jihad with his tongue on behalf of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And an interesting anecdote also is found that once his son was in the midst of the the process of in the reign of Bob, and over, entered the masjid, and there was a halo around his son and he was giving the poetry and you know, modern is strict. And so Omar said, Do you dare recite poetry in the masjid of the prophets of Allah

01:05:00 --> 01:05:06

While he was seldom and so Hassan said, I recited it, and there was somebody better than you sitting here.

01:05:08 --> 01:05:45

And when I heard this, he had no response, because it was absolutely true. I recited it and there was somebody better than you sitting here. Right? So who are you to stop me the promises from himself as our issue said, and think about this guys, I crossed over this point quickly. The profitsystem would put a stool and he would stand because that's the way they would do it. In those days, when you wanted to recite poetry, you know, there was like, we have the other platform, you know, we have in our lectern, we have something that they would stand high up, and they will do it. So essentially, the Profit System is doing the way that it would have been done in the public fairs

01:05:45 --> 01:06:17

and whatnot. And this is of course, a very, very significant point because it shows the masjid is a place of this isn't just halal entertainment per se. It's actually also something that is Islamic and that is defending Islam, but it is taking place in the masjid and the style and the setup is being done the way that they are used to which is standing on a stool, etc, etc. and has served on the law when he passed away, as I said, most likely around 50 hedger, some say 45. So he lived basically around

01:06:18 --> 01:06:30

100 110, substandard 20 years, but that's a bit exaggerated. Maxie would have been in 100 110. Still, that's not a joke. 110 years he lived. Now to conclude just very quickly, some main benefits from her sad story.

01:06:33 --> 01:06:45

The first benefit I've said this many times amongst each of the Sahaba is that Hassan rhodiola. One was not known as a narrator of Hadith, I looked up his a hadith and frankly, most of them are not by him, they're about him.

01:06:46 --> 01:07:28

Most of them are not by him, they're about him. That will hold it I said, I said that the process said about Hassan is not really by him. And so he really doesn't have a deed per se doesn't have anything that is of significance that other Sahaba really have that he's not an area of heady, he's not a warrior, for sure. He's not a benefactor, a donor. But his role that he played, nobody else could play it. And this means we all have a role to play. Do not trivialize your role, no matter what it is, you have something to give to the oma. And whatever you are good at, you can do something that nobody else can do. And that's Hassan. metabo is the perfect example. Also one thing

01:07:28 --> 01:07:44

that I very much see myself in and I aspire and Hassan becomes, for me a source of hope. And that is, no matter what your mistakes are. Don't allow your mistakes to prevent you from doing good.

01:07:45 --> 01:07:56

If my son had gone through depression, after all that had happened, and he had just closed the door, and said, Hello. So I've made a big mistake, I can't do anything. So panela what would have happened.

01:07:57 --> 01:08:16

But despite all that his son had done and look at what he had done. When the time came. And he needed to write poetry. He stood up, and he composed like nobody else could compose, he did not allow his past mistakes, to prevent him from doing future good.

01:08:17 --> 01:09:03

And for me, this is why I love the story of his son the most, like so beautiful, the story, that how many of us not just how many every one of us, we have issues, we have mistakes, we have whatever. And if we want to, we can allow those mistakes to prevent us from doing anything. If his son had gone that route, all or much of the Islamic poetry that we now have would not be there. But he didn't allow his past mistake to define his future. And Subhanallah he did have to you can tell when you read his biography, there was awkwardness I mean, look, abubaker is a new book that is coming out what is coming, that sentiment is there. There were many people who kind of sort of never forgot

01:09:03 --> 01:09:40

what has sent her done, even though I should have forgot. But a lot of people they just felt it. So can you imagine has sent awkwardness wherever he goes, in all likelihood, there would have been tension. I mean, he didn't just do a trivial thing. You know, it's a very big thing. The the the effect is not something that is trivial, some analog, but still, he didn't let it define him. And he went on and he spent the rest of his life doing the good that he did. So much so that even he says I am optimistic Allah will forgive him because of that poem. And then the final thing that I want to mention about his son, a very deep point, and you know this about me, I mean, humbled. I don't have

01:09:40 --> 01:09:49

to mention this about myself. But as you know, many, many of our scholars, unfortunately, they're very, very strict when they don't need to be ultra strict. And

01:09:51 --> 01:10:00

you know, I can see that because we're seeing a time when most of the Muslims become ultra liberal. So there's a reaction that's called as become ultra strict. And so they say this is how wrong that is.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:20

Hello, I'm in whatnot. And I see where they're coming from, nonetheless, has signed up in Sabbath was a poet. And he wrote in the poetry of his time, with the style and the manners and the language and the cadence and the meters of his time, he did not reinvent poetry.

01:10:21 --> 01:10:38

I want you to understand this point, he did not reinvent the styles of era poetry. And I'll give you a personal anecdote which again, shows you where I was and where I am now. And my teenage years, even in my 20s, I was a much more firebrand radical.

01:10:40 --> 01:11:05

by radical, I don't mean NSA, I don't mean the radical of that type of radical, just the hardcore, caught on fire to a police, whatnot. And I remember a cassette came out about Islamic rap. This was the first time there was something called Islamic rap. This is the early 90s. And I remember feeling such anger and such disdain. In my younger years of stock, federal law.

01:11:06 --> 01:11:11

Look at the ways of the kuffaar we're now rapping about Islam.

01:11:12 --> 01:11:17

And SubhanAllah. This what happens when you don't have knowledge or a little bit of knowledge is a very dangerous thing, as I always say.

01:11:19 --> 01:11:29

What is wrong with rapping? What is wrong with using the styles of modernity? One has signed up with Sabbath use the styles of jihad, the Arabs, what's the difference?

01:11:30 --> 01:12:01

What is what is the difference, you will not find any difference? The style, the cadence, the language, the mannerisms has sounded in sabots poetry, excelled in the meter of the joy Haley Arabs, their own poetry, he beat them at their own game, he did not reinvent the game. You see the point here, in our times, the medium of Dawa is YouTube internet videos, whatever it is, it's not classical Arabic poetry.

01:12:02 --> 01:12:15

So when the Prophet system is telling his son ujU, home, he is telling Hassan respond to them in the medium, they understand better than in their own game, master their own game, and beat them to it.

01:12:16 --> 01:12:22

And in our times, the job is not going to be via classical poetry

01:12:23 --> 01:13:07

is going to be via the types of social media and whatever others Now obviously, the issue of, you know, musical instruments is a 50 issue. So I'm not going to get that over here. I'm not gonna talk about I'm talking about the concept of YouTube videos, tutorial, Facebook, of using the medium of television, overall, these are how the hijab battles are going to be won the PR campaign now is not classical poetry. It is what we are seeing around us. And what has sad story teaches us rhodiola hota, and is that not only is there nothing wrong, gibreel himself came down and help his son to compose poetry in the rhyme and the rhythm of pre Islam.

01:13:08 --> 01:13:49

The styles of Jai helliya were used by none other than jabril himself. And by the way, one of the points I forgot to mention, so we should listen to the poems of his son simply because we believe that God helped in their composition in whatever way we don't know how, indirectly spiritually, whatever. But God is somehow helping because that's what the process of said, so the poetry of Hasani been Sabbath should be studied by every Arab amongst you just to get to that, a little bit of that any you know, God mark with you as well. So the point being with this, I conclude that in our times, we need to look at what are the modern ways to defend our religion, like I said, a bit savage

01:13:49 --> 01:14:15

did, and we should be at the forefront of them. And this means we master the techniques, the psychological tools, the social mediums that people are familiar with, and that is a part and parcel of our religion of Islam. May Allah subhanahu wa tada make us of those who understand the truth and follow it and act upon it. Any quick questions before we break for today? Any quick questions? Yes.

01:14:25 --> 01:14:35

So he was forgiven in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The people are still some of them are still hurt and what he has done,

01:14:36 --> 01:14:37

and also,

01:14:38 --> 01:14:56

some people felt that alone will not forgive him because what he did was against the issue not just against any other person. So there was the sense of the crime is too big. But Ayesha herself says any legitimate ally and positive I'm hoping the best that Allah will forgive him. And this is human nature. That is going to happen.

This video commences with an introduction by shaykh Yasir Qadhi on one of the greatest poets of Islam – Sayyid Ush Shu’araa Ul Mu’mineen – Hassan Ibn Thabit RA.

He belonged to the Banu Najjar of the Khazraj tribe. He was from an elite household and was well versed in poetry since his childhood. He was the poet of the Prophet ﷺ meaning he always wrote poetry showering praise on him. He was also the one for whom Jibreel AS came to help with poetry in the rhythm of pre Islam.

It is a bit demeaning to say, but nevertheless, Ibn Thabit RA never participated in any battle of Islam due to his cowardice.he was just not cut out to fight with enemies.

There are mostly no Hadith narrated by Hassan Ibn Thabit RA but there are many Hadith in which he is mentioned. Some are as follows:

Narrated Hassan bin Thabit Al-Ansari: I asked Abu Huraira, “By Allah! Tell me the truth whether you heard the Prophet ﷺ saying, ‘O Hassan! Reply on behalf of Allah’s Messenger. O Allah! Help him with the Holy Spirit.” Abu Hurairah said, “Yes . ”

Aisha RA said: Once Hassan bin Thabit asked the permission of the Prophet ﷺ to compose poetry defaming the infidels. The Prophet ﷺ said, “What about the fact that I have common descent with them (referring to the Quraysh)?” Hassan RA replied, “I shall take you out of them as a hair is taken out of dough.”

Narrated ‘Urwa: I started abusing Hassan in front of ‘Aisha, but she said, “Don’t abuse him, for he used to defend the Prophet ﷺ.”

He left for his heavenly abode in 50H and lived a long life of 110 years approximately.

The life and incidents that transpired in the life of Hassan Ibn Thabit RA teach us many valuable lessons, primary among which is we should not abstain from doing whatever good we can even though we have committed sins or made huge mistakes. It is a very motivating lesson to emulate.

May Allah SWT give Hidayah to one and all.

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