Yaser Birjas – Asr Khatirah – Seeking Help Against Corrupt People

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history of Islam, including the downfall of lust and the use of alcohol in public. The transcript also describes the behavior of Muslims who use alcohol and alcohol in public, and the potential consequences of the actions of those who use it.
AI: Transcript ©
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So today, we are gonna be

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taking a dua from Surat Al An Kabut,

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chapter 29, Ayah 30.

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Although in,

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there is 2 more dua on ayah 21

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and 24

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that we had to overlook

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because of the sake of time, so we

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can find cover

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all the dua that we can within the

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last few days that are left for us

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in Ramadan.

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A dua is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is

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calling here,

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Nabiullah Alut when he says,

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He says, my lord,

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help me against the people of corruption.

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Help me against the people of corruption. We

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all find,

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meet people around the world,

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at workplace, and family members sometimes, you know,

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Muslims, sometimes non Muslims,

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and not all of them, not all of

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them are the same level of goodness and

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and maybe they will help you, Subhan'am, pay

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your redeemer, iman iota'a.

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A lot of them could lead to corruption,

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So, that's why it's important that you seek

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Allah Subhan'al's protection

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against those who could lead to corruption, which

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is a dua of.

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You Allah, help me against the people of

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corruption. But let's take a back the backstory

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of the dua first, Insha'Allah.

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So the ayat starts from ayah number 28

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where Allah says,

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And remember when Lot rebuked the men of

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his people, you certainly commit a shameful deed

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that no man has ever done before you.

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What do we learn from this about

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lusting over the same gender.

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According to this ayah, it started with whom?

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With the people of Lut. Not before them.

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So, before that it never existed according to

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this ayah because Allah says,

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Like no one ever thought of this before

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No one ever behaved like this before you.

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And then he explained,

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He says, do you really lust after other

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abuse the travelers, and practice immorality openly in

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your gatherings?

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Sounds like our society is.

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Like literally, it sounds like our society these

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days, unfortunately.

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That lust is in the wrong place.

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And they're not just that, they unfortunately abuse

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the travelers here because they've not maybe practiced

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this among themselves.

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They actually, they practice this,

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against travelers

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on their way when they travel to the

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Al Mustan. They take advantage of their,

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of their being alone or being lonely.

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That's why they take advantage of them.

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And, in your own gathering you do everything

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publicly. You're not ashamed of it, you're not

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even hiding it basically. You're doing it publicly,

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he says.

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What did his people say to him?

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They said to him,

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bring Allah's punishment upon us if what you

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say is true.

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Nowadays, unfortunately,

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in and, of course, this administration that we

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live in, you see a lot of,

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the people from the left

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support this kind of, you know, practice and

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this behavior.

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They're coming out openly as devil worshipers,

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satanic beliefs, and they come with their signs

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and symbols and

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openly in the streets,

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no shame, and completely denying Allah

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right to rule on this earth. So, they

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say just like as if they're saying, where

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is your God basically?

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Bring your God if that God exists.

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So, he said,

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He said, my Lord,

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my Lord, help me against the people of

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Like I can't do it on my own.

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Like I'm one man against all these people.

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Help me against them. Subhanallah,

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we find ourselves as Muslims

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like the only voice.

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We're not necessarily the only one, but the

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most vocal and open to say this is

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wrong, this is unacceptable,

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this needs to change.

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So he says,

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So, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala take us right

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now from one scene to the other scene.

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Lut, in that vulnerable moment,

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he feels kind

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of like, being overwhelmed

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with the behavior and the practice of these

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and he says, my Lord, help me against

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those people's corruption.

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So, now it shifts to a different scene

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in a different location.

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What location was that? Ibrahim alaihis salam.

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And it didn't give us the details, but

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gave us immediately part of that related to

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Ruth alaihis salam because Ibrahim alaihis salam one

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he had

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guests, 3 people, they were traveling

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and they stopped by the place of Ibrahim

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alaihis salam, so he says come on in

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for hospitality.

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They were very handsome, they were very beautiful.

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And, Ibrahim alayhi salaam, he went and he,

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had a roasted

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cow for them.

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He pushed the food near their hands.

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Why don't you eat?

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When he saw their hands not reaching their

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he found it's gonna be awkward. And he

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he kinda like felt uneasy about them. And

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he said to them,

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why don't you eat? He said, Don't worry,

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we are also Arabic. We are the messengers

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of your Lord. We're going to the house

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the people of Lut,

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And, they explained to him their mission.

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We are going to destroy that village and

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that place.

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Because the people of that place, they persisted

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in wrongdoing.

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So, Ibrahim alaihi wasallam, he started pleading with

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala with these angels.

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But, Luther is there, he's still there working

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with them, he's working on them, he's trying.

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Like, do you think we don't know?

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We know that he's there. We know that

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he's there.

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We are gonna give him and his family

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safety except

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except for his wife, Kadm Al Gabireen. She

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was among those who are also doomed.

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Now, when they came to Lut, see Abu

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Hamodaq Abi Hamdara,

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Lut, he felt, oh man, it's going to

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be difficult

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because he knew his people.

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They they look for these, travelers.

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They look for these, people who are coming

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by themselves.

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And when he saw how they look, they

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are very handsome, they are beautiful, realize it's

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gonna be not

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easy. He's he kinda like felt distressed

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and worried by their arrival.

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Don't worry,

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have no fear, no grief.

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He says,

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we're gonna rescue you and save you and

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your family except for your wife. She's one

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of those who are doomed.

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And, they said to him,

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We are certainly bringing down a punishment from

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heaven upon the people of the city for

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their rebelliousness.

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They're gonna be doomed.

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we did leave some some of its ruins

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as a clear lesson for people of understanding.

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Some they say that places were the

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Dead Sea

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in Palestine and Jordan.

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Allah knows best if that's the real place

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for that, but Allah says we have left

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something for you to see so you could

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reflect on. So, the dua of Lut alaihis

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salam here, the dua of the distressed.

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He says, Allah

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help me against the people

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of corruption.

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So, whenever you make that dua,

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you keep in your mind that you make

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dua for a specific, let's say, group in

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your mind, whoever they are, Whether it's somebody

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at work, somebody in the family, somebody here,

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somebody there,

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because the people of corruption,

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they are so many protect them from the

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So, we're gonna make the dua together.

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alal qaumal mussidin.

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Dalaam Tunasi,

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and Ashkurah Nhatak,

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Wal Hikni Bsalihin

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Khairul Munzilin.

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00:12:02 --> 00:12:03

Mudukhala Sadiq,

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00:12:06 --> 00:12:07

Mukrajya Sadiq,

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