Wisam Sharieff – Make A Virtual Tawaf – Sunnah Supplements

Wisam Sharieff
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses various routines and routines for achieving aer's goals, including grounding oneself, starting with a state of awareness, and eventually reaching a state of consciousness. They stress the importance of communication and embracing one's potential. The segment then touches on various practice and rituals that will help achieve a 36-month goal, including building a house, broadcast a feeling of love, and taking charge of daily activities. The segment ends with a recap of the first step and reminder to stop the recording.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Peace be upon you, around you and from within you, those of you following along at sunnah supplements under the routines and rituals department. So most of us are, this is our first routine and ritual that we are going to be implementing something that we can do to really make a change in our long term. So these aren't just going to be single Sunan single Sooners that we follow amusing miswak or eating with your right hand. These are wonderful things to do. But we're going to try to put in routines that allow us to then project for the rest of the day today is called virtual dwarf. A lot of humps you're going to have to get through today and I'm not

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going to talk you through it as much. So I'm going to say sentences. And if they if you get caught up on them, you have to try to work yourself through. So the idea is simple, fast, and Ramadan are long and I II any of us who are trying to control our schedule, need to fill in those gaps where hey, I have nothing to do and I want to do something uplifting. The idea is very straightforward to find yourself in a posture of dignity, to put yourself in a place to receive and sit down, you could walk and do this, you could drive and do this but that is at a more advanced stage. The virtual thought is as follows. Once you sit seated yourself, grounded yourself very comfortably, then you

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will take 777 Deep breaths. The idea is to ground yourself sit with your pelvic bone as with as much flexibility as possible. Suck in your belly button as much as you can just sit in that respectful state where you're holding yourself together. And there I would like you to visualize the house of Allah subhanaw taala the Kaaba. If you can not visualize, you've never seen it before, then go ahead and pull up a picture on Google and or pull up MCCA live.net MCCA live.net. That's ma KKH live.net and or any YouTube channel that has a picture of the kava, your idea is to look at it long enough visualize it, imagine it and then you will, in your own mind, visualize the Kaaba and envision

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yourself walking around the house of Allah subhanaw taala. IE, you're saying if I had this much concentration, I'd probably be able to do anything in my head. So what are the seven things that you're going to do while trying to maintain a circumambulation walking around the house of Allah? So come with me right now, over here on our left side, the house of Allah is right here. I want you to build this idea with me. As we go around the first time deep breath in.

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You turn towards the Blackstone Bismillah Allahu Akbar, you show your love your admiration and in the first thought in your first breath.

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I want you to hold yourself walking around the Kaaba, in a state of consciousness Dakwah consciousness, awareness, mindfulness, the fact that you know that there's a God and you're connected.

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That's the first walk you get to the Yemeni corner Rabbana Artina dunya hacer una Villa de hacer una Joaquin Azova of now second breath

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Bismillah Allahu Akbar I acknowledge the stone I acknowledge the GABA in my second thoughts, I acknowledge I become I emanate hummed Shakur, Grace, thankfulness. I don't just say thanks. I feel it. I take in the air.

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And I maintain whether it's one breath three breaths, six breaths. I maintain my concentration as I cover finish the Hatim I come to the finish that Yemeni corner side Robina Tina dunya. Hassan, what will ask you about the house and our walk in Banaras Bismillah Allahu Akbar

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that third breath in that third toe off I'm envisioning I'm holding my concentration I'm training the brain to retain peak moments in my third toe off is stick for forgiveness. I'm asking for forgiveness, I'm accepting forgiveness I'm forgiving those around me from my past and from my present. I am forgiving myself by accepting joy I deserve joy and I accept myself as a miracle from Allah subhanaw taala I accept and forgive myself to that third though off Yemeni corner

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Robina Tina fit dunya Hassan Warfield Tierra de hacer una walk in other Banagher deep breath in

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in your fourth the last visualization Blackstone's right next to me mahkamah Ibrahim, we're just going to come up to here. I want you to hold it feel the powers the energy of the people around you. In your fourth off you're projecting in 36 months from now from 36 months from this Ramadan. What type of relationship do you want with your God with your LORD with yourself with

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those people around you. What type of body Do you want to have? How many languages do you want to speak? What communication Do you want to have with your spouse, your mom, your sisters, your brothers 36 months I want you in this whole life to think of this as a life shopping spree. You can envision whatever you want and how you want it. And you just keep coming along with me in that fourth off,

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reaching the Yemeni corner projecting everything I want in finance the way I want to look, feel communicate my arrogance level, how much inner enlightenment have I reached, getting to Robonaut in dunya Hasina or philosophy lot, he has worked in Banagher.

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Fifth breath fifth off Bismillah, Allahu Akbar acknowledging a stone that's not even from this multiverse, it's from the dimension of heaven that really should detach me, and Aleve allow me to to think and pray bigger. In my fifth toe off, I am now imagining and praying and envisioning the type of day it would take for me to reach my 36 month goal. So the fourth toe off was the projection for how great things are going to be within 36 months. The fifth aloft is a projection of what would it take to have the perfect day. So if I want to have a fit body, I'm waking up early, if I want to read Quran, I'm building it into my day on a daily basis in order to reach you got it, that 36 month

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projection of how my life is going to be that fifth off.

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Coming around to the Yemeni corner I see myself waking up without the alarm. I feel myself having a healthy housing, some kale and fasting on Monday on fasting on Thursday. I just feel myself having as many perfect days as possible and I see it, man, I got a bad mood at four o'clock. I'm experiencing all the things that really do happen, but I'm like, You know what? I have the thing that's going to pick up my spirit I have I have visualized it itself. Fifth off. Robina Athena dunya has an awful awful lot. He has an hour pina colada. Banagher Bismillah Allahu Akbar six tawaf. I am now completely exuding. I am a magnet for Baraka, bounty, good luck, good fortune.

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Best wishes, I am attracting all the goodness. And in the sixth off, I just want you to say it. I deserve bounty. The whole sixth off maintain it. You're causing the Yemen, the economy, Brahim, the semicircle, Hatim you're coming around to you saw the waterspout that drain, you're seeing the Yemeni corner side, you're seeing the Yemeni corner itself. 60 Eloff, Robina. Artina. Dunya. Has an awful awful lot. He has an alcanada burner. You have to stop here because this is the one where people cheat. They're like yep, yep, yep, gotta go. And they don't say they deserve this. Do you deserve this moment? Do you deserve this acceptance, this contentment, this love? Do? You deserve

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the routines and rituals that will get you to your 36 month goal? Bismillah Allahu Akbar Sixto off Robina denorfia Dunya Hassan Orfila de hacer un alcanada Banagher Bismillah Allahu Akbar Blackstone acknowledging it for the seventh throw off. The name of the seventh throw off is unity consciousness. You've experienced Dakwah hummed is the far projection perfect day why you deserve bounty because you do. And number seven, think of any one person or the whole Ummah or the whole world or a specific person and broadcast this feeling this sureness this us assurance of your love you being unconditionally accepted in love, broadcast that use that car Abba, the house of Allah as

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this pulsating wireless inner net inner net and it broadcasts the signal. You are visiting the Kaaba, think of a person broadcasted to them their Robina Tina Fey dunya Hassan, if you're new to using Unity Consciousness, say Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad, just imagine the 100 million people that are with me right now, as I say a lot more slowly. Allah Mohammed, if you want to tap Unity Consciousness one more time Rubba na Artina there it is, who are all our Lord, you're automatically connecting yourself to everyone there, the energy, the impulse, the excitement, we're going to bring it back down. Seven dwarf Robonaut dinar for dunya Hassan our villa flotilla has an open Adana,

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consciousness, Grace, forgiveness 36 month projection the day that would make up the perfect day, why I deserve bounty because you do and unity consciousness. When could you do this? And we did it together in nine minutes. How often Could you stop? I asked you to do this in the morning. I'm going to cut it off here because we don't want to get too long. This is virtual thought

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Every day, once in the morning, once in the evening, and your work, you're not gonna be talking this all out seven breaths, friend up and down. You can do it. And I know there's a sense of excitement you're like, really, this is it. This is our first Sona supplement routine and ritual is the idea of visualizing the house of Allah subhanaw taala, walking around it and mentally maintaining, I am in a state of consciousness. I am in a state of grace. I'm not thankful. I'm just in a state of things.

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Which is the state of grace, I am forgiving, forgiving, and a source of forgiveness. I deserve better of my life. Hence, I'm projecting the best life through the best perfect day. I deserve it all. And as a result, I project that deservingness to someone else, a Syrian child of someone dying in the eastern African countries that are facing drought and famine, for drought and floods. Those people who have no water in Flint people in America, people going to the kids are sick just broadcast the act of loving kindness. It's a pleasure to be with you all. Let's get started. In our next one, we'll talk about a supercharged dua. So let's get started with taking charge of our

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routines and rituals. Get started once in the morning once in the evening, Peace upon you around you. You already are a source of peace.

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