Yasir Qadhi – Life in the Barzakh The Soul (Ruh)

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The "has been revealed" concept is discussed, with Has been revealed being a result of the timeframe being "has been revealed" and "has been revealed" being a result of the timeframe being "has been revealed." It is also emphasized the importance of trust in relationships and trusting leaders. The "has been revealed" concept is discussed in relation to modern-day life, where it is noted that it is not just a transactional thing, but rather something that is also important to consider. The "has been revealed" concept is discussed in relation to trusting leaders and leaders, with a focus on trusting leaders and leaders.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala Ali, he was a big marine and

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we are now starting our new series and this new series is about the highlights of the Bozak. And of course this is a precursor to clay Yama, and to the knowledge of Heaven and * May Allah azza wa jal grantors Jana and protects us from jahannam. So we're working our way from the signs of judgment date, until the actual Tiama and then what will happen after Yama, but there's going to be a few lectures that are in between, and that in between is called the life of the buzzer. So in these series of lectures, we will discuss what do we know about the life of the buzzer and the term buzzer is used in the Quran and it is an Arabic word that implies a barrier a middle, it implies something

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that is in between two things. And Allah azza wa jal uses the Barossa in a physical and in a metaphysical sense. As for the physical in Surah Rahman Allah subhanho wa Taala says Mirage Albania tagliani, Bina, Houma bow, Rosa hula Bahujan he has sent the two oceans are the two rivers flowing between these two rivers is what is a Barza. Now this borders UK has a physical borders, it's an actual barrier. So we'd get the word What does Barsac mean? Borders off means an actual middle, something that separates the two. And by the way, the majority of our Allama understood Marcelo Bauhinia. Chaka Khan as being the Red Sea and the Persian sea or the Gulf if you like. And the

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Baratza is the Arabian Peninsula. This is the majority interpretation of the scholars of the past. So it is as if Allah saying there's one ocean here, one ocean there between the two is the land of ages the land of Makkah and Medina. That is the bottles of that these two oceans can never intermingle. And so this explains to us what is the borders of the Barossa is something in the middle that allows two things to be distinct, those two things will not interact with one another, because of the buffer in the middle, that buffer is called the Barossa. With this physical Baroque, let us get to the metaphysical Barza what is the metaphysical Barza? Allah subhanho wa Taala

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mentions Surah tell me known verse 100. This is the only idea in the whole Quran that mentions Bozak in the metaphysical, the other Berzerker is the physical that's a physical barrier to oceans. There's a bizarre, the only iron in the whole Quran that explicitly references Barossa as a place between death and Qiyamah is Surah Talmud Menon, verse 100, Allah azza wa jal mentions that after death, women war on him that Rosa Han Illa yo Mobifone in front of them is going to be a bizarre until the day they are resurrected. This is the only idea in the whole Quran that uses the term buttock the way that we're gonna use it in this class, which is that interim that buffer between

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this dunya and the next dunya woman whare him Barossa Han Li Yomi you have iPhone in front of them after their death awaiting them, there shall be a bizarre until the day that they are resurrected. Now. There might only be one explicit reference of Buddism in the Quran, but there are many implied Quranic ayat about something after death and before resurrection. Okay, there are multiple Ayat how many scholars have different because we're talking about indirect three, five, some have said seven even verses, and these are all indirect. So we'll discuss maybe three of them right now. There are verses in the Quran that clearly affirm something will happen after death and before piano and this

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must be the bursa. What are some of these verses will mention a number of them. of them is Surah Toba verse 101, Surah Toba verse 101. Where Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that women hola ko middle Arabi Munna, Filipina woman, little Medina, around you there are the Bedouins and the hypocrites even though some of them are in Medina. Some of them are the Bedouins. They're hypocrites. Allah says Sano, zebu humara Cheney Thumma Euro Duna ILA either been our theme so I VEBO humara attain, we will punish them twice and then we will send them to basically Jahannam So, no I label home medulla Chang

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Tada said one time in this dunya the second time in the cover, and then there will be Johanna. Did you understand the indirect reference? So no, I debo Homer retain thin my Euro doing

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so we're gonna punish them twice. Then we will take them to jahannam What is the punishment twice in this

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world, they will be humiliated in this world, they will be discarded in this world, they will go through the trials of this world, then there is another punishment. What is this punishment that is before Jahannam there must only be one timeframe, and that is the Baratza. So this is a reference indirectly indirectly because it's not explicit, but our scholars have derived the bizarre from this. Also, another indirect reference sort of tour, verse 47, pseudo tour, verse 47, where Allah subhana wa Taala mentions the fire of jahannam. He mentions in the context of sending people to jahannam and then he says, sudo todo verse 47, we're in LA Latina furthermore either been doing Lika

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while I came back from La Isla Mon, but those who have committed boom, and boom here means shirk, those who have worshipped other than Allah, they shall also be punished. Remember the verse before is about jahannam. Then Allah says, but that's not the only punishment. There shall be another punishment that is lesser than jahannam. We're in Lydian one or more urban Duna Dalek, they will also have a punishment that is lesser than jahannam. What is lesser than jahannam?

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Is Jehan, it is the Barossa. And Ibn Abbas said, Ibn Abbas said that he explicitly quoted this verse, and he said, this is I thought we'll cover

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they will have either Duna dyadic donor direct Arabic in Arabic means lesser than that, if an Abbas Duna. dyadic is a reference to our double cover. And so we have another indirect reference to something that will happen after death, and before actual Tiama. And perhaps the most explicit of the indirect references because there's a direct reference, That's bizarre. The indirect references there are many but perhaps the most explicit is Surah Mahavira. When Allah subhanaw taala mentions the father and son of the fit own, right, all of you know that the ground that took care of Musa was not the same ground that then wanted to kill Musa that was his son, right, as a father, son pair. So

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the fit around that adopted Musa then that fit around dies that fit our own son comes to power, and then Musa becomes a prophet and is sent to that frown. So we have the Father Son fit around the periphery around. So Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in Surah, awful, well, how could be early fit around? So, either the family of around meaning the father and son, they shall have a grave punishment. What is that punishment? Listen carefully. And now you are all doing it they have who do want why she, why a woman

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or the elephant, or shut up, the fire of * will be shown to them being close to them, drawn close to them, morning and evening. And now you're alone or they have they will be roasted close by but not directly out about means to show out other means to bring close to so you're not alone. They had they will be brought close to jahannam or Johanna will be brought close to them morning and evening. Then when Qiyamah occurs, it will be said Enter the fire of * and be punished the worst punishment. Do you see how explicit This is? Then when cuyama takes place way oh multi Amity as credo Allah for our so what's happening before Yama they are not entering Jahannam they're not

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inside Jahannam what is happening Jahannam is being shown to them Jahannam is being brought close to them. And now to your old wounds are they who do one Why is she so Jahannam has been demonstrated to the morning and evening. Then one Qiyamah takes place Allah will say cause them to enter Johanna. So what was happening before

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the Barossa and other will cover so we find here multiple evidences from the Quran that there's something after death and before the Yama and this is the timeframe known as the Barossa. And that's going to be our entire series is basically however many times lessons we have maybe three, maybe five we don't have that much knowledge about the bulldozer. And all of our knowledge of the bones of it is from the elemental type. Our minds have nothing to do with the bodies of the bodies of his from the elemental life. Whatever is in the Quran and Sunnah we take it and the Barossa when does it begin and when does it end? The body begins from the moment the rule permanently leaves the body and

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it ends at the last trumpet to be blown. This is the birds off Okay, so the borders of begins when the rule leaves the body permanently

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And the bottles are ends when the last trumpet is blown, and all of the souls are resurrected. Now, the Baratza in this dunya, you might think that some people's bodies off is longer than others. But the Baratza is beyond our time and our space. So if somebody died 10,000 years ago, and somebody dies after 1000 2000 is already yours we have left Allah knows their bodies, duck is not necessarily different or more or longer, because time in the Buddism is not the same as time in this dunya. So time for them is something completely different. And we will get to this point for the believer, the Barossa will be a place of quick ease, they will zoom through it, a place of peace, and for other

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than them or they are the biller, the bodies of will seem to last an eternity. Even if maybe they were of the last generations, they will think that we're in an eternity. So the time of the body is irrelevant from our dunya. It is a separate timeframe. It has nothing to do with us. So in order for us to then understand the concept of the Barossa we need to begin very briefly this isn't a detailed topic on this. But we have to begin today at least half our lesson will be over the issue of the road and the body and the relationship between the road and the body because we're talking about when the road leaves the body that is when Berserk begins. So we have to very briefly go into this

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issue of the rule and the the just said and we know from the Quran and the Sunnah, and the unanimous consensus of all of our scholars, that there is something called a rule inside of us a spirit or a soul inside of us. And of course, Allah mentions this in many verses ways. Aluna Daniel Royer, they ask you, what is the human soul? What is the root? Cause your raw human embryo Rob be 182 medullary May Allah kalila so tell them respond to them. The rule is from the matters of Allah from the matters of your Lord from the command or the knowledge of Allah. And you have not been given anything of knowledge, except a very, very small amount. Now this idea which is suited is rock is

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very profound. We will begin our quick conversation on the right with it. We have very little knowledge about the rule because Allah says so.

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The Bani Israel either you who they wanted to test the prophets of Allah, why do you sell them? They asked him three questions.

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One of them go ask the Prophet they told the Quran go ask him what is the rule?

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And they wanted to quiz him. Some Allah ma say that the quiz was, if he gave a lot of information, this would show that he is able to build a false prophet, because no one has knowledge of the rule. So this was the trap. He claims to be a Prophet asked him about the rule. If he gave a detailed philosophical treatise about the road, the hood felt this is a fabrication of fraud, because nobody can say anything about those. So what was the response? They asked you about the rule? Tell them, you have no knowledge of the rule. So he passed the test, you understand, he passed the test, because no one has knowledge about the rule. So we have only a little bit of about the rule as the

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Prophet salallahu Alaihe was sorry, as the Quran tells us about this issue. And I find it very interesting. By the way, I find it very interesting that all civilizations in the globe and all the major faiths without exception, they believed in the concept of the human soul, the ancient Chinese, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Christians, the Sikhs, the Muslims, the Abrahamic religions, and even the Greek philosophers Plato and Socrates. And they're not even connected to a why they have this concept of a rule. The rule is something that pun intended permeates through all of human civilization. All civilizations affirmed that the soul exists, except for some modern, pseudo

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scientific people who deny everything they cannot understand. And so they say, There's no such thing as good, right? Because science cannot prove it. Forget them. Everybody in human civilization believes there's something called a soul and there's something called a body and we all understand from the Quran and Sunnah and maybe one day inshallah we'll have a long lecture about this issue of Adam, the creation of Adam.

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But we all understand what made Adam Adam was the rule. Before that Adam was clean, then was to rob Adam was clay. Before the rule, Adam was fashion play. Allah says in the Quran, for either as a way to who want to female Rohit fucka, Allah Who said you then after I fashion him, then I blow my rule into him, then prostrate down to him. And the Hadith the prophets are some tells us that when Allah fashioned Adam from clean, he left the body there and it

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Release came and began looking at this empty vessel and he began knocking on the vessel. And that knocking that is Sol Sol Sol Sol lemon hammer investment Sol Sol Sol Sol is the

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pottery clay potter's clay that has been put into the oven and taken out and then when you hammer it Sol Salah knock knock like when you say English KNOCK KNOCK Sol salah is the reverberation of the empty Clay This is what Sol Sol Sol Allah says we created man from Sol sol, sol Sol when you knock on it, it will reverberate there's going to be an echo. So Iblees is doing that to the body of Adam. Adam is not alive yet Adam is just adjusted Adam is Roy sorry, Adam is a clay, sol, sol and Iblees. The process of set beliefs entered and exited from this shell entered and exited. And he snorted and said anything that I can enter an exit from I can control

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anything that I can come in and out of I can control and he felt he is better than Adam. Now at this stage. Adam is not Adam he simply clay. When did Adam become Adam? The Prophet system tells us that when Allah blew the roof into Adam, he blew from the top down. This we learn from the hadith is not in the Quran. He blew from the top down. And the rule came from the head or downwards. And when it reached the nostrils of Adam, it tickled the nostrils what happens when something tickles the nostrils? Adam sneezed.

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And by that time the rule is reaching the mouth, he sneezes and so even before the rule is going to the body, Adam, unconsciously not unconsciously sorry, subconsciously, without even having been taught anything explicitly. Them says Alhamdulillah and this is a very profound reality that one day we will elaborate and deconstruct and talk more about the the implications of this very profound, without anyone saying anything to Adam, Adam says that hamdulillah Where did he get it from? It comes from the fitrah. So Adam says Alhamdulillah

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and Allah azza wa jal responds, how do you respond when somebody says Alhamdulillah?

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your hammock Allah. So the first phrase that Our Lord said to the first man, and this is again, very powerful. What was the first phrase that Allah said to the first man, he or hammock Allah? Yeah.

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And this is the default what I meant he was charged coalition. The first thing that our Lord said to our Father, even before the rule entered the whole body, your hammock, Allah Hiya, Adam. And the process that I've said, they'll continue to go down until it's reached the hands of Adam, before it got to his foot. Adam tried to get up, but he couldn't. Because the rule has not yet reached down there, Adams already trying to get up. And Allah azza wa jal said, who they are called insulinomas agile, how hasty is Matt just wait, how hasty is Matt You have no patience hola Colin Solomon agile and this is a verse in the Quran. Right? What kind of Santa Jhula and whatnot so this is something

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there as well in the Quran. Now the point being that this concept of the the roof being blown into Adam, this is something that unfortunately some innocent Muslims inshallah they're not sinister, there are no scholar believes this have misunderstood. And they believe and this is a wrong belief, don't misunderstand me this is a wrong belief that no scholars ever said. They believe that this rule that was blown into Adam is essentially a part of Allah or divine.

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When Allah says that he will blow his rule into Adam, fade as a way to win a battle for him in a row He Allah is saying to the angels, when I blow my rule into Adam, okay, some have misunderstood and they believe incorrectly, that the rule is a spark of divinity. The rule is somehow divine, and that there is an element out of Allah or the will of divinity and all of us. And you hear this amongst the New Age spiritualists, you hear this amongst people that they follow interpretations of religions other than mainstream Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And this goes back to an ancient religion called Gnosticism. Je n o s t i c is m Gnosticism. And the Gnostics they were one of the

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earliest groups of very ancient like 4000 years old Greta

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I was 10 years old. And they believed literally, that their god that's their version disintegrated into a gazillion bits. And each human being captured a little bit of the spark of the divinity. And you hear this phrase among some non Muslim New Age spiritualist. Oh, there's a spark of divine and all of us, right. You know, you've heard this phrase, right? There is an element of God and all of you. Where is this coming from? It's coming from Gnosticism. Right. And unfortunately some Muslims now they've heard it maybe from Gnostics or whatnot. They read the verse in the Quran, they don't understand and they say, oh, so Allah is saying he blew his room into Adam, and they don't

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understand. Allah azza wa jal created a rule and that rule was blown into Adam. The rule is not Allah or the biller, Adam does not have or will do biller divinity. Adam is my hook. The rule has a hook the rule has not heard. The row has not the created entity, right? And Allah azza wa jal ascribes things to himself as a matter of honor.

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When Allah says his house, the house has created the Kaaba, when Allah says His Messenger, the messenger is created, not not the creator. When Allah says Naka to Allah, he was so clear how the camel of Allah because the camel of Sonic right now cultural law, the camel of Allah, Allah calls the NACA, his NACA, obviously the NACA is it created a creator what is the NACA it is created, right? Of course it is created, anytime Allah ascribe something to himself, and it is a physical object. Realize this is an inscription of honor. Allah wants to honor this object by saying this is mine. My abuela mahkamah Abdullah, my Rasul, Rasul Allah, my house my camel, my rule, it doesn't

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mean how to be with a biller that a bit of Allah entered Adam or with a biller, no Muslim scholar says this is just a misunderstanding that some Muslims they have taken from Gnostics and they believe, understand when Allah says, I blew my row into Adam, he is saying he created something very amazing. And it's so amazing. Allah says, This is mine. My rule You understand, right? The rule is created. It is not a part of Allah. And it is an amazing creation. It is a blessing creation. It is a creation we will never understand. So Allah says, This is my creation. This is my rule. So then Allah says when he blew my wad when I blow my rule into them, so Adams rule was created directly by

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Allah. And that's why Allah says in the Quran, that Coolaroo min Emery Robbie, Adams row, Allah created it. And as an honor to Adam, Allah azza wa jal in a way we will never understand. We don't think about these things. He blew the roof directly into Adam, the ruler is created, the body is created, Adam is created, understand this right? Allah in a way we will never understand NEFA Allah blew the ROI into Adam and Adam becomes the human being Jade. Now how about the children of Adam and their ROI? Where does our ROI come from? From this we learn? Where does this come from? We learn this from the Quran and from the Sunnah. There's only one reference indirectly in the Quran. And the

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Sunnah has a lot of references. As for the Quran, Surah till are off verse 172, is the only detail that we have on this issue of where we will create it our route was created. And the Hadith mentions there's three or four Hadith that mentioned this narrative, what is sort of fell out of verse 172. Allah says in the Quran wait ah darbuka min Benny Adam mainville Hooray him literally Yetta home. Remember, remember, whenever Allah says what is it means remember, recall recall where is other a book a member, the Adam and Midori him. Remember when Allah subhanaw taala took from the Children of Adam from their backs, that he took their progeny and what ash had the home Allah and forsake Him,

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He caused them to be witnesses against themselves. They took the dog the witness stand, and they witnessed they testified against themselves. Now the verse needs to be understood in light of Hadith the Hadith gives us the fuller picture. What happens the Hadith tells us and I'm going to summarize three or four Hadith there's these Hadith in Sahih Muslim and most other COVID hakim and a Budo. There's references well, you put all of these Hadith together what I'm saying is the conglomeration of a number of Hadith. We learned from the Hadith as follows that when Adam came down to this earth,

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and Allah azza wa jal accepted his repentance, we learned from our Tafseer literature that this acceptance took place in our fat. This is not a hadith, it's dfcu literature. And this makes sense because our fat is where Toba is accepted from the judge. So Allah accepted

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The Toba of Adam at out of this is remember, it's not heavy throne. I'm very you will learn this about me. I'm very active. I tried to be accurate. I don't just mention things like this. Whenever I say something I always try to back Where'd I get this from? And if I never if I don't say this always asked me, Where did you get it from? We have to be very clear here. Our religion is based on the evidence is under sources. We don't just we don't just spout things out. And we differentiate between the Quran and between Hadith and between statements of the Sahaba and between famous earliest scholars, we differentiate between them not all are on the same level. Where do we get this

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idea that Adam Stobo was accepted that out of fat, we find it in early tipsy literature, some of the taboo your own set this it is not in the Quran, it is not in the Sunnah, so we can narrate it, but it's not something that is your clean, early scholars of the second generation they held this view that Adam Stobo was accepted in our fat and we say it makes sense. Now, one thing we know for sure, from the Hadith, and now we come to the Hadith.

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Once Adam still was accepted, the Hadith says this is from the Hadith of the Prophet system. And this hadith is a mustard Oracle Hakim, Allah subhanho wa Taala rubbed the backbone of Adam.

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And from the backbone of Adam, he extracted every single soul that would be in existence until Kiama. Now, this is very important now, because this is our origin and birth. This is where we come into existence as our souls. Where was Adam soul created up there? Who created it? Allah directly created it from there from what we have no idea, no idea. That is something beyond where was our soul created? In this earth it was created from what from the backbone and we can say from the soul of Adam, okay. And this is what the Quran is mentioning. With a hydra book, I mean, many Adam and move on to him, the Reactome from the the whole from the backbone from the soldier in the Hadith

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uses the word man or Slavia him, right? The soup and

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membranous will be what Tara? Right Nima and Daffy Automator soon will be what are what is sold sold is the backbone. So the Hadith mentions Allah extracted from the backbone and from the soul, whatever you want to call that, every single soul that would ever be born until the AMA. And this happened at Arafat's. So when I'm at Arafat, and I'm doing Hajj with my group, I always say, we were born and out of fats. And there's truth to this statement. We were born out of fat, our spiritual birth, our physical birth where our mothers gave birth to us, but our rule was born in our fat, this is in the Hadith, okay, so, Allah azza wa jal created our rule from Adam directly.

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And this rule,

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it existed without a body there is no body obviously, this is the beginning of our rule. And the rule then, the Quran tells us that a herder whom Allah and forsake Him,

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He caused these Urwa to witness against themselves. You see in our Constitution, we have something called the fifth what is the fifth

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you have the right to not testify against you.

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You have the right to be quiet.

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But on Judgment Day, and right now

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there is no fifth on Judgment Day. Allah will knock them or identify him we're typically Munna ad him with a shadow or Judo Bhima can react simple, there is no Fift your body will testify, the good and the bad, we ask Allah zoafia And when we will create it there is no Fift

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and Allah speaks directly to the souls and what was the question it in the in the Quran ls to be or become?

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And this is called yo me Aleste the day of am I not? Yo me? Alas, it is also called the day of the mythique because with a hydra book, I mean by the Adam adore him to return this is the metok and the prophets Assam said Aha the Allahu isodiol al Meetha Minh, when the other of the process and took the meter back from the Children of Adam and Arafat. So the word metok is used. What is mythique mythique is a covenant a treaty. So what was the treaty? What was the covenant? What was the conditions of the treaty? Very simple. Don't you know I am Europe?

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Don't you know I am your Rob. And again this is so powerful because Allah didn't say I am your Rob

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He said, Don't you know I am your Rob? Am I not your Rob? What is the difference between saying, I am your Rob versus saying, Am I not sure, Rob. The first is a teaching mechanism. The first you say to somebody who doesn't know anything, the first you say to somebody on a blank slate, you tell him this is your God, this was your prophet, this is your Quran you are teaching. The second is a rhetorical question which you do not say, to teach you say,

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to confirm something that is already known, right? To confirm, a rhetorical question is not used to teach. A rhetorical question is used to confirm something already known. Allah did not need to teach us that He is our Lord.

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Do you understand this? A very deep point. Allah did not need to teach us who created you, Who is your Lord, Allah didn't need to do that. Allah is simply affirming. Am I not your Lord? And what did we all respond? The Quran says, Bala, yes, Oh Allah, You are our Lord. Yes, we affirm You are our Lord. Now how did we know Allah? Now at this point in time at this point in time, we are souls question. Have these souls been sent a prophet yes or no?

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No, have these souls been sent? Why? Quran? Torah is a bore? No, have the souls had a chance to even you have an apple and wander in this earth and look at the Ayat of Allah? No. So how are the souls expected to know when there is no way? There is no revelation, there is no profit. There is no IATA to double, how are they expected to no response? The fifth era that Allah created the soul with the fifth Torah is something that is ingrained in us fifth rotala Hilty Ferrara, NASA, Allah so the souls were scattered in front of Allah, how do we know this the Hadith for neterra Khomeini a day. The Prophet system said he scattered all of these souls in front of him, Allah scattered all of

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these souls. Adam is there all of us are behind Adam. This is happening in our affects how many souls every single one, we were there, our forefathers were there, our children were there, every one that will ever live and breathe, even one breath was there. All of us were there.

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And he then took the covenant, this is the metok Okay.

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This is the creation of our soul.

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This soul, it remains in a state that we don't have any idea about we have no idea where it is. Nothing is mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah until the next reference. And that next reference Hadith in Sahih, Bukhari assigned Muslim, the hadith of him was rude that ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. Yes, basically, he coagulates the creation of the fetus inside of the womb of the mother, until finally, a certain number of days pass, then the angel comes with the rule.

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And the angel blows the roof into the fetus, who blew the roof into Adam,

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Allah azza wa jal, who will blow the roof into us.

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Me and you and our children and our forefathers, the angel, big difference Allah gave Adam, what are the Quran, Allah gave an honored Adam in some ways. And the angel comes the angel blows the roof into the fetus. And that is when the fetus takes on a living status. Now, our scholars have fixed our scholars have Fick going into a lot of detail when this occurs, because there are repercussions that have to do with when and under what circumstances is the Islamic verdict of abortion, which is much more complicated than then right now, that's a filthy discussion. But it all centers over when the roof is blown in. Because that's when this entity becomes a living human being. And when that

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happens, then to take that life as murder. And before that happens, there's controversy so I'm not going down there. Maybe one day we'll have a q&a about that's a separate issue altogether. But the point being that this is the second stage, so there are five stages, by the way of the rule very quickly go over them. Number one, the first stage from the creation until before the fetus, we have no information about nothing from the Quran is similar, where is it? Who is protecting it? How is it living, zero information, nothing. The second stage when the rule is blown into the fetus, and it remains in the body. And this is essentially what we are

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Right now, and we can call this D. wakeful state, the state of the child or the young man or the old man when they are awake. And this is the body and the soul are together and combined in one, and the both of them are conscious. This is the wakeful state. And this is what

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I hope all of us are in right now in sha Allah, I hope none of us are in the third, which is the sleeping state, right? Anybody in the sleeping state can raise their hand, and that's the problem. The third is the sleeping state. And the sleeping state, the rule leaves the body,

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but not permanently.

00:35:39 --> 00:36:22

The rule leaves the body but not permanently. And there is some connection that the rule has with the body, what that connection is, we really don't know. But there is some connection Ibaka, you mentioned in his GitHub, a row and others mentioned this as well, that there seems to be some type of thread connection, like minuscule invisible thread between the body and the row, that the row and the body are still somehow this isn't an actual thread you cannot cut it with. It's a metaphysical threads, a thread that is from the real world, not from the body world, and the rule and the body are connected. And that's why when something happens to the body, the rule rushes back and you just

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wake up what what happened. Like it comes back immediately, you wake up with a jolt, right, so the rule is coming back immediately. So the issue of the rule of separating from the body during sleep is something that is explicit in the Quran and the Sunnah. This is something very clear, and it is a part of our theology to believe what is Sleep, sleep is the temporary separation of the room from the body. And of course, there is the famous verse in the Quran that mentions this which verses this oh five, yeah, half Allah, where are the which words am I talking about?

00:36:57 --> 00:36:58

Which one whereas

00:37:00 --> 00:37:36

Yes, very good. Surah to Zuma, very good. Allah says in the Quran, Allah Who yet your wife and Fusa Hina motiva? Well, Lottie lumped in with FEMA naamyaa. Allah takes two souls. Allah takes two souls two categories. Number one, when the souls die, Allah Who Yato often unfolds right when they die. Number two will let the lamp termo theme Anamika and those that are not dead, but they're asleep. So Allah is explicitly saying, I take the souls of those who are sleeping.

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So sleeping, Allah takes the soul away. But it is a temporary taking away, the borders doesn't begin there. The birth begins when the connection breaks between the body and the soul. And that's why our Prophet system also said for example, he said, and no more a whole mouth is authentic, it three words are no more a whole mouth, sleeping is the brother of death, sleeping and death are twins sleeping and death are very similar. And that is why it's very common for people to pass away in sleep. Because Allah says for him, so called, they call it * mode. Those who Allah has decreed will die in their sleep. Allah says he keeps the soul while you're still okra and the others, he

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sends them back until their time will come. This is all in the Quran. And that's why it's very common, one of the most common ways of dying is a peaceful death when you go to sleep, and you just pass well you don't wake up, this is mentioned in the Quran. So this person has soul went to sleep, then the soul is taken away, and then death occurs. So this is the third stage right? So memorize this, this is something that we should all know number one, pre Birth Number two, and this begins in the wombs of our mother. And that is the relationship we have right now. Because by the way, modern science has shown even the fetus is awakened asleep. Even in the womb of your mother, there are

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states when you're awake, and there are states when you're asleep Subhanallah This is how the Hulk Allah that even that preborn child right, the child inside the womb of the mother is already awake and asleep. And then when the child comes out and we are now that stage is the same in terms of the relationship between between the body and the soul, so the second we said is the wakeful state, the third is the sleep state and because sleeping is the brother of death, there shall be no sleep in Jannah or in Jannah there is no need to sleep because there is no death you will perpetually be awake without caffeine can you believe

00:39:30 --> 00:39:39

although you can drink caffeine if you want to show a low dollar because some of us whatever you want to agenda you will get and when you think hello and caffeine is valid. So

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where am I going Subhanallah How did that tension come along?

00:39:44 --> 00:39:47

What was I saying? My mind is completely blank.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:59

That yeah, so there is no sleeping agenda Why is there no sleep agenda? because sleep is what the taking of the body out of the soul and that's not going to happen in Jana. So there is no sleeping Janelle you're never gonna get tired and Jana, that's the third state

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The fourth state is what we're going to talk about in our series, and that is the borrower.

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And the borrower, Zach is this timeframe, when the rule and the just break the connection, when the rule and the just break the connection, and

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that rule then goes into the zone called the Barossa. And then the fifth state comes. And the fifth state is when the final trumpet is blown, not the first trumpet. The final one, some elements, say three trumpet, some elements, say four trumpets, some LMS, say two trumpets. We'll talk about the issue of trumpets when we get there after the buzzer. The very first lesson after the motherboard is off, we'll be talking about the number of trumpets and the scholars difference of opinion over that. But the point is, the butter sock lasts until the last trumpet not until the first trumpet. When the first trumpet is blown. The first trumpet is for this dunya not for the people of the buzzer. The

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people that are the birds that have nothing to do with that first trumpet, the second or the third or the fourth, depending on how many trumpets you have from Sharla we're gonna jump the gun here, I will say the correct opinion insha Allah from the cornerstone, it seems to be two trumpets, many Rolemaster three, many aroma even some aroma even said four, but the position I will advocate and Allah knows best will be two trumpets, and the bottom of the class until the second of the two trumpets, then the fifth stage begins. And that is the final stage. And what stage is that? The permanent reuniting of the row with adjusted in the next world. So the justice is not the justice of

00:41:31 --> 00:41:37

this dunya flesh and bones it's a different type of justice. He overthrew by the Hydra or there was somehow it's a different

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creation of Allah, not this creation, not this world that we live in it is a different world. And when that reuniting occurs, that is going to be the permanent reuniting and the most perfect reuniting, that overshadows all previous four stages. And that is why there is no moat there is no sleeping, there is no tiredness, there is no negative issues. Once that happens, and the roof and adjusted are fully reconnected. Our series of lectures will deal with category number four, and that is the issue of the buzzer.

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One final Hadith insha Allah and that will open the floor for questions. And that is there's one Hadith that some scholars have interpreted to mean the pre Buddism era.

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And that is the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, our wha hoo, you know, don't move agenda.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:42

Or wha hoo, Juno don't Bucha nada. The souls are

00:42:43 --> 00:42:47

like groups of armies, or battalions of armies lined up

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for my two out of 10, a former Tanaka minhag, tellef Raw whole body. So the souls that know one another two out of two out of martyr out of a minha the souls that know one another, the souls that have Maddie for with one another, it tellef They become friends

00:43:12 --> 00:43:21

with Mr. Tanaka Minh, and the souls that there's Nakara, there's not getting along, there's something that if that if they have to laugh,

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this is one of those Hadith that we'll have to try to understand the best we can because it's a very deep Hadith and scholars have interpreted in different ways. Some of them have said

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that, let's just understand this hadith as being from this dunya not pre dunya, this dunya and that some souls get along with other souls, and when the soul gets along with the other soul, the two bodies get along and they become friends, and life is good. And some souls don't get along with other souls. And when that happens, they're not friends, they're enemies. And that's a valid interpretation. Okay, however, a number of RollerMouse even has them amongst them. And before a katabi might have mentioned this, even hydron mentioned some discussion about this as well. They go even deeper than this. And this is very profound, and Allah knows best. And they say, perhaps in

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this world before this world

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when the souls were all together, some souls became friendly with one another.

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And when they find themselves in this dunya

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automatically they become friendly in this dunya as well because they were friendly in there as well. And some souls didn't get along over there.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:44

And so in this dunya as well, when they discover one another, they don't get a look. Okay.

00:44:46 --> 00:44:59

Allahu Allah is even has a misinterpretation, and its the wording allows for this interpretation that Eduardo Junoon Bucha. Neda fermata out of a mini tele format and Ackerman tele

00:45:00 --> 00:45:43

reported by Bukhari and Allah knows best this seems to be the understanding of some of the Sahaba because there is a version of this hadith and most of them Ooyala that are Aisha Radi Allahu anha. It was reported in her time from after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that there was a lady from Makkah, who was known to be like, we would call her like a joker, you know, always cracking jokes, a practical prankster, something like this, right? She was known for this always cracking jokes and being, you know, that type of person. When she came to Medina, the lady that she became best friends with happened to be the one who did the same in Medina. Okay, that she

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had the reputation of always cracking jokes and being the prankster and whatnot. So when this news reached out Isha, she said,

00:45:52 --> 00:46:02

My beloved has spoken the truth sadhaka hibi. My beloved me, the prophet system has spoken the truth, then she narrated this hadith.

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So the context was what? These two people did not know one another. But as soon as they met, they became best friends. How did this happened? Their souls had a connection before their bodies met. And therefore when they met for the first time, they became close friends And subhanAllah I have to say will lie. It's so amazing, that sometimes you meet a person for the first time. And within a 1015 20 minute conversation, you know, oh, this person I will get along with very well, he's going to be good brother or sister me sisters. Oh, this is a sister, I can be her confidant. I can be a good friend to her. And sometimes you will meet somebody for 1020 times. And yeah, so Okay. So now

00:46:47 --> 00:46:48

Wallach was said, I'm good enough.

00:46:50 --> 00:47:26

How, how do you know instantaneously, this hadith tells us there's something that is beyond. And that is something that the souls go back to. So to conclude today's lesson, Inshallah, I'm going to try to finish off every day around 930 and overdue for overdue for q&a. Inshallah, I don't want to I don't want to go too long, because I know it's a workday. So to conclude, we began today talking about the Baratza. And when it begins, and in order to understand that we needed to talk about the five categories of the relationship between the body and the soul, and this is something that all of us should know. And so we're into a little bit of detail about these five categories, and the bar is

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the fourth of these five categories. And that's what we will be discussing from next Wednesday, inshallah we will begin our discussion of exactly when the body leaves the soul, which is called death. We'll talk a little bit about what we know about the reality of death and then move on to what is going to happen after death and without a shot if there any questions 10 minutes of q&a inshallah Bismillah is going to say no, there's good

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our brother says, What is the neffs? Because Allah mentions the knifes and the rule and adjusted and the relationship between the knifes and the rule.

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You know what, I will discuss it next week even though what it was call us I will add it to just because you asked it I will inshallah begin a little bit about the no promise Allah, you had a question.

00:48:24 --> 00:48:32

So our brother says that in Judgment Day, there will be heaven and *, there will be hisab what is the purpose of the

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when the karma will take place and heaven?

00:48:38 --> 00:48:40

Why the punishment is in bars off.

00:48:42 --> 00:48:55

We'll discuss this in detail in two weeks. But now I will just say, the prophets I send them said that the cover is the first station of the many stations of the orchestra.

00:48:56 --> 00:49:10

And if the beginning station is good, the rest will be good. And if the beginning station is not good, the rest will not be good. So the cover is the precursor to what's going to happen afterwards. And

00:49:12 --> 00:49:28

the one who has a good experience in the cupboard May Allah make us amongst them. We want our cupboards to be vast, what our job is to be enlightened. We want our cupboards to show us our place in Jannah I want to be wanting to go to Jana, whoever gets that inshallah The rest will be easy.

00:49:30 --> 00:49:37

The opposite can be one of two categories. Either a person like the family affair,

00:49:38 --> 00:49:59

that that Baratza is the first punishment to torture them even more in jahannam. So that is the torture, that is the pre torture of the real torture, and that too is torture and they deserve it. Or it is a third category. Meaning the first is the people of gender. The second is the

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evil people have Jahannam the third is a category, they potentially deserved Jahannam

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but Allah will end up forgiving them because of some good deeds they have done.

00:50:16 --> 00:50:33

And that forgiveness will come with some torture, that is not as bad as the torture of Johanna. And therefore there will be Muslims, believers in Allah who fell short of the YG bots

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and they might be punished in the cover

00:50:37 --> 00:50:54

and they think they're going to be punished and Johanna because they deserve that punishment. But because of good deeds they have done Allah will forgive them on the hisab but they needed to go through the punishment of the cover to get there and we'll discuss this more in detail inshallah sisters yes, quartz is yours.

00:50:57 --> 00:50:59

One sister for it's good.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:26

So our sister asks that do we as Muslims have any belief about what is called near death experiences? And the responses to the best of my knowledge, there is nothing explicit in the Quran and Sunnah that would affirm this. On the contrary, on the contrary,

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this would go against the notion of the medical most being sent by Allah, when the time comes, what we believe angels don't make mistakes. What we believe that nobody is going to see the Angel of Death other than the prophets, the prophets are the only ones that get the choice. We know this from the Hadith, the Angel of Death asks permission, may I take your soul as out of Adam and every prophet says yes, except for Musa destroy, we'll come to Inshallah, that he didn't recognize the medical mode. But the only one who gets asked is the prophets. As for the rest of mankind, if you read this genre, this genre is about people who say, Oh, I saw a white light, I saw a peaceful

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entity, and then I woke up. And the interpretation they have they saw God, or they saw the angel, or they saw the angel of death. And then the angel changed his mind. Or God said, Oh, not yet, you have time you have left to go back. It's as if the angel changed his mind, or Allah made himself Oh, the winner. We don't believe this. So while I cannot categorically state anything 100% Because it's not in the Quran. And sunnah I would say, and Allah knows best that it doesn't appear to be a valid

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category, that a person sees the era and then is brought back to this dunya because that's a type of death that is not death. And that is seeing the angel of death before death. We don't believe this. It doesn't make sense. So the only other interpretation is that this is the imagination of the one who is seeing it, we're not doubting their sincerity. This is the imagination of that person. And that's something that is totally valid, that person can imagine building himself up to the state of Allah knows best. Okay, other questions? Yes, go to the back brotherhood.

00:53:30 --> 00:53:42

How do we explain dreams. So dreams are three categories. Dreams are of three categories. And all three of them are somehow related to the soul,

00:53:43 --> 00:54:30

immortal claim and others, they affirm this one category is the souls itself interactions and play things that it does. So the soul might meet somebody. And that might be a deceased person, or might be somebody else and you dream about that. And you have actually met that person in the soul world, right? You have actually met and you dream about it. So the soul is interacting, and you are having a dream about the interaction of the Soul. This is one category. Another category is the evil Shayateen interacting with your soul, and the evil Shayateen interacting with your soul is a type of nightmare. And so any nightmare that we have, or anything of a far harsher or lewd nature that we

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see two categories of interactions. Whenever an evil entity interacts, either it is something to terrify you or it is something of a fascia nature, and a person is not sinful for what they see in the dream, but it is shaytaan teasing you it is shaytaan trying to incite you and whatever it incites in the dream we are forgiven and whatever happens and if we wake up we have to take a listen we have forgiven there's no sin in that. But it is something that shaytaan does. This is the second category

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One can say there is the third category which is a type of ill ham from Allah which is a dream from Allah. So Allah azza wa jal inspires the soul not an inspiration of the prophets because there's categories of inspiration, and the lowest category is ill ham. And Ill ham is something that Allah gives to even the animals while Hanaa Illa

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the novel though, well how to book the novel, so there is a way that even the angels have sorry, not the angels even the animals have and the mother of Musa had it and all of us might have it it is called ill ham. That is a dream from Allah. Then you have the fourth category and that is Hadith enough's and Hadith enough's is the soul.

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We call it daydreaming but it is not daydreaming. It is night dreaming. When you daydream, you're awake. And you daydream, when your soul daydreams that is most of your average dreams that you have. So you want a fancy car. You're wanting the car for many many weeks or months right what was the car you wanted? Again? The May back right? So he wants the May back 1.3 million How much is it? So

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he's already wanting it. How would you have your first job? I don't know still $10 Now you'll get as soon as shallow Don't worry, keep on saving. And it's good. You started at 10 I started at $4 An hour Subhanallah thank Allah the minimum wage has been raised. Still you want them a buck you want them maybe you make dua for them maybe like you go to sleep you dream of them a back. Sorry to break your bubble. This is not from Allah azza wa jal most likely this is from you. How do you know it is from you?

00:56:34 --> 00:56:40

Generally speaking, when you dream about what you are always thinking about this is from you.

00:56:41 --> 00:57:15

Okay, how do you know it's from Shaytaan? Either something that terrifies you or something of a fashion nature? How do you know it is from a law? It is something that is vivid and clear and comes out of the blue? You don't understand it's usually symbolic. Like what was that dream about? Or it could be a positive dream you grew you wake up happy if you met a relative disease relative generally that's Allah gifted it to you you go and meet somebody and you remember that dream? So these are the different dreams that we have all of this goes back to the Rohingya love to add it back to the sisters yes in the back sister in the chair go ahead Yes.

00:57:17 --> 00:57:19

I cannot hear you at all you have to speak louder

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we will talk about where the soul is after that that's the whole series of lectures in Charlotte you're in the right Lecture Series inshallah. Sister go ahead Yes.

00:57:36 --> 00:57:39

Are there any do hours to make for the soul itself?

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will lie that's a question that I'll have to think about nothing comes to my mind. Immediately because when you make dua, you make dua for the body and soul together. Right? Oh Allah guide me who is me it is your soul and your body together and you make dua for your cupboard to be a good place and that is an indirect or art for the soul.

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But specifically to mention the word soul in the DUA I will have to think that's a question I've never been asked let me think about this inshallah final question before we break for today it's been a good

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I didn't say this. Allah says when you go to sleep your soul is taken away this is in the Quran

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this is a very good question do those who die in their sleep go through Sakura to remote the response to this inshallah we will discuss. But in a nutshell, psychological mode sometimes occurs in a state that the people around cannot detect.

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Going through Sakura doesn't mean that the person next to knows that you're going through soccer rot. There could be soccer rot that the roof is undergoing, and the body does not know about it. And as well sometimes Allah blesses some people to pass away without soccer rot. And that's something that not every single soul goes to there's some exceptions that take place. For example for the Shaheed there is no saccharide for the Shaheed but generally speaking, the default is the average person that passes away there are soccer rot, what do we say to the one who passes away in his sleep? The response we're going to come to in more detail later, but there Sakurada will be in a way

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that we cannot detect we cannot know. But still, the cutting of that line. And the final stages, these are secrets. And sometimes it occurs and the body is still breathing and awake. And sometimes it occurs in the body is unconscious or asleep. That doesn't mean the Sokrati isn't occurring, it means you cannot detect it and there is a difference between the two Sharla. With this we will conclude and resume

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

Next Wednesday Xochimilco said I'm waiting for her to loiter catch him

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