Yasir Qadhi – Fiqh of Salah

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of praying in Islam is essential during busy days, and praying is required for every situation except war situations. Pranks and reciting the prayer in a calm manner are key for peace, and individuals should not allow ridiculous substances during prayer. The importance of setting boundaries between human and non-human primaries is emphasized, and the need to focus on the message rather than just reciting the prayer is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome to an elmquist presentation presentation, basic purification and salaah, presented by Yasser kazi part three, we now start the second topic of fifth. After the hora, we finished, the higher we've covered briefly, all of the major topics of the Hata. We now start the second topic of effect. And this is one of the longest chapters in the book. So fifth, what is the obligation of Salah? How obligatory is it? And what is its status. The sada is the most obligatory act upon a Muslim, so much so that this is the only act concerning which there's a difference of opinion amongst scholars that if somebody doesn't do it, is he a Muslim or not? That's how important it is. In other words, many

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scholars said that, if a person doesn't pray, he's not considered to be a Muslim. It is that integral to his Islam. And this is based on so many ayat and so many a hadith that we don't have time to go into of them is the statement of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. The difference between a man and Cofer is to leave the prayer and another ayah Allah says that Allah will not cause your man to go to waste, meaning your prayer, because the verse was revealed regarding prayer. So Allah called the sada Eamon showing you that this is the only app that has been called a man. Likewise, the tab your own said, the companions would not consider leaving any act to reconfirm except leaving

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the prayer. They would consider someone who had left the prayer as if he had left Islam. Also, we have the Hadith in Bukhari that

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Allah azza wa jal says to the angels go to the fire of *, and take out all the believers. How do they know who they believe is our Allah says look at the marks of sujood.

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Look at the marks of suju that's how you're going to tell those people are Muslims. Even though they're sinful Muslims, they went to the fire of *. So the angels will go and they will keep on taking people out until there is no one left that has the Marxist meaning the people that are left are those that never prayed. Also an Allah in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal describes the conversation between the believers agenda and the believers in fire. They said why the believers agenda said what has caused you to go to the fire of *. The first thing they respond are Lu lamb Neko Minar mousseline, we never used to pray. The first reason they give lamb neck Amina masala

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whenever used to pray, and on and on and on, the evidences are really very much. And this is my opinion as well, very, very clearly. I believe this with a passion because the Hadith and Quran is very explicit. A Muslim, who does not pray is not a Muslim. It's that simple. A Muslim who never prays he leaves the prayer he is not a Muslim. So much so that you're at the mercy He is not to be given a bath he is not to be buried in the graveyard of the Muslims, his wife and children will not inherit from him he is a coffin. The person who does not pray is equivalent to the one who prays in a church or in a synagogue. This is the status of prayer in Islam. No other object has this no other

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Act has the status. It is an integral part of a man. If there is a man a person will pray. If there is no a man, there will be no prayer. Okay.

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We're also going to discuss the event and the karma and the preconditions of Salah then we want to the timings of sada obviously we're going over an overview quickly, the account of Salah, the YG bot and the sunon. Remember, we defined the outcome, the YG button, the sun and each one separately, right. We're going to discuss this in these in this next presentation regarding this and then we'll take a break till next week and inshallah we're going to continue on from next week regarding the other types of sola.

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sola is obligatory on every sane adult, except for a woman in her menses, there is no exception to this rule. No matter how sick a person is, he is still obliged to pray, so much so that even in the heat of the battle, and this shows you how important Salah is, while you're fighting with your sores and defending your very life, you still have to pray.

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Even if it means you cannot do the core Institute, you pray with your mouth and with your eyes. You think that you're praying, this is the Salah of the one in war and Allah has revealed Khurana concerning this. You are not allowed to let the timing go without having prayed. So imagine most of us here, and many of the Muslims, they're sitting chit chatting watching TV, or talking to their friends or being at work and they let the prayers go on and on and on without praying them. How can such a person have a man when Allah tells you in the Quran, even if there's a war, you need to be praying and there is a special procedure for prayer of war that has been revealed in the Quran.

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So it's obligate obligation and status is such that it is an integral part of Islam and it is obligatory, every sane adult, it is the only matter which has been obligated on children even that is how important

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It is when the child reaches seven years of age seven years old girl or boy, the father and the mother need to start forcing them to pray, but without reaching it to the level of beating. So you encourage them you advise them if once in a while something happens. They don't pray, you know, you don't hit them. You don't you know, you just get angry and scold them and let it go. But when the child reaches seven, you need to start waking him or her, him or her up for frigid. The problem arises, the parents themselves don't wake up, are they going to wake their kids? Okay, this is the problem. But in Islam, when the kid reaches seven, you need to start waking up prefer to make sure

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he goes to sleep after issue. And if he needs to sleep before you wake him up adoration and you let him pray, he then go back to sleep. This is the important status. If the children do not pray, the parents are sinful. Obviously, the children cannot be sinful because they have not reached a level of puberty. But if the children up pray, the parents are sinful for not enforcing this upon the children. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, command your children to pray when they're seven years old. If they don't pray, by the time they're 10, you're allowed to beat them forced them to pray. So between seven and 10, it's like a training ground. You know, you encourage them, you know, you try

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to be strict with them, but you don't take it to a level of physical force. If they are lazy once in a while or whatever, you just scold them and let them out of rest. Once they reach the age of 10. before their puberty even before they reach puberty once they reach the age of 10. They need to be praying five times a day if they don't, you are sinful as parents. This is how important the prayer is. A we already said it is an integral part of a man to leave it is a negation of one's Eman. As I said, the one who does not pray is not a Muslim. The punishment of one who leaves it in Islam is death.

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One who does not pray the Muslim state takes him and if he still does not pray, then they chop his head. That is how severe it is. Imagine now the situation we're living in where maybe 80 90% of the Muslims don't pray, have we been in an Islamic state that 80 90% would not be alive when the faces are?

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Because it is a part of legislation that when the Muslim does not pray, he is forced to pray if he still doesn't pray that his life is taken.

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We then move on to the event and the karma. The event is legislated for the five obligatory Salah for men only the women if they're by themselves, they do not give the event and it is legislated at any place. You don't have to be in the messenger to give the event. In fact, the prophets awesome described the Bedouin or the sheep, the shepherd in the middle of the mountains, he stands up to give the event Allah loves him for that, in the middle of no one will hear him except for the angels. And Allah loves him for that. It is legislated at any time. Sorry, at any place, but only during the timings of sada in other words to announce that this is the prayer timing. Okay, so if

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you're, for example, traveling, and you wanted to combine macaronesia to delete it to a later time, let's say Mother was at 730, you deleted till nine o'clock, right? Should you give the advance? No, not at this time, because you are not announcing the timing for the prayer.

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So the timing is essential, but the place can be anywhere, the timing of the event should be to announce that it is now time to pray, even if you're alone, no problem. It is fotophire meaning that somebody in the community needs to do it. Every community of Muslims, some people should be giving the other. Okay, the prophet SAW what he would do and he was and the Sahaba after him when they were going to attack a village they would not and they didn't know if the inhabitants were Muslim or not, they will camp outside the village and wait for 5g. If they heard the other than being called. And we say village we made a small settlement like 510 people 10 houses, whatever small settlements that

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you know, spot the countryside at that time, they wouldn't know Are they Muslim or not? So you can't go knocking on the doors? Are you Muslim? What I won't attack you, you have to find out how did they do that they waited for friendship. If they heard the other than, obviously they're Muslims, you're not going to attack. If they didn't hear the event, they assume them to be conference and they attacked. So this shows you that the event is faulty fire somebody needs to give it in the community. So if somebody is giving it, then the rest are absolved. if nobody's giving it somebody needs to give it. We said the plan is only during the timing of prayer. As for the karma, it can be

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given any time you have the gym or the karma can be given any time. So even if it's not the timing for prayer on your stand, and you stand up in the gym, now you can give the karma, which is why when you're traveling, you only give the a comma and not the event if you pray at a different time. Like we said, suppose it's 910 o'clock at night. It's not the time for motive that you need to give the event you just give the comma and you say Muslim, then you give the other comma and you say Asia after that. So the comma can be given at any time for each prayer. The comma is given regarding the wordings of the Adhan and a comma. There are different wordings that have been narrated in the

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sooner Okay, and we all know this ourselves. If we pay attention, if you go to one question, you know, they'll they'll get

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The amount in a certain way, if you go to the comment a certain way, if you go to another muscular give it in a different way, all of these ways are correct because they have all been narrated in the sooner. So when we find multiple choices in the Sunnah, we take all of them. If you want to give it this way, that's fine. You want to give it that way. That's fine. You know, regarding the event, one of the wizard has been given is that the more than says, I surely will law in the law to himself and then he says is that without a shadow of the law? And then he says it himself then he says out loud, so he says it four times, but only two of them that people would hear him, okay, with regards to the

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karma, should you say a law but Allahu Akbar four times or two times? In other words, should you make it half of the event, or should you repeat the event and just add the column of the setup at home this letter, again, all has been narrated in the sooner whatever a person does, there has been narrations that the processes have allowed both so we should make this an issue. Whenever we find differences in the sooner we should allow it to exist.

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It is sooner to repeat after them within the profit systems that whoever repeats after them, whatever, whatever the event says, and then makes the DA special,

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then my intercession becomes obligatory for him. And the DA as everyone knows, alohomora had the Delta time I can't even say it slowly. For those that don't know, they can look up any book along what about the delta term was selected Halima Mohammed and it was either too old for leader or bathroom or common moody lady, what this is the law that should be said after the event, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said whoever repeats after them what other than and then says this, then my intercession becomes obligatory upon him.

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The advent of 5g it has an added line to it as we know, and that line is

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a solid to Halo mean unknown, okay. Also virgin has to advance, fragile has to advance to it. The first event is given a little bit before and this is to warn the one who is spraying tahajjud that it is time to stop spraying the hedges, and also to wake up the one who wants to fast so that he can eat triple. This is the first attempt. And the second that is given right at the timing of fudging. And in this event, you say, wait a minute, no. In the second event, you say I'll slow down to I don't mean No, the profit system would have to advance for budget.

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Once the event is given, it is prohibited to leave the masjid unless there is a valid reason. If you're sitting in the masjid and the event is called, you are not allowed to leave unless there's a legitimate reason you don't have you will need to make Google or something of this nature. Once a bootloader was sitting in msgid, they call the advanced someone stood up and left. He said as for this person, he has disobeyed the process of law isn't it? Because it's a very bad image as you're you're being called to pre hire at a start up and you stand up and you turn away. So it is prohibited to leave the machine after this. Also if somebody hears the event, it is obligatory upon

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him to respond. Meaning that if he leaves within a reasonable distance of the masjid, he must pray in the masjid five times a day. The congregational prayer is obligatory because when Allah says when Allah is calling you, Hey, I just saw the Hadith for that. How can you not respond? You must respond to the correct opinion is that if someone lives close to the masjid reasonable distance, only say reasonably is a few minutes away, right? In most Muslim countries, there's a mosque everywhere. Okay, if someone lives within that walking distance a reasonable distance, then he must respond to them by praying in the masjid.

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What are the preconditions that should route of Salah

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There are six preconditions

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the first one the first shot is that the person must be in the state of whoodle the prophecies that have said that the prayer of one of you is not accepted until he does.

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And this is something that all the Muslims know you cannot offer any soldier except that you're in the state of will whether it is nothing whether it's called whether it is even salata, janazah any type of select cannot be offered unless you are in the state of will do. The second shot of Salah is that you must pray each of the five prayers at the correct timings and we'll discuss the timings after this slide. You must pray each prayer in his correct timing This is the shot.

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So you cannot pray vote. One is fine your time. Neither can you pray also at the time of vote unless you're traveling and that's a separate issue as well.

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The third shot is that one's our must be covered. So for the man,

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the hour that needs to be covered is the navel to the knee along with at least one shoulder meaning that he must put some type of garment even if it's over only one shoulder. Okay? Now obviously this doesn't mean that we go to the bare minimum. No, we should be in our best clothing when we pray. Allah says Jose netcom and the coolie must wear your best clothes at every Masjid. Okay, but we're saying for the bare minimum the poor person who cannot afford anything the least amount of clothing must have is what covers between the navel and

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The knee and something to cover his shoulder if he has another garment as well, because the process is for beta person to pray when both of his shoulders are uncovered. As for the women, it is the entire body except for the face and the hands.

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Almost selama was asked, a woman asked her, can we pray with our feet uncovered? She said yes, as long as her skirt covers the feet. Okay, so she doesn't have to wear socks, but she should wear some type of long garment or dress which covers the feet as well. The fourth shot is that there should be no nudges on the clothes and on the place that you are praying.

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Obviously, there can be no nudges on you because you have cleaned yourself properly in the restaurant. On your physical body. We already discussed this, the proper way to clean yourself, okay, how about on your clothes or the other place you're praying here too, there can be no nudges. So if you know that someone for example, or your child or someone There's your nation on your clothes, you cannot print those clothes. Likewise, you cannot pray on a place or location where there's an unjust substance. If you do so knowingly, your prayer is not accepted.

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The fifth shot is that you must face the table.

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However this is only for while you're in residence. If you're traveling, then there's a concession with regards to Suna Salas nephele solace, and that is that you don't have to face the Qibla

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if you're traveling, then you do not have to face the hibbeler for the nephew soil as soon as well as for the wajib. Of course you have to face the profitsystem would offer his winter prayer while on his camel, whatever direction the camel was in. Okay, this shows you that you don't have to face the fibula while you traveling if there is if you're praying an effort or sooner Solas. Again, this only applies to nothing no sooner for the watcher for the $5 You must pray in the facing the Qibla. The sixth shot is that you have to have the intention for that particular prayer. Okay. This means that when you stand up to pray, you need to have in your heart the intention that you are praying what

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the intention is in the heart It is not verbal to verbalize The intention is an innovation the profitsystem never verbalized the intention. The intention is in the heart. You do not stand up and say I'm going to pray for a cause of war for the sake of Allah this has not been narrated, and it becomes an act of innovation because we said all acts of worship need to be found in the Quran and Sunnah. This is not found in the Koran sooner and to do so and to make it a part of prayer becomes a innovation and innovation. These are the six should route of Sala if a person leaves one of these shores, except for the exceptions we said if a person leaves them his prayer is not acceptable to a

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larger widget. What are the timings of Salah the vocal prayer starts when the sun starts his descent from the middle of the skies after it's Zen if you know the peak point when you have no shadow after that point, not at that point. After that point, as soon as the sun starts his descent until an object equals the length of its shadow. So you have a one meter pole until that meter pole gives one meter shadow. That is when the timing of the water lasts from the beginning until that time, from the descent of the Sun right after high noon, not at high noon. Remember, the horse starts after the particular note. And it lasts until an object equals its shadow

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also lasts from the ending of vote until an object gives double its shadow.

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So a one meter pole should give a two meter shadow that is the timing of

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monthly blasts. When the last disk of the Sun disappears beneath the skies, the sunset you can see it setting you can still see the sun until the sun disappears over the horizon. And it lasts until the redness of the skies disappears. When the sun sets it leaves a redness a glow. When that redness disappears. That is when mother finishes and obviously Muslim as we know is the shortest prayer time because it's in some places half I know in other places an hour during the summer it might go to an hour and a half but that's it. In most places obviously in some countries will be different. In Russia it lasts from the ending of Muslim when the redness disappears until the middle of the night.

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What do you mean the middle of the night? Do you mean 12 o'clock? No. We mean you take Muslim and you take fidget and the middle of that timing. Okay, so if Margaret is at six o'clock and fudge it is at five o'clock. The middle timing is 1140 something right around that time. Okay 1130 This is the middle of the night. You take the timing of vocative and the timing of fudge and you divide by two. The exact midpoint between Muslim and virgin. That is the

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ending of Russia and the fudger timing lasts from the true dawn until sunrise. The true dawn what is the true dawn? There's two dogs that occur. If you ever get the opportunity to do this, go in the middle of the desert and watch at 3am in the morning just keep on watching for the sun to rise. The first hint that you will have that the sun is about to rise is a horizontal ray of light. It will a horizontal led array but a glow, you will be able to see a horizontal glow. This is the false dawn

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that horizontal glow will begin to spread out out out out out until it becomes a vertical strip. That is the true dawn. Okay, you can imagine the sun is going you know closer and closer to where you are or the earth excuse me rotating in that direction. So the first hint will be a narrow strip of light. This is the false dawn that narrow, splinter will become wider and wider and wider until it becomes vertical. When it becomes vertical and touches the horizon or sorry horizontal when it becomes horizontal, it starts off vertical, it becomes wider and wider until it becomes horizontal. When it becomes horizontal. That is the true dawn and that is when he starts not at the false dawn.

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That is the true dawn. And it lasts until the first disk of the Sun goes over the horizon. That is when the budget prayer finishes. Okay. How do we know all of this information? We know it because jabril came to the prophet SAW Selim during the early stages of his prophethood and he led Him in prayer in Mecca is in front of the Kaaba. He led Him in prayer for one day starting from the floor until he started with Lord and he Praise the Lord. Right when the sun started his descent and then he prayed outward when the shadow was equal to the size of the object. Then he prayed Muslim as soon as sunset. Then he prayed to Russia when the redness disappeared, and then he prayed for God as soon

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as the first dawn had struck. Then he came to the second day, and he prayed until when an object was equivalent to his length. His shadow was equivalent to his length, he prayed also, when the shadow was twice his length, he prayed Muslim

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when the redness disappeared, or according to some narrations, he prayed it at that time. But in another iteration, the process of him said that Muslim lasts until the redness disappears. He prayed resha when half the night had gone, some narrations say a third some narration, say half because the half is more than a third, we'll take the half over the third because that is more than the third. So we'll take that as the timing. And then he prayed for budget when the sun was almost about to rise. So he prayed two days in a row. And then he told Jubilee told the profit center, these are the timings of your Salah, and all that is in between them. So this is the beginning and the end,

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gibreel himself came down and told them this is the beginning. This is the end, and you can pray anytime in between.

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Okay, so the key to note here is that he prayed also to when the object was twice its shadow.

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He didn't pray right before the sunset, and he prayed Asia until half the night he didn't pray before budget. Therefore from this, the scholars have derived that ash also and Asia have two timings to them. The preferred timing and the permitted timing,

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the preferred timing and the permitted timing. The preferred timing means that you should pray it within this time.

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And that last like we said, until an object is double the shadow for outside and until the middle of the night for Asia. The permitted timing is from this preferred timing until the timing of the next prayer. In which case if you do pray at this time, you have done the wajib but this is you have committed and McGrew you might even be sinful according to some scholars, and you have gone against the sooner the Prophet says no, because the prophet SAW sent him said that someone asked him what about praying outside when the sun is about to set he said this is the Salah of the hypocrite.

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This is the slaughter of the hypocrite you shouldn't pray that late at the last minute, especially for ourselves and for Asia. So to pray also, when the sun is about to set after the shadow has doubled this length, you have done you have prayed acid in its time, but you have left the preferred time and you have done the act of the hypocrite likewise to pressure after half the night. This too is discouraged and you have done an act which is not allowed, but you have done you have performed it within the prayer timings. So with the scholars have derived that also and forget have to timings the preferred timing and the permitted timing. You should pray within the preferred time if you

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delay it with no reason you might be sinful until the pervert permitted 10 you might be sinful and if you delay it with a valid reason you overslept or something then you are then you are not sinful.

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These are the timings of Salah what are the outcomes of Salah

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the first record is that one must stand if one is capable of doing so.

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So for all of the obligatory prayers, you need to stand up. Unless you are medically unfit to do so for any reason, there's a million reasons that could happen, you have a problem with your knee, you know, you're weak, you know, you whatever the case might be, you cannot stand. If you cannot stand, then you sit. If you cannot sit, then you lie down. But you still have to prove your conscious once again, look at the severity of it. If you cannot even any move your head while you're lying down, then you only move your eyelids if you're so let's say you know, weak or your so even paralyzed, for example, and you cannot move your head up and down for the recording sujood then you only move your

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eyelid something needs to be done for the solar. That is how important the solar is. This is only a record for the obligatory prayers. If you want to pray as soon as a prayer you may pray sitting down for no reason. Absolutely. You just are tired or whatever you want to pray sitting down you're allowed to. So the two records after the order before mogilev. after Isha, you just want to, you know when I pray sitting down, you may do so however, the process that I've said, the rewards of one who prays while sitting is equivalent to half the rewards want to praise while standing. So you have given up half the rewards if you sit down only for the next hour or so now, as for the phone, the

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fivefold, then you must pray standing up. The second roken is the first technique when you say Allahu Akbar, this this technique is broken.

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If you miss it, you have no prayer. And this was for all the prayers nothing so now

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the third record is to recite the Fatiha.

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The profitsystem said he who does not recite the Fatiha has no prayer. Therefore, it seems that the correct opinion and Allah knows best is that the fact to have must be recited by everyone for all the prayers, no exception, whether you're the Imam or you're behind the Imam, whether the prayer is being read out loud or silently, every single person whenever he prays needs to recite Fatiha in every record of the prayer. Okay, this is my opinion and the opinion of many of them as well, that the fact is an integral record of every single prayer. Now there's a lot of stuff over this particular point. Many rather must say it's not only a few behind the map, it seems to that that is

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not the case because a person asked a Boolean 100 What if I'm behind the Imam Should I still pray? A boy said yes, pray within yourself pray silently. Okay, so it seems that even if you are behind the Imam you should recite Fatiha.

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The fourth record is the record to go into record.

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The fifth record is to raise it from the record and be in the standing position that they are

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the sixth record is to prostrate the stage and the frustration must be on seven bones there are officers that have said I have been commanded to prostrate on seven bones meaning seven areas of the body. He said the two feet, the two knees, okay, the two hands and the forehead and nose. If a prostration is to be acceptable, it must be on these seven areas. If it is not, then it is not acceptable. prostration the feet, the knees, the hands the palms, right, and the face meaning the nose, the forehead and the nose. This is counted as one minister face. So if you count up the limbs, you get 7222. And then one with these two, it's seven. So the process that I've been commanded to

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price it on the seven. So if a person does not prostrate on the seven, he has not done the Recon, of prostrating and the seventh roken is to sit up from the prostration.

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The eighth is that all of these acts must be done in a calm manner. Because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam forbade the picking of chickens. That's what he said, You know how a chicken pecks like this. He forbade this. And he he commanded a person who had prayed quickly to repeat the prayer. And this goes against what we see, unfortunately, many Muslims, they just go up and down, up and down. This is not you have not prayed. You must the scholar said the minimum amount of calmness is that the bones in your body need to relax when you reach that room. So when you stand up, the bones need to relax. It only takes literally a second or two. Then you go into court, you need to just relax.

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Let your bones become relaxed, and then you can that's the bare minimum obviously, then you can stand up again. If you are, if you do not even do this then you have done less than the record and your prayer is not acceptable the prophecies and like we said he told the one who prayed quickly, he told us to repeat the prayer.

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And the ninth record is the last day of the prayer. Not the first show. Sometimes the prayer has more than one dish out. If there's a three or four o'clock prayer then it has more than what they showed. The last Tisha hood is broken, and it is also required to sit down during that Tisha hood. And the last one, the 11th token is the first the sneem means at least one as salaam. Alaikum wa rahmatullah. Okay, as for the second one that is, so now, there's one more token that you do this in the correct order. You cannot interchange or mix between

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In this again, it must be done in the correct order. So these are the 12 are kind of similar to stand for the photo if you're capable. We said the exception to this is for soon as an effort you can sit down, the first tech lead to recite Fatiha in every single record for every single person to go into the court to rise up from it, to prostrate to sit up from it, to do these acts in a calm manner, all of the acts of prayer, the last Tisha hood to sit for that the shadowed and that the slim. At least one destiny that is broken after that is the sooner and the 12th is you must do this in the correct order.

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Anyone who leaves a recon, whether intentionally or unintentionally, then his record becomes invalid. Okay. So if he leaves the first step could be his prayer has not started in the first place. Now when will this occur or one candidate, you're entering the masjid the Imam is going to record, you just quickly run up and you're just going to quit. And you forget to say that that would be you have never started the prayer in the first place. So you go back and you start to pray, okay? Or it's possible someone will stand up to me who forgets to make the tech beat. Again, if this is the case, he has never started the pro he needs to go back again. If he misses anything else, the

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fact that he had to record the raising up from it the prostration then that record becomes null and void. And he goes back to the record before it. So suppose his spraying forecasts in the third record, he forgot to recite Fatiha and he went into the core. Is this whole prayer null and void? No, because he's still within the prayer so that that third record becomes null and void. He stands up, he says the Fatiha and he starts to still rock out again.

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Because he's still within the prayer so he can make up the record by doing it again. There's no substitute, that record has gone null and void. But he goes back to what he had done, and he builds from that. Okay, suppose he finished the Salah, he said this, this limb, and then he remembered that he forgot to do record and one of the records. Now because his prayer is finished, he must start all over again. Okay, this is important. If he finishes the prayer, and he remembers that he did not do one of the AutoCAD, then he needs to start from scratch all over again. But if he's within the prayer, and he doesn't do a token, then only that one record that the record was missed is null and

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void and he goes back and he starts all over again. What are the ones you bought Uppsala? Now what is the difference between watch?

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The watch it can be made up by another act which is causation so who the two prostrations it can be made up. However, the scholars state that with regard to the Salah, the YG bot, if you leave them intentionally, you know that you've left it, then because of that your sada is null and void. Only if you leave it unintentionally accidentally, you can make it up by performing two sentences. And we'll discuss those two sentences in greater detail next week. But right now I want to discuss what are these YG bots that you can make them up if you leave them unintentionally Remember, the scholars said that for Salah if you leave it intentionally you know that you left it, you were conscious of

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leaving it and you left it purposely then your Salah or your that rocket becomes null and void just like the record.

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That record becomes null and void and if it's after the solder, you have to repeat this all over again, the first watch or the rest of the tech abuse. What do I mean by the rest? Everything besides the first step is dictated at home. So Allahu Akbar into the court. Okay, then send me a lot of unhappy that we're gonna get to that a lot of work went into such a law apart from such these tech views are watching. If you do the act, and forget to say that then forget to then you can make it up by socialism. It is a watch. If you do it and you intentionally don't say a lot of work but then that rocker has become null and void. The second wajib are the vicar's in the record and in the

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suits at least once the vicar's in the record and in the suit at least once so cannot be allowed in cPanel and Bill either at least once this is the watch the third or the Vickers that while you're in the seat of tm semi Allah halimun hamadeh urbanna well I can have this is the minimum or open Allah can have this is the minimum while you raise it from record semiological me that this takes the status of the tech could be for the other things. And Robin Allah can ham This is the same as some others who have been either this is a watch, if you miss it unintentionally, it has to be made it by such that so the fourth wajib is the decode between the two prostrations. Now many people don't know

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of this because sometimes don't have this, but it seems that the stronger opinion is that between the two prostrations when you sit down. There are thinkers that the processes used to do and they take the status of all the other thinkers as well. And this this dicker has been narrated by Bill Phillips.

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You know, a lot how much would any wife anyway, I found you there's different because any decree that you do that has been narrated this time, at least one thicker This is of the watch. But the fifth watch is the first childhood. If the if there's more than one Tisha hood, right. The first show hood is of the watch. But so if there is a forelock prayer, the first Shahada, the second Rakhi, you sit down, this is of the watch, but again, this is very common, you praying the prayer, and you just stand up in the second record, you forget that you should have sat down, then this is a watch, because it was unintentional. You continue with your prayer and then you perform surgery. So

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afterwards, the sixth logic is to sit down for that disheveled sitting in that to show the first shot, okay, the sitting in the last two shareholders or what? broken, okay, the sitting for the first shot is of the watch he bought. And the last watch is to say the Select upon the Prophet sallallahu Sallam at the end of the prayer, when we say the Salah, alomost, Allah Mohammed, the Tisha hood is different than the the setup, right, the setup and the processing is separate from the Tisha hood. Okay, so the Tisha hood, if there's more than one, the first one is wajib. The last one is broken, if there's only one it has to be broken, and the Salah upon the profit, so cinema Lama

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said Allah, Mohammed, Ali, Mohammed, this is watch if you leave it unintentionally, you have to make it up with surgery. So these are the seven YG but of Salah

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there are many Suenens of Salah, we'll just discuss the most important of them and there are more than this, but just the more important ones, to raise the hands with the tech bits that they build to the heart. And when you go down into record, when you raise it from record, and when you raise it from the second record four places, the first place is

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to say it is broken to raise the hands up is of the sooner

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a lower right. And then when you go into court, you raise it up again a lower when you raise it from record, you raise it up again semialdehyde hamidah. And when you stand up from the second record in a three or four copper, you also raise it up for the fourth time

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okay. This has been narrated by many additonal This is the famous issue we call failure then, all the people from India Pakistan know this because this is so much contention regarding it from the past even Mr. Bahari wrote an entire book proving of religion where he narrated 120 or more traditions from the prophecy seminars will happen tomorrow where they did refer your name it is clearly sooner, those that denied it perhaps it did not reach them and Allah knows best but it is clearly saying that there are so many a hadith regarding refer to data processing and would do refer to them at these four timings. This is of the Sooners of Salah if someone does not do it, then he

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has left some good and some reward. Also to place hands on one's chest. One second, everyone knows there's so much difference where should one place two hands. Okay, should one place it here, place it here, place it here, every single place of the body. There's a certain you know area on the chest below the chest below the navel all of these areas. Okay? There's a joke that has been narrated as well, there is no harm in mentioning it to a scholar with us in our times. Okay? Should Where should one place the hands in the prayer. So he responded, where she wouldn't place the hands word you wouldn't place the head where she wouldn't place that has I'm sick of this question. Wherever I go,

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everyone asked me where she one place the hands. Place it here just pray. Saying nobody prays anymore, just pray five times a day. Of course that's a bit extreme. It is so not to place the hands somewhere here, whether it's on the chest or below the navel. In my opinion. Both of these positions have strong evidences below the navel or on the chest both have strong evidence. So whichever one follows there is some strong evidence to do if someone wants to place the hands below the navel, as many of the people do from certain parts of the world that is allowed. If someone wants to place the hand on the chest, as many people do from other parts of the world as well. This too is allowed both

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have had it to them. However, the stronger one or the slightly stronger one seems to be on the chest and Allah knows best.

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And the same applies for men and women. The third sooner is to look at the place of session, you should not let your eyes wander around in the solder. If you do then you have gone against the sooner the processor and lost your concentration. The fourth is to place some distance between the two feet, you should not spread your feet out too much, nor should you put them immediately together the processing will place a reasonable amount of distance between the two feet.

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The fifth sooner is to grasp the knees in the record with the fingers slightly spread out okay, like this, you grasp the knees with your with your fingers slightly spread out, forward. Now some people want to grasp the knees like this. Suppose this is the knee they try to grasp it like this. Again, this is trivial but it is soon enough the process would grasp it like this. Okay, he would have the knees

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he would have the fingers placed out a little bit.

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The sixth is to prostrate with his knees before the hands. So when you go into such that first your knees

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To touch and then the hands, okay, some of them I say your hands before the knees and in my opinion is the other way around both have evidence from the center, but it seems that the stronger one is the knees before the hands and this is of the Sooners as well. The seventh is that when you're in such that you should stretch the hands away from the body drinks.

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Because the processing forbade someone to do surgery with his hands clasp to his chest, rather, you should spread your hands your arms away from the surgery allow some space between your body and your

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arms and the eighth is

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during the first Tisha hood. Or if there's only one to shout for to lock our prayer you should sit in the if the rush position will describe this in a while just bear with me.

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And if there is more than one to show would then you should sit in the wardrobe position for the second tissue okay. No, now what is the if the rush position and what is our position, the if there are position if the rush position means that you take the left foot and you place it

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horizontally on the ground and you sit you place your body on your left foot and the right foot you place it straight and you point the toes or the of your foot towards the fibula. This is the if they're arched position, you sit on the inner soul of your left foot and the outer soul is touching the ground and your right foot you allow it to bend such that the toes are facing the Qibla. Okay, this is the if the rush position the process name would sit in this position. If the prayer was of two records, this would be his position with a secondary calf if it was more than two, this would be his position in the first of the two Tasha hoods that the waterbrook position is such that you sit

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on the left thigh and the left buttock directly it touches the ground and your two feet go beneath your body. This is the Tower of position that this is how you would sit in the last shot and this is of the Sooners of Sala

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regarding the Sooners are solid that are statements these are the previous one was the Sunnah of solid regarding actions. What are the Sooners of subtle regarding statements? What should you say? Well, firstly the vicar at the beginning of the prayer. What is it they could so Monica Lama was about a customer Qatada Jetta colada has a look. This is one of the types that has been narrated. There are many many many more allama buried beniamino kataya come up at the vending machine for Mother's alarm went off 10 minutes there'll be like a munakata one who does so many whichever one you say it is sooner to sit at the beginning. Anyone you say is is permissible as long as the

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process and also did this also to say RO Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim, this truth of the Sooners to say amen out loud when the Imam is praying out loud obviously when you're alone, or when the in when the man resigns silently then this is not to be done.

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The fifth sooner is to recite a sutra after Fatiha in the first two records of any prayer. And if it's more than two records, then the third and fourth you don't recite a sutra. It is as soon as you recite a prayer after Fatiha. If you leave this prayer Salah is still valid.

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Another Sunnah is to

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raise the voice in the prayers of fudger Muslim nation you should recite out loud so if the Imam doesn't recite out loud, he has left the sooner but the prayer is still valid no such that so who needs to be done? The seventh is the extra Vicar in record and standing position in other words beyond the one time Subhana Allah this is this is what I want you to ponder about another time three times seven times nine times this is Sona and to do more than this more because there's more details that have been narrated in the record and sujood Okay, these specific vicars and in the room in the studio the process and said Do I need to add that you want

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increase your drop because Allah will accept that and this time this as soon as you do such lamonica such doing all of these drawers that the processor would say these are students to say and to repeat

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the number eight is actually the extra decoder Quint procession That's what I meant by the dice number seven means the repeat the same but also how to build islands how to build it more than once Okay, so if you can combine them together so same how you how you categorize them, it doesn't really matter what I meant by seven was to eat pizza cannot be an island more than once and by eight to say the extra Vickers at the process of them would say beyond some how to build either beyond some 100 bill allow them their extra Vickers or the processor would give also in the standing position or have been our local ham This is wajib and then beyond this, what whatever the processor will say

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this is sooner. Okay, Robin, I will call him to him then Kathy Rompuy. bambara confy fee, okay, all of this extra one. This is Sunnah.

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And the ninth Sunnah is to say, the Salah upon the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in the full manner.

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What was the logic to say the setup on the Prophet system? So, the minimum that you have to say Allahumma sundiata Mohammed says and this is the minimum okay? What is the the Sunnah way of doing it?

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The Salah Ibrahimi is called the Sunni way is the full way. But the watch of the bare minimum is just to say along with Liliana Mohammed, if you say this, then you have done your wajib and you don't have to do more than this. But if you do the full Salah ebrahimian then this is encouraged and rewarded by Allah azza wa jal. And the last Sunnah is to make dua after the prayer, the processing would make specific draws specific vehicles, you know, Subhana, Allah Subhana, Allah 111 de la la la, but these type of drives stuff for the law stuff for law stuff for the law, you go to any book of Vicar and you will find these two as the profit center would habitually would always do these

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drives and these stickers. So this is a sooner to do after the prayer.

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Another topic, and this is when you make a mistake during the prayer, how do you make up for that mistake? This is called search, there's several ways you know, or this says of forgetfulness. Okay, the topic of several, several means to forget or to make a mistake. So the topic of mistakes and how should you correct these mistakes is a very

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long topic. we'll summarize it briefly by categorizing all the mistakes, okay, so we state that all the mistakes can be categorized, all of the mistakes can be categorized into three types. The first is adding an act, which is not of the Salah. Okay, you add something which you shouldn't have added during setup.

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And these two can be sub categorized, you add an act, which is of the actions of the prayer, for example, record, or sujood. Okay, now, you're supposed to do one record. Suppose you added another record, you're supposed to do two sets that suppose you added that says that you're supposed to do 1pm which is these records, right? You added another record.

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If you add a record, intentionally, this is a move that disqualifies your prayer because roken will define the token to be an integral part of the prayer. So you cannot have extra integral parts if you do today equals five says this and you know, you're doing this then you are playing with it with the with the sada and so your Salah has become null and void okay. So, to add a token intentionally is of the factors which makes your Salah balton you have to start again.

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If you add a token unintentionally, then you can make that up by prostrating if you add a record unintentionally, you can make that that up by prostrating some scholars say before that this name seems a stronger opinion is that it is after that this name. When you say this, and then you say the two sentences after that, okay. So when you add a record, for example, unintentionally, for example, you forgot that you had done two surgeries, you went into surgery again, and then you realize already This is the twice this is my third says the for the record, then what should you do? When the time for the prayer finishes when you're going to say that this name, you say it, and then you

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go into to search those which has caused you to settle? Right? And then you say that this name again? Okay, so when you add a rokan, unintentionally,

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then you make it up by prostrating twice, after the slim.

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If you add an act, which is not related to the actions of the prayer, then we've already defined what to do. What should you do if you do excessive movement, and it's not too much if it's like, like we said, carrying a baby or walking two, three steps forward, you do absolutely nothing. You don't do search to settle for slightly moving around in Salah you scratched your beard you did this and not some slight movement, there's no surge of civil and if you move to an excessive amount, then what happens?

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breaks your Salah. So there is no seriousness. So excessively moving in actions not related to the prayer. There is no surgery. So either your prayer is has you know you've done mcru acts or your prayer has become aborted. There is no sense the servo for excessively moving without the actions of the prayer doing actions which are not related to the prayer. Okay, I hope this was clear. Adding an act as of two categories, you either add something which is of the prayer itself,

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or you add something which is not related to the prayer you're doing things which you shouldn't do, and it's nothing to do with the prayer. If it's of the actions of the prayer, then it can be broken. If you add a broken intentionally your prayer is broken. If you add a record unintentionally, then you can make it up. Same applies to watch as well. By the way, if you add a watch intentionally, you're doing wajib something which is which you should only do once and you do

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Twice intentionally then you are playing again with the salah and your Salah is null and void. If you add it unintentionally The same applies you do the surgery. So, okay, so this is the first type of mistake adding something to the Salah, the second is to miss subtract something from the Salah. Now missing you can miss a rokan now you can miss a broken and it has to be unintentional because if you miss sodoku unintentionally obviously the very definition of broken means what if you miss it, then your prayer is null and void. So the very definition of broken means if you miss it intentionally, your prayer is null and void. But what if you miss a rokan unintentionally suppose

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you're in the VMs you decided to have and then you fell into such that you forgot the record and the pm right you fell into search that immediately and then you remember if you remember while you are praying

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if you remembered while you are praying and before reaching the next Raka you go back immediately to the minister and you ignore the act in between. Let me repeat that. If you remember that you have missed this rokan while you are praying, this is the first category while praying you remember that you have Mr. Khan, then what you do is if it is before the next striker, you go back to the mist act immediately. And if it is after the next striker, then you're in your previous lockout becomes null and void and you start your previous lockout only, not the prayer again. Let me give you an example and show a little clear everything up. You're praying Asia for records Okay, in the third Raka you

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stand up for Fatiha,

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you recite Fatiha, then instead of going into the court, you fall into such that you remember right then in there, Oh, I missed the record. You ignore that search there, and you go up into record immediately where you left off because you haven't reached an extra car. Okay, and if you wish to decision So who here the scholar say it is permissible to do so because you have added an act which you shouldn't have added which is the sujood.

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Suppose you went into such depth from the third recap issue without without doing the record. And you forgot that you had missed the record until you reach the fourth record. When you stand up for the fourth record and your deciding factor, then you realize I missed my record of the third record. In this case, you never prayed a third record.

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Therefore that record becomes your third record.

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And all of the actions that you did from the second to that point in time become null and void. Understand here when you miss a record, unintentionally, then that record becomes null and void basically. So if you're still within that record, you go back to the act itself. And if you miss that record and move on, you have to go and repeat the entire record again.

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Is that clear? Or you want me to repeat one more time? repeat one more time? Okay. Let me give you the example. Again, I think that will clarify the point you're praying for a cause you're in the third record. Okay. So far, so good. No mistakes. In the third record, you recite factor. Instead of then going into record you fall into search the immediately what have you missed the record and the theme, you've missed your record unintentionally. Okay, suppose you remembered that you missed this rokan. While you're still in such that,

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what should you do?

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immediately go back to your record and continue from where you left off, continue from where you missed. Continue you, you recited five to have you just go up to your record position and continue from there.

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Okay, now, suppose the same mistake, you missed your record, you fell into such that, but instead of remembering now, you remembered when you stood up for your quote unquote, fourth record.

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Okay, you went into sucession. As you stood up again, you're restarting factor. And then you remembered Oh, I missed my my record of the third record. Now you have started what you think is the fourth record?

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What should you do now,

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that fourth becomes the third because you never did the third, that fourth is transformed into the third record, and you continue to pray from there. You continue to pray from there because you never played the record because you missed the record, unintentionally. And once again, no problem you can do so at the end because you missed it unintentionally.

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So basically, the cutoff point is the fact that out of the next record, if you start reciting the fact to have the next record, then you have then you have to ignore the rock I previously and transform that rock out into the rock that you missed. And if you have not reached the factor of the next record, then you go back to the record that you have missed immediately. Okay, and if you ponder over the example, you will understand the point inshallah,

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what if you remember that you missed a rock and after finishing the prayer,

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can somebody give me an example of this? Okay, the same example that you remembered after you do that this limb that you didn't do record a more common example.

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If you pray three records for four records, or you pray two records for three records, it's mostly prayer. You sat down for the second record, and then you said that Islam?

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And then you remember, I missed an entire record full of full of menu tokens.

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What should I do now? So you've missed a record, unintentionally. And you remember after the asleep after finishing up the aka. Now what do you do? Well, here we define we against subcategorize. If you remember,

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a very short period of time after the Salah,

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then you make up those records only. And then you do searches. So and if you remember, after a long time, considerable time, then you repeat the entire slide again. Okay, let's go back to the example. Suppose you're praying for a cause for Asia.

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You sat down in the third record and you did that asleep. And you suppose you the Imam, after you said that this theme, all the congregation goes into commotion, you Mr. Chari, Mr. Carr, which is very common, right? What should the Imam do now? Very short time, right. He stands up immediately says that that could be praised one Raka only says that Islam goes into two senses, and then the testing again, because it's very short, reasonable amount of time. So you can make it up immediately prayer one record. Same applies to the situation, suppose you missed one broken, suppose you missed going into record or such that have one record. And you said that the same venue remembered he only

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did one such that in my fourth record, immediately stand up, pray only one, record your fourth record all over again. And then do such because there's a short amount of time it is forgiven. This is exactly what happened to the Prophet system as well, that during the vocal prayer, he prayed to the gods instead of four. So when he said that that's not a nobody obviously corrected, the processor is understood when the processor does something, no one is going to you know, correct him because he's the Prophet of Allah. Okay. So he asked, Why didn't you correct me? They said, we're not going to create your own solo. But he asked, Are you sure I prayed for a cause? They said, Yes.

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So he stood up immediately. Are you sure I pray today? Because instead of four, they said, Yes, he stood up immediately prayed only to the cause, not the entire Lord. Again, he prayed only to the cause. And then this is to make that up. Okay. So the scholars did that. If you remember that you missed a rokan. In a short amount of time after that asleep, you're allowed to make up the Raka with the missing broken and then do the surgery. And if you remember, after a long time, an hour, two hours, whatever, then you have to make up the entire saga. Okay, so this is if you make up the entire setup, there is no surgery. So because you're doing it all over again.

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Okay, what if you miss a wajib, intentionally missing awaji?

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What is an example of a wajib an example of a washer for those who attended last week, the Tisha hood, very common example that we miss. Right? It's a three recap prayer, we forget to sit down in the second hour, three or four o'clock we're sitting down in the second Raka is of the waje, but not of the outcome. If you miss a wajib, intentionally, it is as if you missed a record intentionally, and your prayer is null and void because again, you cannot miss a look on her watch of intention, except that you're playing with the shittier you're playing with the Sunnah. And Allah will not accept a lot of such a person. You purposely don't recite Fatiha, you purposely don't sit down with

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the child, what are you doing? What are you trying to do? You cannot mess and joke around with the shittier. So your Salah becomes null and void. But if you miss a wajib, unintentionally,

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this is where you can make it up. Without having to repeat the act. Remember, this is the difference between open and awaji the difference between broken and broken, you cannot you cannot make up for it by another act, you must do that act over again. The rule that says that whatever wajib you can make it up by such that simple. So for example, a three o'clock I pray Muslim. In the second rocker, you forgot to sit down and you stood up and you started salted Fatiha. What should you do? Many people say we should sit down immediately. This is a mistake. Because if you sit down, you've already started the third record and you missed a watch. So you're adding more apps that you

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shouldn't add by sitting down. This is your third Raka you're missing you cannot sit down now. Remember, this is a watch, I've had this been broken then we say this goes back to your second record and you repeat but it's a watch, which means that you started your third record. Now that you started your third record after resetting factor, you cannot go back to your second record. So you remain standing and you complete your fighter Are you going to record and then the then stand the sujood and then Natasha hood. And then before that asleep, you do two sisters and those two sisters make up for the missing watch. However, if you have not started the next car, in this case, you can

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go back to the watch. Because like for example, it's the second rocket you stand up before you reach the standing position in the way you stand up and then remember I should have sat down to

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My second car here, you're allowed to sit down because you haven't technically started the third record. So again, you have to pay attention. This is fifth, it's not an easy subject, okay? Pay attention. If you're not paying attention, all this is going to go over your head. A logic means that if you miss it unintentionally, it can be made up by such and so. So that implies that if you start another aka after missing a logic, unintentionally, you have started that record, unlike a record, which means you wouldn't have started the rock I will go back to the car you missed. So if you stand up from the second record, not having sat down, you stand up. And use recites to the fact

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that you have started the third record and you cannot go back to the second record.

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But if you have not started reciting Surah Fatiha, then you have not started the third record, which means that you can sit down again and recite that the Shahada. inshallah, that's clear. If it's not clear, please pay attention. This is not an easy class, this is, especially this topic is a very difficult topic, how to make up mistakes and what qualifies as a mistake. Okay, so we said that summarizing, again, missing an act, you can miss a token. Now, you can only miss a token unintentionally, if you miss it intentionally. Same with a wajib, that prayer becomes null and void you're playing with the shittier if you missed a token, unintentionally, and you remember, while

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you're still praying, then you go back to the record and you complete your prayer. And if you miss an intention, and you remember it after that, the slim then if a short amount of time has gone by, you can make up those records and then do such so if a long amount of time, you know, an hour two hours have gone by, then you have to repeat the entire prayer again. And there is no such thing. As for a YG if you miss a wardrobe again, unintentionally, then you can make it up by scissors. So who before the the slim. So what you would do is in the last childhood, after you finish the solo ad and maybe select Bohemia immediately say Allahu Akbar going to search the come up again. Allahu Akbar

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second says that come up again. Allahu Akbar and then the destiny. Okay, so this is the who says, This is the who makes up for a watch. And you do not have to repeat that. Why'd you ask that you missed? One last mistake is that which is called doubt.

01:02:07 --> 01:02:46

Now you can have doubts, for example, about performing a recon, you can have doubt about the number of records that you've prayed. Whatever the case is, a doubt means that you are there is a significant percentage of assurity involved, we're not talking about, you know, 1% or 2%, this is what's watershape on, and this needs to be ignored. We're talking about significant you're pretty sure 60%, maybe you're pretty sure that you didn't perform oticon. Or you're pretty sure that you know this is your second record, or you're completely confused. Is this my second or third? Right? What should you do now, this is called a doubt insula. Now, if you doubt performing a recon, then

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you should go back and perform it again, just like we had discussed in the previous issue. The difference here is you're doubtful over there, you were sure. If you're sure that you have missed the record, obviously, there's no question here. Now you're doubting have I performed it or not? If there is a significant amount of doubt, remember, we're talking about something not was sweatshirt on was associate on is very trivial, it has to be ignored. We're talking about you, you're considering how have I done this says that I forgot this and that. In this case, this is considered a doubt. Likewise, if you doubt about the number of rock as you prayed a very common thing you

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praying, you know, and you forget how I pray three records or four records, you try to come to a conclusion, try to think try to, you know, come to a conclusion, even if it's only 90%, but still as a strong conclusion. And then you base your Salah on that. And you don't have to do anything. But if you cannot come to a conclusion, then you go to the minimum and you do search yourself. So for example, between the three and four o'clock, you're confused. Have I prayed through you have I prayed for you thinking you're thinking you cannot come to a conclusion, a feasible conclusion have I prayed three have I prayed for you're still confused? In this case, you go to the lower number,

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which is three, and you assume that this is your third record, and you build from your third record, and then you do surgery. So before that is going to make up for that doubt. Okay, so the first step, and this is something many people don't realize the first step is you try to think and come to a conclusion. You try to think about how many Americans have a parade? How many searches have I done? How have I done this? Look at that, look at second. Third, if you come to a reasonable surety, we're not talking about 100% 100% we're talking about a reasonable surety, I am pretty sure that I have prayed three records and this is my fourth, then you can ignore the doubt no penalty and continue

01:04:33 --> 01:04:59

your prayer. Many people think if there's any doubt they have to do surgery. So this is a mistake. We're talking about a doubt where you cannot come to one of the two conclusions. In other words, you really are confused and the prophets have said this is of the shaitaan shaitaan tries to confuse you in the prayer so much so that he makes you forget how many records you have prayed. So if a person cannot come to a conclusion regarding any doubt that he has, then he bases it

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presumption on the lower of the two he always takes the lower of the two into account and then builds on that. And then this is at the end to make up for that doubt. If a person is praying behind an Imam when his mistakes are completely forgiven,

01:05:16 --> 01:05:58

the Imam carries his mistakes basically. Okay, so if a person makes a mistake behind an email, there is no personal space so that he does it is ignored completely. Okay? If the Imams Miss makes a mistake, that's a different story. The imams mistakes need to be corrected by the people behind him. How did the men correct their mistake? By saying Subhana Allah Subhana Allah and how do the women correct it? by clapping like this? The prophets most of them said that the spear Subhan Allah is for men and clapping is for women. Okay, so if the Imam makes a mistake, he stands up when you should have sat down, he sat down when he should have stood up, then the people behind him need to correct

01:05:58 --> 01:06:15

him the implementation of the law and the women clap their hands. If he makes a mistake and does not correct himself or corrects himself too late, then he must perform surgery so who and the people behind him obviously follow him in the surgery so even if he's the only one that made a mistake, okay. So for example,

01:06:16 --> 01:06:56

if the Imam makes a personal mistake, for example, he forgot to recite Fatiha, the fact that he is broken Remember, if you forgot to recite Fatiha, and he remembered another Raka then he needs to make up that record for himself. And then he will do search the several that will be for himself no one else behind him made a mistake but because they're behind him, they must follow him in his search. So because the amount like the prophet SAW him said has been put to be followed. The Imam has been put to be obeyed. So whatever the Imam does the people do unless the Imam is doing a mistake in which case they correct him and they make the Imam and you do the correct thing. Okay, by

01:06:56 --> 01:07:00

This now concludes our section of

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errors and how to correct them. We now move on to the various Sunnah prayers, those which are not fought. We define the Sunnah as being an act which if you do it, you are rewarded, and if you leave it then you are not sinful for leaving it. sooner. Prayers can be quantified into five broad categories and we'll discuss each of them

01:07:22 --> 01:07:56

in this slide, the first category is the daily Sunnah prayers. This is known in Arabic as soon an erotica sunon erotica. These are the Sooners that the Prophet system would never leave, except while traveling he would always pray them when he was not traveling. And in another Hadith, he said whoever prays 10 records of this soon and erotica every day alone we build the house for him engender another head he says 12 Records. So we know then that these daily Sooners are 10 or 1210 or 12 both have been narrated

01:07:57 --> 01:08:00

these are firstly the to look as of before 5g

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the two decades before 5g secondly, to the guys before the war

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thirdly to the guys after the war.

01:08:13 --> 01:08:15

Fourthly, to the guys after Muslim

01:08:17 --> 01:09:00

52 because after Isha how many records are those 10 some narrations add two more before the hood make meaning making it for before the hunt this making the narration or the number of records 12 both have been narrated. And whatever one does, there is some need to do it. Obviously to pray 12 hours there's no doubt it's better. But 10 has also been narrated. So the minimum which is which will qualify for the Hadith that Allah will build the house for you in gender is determined. And these are the 10 the two before Fredrik to before though her two after two after Margaret and two after arratia of these 10 or 12. The strongest is what the total size of budget. These are the

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strongest and these two the profit system will not leave even while traveling. Even while he was traveling, he would not leave these two guys. And 180 said pray them even if you're being chased by horses, even if horses are chasing you, prism so this is the strongest of the two and it is also the shortest in the sense that are generated, that I would even question whether the Prophet sallallahu wasallam recited Surah Fatiha in them or not. That's how quickly he prayed them. And we know that he would recite so little capital and sort of a class in the shortest students. So the factory has a clause and then the secondary class will have Fatiha and sorry, the first sort of factor in Catalan,

01:09:38 --> 01:09:41

the second Raka pseudo factor and a floss.

01:09:43 --> 01:10:00

This is the first of the five categories. The second is the width. And the witted also is a very strongly encouraged sooner. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah has given you a prayer which is better for you then read camels meaning the most precious thing to you.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:14

It is better for you than this and it is the winter. And the profitsystem said that pray the winter people have the Koran, it's a command pray the winter or people of the Quran. So the winter is a very strongly encouraged prayer as well.

01:10:15 --> 01:10:25

Now, the witted the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would actually pray it with the family such that he will pray the winter usually 11 records

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the entire 11 Records. So, we differentiate pm from the within the process and we just lump it together and he would pray it as one call that the family call it the 100 call it with it call it what you will, but it is the same prayer. He will usually pray 11 sometimes we pray nine sometimes he pray seven and seminarians even mentioned five, the scholar state that the minimum bare minimum is one Raka even but this is not the perfection of what the minimum of perfection is clear guys, have you reached the conclusion of this CD. Take the opportunity to evaluate yourself by going to Elm quest.org where you will find

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi divulges important details on the Fiqh of Salah in its entirety.

First and foremost is discussed the obligatory nature of Salah and how it is a non exception of anybody to perform Salah except that of a menstruating woman.

Next, the Shaykh moves on to shed ample light on the different pointers of Salah:

  • The Fiqh of Adhan and the Iqamah rules.
  • Preconditions of Salah – Wudu necessity, performing prayers at the correct timings, covering up of the Awrah as is stated for man and woman,absence of any Najis , facing the Qiblah, intention made for that particular prayer.
  • Timings of Salah
  • Arkan of Salah – Stand if capable of doing so, the beginning Takbir of Allahu Akbar, recitation of the Fatihah, Rukoo, Qiyam, Sajdah, the space between two prostrations, performance of Salah in calmness, the last Tashahhud, the first Tasleem, conduction of the Arkaan in its proper order.
  • Wajibat of Salah.
  • Sunnah of Salah.
  • Factors which make Salah null and void.
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