Riyadh Walls – Humility (2020 01 08)
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Well let the you know either the QB tear of beam lumea here grew
so men were omiana
so the colada
This is actually
a CIFA to Lashio This is the 10th attribute
and one of the greatest attributes of the believers the true
believers May Allah make us of them me.
I was photolysis they are those Alladhina
either zucchini ru, b t or of beekeeping if they are reminded in
whatever way whether it's somebody reminding them or they are being
reminded by something, because at the end of the day, in everything
there is a sign
for what algebra
okay for your slide killer.
Well, he could Alicia in the Who are you know who was?
The poet says? How amazing it is?
How can Allah be disobeyed?
Or how can you even be disbelieved? When in everything,
there is a sign that points to his oneness gender formula.
So the true believers are about the Rockman Allah make use of
them, I mean, make it to as many times as we can,
that when they are reminded by whoever or by whatever of the
signs of the Lord lumea
Suman or Amira
they don't pass by in actual fact Korea hero has got several
meanings in the Arabic language. One is to fall down from a high
place to a low place.
Another meaning is to actually go into June
Caruso agenda as it comes in the first one was on a dialysis in
nama. You may not be if Tina Lavina is Zuki. Ruby her Caruso
Jaden was some back who will be handy rhombi mobilier stick
Bureau, lo Akbar.
In fact, this is one of the 15
to Sajida This is one of the 15 one of the 15 verses of such that
when you hear this verse, when it's being recited
and you have to do then it is compulsory according to remember
Sheffield ham Allah Allah this difference of opinion amongst the
scholars, but according to Alabama, Sheffield hermano, to
Allah it is compulsory, if you hear this verse that you have to
make should do the tilava sagittis Tila otherwise you can be is also
a zikr to recite but what is in this is one of dialysis in nama a
doctor hacer la casa without any exception.
You may know Biya Tina. So without any exception those who truly
believe in our signs or who are
those that when they are reminded
about the signs of Allah by whoever or by whatever.
What do they do? suggestion they immediately go into sujood was
somebody who will be handy or a beam and they glorify the Praises
of the Lord. Well Himalayas to be rude, and they are not filled with
pride or arrogance.
Now here's a very important point. Coming back to the verse we're
dealing with tonight from Roberto Rahman, a civil action of the 10th
attribute will levena
when Davina either kyrou bia terapi him lamea shemaroo, la her
Suman Wamena Allah Shia to Rafo be de de her the same things are
known by the opposites. So if the believers if they are reminded
about the science of Allah, what do they do they either go into
sujood if it's essentially tilava, or they glorify the Praises of the
Lord Genda fear Allah, and they are not sold as pride or
arrogance. The opposite they have is that they do not. When they are
reminded about the science of Allah, they don't walk by or they
do not pass by like a different blind person,
like a deaf and blind person. And that deafness and then blindness,
we're not talking obviously about the physical. We're talking about
spiritual deafness and spiritual blindness, which comes from what,
which comes from kibosh. Well Mala stick rune.
So if we look at what we dealt with last night,
and if we look at what we dealt with in the second attribute,
that rebound the ramen leadin am Shuna Alan Alda Hona are the first
attribute even that they walk on the earth gently, in other words
without pride without insolence for
without arrogance, it's very important and then again, Allah
subhanaw taala speaks about it when Latina Leah Shimizu will
either model Ruby luckily Maru ki Rama
Ukri Munna and
they honor themselves by keeping away from haram. But the bottom
line is that a man of people of Taiwan, they are people of
humility, because a person with arrogance, insolence and pride
will never see the signs of Allah even if they bite him on the nose.
So dangerous pride is I was one of dialysis, so sinful to lead in a
teacup Bruna, fill out the bridle up, I will turn my signs away from
those who walk on this earth with unjustified pride.
So as soon as a person has got pride and pride comes from what by
the way, is it important to actually go to the source? What is
a bookkeeper? What's the father of pride? Anybody know?
Vanity is the father of privacy. What is vanity? Vanity is when a
person thinks a lot about themselves. I will think a lot
about their muscles, you know that they are strong, or they think a
lot about the beauty that they the most beautiful, the most handsome
person or they think a lot about the knowledge. Don't just think
that this applies to people of wealth and beauty. You know, even
people of knowledge, the dangerous walleye, Billahi ally, if not the
most dangerous, the one that has a lot of knowledge. If it goes to
the heads dangerous, the one that has a lot of wealth, the one that
has a lot of certificates hanging on the wall, the one that comes
from a certain tribe or a certain Dao or a certain GM will carry
certain passwords, whatever the case might be the one that might
have a certain kind of skin or certain texture V or a certain
sharpness of straightness or flatness of nose. Very, very
dangerous. Why? You see that person can be on a deserted island
all by themselves, and they will just stay as a vain person. A
person with Raja Jeevan been FCV they will be vain about
themselves. But if you take them off the deserted island, and you
put them in a society and they start comparing themselves to
others, what do they do?
Call us Allah Allah Azza wa sallam when he was asked, well, Kibriya
rasool Allah, what is tried a messenger of Allah what is the
answer, but you will have come Welcome to nurse it is to reject
the truth when it is told to you and it's to look down on other
people do not understand why Qyburn is the is the child if you
like of our job.
Our job is the father of pride vanity is the father of pride. And
a person who has pride. A person who rejects the truth when it is
told to them and looks down and other people will never see the
signs of Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala always keep
us humble about the ramen, they have the quality of humility so
that when they are reminded by the signs of Allah subhanaw taala what
do they do to either go into sujood like, I have to say to
them, or they glorify the Praises of the Lord Gela Fiona
inshallah we will continue tomorrow night, Allah subhanaw
taala make us aware about the Rahman always looking out
inshallah We'll speak more tomorrow night about the signs of
Allah how to how to go and look and recognize and always be ready
to see the signs of Allah subhanaw taala after Dawa and handle a lot
of anatomy was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh