Yasir Qadhi – Angel Jibreel Is Coming

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The historical significance of J interim's visit to the Prophet Muhammad is discussed, including his use of the word "has been" to describe himself as a person of influence. The presence of J interim is seen as a blessing for the people of the Battle of BPD, and it is confirmed that J amortel will be there. The importance of praying at home and avoiding taking advantage of upcoming nights is emphasized, along with the importance of facing one's actions and not giving up. The speaker also emphasizes the need to be lazy and not take advantage of upcoming nights, and to face one's actions and not give up to achieve happiness.
AI: Transcript ©
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A shed on

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all praises due to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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We praise Him and we seek His help.

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And we seek refuge in Allah from the

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evil of our souls and the consequences of

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our actions.

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Whomever Allah guides can never be misguided.

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And whoever is misguided can never be guided

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except through Him.

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I bear witness and I testify that there

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is no God other than Allah jalajalalahu.

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And I bear witness and I testify

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that the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasallam,

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al Hashimi al Qurashi

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is the final Prophet and His most perfect

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As to what

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follows, know all Muslims that Allah subhanahu wa

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has advised us and commanded us to be

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conscious of Him When He says in the

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Dear Muslims, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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and prefers

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whoever He wants over others.

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Allahu yastafi

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minal mala ikati rusulalwaminal

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nas Allah chooses certain angels to be more

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blessed than others. And Allah chooses certain people

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to be more holy and righteous than others.

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And out of all of mankind, we know

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that Allah has chosen our nabi, our Prophet

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And out of all of the angels,

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Allah has chosen

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to be the best, to be the highest,

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to be the most majestic.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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mentions Jibreel by name more in the Quran

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than any other angel.

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And there was a group of non believers

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who mocked Jibreel in the time of the

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Prophet shalallahu alaihi wasallam.

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And Allah revealed in the Quran,

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Whoever dares show animosity

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to jibreel,

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it is as if He is showing animosity

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to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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praises jibreel

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in so many verses in the Quran.

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The Quran has been sent down by Rabbu

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and it has been revealed through Arruh al

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Allah calls Jibril Arruh al Ameen.

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Arruh, of course, we know ruh means spirit.

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And our scholars say,

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Allah calls Jibreel

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the spirit, because

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has always brought the message to mankind

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that makes them alive again. Jibreel brings the

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ruh to the kalb. Jibreel

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brings the ruh to our kalb.

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Every single Prophet that has ever walked the

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face of this earth, who brought the wahi

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down to him? Who communicated with him? It

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was none other than Jibreel himself. And Allah

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calls him Arruh al Ameen, the trustworthy.

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Jibreel did everything

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that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told him to

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do. Can you imagine, dear brothers and sisters,

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the history of Jibreel? Can you imagine Jibreel

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was there and witnessed everything from the beginning

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of time? He was there when Allah created

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Adam. He was there to see the debacle

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with Iblis. He was there when the Prophet

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Lut alayhi wasalam was visited by his guests.

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It was he who caused Sodom and Gomorrah

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to flip over via his one wing. The

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hadith tells us, he took one of his

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600 wings and tapped the ground with them,

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and the entire land flipped upside down. It

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was Jibril who visited Ibrahim and gave him

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the glad tidings of Ishmael and Isha. It

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was Jibreel who saved Ibrahim from that fire

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of Nimrud. It was Jibreel who communicated

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with Musa alayhis salam, and who was present

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and who was there when Firaun drowned. It

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was Jibril who communicated with Maryam alayhis salam

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that she would be blessed with Jesus Christ.

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It was Jibreel who took Jesus Christ back

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to Allah Subha'ala wa ta'ala. And of course,

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it was Jibreel who came to our Prophet

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Alaihi Wasallam in Gharihira.

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In this very week, in this very week

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of Ramadan, he visited our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam in Gharihira.

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And the very presence of Jibreel

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brought peace and comfort to our Prophet, salallahu

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alaihi wasallam. We learned from the hadith

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that when Jibril began coming to the Prophet

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salallahu alaihi wasallam, the beginning of Makkah, the

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beginning of Islam, the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam

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was very excited to see him every time.

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And once he asked him, O Jibreel,

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why don't you come more often? I want

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you to visit us more often, this hadith

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and bukhari. Why don't you visit? I want

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to meet you more. And Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala revealed a verse we still recite it

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to these days in the Quran. This is

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about the question of the

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to Jibreel, I want to meet you more,

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it's nice to meet you. And Allah says,

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illabi amri rabbik. We can only come down

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when Allah asks us to come down. We

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don't just come down to visit, we come

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down when Allah allows us to come down.

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This is a verse in the Quran that

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was revealed. Why? Because the Prophet salallahu alaihi

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wa sallam was eager to meet Jibreel. And

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our mother Aisha says that every time Ramadan

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would come, Jibreel would come every

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prepare himself for the coming of Jibreel alayhis

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salaam. And once he asked Jibreel, because Jibreel

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would come usually in the form of a

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human being, in the form of one of

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the sa'abas named with dihi al kalbi, or

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other forms. He would typically take the shape

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of somebody that is recognizable.

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So once the prophet shalallahu alaihi wa sallam

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said, O Jibreel, let me see you in

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your original form. Let me see you the

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way how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala created you.

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And so Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala answered that

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request. Our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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became one of the very few people in

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all of human history who saw Jibreel

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in the way that Allah created Jibreel.

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He saw him in his original form, and

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that is something beyond our recognition, beyond our

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And the very act

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of witnessing Jibreel

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was so blessed, it was so holy,

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that Allah revealed

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Quran, praising

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the Prophet shalallahu alaihi wa sallam for having

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been gifted this blessing. Read surat and Najm.

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Read the beginning of surat and Najm. Laqadaraamin

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The Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam saw some

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of the biggest miracles of Allah. What is

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this a reference to? When he saw Jibreel

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on Isra wal Mi'raj in his original form.

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The very

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seeing of Jibreel became a miracle. And Allah

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says in the Quran, Our Prophet salallahu alayhi

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wasallam saw Jibreel in his original form, and

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it was one of the biggest miracles,

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one of the biggest ayaat of Allah to

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see. So the very seeing of Jibreel, being

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in the presence of Jibreel, is something that

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is blessed and that is holy. And, subhanAllah,

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when our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam passed away,

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and there was no wahi coming, Abu Bakr

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and Umar one day decided to visit the

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foster mother, or I should say the caretaker

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to be more precise, of our Prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam by the name of Umme

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Aman. Umme Aman is a very interesting story.

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One of the few, one of the very,

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very few who was in the life of

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the seerah from the time the prophet wasalam

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was a child until after he passed away

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from this earth. She was the lady who

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took care of her when Amina passed away

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on the way to Makkah. She brought the

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Prophet back to Abdul Muttalib, and she was

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a, at the time a servant or slave,

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then the prophet freed her when he became

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older, and she remained in the household of

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the prophet as a loyal servant. So, Umme

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Aman, this is a famous figure and persona

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in the figure. Now in the Sira, now

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she is over a 100 years old, elderly

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lady. Abu Bakr and Umar said that now

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that the Prophet has gone, let us visit

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Umme Aman, like the Prophet used to regularly

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visit. You know a motherly figure, she's a

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person who took care of the Prophet He

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would regularly go to visit. Now that he's

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gone, Abu Bakr Nur Umar radiAllahu said, Let

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us go visit like he used to visit.

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So when they visited, the memories of the

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you know, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam is

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with Allah, he is in a better place.

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She said,

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I know he is in a better place.

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That's not the only reason I'm crying.

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I'm also crying

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because the wahi has been cut from this

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earth, and jibreel no longer comes down. There

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is no Quran coming down now. There is

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no Jibreel coming down now. That is also

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why I am saddened, that there is no

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Quran and wahi, and there is no connection

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with the divine. The prophet salallahu alayhi wa

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sallam has now left, and this world doesn't

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have those visitations.

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It doesn't have the Quran coming. When she

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said this, then the 2 of them began

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sobbing with her as well because that is

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a valid point. There is no wahi coming,

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and there is no jibreel coming. So brothers

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and sisters, why am I talking about Jibreel

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right now in the last weeks, in the

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last days of Ramadan?

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Because as we all know,

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this entity

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who every single prophet spoke to directly,

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this chosen of Allah,

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the One whom Allah mentions by name,

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and the One whom Allah says, Whoever takes

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jibreel as an enemy has taken Me as

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an enemy.

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And the one whom Allah called aruhulqudus

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and aruhul ameen.

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granted us

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one opportunity

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every year to be standing in His presence.

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1 and only 1. That very entity

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to every single Prophet and Messenger.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala blessed this world. Allah

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blessed this world to be in His mighty

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one day of the year. And that day

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and that night is Laylatul Qadr.

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As Allah says,

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Allah says in the Quran, the angels only

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come when Allah wants them to come. So

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Allah says, in this night,

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the Angel Jibreel will himself come down on

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this one night because Allah has allowed that

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coming. Ask yourselves, oh Muslims, ask yourselves,

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why did Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala link Laylatul

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Qadr with the presence of jibreel?

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Why did Allah incentivize

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us to want to be excited about laylatulqadr?

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Because one of the perks,

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one of the blessings,

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one of the biggest majestic signs of laylatulqadr

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is the very presence of Jibreel.

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Jibreel is the chosen of all of the

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angels. There is no angel more blessed and

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more holy than him. His very presence brings

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His very presence brings Allah's rahma. His very

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presence brings Allah's barakah. And there is one

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night and only one night where that connection

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is resumed to this dunya. Jibreel does not

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come to this world anymore. There is no

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Prophet, there is no Nabi, there is no

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Wahib. But one night, this majestic creature of

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Allah, the greatest of all angels. Once one

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of the angels came to the Prophet salallam

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and said to him, How do you consider

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the people of the Battle of Badr amongst

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the Sahaba? And the prophet salallahu alaihi wa

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sallam said, These are the best of the

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Sahaba. That angels said, So too, those angels

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who participated in Badr, they are the best

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of our angels as well. And who led

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them in the angels of Badr? Jibril led

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them in the angels of Badr, just like

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the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam led the sahabah

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amongst the sahabah of Badr. Jibreel, this very

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entity whom Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala praises as

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a ruhul ameen

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will be in Our presence

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these very nights of Ramadan. One night, only

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one night, He Himself will come,

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and His presence will be in this sphere

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of ours.

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Do we not want that blessing to be

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there? Do we not want the potential? What

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happens when the angels see? What happens when

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the angels see us pray? The Quran mentions,

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the sunnah mentions, When the angels see the

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believers pray, they ask Allah to bless the

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believers. When the angels see the people making

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dua, they say ameen to the duas of

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the believers. We learned this from the Quran

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and sunnah. The presence of the angels

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indicates the presence of Allah's rahmah and blessing.

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Wherever these angels go, Allah's rahmah and blessings

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follow. Can you imagine if Jibreel is present,

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and he sees a group of people praying,

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and He makes dua for those people? Can

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you imagine if we are saying a dua,

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and Jibreel says ameen to my dua and

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your dua?

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If we know that there is only one

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night He's going to come,

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then how lazy can a person be

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to not take advantage of that night?

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How stingy can a person be that the

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one night, this very being whom Allah has

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chosen above all the angels,

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Allah will bless us with His presence.

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Allah will bless us with His presence.

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And on that one night, if we are

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standing in salah, if we're making du'a to

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Allah, if Jibril happens to pass by, and

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of course the night he is there, we

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don't question how and why, but without a

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doubt, he will go over the entire globe

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that is praying at that time. And if

00:16:39 --> 00:16:42

Jibril makes dua for us, where do you

00:16:42 --> 00:16:43

think that dua will go in the eyes

00:16:43 --> 00:16:46

of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala? And that is

00:16:46 --> 00:16:49

why it is authentically narrated. These are multiple

00:16:49 --> 00:16:50

stories from the Sahaba and Tabirun. I don't

00:16:50 --> 00:16:52

have time to go into every single name,

00:16:52 --> 00:16:55

but we have authentic reports from multiple Sahaba

00:16:55 --> 00:16:58

and Tabirun that on these last 10 nights

00:16:58 --> 00:16:59

of Ramadan,

00:17:00 --> 00:17:02

they would dress up in their finest garment.

00:17:03 --> 00:17:05

There was a tabi'i. He had the most

00:17:05 --> 00:17:07

expensive perfume that had come from Asia. He

00:17:07 --> 00:17:10

would keep it in a special box in

00:17:10 --> 00:17:13

his apartment, his house. And only on the

00:17:13 --> 00:17:15

last 10 nights he would use that perfume

00:17:15 --> 00:17:17

on himself. And his wife would say, Why

00:17:17 --> 00:17:20

are you spending this fortune perfume? Why are

00:17:20 --> 00:17:23

you spending the most expensive perfume, and you're

00:17:23 --> 00:17:25

praying at home? You're not even going outside.

00:17:25 --> 00:17:27

And he said, SubhanAllah,

00:17:27 --> 00:17:30

Jibreel is coming, shouldn't I dress up for

00:17:30 --> 00:17:34

him? Jibreel is coming these nights, shouldn't I

00:17:34 --> 00:17:37

prepare myself? Like the Prophet used to prepare

00:17:37 --> 00:17:38

for the coming of Jibreel.

00:17:39 --> 00:17:41

The Prophet would use mizwaq, and dress up,

00:17:41 --> 00:17:44

and be excited because you want the angels

00:17:44 --> 00:17:47

just like in any dignitary. Any VIP is

00:17:47 --> 00:17:49

coming. You look your best, you are dressed

00:17:49 --> 00:17:50

up. And by the way, brothers and sisters,

00:17:50 --> 00:17:52

it's a part of our Quran and sunnah.

00:17:52 --> 00:17:53

Allah says, Khudu zeenatakumindaquli

00:17:54 --> 00:17:57

masjid, wear your finest garments in the masjid.

00:17:57 --> 00:17:57


00:18:04 --> 00:18:06

up because you're standing in front of Allah.

00:18:07 --> 00:18:09

Dress up and put on your perfume because

00:18:09 --> 00:18:11

the angels love to just like we love

00:18:11 --> 00:18:14

to look good, the angels themselves, Allah has

00:18:14 --> 00:18:16

blessed them to be far more handsome and

00:18:16 --> 00:18:18

good looking than us, and they appreciate when

00:18:18 --> 00:18:20

we are also dressed up. So brothers and

00:18:20 --> 00:18:23

sisters, of the perks and of the blessings

00:18:23 --> 00:18:25

of Laylatul Qadr is the very presence of

00:18:25 --> 00:18:27

Jibril. And of course, this is but one

00:18:27 --> 00:18:30

of many of the perks of Laylatul Qadr.

00:18:30 --> 00:18:32

The biggest one obviously is

00:18:32 --> 00:18:35

the barakah that comes, that one night, or

00:18:35 --> 00:18:37

I should say that 12 hours, or to

00:18:37 --> 00:18:40

be more precise, 8 hours. 8 hours becomes

00:18:40 --> 00:18:43

more than 85 years of worship.

00:18:43 --> 00:18:47

That calculates to every minute being almost lifetimes,

00:18:47 --> 00:18:50

almost many months of work. How can we

00:18:50 --> 00:18:51

not take advantage

00:18:51 --> 00:18:53

of these last nights? O Muslims,

00:18:53 --> 00:18:56

try your best in these last nights to

00:18:56 --> 00:18:59

exert the most you can possibly exert. Simply

00:18:59 --> 00:19:01

10 nights, that's all that it is. And

00:19:01 --> 00:19:03

of the 10, especially the odd. And of

00:19:03 --> 00:19:06

the odd, the 23rd, the 25th, the 27th

00:19:06 --> 00:19:06

in particular.

00:19:07 --> 00:19:09

Even though we should try all 10, but

00:19:09 --> 00:19:12

in particular, the 23rd and the 25th and

00:19:12 --> 00:19:12

the 27th.

00:19:13 --> 00:19:15

These are the highest candidates. And of course,

00:19:15 --> 00:19:17

all of the odd nights are potential candidates.

00:19:17 --> 00:19:19

Do not be lazy. Even if we have

00:19:19 --> 00:19:21

to go to work the next day, sacrifice

00:19:29 --> 00:19:31

ibadah. Take naps when you come home, but

00:19:31 --> 00:19:33

try your best in these nights to give

00:19:33 --> 00:19:36

more than you have given any other night.

00:19:36 --> 00:19:38

Remember, you are competing against yourself. Don't tell

00:19:38 --> 00:19:41

yourself, oh, there are people praying the whole

00:19:41 --> 00:19:42

night, I have to go to work, I

00:19:42 --> 00:19:44

cannot pray the whole night. Okay. Don't pray

00:19:44 --> 00:19:46

the whole night, pray 2 hours, 3 hours,

00:19:46 --> 00:19:48

4 hours, whatever you can do, Do what

00:19:48 --> 00:19:51

you can do. And also brothers and sisters,

00:19:51 --> 00:19:52

while it is good to come to the

00:19:52 --> 00:19:54

masjid, if you feel that coming to the

00:19:54 --> 00:19:56

masjid is not possible for you, then at

00:19:56 --> 00:19:58

least pray at home. It's not a problem.

00:19:58 --> 00:20:01

Pray tahajjud at home. Pray extra on these

00:20:01 --> 00:20:03

nights. And remember, of the most powerful

00:20:04 --> 00:20:06

acts of worship on this night is the

00:20:06 --> 00:20:09

worship of du'a, Laylatul Qadr. One of the

00:20:09 --> 00:20:12

reasons why it is called Laylatul Qadr is

00:20:12 --> 00:20:14

because on this night, Allah's Qadr comes down.

00:20:14 --> 00:20:17

Allah's Qadr, the decrees. So we should be

00:20:17 --> 00:20:19

making dua for the best decrees. We want

00:20:19 --> 00:20:19

the best Qadr for the upcoming year. We

00:20:19 --> 00:20:20

want the best

00:20:22 --> 00:20:25

fortunes from Allah for the upcoming year. So

00:20:25 --> 00:20:27

stand in prayer, make du'a to Allah subhanahu

00:20:27 --> 00:20:29

wa ta'ala in these 10 nights. And the

00:20:29 --> 00:20:32

most important du'a that you and I should

00:20:32 --> 00:20:34

ask for is our own hidayah, our own

00:20:34 --> 00:20:36

guidance. Ask Allah to guide us.

00:20:37 --> 00:20:40

Mustateem. Ask Allah to make hidayah easy for

00:20:40 --> 00:20:42

us. Ask Allah to make religiosity

00:20:42 --> 00:20:45

easy for us. Ask Allah help to overcome

00:20:45 --> 00:20:47

our sins, overcome our addictions,

00:20:48 --> 00:20:49

overcome our weaknesses.

00:20:49 --> 00:20:52

When we turn to Allah, Allah will turn

00:20:52 --> 00:20:54

to us. And dear brothers and sisters, if

00:20:54 --> 00:20:57

you are sincere and you genuinely raise your

00:20:57 --> 00:20:59

hands to Allah, and you sincerely beg Allah

00:20:59 --> 00:21:03

Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for hidayah, InshaAllahu Ta'ala, every

00:21:03 --> 00:21:06

night do so. Jibreel himself might be present.

00:21:06 --> 00:21:09

Jibril himself might say ameen to your duas.

00:21:09 --> 00:21:11

And can you imagine if Jibril says ameen

00:21:11 --> 00:21:13

to your dua, where will your dua go?

00:21:13 --> 00:21:15

May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala bless me and

00:21:15 --> 00:21:17

you wither through the Quran, and may he

00:21:17 --> 00:21:19

make us of those who is verses they

00:21:19 --> 00:21:21

understand and applies halal and haram throughout our

00:21:21 --> 00:21:24

lifespan. I ask Allah's forgiveness. You as well

00:21:24 --> 00:21:26

ask him for his Dhagafoor and the Rahman.

00:21:36 --> 00:21:36


00:21:37 --> 00:21:39

All praises due to Allah, the 1 and

00:21:39 --> 00:21:41

the unique. He it is whom we worship,

00:21:42 --> 00:21:43

and it is His aid that we seek.

00:21:43 --> 00:21:45

He is the Lord of the oppressed, and

00:21:45 --> 00:21:47

He hears the prayer of the weak. As

00:21:47 --> 00:21:49

to what follows, dear Muslims, many of you

00:21:49 --> 00:21:51

have heard in this month of Ramadan so

00:21:51 --> 00:21:52

many khudbas

00:21:52 --> 00:21:55

that deal with the historic victories of the

00:21:55 --> 00:21:57

past. And this is a valid point, and

00:21:57 --> 00:21:59

it is a true point. And there is

00:21:59 --> 00:22:03

no question, there is no question that the

00:22:03 --> 00:22:06

historic victories from the beginning of Islam that

00:22:06 --> 00:22:07

have taken place in Ramadan

00:22:08 --> 00:22:09

is a manifestation

00:22:09 --> 00:22:12

of Allah's barakah and Allah's nazar in this

00:22:12 --> 00:22:15

month. The very first battle of Badr took

00:22:15 --> 00:22:18

place in Ramadan. 1 of the key battles

00:22:18 --> 00:22:18

of the Seerahazab

00:22:19 --> 00:22:22

took place in Ramadan. The conquest of Makkah

00:22:22 --> 00:22:24

took place in Ramadan. The battle of Qadisiyyah,

00:22:24 --> 00:22:26

one of the key battles, took place in

00:22:27 --> 00:22:28

Ramadan. The conquest

00:22:29 --> 00:22:30

in in Andalus took place in Ramadan.

00:22:31 --> 00:22:33

The battle of Ain Jalut in which finally

00:22:33 --> 00:22:36

for the first time, the Mongols and Genghis

00:22:36 --> 00:22:38

Khan's army was destroyed by the Muslims, it

00:22:38 --> 00:22:40

took place in Ramadan. The battle of Hittin

00:22:40 --> 00:22:43

for the conquest of Salahuddin Ayubi and and

00:22:44 --> 00:22:46

Baytul Maqdis, one of the key battles took

00:22:46 --> 00:22:48

place in Ramadan, and we can go on

00:22:48 --> 00:22:50

and on and on. There is no question

00:22:51 --> 00:22:51

that Ramadan

00:22:52 --> 00:22:55

is the historic month of victories from the

00:22:55 --> 00:22:57

time of the seerah and throughout all of

00:22:57 --> 00:22:59

Islamic history. So as we are seeing the

00:22:59 --> 00:23:01

battle between good and evil take place in

00:23:01 --> 00:23:03

the world, as we are seeing some of

00:23:03 --> 00:23:06

the most pathetic scenes from the Middle East

00:23:06 --> 00:23:07

coming out, we make du'a to Allah

00:23:08 --> 00:23:10

that we see victory

00:23:10 --> 00:23:12

from the righteous people in this side and

00:23:12 --> 00:23:14

in this battle. And also brothers and sisters,

00:23:15 --> 00:23:17

as we realize what is happening in the

00:23:17 --> 00:23:19

world and the victories around the world, realize

00:23:19 --> 00:23:22

one of the signs is that the fact

00:23:22 --> 00:23:24

that victories have occurred in the past in

00:23:24 --> 00:23:26

massive battles, battles indicates,

00:23:27 --> 00:23:30

you and I, we can be victorious over

00:23:30 --> 00:23:32

ourselves and our nafs. If

00:23:32 --> 00:23:34

Abu Jahl could be defeated in the battle

00:23:34 --> 00:23:35

of Badr,

00:23:35 --> 00:23:38

if the unrighteous armies of Genghis Khan can

00:23:38 --> 00:23:40

be defeated in the battle of Ain Jalut,

00:23:40 --> 00:23:42

if all of the worst armies in the

00:23:42 --> 00:23:44

world can be defeated in this month of

00:23:44 --> 00:23:47

Ramadan, then how about me conquering my nafs?

00:23:47 --> 00:23:48

How about

00:23:48 --> 00:23:50

me defeating my own ego? How about me

00:23:50 --> 00:23:52

battling my own inner shaitans?

00:23:53 --> 00:23:55

This is the month of victory. And so

00:23:55 --> 00:23:57

every one of us, O Muslims, as these

00:23:57 --> 00:23:59

last 10 days began, and tonight is the

00:23:59 --> 00:24:01

20th night, as you know, these last 10

00:24:01 --> 00:24:03

nights are beginning, these last 10 nights begin

00:24:03 --> 00:24:06

of Ramadan. Dear brothers and sisters, make it

00:24:06 --> 00:24:10

your personal battle to win your inner battle.

00:24:10 --> 00:24:11

Make it your personal

00:24:20 --> 00:24:23

observant worshiper of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

00:24:23 --> 00:24:24

Dear Muslims.

00:24:24 --> 00:24:25

Dear Muslims,

00:24:25 --> 00:24:29

Ramadan teaches us the one eternal truth,

00:24:29 --> 00:24:32

and that is there is nothing sweeter than

00:24:32 --> 00:24:34

the worship of Allah. There is nothing more

00:24:34 --> 00:24:37

noble than servitude to Allah. There is no

00:24:37 --> 00:24:40

joy in life. There is no pleasure in

00:24:40 --> 00:24:43

existence that is better and purer and more

00:24:43 --> 00:24:44


00:24:44 --> 00:24:47

than the joy and the sweetness of worshiping

00:24:47 --> 00:24:49

Allah. You and I, we all know this

00:24:49 --> 00:24:51

right now. Well, then 10 days from now

00:24:51 --> 00:24:53

when Ramadan finishes,

00:24:53 --> 00:24:56

don't forget this fact. Do not forget this

00:24:56 --> 00:25:00

fact that ultimate happiness only comes in turning

00:25:00 --> 00:25:02

to Allah. And listen, oh Muslims, nobody is

00:25:02 --> 00:25:05

perfect. You're not perfect. I'm not perfect. Allah

00:25:05 --> 00:25:07

is not asking for perfection. If he wanted

00:25:07 --> 00:25:10

perfection, he would have sufficed with the angels.

00:25:10 --> 00:25:13

Angels are perfect. He's not looking for perfection,

00:25:14 --> 00:25:16

but he is looking for sincere efforts and

00:25:16 --> 00:25:19

trying. O Muslim, do not lose hope in

00:25:19 --> 00:25:22

Allah's mercy. O Muslim, do not give up.

00:25:22 --> 00:25:25

Keep on striving. Keep on struggling. Try your

00:25:25 --> 00:25:27

best to be a better person. Just try.

00:25:28 --> 00:25:30

And in that trying is your salvation.

00:25:31 --> 00:25:33

In trying to be better, in wanting to

00:25:33 --> 00:25:36

be better, that desire is what will save

00:25:36 --> 00:25:39

you. Not your actions, not your sadaqa, not

00:25:39 --> 00:25:42

your salah. Allah doesn't need the quantity of

00:25:42 --> 00:25:44

actions. Allah wants to see the quality of

00:25:44 --> 00:25:46

your iman. So, oh Muslim,

00:25:46 --> 00:25:49

these last 10 days of Ramadan, and for

00:25:49 --> 00:25:50

some of us, it might well be our

00:25:50 --> 00:25:53

last Ramadan. For some of us, these might

00:25:53 --> 00:25:55

be the last 10 days we ever have

00:25:55 --> 00:25:55

of Ramadan.

00:25:56 --> 00:25:57

Make them the best days of your life.

00:25:57 --> 00:25:59

Make them the best nights of your life.

00:25:59 --> 00:26:02

Turn to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala sincerely,

00:26:02 --> 00:26:03


00:26:03 --> 00:26:06

ask Allah for mafiraq, ask Allah for hidayah,

00:26:06 --> 00:26:08

ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make righteousness

00:26:08 --> 00:26:11

easy upon you. And when Ramadan finishes,

00:26:11 --> 00:26:13

try your best to live a better life.

00:26:13 --> 00:26:16

And in that trying and in that struggle,

00:26:16 --> 00:26:18

that is where salvation will come. Allahumma innidaa'infaaminoo

00:26:19 --> 00:26:20

Allahumma lataatafihadayombi

00:26:21 --> 00:26:22

themban illaqa farta

00:26:40 --> 00:26:43

Allahumma'aizal Islamawalmustimeen, Allahumma'aizal Islamawalmustimeen, Allahumma'aizal

00:26:44 --> 00:26:45

Islamawalmustimeen, Allahumma'aizal Islamawalmustimeen, Allahumma'aizal Islamawalmustimeen, Allahumma'aizal Islamawalmustimeen, Allahumma'aizal

00:26:45 --> 00:26:46

Islamawalmustimeen, Allahumma'aaradanaaaradanaaaradalismawalmustimeen

00:26:48 --> 00:26:49


00:34:24 --> 00:34:25


00:34:25 --> 00:34:26


00:34:26 --> 00:34:27


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