Yasir Qadhi – Jummah Khutbah

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a mix of technical and political statements, including a mix of technical and political statements. The conversation is difficult to follow and appears to be a mix of technical and political statements. The speakers discuss the need for people to wear a car to accompany and remind them to put a marking on their car, digitalization of technology in the future, and the importance of technology in the future. The conversation is difficult to follow and appears to be a mix of technical and political statements. The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a mix of technical and political statements.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right so law here Barakatuh

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on all

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on all

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a shadow

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meadow Wazoo oh

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hi yah

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How are you

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hi yah

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hamdulillah Alhamdulillah All praise is due to Allah subhanahu wa Tada we praise Him and we seek His help and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of our souls and the consequences of our actions. Whomever Allah guides, none can misguide. And whoever is misguided cannot be guided except through him. I bear witness and I testify that there is none worthy of worship other than Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and that Muhammad Sallallahu either he was selling them is his final prophet and his most perfect worshiper as to what follows do Muslims, Allah azza wa jal has reminded us in the Quran to be conscious of him when he says yeah, you heard Athena Armando Tapachula. Haka, Ducati, Walter

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Mouton. Illa, one two Muslim moon. Dear Muslims in the verses about fasting. We always talk about the first half of the verse because we're talking about Ramadan. But there's a phrase in there we overlook because we're more interested in the CM and whatnot. And that phrase, Allah says, Whoever is traveling or sick, they can make up the fast later on. Then Allah says UD doula who the common use Surah wala you read to be common Rasul. Allah wants to make things easy for you. He doesn't want to make things difficult. Today is the day over eats. We're not talking about fasting. But we will talk about ease. We will talk about this phrase in the Quran. That in the middle of one of the

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actions that is very difficult for so many of us fasting, Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us, Allah wants to make things easy for you. He does not want to make things difficult for you. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in other verses in the Quran, one module Allah is a confit demon harridge He has not placed burdens on you in this religion.

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He has not placed burdens on you in this religion. This Deen this religion

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It does not have difficulties in it. Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in the Quran UD doula who and you have FIFA and con. Allah wants to lift your burdens away from you. He's not placing burdens on you.

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This religion Oh Muslim, the rules of our religion, our Shetty, our, our deen from the beginning to the end is a manifestation of ease. It's a manifestation of convenience. In fact, there's something there's a chapter in Islamic sciences, called the Maxim's have a wide field here. There's an entire discipline. And there are five main ones and there are many subsidiary ones and one of the main Maxim's these are the legal rulings from which all rulings can be derived. One of the legal rulings one of the five big ones is, the more difficult life becomes the easier the Shediac becomes cool pneumococcal ombre Tessa, when things become difficult, the Shediac becomes easy. This is one of the

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main principles of our religion. I say this dear Muslims, because sometimes those amongst us who haven't studied Islam, and they're not practicing Islam, they have a misunderstanding. Oh, it's difficult to be religious. It's burdensome, to be religious. And the entirety of the Shediac from beginning to end is meant for ease. And one small hookbait will not illustrate all of these rulings. But Subhanallah Where does one begin from the chapter of whoodle and taharah. If you do not have water, all you need to do is hit your hands on the sand and perform to mom. If you don't have water for loosen still do tell your mom, wherever you are, you may pray Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said, Allah has made the whole earth for me, a place of purity and a place of prayer. So wherever somebody of my Alma finds himself, they can pray there if they have water hamdulillah and face the Qibla if they have no water do to move and face the Qibla if you don't know where the Qibla is, guests and then pray and it will all be accepted. No matter what the circumstance you will find your place to do will do or to move, and you will find the means to pray. The same goes for Salah our Prophet says and I'm said if you're able to stand when you are praying, stand in your first slider. If for whatever reason you cannot, you're sick, or you're in the plane, whatever it might

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be, then pray sitting down. If you can't even do this, then pray even on your side. Our scholars say even if you cannot move on your side, you can just move your eyelids our scholars say if you're on your deathbed, you can't even do this. Just imagine your Salah and that will be your salah, in the middle of the battle in the middle of the war. When you cannot turn around you may pray as you are whatever the situation how difficult it becomes the Sharia becomes easy. The chapter of fasting in the Quran, whoever sick whoever is traveling and from Fick we learn the ladies that cannot fast if they are in their time of the month or if they are feeding a child or if they are pregnant and

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they're worried for themselves all of the obligation to fast is lifted and they may make it up or they may give the fifth year depending on the circumstance. The same goes for the hedge as well so many concessions are found. The same goes for business transactions and the evidences are on and on now somebody says But hold on a sec. Fasting is not easy. We say A ha there's a difference between a little bit of effort to show Allah You're serious versus making life difficult. There is no doubt waking up for Fudger is an inconvenience there is no doubt doing will do when it's cold is not you know the most pleasant of things. But if you look at it, the Shetty are only requires a level of

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discomfort that is bearable. It's to show that yes I really want Allah salvation. I want to get Allah's mercy. I'm serious in this. But once the level of irritation becomes difficult that you cannot bear life threatening. Well then Allah says in the Quran if you have nothing else to eat, even the pig becomes halal. No problem. Allah wants to make things easy for you. He does not want to make things difficult for you. The Sharia all of it is ease one Magi that are they comfy demon heritage and therefore brothers and sisters, those of you especially after this month is over who have this conception that Oh, to be religious means I'm living a constrained life. I'm living a

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difficult life. I urge you to dispel this misconception from your mind. I urge you to rethink and reconsider because the one who embraces

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them and the one who chooses ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and the one who becomes religious finds a level of comfort in the heart finds the level of pleasure in the worship of Allah that makes the slight discomfort of praying of doing will do of fasting infinitely worth any discomfort that one might face. Brothers and sisters, Allah subhanho wa Taala did not make the religion difficult for us. Look at how easy it is to be a practicing Muslim out of all of our day, 24 hours, Allah says do as you please just spend 1520 minutes a day in your five daily otherwise, that's all the whole day is yours. But after every few hours, take a few minutes break turn your back to the dunya face the

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Qibla of Allah subhanho wa Taala and show me that you're serious out of all of the wealth that Allah has given us out of all of the wealth that Allah has given us. Uncle Sam asks us 30% of our income, and Allah asks us 2.5% of our savings is there any comparison savings, which means if you didn't have the whatever is saved for the full year, it means that you have to look at the surplus that you've had for the whole year. If you spent it on your rent, you spent it on your children education, then there is no zakat on what you have spent for your needs. What is remaining the surplus after one year not even after one month that surplus in your bank account 2.5% Yet still

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many of us find that difficult the whole year eat and drink as you please Ramadan just during the daylight hours from budget to from fajr to Muslim show Allah subhanho wa Taala Your dedication these are the photo Add to this the Hajj for those that are physically capable and those that can afford that journey for Hajj once in a lifetime. And you have done the bare minimum practicing of Islam, then look at the major sins What are the major sins murder and adultery and these sins that are actually harmful for society. Every sin that Allah has forbidden is harmful for you and society. Look at drugs, look at alcohol, more people are killed by alcohol than any other substance abuse in

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this country. When Allah has forbidden something he has done so because in forbidding it is our life, in forbidding the substance is our life. So all of the major sins without exception are detrimental to our spirituality and even to our physical bodies. Allah has not made that which is beneficial to us haram. Allah has only made that which is harmful to us haram. In other words, if you actually follow the Shetty app, you will live a better lifestyle, a healthier lifestyle and on top of this, you will gain Allah's pleasure. Dear Muslims, being religious is not a burden. It is liberating. being religious is not constrained. It is the essence of freedom. To embrace religiosity

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and to wants to come closer to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will liberate you like nothing else. ultimate liberation is in subjugating yourself only to Allah. You will free your souls from the shackle of this world, the shackle of pleasures the shackle of every vise and haram you will free yourself for the worship of Allah. Therefore Dear brothers and sisters on this auspicious day of Riedel fitter when we finished one month of fasting one month of somewhat rigorous it's not very rigorous to be honest because look, we did enjoy our lives, we enjoyed food, good food, plenty of good of bodies we enjoy we enjoyed good companionship in this is a sign to be religious doesn't mean

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you give up the pleasures of this world. In fact, in fact, perhaps the best illustration of what this means on the day of read, which is meant to be the most spiritual day and the best day our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to dress up in our finest carpets to take a shower and hustle to put on perfume. He said to us, a Yamo II than a Yamo Alkalyn was short. He literally said this, the days of read, these are the days of eating and drinking. We are supposed to eat and drink. Allah says in the Quran, cool man ha Rama Zina, Allahu Allah to Accra January birdie he will tell you about him in a risk, the good food and the good clothes. They're not haram. Allah says I made

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them for you. I made them for you. Allah azza wa jal is encouraging us to dress nice on eat to eat well on the eve but within that which is reasonable and within the guidelines of the Shetty out dear Muslims, being religious is not something that subjugates you it liberates you, turning to Allah subhanho wa Taala and embracing a lifestyle of ethical and spiritual virtue.

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What is the ultimate source of your happiness in this world and the next and on this day of read when we are supposed to be on the holiest day, throughout the day we say tuck the rod, and along with this we are also wearing our best and eating our best. This is the religion of Islam or a banner Artina dunya hacer una Warfield era has center work in either but now what a beautiful religion Allah has given us what a magnificent faith Allah has given us. Everything is easy, the Sharia is easy. Our religion is easy, the rituals are easy. So then why why are Muslim? Do we find it so difficult to embrace this ease on this day of read? I remind myself of all of you to embrace

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the lifestyle of Islam and you will insha Allah Who to Allah taste the sweetness in this world before the next May Allah subhana wa Tada bless me and you with and through the Quran. And May He make us of those who is versus the understand and applies halal and haram throughout our lifespan Escalus forgiveness he was will ask him for his love of food and the ramen.

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Alhamdulillah helwa hidden ahead of Samad alidium. Yet voila Mueller? What am your Kula who found a hat whereby do your Muslims on this day of happiness on this day of rejoice. Even if it is a day of happiness, one of the things we do need to consider and think about for our own good is the family and friends who we do not have on this day. Last Read we had some people sitting here they're not here. And all of us especially during the last two three years because of the COVID crisis. We have lost close relatives, friends family, and they are no longer with us read was different with them, we would celebrate with them brought her family brought her friends. And a day will come when those

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memories will be of me and you and the people will be left behind thinking of us. So yes, it is good to be happy and rejoice. Yes, it is good to be married. But along with this Mary meant there should be a practical understanding that this life is temporary. And eventually the number of reads We have will finish up but there is a quarter up there. There is a quota for the number of reads I will be enjoying and you will be enjoying it is an exact number. It is a precise number. Allah knows it. I don't know it. Even the medical mode does not know it right now. Allah knows it and it is in our books could lose shine and the whole corridor, everything is covered. That number is diminishing.

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Every single read we celebrate one read less, and then the next eight less and then the next eight less. So yes, be married and happy. But always in your mind. Keep this point in mind that this dunya is temporary and we have to prepare for the Ark era. So whatever we do, we do within the limits of Allah within the route of Allah, whatever we do, we make sure we do not cross the red line of disobeying Allah subhana wa taala. And if we do crossed that line, we repent to Allah and we repent and we repent and we never stop from repenting. This is the reality of life. So enjoy your eat today. And especially with family I keep on reminding ourselves, oh parents, shower your children

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with love on this day give them memories on this day that they will cherish and wish to replicate when they have kids when they become your age passed down. This is our legacy. Now this is the religion of Islam as practicing this land now. So today make it special for your children. Make sure this is the happiest day for them every single age you want to shower them with love so that insha Allah Allah Allah they enjoy this day this religious festival this day have read that goes back to the time even before the Prophet system but of course our processing revived it they need to know this is the holiest day of the year and make them feel special on this day. May Allah Subhana Allah

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Allah bless me and you and accept all of our good deeds on this day. Allahumma and NIDA and Minoo Allahu Allah then if you had anyone be them been in love a Fatah wa Hemin Illa for Raja what are they in and Illa Colita What am I read on inertia feta whether I see it on Illa? Yes, sorta Allahumma fildena What is one in a Latina Saba, Pune Bill Iman what a treasure I feel KHUDOBIN as hillbilly Latina Robina in Cara oh four Rahim rebirth Allah in Allahu Allah Amara can be a million by the BBFC within the Malacca de Kado se was become a youthful movement Unum and Jin Hee were insane for call Azim and Croydon oedema in Allah Houma la because we all saw Luna I don't know maybe

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you heard Adina Amman or sun Lu Allah He was selling him with us NEMA Allahumma salli wa salim WABA the Quran, abductor sadaqa Muhammad Ali he was IBH marine about Allah in Allah to Allah Moodle Bill idli with ehsani Waitara orba warrior in Halifax che was very well wealthy, you're able to come to the karoun Oh, the Corolla holidaymakers come watch guru who Yes he did. What did they call Allahu Allah Akbar? Well Tim is Salah.

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lot more a

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lot more a shadow

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mother was

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how Yato saw the higher I

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go they're gonna do solid don't go don't go

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long ago

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more you know high level brothers and sisters there will be a solitary janazah after our our Salah. So please remain in your faces and the Gentiles will be brought forward and will do so after janazah still

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Alhamdulillah here are bill me in a rough manual Rahane muddy key Maliki a woman d c n e ka na going to one e Canada styrene e d now slit all thumb was still king him slit all levena and he him Hawaii's in Melbourne oh the ANA you him What else balling

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Chef Ramadan and Lady Uzi laughy hidden the Quran or huddling nursing Wahby naughty Mina luda wonderful on Fatima Shahida como shahada how often y'all some woman can MIT one hour is fed in fact it doesn't mean a mean or call URI don't law Hubei como use Alajuela UD Don't be

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one it took me you know learn it delta one e two can be wrong law. Halima

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Walla Khun Josh ko rune what either sad currently Abadi Neva in equality would you boil down what dairy the

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friendliest energy Boonie one you may know Biela

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Allahu Akbar

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semi Allah when Amen Hamidah.

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Allahu Akbar

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along Welcome

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along all Kubo

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Alhamdulillah he'll have been ILM in a rush manner Rahimi Maliki a woman Dini II cannot avoid doing a canister in it did not slip at all one was dumped the email slid off on Hina and he him or Yeezy Mel go behind him one was on all

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I mean

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I'm not sure Hello girl solder I can weld on.

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Wizard I can Eddie. Call ball ball rock well off fine. Guys he can rock for in ersity you sir on you

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In a city use

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for either fall Oh tough

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one either be CAFO

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along welcome

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semi Allahu naman Hamidah

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along with them

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hola hola como

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Santa Maura Maura hammertone long

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as Santa morada equal more

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we can bring the janazah in or short lofts

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if the family members want to come to the front inshallah

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continue to

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prepare children

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we'll be praying Janaza for Sister Bill peace Begum her family has asked that if there's any outstanding loans or any debts then the sun will take care of them please come up to the family afterwards strategizes for tech bit rot the first degree are usually certified to have the second one you recite the Durood Sharif Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad all the way to the end. After the third tag Bureau you make dua for the deceased if you know the Arabic dua say it if not you may make dua in any language make dua for Mo Farah for her Mo Farah make dua for ease in the next life and the bodies of Make dua from your heart after the fortec beard you may say stay silent or Sarah

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bonacina for dunya and then there's the Sneem that is

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a long walk along

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along Welcome

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Santa Maura, Maura Myrtle more a Santa Maura, inkl more documents, all

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So whoever wishes to accompany is going to be going to Farmersville so please put your car put the marking on your car inshallah the signal and then come behind digitalization.

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