Yahya Ibrahim – The Sacred Knowledge Part 1

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of finding out who the culture is from and what is true in Islam. They also discuss the history and importance of belief in time and time machine, as well as the importance of rewarding one's actions and activities for one's life. The speakers stress the need for understanding and using knowledge in one's life, as well as learning and practicing to achieve understanding.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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In Alhamdulillah Hina Ahmed who want to stay in who want to stop Pharaoh when I will be learning surely am fusina woman so you as Dr. Molina, Maria de la ilaha

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illallah wa shadow Allah Allah Allah Maha hula hola Shelly Keller Why should you know Mohammed Abdullah he was Solo Solo Allahu Allahu Allah early. He was awfully he was certainly more than yeah Johan livina am an otaku la haka to party he was 11 to Muslim moon. Yeah, Johan de como la the halaqa coming up soon. wahida wakad amin has Ahava semi humare Jalan Cassio manisa otaku la la de de Luna v he will have had in a la Hakuna la Kumara Kiba Yeah, yo holla Vina Amman otaku la la kulu colenso de de la la la la la quinta Nova calm. la hora pseudo Halima, I'm about

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always and forever We begin with a praise of Allah subhana wa to Allah we send our prayers of peace upon the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we testify with firmness and conviction that there is none that is worthy of worship of Allah that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his worshiping slave and final messenger. We continually remind one another

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of our duty to a loss of Hanna who wants to Allah our consciousness and awareness of him in the capacity that he is deserving of. And we seek and we pray that we do not depart from this worldly life in any condition. Other than willful voluntary submission to Allah subhana wa tada My dear brothers and sisters once again I greet you with the to hear the greeting of the people of Jenna and ask Allah subhana wa Taala to accept it for me as a dog for you and from you for me as salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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Alhamdulillah from Alhamdulillah always we have the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala in mind and in aim, whenever we gathered to discuss the words of Allah and the Sunnah of his nebia Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And we begin by mentioning that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaks of such occasions as we are gathered today by saying, have fet toombul Mela aka the angels in circle the vanilla gathering such as ours, and then come and the word that the Prophet Mohammed Salim uses have fed to him It means envelops them and the word half but it means an intimate embrace is that they become so close to you and so much near to you in a physical tangible

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sense, that they become the warmth in your cold and the protection from your enemy. And the

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harm that is to befall you. They are what is a barrier between you and eat. This is the meaning of have fetishism. And the word is used in our lobby, you know, in Egypt, we say give me half Give me something it's freezing cold give me something to cover myself with. This is the kind of meaning that the prophets I send them exchanges with this word. So we pray that Allah subhana wa Taala makes us from those who are fortunate that the angels intertwined themselves in our life, and that they become from those who are our guardians in this dunya. And in the Alfredo as is promised by Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, in the Quran, we our first session will continue until the end of the

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evening, let Allah which is about an hour from now. Now, I'm not going to lie to you, my dear brothers and sisters, we have a very ambitious, ambitious mission ahead of us. Right? When we read and look at the words of an amendment number, we I tried to be selective. I said to myself, look, you know, we want to get as much

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formal knowledge from the writing of an Imam as we can. So I said, I'm going to be choosy what I'm going to narrate and what I'm going to translate, and this is what happened.

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Everything there's nothing that you can leave his words, Mashallah I actually ran out of yellow.

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So a little bit further down, I just had to start using my pen and pencil, because everything you want to highlight what he says, is something profound, and I pray in chat, love at the time that we spend together, thinking of the words that encourage us to study our faith. It's elements its basis, you know, the building blocks of the sinner, the building, when we say the building blocks of the sinner, we're talking about the Hadith and the verses in the Quran that give us what

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modality of life what was the habit of life of our Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his remains with us and what it was in his time. sama la hora de wasallam. Now many of you would have received this document, it's about 2027 28 pages long, I believe, yes, 28 pages long. And basically, we're not going to be able to look at much of it. I do want to read to you some of the poetry of Imam Shafi. And there's a quite a, you know, I thought, how can you talk about a chef a and not include his poetry, something from his deewan and, and some of his statements in it. So on page 17 onwards, there's quite a bit of poetry that's in Arabic and English translated for you, that you can

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become acquainted with, you know, his philosophy, his ultra wisdom, his views on life, you know, the first poem talks about his risk, who is in control of his risk, and he says, tower, tower, Cal, tofi, risky, Allah Hi, Lee, I give myself up completely to Allah, my Creator, to be the one who will provide for me, I have no fear that anyone can intervene between me and my risk, you know, these elemental statements that he makes, we will try to look at a few of his poems in sha Allah, and study them as we proceed. But our main aim is to look at this wonderful book. Now, for those of you who are near, you can see it's the first of a volume, this particular print, it's a first edition

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print, and it is in 23 books. So this is the first of 23 other books, right? That Mr. Mushaf, Imam and Noah we, and those who completed his work put together when you look into the life of aluminum and nawawi, which I've extracted a short biography there for you, that you can read on your own. There's an extensive biography of Mr. shocky, and an extensive biography of aluminum and nawawi. I want you to become familiar with these names. Because I want you to ask this question. Ask yourself this question. Who was the governor

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and the halifa and the Willie and the Sultan who was alive and ruling at the time of any magnoli anyone know their name? No one knows their name. You have to research it to find out who's the halifa he was the halifa the men who govern nawawi, the men who built hospitals and palaces and fought the Mongols, but no one knows his name. Why do you know Ali Mammon know his name? Because he's the only man in Norway. That's the short answer. The Kabbalah Allah who mean who the capulin Hassan, Allah accepted from him, what he didn't accept from others. And one of the first things that I want to set for us today is that it's not about how much you know. But it's about how much Allah

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accepts from use of Hana to Ana, there were people who were definitely more articulate, more knowledgeable than people like Alabama. nawawi. There were people who wrote books whose books are lost, no one remembers their books anymore, more volumous in their explanations, but there are certain personalities and individuals whom Allah Subhana Allah excepted from them, what he did not accept from other than them. And you will see this as a part of our life today you you might all of a sudden see yourself highly educated Mashallah, you went to the best universities here and abroad. And you think to yourself, why am I struggling to find a good job, and you look to someone who you

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think is less has been studied in the most prestigious place, may not have the same amount of years of experience, but a lot gave him what he did not give to you. And therefore Allah says, Subhana Allah to Allah, when you follow the lava, whom Allah bought into risk, we give to some more than others in risk. We accept from some others more than others, we give others more. So it is with Allah subhana wa Tada. So at the moment, now we is a foundation of our faith. He is like a building block that our Dean, the dean you practice today, is established, carried on his shoulder, because he stood on the shoulders of others to bring to us this Islam that we are familiar with today. Be

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vanilla, hey, Donna, when we begin reading his words and translating them for you. Now, for those of you who have studied with me before, you know, I usually quote the statement of

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the great amount of nice serene, where he says that the student who comes to lesson without a pen, or a pencil is like a soul.

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Who comes to battle without a without a weapon without a sword, right? You don't want to be caught in battle without a sword. Don't be caught in a lesson without a pen and paper inshallah.

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So, I will leave the, we will turn to moments in the life of an Imam Shafi and moments to the life of the man. And now when we add we begin the shadow of this statement, how will the class proceed for these next few hours in sha Allah?

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The scholars of Islam they've always had the habit of differentiating between two things, which is metal, a text and shallow explanation of the text. And in fact, this book, these 23 volumes is an explanation of a four volume book written by Mr Shirazi. Right. So alamanda we took that basic text, and then explained it into 23 volumes, right?

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Our intraday in chat law is to follow that sooner have the great demands, that we will read the text. And we will give little moments of insight that we can parallel into our civilized, Western

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limi high technology, Facebook, Twitter, hashtag lifestyle, all right.

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So we will look at it and see how we can apply it into our contemporary lifestyle in sha Allah. As with all books that study film, and Hadith and build our faith, the first chapter is always the chapter of sincerity of loss. And when you look into a Lima man never always works. He wrote a book called The 40 Howdy.

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All of us are familiar with the 40 hadith of Mammon nawawi. And the first had the theme It is about sincerity. And he followed in that the Sunnah of the great Imam like at the moment Buhari and indemand Muslim and others who made the very first Howdy, that particular Hadith.

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So we're going to begin with the praise of Allah subhanho wa Taala Alabama never we right, and we're on page 36. Well, Phil, Flossie was simply

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what bothered me Yeti feed me.

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And Val Reba, well, Happy New Year. This text is not written in front of you. So I'm going to give you the explanation at the moment now what he says in terms of sincerity, and if loss and truthfulness. Now this word, he uses the word sincerity and truthfulness as being the same. Slip and floss are the same. And in fact, you can add a third word to that which is mercy Ha.

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Advice. The out of the use the word naziha to mean sincere. So Allah Subhana Allah to Allah tells us in the Quran, yeah, a Johann levena Amano in Surah Al hareem. All you who believe to in Allah, he told me back then. Now so ha naziha. What advice it's not advice. It's sincerity. The Arab when they said someone was going to give me advice, their assumption was that it had to be sincere. Why would someone give me advice if they were not sincere? Now we have to pause here for a second look at how culture has changed at the time before Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wasallam, those illiterate,

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uncultured, out of who committed you know, atrocities and bury their young daughters and worship Toba and all these grievous things that we know they could not fathom. They could not even imagine that someone would sit you down and say I have advice for you, and they wouldn't be truthful to you.

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It was an impossibility that someone would lie to you, or that someone would be hypocritical. In fact, all of the Imams say that the the concept of NEPA was not in existence in Mecca. It only began after the hedgerow to El Medina of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam before that people like Abu sufian, who was not yet Muslim, when he stood in front of Iraq, Iraqi leaders in Damascus in Syria, and he began to ask him about this Nabina Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to him, what family is he from? Was he known to lie before was his father or ancestors keys you know all these questions and Abu Sofia and says I felt I could not

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Line, because behind me near me, where people minashi loyalty from my family that I thought to myself, if they hear me lie, I will lose all respect, even though he hated Mohammed. So I tell them, this is opera his opportunity to speak to this Emperor and say, send us troops and kill Mohammed sighs Allah. He said, I couldn't bring myself to lie about him I have to speak the truth. Not out of faith, but out of ethics.

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Three words if lost, truthfulness and advice all mean the same thing in the Arabic language.

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And he says, feed me. Bad is a one coffee. Yeah. Remember, he was very precise as words he says, These moments of truthfulness and sincerity and this ethic that you have is a part of your life, in your open public life and even more so in your hidden private life. He continues, Why corlette? Allah, Allah the Most High says when

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you in La Jolla, Abdullah Hama Holocene Allahu Deen. They were only ordered the only meaning the main command, the basis of all faith, everything that relates to our Deen our way of life. Our way of returning to Allah to gain Jenna is that we single out Allah hoping with sincerity that we give nothing to other than Him sapan and water Allah. He says, walk Allah Allah and Allah says

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that about the law holliston liquid Dean, yeah, Mohammed. Allah begins with Mohammed Salim insalata Zuma worship Allah, singling only him out with complete sincerity, don't give anything of it away to other and Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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Why am I here for a min Beatty he muhajir en el en la he was truly this year that was in Surah Nisa and then who was old in age and the Hadith is in the Sahih Bukhari and Muslim. Everyone had made his rock even the Prophet Mohammed Sai Selim had made his rock and there was a man who lived in Mecca Yak to mu imana, who he has hidden his face from the machete keen, he was fearful that they would kill him or harm him or put hardship upon him.

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And because of his old age, he said to himself, even my children don't believe no one around me believes I must escape Mecca silently. So he would secretly get his camel ready for this arduous long journey from Mecca to Medina that would take more than a week by desert.

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And in the middle of the night, he slips out of his home slips out of Mecca. And he begins this travel to the Medina in Asia to Allah and His NaVi Mohammed so I send them halfway there are a little more.

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Now notice in this Hadith, we don't even know this man's name, Allah have mercy on him. Halfway there due to his old age and the difficulty of the journey.

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One and Angela who called her up, he felt his death is imminent.

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So he put one hand in the other and he shook his own hand and he said, Allahu Maha the e. v. RT, or LA This is my pledge of allegiance to you and your prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the middle of the desert, and he died.

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And Allah informs the Prophet Mohammed Salim with this verse in Nakuru

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when you had you Illa, the one who went out in Asia to Allah and His Messenger, no one knows anything about him. No one even knows his name. No Sahaba were waiting for him. No one even knew he was Muslim. He was just went missing. But Allah knows him. subhana wa Taala. So now you recall Mt. And Allah Chronicles what happened to him, the one who goes out in nature to Allah and His Messenger, and in his journey, his death comes to him for the walk, I'm ruhollah his matcher is only for Allah to reward him for it safarnama Tada if loss

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if loss and sincerity to Allah the Most High

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and then Allah mama never we narrates us the Hadith of

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the Allahu anhu the one we all know where he says the miracle Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Maya foon in Albania. Now one of the wonderful things about this hadith is that Omar is the only one who reports it from the messenger Mohammed sigh seldom, but from Omar 1000s reported right you it was off mentioned

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con Sameera tomasulo

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His Allahu alayhi wa sallam and a whole enamel rubini. Yet, surely all actions are relative to the pre intention of their commission before you do something. What you intend is what sets the basis of the reward or the punishment or whatever it may be, you will receive upon the commission of that deed.

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An Amendment No he says, howdy Sahaja. Matata Hakuna Allah su se hottie. This Hadith is agreed upon by both Bukhari and Muslim and he says,

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Mishima LA, everyone in our faith has accepted it as being a foundation.

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Now after Lima Nebo he mentioned the words of a law. Then he mentioned the words of who

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Hemet Salalah. Holly was, who do you think is going to be the third words that he will mention?

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The person who he felt he could receive and has learned the deen from even though he didn't live in his era, but the one who he felt deserved clarity and showed clarity of understanding. He says call a chef.

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A chef and he said

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What shall we say? rahima Hola.

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Yo, yo, yo, ha ha de Sabrina Baba min and Phil. This Hadith of the remar enters into 70 chapters of you can put it in the chapters that relate to marriage in the mill Amma Lavinia brother Don't get married and have you know enamel Amma Lavinia sisters enamel Amma Lavinia in being a father enamel Mr. Lavinia in being a teacher in bleeding an employer and bleeding an employee in every part of your of life. This ad is relevant actions are judged by their intentions. What color are you from a chef he also said he went through Nutella in this hudy actions are judged by intention is a third of all knowledge. If you learn three things about Islam This is the first that you're going to learn.

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What color are you going to who and many other than a chef? He said it well what are the Hadith allottee Allah samovar in Islam and this Hadith, Islam circles around it. Everything that is submission to a law is touched by it was called the telegraphy. And there has been dispute in its application, whether it's a third of our faith or a quarter of our faith, or half of our faith, but everything that relates to our Deen is touched upon by this hadith. He then says

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wakad Gemma to handle Hadith will have the Hadith mitla ha.

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Kula happy juice arbaeen and I gathered this hadith which is the first edition is out of Bahrain, and the other Hadith that relate to similar matter into my 40 Hadith book. Now, here are the Mammon neverwet is pointing you to something important here he's talking about, and he's beginning a 23 volume book, but he tells you where the basis of all this comes from. He says fabella got Urbina Hadith and I gathered Hadith and it's more than 40, Hadith laiya 70 and hamata. You know, one religious cannot know them. Look at his words. He's 40 hadith of Lima Minogue.

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The Anna Kula Sahaja Jammie at our idol Islam because those who are jihadis are authentic and gathered the base of all of our faith.

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Phil also Lee wonderful Rory was nobody will ever be why am Academy a flat? These studies that I've gathered, they relate to the pillars and the foundation of our faith and the subsidiary branches of our laws of governance and Zod abstinence from the worldly life and seeking the alpha and an etiquette and ethics and manners will not carry mil of love and refinement of conduct and character.

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We continue with the words of an Imam and nowhere he says What are you now and we also report

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from the great Imam Abdullah rukmani Mati

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Nelson nuff to Kitab and lava to vo where they couldn't leave everything behind that Hadith. One of the great imams of Hadith he said if I was to write another book, every chapter I would begin it with this heavy that's how important it is. So let's understand why this had these is so important.

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Alabama nawawi continues by saying

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Mr. Lubin Nia

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actions are judged by their intentions, it means

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a man or coalition. It is the Eman of everything your Nia is the one who leads you, you know how you're in lead in prayer. He gives you this allegory in this illusion that the actions you're going to do. It's before everything that you do, you have to contemplate what you're going to do before you do it. And one of the things that we struggle with as Muslims, quite often in our relationship with a loss of Hannah, who wants to honor is that we have this reflex action of worship. All of a sudden, it's Ramadan. Well, what are we going to do? Well, we fast,

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but we understand that there's levels to fasting. There's the fasting of the heart. There's the fasting of the stomach, there's the fasting of the eyes, there's the fasting of the hands, there's the fasting of the ears, there's the fasting of the Spirit, and every part of it has that intention in drawing closer to Allah subhana wa Tada. He also says

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that the great Imam, and Sahabi of the Prophet Mohammed Salim Abdullah him at bass explains this hadith by saying, in Mr. Yata, Rajan, Allah Catarina, Yeti, Allah will give you only in accordance to your nia. So if you were to stand up all night in prayer, and your heart was not present, except in a part of it, the standing was just tiredness. As the prophet SAW Selim describes fasting, the one who fasts but has a vulgar mouth and is not careful with his conduct. At the end of the day, the only thing he received the prophets I send them says, and you while alpha, his reward is hunger and thirst, that person's reward is standing up at night. That's it, he got nothing from it. Your

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continuity. He continues by saying,

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Let's Melina setia. Don't ever do anything for the pleasure of others when it is an act of worship?

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Well, I thought through clarehome, shy and don't leave anything of worship on account of others. What quality let him show and don't give anyone anything that should only be for a lot for others.

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When attacks you fly home shy, and don't expose yourself or others to them, for any reason than for Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. These are words that console can consolidate this concept. Don't do anything except for Allah. Don't leave anything except for Allah. Don't give anything except for Allah don't abstain from anything except for Allah subhanaw taala he continues with another narration from Sophia Anna 30. Where he says,

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Man I wish to show you in a shed your Allah, Allah Yeah. Meaning Yeti, for in the heart at the heart level in this great Imam Sofia in February, a person who lived with the Sahaba and he is one of the seven foundation of the tambourine. He is one of the great or bad worshipers of Allah He says, I never had to cure myself of anything more difficult than making my intention only for a law for even when I'm doing something and I've said it for a law. As I'm about to do it, it changes.

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Sometimes you use you're coming to the masjid and you say inshallah, today I'm going to put 100 ringgit in charity.

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And as you're about to do it, someone sees how much you're pushing, and they smile. And you're near changed. All of a sudden you felt good 100 lights good. But you're doing you You didn't intend that person to smile or to have any any goodness in it. This is what Sophia and Sophia is talking about. At that moment. You have to cure it.

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You have to call back yourself. You have to set another new year from that New Year. The initial mania was good but now you need a new new year to establish that relationship and that reward in its entirety with Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Let us define a class this is something important for us and remember never we continues by saying

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and if loss if fraud will help the poor it will cause

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It is to seek out truth

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through obedience

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with intention to seek a loss of Hannah to Allah through an act of truth and an act of worship

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through an act of worship, because intending him Suppan and what Allah

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will whoa what can you read with hottie attacker, Ruby Illa Allah, and the moment you act on your intention,

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you do it seeking to be closer to Allah. Now this is foundation stuff. This is important. It's not Oh Allah, this is for you, but it's all a lot I want to draw closer to you because of it.

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Do not shy in our heart, and to be distinct from other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. Meaning person normally moku in particular, that any one who is created will benefit with what you are giving to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah or that which you have intended for Allah, the Most High

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for lucullus

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laryea Allah who, the one who is sincere, never seeks to be seen. I want to narrate to you a Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed Sai send them in the authentic hadith narrated by Ahmed he says, I have been hungry, a llama, those whom Allah loves the most from his creation. Who is the one Allah loves the most? Allah honey, someone who's wealthy. Whoa, okay.

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A Turkey, wealthy, but pious, Al hafi, who's hidden from the sight of others. Look at the three words, honey takari huffy, wealthy, pious, but hidden. those qualities are very rare. Most people who are wealthy are celebrities famous, everyone knows him.

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It's not about being known in a sphere of life, it's about being known in status. prophets. I seldom says the ones whom Allah favors or those who are known, but their relationship with Allah is hidden from others. They're not people who anyone could estimate that these are the people who are nearest to Allah, the Most High and therefore they are loved by a lot. The wealthy, the pious, who are hating no one estimates that they are that close and that near in their connection to Allah.

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A former ambassador to Australia is no longer the ambassador so I can talk about him.

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Egyptian ambassador from five from seven years ago, eight years ago,

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I was visiting Canberra, which is where all the embassies and everything is.

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And I found out that the person who opened the masjid every failure, was that Ambassador, he's the one who would come and open the masjid and clean it and wash the bathrooms and the toilets. Before people came for federal prayer. Allahu Akbar.

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No one knew. How did people find out? Only few people knew who was the person who would come just his close friends. Don't tell anyone. How do people find out when he no longer was an ambassador? All of a sudden he's in a different country. People like what happened to the masjid? Why is the toilets looking like this? What no one's vacuumed the carpet. How come we came the doors are still locked. Where were who opened the minute who's in charge? Or we're lucky it was that brother he's gone. A Moloch but no one knew Alderney at the crane, Al hafi. Hidden

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an Imam the noon he says an Imam and never we called

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Salah three things.

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mean alamat in a class that are sign of you being sincere? Let's study how do we know we're sincere?

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Is the word imaginary with them meaning

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that you don't pay attention or regard highly. People's praise or this praise of you if they're from the general people. People will just see you in the street you know people who don't know you, you don't take offense if they say something that you bad about you. And you're not happy when they say something good about you because they don't really know you. It's not like your wife,

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your wife, she says something good You should be happy. She says something bad you should be worried because she's

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Not she's not general public. She knows you intimately she's a part of your life.

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So he says when people who don't are not acquainted with you You're not you don't know me. And Charla, you know me, but you don't know me. You don't live with me. You don't do business with me. You don't share things with me you hear my words and you might watch a video Alhamdulillah so when you say Mashallah, brother. Yeah, it's like, Yeah, that's good. But you don't know me. You have to ask my wife. Don't ask my wife.

00:35:33 --> 00:36:09

She's the one who will tell you. Does he pray at night? Does he report on? Does he teach his children? Is he good with his money though? Is he cheap? Or does he spend you know all the things that are known within people is what matters. So what you say about me and Charlie matters but doesn't matter between me and Allah doesn't matter. So that's the first sign that you don't wait for people who don't know you intimately to praise you. And if people despise you because they don't know you, it doesn't bother you. Number two.

00:36:14 --> 00:36:16

Miss Jaan

00:36:17 --> 00:36:20

ro l am le fil a man.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:58

You forget about the action in action. What does that mean? You know how some people when they're sending in solder? Every concern in their mind is is my hand in the right place? Did I say this the right way. They become very compulsive about the routine. He says when you perform a loss, it's no longer than routine but it is the outcome that is generated from your Salah, from your fasting from your sada you forget about the deed because of the deed. Now that's a wonderful statement.

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Walk through that number three.

00:37:07 --> 00:37:22

So why am I leaving after all, that everything you practice has a outcome for you in the after all everything you do, there is something you will gain because of it in the next life.

00:37:25 --> 00:38:12

There is something that is an outcome for you in the Acura even if it is to go to work even if it is to have comfort with your wife. Even it is how you speak to your children. The aim behind it is I want reward from the hero and the Prophet Mohammed Sai Selim taught this to the Sahaba very well. In the Hadith narrated by Lima Muslim. The prophets I seldom said when a husband finds comfort intimately with his wife, they are given sada it's a reward between them and Allah. So having said jasola law, that a person finds comfort with his spouse, it is rewarded. The prophets I seldom said if he found comfort outside his home, wouldn't it be a sin? They said yes. He said well if it is a

00:38:12 --> 00:38:33

rewarded, if it's a sin in the haraam, then it is a sadhaka in the halaal everything in your life, your loss can intend and make you receive a reward in the alpha driving to work and being patient in KL traffic. huge reward

00:38:35 --> 00:38:38

right? Mashallah Allah.

00:38:40 --> 00:38:49

Huge. The intention, enamel Amadou linea it's not just an act of worship, any action you perform,

00:38:51 --> 00:39:03

cooking a meal, washing a garment, doing anything that is routine in your life, you can earn a reward from Allah subhanahu wa tada for it.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:11

And Imam and Noah continues where he quotes an Imam and football in

00:39:13 --> 00:39:14

alabama football.

00:39:16 --> 00:39:16

He said

00:39:18 --> 00:39:22

for coolamon the agility Nasiriya

00:39:23 --> 00:39:31

to not do an act of worship, because you think people are gonna hold you in esteem from it is real.

00:39:32 --> 00:39:33

I was

00:39:34 --> 00:39:39

I was sitting with the Imam of the prophets Majid sama law when he was Selim, we were in India together.

00:39:41 --> 00:39:59

And I always thought, you know, Subhana Allah, how can you to me How can someone stand in the same spot with a member of the prophets I seldom was you stand on the pulpit of where the prophets I send them

00:40:00 --> 00:40:21

Good that you are within earshot, like the prophets I send them is buried within your site. You can see him from there, his his publisher, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there are 1000s and hundreds of 1000s people listening to your words about Allah. And I said to a chef, Salah, he'll be there. I said,

00:40:23 --> 00:40:38

How do you prepare your sincerity? That you stand with the prophets I seldom stood. And you give people who talk. I don't know how anyone can do it. And the chef put his head down and he began to weep, Amaya.

00:40:41 --> 00:40:47

And he said the same words I didn't know they were the words of the month. I didn't know them.

00:40:48 --> 00:41:25

But he said these exact same sentence. He said, to leave something because you think people will say Oh, look, who does he look how Mashallah. He must have great intention and the class to stand in the middle of the prophet to lead the prayers in front of the cabinet. Wow, he must be a Maki, you know how some people, we as human beings, we get very weird. People try to grab things. And I was with the chef Michel de la fassi. Just three weeks ago, we were in LA in Birmingham. Hello, ECMO? People trying to rip his clothes off man trying to get into the car to get to the hotel.

00:41:27 --> 00:41:32

You know, you got to push him that Why? He's just a man. Right? Why

00:41:34 --> 00:41:47

is loss. It's it's not about who the person is, or what they do. It's about what Allah gives them. soprano who went on, right, what their intention is and what they will receive on the Day of Judgment.

00:41:48 --> 00:42:23

So don't be confined to people from the altar. Right? Here, the Imam says, and all of the Imams will tell you, I cannot leave it because you think I'm better you might be better than me. Your Salam may be more accepted than me. Think of it this way. I explain this to my younger students. I say if I have $10,000 into the in the bank, and you have $100 in the bank, and all of a sudden they asked for charity and you give $100 in charity and I give $1,000 in charity

00:42:24 --> 00:43:08

who will receive a greater measure who has done more, your $100 your $10 even if it's your $10 out of 100 and I give 1000 your Azure is much more because that money for you as a young man who isn't working who you've been saving a loss of Hannah went to Allah, not about quantity. It's not about what you do. But it's about the Nia enamel and Malou Binya that is lost to Allah subhanaw taala so he says to leave something because you think people will say Oh, look at this man and how great he is and Masha Allah is Ria, you've actually reinforced that you were doing it for them.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:27

So continue doing what you do. shefali Have you done a lot, the Imam of the Prophet Muhammad he said to me, we must continue to do what we do, even if we know we're not fit for it. Because you have to perceive and hope Allah will forgive you the shortcomings you have in your life.

00:43:28 --> 00:43:47

While I'm at the Agilent Nancy ship, to do something knowing that people that you've done it for the eyes of people or for the pleasure of people, is you have joined someone in your worship with Allah subhana wa Tada. It is a minor level of shift. Well if loss sincerity

00:43:48 --> 00:44:22

is that Allah protects you from those two things, that you don't leave something because people will think something about you. And you don't do something because you expect people to say something for you. Both of them. When you separate those two in the middle is a class sincerity. You didn't leave anything because you don't think people are going to talk about it. And you didn't do anything because you think people should praise you for it. You've kept it only for Allah subhanho wa Taala Finally, the words of use of eminent Hussein, but the Allahu anhu what akima

00:44:23 --> 00:44:24

as douchey

00:44:26 --> 00:44:56

and meaningful dunya is last. Nothing is more significant to a believer in his whole life than to be sincere to Allah subhana wa Tada. Nothing in your life should have any precedent or aim for you greater than for you to be sincere to Allah subhanho wa Taala so this is the word airfloss. Then he turns his attention to the word

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

truthfulness. What am I missing?

00:45:00 --> 00:45:30

So, first of all, Allahu taala. Yeah, you have la Vina mundo de la Hawa, kulu. Masada clean. Allah subhana wa Taala says in the Quran in surah, Titova 119 or 118 Oh you who believe it toquilla be mindful of a law, work, who knew and keep close to and be bound to those who are truthful in word and conduct?

00:45:31 --> 00:45:53

A simple Mr. Mo, truthfulness is what holds everything together, will be here tomorrow, and it's what completes everything. If all of your deeds are perfect, but you're missing that word, that truthfulness in word and action, you've missed and lost everything in life.

00:45:56 --> 00:45:57

What is certain

00:45:58 --> 00:46:19

is to wear who certainly will alania that what you do in your private life is the same as your public life. So truthfulness in your relationship with a law is that which what you do in public is the same as that which you do in private.

00:46:20 --> 00:46:26

And I do not need to embarrass myself or any of my brothers and sisters here.

00:46:27 --> 00:46:30

About how far away We are from

00:46:34 --> 00:47:12

that, for many of us, the greatest challenge in life is to find something in our hidden personal life that can equal what people think of us in our public life. For many, our public life seems Masha Allah, we attend courses we teach courses we read, or and we go to the gym and we go to halaqa we have you know, invite people over. But the inner life, the private life, where you are alone between you and Allah, when everyone is asleep, and you've joined them.

00:47:13 --> 00:47:21

When you're a bother, that is between you and a law is much less than you're a bother between you and a lot and others.

00:47:23 --> 00:47:40

If you think about the actions of worship that we do, how many of them exclude others from that presence? How often are we in the worship of a law, when no one else knows about it? This is called silver between you and Allah.

00:47:42 --> 00:47:43

No one knows.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:46

And that is

00:47:48 --> 00:47:54

and therefore, the Imams would say, a pseudo Saifullah.

00:47:55 --> 00:47:59

That action of truthfulness is the sword of Allah.

00:48:02 --> 00:48:38

That a lot cuts people in halves with that separates people with kata Allah who he knows a lot will separate people on the Day of Judgment with that Sword of Truth. How am I okay? All those who used to worship me in public come to this side. How many of you also worship me in private? The few of you come to this side. What is the first words given to our Navy Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the worry of Arabic The next words he received his Yeah, a U haul.

00:48:41 --> 00:48:41


00:48:43 --> 00:48:45

there's more zemel and

00:48:46 --> 00:48:49

and what that What does it say? come

00:48:50 --> 00:49:15

under. One of them is stand up and worn. And the other surah which talks about the same incident using a different word? Both of them is all one who is cloaked one of them is home for under tell people about what you've seen and heard. And the other is comin Laila illa kalila Stand Up All Night except few hours. Why night?

00:49:16 --> 00:49:18

Because no one sees him. Salalah Hollywood.

00:49:19 --> 00:49:33

Don't do it don't stand in front of the Kaaba in broad daylight. So everyone say Oh, he's praying again. No, between you and a lot build a relationship koruba a mirrorless to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:42

Imam nawawi continues by saying

00:49:48 --> 00:49:53

a cidco Yadu ramalho kowhai fouda truthfulness

00:49:55 --> 00:49:59

will lead you to following the truth era.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

respective of where it leads you

00:50:03 --> 00:50:05

for either cannon fodder.

00:50:06 --> 00:50:49

If it is something that leads you towards something that you want in life, you will follow it. And if your truthfulness is going to lead you from something you're worried about, you will still follow it. Most people, it's easy for them to go to something that they already want. If you teach to someone, hey, let's go to Emre. Okay? Everyone wants to go to Emerald. If you say to someone, instead of going to Emerald, okay, how much is that money for that ticket in that state? How about you give it to this cause? And these you've been drama before? Yes. Have you handled that you've been handler? Okay. How about you give it in this cause sometimes your heart is not intent on that.

00:50:49 --> 00:51:19

But the truth leads you to giving and doing to what is best, not just for yourself but for others. And therefore Allah Subhana Allah to Allah says in Surah t Allah Emraan Lenten, Allah will bill you will never attain righteousness until you can give from that which you love the most. You can give to someone from that what you love the most because the truthfulness is for Allah.

00:51:21 --> 00:51:26

It's not just something that I have to like for it to be something that is worthy for others.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:31

He continues by saying

00:51:34 --> 00:51:36

truthfulness may lead you

00:51:38 --> 00:51:44

to fulfilling sada when majority said earlier Ma and sitting with the scholars was solidly hain

00:51:46 --> 00:51:48

but it might also imply

00:51:50 --> 00:51:53

Wahhabi Hagit and Muslim helping other believers

00:51:54 --> 00:52:28

while jumping out of the muck sore and bringing pleasure and happiness to someone who was who was brokenhearted whenever we Dallek all of this is something that will praiseworthy that it's easy for you to want to do it. But sometimes the truth may lead you to something that is difficult for you to attain that doesn't have that public spectral specter to it that is still important for you to perform. And therefore he then reports about our Navy Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

00:52:30 --> 00:52:46

cannot live Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a wealthy solidarity he was so yummy, he was already he, our Prophet, so I sell them had different levels, in his prayer, in his sleep, in his readings of the Koran and Vic,

00:52:47 --> 00:52:56

in his eating in his drink, in his attire, in his mode of transport, in his enjoyment of time with his with his family and company.

00:52:57 --> 00:53:48

In his humor, all of these different things, he would still have time for it, as a part of him still establishing his sincerity to Allah. So Alibaba never ends this discussion with with truthfulness and sincerity by saying, to be sincere and truthful to a law doesn't mean you have to be stern. And it doesn't mean you have to be serious, and doesn't mean you cannot have joy. And doesn't mean that you cannot be engaged in something that is fun and entertaining. And just like the Prophet had time for prayer and fasting, and halogen jihad, he also had time for his family, and for joke, and for merriment and for enjoyment. sallallahu alayhi wa early he was, he was selling,

00:53:50 --> 00:54:13

he had time for laughter and anger. And he was from those who had time to enjoin good and forbid evil, meaning being part of those who are truthful to Allah is that there is this balanced approach to life. And one of the talks that I will have later on in sha Allah this week or next week balance this week in sha Allah,

00:54:14 --> 00:54:27

seventh of October in sha Allah is finding balance in an imbalanced world. The world is out of balance. How do we find that balance as our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam found,

00:54:28 --> 00:54:36

you know, it's an important element of our truthfulness in our relationship to a loss of Hannah who went to Allah.

00:54:38 --> 00:54:47

We're going to begin the next chapter, we're on page 14 of Imam and never always works, where now he's spoken about two elements. Last was said.

00:54:48 --> 00:54:50

And now this leads us into

00:54:51 --> 00:54:59

the virtue of, of knowledge, and many of the statements that are exchanged vital

00:55:00 --> 00:55:08

Ma'am and now we are found in the booklet that you have in front of you on page number 22 onwards.

00:55:11 --> 00:55:26

So I made sure to include the verses of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that at the moment never we used in this area so that way you don't have to write it down and you can listen to the explanation of the Hadith in sha Allah.

00:55:31 --> 00:56:16

Once again, he shows us his approach to knowledge, which is the words of a law, then the student and the statements of the messenger Mohammed's eyes alum, and then the statements of the Sahaba and the great Imam Shafi and others from the men's head. He begins by saying that there are a multitude of verses in the Quran that speak about the virtue of knowledge. When we talk about knowledge, we're talking about the sacred knowledge, the knowledge of what Allah wants from us to know. And what he revealed to his nephew Mohammed sai sanlam that he could not keep from us. knowledge that betters us as human beings and makes us examples for others in our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala he

00:56:16 --> 00:56:34

says a lot said in the Quran cool * yes that we live in a Allah Muna when Lavina lay on the moon, say to them, can those who know and those who do not know be made equal can they be made on equal footing? And Allah Subhana Allah to Allah says

00:56:35 --> 00:57:10

that I will not be Mohammed's I sell them is to invoke him and to ask him for an increase in the law says what? And I commend you on Mohammed to continually and consistently asked me for more knowledge. The only place in the Quran where the prophets I send them is ordered to ask for something, an increase in it is for him. It's not Oh Allah give me more eemaan or Oh Allah give me more health or more wealth or more victory? No, the only thing while old Rob busied me in law.

00:57:12 --> 00:58:04

And the law says in nema yaksha law, her meaning a birdie he literally and surely those who have the greatest all and fear of a law from amongst his servants, are those who have attained scholarship through law. And we're going to qualify these words because Allah is not a title of research. How many people know the Koran but are ignorant of it? And how many people have memorized the Hadith, but are unaware of its reality? And how many people have memorized chapters and books of fiction, but are unacquainted with their meaning and their application for the betterment of their life and the life of others. So who are the roadmap will be defined for us shortly? Allah subhanho wa Taala

00:58:04 --> 00:58:43

says, Your very level levena Manu Ming como la Vina El Mirage, Allah will raise in rang those who believe from amongst you and above them, those who have attained knowledge levels upon levels. And therefore a law tells us in the Koran, that knowledge attained by one is not limited, except that there will be someone more knowledgeable than them will hope or who lead the L Min alene everyone more knowledgeable there is one who has greater knowledge in doubt than they have been given.

00:58:45 --> 00:59:15

Then Alabama never we quote the hadith of morale We are the Allahu Allahu Allah wa the Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. With the prophets I seldom said mejuri de la Hobi Hayami? COVID, de The one whom Allah wishes for him goodness, he gives him or her a firm understanding of the religion. We're going to end with this important explanation in sha Allah disclaimer. There is a difference between in and fam.

00:59:16 --> 00:59:24

Write this down in child law. There is a difference between the aim knowledge and the understanding

00:59:25 --> 00:59:31

fam. And in mean two separate things, although people use it in the same way.

00:59:33 --> 00:59:37

Aim does not necessarily give you fan

00:59:38 --> 01:00:00

knowledge does not necessarily mean that one will attain understanding of that knowledge. And how many people are those who have learned or memorize something, but they don't understand it. And don't think that this is limited to people who are add your meaning, who don't know how to be or something.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

So I wish to make a small

01:00:05 --> 01:00:11

to impact this point. How many of us have memorized sort of a deity Baba?

01:00:12 --> 01:00:29

Maybe four years in our life while our deity Baba fell Moriarty haha funny movie Rajya Sabha. How many know in the Outliner can cover for solid Lily Rebecca one initially aka who will avatar? How many know

01:00:30 --> 01:01:03

Robin Fela mean shall Rima holla woman Shall we haul certain either walk up what does that mean? Who can who you know? What does loss you can either you can even ask out of the person. You go to a Egyptian guy, Saudi guy and say hey, what does well our deity Baba mean? He'll say, Well, I'm out of Cheyenne. I am not sure something Yanni. It's important to you, Phil Moriarty called Haha, Jani something.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:12

Let me get back to you on that anyone have Google? Nobody knows. For him to know he has to look in the tafsir.

01:01:14 --> 01:01:23

Our children, all of us, we send them to class. And as soon as they're one of the first suitor, one of the first sections and learners use one or the other.

01:01:25 --> 01:01:38

You ask them what does it mean? I have a lot. I don't know. Some of us here. Maybe we've memorized neurology at 14 years or more. What does it mean? I don't know. Why? Because there is no

01:01:40 --> 01:01:45

there is a you know it, but there's no fam there's no understanding.

01:01:47 --> 01:02:07

This is what aluminum and neverwet is going to clarify for us. Now the importance of making that distinction between knowledge and understanding that knowledge and using it in our life. What you will also find my dear brothers and sisters, is that a law makes a very clear example of this in the Quran.

01:02:08 --> 01:02:56

And he uses two of his prophets of Allah. That would alayhis salam and his son, Suleiman, Allah says in the Quran, couldn't learn attina in math, both of them, we gave knowledge. But when it came to judgment, to understanding the application, to giving verdict, a law says what the Hamner has realized man, we allowed Suleiman to understand it, even though that would did not that would is a prophet of Allah. He is a messenger of Allah. He was given knowledge that Allah says we gave him knowledge. But yet when they came to this particular level of understanding his son younger than him, understood more than him.

01:02:59 --> 01:03:26

What was the issue? The Hadith is very concise and Bahati. And men came to the Prophet that would and he said, You are our ruler, you are the king, you are the Prophet of Allah, manana, give judgment, this man, his sheep, they broke through and ate all of my vineyard. I have no I cannot make any money this year. All my vineyard all my fruits had been eaten and destroyed.

01:03:27 --> 01:03:43

profit that would said, Okay, my judgment is your sheep of equal value to what you would have received become his property. He was the one who lost you give him your sheet. Prophet Solomon said, No, you're wrong, father. Oh,

01:03:45 --> 01:03:48

this is the King. This is the Prophet of Allah. How is it wrong?

01:03:49 --> 01:04:44

prophets with a man said, because his vines will grow grapes next year. And the trees will fruit apples next year. So if you give him the sheep, and his fruit comes back next year, he's been given what he is owed, and more than what he's owed. It is fairer, it is more just, if he keeps the sheep and whatever they produce and whatever he sells from them, he can keep its profit, and returns that initial capital back to that man when his vines and his fruits grow. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says both of them had knowledge, but Suleiman had fat understanding. We will continue with that in chat law after salata. subhanak Allahumma handig, a shadow Allah Illa Illa and istockphoto tuvo la

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