Yasir Qadhi – Ask Shaykh YQ – Episode 15 – What is The Islamic Ruling about Lowering the Pants Beneath The Ankles

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the trend of wearing lower garments and the importance of avoiding arrogance. They also touch on the use of shiny garments in older cultures and the global nature of the fashion industry. The discussion shifts to the use of "out of pride" in Islamic culture and the cultural differences between the Hadeeth and Persian Empire. The speakers criticize the confusion surrounding the use of ankle garments in movies and argue that it is a means of showing off in culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is a fealty question. And I got at least 10 questions of this nature in the last five weeks. So this needs to be done.

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And that is the issue of lowering the pants beneath the ankle on

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any gala, Florida, in Florida no fee him. No

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no exaggeration at least 10 people have emailed me they want to know what is the Islamic ruling about lowering the pants we need the ankles and this is a topic that needs to be discussed. There's no problem so I shall I thought I would do it today. So let us go back to the Hadeeth our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said manjeera Silva who Jolla Allah Lem Jambo de la la Yokoyama who whoever lowers his job out of pride. Allah will not look at him on judgment day. Whoever lowers his job beneath the ankle. This is valid in Arabic it's called Allah will not look at him on judgment day. And our Prophet says that I'm also said that Allah azza wa jal, that whatever is right,

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whatever is beneath the ankles, is in the fire is phenomenal. garbain or whatever is beneath the ankles is in the fire. Now, these are Hadith and more are found in pretty much all of the books of heavy body muslimah whether you mentioned it is found in there. So there is no difference of opinion amongst the oma No, Estela, that whoever lowers the garments out of pride manjaro adobo hajela there is an adjective Jolla la mahila which is out of boastfulness and arrogance. There is unanimous consensus amongst all the scholars of Islam. Whoever lowers that garment out of pride. It is a major sin, a mama the hubby in his famous book, the major sin, he lists one of those numbers 37 or

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something to lower the garment out of pride. Pause your footnote, what is pride and garments? And what does that got to do with showing off? It's very simple. My dear brothers and sisters go back 1440 years go back 1440 years, cloth was scarce. The environment, dirty and dusty. Across the globe by and large across the globe, not just in Arabia in Rome. What did they were? They wore a garment Where did it go down to in China? What did they where they wore a long Grove Where did it go down to generally speaking, at that time and place out of common sense out of utility, the garments would go beneath the knees to lower than the knee lower than the knees to above the ankle. Why? Because you

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do the roads dirty is gonna get filthy cloth is scarce. You don't want to get it dirty, why would you get it dirty? You're gonna step in puddles, etc, etc. Now, in every society people invent ways to show off their wealth.

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In our times, flashy cars is an example. Okay, you get that? What is the name of the flashy car?

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I was gonna say Bugatti but he's going down there okay.

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Not that anybody who gets a Bugatti is how long or what not Ferrari but I'm saying suppose somebody got a Lamborghini turned around driving through a parking lot. What is his goal?

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What's he want to do? Show off? This is arrogance. How did they have the Ferraris in the Bugatti What did they do? Believe it or not one of the things they did was I have so much wealth, I can flaunt it. I can show you how rich I am. I can wear my garment I have plenty at home. My garment is going to go beneath that is going to trail on the floor behind me and they will do that is going to trail behind me because I can go home and wear something else. Most of the Sahaba had one pair of clothes at max two or three how I process them had two main pairs of those one he wore for special occasion what not? May Allah forgive us for having 30 45th May Allah forgive us but the point is

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that simplicity. Now how did you show off how did you show people I am filthy rich, you told them I have this garment and I can make it go underneath. So having a job or an izhar a lower garment that went to the floor that went below the ankle. It is an essential characteristic to show your wealth. There is no utility no function. Nobody does it. You are standing out of place and you're making the point. I am filthy rich, what are you going to do about it? So the shediac came with simplicity with modesty.

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To get rid of this feeling. And so there's unanimous consensus, whoever does it out of arrogance. Now, within a century, the money began to pour into the oma, within a century, the Sahaba. Later, Sahaba lived much more comfortable life. That's why I should not be alone, he died 57 he or she would cry when food was presented in front of her, she would say, we never saw this food at the time of the process. And this is only four decades later. And she's now seeing a level of luxury that they didn't see before. Okay, some of the later tabular whatnot, Abu hanifa and whatnot, they're now living the life in Iraq, the Persian Empire has given them a lifestyle and the clothing and the

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garment money is no longer scarce. So what happened, the notion of having the pants below the ankle became antiquated, and people now had plenty to wear. And so people began to wear below the ankles. So from the earliest of time, many of the scholars said these ahaadeeth apply, when a society has it such that lowering the garments is a sign of arrogance to be technical. So one Hadith mentions the term out of pride. Another head, he doesn't mention the term out of practice simply said, Whoever lowers the government, you know, that portion of the agenda? Do we take the out of pride in one Hadeeth? And we understand the other Hadith in light of it. The Arabic term is located in Makkah,

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that which is conditional, do you understand it? You know, that which is unconditional, you understand it in light of the conditional, you have a Heidi that is unconditional, whoever lowers the garment, you have it that is conditional, whoever lowers the government out of pride? Do we understand the unconditional in light of the conditional, the vast majority of fuqaha? and scholars have us all said yes, of course, when a condition comes, another Hadees doesn't mention the condition, then obviously, that condition should be cut and pasted to the same prohibition. And therefore my dear brothers and sisters, there is not unanimous consensus, but overwhelmingly

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throughout Islamic history, our scholars have said this prohibition does not apply to the one who does it out of culture, out of habit out of if his society is doing it, and there's no pride there. And they mentioned another Hadith also found in Bahati, which is even more explicit. And that is when the Abubakar heard this, he said Yasuda law, sometimes I tie my garment, but without my knowing it loosens, the process of didn't say it's okay, if it loosens, he said listen to this, you are not to those who do it out of pride.

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Now, if he had said, okay, it's no problem, you did it accidentally, that would have been a different interpretation, but he didn't, he said what you are not of those who do it out of pride. So, in a society like ours, where the concept of having a pant above the ankles and pride has nothing to do with one another. And in fact, this is now the global culture, then these ahaadeeth therefore, do not apply in these cultures. Now, if there was a culture where it applies, these ahaadeeth apply, and that is why there are so many narrations from the time of the Sahaba and the seller and the righteous ancestors that demonstrate this for example. Even Massoud there'll be a lot

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one he had

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shins, you know, the shins that you know, but you know, the chins aren't shins that are very thin and curved, and kids would make fun of him. In fact, this is a Hadeeth inside Bahati about a woman was rude. That one day he climbed a tree to get some fruit and the other Sahaba they, some of them, they laughed at the shins of Eben Massoud. They were very thin and curvy. So deformation, the profitsystem said You are laughing at the shins of Ms. Ruud will lie they are heavier in the skills of a lot than the mountain of offered his status and body so the shins of a bow of urban Masood were a little bit you know, you can say was a childhood, whatever you want to call it curvature whatnot,

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a bit embarrassing. So, once in Kufa, now money has come in now situation different. His students saw a big Miss road with a garment all the way to the ankle. They said to him, Aren't you the one who narrated to us that the garment shouldn't be below the ankle? So even Massoud said, I am a man who has this deformity. I'm a man that has these used the Arabic term crookedness, English as a specific term. I'm a man that has tensions. Now tell me if somebody laughs at you. Is that a reason that you can drink? Shut up yes or no?

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If somebody is going to make fun of you, we don't drink Shut up. Can you drink shut up? No, because shut off is what? How long? If lowering the garments had been? How long or as our teenagers say how long? How long? Is it how long how long desmi new term they invented. If lowering the ankle

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The garment had been How long would it been Massoud say, oh people left by shins. That's why yes or no. Do you see what I'm saying here? That's not the case. Right? So he allowed it as well. Abu hanifa Imam, a lot of them. The imam of Abu hanifa Shafi said all of mankind is dependent on Abu hanifa and the SEMA Michelle ferry said this unnecessary add on for either the hanifa Abu hanifa Masha Allah Allah bless Abu hanifa with wealth you know, many of our scholars were not that wealthy but some of them Abu hanifa Bihari Imam and Nyssa a Mashallah was like a millionaire I'm going to say so Allah bless some people Mashallah with with with well, but the majority of our scholars were

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not wealthy mobile hanifa was upper middle class, he would wear fine, any Persian garments. He was any, you know, Persian living in Iraq or whatnot. So he would wear that and his garments typically would go beneath the ankle, one of his students said, Isn't this prohibited? And Abu hanifa said, it is prohibited for the one who does so out of arrogance is Abu hanifa. And he himself had it low. A university it will have the great tab their own he died 136 Digital, early, earliest scholar, this is a beautiful quote and he died 100 years after the Sahaba 130 140 100 are very early on. Oh boy, you're not a Ubisoft EA, and Ubisoft they only had a garment made and he told his tailor, make the

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sleeves up until my wrists and make the garment length up until my ankles. One of his students said aren't we forbidden from this? listening to what he answered? You basically it said, once upon a time, it was considered showing off to lower the garments below the ankles. But in our time, it is showing off to raise the garments above the ankles.

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Meaning I'm sending the message I am more pious than you. I'm sending the message that now this is his opinion. Don't quote me on this. I'm just quoting you what he said. Right? I'm not stopped for a lot impugning anybody who thinks they're following the show. Now by doing that, I believe you're sincere. But as if Dan is talking about 100 years after the death of the President, and he's saying what, once upon a time, lowering the ankles was a sign of showing off in my generation to raise it higher and higher when everybody has it low. That is the one that is being different from the crowd. So he had the exact opposite mentality. The point being in a nutshell, the former the hip, the

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Hanafi madhhab, the sharper image of the humble image and the Maliki madman. I have the quotes here and no warrior formerly had been Zilla, coronial, boggio and kademlia been mostly even shareholders not even Tamia for those who look up to him. That strand of Islam, even even Tamia has this position, very explicit. It is not how long to lower the pants below the ankle for the one who is not doing it out of pride. And frankly, in this country and society, you cannot do it out of pride, you understand, you're not showing off. When you buy your Levi's jeans and it goes below the ankle, you're not showing off when you go to tarjay target and you get your clothes and they go, you're not

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showing off. There is no showing off when your normal pants go below the ankle, and everybody has it right. So to tell the Muslims Now, is there another opinion of course, there's always two opinions. There is a group of scholars who says always huddled. And the scholars, frankly are in the minority in the grand scheme of things. I have a long have done research in this particular issue for many years because I face a group of people that are adamant that it says this to me It says this and the response is very clear. That is your interpretation of the Hadith is clear. The same scholars Imam Abu hanifa saw the same Hadith as your mama Shaftsbury, Mr. Maliki mom even told me they also the

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same and if you're not the only one looking at the Hadith, the Hadith is not speaking it's your interpretation of the Hadees. The Hadith does not say anything, it's simply giving you these two things, what you derive from it, this is now your mind, I would rather stick with 99.9% of the oma and I'm not exaggerating, 99.9% of the oma literally go through who's who now are their scholars on the other side will lie there are I cannot deny that there are greater Anima I love them, I respect them. Many of them are my own teachers from sort of the that strand in particular that that modern strength, they are adamant that this is her arm and it is a major sin. I love them. I respect them.

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look at history and look at what the great scholars have said and contrast with this group of modern scholars a modern opinion To be honest, it's a modern opinion that has now become mainstream in that in that you know, small segment it is not classical and if you follow it just like a locket, but give respect to the majority don't consider the majority to be deviant and evil and going to janam you follow your opinion I have no problem. Well, I have no problem. I'm not going to at all I will be law. You will be rewarded for your sincerity. I have no doubt about that. But if you study and you study with the law say you will find it

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This is not the interpretation of the vast majority of scholars, because the Hadith itself mentions hoysala arrogance and pride to say, as the other group says, arrogance and pride is one sin, and doing it without arrogance and pride is another sin. That is the opinion that in Islamic history, maybe two or three people have held it pre modernity. And in modern times, it has become revived. And it's become mainstream in one group of Adama who think they're following the setup, but the set of themselves I quoted you so many of them, and that's not the case that they have. So bottom line, this is Hold on, so to hold the former dib, all of them. This is the standard position, that it is

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not a sin in the eyes of Allah, if you do it, not out of arrogance, and it is impossible in North America. To do that out of arrogance. You you agree with that point at least, that there's no such thing as lowering the garments out of arrogance, per se, that's not going to happen in your art, that culture is going to require people in corporate America to take their suits and have them above.

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Will law II have the shitty hour that way we would do it will lie to share the answers don't drink we will not drink no matter what pressure is there. But when 99.9% of the oma is saying something, then why do you have to make the religion so difficult and say your point 01 percent is the absolute correct if you really wish to follow it Jazakallah head no problem you're not going to find me as your business but Have some respect for the majority of the oma that follows the majority position and with that inshallah Tata will conclude and continue next Tuesday tomorrow.

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enough in Santa Monica Villa

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