Yasir Qadhi – Intercession The Day of Judgment # 6

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Day of Judgment is a complete cycle, where the meaning is not just a time, but a whole life. The concept of the Day of Judgment is not just a time, but a whole life. The speakers discuss various topics such as the Day of Law, the Day of Law, and the Day of Law. They also touch on the importance of honoring individuals and protecting individuals from the potential consequences of the Day of Law. The speakers emphasize the need for people to be with their spouse and not just for their own. The concept of margins and margins is discussed, with the importance of honoring individuals and protecting their privacy. The speakers also touch on the difficulties of working in a family and the importance of working in a job.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad Anwar Ali he was so heavy on your mind and my bad. Today inshallah we will continue from where we left off last time and then move on to our next major topic. And last time we were discussing some of the descriptions, the general descriptions of the day of judgment and the motive what's going to happen on the motive. And I want to begin today with a famous Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reported in Sunon a Timothy our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Men sir Rahu and Yamamura Isla yo milk Yama, tikka and na hora you're in in familia Cara either shum Zuko

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we're not we're either Simone photographer, whoever wants to see the Day of Judgment in vivid detail. Whoever wants to see the Day of Judgment in vivid detail about you. And as if you are looking at him at it, let him read either Shom su COVID Rot, and let him read either summer on Fatah rot, and these two sewers, therefore, we should especially go over them for the day of judgment. And I'm going to very briefly go over just the translation. These these really require to have seen, but just so that we know what the surahs say either Shom su COVID Right when the sun is rolled up, Allah is saying the sun will collapse on itself, it will not be there anymore, where either new jewel

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moon, Kedah rot. And when the stars are diminished and extinguished, there will be no stars anymore. What he does G ba Lu su urid. And when the mountains are moving in motion, they're going to be say it is to move along the way. So the mountains will no longer be stable, that which you thought was the most stable will itself be moving way then it shall rotate and when all relationships will be broken and suspended way that will who shall who shall not. And when all of the animals will be gathered together, what either will be how to sue Jarrett, and when the oceans will become flames. We think of water as extinguishing and Allah is saying on the Day of Judgment, it will be so hot,

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the water itself will become fire where it will be how to suit Jarrett, when the oceans themselves are set alight with fire. So that which you thought is going to extinguish the fire will itself become a source of heat. What are the new foods to Zoo widget? And when souls are paired up? Meaning every volume of room every relationship you're not going to run away on that day? Why then new foods Uija what is Elmo? Oh, that's also a that's been a year them been quoted at and when the baby child that was killed, you know, the moda when it's just going to be asked, Why was she killed? Why was she buried alive? Ba them in particular, where he does Sue new shirts. And when the sort of the

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scrolls are spread out and everybody can read them when your scrolls that were kept hidden will be made open the saw health that were rolled up, they're going to be made open and public way the sort of minutiae that were either summer or kushiel thoughts and when the sky is peeled away, the sky is going to collapse as we know which way the Jehane was sorry. Were either Jana to Sleaford, when the fire is set ablaze and Jana is brought close. I Lima enough Suma Bharat, on that day, every soul will have in front of him, what that soul prepared for the Day of Judgment, you will get your hisab there your all deeds will be right there. And you will see I limit my whole life What did I do? What

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did I commit my life? What did I bring on that day, I limit enough Suma Bharat, every soul can see this is what I prepared for the day of judgment. And then the surah goes on. So this was sort of a Taquile and then settle in for thought as well. It is summer on fatwa that when the sky breaks up, the sky will split for Tara is to split asunder when the skies themselves are going to crack you will not have the stability even of the skies. Were either Kawakubo antithyroid and when the planets are going to be scattered, because again What does Allah say? Yo mama Tibet double o the ladle out of the woods summer what's the one thing that is steady is the skies above us. Wherever we go. We

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see the skies wherever we go. There's the skies. One thing that is steady wherever we go, there is land beneath us. Even in the ocean. We're on Earth somehow, even in the plane, we see the land and we see the skies. But on the day of judgment that which was most stable will be completely gone. This world not just this world, all the planets around us and all of the stars will be gotten rid of way they'll be how to fragility. Once again, be hard on

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mentioned in the previous Surah be how to suit Jarrett in this surah Behera for Jarrett, when the oceans will be set alight in the previous surah. In this sutra, when the oceans will explode for JIRA, they're going to explode out so even the oceans will no longer be there. What either Cobo Bora ferrets and the graves are going to be turned over we talked about this two weeks ago, but I thought that is whatever was under shall be on top. So the person when they exit out, the keyboard is more accurate. What either Kobudo Berthelot, Eileen Natsume, ma Adama to every single soul shall know what it has brought forth, and what it has left behind, meaning what every soul shall see what did I

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actually do? And what opportunities did I miss and they're no longer here? What did I bring that is of benefit to me on this day? And what did I leave behind that I have no access to my bank account and savings I had to them. But now they are all back there. I had the opportunity to pray now that it is all gone. So I limit enough. So McDermott what every soul will know this is what it is brought forth. And this is what it has left behind that I don't have it anymore. I used to have it. I could have had it, but I didn't do anything. So that is over there. And what have I actually brought forth Adam Adam, some of

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you are in Santa Maria raka Arabic Al Karim. Oh mankind. Why are you deceived about your Generous Lord? What is there to be doubtful of what's the issue? What's deluding you from worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala the One who created you Allah the hara aka for so workup for other He created you, he shaped you and He gave you your proportion and your body for a year? Surah 10 Marcia Urraca but in any fashion that Allah wants you to he has that much power He created you in your shape and your forms. And Allah azza wa jal then says color belt because they wanna be Dean. Rather, you don't really believe in the Day of Judgment dean here is they have judgment. What not a Kamala Hatfield,

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Lena Karam and Kathy Bina. Yeah, I don't wanna matter for our own, you have angels that are watching over you there are noble writers get on and Khatibi and they are knowing and writing what you are doing. And then Allah moves on in this surah and he says, that wha hoo man has been they are not going to be absent on the Day of Judgment when ma de raka Yom with Dean but what will you understand about the Day of Judgment How will you understand through mama drama Yom with Dean once again, what will convey to you what is the day of judgment? The OMA the term liquid enough soon enough since che up while Umbro Yama is a Lilla on that day, no soul shall help another soul, no soul shall be of any

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use to another soul. And every affair and decision will be made by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So these two sutras I zoomed over them in five minutes. The goal was to introduce you now you go back and read these two sutras in critical detail. Think through them, understand them. And remember what our prophets of salaam said. Whoever wants to see the Day of Judgment in vivid detail. Let him ponder over these two cigarettes, either Shunsuke COVID Rot, and in the summer on Fedora also, this last verse here, the last verse here, yo Mala Team Liquid enough soon enough since che, this is one of the primary descriptions of the Day of Judgment over half a dozen explicit versus Allah keeps on

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reminding in this dunya you have help in this dunya you have your friends and family in this dunya you can call 911 If somebody comes in and out you have some protection, however, on the Day of Judgment, every person will be by himself or herself. No ties of kinship, no friendship, no friends and powerful places. Allah says in the Quran, from Allah namond Shafi Rena, what are Saudi you can help me in the people that are destined to go to jahannam we don't have a single friend that is going to help us not one person to intercede. Allah says wala use Allah Yes. Aloha meme on her Mima even the closest of friends on that day they won't even ask about their friends while is our

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honeymoon me Emma. Allah says you don't want me annoyed for either Newfield coffee sorry, fella and Saba Bina home. Yoma. Even wala Tessa alone when the trumpet is blown, there will be no ties of kinship. They won't even ask about one another. All of your close friends and families all of those that you thought were your allies. On the Day of Judgment. Neff, see Neff see enough see no one will care about anyone else. In fact, not only not care, you will try to hide from those whom you knew and you took support and comfort from in this dunya

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to male or female role model woman okay he will owe me he will be he was Sahiba T web any liquid libre men whom you may then shutdown Yo Honey on that day, the person will run away from his own brother from his own wife from his own children from his own mother from his own father, every single person is only worried about matters pertaining to himself shot no new honey doesn't care about anyone else. So we learn from the all of this is that there will be a general sense of selfishness now I've seen FC and why would there not be because this is the Yama This is heaven and * you have to answer for yourself. Now, that will also mean that and the Quran is explicit, that

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will there will also be a moment or a long period of fear and introspection, that there will be a sense of all and a sense of trepidation, a sense that will cause everybody at least in the beginning of the day of judgment to be completely quiet. Everyone will be terrified, confused, what is going on? And that will mean no one will speak and this is again mentioned explicitly in the Quran. Yo Ma T lotta Qalamoun Epson Ellerbee Ethernet, when they come on that day, not a single soul will speak unless ALLAH has given them permission to speak, there will be the prophets who will speak Allah has given them permission to speak. Everybody else will be quiet. Allah says in the Quran. Yo Yo como

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rope to soften La Jolla tackle Munna Ilam, an addenda, la rama and wakad us awaba. On that day, the raw the Jibreel and the Mara Iike. are all standing in rows. No one will say one thing lie attack a lemon. No one will say neither the angels nor the human beings in Edina la hora man except for those whom Allah has given permission, Allah will tell people to speak, then they will speak Allah will grant permission and we're going to talk about some of those permissions. Allah says in surah Taha, verse 108 Well, how shall I tell a SWAT to the Rockman fella Tessmer Illa. Hamza on that day, all sounds will be silent in front of a man. Asha till oswaal To live right man. Every voice is going to

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go quiet. Falah tomorrow Illa Hamsa you will only hear humps what is humps? Some have said humps will be the shuffling of feet as they go to the day of judgment. And others have said the mumblings that we say but nobody can hear, you know, just like something like that You're trembling. You're saying you want to say something but it's not even coming out. And this is hemps humps is the voice that is so small, even your neighbor cannot understand. No one will speak up on the day of judgment. And our prophets have said hadith is in Bahati, the OMA even on that day, no one will speak except for the prophets of Allah. Not even the shahada, or the Saudi attain or the Saudi hain, no one will

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speak except for the Prophet today will be the ones who will break that silence when Allah azza wa jal allows them to break that silence. So these are some descriptions of Judgement Day. And we now move on to a topic we'll spend at least two, maybe even three weeks on, we're going to go into a lot of detail in sha Allah Allah about this topic.

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Because this is a topic that really is deserving of detail. And it is the concept of Chef Ah, so after the motive, after the hashCode has come after the souls have been gathered together there in front of Allah subhanho wa taala, there is dead silence, what will be the next thing that will take place, the next thing that will take place will be the intercession of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam to begin the day of judgment. Now, this intercession is a type of intercession because we're going to talk about it. We will also talk about other types of intercession right now, even though most of them no all of them will occur after the first one. So we're going to pause our

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chronological order and we're going to take a deep dive into the concept of Chef ah, and we're going to mention many categories of Chef Ah, today next week most likely even three weeks or two, two weeks from today inshallah to others what will still be doing this topic because it is a very interesting and deep topic, many dozens of Iota Hadith about the concept of Shiva and a lot of confusion also about what exactly is Shiva and who gets to ash alpha and what does that mean for us, visa vie those who are asking this Shiva so we will talk about this concept insha Allah in extensive detail, what is Shiva? What is the concept of Shiva shefa

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Ah actually means to be even worse chuffed very well water the even and the odd shafa is actually technically it just means even in a linguistic manner and Islamically and the concept of Shiva and not just Islamically is that you bring somebody to plead your case in front of a third party intercession intercede, what has the concept of even because even an odd what has the concept of even got to do with pleading your case in front of somebody else, because when you bring the Shaffir you come from one to two. So, you become from odd to even hence it is called chef, ah, this is the linguistic the connotation of even versus bringing somebody to intercede because in shefa rather

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than having one person you don't have to some person is going to plead your case in front of a third party. So, rather than being direct one, you're gonna have somebody else. So, it is called the concept of Chef. Now, the Quran generally speaking, when it talks about chef Ah,

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it always this is a general rule. Obviously, there's always some exceptions, the general rule, it always conditions chef Hara it always conditions chef ah, and Allah is praised by not allowing unconditional shofar.

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And this is something that is very unique because every human being without exception, there are people they need to please. And this is something perhaps those that are young might think if you're powerful, then you get away with it. But that's because they're young, they don't understand whoever is powerful, needs to surround himself with people of power and status and, and have their protection. And in order to have their protection, he needs to give them perks as well. Every single person of wealth and power has an entourage that he needs to be a person of wealth and power. Every King has a group, every president every build doesn't matter who you are, you as an individual

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cannot do anything without the help of others. And the people who are doing that help, they need perks from you and you need perks from them. Hence when one of them comes to you for something, then you have to do what needs to be done. There is only one who has no need of any help or intercessor and that is Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala affirms that no one can give Shiva in front of him unless he allows that person and this is something that is a constant theme of the Quran. What tokuyama That Allah azza wa jal mentions that fear de de la Yoni lateral Nelson Alison Satan wallet and for our shafa I don't know shafa will help them on the Day of Judgment in AYATUL

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kursi right before Arthur Corsi, Allah subhanho wa Taala says you will Adina Amaroo, unforgettable memories of Canal communicably to Yeoman

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la biographie wala whole lot on Walla shafa there won't be any chef ah, on the day of judgment and in AYATUL kursi What does Allah say?

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Many the lady a shower in the who in the evening? It's a rhetorical question, meaning, isn't it obvious who is there that can even try chef Ah, much less have it accepted? Who is there that can even open his mouth for Chef ah, except if Allah gives permission, and sudo Eunice verse three Mermin chef, Chef Ian Ilam and by the evening, there is no Shaffir Illa embodied except after Allah subhanaw taala has allowed in Surah Ambia verse 28 wala Yash for ona Illa, Lima new Rotel law, they cannot intercede except on behalf of people whom Allah is already pleased with. They cannot intercede except if Allah's already happy with them and with the one whom they are pleading in front

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of Yoma is alert and Pharaoh Shiva on that day, no Shiva will be accepted Ilam and then Allahu Rama, no, we're all the Allahu Allah except if Allah has given permission, and Allah is pleased. So our scholars mentioned that for any shefa to occur on Judgement date for any Shiva to occur, two conditions must be met.

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Both of them are linked directly with Allah subhanaw taala. The first condition

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Allah will allow certain groups of people to intercede they do not

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have the right to stand up and say Allah, I want this person to be safe. No, Allah will give that person the opportunity. If Allah chooses, stand up and speak, Allah will allow certain people, no one has that privilege. It is not any rate that anyone has. This is very explicit in the Quran. No one can speak except if Allah gives permission. And for some people, Allah will say, go ahead and speak and I give you Shiva. This is the first category

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who will get this? The righteous?

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The angels, the prophets, the Saudi 18, the shahada, the salah Hain the martyrs are prophets have said the martyr has 70 He can give shefa in one Hadith it says,

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And one Hadith and Sunnah Timothy with he is not the life that the Hatfield has 10

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shefa that he can do. And our Prophet system said there is a person from the tribe of such and such that we're sorry, there's one person in my Alma sorry, he will be given more shafa than the tribe have been who Tamim, who Tamim tribe is the largest out of tribe, there are still two Mimi's to this day that are in the millions. And our prophets have said there's a person of my ummah, Allah will bless him to give shefa out to more people that are in the entire tribe of Babu Tamim. That is like, I don't even know what number to put, I would guesstimate like 50 million or something like this right? One person, Allah will give him a prophecy. Some said that and by the way, all of these

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Hadith we're going to do in detail right now I'm just getting the concept to we're gonna go over them one by one. That's the purpose of this class, advanced class about the day of judgment shall Allah that the child shall make sure for our for its parents, if it died, every child dies, and the parents were righteous, the child will make sure far the child gets a quarter of to go ahead and of course the child will choose its parents. So this is the first condition Allah will allow a person and in some a hadith we learned they will be given a quota. You have 70 you may ask for 70. You may ask for 10. You may ask for unlimited ask whoever you want, you may ask for this many people. So

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Allah allows them this is the first condition. The second condition, while I Ashfur, owner Illa, Lima, Nero, tada. There, Shiva, I will not be accepted. unless ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is pleased with the people, on whose behalf they're asking intercession. And this condition is explicit that just because Allah gives you permission to make shefa doesn't mean your shafa will be accepted. What is the evidence for this office?

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Where's the other half of sub? Or other officers? cannot be seen? Actually, yeah, but where's the more explicit one will come in Mother confessor, my wife, it was our de la Tonisha. To whom the how explicit this verse is, how many are the angels in the heavens and in the earth? They're shafa che a little chef, I'm che and they're shafa will be of no value. Allah has given them the permissibility you make sure. And Allah is saying there shafa will be of no value, except after I have accepted those whom I want those whom I choose. So the second condition is that, and of course, honestly, it's common sense. If somebody could stand up and say, these 10 people, I'm going to make sure they

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go to jahannam. Who is the Malik then? Who is the ROB den? Who is the Maliki omit dean then who is the judge this person? Of course not. It is Allah subhanho wa taala. Obviously, the one who makes sure far does not have a guarantee that what he says is going to happen. And Allah is saying how many are the angels means you cannot even count them. They're making Shiva and their Shiva will be of no value whatsoever, unless I wanted to. It's up to Allah subhanho wa taala. Now, therefore, these are the two conditions that are explicit in the Quran for a shefa to be effective. Both of these conditions are directly linked to what

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to Allah subhana wa taala. Allah is going to allow one group of people, the group of people will then make sure for on behalf of others, then Allah will pick and choose whoever he wants. In the end, everything is up to Allah, which is obviously common sense and after that until eight, but then the question arises what is the

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Use of Shiva. Why go through all of this mechanism? When in the end it is Allah who will decide anyway? You get the other question here right? What is the purpose of telling a person the Shaheed you have 70 Go ahead.

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When in the end of the day, Allah might choose 35 and reject 35 Because obviously, the shade or the Hatfield or the RM, or the Motoki or the Saudi person does not have unconditional right to pick and choose. Because if that person did, who would be the Lord? Obviously doesn't make any sense. But then the question is why go through this response?

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Allah subhana wa Taala will honor one group of people by allowing them on a day when no one speaks to speak. And at a time when everybody is trembling, that not only have you passed the exam, I've given you permission to try to bring some other people out.

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Is it not an honor? That on that day, Allah azza wa jal announces the name of so and so and so and so. Essentially, you have 70 quarters go? Is it not an honor, that when the majority of mankind or trembling sitting down, one person will stand up, and then he has 70? cards? If obviously, it's not cards, but you get my point? He has 70 people that he can do right? Is it not a means of honor? Now, obviously, who will get it? The one who deserves that honor, and therefore the more righteous a person is, the more likelihood they will be given a quantity? And the higher their Iman, the more the quantity? Is that clear? And is it not a means of honor? If somebody stands up and Allah says to

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him, you have the Shiva, have all the tribe have been with me, and one person will get it. One person of my alma, not the prophets, somebody lesser than him, the prophets I've even more somebody lesser than him, he's gonna get that. What do you think of this honor, is it did not a means of honoring, even if 60s is accepted and 40 is rejected, isn't it an honor for him. Now, ju as for those that are forgiven, in the end,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is using the mechanism of Shiva to forgive them knowing they would be forgiven.

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Allah is using the mechanism of Shiva to forgive them. Allah uses many mechanisms. And this is one of the mechanisms that he's using. As well, as Hassan allostery said, increase the number of your righteous friends, for Allah knows who Shiva will be accepted. Increase the number of your righteous friends,

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don't hang around losers guys.

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Don't hang around, those are going to drag you down.

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Don't hang around those that are bad influence on you. Don't hang around and around those who are casting

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issues onto you. Why would you do that? Find righteous company. So that even if maybe you don't quite make it, may Allah protect us. But if you are with the righteous as the famous scholar said, I love the righteous even if I'm not amongst them, or hate Bousada hate, I love the righteous, even if I'm not amongst them, maybe their piety will rub off on me. And maybe on Judgment Day, maybe one of their shofar will come in handy as well. Right? So also another thing as well, who will get the Shiva I think about it, suppose somebody has been given 10? Let's say you have 10? Who is he going to choose? Tell me

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those whom he owes favors to right? Those that have an impact on him. And so even in this, there's a reason for us to be good to other people, a reason for us to be generous, a reason for us to have good allowed to control our anger, because we do not know that you know what, maybe and you know, this is many, many Hadith of this nature of them the famous Hadith as well that there was a man who would do many, many, many sins, but He would also give money to people. And when the time came to collect the money, he would tell his servant, listen, if they don't have the money, give them some slack. Maybe Allah will give me slack on the day of judgment. And so he comes on the Day of Judgment

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full of his sins. And Allah says, I have more right to cut you slack than you had to give to them. Go ahead, you forgiven. This is Chef Ah, those people who were impacted by his generosity, right, this is that concept. So what is the wisdom of Shiva, very obvious, Allah will honor one group of people. And Allah will forgive another group through the mechanism of Shiva. But in the end, who is the one who controls Jafar?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala all Lilla has shuffled to Jimmy.

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You see, we say this because unfortunately, some miss

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some Muslims that don't quite understand their appeal, let's say or their theology. They have this notion that certain mahalo of Allah have the ultimate right to ask Allah and be given what they demand.

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And this is simply not La ilaha illallah This is not Maliki OMA Deen. This is not limited. Volkl Yom. This is not Colella. Hey Chef how to Jamia no matter how blessed ID a person might be. The person is still Mahalo and Allah is Holic. So we need to be very clear here. shefa is not a heck of anyone. Allah is the One Who grants some people and even then it is up to Allah subhanho wa taala. Now you understand why this is sensitive. Because

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obviously, some people go to the level of exaggeration, in a legitimate love. And we need to be careful because legitimate love is where things get problematic. Nobody loves illegitimate, evil people. The problem comes loving good people and then exaggerating that love. And this is where have to be careful about so we begin. We begin with almost almost done, I was brought up, we begin our long topic of Shabbat this was all an instruction by the way, we're going to begin now, we begin our long topic of Shiva by talking about the Shiva of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because we said who gets your fire? Every righteous person Allah can give your fire to every Saudi person has

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the potential. Every angel has the potential of Shiva, the angels can give Shiva the Quran will give Shiva the Quran will give Shiva so yam will give Shiva the money you give in charity might give Shiva on Judgement Day the ground that you did such the in might give Shiva the leaf that heard you say Lubbock Allahu Allah be that might give chef out on Judgment Day. The whole mahalo heart of Allah have the potential to give shofar. If Allah allows them, all of it is up to Allah subhanho wa Taala who will have the lion's share of Shiva, obviously, say you the winner, the Adam, the most of the Mustafa Habib, the most of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will have the greatest

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quantity, and the most variety and quality. This is understood, no doubt about it. So we begin this was our beginning by talking about the shefa art of our profits of Allahu alayhi wa sallam, what he has, and when you look at the Quran and the Sunnah, and especially the sooner, you find a lot of Shiva art of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this has caused quite a lot of commentary. And scholars have differed about how many types of Shiva our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Imam will also be says our scholars have differed over the number of shafa arcs there are prophecies that I'm has to be says Abu Bakr nakash scholar of Tafseer died. 351 Hijra says he has

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three types of Shiva, Shiva out to Lamb, the general Shiva, the Shiva of who will first intergender the first batch and the Shiva for the major sinners mentioned three quarters it goes on, even after year says Even after years, another scholar of tafsir died 545 roughly and I'll tell you it says famous tafsir fctm Naughty scholar from under this great scholar, very genius mind even Altea says what is well known is that our profit system has only two categories of Shiva, the general Shiva, we'll talk about the general one we won't have time to deal with next week just memorize all of this or keep it in your notes, the general shefa and the shefa to take people out of Jahannam into Jana.

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So if an athlete says he has to shuffle has to be goes on.

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Sorry, even after year says the general one is only for the Profit System and the one to take people out of Jahannam this is for all righteous people who remember Allah wills will have this version. So he has two one of them is exclusive and the other is general. Both will be then quotes I'll call the yacht another famous and the Lucien scholar, very great alum of Andalus. I'll call the outside there will be five shofars for the prophets of Allah, Who are you selling them? And then you mentioned them the general one number one, the general one we'll talk about, just remember a shuffle to alarm. It's called. We'll talk about this. Number two,

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the people who will enter Jannah without hisab

00:35:00 --> 00:35:22

So this is going to be a special category that the Profit System will make sure for according to all their yard. All of this we'll talk about in detail with evidences. That's why we're in this class. This is a class that we go over with explicit evidences number two, they will enter gender without his sub number three, some people are destined to go to jahannam

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the verdict has been given before they enter Jahannam the shafa of the process and then kicks in and they are saved is number three. Number four, those who have entered Jahannam are allowed to exit before their time, because of the shift of the professor's you understand the difference between three and four, right clear between the four and then number five, he said, The shafa of Delta jacket or a few dollar jet, what is the ship out the Rajat? The shafa of our profits are some to raise the ranks of people higher than what they deserve. They got into Janna hamdulillah they got in, but they got in with a C minus. And the prophecies of might give them a B, go ahead. Bismillah

00:36:07 --> 00:36:48

rise up higher. So this is the Shiva of the people of Jana for the data data of Jana. This is an internal shafa of gender. So this is a call there y'all mentioned five categories J ID. And all of these quotes are to be is the one who said them. J when a woman to another scholar in Cathedral, died 774 scholar of Damascus in the Hmong Luke era, one of the main students have had been Tamia and the one who wrote the famous tafsir Ibn cathedra, and also the famous book of history. I'll be Daya when the high one of the most voluminous books of history will be die when they hide the beginning and the end. This is Ibn cathedra and a great polymath person was mo Hadith. They have the Shafi

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madhhab and will first seer and scholar of the Arabic everything he is mashallah one of those people, even cathedra writes, There are eight Shiva has of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Number one.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:49

He calls it a Shiva to look over the Grand Shiva. We're going to talk about all of these terms. We're going to talk about the grand Shiva, the greatest Shiva, Shiva to aroma. Number two, the Shiva for people whose good and bad deeds were the same. So the Shiva is to tilt in the sight of the good. So the good and bad is the same Mr. reacts, but the Shiva is to let them and this is number two. Number three, those who have been commanded to go to jahannam. But before they get there, they will be saved. We talked about this before. Number four, those who will be raised above what their level in paradise dictates. We talked about this before Adonijah number five those who will enter agenda

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without hisab. We talked about this as well. Number six, the shefa tool Hall saw the special shefa that he did for his uncle Abu Talib. We'll talk about this all of these we're just right now, today, I'm just throwing out the categories. Inshallah next lesson, we'll go over every one with details and discuss so today we're gonna go over the categories What number is this? Six, number seven, the shefa of the people of Jannah to enter Gen. They will not be able to enter Jannah until our profit systems make sure for our for them to enter agenda, no one will enter Jannah until our profit system makes shefa for the gates of gender to open, then the gates agenda will open this is the seventh

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category. Then number eighth, the Shiva for the major centers of the Muslim ummah, Shiva, Leah, Lil kabbah, Ill the Shiva for the major centers of the OMA of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So even cathedra mentions eight of these and then he says, and some of them might be doubtful, meaning I have come across eight, and I don't know every category is actually valid or not. Now, we get to another issue. And that is, so he mentioned eight of them. Clearly, some of them are unique to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, for example, the grand Shiva, Shiva to Obama, for example, opening the gates of Jannah, only one person is going to do that. But others are open to

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many other categories of people, for example, saving people from jahannam. This is the default of what it means to have Chef Ah, right. What is Chef Ah, if Allah says to a person, you have 10 quota, you have 10. What is that? 10 mean? Who is he going to choose the person going to for those? He's going to choose somebody who's destined. That's the whole point that on the Day of Judgment, Allah has given him you are blessed with 10. Now he's going to see in the crowd, may Allah protect us from being in that crowd. In that crowd. He's going to see people and he's going

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See, who do I know? Now remember, in our last lesson, what do we say? Or is it two lessons ago, that one of the miracles of the Day of Judgment, anyone who wants to see anybody else will see them? How Allah knows how any boss or wants to meet its target, you will find that person. That's the miracle of Judgment Day. So on that when he's given the quota, he will immediately think of the 10 people that he wants to save that are in this group. Now, not all 10 might be say maybe all 10 will be saved, maybe none of them, but he's been given that chance to plead their case, who is he going to choose the people that are destined to jahannam so it's not only the process of that gets this,

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other people will also get it as well. And we'll also mention the issue of the shefa for the people of gender themselves to get a higher level of gender. This is also not unique to the Prophet system. It is actually given listen to this to every single person of Jana he gets this

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every single person of Jana is allowed to fine tune within Jana who will the fine tune home was wired your home for example. Marry wisely single people

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not just as watch who else

00:41:24 --> 00:41:26

very good. What's the evidence?

00:41:29 --> 00:42:19

Alma OMA Amen. I help the ones whom you love to be with in this dunya our Prophet system of demand came to me Sal Rasulillah I don't have much good deeds. But I love Allah and His messenger. What did the President say? You will be with those whom you love. Love the righteous people. Love the solid hen. Love the Olia and talking love them. And you never know what's going to happen. Family members, anybody you hope so? Suppose a person made it into Jana. But his deeds were of a North level high. And he wants to be with his loved one. He wants to be with his spouse he wants to be with his friends. That internal shefa is the most common one, that every person of gender because no one will

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be deprived of his or her family and friends. It's in the Quran, right? And how can I be him the reata whom Allah says in the Quran, that we already know

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why I'm starting

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from the Ria, Toby Iman, Al How can I be him the reata home those who did good, then their progeny did good after them, we shall match them up with their progeny and have them together have them together. So this is the the shefa that will be given to every person of Jana, that no one will be deprived of their family and friends if they made it into Jana.

00:42:59 --> 00:43:12

So my point is we have this category of eight that Ibn katheer said and by the way, some have made it to 12 we're going to talk about this in our next lesson. Some of them are unique to our profit system and some of them are

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open to other people. So today let us begin I don't want to because we should have this was posted within the first 10 minutes so we're have I literally have all of this left so I'll just quickly do one then please bear with me because we have a lot of stuff and I don't want to I don't want to Yanni take that slowly. The first thing we need to do so the first category is the big shift ah and this in Arabic is called the Grand shafa in Arabic is called the graduate right take that back in Arabic is called a Shiva alto rovuma A Shiva Arturo Verma, the grand dystrophy ah the magnificent Shiva alim. Rama is the feminine or Ultima the grand dished out alum Rama the grand just Shiva,

00:43:55 --> 00:43:59

Shiva to rovuma. The chef Arturo Verma, what is it?

00:44:01 --> 00:44:09

Majority of scholars say that to Shiva to rovuma is the same thing as MACOM al Mahmoud

00:44:11 --> 00:44:23

Shiva to an aroma is the same thing as McConville, Muhammad. So there's two different things mentioned. And the majority interpretation, these two things are the same thing.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:31

What is more common Muhammad? Muhammad Muhammad is mentioned in the Quran. How many times

00:44:34 --> 00:44:42

one time in the Quran explicitly in Surah Israa Wamena Layli for tahajjud Biggie now filata Leca

00:44:43 --> 00:44:59

I certainly have Atakora Buka MACOM and Maha Mudra pray to her Judea rasool Allah, perhaps as enough in for you perhaps and perhaps your muse is going to happen. When Allah says Eisah is going to happen. Perhaps Allah will resurrect you

00:45:00 --> 00:45:46

In the normal mode, this is explicit. And after the Yvan, we say hola hola Baja to hit that with a Tom or salatu or Emma T Mohamed Anil will see letter well for Lila there will see the end of Aldila are the highest levels of gender. We'll talk about this whenever we get to talking about gender many, many, many months from now because we have a long way to go in Day of Judgment. What is it? Well sila and felida was Sita and felida are the highest levels of gender. It Mohamed Anil will see that I will follow the law. That's one thing what I've who more common more than and resurrect him that's something else, then we'll see that and felida resurrect him on the Makamba mode that you

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have promised him. So MACOM mode is pertaining to resurrection whereby through and Assa and yerba Cara Bukom a common man Perhaps Allah will resurrect you and give you them a combat mode. So the MACOM mode is explicitly linked to the Day of Judgment.

00:46:07 --> 00:46:16

The majority of aroma and this is insha Allah definitely the correct opinion is that the McConville Mahmoud is the same thing as the Grand shofar

00:46:18 --> 00:46:27

before we move on footnote here, I say the majority, are there other opinions about Muhammad Muhammad, of course, there are of them,

00:46:28 --> 00:46:33

that the Muhammad Muhammad so what is Muslim women MACOM means a station

00:46:34 --> 00:47:15

Muhammad means praiseworthy, people are thanking people are praising you, it is the praise worthy station, it is a McCombe a station that everybody will praise the one who has it. The one who has it will be worthy of Hamed Muhammad, he is going to be praised. What opinion is that? The most common mode is that our Prophet system will be given the flag and the banner of mankind on the Day of Judgment. There will be a flag that will be given to all of mankind. One person will carry it to represent mankind. And this flag is called the flag of praise Liwa al Hamd.

00:47:16 --> 00:47:24

The banner of praise the Liwa al Hamd. So the one who is carrying the banner of praise Muhammad Muhammad

00:47:25 --> 00:48:06

where's the evidence that this is going to happen? There's a hadith and Timothy I will say the Hadith reported that the prophets have said and as say you the one of the Adam your Meltemi to Allah fucker, I shall be the leader of the children of Adam and I don't say this out of pride, I shall be the leader on the Day of Judgment will be ye D li wa l Hamdi wala for and in my hand shall be the banner of praise. And I'm not saying this out of prayer out of arrogance. When I'm in Nubian Yama, even Adam, Adam will ferment Duna, who, from ncwa, who sorry, Illa tattly, Ye, and every prophet, including Adam, and all who come after him will be undermined banner, and I'll be the first who will

00:48:07 --> 00:48:45

get out of the grave. And I say this without any arrogance. So in this hadith, four things are mentioned. And each time the President saying I'm not saying it out of arrogance, you need to know this. This is the MACOM that Allah has given me. So on the Day of Judgment, there's going to be something called Liwa al Hamd. Some scholars said that is Emma Coleman and Muhammad. Another group said the common Mahmoud is that he shall be the one who knocks on the door of Jana, the Hadith and Musa and Mr. Ahmed and others that the prophets have said, I shall be the first to knock on the doors of Jana. The first person to knock on the doors of gender and gender will not open to anybody

00:48:45 --> 00:49:00

else. And so the first person to step in with his right foot will be our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Some have said, this is the Muhammad Muhammad, how can it not be when everybody's going to praise him for opening the doors of Jen? There's Mohamed Mahmoud.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:41

Another opinion of what is the most common Muhammad is going to raise some eyebrows but I'm simply telling you as it is, and you will find this in many books of the past the Sunnah of halal and Kitab al Arsha, Vidya Hubie and many of the books of Imam Muhammad and especially the early humbly theologians, and this is the position it has been narrated even by Mr. Muhammad is how camera who were accustomed to Salam Qatada the student of human Abbas, this is reported from him. And it sounds very strange I'm just telling you like it is. They said the Muhammad Muhammad is that Allah subhana wa Taala will take the Prophet system and place him next to him on the throne.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:59

This is an interpretation and it was the position of some of our classical aroma especially of the early humbly creed, they did consider that the Muhammad Muhammad is that the Prophet system will sit the edgeless alkazi They would say the process and would sit upon the Quran

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See of Allah azza wa jal in one narration of the scholars next to only Allah azza wa jal, this is their opinion. There is no evidence from the Quran and Sunnah that actually supports this position, but there are some authority of the Sahaba and Tabby rune that have been interpreted into this manner. And they said this is the most common Mahmoud. So this is Mohammed Mohammed, he will be honored by putting on the Throne of Allah subhanho wa taala. But that position does not have any authentic basis to it. Now, these are other positions out there. As we said, the majority of scholars and in our times, this is pretty much the default is that the more common mode is the same

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thing Shafaq roadmap. Okay. What is Shafaq roadmap? We will conclude with that and then next lesson, we will begin with the evidence for Chicago. I don't want to leave with a cliffhanger you don't know what you guys what is Schaffhausen OMA shefa Atala ova

00:50:51 --> 00:51:12

is called rovuma because there is no shafa that is more important than it. That's why it's called the biggest and the most honorable and the greatest and the grandest. It is all them out of them. It is the biggest shift ah, no shefa is greater than it and the Shafaq will open up. What it means is that

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it will be the shafa for the day of judgment to begin.

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And the reason why it will be called More commonly My mood is that every single mahalo without exception, will thank the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for doing and causing the Shiva by the permission of Allah subhana wa Tada.

00:51:38 --> 00:52:28

This is called Alma Carmel, Muhammad, because every Jin and ince will thank our prophets of salaam will praise him Mohammed Mahmoud, because he was the one who shafa Allah allowed to happen to begin the proceedings of Judgement Day. Why? Because we said last week, we explained that judgment day is going to be a long time. And there will be a sense of chaos and a sense of fear and a sense of trepidation. And people will not know what to do. And in that frustration, some will even say let judgment happen. Even if we're going to jahannam is better than this. Wait, let the weight just tell me the result. And we all know how that feels when we are threatened with some major issue may Allah

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protect us but when there's a major issue, we're like, just go ahead and tell me just this suspense is worse than the actual. So they're going to be in such a long state, that all of mankind will just want judgment to begin, so that they can move on to the next stage whatever the next stage might be. And that judgment to begin, they will go to various people to see who will be the one who can go speak to Allah subhanaw taala on behalf of whom Muslim only No, and that is why the Mocambo Muhammad is not just the one who opens the doors of gender. That's great and that is a Shiva but the star Muhammad Muhammad is not just those who make sure for our for the people that come I know. Muhammad

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Muhammad is Shiva, Atala Ultima, because every man, without exception, will thank our profit system and will choose our profit system and will honor our profit system. This is why it is Mohammed Mahmoud. Allah has honored him by giving it to him and all of the mahalo court will unanimously choose one person to represent them, you go and they will know who that person is. And they will know this is the person who will go and make sure that's why it's called a Sherpa to roadmap and it is called a common Mahmoud. And with this insha Allah will have to pause here we will continue next week with the evidences if there any quick questions in sha Allah Tala about this issue. Bismillah

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is good.

00:53:59 --> 00:54:03

From Yeoman bass all the way to

00:54:09 --> 00:54:21

No, no, no, no, no. On the contrary, our brother is saying there's a skip between the hisab and reason and the Shiva or the mono shafa Todorova is the beginning of everything else.

00:54:24 --> 00:54:26

By Shiva Atala Ozma you don't know anything.

00:54:28 --> 00:54:31

Shiva to Ultima is the beginning of the hisab.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:57

After Shavon Ozma. The Meezan are brought down after Shafaq Ultima de hisab is done after Shiva to Ozma. Allah azza wa jal will come with the angels this is all afterwards. Nothing is happening until cefaclor Ogma Sasha Fatah Ozma is the first step before the other steps of Judgment Day. We'll do one other things here. How about miscarry children will they also be

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given the opportunity for shafa

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So, there is no doubt that miscarriage is indeed a type of trial and a test from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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the prophets have said there is no mother who loses three children before the age of puberty Yanni they die is children except that they will be intercessors for them on Judgement Day. And remember this was at a timeframe when on average women gave birth to like 10 or 15 children because their rate of mortality was extremely high. So women would give birth and it was very common for children to die. So the problem said three, which is a reasonable number for them, they said yeah, Rasulullah How about to he said yes, go ahead to and our scholars say in that society to was not even you know, every child is a big deal, but it was an in our society one is much more difficult even because

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mortality rates are so low, you know, over 97 98% of survival rate, which is unprecedented in human history. So even one insha Allah will qualify, and our scholars mentioned if it was a way that it qualifies, so yes, a miscarriage that takes place after the rule is blown in as for before the rule, no doubt it is his pain and suffering and you shall get the reward of that of being patient in this regard and shallow to other sisters. Any quick questions, going once going twice. Last question to the other person good.

00:56:27 --> 00:56:41

We'll talk about this we'll talk that's one of the main categories of Shiva. So you're jumping the gun you're excited that's good, but I want to mention this as a separate category and Sharla already laid guys today inshallah we'll continue. Next one's the exact person on monoclonal

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