Wisam Sharieff – Names Of Our Nabi Episode #8 Sponsor Of The Ummah

Wisam Sharieff
AI: Summary © The hosts of a radio show discuss the importance of knowing the history of Islam and the return of the United States of America, as well as the return of the United States of America and the return of the United States of America. They also touch on the use of words in a single story of Islam and the importance of remembering the history of Islam. The speakers encourage viewers to use Facebook to share experiences and encourage others to share their own experiences. They also discuss the history of using words in a single story of Islam and the use of negative emotions and the need for people to act with their emotions. Finally, they touch on the history of the Prophet sallama's use of the phrase "sallama" to indicate a desire to avoid sexual activities and the "has been greedy" by men to get rich.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah he Rabi Lara Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah him Nabil Karim wala Ali he was sloppy here not a UB not poor heat in Allahumma Anta Salah warming Casella Tabarrok Daya they'll Jalali Holy Quran hi in our others in Dar Salam yeah how you Yatta you be Rama Tikka SDLT also lately a Selena Lana Shep Nicola wala takhini de la FC Thor for time As salam o salaamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh who brothers and sisters and friends around the world

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Welcome to our continued series on names of our Nabhi Welcome Friends As Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah again for those of you joining us, live As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, who upon you around you and may Salam emanate in all things that you do. If you're just joining us a Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah again, upon you around you, and may you become that source of Salam. Welcome to names of our Nabhi we're here in the eighth episode today, looking at Mohammad Rasool Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the sponsor of the Ummah, if you've been here previously, friends, please feel free to give me that one one in the chat box. If you know what names of our

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Nabhi is about and for everyone just joining us for the first time possibly Welcome to names of our NABI. sallallahu alayhi wa salam, a series, if you will, a journey to look at Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through different lenses, dimensions merits to look at him as he evolved through his youth to a young prophet and then the evolution of his prophet hood. We can always look at Sera, the chronological life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we can look at the historical lens of his life in Makkah and Madina, Munawwara we can also look at the Quran, and where was Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. In each part of the Quran that we read, we can also learn about the

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physical features of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his Shema ill. But our approach as a team has been to bring you facets dimensions of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so you can look at him and appreciate him for yourself. So in that we entitled our journey, our project together names of our Nabhi. So if you join me for a moment to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, for those of you who are wondering, so why would I want to know him through his various names, and through his various characteristics, if anyone has a a favorite or one that sticks with them, please feel free.

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Please feel free to give me that name in the chat box as we have done God's favorite person, Mohammed Ahmed Mahmoud Hamid sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and while ACHEMA salam for those of you joining us from Orlando, East Coast, West Coast, those of you joining us around the world, welcome again to names of our Nabhi as we said, what is this concept of knowing Him through His names? Well, knowing he was God's favorite person, how does that affect you? Knowing that he was in an enlightened person, he was an enlightened human being one who literally and metaphysically reached the top of the mountain, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was an enlightened, anointed,

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anointed, he was broken to by God as we will see today. So if you would in a in a in a moment, in a second, answer the question what is Salawat? What is sending Peace and blessings on Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, answer that for a moment, is it thinking positive thoughts about Muhammad peace be upon him? Is it saying the ritual sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Is it reading various forms of peace and blessings be upon you.

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Be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praying to God to bless Muhammad peace be upon him. Could it be thinking of fun things? Maybe enjoying something you ate? Or a scenery that you saw and saying, Oh, I wish the Prophet peace be upon him got to see this. So would you for a moment friends. I couldn't lose our whole episode on this. But would you for a moment. Tell me what's your favorite form? unsend

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Bring peace and blessings on Muhammad, peace be upon him. God's favorite person on the man that we know to be the one who went beyond the level that even Gabriel Gibreel Ali Salam could have gone, the one who went beyond that level. So let's look at it today. Allahumma Salli ala Mohamed Anwar Ali Mohammed comas are later Allah Ibrahima wala the Ibrahima in Majeed. Allahumma barik. Ala Muhammad Anwar early Mohammed gamma Abba Dr. Anna Ibrahima wa early Ibrahima in Nicomedia Majeed. I'll bring in today's for names let's make, let's say peace and blessings be upon Mohammed. And let's mention some of these merits and these are the four merits for today. Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Anwar

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Ernie Mohammed gamma Sol later Allah Ibrahima Allah early Ibrahima in Academy de Madrid Allahumma salli wa salam ala Nabina mudashiru The one called upon Allahumma salli wa salam ala Nabina Moon je Manji this Savior Allahumma salli wa salam ala Nabina Hashem, the gatherer Allahumma salli wa salam ala Nabina Rasul Rama, the prophet of mercy. If you would jot these four down, either in your in the chat box or in a note on your phone, or possibly in the archaic fashion of writing it down on a piece of paper, gather your notes and no mother rule the one called upon Manji. The Savior hasher the gatherer and Rasul Rama are what we're looking at today sallallahu alayhi wa sallam welcome to

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you all friends, and today it is wonderful to be with you with an even better connection and a be even better stream. So we think our Lord by saying Allahu wa salam ala Muhammad wa ala early Mohammed Gomez or later Allah Ibrahima wa ala early Ibrahima in Hamidah Majid if you're buckled in, give me that one one or solely praise Allah. Today we're gonna discuss the role Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam played in this world and the Maqam the station, the mantle, he takes it he takes on the day of judgment, and that is on the Day of Resurrection, the day after all of this world ceases to exist. What is the role of Muhammad peace be upon him on the day of judgment, none other than the

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sponsor of the Ummah, the one who will represent us stand for us and give us a second chance over and over again. Write that down, freeze frame that and know today's title, the sponsor of the Ummah, Maduro Monjee, hasher Rasulo Rama. Now we have already discussed the hadith of intercession, when we looked at Muhammad peace be upon him the enlightened one, were in the narration of Sahih Bukhari states and allow me to read it to you on the Day of Resurrection on Yokoyama that people will surge with other with each other like waves humanity will pour out and they will come to other the first human being created and say, Please intercede for us with your Lord. He will say, I am not fit for

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that. Better, you'd go to Abraham Ibrahim Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And the people will flow over to Abraham, then to Moses, then to Jesus and then finally they will come to Mohammad Rasool Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ticking the box, or praise your Lord, if you recall this hadith. If you don't, you can definitely look into it. But we're now fast forwarding and picking up from where we left off. Humanity now comes to Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the one who went on a sarong Mirage and got the pat on the back from 100,000 Plus prophets. It is He Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who tells us in his own words, he says, they will come to me and I would say I am

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for that Sall Allahu Allah, Mohammed, then I will ask for my Lord's permission and it will be given and then he God will inspire me to praise him with such praise as I don't know now, would you marvel in that for a moment? Would you marvel and revel in the concept that Mohammad Rasool Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this 3d entity that we are now a hologram that we are trying to pursue?

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even understand, he is saying and I don't even know what I will be inspired with. So I will praise him with those praises and I will fall down in prostration before him, then it will be said, oh will Hammond

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Imagine your Lord calling him raise your head and speak and you will be listened to and ask and you will be granted your request and intercede for your intercession will be accepted sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I will say Oh my Lord Almighty Almighty my ummah, my ummah. Let's take a pause from the narration for a second freeze frame this for a moment humanity has has in waves gone to profit to profit looking for Savior to savior. Then take a pause and say Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be there on the day of judgment for you. On the Day when your own mother and father would leave you behind what oh me he will be on a day where there will be so much fear that you will leave your

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own spouse and your own children you will leave your brother and everyone you knew in this life and the ONLY and ONLY be looking out for yourself and the only one looking out for you. Mohammad Rasool Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, I would dare to take an M in the chat box, Aon and friends, I would dare to take an M in the chat box, if you would connect with the fact that on the day of judgment

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that you dare to say that you dare to accept Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to be there for me on the day where nobody else will be on the day of anxiety the day of biting the finger nails, summon and family to the but Bertie family Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad, there is a sense of antidepressant anti anxiety in knowing this station of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam barkcloth ecoman Welcome to you friends continue to live Barca Lo Fi COMM And on this day, all of humanity that has ever existed, will be standing there and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be there for you and I just as he has been there throughout our life, can you make this

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connection friend, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be there for you on the Day of Judgment the way he's there for you every day. Put it in the chat box before I say how was he there for you every day? What would it mean he's there for me every day that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be for there for you on the Day of Judgment but beyond that, he's here in the here and now for me right now his practice his sunnah his dua for me. He prayed for me even before I knew how to pray. Hashtag Joe icon. He is Mother Oh, the one called upon he is Maduro the one who will be called upon and there's hadith of that word being used. On the Day of Judgment people will look for him and

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he is one G the one who will save all of us through his sunnah his practice and his message sallallahu alayhi wa salam sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, do you feel it Ahmed family Sam and family Salam is upon you and upon Mohammad Rasool Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and why are they Kuma salaam to the ummah of Mohammad Rasool Allah YouTubers Facebookers. And everyone out there who's joining us is is the flow happening? Are you making the connection? Can you stop and say SallAllahu ala Muhammad, I never gave you this chance. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Can you send Salawat upon the one who will answer the call and the day of judgment as the narration continues,

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that jump right back in unpause, and then it will be said to the prophets. Then it will be said to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam go and take out of hellfire, all those who have faith in their heart equal to the weight of a barley grain. I will go says my nubby and do so and return to praise Him. Allah subhanaw taala with the same praises the ones that I had never heard done before and fall into prostration before him that it will be said, oh Mohammed, raise your head and speak.

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Imagine that moment, God above the throne calls out to his favorite human being his favorite creation and says, raise your head and speak. It will be said go and take out all those who have faith in their heart equal to a small ant or a mustard seed. Go back to * Mohammed Salah

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I will do something and take out anyone who has even an aunt worth of belief, faith or even a mustard seed. Go and take out all those whose heart there is even faith of the lightest lightest mustard seed. Take them out of the hellfire and I will go my nubby is making this back and forth Safar miroir trip, and he's going into hellfire, and he's taking those who have the barley, who amount of faith those who have the smallest and amount of faith, those who have the lightest, lightest Mustard Seed about amount of faith, I will say, Oh Lord, and Muhammad peace be upon him will say, allow me to intercede for whoever said, La ilaha illa Allah, La ilaha illa Allah, then

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Allah will say, by my power, and my majesty, and my supremacy and my greatness, I will take out of hellfire, whoever said La ilaha illa, Allah, none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, pause, wait for a moment. Take a second to say, who could have constructed these words? Who could have described the levels of mercy, a poet, a prophet? Or maybe God Himself? When you stop and think of the potency, poetic nature of God saying, and take these out and take these out until God says, by my majesty, by my supremacy by my greatness, I will take out of hellfire whoever said La Ilaha illa Allah, He will stand for us in the next life. Can we stand for the Sunnah of Mohammed

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by learning about him by following Him by keeping him as a companion in our life. Drop that s s in the chatbox if you know what's good, La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there is no better flow, there is no better coherence than to read directly from the words of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ilhan Omer and family and to just stop and say, What will lead to Billahi Raba what Bill Islami Dena will be Mohammed in Abuja, La ilaha illa Allah La ilaha illa Allah and you know you want to no one has to tell you to he will stand for you

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represent you. Be in your corner stick up and intercede for you can we send salawat and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Can we stand for the Sunnah? Can we stand up for what we know is right even if we're not following it. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was good. Even if I'm not the perfect just floating Angel Muslim in the world can I stand up for what Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up for and now you know what's good. You know that you can stand up and stand against the things that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam despised and you can be proud of your deen you can be proud to know that you're in your nobody's name is on the back of your jersey that La Ilaha illa

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Allah is etched into your soul. And now we discuss a single story as our time Subhanallah has been full of Baraka today, but we discuss a single story, how Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood, how he stood for the Ummah and how he will stand for the Ummah Rasul Rama for Hannah Barak la vie come Gina Baraka Lo Fi common friends. Can you feel it though? Can you dig it friends, if you've been here for more than two names of our Nabhi more than one, you can feel the energy today you can feel the connection to us to say, You know what? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the cosmic level. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the outside of this universe level. On the

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metaphysical level, my Nabhi, who traveled beyond our universe, entered into the realm of the heaven and Heaven and * and went so far than an angel said, I'm good. I've never gone that far. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, you're the chosen one. You go cross that and go past the dirt on monta ha. Now let's take a moment to discuss rasuluh Rama if you would. And let's take our storytime on one Hadith of the Prophet sallahu wa salam. I pray you enjoy those first four names Maduro called upon on the Day of Judgment saving us save you

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Were Pasteur the one who will gather us and go into hellfire and gather the people who have La Ilaha illa Allah by the mustard seed by the atomic weight of eemaan.

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And then God forgives everyone who said La Ilaha illa Allah may we enter into paradise without that time in the hellfire. Let's fast forward to the Rasul of Rama, the man, the young man who asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam permission,

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of Oh mama are reported, or the Allahu Taala on a man came to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, O Messenger of Allah, give me permission to commit adultery. And I don't imagine that he's used the word that he just came and said, O Messenger of Allah, I don't know I'm shy. He had the approachability to come to Mohammed Salah Salem and say, give me the permission to commit adultery. The people around him, rebuked him and said, Be quiet, be quiet. And in their rebuke. They they judged him. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, come here. Would you pause for a moment? We are young people living in the world that we live today, in order for someone to come out

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and say give me permission to fornicator? Is there something going on? Has something been kicking for a while? Is there a sense of desperation? Or do you feel like there was a very poised right person saying, Well, I just need this permission. No friends, we're talking about the angst of youth, the fire of testosterone and the feelings of,

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of yearning, that inner fire that's in you. The Prophet peace be upon him then recognize this is someone not in a comfortable state and said, Come here, the young man came close and sat with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this the next conversation ensued. Look at it through the lens of a counselor of a therapist of a non judgmental loving nubby who was who wanted to judge him and be the religious guy and damn him to *, please repaint the picture with me right now of your religious guy. And what he would do if someone came and said, Oh my God, I feel super Randy and just Oh, allow me to go to a, you know, and this type of adult establishment let me let that happen.

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Press pause, fill in this. This ad lib press play. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called him close. He sat down he said, Would you like that for your mother? The man said no by Allah, may I sacrifice May I be sacrificed for you? It's a phrase that they would use no way I swear, the prophets of Madhya Salam said, Neither would people like it for their mothers. Would you like it for it? Would you like that for your daughter? The man said no by Allah, may I be sacrificed for you the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, Neither would people like it for their daughters. Would you like it for your sister? The man said no by Allah, may I be sacrificed for you. So the translation

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shouldn't get lost here that he was just giving. He was saying baby sacrifice to you. It is. I can't find the English equivalent, but this is shooting from the gut here. shooting from the hip is like no way. No way. This is someone tripping out May I be sacrificed to the prophets. A lot of some said neither would people like it for their sisters. Would you like that for your aunt? And the man said no by a lot May I be sacrifice for you? The Prophet peace be upon him said Neither people would neither would people like it for their ons. Then the Prophet peace be upon him, placed his hand on him and said, Please understand the calm, grounded, enlightened hand of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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salam and I want to make the connection. Someone who isn't burning someone who isn't an unsettled someone who is calm, a fire retardant, a fire retarding blanket that goes on the back of this young man and Pat's him on the back and says,

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place his hand and he said, Oh Allah, forgive his sins, acknowledging that if he came to this point, stuff has taken place already. Oh ALLAH forgive his sins because you know that anxiety that that his own tripping out is what the his own freaking out is what brought him to the Prophet peace be upon him and the Prophet peace be upon him. Oh Allah, forgive his sins, purify his heart. Okay, so something led to this. There. He didn't call him Randy, or or another word for for sexually aroused. He said something in the heart led to this. There's a real powerful lesson they're friends, for for for sexual, illicit addictions and where they stem from but he said, and may Allah purify

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Are your heart and guard his chastity. After that the young man never again was inclined to anything sinful. Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Mohammed Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad how often do we approach our deen our life being tempted or pulled to disobey Allah? How does the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam respond to this? Not by rebuking and yelling and cursing and punishing and color this is haram haram, but with mercy, but by helping the young man to understand and then by asking Allah subhanaw taala to make things easy for him. He didn't say how dare you think like that? Then he went to the heart level because that's where our DIS ease begins from the

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ailments of the heart, but no one wants to hear that no one wants to hear the address of the heart is going to take care of the diseases of the body. His approach was mercy. And on the Day of Judgment, he will sponsor us represent us stand for us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is not some angry religious figure ready to drag you to hellfire for any small mistake you made.

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That should be the thumbnail.

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He wanted to bring you out from hellfire, to vouch for you, to give you you to give you a chance after chance to do better. He was Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the sponsor of the OMA sallallahu alayhi wa sallam friends, you're making that connection. You're making that connection. You're like

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SallAllahu, ala Muhammad, as I pass us off, you're going to hear words from Islamic Relief, you're going to get pulled. And I'm asking you to make the when the pull happens, don't turn away. Say What would my Nabhi do. And if this was an enjoyable 26 minutes for you, then given the path of Allah subhanaw taala, like straight up and down, I enjoyed this, I would pay for a movie down, I'm going to give him the path of Allah. I'm going to make some donation for an orphan or to help someone.

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But now don't feel emotionally left empty. It's like well, I didn't give me not good. How many of you right now as we conclude with that, four, four in the chat box, that you are Bismillah Allahu Akbar Subhan Allah wa Al Hamdulillah you're just full of it right now. You're just full of that Allah His Rasul going on Makkah, going to Medina. Right now you're acknowledging Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on a cosmic level, recognizing your Nabhi and his role on the day that is beyond this cosmos, an opportunity to spend with you friends each week, I would have to say the eighth episode, one of my favorites, the eighth episodes could be because we didn't drop or because we were

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we felt more connected but if you felt it just praise your Lord, Gina bark low FICO, Liam and family if you're if you're out there, but Liam A salaam Aleykum the Prophet peace be upon him would have loved you and would have said salaam to you. Oh young men of Quran for Hannah Barak la vie come Yasmine bark lofi come to all the mentors who memorize the book of Allah Salam aleikum, wa Rahmatullah to everyone who has bowtie in their life. Start making it rain, start making it Poor sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a word from our sponsors, and I will see you all soon wa salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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we all want the best for the children in our lives.

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A happy home, good health,

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a steady education and a safe space to grow and play.

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However, for millions of children across the globe, this is simply a dream.

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Right now, an estimated 140 million children worldwide are living as orphans having lost one or both parents

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fleeing disaster conflict and battling poverty. childhood dreams have been turned into a struggle for survival.

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Children such as for ruefully Bangladesh know this reality all too well. What I see

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with no father at home for looks, life has become even harder. poverty and insecurity are now his daily reality. However, there is hope

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by sponsoring an orphan child of the slum

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Believe you can provide these precious children with an education, shelter and hope for a brighter future

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for dreams of a better future will you help him achieve this? helped them reach for the stars and lighten up their future. sponsor an orphan today with the SonicWALL Islamic Relief USA working together for a better world

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