Yaser Birjas – Class 21 – Taseel

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The importance of giving the Prophet sallam in various political and cultural settings is emphasized, including the use of symbolism and the use of sallam in political and cultural settings. The speakers emphasize the need for strong faith in oneself and not losing control of behavior, as well as the importance of prescription and deeds in protecting from evil behavior. The presence of APriet Sessoms in publicition could lead to deterring crimes, and the potential harm it could cause is discussed. The presence of APriet Sessoms in publicition could lead to deterring crimes, and the potential harm it could cause is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Allah Amin Salallahu Salam Baraka, Vienna, Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam to Sleeman Kathira mama bad. For the last couple of weeks we'll be studying together the seat the inner secrets of Zika and charity. We talked about the etiquette and the secrets of giving the Zika the secrets of receiving this occur. And tonight in shallow data we're going to be talking about now the extra giving, that is a volunteer charity or sort of totowa which is considered basically not an obligation rather it's now that something that you give from from you remember whenever I'm a mom, even Kodama Rahim, Allah is not going to be talking about a lot of the etiquettes and adapt because

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they're similar to the given does occur and receiving does occur as well too. Rather, he's trying to now somehow bring to your attention the spirit of sadaqa and the real meaning of it, so that he can like encourage you so you can give and give more in sha Allah Who Tabata Katara so let's hear from him even with Mr. Mr. loudhailer, what he says about the etiquette and the inner secret of given sadaqa Bismillah Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah

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Imam even

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in section three on the voluntary charity, its excellence and etiquettes. the excellence of the voluntary charity Solokha are numerous and well known.

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Imam cutting relates a Hadith from Ibn Massoud or their loved one who narrates that

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Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, To Whom have you is the wealth of his heirs, more beloved, than his own wealth.

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So he's asking the question, so they said, O Messenger from Obama's messenger, salallahu Alaihe Salam, there is none among us, who does not feel that his wealth is more beloved to him. He some hola hola Salam then said, Truly his world is what he puts forward and the will of his ears is what? He postpones the handler of blood I mean, so Allah wa salam vara cannabinol Mohammed Ali Vasa selama bad. Remember no Rahim Al Imam Kodama, Rahim Allah and this actually chapter he chose to mention a hadith, a hadith as a reminder as to the meaning of given sadaqa and the inner secrets of given the sadaqa. The first one he began with his hatred of the Masada the Ultra, and voila, in which the

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prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam, he is asking a question, or you can matter what if he had burned him in Mali? Who amongst you the wealth of his heirs more beloved to him than his own wealth? Now, let's talk about this hadith nonresistant the topic itself but in the way the prophets Allah, Selim presented the topic here. So when the Prophet Salah Salem, he started talking about the subject, he began with what question, What kind of question to the purposes and begin with a

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provocative question, not just a rhetorical question, no provocative question. Like the answer is obvious, right? I mean, the answer to it is obvious. To me, who among you are going to love, love to live to live more wealth to his heirs than enjoying the water he works so hard for in this dunya? Now, technically speaking, the majority will say, of course not, I'm not gonna leave this for them. I want to enjoy it. I want to travel with this. I want to spend it here and there and Hamdulillah, hallelujah, and so on. So the answer to it is really known. Everybody is going to say, of course, we all will love our wealth, one the love that we live behind, right? So why didn't the professor Some

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ask that question to begin with? It's a provocative question. He wants to bring to their attention, something that is completely obvious, but very important. This is now as what we call burrata, the sterile and the Arabic language. burrata is the law, meaning, a brilliant chemical and arrest such an arresting anecdote, intention, attention grabber. That's what the Prophet saw some usually begins with his conversations. There are many, many Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did the exact same thing with the Sahaba della Tirana, one of those examples, when the Prophet says call a drone, Emanuel mirthless. Do you know who the bank of the bankrupt is? I mean, the question is also

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obvious. And the answer should be also obvious. So if I asked you who is the bankrupt, what would you say? Typically gonna say the one who has no money? No dinar no other home? Right. And that's what the Sahaba really answered. The Prophet SAW. Sam says, no, no, no, no, no, that's not the real bankrupt, but he gave them the real meaning of bankruptcy. Another quote, which is very, he said, The one who comes to the Day of Judgment with a lot of good deeds of Salas, yam and fasting, but they're all gone because of the liability that comes with that, of hurting this person and assaulting that person and so on. Like, he's creating what we call today a paradigm shift.

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He's making people think, think deeply into the meaning of these matters, like changing the way we perceive things. Another example the prophets, Allah sama sitting in a gathering of the Sahaba and then he asked, he says,

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Which tree? Do you think in the desert that the example of the believer,

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and now everybody's trying in their mind to compare? What does that even mean? How could a tree become a symbol of a believer? So this I think of all the trees and the shrubs of the desert? Yeah. How about this? How about this? How about this? Now the interesting thing, by the way, the interesting thing that they all thought, what? Far away from the obvious what was the obvious thing for them, by the way, what they usually deal with the most in the in their own city in Medina, and what was Medina known for the palm trees, they're all over the place. But the Sahaba they gave every single tree that they can think of, but none of them thought about saying the obvious, which is the

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palm tree because they thought since the Prophet asked a question like this, he must be thinking of something way, you know, different, not the most obvious, but he was thinking of the most obvious. And that's also another way of life for us to think about it by thinking and what sometimes, the answer is really much closer than what you think we tend to complicate things in different ways. Another example, when the Prophet sallallahu sallam was on the men on the mountain, or another mountain was on the Hill of Arafa, as he was given the hotbar, so Allah Allah wa sallam, he asked the people, what day is this? What city is that? What place is that? He was asking about these

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questions. And everybody know what that is. This is a Mecca, the sacred city, this is the day of an aha, this is, you know, the month of the hijab, a sacred month. They knew of these things, but because the Prophet was asking in that fashion, they thought he might be changing the meaning of that. So they can say Allahu wa Rasool, Allah, Allah and the messenger would know best. So for us, as students of knowledge, as Daya as parents, as you know, anybody who wants to like to give a speech, remember how the Prophet Salah Salem was brilliant speaker.

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Even the most obvious thing he presented it SallAllahu sallam was something very interesting. By the way, if you notice the real study, sessions after Isha, sometimes we use the prophetic way, asking you the most obvious question and people are wondering, Okay, that looks obvious, but what could be the answer, right? It's sometimes it's really the most obvious thing. But just to bring that attention so the Prophet says, I'm asked over here. Are you mad? What if you have Buddha him and Maddie? Who is the one who loves the money they leave behind for their heirs? Born on the one they benefit from dunya our better says Quadra sola Mahna Mahna hadden, Illa. Manu, habla him in Malaga.

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None of us here could claim that they love the money and the wealth of their air more than their own money. Now, what is the money of their heirs? What's that money of the earth? What do we call that?

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Inheritance? Where is it had this come from?

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It's your money that you leave behind to these heirs. So the prophets are awesome. He's basically he's kind of like diverting that.

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Instead of saying who says that your money that it's not their money? It was supposedly your money first. So when does it become their money?

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When you're dead,

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once you die is their money. Therefore Islamically speaking, no one has a right on his deathbed to start giving right the left say hey, give this to this, give this give this to that, oh, that distribution will be nullified because it's no longer yours anymore.

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So therefore, the professor says bring it to our attention saying look, the real money that is yours is the money that you keep you sent forward. The money that you voluntarily sent forward before you die, because everything that you you keep behind is no longer yours.

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Cara SallAllahu wasallam called for in them Allah Who market them no matter what is

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your real money that you always keep saying my money, my money, my money, is actually what you send forward in terms of charity. And whatever you leave behind is no longer yours, no matter how hard you work for it. There's another generation the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he says Kalia coulomb, Adam Malli Malli the son of Adam keep calling whining basically saying my money, my money, my money. And the professor says what is his money anyway? Well, my man Well, man who you eat and you consume anywhere anywhere out and we're out, call us all this thing is gone. But the one that you keep herself as though when you send in charity. So keep in mind so the the virtue of charity is that

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whatever that you send forward, that's the money that you keep everything else goes away. Now.

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Email me Ben Kodama continues Rammohan. It. It occurs in the Tulsa haze, that Abu Hurayrah Alia Mahan narrates that Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if a person gives the like, have a date, from good earnings in charity, and only the good sense to Allah, Most High, Allah except

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Do it with his right hand. Then he raises it like one of you raises his called till it is like a mountain. Now, so in this hadith he says to him Allah to Allah to Krishna to so here's when he says that also has Watsa he's referring to Juma Acharya Muslim, the most authentic books of Hadith obviously, there are they allow turnover Dawn already the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam said, if a person gives the light of a date from from good earning which means men CUSP into Eve as the Arabic texts Karla Salah settlement Asada, Kabir and Lita Merton Minkus vinta. You if you give just the like have a date, which means it doesn't have to be a date, but anything, the weight of a date,

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the size of a date, the life of a day in any form of charity, whether it's food, gold, whatever that is. You give something little as little as one date. He says Carmen Kasbah into you. And he says from Halon pure earning Halal pure earning, that's his conditional overhead by Allah. Wala Yes, I do it Allah, Allah, Allah you.

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He's making here right now a very important remark for us. Nothing goes to Allah Subhana Allah that of your deeds except what the good ones

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that's what Allah accept from you. Whatever you do good, whether in terms of the intention in terms of the good deeds as well in terms of the practice of it. Call for in Allah taka Bella be Amin, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala he will accept that in his right hand in a manner that suits his Majesty when we say the right hand of Allah subhana wa Tada the Prophet mentioned that the Hadith card will Kulu the meat and the hands of Allah All right, which means in terms of not intended, the likeness of it, but in terms of the quality and the terms of course the attributes of Allah subhana wa Donna is alright because for us when we say right tan, and you have what is the comparison to the right hand

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for you. Left hand right, and what we usually use left hand for you and for cleaning and removing the dirt and so on. But that's not to ALLAH SubhanA we don't attribute to Allah azza wa jal I will call whether he means Subhana wa Tala, it's all good about Allah azza wa jal attributes. And then he says what is the last point does to this, this charity that you give? Karla SallAllahu wasallam Samira Bihar Sahibi he can be a hydroquin follower, Allah subhanaw taala will raise this for you, which means he will

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he will put that seed for you in the ground and grow that for you. He will raise that that cold called is basically the baby horse flu as mentioned the Arabic language until it becomes a horse, basically, stallion. And in this case until it becomes complete and perfect. And it serves as a hadith call until it becomes like the mountain. So what does that mean? With Allah Subhana Allah, it's about the quality, not the quantity.

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And we mentioned that many, many times will come to dealing with Allah azza wa jal, the relationship with Allah subhana wa Taala is not mathematical is not an equation where you have input output, one plus one equals two No, with Allah Subhana Allah the input doesn't the output actually does not necessarily equate the input because you might just give $1 How much you get and reward for that

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100 700 Billions of Hassan ad why it's not mathematically speaking, it doesn't make sense. But here Allah subhana was Donna is actually given you way beyond what you've given, just like in this hadith, he says just gives us the size of the weight of a date. And Allah subhana wa Taala will grow this for you until it becomes like the mountain. So the Prophet says me saying don't look at the amount look at the quality is the title are you giving from huddle earning, are you giving from the best of what you have? Are we given to in good health and good and good it with good intentions? Are you sincere about it? Are you trying to do it in the right way for the right good intentions all

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these things matter for the acceptance of that charity? So it can grow for the big amount of these inshallah Allah now.

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So the author continues, another Hadith states solida extinguishes the Lord's anger and protects from an evil that this hadith in terms of authenticity is considered weak. It was reported Tirmidhi Rahim Allah dilemna Habana and others and relatively speaking, it is considered with the whole amount some of the Anima they actually elevate the status of Hadith to the status of Hassan, which means acceptable, even if it was considered weak, some Allama they consider taking this hadith, which is why it's mentioned actually in this book over here, and why even Kodama brought over here in what they called further

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myths and virtues. It's okay because this hadith does not establish any new rule. It doesn't establish a new rule it emphasizes and enforces rules that we already know. And what are these rules are Sadako Ogata vara that when you give charity it really distinguishes the Lord's anger Subhanallah His wrath

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What does that mean? It basically it Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with the one who will give us charity all the time. If you don't give charity, you could expose yourself to the Wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and the more you give of that charity hamdulillah the more Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with you and you'll never be exposed to the Wrath of Allah subhanaw taala question, what provokes a lot of Allah azza wa jal

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What are you doing Madhu? VRM What is your healer? Gemma? What's the reason why Allah subhanaw taala exposed that category to his wrath and his anger aviral Moldova, Allah him except for those whom Allah subhana wa earn Allah's wrath who are aware of their demand.

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So again,

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not acting on the knowledge, they know, but they act against what they know. So here, you know that charity is what is a virtue. Charity is encouraged, even though it's not mandatory, not mandatory, but you know, it's one of those good deeds and if you're not going to do it, you probably you could expose yourself to the Wrath of Allah subhana wa Donna eventually, not as a result of not given but eventually you could, but if you give charity more frequently, Allah Subhana Allah will be pleased with you. Even if you make a mistake, ALLAH SubhanA wa is willing to forgive because Allah knows the rechargeable person. You're doing it right with good intentions. And the other part of the Hadith he

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says can water the water they meet at a zoo? And protects people from evil death? May Allah Subhana Allah protect us from the sort of anatomy? What's the meaning of meat at the zoo? The evil death is when someone dies in a salon if you're in a condition and the circumstances that is really, really awful, often not insisted in terms of the way they die, but the condition where they die. May Allah azza wa jal protect us from this some people as Hannah, they will be engaging in a haram act. And they die on that situation. Some people, you know, they go somewhere they party like an alarm, Stan, it's came at some point and one of the incidents that happen when people they, they say to the

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family, they're going back to you for camera. But unfortunately, they

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they died in some country where they were supposed to be active partying and lying about their situation. And they were exposed, that they found them somewhere else, not where they claimed that they would be. That is Masada, Sue Masada Sue, which means the evil deaths, when people they commit a sin, or a crime or something that is displeasing to Allah subhanaw taala and the angel of death just captured them in that moment. That should be a reminder to everybody who dares to engage in Haram action. Those who are at night watching some they're not supposed to be watching.

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Those who walk with their own feet to a place where they're not supposed to be walking through these gates. Those who use your hands, their hands and fingers to sit to send something to somebody, they're not supposed to be all these kinds of things that people need to ask themselves. You don't want to meet your Lord Subhana wa Tala in a moment in a situation like this. May Allah protect us all for Masada Surah Bananaman so he says here that charity protect you from these two things from earning the Wrath of Allah subhana wa Atana or dying or horrible death may Allah protect us from both your brother now continues.

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It occurs in a third Hadith give charity for sadaqa easy redemption from the fine this hadith in terms of authenticity as well is also actually considered weak is considered weak but since against from further Allah man and charity has already been encouraged to us the prophets Allah Sam says here, the South Dakota and Masada kata Africa to come in and not meaning give charity for charity is your redemption from the fire of *. What does that mean? giving charity just like your company you ransom yourself from Johanna.

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Your answer from Johanna This is equivalent to Hadith and abuse of Allah Allah wa sallam when he says Call us to behold, Allah Allah, Allah Cooley, Salam I'm gonna have you come sadaqa Kula Matata. officialdumps the promises some said you're obligated or at least, you're supposed to. Every single day when the sunrises supposed to give charity on behalf of every joint in your body.

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You need to do a good deed. Give an act of charity

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basically against every joint in your body, like you're ransoming yourself every single day from Johanna and he says hola salaam can when you give money that's charity when you do this via this charity when you help someone else does charity so you gave a lot of options so that you redeem yourself. And you summarize all of this with a with a specific a brother anyone knows that ever the equivalent to ransom on your body from from Ghana

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praying to raka Medusa

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praying the two raka from Doha Salah that's the time between after the sunrise although sometime before before the hook, if you pray to raka that is equivalent to all these good deeds you can make. If you realize this is the importance of this direct

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God would you miss them?

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Should you miss them as your mom? I'm gonna find time to go and pray this rock no matter how busy I am during the morning or during the day now.

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There continues bayreuther

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upon narrates that Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No one gives anything in South Africa till the jaws of 70 Devils are separated from it. What does that mean as a man? Does that mean when you give your dollars out of your pocket, you just delay like you're holding 70 photons in your hand and kind of like toss them out when you do that? Well, the Allama they say it could actually mean that.

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It could really mean that because we don't see them there, Jin, right. So you might not be able to see them. However, the meaning of it actually, these are just like 70 and or 70. Remember the Arabic language the word the number 70 is what this word a lot, like a lot of love. It doesn't have to be seven zero yawning. So that means you're throwing away 70 Or more excuses, that being you know, whispered to you about the shelter.

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You know, sometimes you go to fundraising and they say 10,000 10,000, then what do you do? You go you raise your hand with 10,000.

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And as you write the check,

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it goes down to maybe 5000.

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And then before it goes out, you return back again, make it you know, two payments, you get one payment or the payment disappears throughout the month. Shaytan is clever, is going to give you all these excuses. What about your bills, your student loan, your kids, your car, your

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you know, health insurance, your there's all these excuses. You can imagine when someone truly gives charity, how many whispers suddenly start coming into their mind, the moment they commit to give a charity. And that's why the prophets of Assam says just like you're releasing 70 jars of the shouting of your charity. Now Allah subhana protect us from this stingy nature of Brahman now,

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the author of he continues.

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It has been merited that a monk spent 60 years in worship in a cluster. One day he came down and had a piece of bread with him. There. A woman exposed herself to him. And he ended up fornicating with her while he was in that state death came to him. However, before he's dead,

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a poor person came to him. So he gave him the bread. And shortly after he died, then the deeds of 60 years were brought. They were put on one side of the scale, and the sin was put in the other and the sin was heavier than the bread was brought and put next to the deeds and it was heavier. So this is right now it's not considered a hadith as a matter of fact, even though it was reported in some of the books of Hadith, but they say Allah Allah, there is really no base to it. So in terms of saying a hadith the Prophet subsegments not which is why Imam Abdul Kodama mo Allah that as you see, he didn't say a kala sort of lifestyle Allah sunnah, because they did not even consider the weak Hadith

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to begin with. However, some Alhama they say this probably from the stories of Bani Israel. That's because when they say La Habra, Monk that doesn't mean for the Muslims right? Must be from those who are before us from Bani Israel. And the prophets of Allah Selim says generally he said Khan had the two Ambani so either way I heard that it's okay that you narrate the stories of Venezuelan there's no harm and the stories from Bani Israel falls under one of three categories, which what they call them to the Judeo Christian tradition. So in the Judeo Christian tradition, these stories can fall under one of the three categories. Some stories, we accept them absolutely as a fact because there

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have been confirmed in the Quran like the story of for example, of the people of the cave.

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The names of the Gambia Musa use of Ali salaam we absolutely accept these stories because they were mentioned. Then the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Allah Sarah. Some stories from the Judeo Christian tradition we reject completely because what's in the Quran and Sunnah completely denies that such as their stories about are the biller, the eraser and deceiving one of his generals, to take his wife from him and talking about know how they sound to be a drunken man on this kind of story. We don't believe in that. Because Allah subhanaw taala says about the Gambia that they will be chosen from who among the best of the people and that's not the quality of the best at all. So we

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reject these tourists, but then we have some neutral stories, there is no rejection for the Quran and Sunnah. And there is no confirmation, such as the number of the people of the cave, the breed of the of their dog, and what type of dog they had, for example, these kinds of things. These tiny details, no harm and accepting of generating them, but we don't take them as fat and we don't deny them completely.

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These are some of the stories that we can talk we can mention. So it says here that there was arrive, a monk, who has been worshipping for 60 years, like he is dedicated to spirituality for 60 years in his lab, one day he came out. And because he's not used to the scenes, a lady comes and she exposes stuff to him. And for him, he's not used to that. So he doesn't have really the protection from this. So he fell for it, and in foster care with him, and he almost died after that. So before he died, had that bread in his hand, a poor person comes begging, he says, Hey, take this. And then this man died. So when he was brought, and they thought they brought the 60 years of Ayurveda, six

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years of worship against that sin, that sin was heavier, which means those six years were for nothing completely. But then when they brought that sin, which was heavier than 60 years of worship, they put that on one side, and they report that the act of chair the last act of charity that he did, which is given that bread out to the poor, that was heavier than the sin, which means by extension, that act of charity was heavier than what is your man 60 years of good deeds, which again, is confirmed by what we mentioned earlier, when the Prophet says I'm talking about while i Akbar Allah, that Allah only accept that which is pure, right? It's about the quality sometimes. And

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the quality of that charity in that moment, was way better than the 60 years of systematic error by that. Because sometimes when we do our ABA, it becomes routine regimen. It loses spirit, it loses its focus. And even the quality itself goes down, it becomes mechanical. But one moment like this, in the remorseful time, when you feel so guilty, like your heart is melting for the sins that you've committed. And then you make one particular DUA and you pray to Raka. Or you give, for example, this piece of bread for charity, that act in itself because of its uncertainty and the quality of that Ivana could outweigh a bite of six years. But when that that that moment would come, Allah knows my

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duty and your duty is to do what the GEMA to always try to be in that condition. When we give our charities when we do our about whether you're praying, you're given sadaqa or anything, making sure that your heart is present as a gift that act of charity. Now,

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it occurs in Muslim that Abu Hurayrah Yama Juan narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said sadaqa does not decrease wealth. That's of course his authentic hadith answer Muslim, as the professor says, mana Casazza to Myanmar, what does that mean? When you give charity down, it does not diminish your wealth, who had a minute. But I mean, factually, Gemma factually does reduce the number of cash you have in your in your hand doesn't do that. It does. But what is what it is teaching us here. Once again, dealing with Allah is not mathematical.

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Even though the number reduced, but Allah subhanaw taala might put Barack and whatever is left in your hand, that will be better and more equivalent than actually the one that you gave. And will lie I think all of us probably we have experiences like this. And I can speak about numbers of experiences. Sometimes you need to highlight your car breaks. And when you when you go to estimate the repair that says $1,000 or something and you're so distressed you come to the masjid you pray answer, and then one of those brothers who tells you what's wrong with you or I don't want to have to go and get some cash to get to my car. It's gonna cost them on top because really, we're sending

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it to that place. Well, I know this brother, if you go to him, he probably will give you a discount inshallah. Tada. So you call that brother and you're going to fix it for $300

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you save $700 a month. That's how Allah subhanho wa Taala gives you that. You don't necessarily have to actually get the cash back in terms of numbers, but it did have the borrower can devalue. Because the $300 that you spend for fixing that car was equivalent to $1,000 or fixing someone else that's Baraka. So when a prophet says him, says Monica sericata Man, that the Church will never diminish your wealth in terms of its value, its Baraka in numbers yes, that value and Baraka would never know Alright, insha Allah narrates that once when he slaughtered a sheep, the prophets of Allah on s&m said what is left of it? She said, only the shoulder blade is left. Multiple prophets of Allah and

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Islam said all of it is left except its shoulder blade Subhana Allah your ma the Prophet Salah Salem is as mashallah is unbelievable in the in the way he presents, subjects and topics will lie. This is showing us how the Prophet SAW Selim always thinks positive positively. is always positive.

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Alarm came or a Shah that came to their house and the Prophet says Sam says give it to charity. So they sent everything out and they kept the shoulder why?

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Are the keeper shoulder for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wanted to keep that shoulder for him. Because he loves the shoulder. He loves the meat from the shoulder. So they wanted to keep it for him so they can cook it and freedom from the shoulder, Salah Salah. So when he first came to the house, what is the first question he asked because the Prophet was concerned, he's always concerned with that money. He wanted to make sure that it actually it goes out into charity before the sun goes down. So you ask them, What happened to that meat cutter, they have a colonial kit with all is gone except for the shoulder. So for them, all has gone. Well, we kept the shoulder. And the

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professor asked me things now positive differently. He goes, No, no, no, that's not true. That's not what happened. He says Awesome. All it all is there. Except for the shoulder. You kept everything except for the shoulder. Because the shoulder we're going to eat it. Yes, we're gonna get the reward for eating Halal Hamdulillah. But not like when you give it in charity. So the Prophet saw some again, he uses what we call today paradigm shift. He is changing the way people should think about charity. Because when we give, we think that we're doing what we will parting ways with our money, right? We're sending it out. This is it is gone. He says no, no, you're not parting ways with your

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with your charity, you're sending it forward,

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you're sending it forward, you're saving it for yourself, you're investing it with Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the thing that stays everything else is gone. So he's kind of changing the way we think about charity. So when we give, we have that positive attitude towards giving that charity now.

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Allah continues with respect to the etiquette of South Africa. They are like those of Zika. So he doesn't want to repeat that, like say when you give you a gift from the best, and you make sure that you have the intention for it, and you do the right timing for it and don't show it to the people. All these etiquette that we talked about before earlier. But he wants to emphasize on the low thing over what is that the scholars then different? Is it better for a poor person to take from the second or sadaqa? Some of them say the second is better, and others hold hands? Sadaqa is why?

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As for what

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we would why?

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I mean, do you hear what the question is? He says some Allama they say it's better for the poor today from the cannot from the sadhaka others say wait a minute, no, it's better for him to take from the sadaqa then there's a QA what's the difference here?

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The kasma mandatory okay. But the food now we're talking about the poor they say it's better for the poor to take from the Zika not from the sadaqa why

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the recipients so the recipients are limited know

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the status of Zika as well.

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In connection with Salah so there is a virtue for does occur because of connection with salah. No. But it's good though,

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that again, it is what

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it's there Huck

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as the car is the hack of the poor so you're not doing favor to the poor owner Givens occur actually is the pores favor upon you to receive your Zika good that's the Casnocha your money once you calculate as a car and you separate that from your wealth is no longer your money, that's their money. So therefore when they take the car, they're taking their heart and there is no shame in taking your hub. But taking sadaqa as what

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that's an excess what they're given to you from their own, you know, kindness and charity and so on. And you better for you not to have anyone Midna anyone you know kind of favor upon you. So they say it's better for the poor to annotate from the Zika so that no one can have a minute or favor, you know, upon that poor so it's still dignified. But if you take from their charities, they can say hey, I don't have to do it anyway. I'm just giving it to you because you know, I just want to help you out because they're not helping you out when they give you a Zika they open themselves up so that's kind of like the very subtle thing very subtle to take from this account versus the soda but

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Allah mother says the opposite why the cup of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he specifically for Anil Beatty says no because these are asanas Is that like the the excess you know stuff of the people like the crumbs that comes from the people and you shouldn't be actually taken from will bite you to be more dignified in that manner wala na. So the even Kodama concludes this chapter by saying As for what sadaqa is the best. Abu Hurayrah devonne narrates the following Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked, which sadaqa is the best? So he replied, some anomalism that which you give when you are healthy and ever reaches, fearing poverty, and hoping for rich richness,

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and that which you do not neglect, neglected until the soul which is the throat

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And then say so and so gets this and so in So against that, when it is it really did belong to so and so. So the profits of us are multiple occasions I was asked what charity is the best. This is one of the examples in my book Kodama hemella, chose to explain about the best kind of charity that you give Carla Salah Salem and to South Dakota into Sahaja here, the best charity is to give when you're healthy and you're strong. And you have but not much. You don't have much given in such a situation is better than you give when you Marshal you have so much

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given docshell Fokker afraid of poverty, you still give despite the fact that you afraid of poverty, you still give it up for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala that is much more rewarding when you give without feeling anything. Like in the Hadith the Prophet Salla Sam says Carl Saba, Caterham, Miata l Dirham $1 Lux and $1 has much more reward for giving it to charity than $100,000. And so how was this? Like? How was that there was Rolla and he explained, someone has $2 $2 to their hands, he gives one and he kept one. So how much do they give a man 50% of as well.

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And then he says another person has so much wealth for academic photography, man, it just took from the side of his wealth and he gave it out, and it came out to be 100,000 So that's we don't even know the ratio of as well, because that just like on the side Subhanallah so yeah, he the Prophet systems are the same thing to you give when you're not that rich, but still give for the sake of Allah subhana wa Taala hoping that Allah will give you back of course, and return to the to the charity, better for you than having all this wealth in your hand. And then when someone goes on to death on the on the

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deathbed, he starts saying give the car to Falon give them the house to finance a my my cash, give it to XYZ, donate this to the masjid, and so on. So, now, the technical aspect of it for this particular part, the LMI, they say, a person has the right to direct his wealth and money in whichever way they want, whichever way they want, until they reach that moment. If this person was diagnosed, may Allah protect you all from any sickness or anatomy, if someone was diagnosed with terminal illness, and they were told, Hey, you're not living long,

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they cannot distribute the wealth anymore. They can't say hey, I want to give my car to my son, my house with my daughter, my goal to this man, they can't do this anymore, because that money right now is no longer theirs.

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But if the person hamdullah healthy and wealthy and sane, and mashallah they have control of all their faculties, they have the right to distribute their wealth in whatever capacity they want. It's better to be fair, when it comes to given to their children, that's up to them. But they have the right to distribute that wealth to whichever whoever they want to give to. Until there is that moment and the rolling mother say if a person does that, which means if they start distributing all these things in the last few weeks of the of their life, for example, and then they die after that the heirs who believe that they were wronged, they have the right to kind of like bring their

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grievances to the to the judge and the judge can actually cancel those distributions and bring it back again to the inheritance and distributor continents this law just like a side note from this point here. So the Prophet sasm is warning us. He said because when you start doing that, that money is no longer yours to give anyway. So it doesn't count for you as an act of charity. Now Allah subhanaw taala makers amadores will listen to the speech and follow the rest of it they are but Allah mean and we ask ALLAH SubhanA to protect us and our world our family, our beloved wala Ana

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Shala next week when the law we're going to start talking about the secrets of fasting

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you, yes,

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you have the bookmark.

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Okay, just a disclaimer, by the way, for this next session shall allow to Anna, we're going to be discussing Habit number 14, as we did last week.

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Last week, we discussed the first part, which is the meaning of life, but this time we're going to be talking about the period of system and punishment system. So the language might be a little bit you know,

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for for the younger crowd might be a little bit off just to give a disclaimer to the parents in Charlottetown.

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You got it. So we started we started from here, right? So when I asked him we need to start reading.

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As for the elderly

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at this point.

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You've talked to me when I tell you

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Smilla hamdulillah Bellarmine sallahu wa salam Baraka Veera Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam to Sleeman Kathira to my mabank So tonight inshallah to Allah we're going to will continue from Hadith number 14 Hi Abdullah we must road Radi Allahu Allahu Allah. The Prophet SAW Selim says Carla Hello dama in Muslim in elaborate that Allah say you have a Zani well enough so the nurse would theoretically Dini l methodical lil Gemma or Buhari were Muslim. In this hadith, the translation of documents are they allowed to Anwar da it said the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam said, the blood of a Muslim man is not of course a woman as well as not permitted to be shed.

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Except for one of three. The adulterous, mature person Xenial Mohsen, a person killed in retaliation for the killing of another person which is capital punishment, and one who abandons his deen and separates himself from the community around Bukhari and Muslim. So we said that last week we talked about how the MIB Raja Rahim Allah when he explained the Hadith, he kind of let it a little bit went on a legal tangent like he went on the Judiciary tangent and start talking about the punishment system in Islam. And in regard to these three points over here, although Imam Manawa Rahim, Allah's intention for the height was about what what was the focus of Manuel Rahim Allah when he brought his

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head into the collection of him to speak about what the preservation of life and the sanctity of life, the preservation of life and the sanctity of life, which we explained last week, if you remember how Islam came, we have the five Mikasa, the Sharia, the five Maxim's that governs Islamic law and also the objective of Islamic law, to protect life protect the deen to protect, of course, you know the preservation of all these five essentials of human life. So one of them is obviously the preservation of life and the protection of life. So remember now Rahim Allah He brought this hadith to speak about the sanctity of life, but an extension he brought us here saying like, you

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can't share the blood of a believer unless it's justified and justified by the law. And he brought three examples as was mentioned this hadith to be the reason why it is permissible for a person's life to be, in this case terminated legally. So I mentioned three examples insha, Allah Tala, we're going to talk about we're going to start reading from page 200. As for the adultery now

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Rhema salat wa salam ala Rasulillah.

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Mommy, Allah, He compensates. As for the adultery of the person who has been married. The Muslims are unanimous that the sentence for that is that he is to be stoned until he's dead. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam said mice and the woman called alohar Medea stone.

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There used to be in the Quran that words whose wording was abrogated, but whose judgment remains in effect, the full Rome and the full moon, woman stone and absolutely as the punishment from as a punishment from Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah is Mighty wise, now that we've talked about this actually, last week, we expand that a little bit, I just wanted to add a little bit to the subject of the story of a masseuse and the remedy, because as we speak about the how the law has been executed in this situation is very important to understand that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam one day he received this man as he was sitting with a gathering, a man known as man as he came to the

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Prophet SAW Salem in his face is called out Rasulullah is not to them Fatah hurry. I have committed a major sin, please purify me. He was guilty, like he was so remorseful. He couldn't live with the guilt anymore. He couldn't. So he came to the Prophet citizen knowing what the punishment is going to look like. He knew what the Punisher is going to look like. But he still came to the Prophet Salah Salem and he said yeah, Rasul Allah, in his native water, hurry, I have committed adultery, ya rasool Allah helped me out, purify me, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he turned away from him. He turned to the right

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what is the why did the Prophet says undo that photo Gemma.

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You just like Go, go, go, I don't want to hear it.

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Go repent, reconcilable the Lord Subhana wa Tala do it on your own, and don't come to me. But the man was so guilty that he turned to the right to face the profit again in his right side called Aerosport Allah in his eighth what a hurry. I have committed adultery, please, purifying the premises. I'm telling you that aside.

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Like he's just giving them another chance scope. I don't want to hear this.

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The man insists that it comes to the left side. Ya rasool Allah, I'm telling you, I did it. Please purify me

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The Prophet says I'm still not looking at him, give him chances to escape and run away and disappear. He looks at the people around him. And he says, Do you know this guy?

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The people who knew him they said, Yes, yes. So we know. He's okay there. Is he okay? Is he saying is it does he lose it? Carlo Allah Hema limnology members. We don't know anything wrong with him. He's fine. And that's what the Prophet saw some start turning to him. He goes, Okay, fine. Are you sure you did that? And the prophets are investigating with him trying to give him every possible excuse to get him out of it. Every possible excuse? He says, maybe you just you know, you thought you did it. Because no, he also did it. Maybe you just kissed? Maybe you're touched? Maybe this maybe that until the man Robert asked him explicitly in action in explicit word. Is that what you

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did, and the man says, that's what I did. That's when the Prophet saw somebody had actually no other option, but to send him to death.

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So as he was sent, then,

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as they were basically kind of like executing the punishment, which is rajim, mean stoning. As the man was actually was executed, he kind of like felt the heat of the of the punishment and he ran away.

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As he ran away, the people chased after him, and eventually they finished him when the Prophet hear about it. He got really, really upset.

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He got really upset, this is an issue they should have left him.

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They should have left him.

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The same thing comes in the story of Allah media. And Muhammad is another woman who came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And she said, there are so Allah in the Zenaida, Potterhead me, I have committed adultery purify me. So the Prophet says, Let me turn away from her.

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She said, Perhaps you're going to do this is the same as what you did to Mars earlier the other day. She said, You're a soul. I'm telling you, I'm pregnant.

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I want you said I'm pregnant.

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There is no escape now. But here's what the professor says he gave her tons of opportunities to repent on your own and disappear. He said, Okay, fine. Go. When you deliver the baby, come back to me. How many months would that be as your mom at least four or five months, probably. Eventually, four or five months the lady she comes back with a baby wrapped in her arms. She goes there, salah I just gave birth to the baby. And the brothers are somewhat surprised that she came back. Then he says okay, fine. Go back. Keep your baby with you, nurse him until he becomes dependent on solid, on solid independent and become eating solid food. They bring him back to me. How long would that take

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him? At least two years.

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So sometime later, she came back to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam holding a baby with their hand walking with her.

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Which means it was it was at least two years probably. And to the surprise of the prophets, I assumed that she can. But what did we learn about this woman in this moment as your mom

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that her sense of tilba his sense of guilt is overwhelming.

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She couldn't forgive herself even though the prophets have given a chance after chance after a chance to go and repent. But she couldn't forgive herself and she still came back to the Prophet Salah Salem, to which he had no option but to take the baby from her to give it to foster care in the community. And eventually they they execute that lady as they were doing that. Somebody said something bad about her. Someone insulted the lady and the professor McGrath extremely upset. He said Sal, Allah says Don't Don't you ever say that about her? Wallah? halacha taba Tolbert and La Casa Mata Allah Allah Medina de Coulomb La Rosa. She had repented sincerely to Allah azza wa jal her

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Toba if it would be divided among the people of Medina, it will cover them all. Subhanallah how much that guilt? How much that guilt that provoked her and prompt her to to make that Toba is such a powerful toma that it will cover the sins of everybody in Medina data on it talk about few 1000 people's panela so sometimes a sin can be a blessing in disguise. In her situation eventually that what's happened what happened there'll be a lot I know Allah. So what we'll learn from this few things about Islamic law, we're gonna summarize in towards the end inshallah. But for now, a few things that we'll learn about Islamic law were the first thing you know about this word, even though

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there are there is punishments for certain crimes in Islam. And they are very specific, as we can see in this example, for instance, where what is the objective of punishment in Islam to do the punishment or escape the punishment?

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If you can do if you can do Toba

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without being punished, that's fine. Here in this system, that's not actually part of the of the of the legal system, as they call them, correction system centers and so on. But Islamically speaking, the purpose of the punishment is not necessarily retaliation against the perpetrator. That's not what it is.

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So the purpose of the punishment is multiple things. One of them is to rectify the affair of the of this person in the dunya. And in the Alpha, that's why they call the punishment in Islam has when it comes to a larger war or whatever other the word which means deterrence, basically, that punishment supposed to be severe enough for other people not to do it.

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Because that's the purpose of the punishment, to stop the crime from happening in the community. Otherwise, if you keep doing the same thing and make the same, you know, punishment for it, nothing happened, nothing changes. What's the point of that like, was in our time today, mashallah they send people to prison, five star prisons in Yuma. And that's why they say actually prison in America is what is considered the most expensive way to turn bad people to horrible people.

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Literally, that's what happens over there. But these are the larger so deters people from committing the crime because that the punishment itself is horrible. It's awful, that other people are saying I'm not going to be there. The second thing about the punishment, which doesn't exist in the system here, is that considered Java? What does Java mean over here, Java mean that actually it rectifies the affair of the perpetrator, even if the person even if the person committed adultery, and then they were punished like this, that will face their sins.

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That will erase the sins and as a matter of fact, subhanAllah even in the dunya, even in the dunya, la de la chlamydia and a mais, if you look at what they've done, what they've committed to Jamar, it's an act of betrayal. They commit adultery, an act of betrayal, an awful crime, there's no doubt about it. It is so awful that people they couldn't really live with that crime that they wanted to kill themselves. But they went to the Prophet says to purify them, Today we speak about them and we say, are the Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah? May Allah be pleased with him? May Allah be pleased with her, even though we know that the committed sin, because that punishment became a gerbil for

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them, which means it's gonna cover their sins and protected them from that song. The other thing about the the punishment in Islam is that the punishment Islam is actually is exclusively against the perpetrator, it doesn't punish the society with them. What does that mean? If someone steals what to do, what do we do with this person, they are the only ones who are going to get the punishment.

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That's the only them we're not going to put them in prison to punish their family. Now, there is no one to earn a living for them. There's no one to be there to protect them or to be around them to around their children, they're gone, they're going to be gone for six months or a year for two years. Probably. On top of that we punish even us the taxpayers demand we're paying mashallah for the luxury hotels called Prison does this. So the idea we're now punishing the entire society for the for the crimes of these individuals, instead of the individual only takes the pain on themselves. Because that the the purpose of the punishment once again, is to deter people from going

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back again to it, if they don't feel personal punishment and personal pain, what's the point of it? So if someone commits a crime, and again, you charge them $3,000, or five, or $100,000,

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pay the money.

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Not a big deal. Send them to prison for six months, a year or two, no big deal. They killed somebody, they massacred many of them. And then you send them sentence, you know, live centerstand life sentence in the prison eating, drinking and joining and I've been funded in prison. What kind of punishment is that? But when someone commits a crime, like drinking, for example, publicly, they are lashed at lashes on their back, who takes the pain of the man they do and you send them back home

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to be with their family again.

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So again, the punishment is actually is very specific, and it's very effective at the same time. So that's in regard to the subject of adultery. Let's move on to the next inshallah Diana,

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which is talking about

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Caitlyn Osbourne knifes on page

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202. Now,

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as for the

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retaliatory killing of a person for having killed a person, it means that when a legally responsible Muslim deliberately kills another person without any right, he should be killed for that. The Quran shows that, in his words, exalted does he

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walk atop now let him feed her and NAFSA been knifes. We prescribed it for them alive for life. And he said, Exalted is He? Here are your Lavina Amano Koulibaly Coleman consortial Phil. Phil Cutler horribly horrible holiday while up double Arc De Mille ensemble with all you who have ima retaliation is prescribed for you in the case of people killed freemen for free men slave for slave, female for female. Now, first of all, I want to just kind of comment on the translation for the word precise for the retaliation, because I think people misunderstand the concept of sass over here. Think

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retaliation means that you can you execute these rules with your own hands. That's not the case. Here it means basically retaliatory killing, meaning someone does something deliberately that requires, of course to execute the same punishment against them. Whether in terms of killing somebody, or hurting somebody one way or another. Here in this ayah, Allah Subhana Allah says, or Katana, Allah He UNEF Sabinus if someone kills somebody deliberately, then in this case, the person deserves also to be killed equally. Now, keep in mind once again, the Islamic system when it comes to punishment, it's all about deterrent, and always about if it's possible to not to execute this

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punishment, even in the context of kisses, as Allah says in the Quran, Allah conferred Kasasa HYAH Tonia oral Alba you shall find life when you when you when you practice besides, which means the capital punishment, yeah, will Allah, Allah azza wa jal gave the people in sort of Bukhara, the option to choose between multiple things. Number one, so you can cause us retaliation, so that they send the person to execution. Number two, says, To completely forgive them. So in Arkansas, nothing, forgive them, number three, to release them. But for ransom, which is what we call deer, that's a blood money as they call it. So in regards to the first one, Alka sauce, if they want them to be

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executed, there are specific rules for that extremely, extremely difficult to take, or actually to observe over here, like some of the Allameh this event, to the extent that no one the entire family alasa, which means that the legal actually blood relatives of that individual from the Father side, they all had to agree to the execution of the murder and and the perpetrator. If one of them said, now it's over, no, no, they can do execution, you send them immediately to blood money or forgiveness, which means the law is only executed if there's absolutely no doubt in that crime. And that punishment, if there is any doubt casting any doubt on it, that's it, it's gone, you can do it.

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So for example, you have the entire family, let's say the brothers, the uncle, they all agree. But then the grandfather, he says, you know, what, I don't want to ask you to pursue punishment for this is my son,

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the one that was killed, and I would like to forgive this individual.

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If one individual like him, for example, says I don't want execution, even if you had 100 other blood relatives, call us it's over. The other thing about executions, well to capital punishment, it is not for individuals to do, it's whose job to do that the state, it's hard to Allah subhanaw taala that needs to be actually done. And therefore, is always even right now, as a matter of fact, I remember Saudi Arabia, which is still one of the country that actually practice execution or regard that it has to be approved, no execution goes actually on the ground or in the in the field, unless it is signed by the king himself. It goes to the highest authority of the state from one court to

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the other one, until they're no doubt in the matter. And then they bring actually the people out there into public execution. And it works. That's why you see the low rate of these kinds of crimes and these countries Subhanallah because again, the purpose of it is to deter other people from doing so. So here Allah subhanaw taala speaks about the subject of enough so winners. Now let's move on to the next last part too shallow to Anna.

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On page 204.

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As for someone who abandons his D and separates from the community, what is meant by that is someone who abandons Islam and rinex and separates himself from the community of the Muslims. As has been clearly declared in the hadith of Mark. He's only excluded from the category of non Muslims and included

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along with those whose blood is it is permissible to spell from the people of the two shadows, because one takes into account the responsibility that he had before his autopsy, apostasy, apostasy and that the judgment of Islam is obligatory on him after that. For this reason, he is asked to turn in October, and he sought to return to return to Islam. However, if he returns to Islam, there is a famous disagreement among people of knowledge as to whether he is obliged to make up for all the acts of worship which he missed during this time of his apostasy. Now, I want to stop over here this part basically because the subject of apostasy obviously, it's a controversial specific in our time,

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when we have in the western civilization, the concept of Hokanson and rights of people, human rights and so forth. So that's for Western understanding. You guys are Muslim they say you have freedom of religion like Rafa Deen, there is no obligation there's no forcing people to accept religion and so on. How come then you say if someone says his Deen then actually you're gonna you're gonna kill him? Well, the idea here you have to keep in mind the Hadith the Prophet Sessoms.

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says Atari Cooley Dini al methodic, oral Gemma. This person was not sent to execution because he changed his religion. That's not the reason for it. Because if he repents that said execution is not going to be actually considered, you know, a problem with them is over. But they say I tactically didn't heal methodical Gemma because this person is now separate from the Jamar. And there are many, many a hadith in Islam and apart from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about the importance of Jamar and if someone comes to separate you from the Jamaat, then this person you finish them don't have any other leaders to separate you and divide you immediately any any suspicion of leading to the to

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divide a community, immediately this this person needs to be eliminated. So that is basically like I said, the punishment in Islam, they're supposed to be deterrence might not happen today or tomorrow after tomorrow, but because

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for a later time, like the example of adultery, if someone commits adultery, why execution, because we know that when someone does that, it will break the fabric of the community, it destroys the society one family at a time. And and that becomes prevalent. Obviously, you can imagine the results of such a crime that happens at the society. So therefore all of these will lead to maybe crime such as murders. So therefore do this with that seed of all this chain of reaction that could happen in the future. And you call the possible harm that could damage the society afterwards. That's a deterrent right now. And if the punishment itself does not fulfill that requirement, it should not

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be should not be actually pursued afterwards, which is why Rama Raha topra, the ultra nwaba over kata brought the Allah TerraNova when there was majaz, there was actually a famine during his time, Roger Allah, and he suspended the rule, the punishment for theft. Why did he do that? Because what's the point of punishing someone for theft that you might have had the means to cut their hand? What is the what is the punishment for that? What is the purpose of that to deter people from from stealing? But if you gotta be cut in the hands of these people who are stealing during a famine time, is that gonna stop them from stealing? Why not? Because they're hungry.

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They're not stealing because they want to create fitna in the community, the city because what they're hungry, so he realized taking that route of punishment will be completely will completely useless, it will not solve the problem for the society. So there is no meaning of executing people's ochre in their hands during that time, because it will defeat the purpose. So therefore, he suspended that, which also brings us to the concept in Islam. Before we even start thinking about punishment, we have to think about reaching that level of,

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of safety in the society where everybody handle has been taken care of the society is being you know, fulfilled in terms of finances, safety, social, social justice, and so on. Only then if someone breaks the rules, that means you're creating fitna and these people needs to be eliminated. And one of these examples also the subject of apostasy as well here not because the gender religion, but it's a possible divide in the community. That could be a problem. If someone changes the religion and says quiet about it between them and you know, their friends and their own people and no one hears about it publicly. They don't create any fitna we can go after them because there were

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so many actually went after teen and some of them are atheists as well agnostics in the Muslim ummah. So the history of the Muslim society, and they will not even just after, but those who dare to come to publicize that and create a fitna in the community. Eliminate that to eliminate the possible ripple effect that could happen from these behaviors. Again, maybe in this kind of concept today. It's a little bit foreign, but because we believe Allah subhanho wa Taala is the Mushara that's his hokum. His rule and a believer would know that Allah subhana wa does knows best will Allah Who Dalarna sha Allah will take your questions but then after Saudi Lucia Santa Monica home to

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