Mirza Yawar Baig – Allahs creative power is eternal

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the changing colors of trees and the beauty of the landscape, as well as the creative power of Allah subhanaw taala. War is a learning opportunity for learning and it's important to know the truth. The difficulty of finding warlike people in the US is highlighted, along with the importance of finding warlike people to increase ROI and return investment to war-torn countries. The speaker also touches on the issue of war and its negative consequences, including the loss of lives and the need for warlike individuals to return to their country.
AI: Transcript ©
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This allows a lot of salam ala Rasulillah. But you will remember some of the further reminders I made here in imagining a park in West Springfield. And I was away as

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the beginning of the of the fall in Florida.

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And when I got back here the fall is almost over. So

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I miss seeing the colors are changing.

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We got some of them from as she goes away. But now I'm just want to show you how dramatic is the change? What were lush green trees are now completely bare, and the ground is littered with,

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with live

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all the way down. It has been raining quite a lot. So they're also created some of this

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leaf fall rather early. But I guess that's part of the game.

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But you will see how some colors still remains. So some leaves are still on top, haven't fallen yet. So some color still remains. And

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spectacular. I mean, even with the leaves all down, it's a spectacular landscape. And of course some of the color still there.

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And amazing. With that yellow, there's that delicate pink, we have some more coming up.

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See that one in the

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frightful front there

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as well. Loss of $100 one colorful live

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magnificence of ALLAH SubhanA creation, and his creative powers can

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can't possibly be spoken about, I don't think I have the power to actually say this on a day that in

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any way that does justice to it, but we still try to do the best we could do. And so we can see the power of the creative, the creative power of Allah subhanaw taala

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constantly around us the whole time. And that's why I keep saying to myself a new that

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life is full of learning opportunities. And if you have with you, your children, students, life is full of teaching opportunities and the two are related. Because every teaching opportunity is a learning opportunity.

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And vice versa. So it's

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something that one must be aware of and take full advantage of

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and ensure that you and we learn the lessons that

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Allah has chosen to,

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you know, to present before us.

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Everyone looks with the same eyes. But as we all know, the eyes are merely cameras.

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We really see with our hearts and that is the difference between busser and Basia between sight and insight. And

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bots it is where the learning takes place. Not bizarre and everything, everything looks at anything with eyes can see what you and I are seeing and for most creatures

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on routers, not most but a lot of them since they probably see it much more clearly

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than we do what what they don't see in some cases, if not a lot of them is the

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the multiple colors and

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beautiful smells and the whole aroma.

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I'm absolutely without shame and without doubt a jungle person forest person.

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that doesn't sound very nice in Google I know

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jungle person is generally

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slow which is not particularly polite to set yourself.

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There was some close ups of these leads which have changed color.

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I don't know what these plants are called. And I consoled myself by saying that the plants don't know either. Because after all, these are names that we human beings give them they didn't ask for that name and

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they don't know the name so

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I'm not trying to justify my ignorance just to

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go easy on myself.

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So there you go. This is

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where I'm standing

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We're in the middle of the forest,

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new park.

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Seeing and looking at the holder of ALLAH SubhanA, horadada, JELA. Developer

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ready so Halloween

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think this is the critical thing. And this is the most important thing that we can do to ourselves,

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which is to know Allah subhanaw taala.

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And the more difficult situations that we face. And today, perhaps you're facing one of the most difficult it certainly in my lifetime, the most difficult situation to look at to watch. I mean, I don't for a moment, try to imagine or equate my experience with the difficulty with the people who are actually undergoing that difficulty in Philistine. But I'm just saying that, you know, for me,

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as a viewer, somebody who is,

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deeply who deeply believes in the sanctity of all life, especially human lives, and

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believes in the

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in the, it will believe that war is an evil thing. And we believe that it's high time that we

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really progressed in our thinking, by changing the way our society is structured and such, so that we do not have to have wars.

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Wars happened for only one reason, which is not political, which is economic. And that is to give the maximum ROI, and the maximum ROI, or return on investment to those who are

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invested in

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weapons and munitions of war. There is no other reason.

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There's no humanitarian reason, there's nothing, it's just this.

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We are even past the time when wars were fought to conquer territory.

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And then to

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join that territory into colonies. So that they would yield economic returns, we along with various you know, a couple of centuries past that, that was 18th century and 21st century.

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So wars are not no longer fought for that reason for not for conquest of territory, in order to increase the size of the colony or to administer the territory or something no wars are just fought because they make money for the people who have investments in the war machine. In all its aspects, the manufacture of weapons and weaponry, manufactured munitions, the

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machinery is

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what they call contractors.

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Amazing, amazing.

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So the question is that

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the question which we should be asking is named for me one single constructive thing that comes out of this out of these wars, irrespective of which one it is, irrespective of that one constructive thing that comes out of it? For the common person, for the common man or woman? I'm certainly one of them. And I think most of you who listen to this podcast are among the common people. So if you ask this question, say, just named or randomly Write, write a list of the wars fought in the last even 100 years, and throw a dart at it and and say, Well, what came out of this, which was beneficial to the common person?

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And you have the answer, the answer is one single word, which is nothing.

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There's a tree on my right,

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which looks like a maple. And to see the Colorado, how beautiful it is, against the blue sky.

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Simply fabulous.

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So we need to,

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we need to bring about this in and truly, truly, truly. So think about that. You think about the

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kind of investment, just numbers. So that's why I said it's all about economics. It's not about politics. It's not about religion, although all of these are the smokescreens behind which wars are fought.

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People will try and tell you that the war is being fought for religious reasons, or is being fought for this great and amazing ideals of justice, and freedom and whatnot. All of that is complete and adulterated on cyclable

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wars are fought for one reason only economic, and that economic also doesn't even translate to benefit for

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the common people of the countries which are involved in that war.

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Soldiers Go and die. Those who come back, nobody cares a hoot about them.

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drive on the roads in America and see the number of homeless people who will have a sign saying, I know I'm a veteran.

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Why is the man irrespective we are not talking about? Was he fighting a just war? Or was he fighting? unjust war? You know, was he virtuous and righteous doing that or not? We are talking, we are saying that why is a man or woman who fought in a war for their nation who suffered in that war? Came back? Probably with,

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you know,

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all kinds of psychological issues.

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Why is that person living out of a shopping cart, on a street corner, begging for money? Why?

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I mean, what more is required to show somebody's loyalty to the nation than the fact that that person

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enrolled in the army, and put his life on the line for what he at least what he thought was for the nation, what he didn't realize that it was for

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the benefit of the billionaires who sell war munitions, whose sons and daughters did not stand shoulder to shoulder with him in that fight.

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They were busy cutting Money, money being made, because this man and other like him, put their lives on the line for this war to be to be prosecuted for this war to happen.

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think about that, even people who are

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deeply invested, and who have literally put their lives on the line for the war.

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What are they getting out of it?

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The short answer is nothing. So what do you think? Anybody else gets out of it?

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This is the whole this is the whole futility of it, really, between why

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the people of the countries

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don't rise up and say no war. I know it's happening in sports. In some countries, where people are, you know, saying ceasefire, no war, I guess, let's get out of it as one. But I think we need a lot more of it a great deal more with

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one of the joys of democracy. And I wouldn't exchange democracy for anything

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else, I really, really have no

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alternative to democracy. But one of the joys of democracy is that you can actually raise your voice, you can protest, you can write, you can speak.

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And you can do that with relative safety and impurity, which you cannot do in a dictatorship.

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But also, what seems to be so stark and clear today, as I speak to you is,

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sometimes I have to remind myself not to, you know, give up, speaking and talking because also what seems to be quite stark is how powerless these masses are. As I'm talking to you, there are two cardinals, there's a Mr. Cardinal and Mrs. Cardinal, in those trees. Spectacular. But I think again, we go back to the issue of the cameras.

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So anyway, to come back to the point of making also what is so clear, despite the fact that we have this

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the fact that democracies give people the power to express themselves. Also, it seems as if sometimes this expression does nothing. So surely it despite that, I wouldn't, I wouldn't exchange a democracy for any other form of,

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of government or any other form of, you know, governing a nation. But

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I really have to wonder at the powerlessness of people

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despite 1000s and 1000s of them, demonstrating and begging for peace and for ceasefire and for humanitarian aid in Philistine for example.

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As I speak until now, that has not happened. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to

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to change that situation, to bring about peace to

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give solace to the hearts of all those who have been bereaved and to create a system where people do not need to be buried in this way.

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Let us stay with losing our near and dear ones to natural causes and not to causes that are created by us.

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Robert Salam Nanfu Sana, we'd love to offer one hour without having that little coffee. I mean, yeah,

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