Wisam Sharieff – How I Designed Quran Memorization For Adults

Wisam Sharieff
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of memorizing the Quran and building a network of people for personal and professional development. They emphasize the need for practice and understanding the process for personal development and personal growth. The goal is to improve one's personal and professional development, achieve a clear path for the next five years, and set goals for success. Consistent patterns of routine and practice are essential for achieving success, and setting goals and expectations for success is crucial for personal growth. The importance of memorization and identifying behavior patterns is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Is there any kind of story that would encapsulate the experience of memorize mentor? Or if not the experience, memorize mentor but like, I could just have three quick ones you tell me for sure. Let's go for one story that really stands out to me. Brother James started or on revolution in level one, proceeded through the first year, then finished the second year of grand revolution, learning how to memorize doing that twice. So he's already invested three years to go from zero to learning how to memorize the fact that I met brother James A week ago, after he started memorize mentor 36 months ago, and brother James finished the memorization of Surah Baqarah watching someone go from Elif

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Bata, and within three years learning to read and building the confidence to memorize, and then within 36 months,

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beating all the obstacles that said, I don't think I can do this and completing the reading, writing and recording of all of Surah Baqarah. Scenario One brother James blew my mind. Another amazing story is a mom of five who came into the program saying, I've always wanted to learn to memorize the Quran. And I've always been trying, but I was raising my kids. And finally, after marrying off my first daughter, I still have a house full of kids, I decided I'm not letting this go anymore. And she said, Can you teach me how to memorize and provide me a the support so that I can do it on my time? We said, Sure. That's what memorize mentor does. And I would like to say that now grandmother

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is a mother of five and a grandma of hamdulillah has memorized half of the Quran. Yes, that's exceptional in 36 months, that's exceptional. And that isn't the norm. But from somebody who said I always wanted this to becoming a grandma and saying now I'm going to get it. That was an astonishing story for me. Oh, can I tell the heart attack one? Okay, okay, this is real. This is as real as it gets a story that blew my mind and if I was not Nehring eating it. If I was not narrating it to you firsthand, then I would not take I wouldn't believe this if you were telling me. In memorize mentor, we have a student who started with us Quran revolution, from Grand revolution, they took 10 minute

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reading slots, and just saying I'm a physician I've always wanted to memorize but I don't know if I have the commitment. I said then keep going in these reading slots and these one off grant programs he took around revolution. And then eventually brother Bill out he joined, memorize mentor. And within a few weeks he complained he said My schedule is really tight. And I'm going in for some basic workout. In memorize mentor, we have 30 minute appointments.

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This physician called us and said direct called us and said I believe I'm presently having a heart attack. I will miss today's appointment. Wait for my wife's call to let me know how the rest goes. This is the beginning wait if your jaw dropped. Now, this is the beginning. He is having a heart attack. He was on his way to the hospital room. And this is the doctor who some of his friends were then checking him out. He had a full open heart surgery when he coded brothers and sisters. He went bye bye from this dunya went back came back. He came back six and a half seven weeks cardio respiratory therapy so he had to go to a respiratory place to help learning and below eight weeks

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from a heart attack. He came back and said we some I'm going to memorize the Quran. Like this is my chance at life. Why am I even back? And with Allah subhanaw taala has mercy has he created? Has he finished a whole lot of grunt? No, I can't say that he did a lot. He just never gave up. And now that doctor says was awesome. I am going out. You all have provided the environment to memorize. It is up to me to use my life energy to do it. So thank you. Thank you to you, Dr. Saab. I appreciate the fact that you remembered us and this is almost an homage to to the students who are on their heart attack bed saying I don't know if I'll make this week's appointment but my wife will let you

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know how it goes. And after six weeks to come back eight weeks afterwards, he was back in his first appointment like gas a little bit gasping air but he's like, gonna take it slower. But let's go

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And he's like, now I'm going to memorize that story has a lot of things that kind of addressed the question of

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how they can you showcase and share with us the consequences and value of how the memorize mentor program and this whole commitment is going to affect the individual on, let's start with, for, for them on the job on the job, right, whatever career that a person has, excuse me, whatever career that a person has, how's it going to affect them in that, in that what regardless of the field that they're in, but just professionally.

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One of the things that I knew would come about, but I didn't know how the mentor mentees would come and tell me so mentees how we refer to our students.

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Our mentees came back and said in their professional lives, the first thing physicians, nurses, and people in the corporate space found was their colleagues were telling them, there's something different about you. There's something very calm, and a lot of people said, Oh, I got a mentor, I got a I got a life coach. But students came forth and said, because they had some place 30 minute appointment where they didn't have to produce. They didn't have to recite what they memorized. But there was a 30 minute appointment to tell them, You're enough. We're here together during this week. It gave them a place the mentees a place to ground themselves to feel secure. And so one of the

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greatest shifts physicians, we have two students who are presently doctorate students, they're writing their PhDs in biology and in other fields, both of them said, the organization comes later, we felt grounded, every place in life you show up, you're late you're not on time. You didn't do your you're always explaining your shortcomings in the memorize mentor 30 minute appointment, where you would presume you're supposed to recite all the stuff you memorized. You start out with a Salam Alikum villa? Or how are you Al Hamdulillah. Now tell me a mental, physical, spiritual check in and being able to do that once a week. 30 minutes with a mentor before you discuss or recite makes you a

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grounded person. And then every field or facet, wherever you're working, you'll be the head as you have a team behind you. And people will tend to notice that you're more calm.

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Now, what's what's in it for them with regards to how does it affect their relationship with their personal lives? As far as your personal relationships, I think the instead of the people around you, the first place you're going to feel a change is yourself. You will realize you always wanted to memorize the Quran, you needed a team to help you get there. And once you're happy with what you're doing, it affects you tremendously. Your friend circle that wants to pin you down to who you were, is automatically going to ask you, oh, don't don't make this big life change. But your spouse, your kids, your parents, your family will see in the beginning they might say is this some phase he or

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she is going through. But as soon as you show the perseverance, and utilize the memorize mentor team, who's your PR HR team for memorizing the Quran, you start saying I have a I have a team behind me and you start to exude the

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responsibility. I was gonna say professionalism. You start exuding what it takes to be a memorizer of Quran and the people around you see it and it's a cycle. You're not doing it for anyone else. But when other people see you following through, you will raise in value to those who admire you, your spouse, your kids, and I will tell you some of your personal relationships will be challenged folks around you will wonder why you're elevating your game. I think memorization is a great line in the sand for that next evolution in your life. Now if somebody is if you were to complete the sentence the big picture that I have for you so the course of this entire memorize Mentor Program is dot dot

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dot. How would you follow that?

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The big picture in memorize mentor is the zero level. If you were to leave anything when you finish this program, it is the inevitability you're heading to paradise. One thing you would get is that you would visualize yourself in paradise and work backwards.

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Why am I here? All right before I passed away, I went for Hajj. And then I built an orphanage, and then the hospital and then the orphans. And then the Oh yeah, in 2023 I started memorizing the Quran if there's one thing memorize mentor is gearing you towards the mentality of the memorizer is I worship a Rahmani Raheem, my destination is paradise. And if I work backwards, I see that the story is leading me there. So if you look at memorize mentor forward, daily, you're memorizing weekly, you're improving your personal relationship with the Prophet peace be upon him. Third, you're doing a monthly book summary each month. Quarterly, you're upgrading lifestyle techniques, and on a yearly

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basis, you're calibrating yourself, are you on target, that's every year but if you went in said paradise and worked backwards, that's the one thing memorize mentor wants to instill in you destination paradise. Now, if

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they kind of you kind of phrase it but maybe if you're going to shorten it, like I could take in the sense of like, I plan to cover ABC for XYZ via 123 I can do that right? And then at the end of this program, you'll be able to demonstrate because here's what I understand, right this whole memorize Mentor Program is that

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we're going to basically help you memorize the Quran through a process called How to know yourself via the adjustment in alteration of your lifestyle using tools and techniques and knowledge for personal development. I see so that you can then make it your lifelong habit of being connected to the book of Allah. That's how I understood one one sentence Yeah.

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It did I hit it. I'm gonna give back.

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Memorize mentor is a destination for you to see and be able to memorize the entire Quran. How we will get to that destination is by instilling the habits, the rituals, and the techniques you will need to not only retain the Quran, but have the personality of a believer with the mentality of a memorizer all the while upgrading your lifestyle components from eating nutrition flexibility, while recalibrating yourself to see am I hitting all the trajectory points, memorize mentor, a complete system to memorize and build yourself into a retainer guardian of the Quran. Now, if you were to ask, like at the end of this program, you'll be able to demonstrate what right and I kind of want

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you to hit home. Like what is the end of this program? Meaning timeline, right? Okay, and what is it that you'll be able to do? Demonstrate, memorize mentor focuses on a five to seven year spectrum where students begin their memorization will be able to master their recitation have an integral relationship with the vocabulary of what they're memorizing, and be able to develop the long term skills for memorization and retention. Within a five to seven year program. Students typically complete the memorization of Quran, which includes its recording and writing complete more than 50 personal development books with their instructors. But most importantly, they leave with a sense of

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community, a group that has been built around them to remind them of the responsibility of carrying the Quran. By the end of memorize mentor, you have not only developed the tools and technique for you to revise, but have built a network of like minded individuals who've done the same process as you. Okay, so now you get to kind of go into the details, but on a macro level of what you're going to cover and how you're going to cover it. Right. So I would assume, right, generally are let's just say the target timeline is five years. And so in five years, you're one we're going to cover. So as I understand, right, you just you mentioned several components, right? You mentioned the Quran,

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memorizing memorization, right? Then you've got the personal development books and reading that's monthly. So you got the Hadith Done Books, okay. What do you mean Hadith? So week, one Hadith a week, okay, it's read to you in a video and it's part of the lesson. Okay, so you've got the memorization on the weekly, daily memorization, weekly, Hadith, monthly book summary, quarterly lifestyle upgrade, and then yearly calibration. So it's just everyday you have to memorize Quran every week, you should read one Hadith and act on it. Every month you should integrate a book into your life. Now the Hadith these are Hadith that are random or these are from cirriculum the

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curriculum the first 40 Hadith

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Without the 40 Hadith of the Islamic personality, it's a compilation only of personality and manners. So that takes up the first year, the second year is a double boyfriend. And that third years are 40. Hadith, okay. And the books themselves on a monthly basis, the idea is that they would read it and then so no, so I can give a 32nd. I'll give it to you. 32nd is it's the book club where you don't have to read any books, you have to know the name of the book that the title, author and what's the key component? Okay, the book then is summarized for you. What does the memorizer of the Quran need out of Tony Robbins, Awaken the Giant from within? What is a memorizer take out of a

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chakra book about hands off healing hands. So the cool part is it's not just a here are some great books, but I read the book, here's the specific thing, I would want you as a memorizer to take out, okay. And then there was a quarterly lifestyle upgrade. So quarterly lifestyle upgrade every four months, for four months, we do a visit. So the first key it's called a keystone is a visionary. It's called chronic transformation. We sit down with you and we plan your life for 1224 and 36 months, okay? One, two and three years, one, two and three years. Okay, we divide those three, as we call it the three most important questions. What are what are the things you want to experience in 1224?

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What are the places you want to grow? And what are the contributions you want to give back? Okay, they fill out this chart, then you answer the three most important questions in dua, Who is Allah to you? Who are you to Allah? And what what is Hassan? What do you want. So in form, it takes a while to do this. And then they end up with a collage, they usually have something up on their wall with a vision board type of thing called 100%. After four months of this bill out, then we one of the things everyone wants in their vision board is health. And the next four months is immediately let's analyze your Salah like an ESPN announcer. And we videotape our salon for six weeks, people pray in

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maybe in their pajamas that they would not pray, and then they videotape it. And then the sisters kind of give notes for each other, but you spend four months because if I told you below, go do knees to knees to the ground.

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Without any hands, that takes a long time to develop knees over toes. But if you had four months, so that's the next four months and then the last four months of that first year is called the perfect date where we master your schedule. Okay, and so that's what a quarterly Keystone or lifestyle upgrade is called. And then after a year, this all sounds great. I read Quran daily, weekly Hadith, I did a monthly book summary of every four months I upgraded a component of my life diet sleep. So every four months, not three. There are three key stones a year and it Yes, and it covers four months. If I said three I was incorrect. Okay, I Keystone is four months long. There are three key

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stones. It's not a quarter this trimester kind of thing. You are right, I see it. I'm saying quarterly in the wrong if it was three, it would have been right, right? Quarterly. No, we need to call it try. Tralee I mean it try trimester. So

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every trimester, we have one lifestyle upgrade every trimester we have one lifestyle upgrade. Those are the things in life milestones, you can't change overnight or in a seminar in a lecture, you need to see tended growth and rather flexibility for your salon. And then after a year. So this doesn't sound like a look, I have books on my shelf and my Lamborghini in the hills. We yearly sit down with all of our students, and I'm proud to say we're 36 months in the proof is already there. And we say hey friend, did we over promise, or did you meet? Did you hit your trajectory points on this year, and most students are ahead of schedule or right where they want it to be. Okay. So that so again,

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just as a recap, if you could recap it again, you got it in like a single statement is like alright, daily, weekly, monthly, trimester li annually got it right.

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One thing I think is amazing with memorize mentor were there every step of the way. On a daily basis. We're interacting on recitation and your memorization journey. On a weekly basis. We are feeding you Hadith that we've selected in our curriculum to upgrade your Islamic personality. On a monthly basis. We've organized over 100 personal development books, where you have the opportunity to know the name, title and a key point that I would want you to know as a memorizer of the Koran. After your monthly book summaries you are then

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Engaging with

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trimester really at three times a year I lifestyle upgrade your salon, your DUA, your schedule your sleep, your diet. And lastly after three trimesters of the year after three lifestyle upgrades, we're going to sit down and recalibrate on a yearly basis and say, hey below Fatima.

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Have we hit anything? Or is this just an infomercial? How are we hitting any of our trajectory points. So at the end of the year, we recalibrate whether that's daily memorization weekly, Islamic personality upgrades, monthly book summaries, try a three times a year lifestyle upgrades, or that yearly check in memorize mentor is empowering you the tools that you're not alone. The biggest tool we're giving you is you're not alone. Why did you guys choose? Every four verses three months? 16 weeks. postures of prayer was the first one. Oh, it's just that the curriculum is designed 16 weeks at a time. Yeah. All the curriculum. We are on Bilaal I think you'll be happy we're on our ninth

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Keystone. Okay. And yeah, and so nightsky so meaning ninth four month luck. Yeah. Nine four month like and, and we've

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we're doing language of Quran now. Which is which is our was like vocabulary know, it's a full it's a full blown Arabic curriculum. We're teaching Arabic. Okay. Like,

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I think we you've seen my evolution, Are these like elective supplements? No, they're part of this part of the probe part of the course. Now, are there students who fall by a who don't do their Keystone right now? They're just memorizing and they're two months behind on their Keystone? Yeah, sure. Because for me, like, I'm just looking at it from the perspective of like, just to how to know yourself process of like hearing it, you know, and then, you know, practicing it, and then drilling it and then writing it and recording it on a on a daily basis over the course of a week of a Subak. Five lines at a time. So we were doing more than five lines at a time. Right? How are they in a

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single week? How much everyone starts from two and a half then five? Build up with that everyone? Yeah. Okay. And they do they build up till they get to 15 and the neck to coast at 15. Okay, so by the time you get into a page a day, paid not a page, a page on page a week.

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So even the Peter week I get I understand I've done it, but like to go more than people do in in the in year two and three, they're doing two pages a week. Yeah. And there are there are a small group of people who do three pages a week. Yeah, okay. Okay. So but adding on top of that Arabic learning? Like how do you how is that not overwhelming for somebody who has a nine to 525 to 40 year old type? Because every Keystone lesson is 10 minutes. So it's 10 with Arabic, for example, do you have we haven't? Well, it's still 10 minutes. So um, that curriculum hasn't.

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We haven't shot the curriculum, so I'll talk about it once we shoot the curriculum. Okay, okay. Okay. Okay.

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So let's talk about objective, right, I'm gonna break we're gonna break the objective out. Got it. So let's first talk about objective is broken into three parts. There's action, there's requirement, and then there's the benchmark action requirement and bench, right. So with regards to action, what you're basically saying, at the end of this

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program, you're going to be able to demonstrate what what, right. By the way, this is a whole side discussion. I feel like there shouldn't be a you popper for every Keystone. Yes, you don't say absolutely. There's so and I'll just say this right now. We are actively try developing a program called AQL legacy. Yeah, which is memorize mentor without the Quran. It's the AQR legacy is 15 Key stones, okay, in a 24 month program, right? What if someone didn't want to memorize the Quran but your I love all this other stuff? So yes, in order for me to get two AQ a legacy, which are 15 four month courses, yeah, it has to have it because every four months, you guys are kind of read or

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recalibrating sort of how or every year at least.

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Well, the Keystone is basically you're looking because you set a goal right? Yeah, right and so now at the end of system it is almost like you're refreshing but it continued like your chronic transformation continued. transformation continues but like and then you're so I don't see the so if I'm just looking at it from the perspective of if you're if your trimester frying it, yeah, right, every like what's happening every 14 weeks, right? There's a new there's a brand new Keystone, but it still sits in the same spot on your lesson. So great example of the first four

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Once a keystone, or is a keystone, is everybody on the same Keystone regardless of when he entered? No, no. Okay, so what is a bill all starts today? Yeah. You don't have any Keystone for the first six weeks. You're just getting into the program. Okay. After your onboarding says on the seventh week, yeah, so Allegra de la brother, beloved is your first week of Quranic transformation. All I'm gonna do now is just explain what are the four months now starts at Week Seven? Yes. So basically almost two months in? Yep. So first six months is where the real programming is? Yeah. You're two months onboarding. And then and then now you're going to do the first four months is this grand

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transformation. This is where, from a marketing perspective, we really try to get into their mind. Okay, like, we really want to get into the way someone feels, what are their motivations? What are their real goals? Okay, why do you want to memorize? And, again, everyone has the, the first layers answers, and then there's a lot more behind it. Childhood inadequacies. you unpack all of these things, when you do a vision board, when you do any type of exercise like this. One of the exercises we do is based off of mind valleys, what experiences growth and places place of growth and contribution Do you want to have? Okay, they all come back to the same thing, we're getting to know

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yourself better. Okay. So at the end of those at the end of the first six months now, what happens? At the end of the first six months, people have a very clear vision of what they want. And then we sit next to the path for the next five years, essentially clear, is a yes, well, in, let's say, in the first six months at the end, they've got a clear path for the next year, okay. And people who haven't believed in themselves yet, have yet to see that year three, two and three are going to happen. But we have a clear path of as soon as you finish your Quranic transformation, you've written it. The next step is postures of prayer. So it's almost more tangible for people because

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they pray five times a day that already so their posture is a prayer now is the next four months after that. Yes. Okay. So that's what I'm saying. Right? Like it is all played out. You're right. Okay, so, so the first six months, is you and I feel like the first two months requires its own new popper. Yep. Right. Like, here's what kind of transformation is not even this is your onboarding. Yep. Right. By the end of the year, by the end of this two month period, you'll be able to demonstrate this, that

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by the end of the, by the end of the first six weeks of memorize mentor, you'll understand how to execute the five steps, and what is called our fantasy schedule. You'll know how to get Sunday to read your Quran out loud Monday, Wednesday, Friday, do your memorization and then the other day is to revise. Yes, in your first six weeks, you will learn how to utilize the system and in the next four months, you will engineer the reality that you will live you will paint the picture, you will fantasy to fruition where you're headed. Okay, so then now the real question is, what's required of them? What are the rules, this is where you get to set expectation, right? So and I will say phrase

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it in two parts, phrase it in the first, you know, six weeks or two months, and then phrase it also and then the four months after that, here's what's required of you, a beginner's mind coming to the task, that I will be a retainer of the Quran, it's really important not to come with any expectations, or any preconceived notions on how fast you're gonna go. Once you come with an empty cup and evolve, you know the idea of coming as a fresh bowl. The next thing I will require before anything else is to make an intention to make your live appointment. Many students need to hear this even before they start the program. You aren't attending a 30 minute live session to show us what

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you've done. You're arriving for the first six weeks of the program. If you arrive and recite by looking you have succeeded.

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If you arrive and recite, then you have already achieved your goal for that week. And once you're settled in after those first six weeks, I want you to imagine that the next four months of the program, are you fusing your reality with the reality of the Quran being a part of your life. So you're going to struggle you're going to have to make the sacrifice for what you want memorization for all the things that you're willing to take out of your life. It's not that you want to memorize the Quran. It is all of the things you're willing to give up in order to memorize the Quran. So how much of it is consumption versus workshop versus you know, like, because a lot of times, you know,

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it's like if there's a book right, the prologue of the book

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A well written prologue is going to go into how to read this book. Yeah, right, in opening of a course is going to tell you how to go through the course. At least in the first six months here, how do you go through that in the first six months of memorize mentor, it's a lot about conditioning the mind to see things in a new paradigm, ie the word memorization. We usually think Cat Cat, cat, look, I remember the word cat. As opposed to, I want to remember this word, the shape the letters that it's made of, I want to recall a the fuzziness of this word. So in the first six months, you are using a lot of your energy to reshape and reframe thoughts words that you have the truest

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expectation to start out for the first six months of the program. And if you're calling in a memorization program, for the first six months, I want you to show up to your appointments, complete your five steps, and look and read to a professor. Once a week, these three things, then I know you're getting settled in. But you will say, Brother Assam, I did the five things, five steps, but I didn't memorize. And because I didn't memorize, I didn't come to my 30 minute appointment. And I didn't come to this 30 minute appointment. So I find that their whole, my whole schedule is off. And thus it didn't work for me. So the only three things that I'm asking for you now is to make the

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intention come to your appointment, look and read to your professor and come to that appointment. Having done all of the five steps. That's what's expected. And that's the best way to utilize memorize mentor. Now, generally speaking, is the what is the time commitment? sure somebody needs to be putting in on a weekly basis. And does that change beyond with each trimester Right? Or is the time commitment just more or less steady throughout

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the whole five years process

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when it comes to time commitment, memorize mentor is organic, it moves with the students. So any number I give you I II, 90 minutes, two hours, it's not going to be static. We have physicians who are on call seven days working seven days straight, and then their offers seven days. So and moms your schedule is more sporadic. So let's work together on this for memorization in a week, we believe you are putting in 90 minutes to two hours. And you're blowing your mind because you're How could it be that little? Putting 90 minutes to two hours a week to memorization is what we require from the students. I in addition to that, well then how do I get through the Hadith 10 minutes? How

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do we get through the book summary 10 minutes, you can double the two if you want to make this half an hour because you were making notes, and 10 minutes plus to 20 minutes to do exercise. So I'd say one full hour for your electives during the week, 90 minutes to two hours memorization sprinkled throughout the week

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and another hour of your electives. So we're assuming about two to three hours of work. Now. That's enough. If you put two to three hours consistently, you will find that we find places like revising your sewer as in your Sunnah prayers, I'm not going to calculate how many times how much time you're praying. So now already, I maybe took away two to three minutes more and asked you to read a longer passage there. So it doesn't scare you, does it blow you away that it's two to three hours a week. I think if you saw two or three hours a week consistently, that might change the way you interact with your memorization journey. Now, there's also the setting of the expectation with regards to context

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and setting. Okay, right. So now this is in relation to

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some people that I've spoken with, with regards to like the amount of content that I've produced. Some of the content that we produce was on a black drop, right, but then I'd have a meaning or the has some sort of background right in the back. And so I got a comment back like, Hey, man, sometimes the visuals are so jarring. Like, what are you talking about? And he's like, Well, you got the black background and then suddenly, there's all this like brightness. And I'm like, Okay, first of all, where are you watching this? It's like, well, I'm watching it in bed before I go to sleep. Right? So the whole room was dark, everything is dark. I got a black background, boom, we got a flash of

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light. I'm like okay, first of all, that's when I realized I need to ask my instructors to tell on camera. Hey, this is the setting in which you should consume the course right? And now they have to explicitly say please don't consume our courses laying in bed before you go

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asleep, right like so. Very good point.

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Memorize mentor has embodied a philosophy, it's called a real time retention. Our videos are shot in the time and setting that you would be sitting in front of your teacher. So in any of the videos, if I am sitting in front of you on the ground cross legged or in another posture of dignity, I would imagine you're doing the same. Not many people ask, but I think we live in a time and age where I have to say it, none of my content is consumed in bed, under the covers snuggled up with a few pillows behind you. It is not Netflix, passive couch content, either. These are all real time retention, how would you consume this if you were sitting in front of me memorizing the book of

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Allah. Now let's talk about the degree of accomplishment, right? The expectation of how you expect your mentee to be growing through the, I guess the passage of time, but maybe set the expectation at least maybe in the first six months versus the first year, a Harvard study showed a lot of us under overestimate what we can do in a single year, and underestimate what we can do in three to five years. At memorize mentor, we expect from our students in the first six months of their memorization journey in their infancy, to show consistency to stay steadfast to not try to speed up because at the end of the day, it's still a 600 Plus page journey. After six months of getting your bearings,

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learning to crawl and do the same movements over and over again.

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The next thing expected from mentees is to plot out their years I II in the next year. So that would be six months now a year from now, where can I be with my memorization? And where are some incremental points where if I calculate not a perfect day, we use this phrase a lot. We're not going to have perfect days every day. But if I can have 200, perfect days next year, what are the possibilities of where I can end up. So as far as a degree of accomplishment, the greatest accomplishment is keeping yourself in a consistent pattern of routines and rituals, a consistent schedule. And then we can plot out with you because by the second year, we start telling students,

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it looks like you'll finish four to five years from now it looks like you'll finish this many months from now, which is a the law of abundance if we can keep doing it again. And again, we're going to get greater return. So now let's talk about the benchmark right the yardstick for which they can measure themselves. Right. All right. So consistency is the degree of accomplishment, right? But what's the what's the yardstick to measure that?

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So you kind of mentioned all you have 200 days, right? But like, is there more to it?

00:38:05 --> 00:38:45

A yardstick of accomplishment for a memorize mentee is your personal growth we never share or we are never comparing ourselves to other folks, you are your measurement. Ie we'll start out in our first six weeks of memorization with two and a half lines, which seems very small, and then we will increase you to five lines. And from there after a period of time seven and a half. And I think you know, the goal will become 15 the measurement. If I were to say to anyone, are you doing as well as you did, you are your greatest competition in memorize mentor.

00:38:47 --> 00:39:02

So, have you seen or not? Have you seen? What have you observed in the memorize Metro has been going around for 36 months in totality since the beginning. It's three years it's been in play. And in three years.

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What is the observation that you've made for the first six months that by the end of the six months? How many lines are they genuinely for the most part, I would say 80% of people getting to

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on average within six months, students and this is very much I feel like the one person who's going to misunderstand this as the person who gets stuck. People who aren't counting lines, they end up memorizing 10 to 15 lines by the end of six months. Those who count their lines. Always stay at about seven and a half and say oh brothers Tom, I can't do more than half a page. How come I've heard that phrase so many times. I feel like because students say I can't memorize more than half a page. But everyone else who gets the seven and a half lines and just keeps going by the end of six months.

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10 Law

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means or very comfortably, Brother B last six months and they are memorizing one page every week. Okay. Now let's talk about the proof of ability with regards to

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what can we do? It has to do with showcasing the success of the approach. Okay? So we're students said, well, there was time I didn't tell you but I skipped step four for the last three weeks, it's more or less about answering the question of how do I know it's going to work for me? Right. And so

00:40:32 --> 00:40:44

I guess there's a couple questions that can kind of hit point up, okay. First is has what you're what you're going to be sharing in this program, where the first two months or six months or the year

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they like, how has it helped people in the, in the past in the sense of what are the clear observations that you've made? Got it?

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Most people come to memorization with the idea. If I read it enough times, I'll remember it. And then after I remember it, if I do really, really good, I'll hang on to that memory. And we treat it like a song we heard when we were little. If I just hear it enough times, then I'll memorize it, and then I'll hang on to that memory. I think most people need to change that, in understanding that I need to learn how to memorize and I think that's what memorize mentor delivers. I've noticed that students will come to me and say Brother Assam I don't know how to write, I'm going to skip this step. And the irony is friends, let's take that, for example. I don't know how Don't you think a

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part of the memorization is going to be the learning of the writing this forcing yourself to I don't know how I've come to see that. I'll give you a quick example here. It'll, it'll pull everything together. A student came to me and said, Brother Psalm, I had to tell you something. I said, what happened? I haven't been writing for the last six weeks. And I said, I figured but I want tell me, then brother Sam, I went back. And I started writing in my pages. brother Sam, I know those pages so much better. And most of you who are guessing Yes, it was a guy. Of course, a guy is going to cut the the biggest tedious, most intricate, you might as well be picking curtains at Bed Bath and

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Beyond. I guess it's a very tedious process. But as soon as he came back and said brother, some I never skipping writing again. And by the way, that student has never skipped writing and now makes it a point to show me. I have showed me his writing. I have seen over the last 36 months. Everyone who came thinking that they know how to memorize said I wish I had learned the system better. And that's what I've noticed over 36 months. Everyone comes in first six months, Bilaal it's like they're all doing a different version of the same song and dance. Here's why I don't need to use your system. And it's like, oh, okay, sure. I'll see you in a couple of weeks. And then they come

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back and one brother said something perfect. Oh, I memorized Surah Bacara. So I can't do all these steps again. Can I just start from Ali Imran and I said, you memorize Bukhara hills. Yeah. I said, you heard it for the first time you 7x Did you three by three. You wrote it, you recorded it. And I said, according to my system. You barely did one step. You read it. 7x. And then you close your eyes and read it. He goes, Yeah. And guess what? I said fine. My recommendation starts are Baccarat. He started Allium Ron and went with the same thing. He goes, this is so hard. I said, you know why it's hard? Because you're not used to doing this system. I said, Wouldn't it be great if you went back to

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serve Accra something you know, already and bring a beginner's mind. But below three months, we spent three months buying back his time, in the last 36 months, friends I have found when you do things with the consistency, they will have your back better than the day you magically memorize three pages because you were it was a wonderful the stars were aligned. That doesn't give you consistency for you. So essentially, if they're not following the system, they're establishing poor behaviors. Absolutely. Now you have to go back and undo those behavior patterns and recreate new ones as opposed to starting fresh with the behavior patterns that they should have had beforehand.

00:44:37 --> 00:44:56

Yeah, and I don't like to use the word shudder, but coulda woulda you all know. And I think it goes back to now, I don't know, do you have a part of the assessment where it recognize it identifies how often do you put your mentor mentees through the stop sign analogy?

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Or what they would do? Yeah, I think once every

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for four to six weeks, we asked our mentors to we're coming in because that way you kind of have a clear, because if somebody who is a questioner, for example, right, yeah, the blow through the stop sign, regardless of whether they need a reason or not, right, like, you know beforehand going in that that's going to be a person who's going to challenge the system. And I think that comes up on the first example, when the first appointment comes, there's an administrator who usually does the debrief. Yeah. And they usually ask, what was your assessment? Do you think this is someone who's going to follow through on the steps or not? And then you can usually tell, and I will be upfront. I

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don't want to give a trade secret. If it's a male 25 to 40 years old, they're not writing. Yeah, they are going to, I'm going to try my best brother. And then I know what I try my best. But isn't that the 25 to 40? Your major bell curve? Audience? Males? They're not 25? Four, we have older males. We have mud 25 to 40 are females. Okay, but the male men, men, professional men, really? They're the ones who are the one we have the debrief, they're looking for the shortcuts they're looking for brother can give it yes, they are. And I don't want to say brothers as a is just a waste of life. No, no, I wish Tom would do the same exact thing. Okay, I you know, right 50% of it, or

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just whatever, I could do the cut the fat, and then start cutting into the actual meat, the meat of it. Yeah, I think that we do that.

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How many people bill out don't put 40 seconds on the microwave, they say for four? Because it's too long for their finger. I know, in my case, right? Like, I'll put I'll hit 30 seconds twice to get the minute or four times. Right, as opposed to type in type 200 Start, this is a very man thing. So like, let's just take it as it is. Okay. I'm not trying to that because I'm not trying to save. So what types of people I would cut the same? So I mean, I don't know if this is part of the video or not, but the people who get who dropped after six months? Yeah, they that category? Majority of them. The people who left the program. Yeah. Are are who after six months or more? Yeah, are males

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who were not doing what we were at the requirements. Yeah. But I don't know how else to say but we're struggling with the ego of I'm not giving this up. Okay. So but then I would sit with them in the fifth month be like, bro, just right, right one week, see if it works, okay, but they wouldn't leave, nor would they do it. So that was tough. I just feel like this is very important to keep in the you popper. So that people coming in who fall into that category of 25 to 40 year old male males who are CEOs or working in Fortune 500 Because I have five who were to us top brass in their company.

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And memorize mentor is super flexible biller we work with physician surgeons we we can make it work. But there was something about the that certain demographic of male,

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they weren't willing to bend towards us a bit to get more out of it. And then they did eventually. But they kept saying I won't give up. And I was like, I don't want you to give up. You keep shooting yourself in the foot, like help me help you. And then they would, then there's always a period of darkness. Yeah, because you're a man and you don't know how to say, I don't know if this is working out. And then they there's an email where they probably saw something on their credit card. And they're like, oh, yeah, I can't do this anymore.

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That's a very Okay, so let's just do a quick recap. Got it. So if we were to if I were to recap it, let me understand, right. So the process is.

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So every week, you not every day you're memorizing. Every week, you're also going to be covering some highlights the supplements the memorization, every month, you're going over personal development factor. And in a four in a year, four month period, right? There's a trimester theme, so to speak, right? For example, there's the onboarding, getting used to the system, that's, that's the first six months or so. And then after that, you're going into the lifestyle of that lifestyle upgrades and so on. In terms of personal development of like, you talked about the nice of the toasting right? And then a yearly calibration I can get this much portion 232 So just as a review,

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memorize mentor Intel intends to help you memorize the entire Quran on a daily basis on a weekly basis upgrade your personality with the sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him monthly develop your mentality as a memorizer with personal development books, three times a year, we're going to have a four month Keystone a lifestyle upgrade. And finally at the end of each year, we'll do a recalibration session in order to see are we on the right trajectory to reach that five to seven year ago

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And then you can just roll right into the utility. I was like, Hey, this is gonna benefit you in your health, wealth relationships and you can actually do a lot

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and with memorize mentor you envisioning and fantasizing, your completion, what's the utility and I think all of my insides light up to you will be a half of the Quran. Someone who has written the Quran recorded the Quran, who has mastered 15 to 20 aspects of their life from food diet, their scheduled sleep finance, and at the end of this five to seven year period, not only accepted destination paradise, but have built a routine and rituals that will lead to your last actions being your best. This is Imam Wissam Sharif for memorize mentor. Come join us on the inside

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