Yasir Qadhi – Eid Al Fitr Khutbah 2024

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the day of Book ASAP, where Muslims receive the blessings of Islam and receive the daily blessings of Islam. They emphasize the importance of the implementation and encourage individuals to use the lessons of the book to motivate themselves to be a better versions of Islam. The speaker gives three messages to Muslim leaders to take care of their lives, including balancing hope and fear, living through multiple agendas, and celebrating the upcoming year. They stress the importance of not disobitting the day of celebration and taking advantage of opportunities to be better versions of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rabbilah Alamin,

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O Muslims, today is the day of Eid

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ul Fitr. Today is the day that the

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angels come and they give glad tidings to

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those whose sayam, whose qiyam, whose qira'at al

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Quran was accepted. May Allah make us amongst

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them. Today is the day of 'id, a

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day of happiness. And do you know why

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it is a day of happiness?

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Because today the default in the entire ummah,

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the default is that every single Muslim

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who attempted to be religious, who fasted the

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month of Ramadan, who prayed extra, who recited

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the Quran extra, the default is every single

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Muslim today

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is sinless. How do we know this? Our

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prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasallam gave us the

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good news, gave us the basharah when he

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said, whoever fast the month of Ramadan believing

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in Allah and expecting Allah's reward will have

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all of his sins forgiven.

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Whoever prays every single day of Ramadan,

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believing in Allah and expecting in Allah's reward

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will have all of his sins forgiven. And

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whoever prays on Laylatul Qadr believing in Allah

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and expecting Allah's rewards will have all of

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his sins forgiven. And so every one of

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us who fasted this

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month, every one of us who raised the

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bar of worship and rituals and religiosity,

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Today is the day of real Eid. We

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are being spiritually

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reborn. We are giving a new opportunity

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at life, at spirituality,

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at a new connection with Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. And that is why it is called

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the day of 'id, the day of happiness.

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In some narrations, the day of reward and

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jawa' is Allah gives prizes, the angels distribute

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those prizes, and we wanna be amongst those

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people that get that prize. And what is

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the prize? The pleasure of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala and Jannatul Firdaus. That's what we want

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all Muslims. All Muslims, my khutbah today is

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very short and very few points. The first

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point I just mentioned it, and that is

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the real Eid is the Eid of spiritual

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happiness. The real Eid is not just the

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wearing of clothes, it's not just the putting

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on in the perfume, it's not just the

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happiness of family and wealth. The real Eid

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is the Eid of hearing the news that

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we will enter Jannah. And that is why

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these Eids in this world are opportunities for

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us to feel that happiness. How happy we

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are, how blessed we are, well, the real

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happiness will be when we get our deeds

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in our right hand, and we are told,

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Udhurul Jannatabima

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kuntum ta'amaloon. So as we prepare for our

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worldly yearly eid, prepare for the actual Eid

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of the akhira.

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My second point, oh Muslim. My second point,

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the Eid of 14 45. Uhijraah. This is

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14 40 5. 5. The Eid of 2024

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and the Ramadan

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of 2024,

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it is gone. There was but one Ramadan

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of this year, and we have caught it,

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But it is gone, fleeting, few days. How

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quickly it came, how quickly it went, and

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so too will be my life and yours.

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How many Ramadans have we sat through, and

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Allah knows how many more we will be

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sitting through. Where are are all those generations

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before us? Where are my ancestors and your

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ancestors who celebrated Eid after Eid? Where are

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the dozens and 100 of generations before us?

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They are no longer here. So to Allah

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has given us a short period of time,

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and Allah has given us one more Ramadan.

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we we have managed to get one more

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Ramadan. But now that Ramadan is over, and

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now that Eid has come, then we are

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divided into 2 camps. The first camp is

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that just like Ramadan is gone, just like

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their deeds are gone, so too their religiosity

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and spirituality

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will be gone. And this is not the

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camp of the successful. The second camp is

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those who realize Ramadan is gone, but the

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good deeds remain. Ramadan is gone, but the

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remains. Ramadan is gone, but the effects of

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Ramadan should remain. We wanna be in that

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category. Just like when Ramadan is gone, so

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too our lives will continue onwards. O Muslim,

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take the lessons of Ramadan.

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O Muslim,

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absorb the iman and spirituality we felt in

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Ramadan, and let it sustain you to be

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a better person today than you were before

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Ramadan began. The goal, as I have said

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multiple times, the goal of Ramadan

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is to push us up every year so

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that we maintain a better lifestyle until the

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next Ramadan. And every Ramadan should be a

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boost. Every Ramadan should raise our rank until

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we meet our Lord. So all Muslim, today

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is the first day after Ramadan. Now is

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the time, right now, to make the sincere

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That intention should be, I want to be

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better this upcoming year than I was in

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the previous year. And it should be a

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serious intention, and it should be a committed

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intention. And if you fail in your deeds,

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don't fail in your intention. If you fail

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to live up 100%,

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do not give up on your intention because

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remember, what counts is your intention, what counts

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is your effort. Even if you slip, even

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if you fall, continue trying,

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continue trying to be a better person, and

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in that trying shall be our success. Allah

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doesn't care about the quantity of deeds. Allah

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cares about the quality of our ikhlas and

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sincerity. And that quality is shown what is

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inside the qal. So my second advice to

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you, take the lessons of Ramadan,

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take the spirituality of Ramadan, and then absorb

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it and use it to motivate yourself to

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be a better person for this entire year.

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And every Ramadan, keep on raising the bar

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until the best Ramadan will happen to be

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your last Ramadan. And the best days of

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your life will be the last days on

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this earth, and none of us knows when

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that will be. My 3rd and final message.

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My 3rd and final message. O Muslims,

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as we celebrate today, and yes, we should

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celebrate. And wallahi, it is our right, every

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Muslim's right, that we Muslim's right, that we

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be happy on this day. Regardless of what

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is happening, there should be also a level

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of happiness. There should be a level of

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personal joy and satisfaction at having completed the

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month, at having been given all of these

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blessings, but let us also temper that happiness

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with a little bit of a reality check.

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And that too is Islam. We balance between

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the hope and the fear. We balance between

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the positive and the negative. And when we

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look at what is happening in the Ummah

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today, subhanAllah, o Muslims, we are living through

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not just a time of crises,

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but times of crisis. We're living through multiple

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agonies. The Muslim ummah is bleeding from multiple

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points on its body, not

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ghazah. Ghazah. We see this reality,

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6 months of a besieged people, over 40,000

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people dead. If this is not a genocide,

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then what is a genocide? And the world

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watches coldly and callously.

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At the very least, oh, Muslim, we should

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be motivated to be better. We should be

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motivated to have a connection and to able

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to do something,

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to not be neutral, to not be silent.

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We should be motivated to better our own

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lives and to try our best to raise

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awareness and do whatever level of activism is

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possible for us. But it is not just

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ghazah around the world. And if I start

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mentioning countries' names, then unfortunately, I will never

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be able to finish because of the time

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limit. But wallahi, where does one begin? Still

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the situation in Kashmir for 75 years and

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the rising Islamophobia

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in the land of India. We see what

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is happening to our Muslim brothers and sisters

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in Burma and how they have been the

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Rohingya have been cast aside. The Uyghur brothers

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and sisters in China in concentration camps, the

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likes of which we haven't seen since World

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War 2, civil wars in multiple regions in

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the world, Sudan recently as well, and I

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can go on and on. And if I

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didn't mention a country, it's just because of

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time, not because we're not thinking about it.

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But wallahi o Muslim, as we celebrate Eid

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today, and as you have a level of

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happiness, just keep a reality check as well.

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Because, o Muslim, what is happening over there

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might happen over here as well. What is

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happening around the world, they never thought it

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would happen to them, and yet Allah tested

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them. We don't want to be tested, but

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we need to be prepared for those tests.

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And even if we ourselves are not tested

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directly, we are being tested indirectly by other

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things. And of the things we're being tested

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with is how are we living our lives

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with the freedoms that we have, with the

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pleasures that we have, with the merriment that

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we have? O Muslims,

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there are people around the world that are

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forced to not fast Ramadan, that are forced

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to break their fast, that are forced to

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live difficult lives because their regimes persecute them?

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What excuse will I have and you have

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on the day of judgment when we are

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asked about what we did and we had

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all of these blessings and freedoms. We thank

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Allah for the freedom to be Muslims. We

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thank Allah for the freedom to worship. We

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thank Allah for the abilities we have where

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we are living. So take advantage of those

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abilities. Me

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And so, look at the world around you

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and be motivated to be a better person.

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This is my final message to you, oh

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Muslim. Today is the day of Eid. It

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is a day of celebration. Do not disobey

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Allah on this particular day especially.

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Fear Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala on this day.

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Show gratitude, show thanks, make your families happy.

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This is the day of Eid. Look at

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what is happening in the ummah. Pray for

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them and be motivated to be a better

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person. O Muslim, today is the day of

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Eid. We do not know how many more

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Eid that we will have in this world.

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Maybe 1, maybe 50, Allah knows best. For

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some of us, this this might be our

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last Eid on this earth. O Muslim, take

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advantage of these Eid so that the day

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of judgment becomes the best i'id for you.

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Take advantage of this time frame so that

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when the hisaab is given and when the

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mizans are brought out and when the angels

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of the scrolls are shown our deeds, when

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the hissab takes place, we want to be

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on read on that day, and the only

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way to be on Eid on that day

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is to prepare from here and now. Prepare

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for that Eid so that you have the

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ultimate happiness on that day.

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May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala accept all of

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our good deeds. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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forgive our sins and bring Izzah to the

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Ummah with us and through us. Please stand

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up and greet each others. Taqabralam minawmin kumwassalamu

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alaykum rahmatullah.

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