Wasim Kempson – Islami QA 18 (29082022)

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The importance of following guidance from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in achieving Islam's goal is emphasized. The importance of having a trusted dream and not base decisions on dreams is also emphasized. The challenges faced by youth in their lifecycle, including lack of guidance and struggles with achieving goals, are discussed. The importance of educating Muslims and avoiding harms is emphasized, as well as the use of hesitation and dressing in public settings. The success of Islam in driving people to achieve their goals is also discussed, along with the use of hesitation and dressing in public settings.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are you ready

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Ashraf Colombia he will say you didn't want to study in so you didn't want to be Mohamed while early he was happy, he may not appraise belongs to Allah. And may the peace and blessings of Allah, Allah Allah be upon His final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. A Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, my dear brothers and sisters and viewers at home, welcome to another episode of Islamic, where I'm sure many of you may be at home, today's bank holiday. So you have the opportunity, quite easily shorthanded to contact us to call us with the telephone number that's appearing at the bottom of

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your screen. And if you do want to call us, that's fine, then you can send your message. Yes, you can write your message to us through the WhatsApp number, which is also appearing at the bottom of your screen.

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So to start with,

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for those who are

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regular watchers of this particular show is lawmaker

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you will know that the introduction to the show has been the same since the very start.

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And so we're talking about 15 years, possibly maybe even more than that this show

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or maybe even instance, you know, the start of Islam channel. But as far as I can remember, at least in my participation in it, which goes back maybe 13 years or so, the introduction of this particular show the verse that is used, because as you will know that there is verse of the Quran is which is recited at the beginning of this particular show.

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And how many of you actually know what the meaning of this particular area is at the beginning of the show? I don't know. Maybe those who speak Arabic or have studied, they will know what it means.

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But it is a verse in Surah Tunis

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and it is addressing the believers, all you who have believed,

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obey Allah, and obey the messenger, or all Amoraim income, and those who have authority over you.

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And the remaining holder is intended as a term fishy that if you ever differ in any matter, then you take it back to our Lord and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is the best and this part of the ayah is actually not

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the completion of the ayah is not I said at the beginning of the show, that is only recited to a certain part, but the completion of the idea is that there like a highlight on what Senator Ted Wheeler, that that is the very best way of resolving things if you like it in in a meaning. So the verse itself is a very important verse.

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As it establishes that we are obliged to follow the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam, moreover, we are obliged to obey Allah Tabata, Katana and in obeying Allah subhanaw taala we obey the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And if you ever differ in any matter, if two Muslims are you know, your dinner table, or you're on a car journey, family member comes over, they say something about oh, you know, Islam says this what Islam says that, if you ever differ in any matter, then you take it back to Allah and his messenger meaning that you go back to the Quran, you find the answer, what does Allah subhanaw taala say about this matter? And if we do not find it there, then we go to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to find out the answer there. And the the verse itself has so many Subhanallah benefits that we can extract which are directly implementable in the life of every single Muslim. So

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the first foundation is obedience to Allah and His Messenger, meaning that we take our guidance from the Quran and the Sunnah. But the Sunnah is part of the revelation that was given by Allah subhanaw taala, to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and that it is impossible. And it is rejected for a person to say that we only listen to the guidance that we find in the Quran and we reject the statements of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam that how would that person know how to pray? How would that person know how to make Hajj so many aspects of Al Islam

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that are found in the Sunnah that explain that what was mentioned in general in the Quran.

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A person cannot

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be it's not possible or think that it is possible to complete that Islam except that we follow the divine guidance that was given to our beloved Navy Mohamed salah, and he said and this has been so Quran and this is by what a lot about Qatar Allah tells us, not only in this verse

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But there are 10s of verses. There are 10s of verses, which indicate directly and indirectly about the following of an obeying the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is not just following because the person may say, well I follow Maybe yes, maybe no, there is a direct command to follow

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the way and the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam.

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So obedience and the second part of the verse is that if you ever differ in any matter, there's an argument or misunderstanding. It's not about egos, or who has Who's the eldest. We go back to Allah's, we go back to the book of Allah subhanaw taala. And the guidance of the Prophet SAW Selim, that this is the fourth line. This is the decisive to know what is right and wrong, and not about who that person thinks they are, or how eloquent they are, whoever or whatever position they are, that Allah's guidance and the guidance of the messenger is what was given to him supersedes everything. And this should quash any arguments that people may have. And thirdly, that referring

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in contempt me knowing about Allah, He will your meal after the focus diverse continues, that this is something as a matter of iman

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that you go back to Allah's Messenger, you go back to the Quran, moreover, that this is a matter of faith, a matter of Eman.

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Verleger Hayden was

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that will that that is the best interpretation that is the best way of resolving your issues. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala

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to allow us to be servants of Allah subhanaw taala true in obedience, and following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because this is a life example for us to follow. And if we have a different matter, we take it back to the Quran and Sunnah. Knowing that is part of our iman and that this is the best way of resolving things mean and Allah subhanaw taala knows best.

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So we have a caller on the line. We'll take that data set I'm Marty Kumar from Tala.

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Online when I go to shake I have a question is about dreams. If a person sees a dream and the two types of dreams and this dream is coming from Allah, with that dream then in the controlling reality

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okay, well

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so when you said dreams, I thought, like most of the time they start talking about interpretation and I'm unable to do that. But you asked a good question about

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we know that there are different types of dreams for us.

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That there is the dream which is a bad dream, which is from the shaytaan the shutdown will try to cause you some harm, you know, make you scared or something like that. So you have a bad dream. If this happens, you seek refuge from Allah subhanaw taala you ask Allah, Allah to protect you from the harm of the shaytaan The second type of dream is like Hadith and knifes. You know, maybe you were busy in the daytime or there's something particularly on your mind and you just dream about that matter. So it has no bearing on anything if you like just you know something's on your mind. And then the third one is from Allah subhanaw taala.

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as in to differentiate between what's Hadith and knifes? I mean, what do I mean by Hadith? Or knifes? Is that something that you it's on your mind? How do I differentiate between that? And you know, a dream that's from Allah? Note, of course, this doesn't make you a prophet. Okay, you're not receiving revelation. Okay? Revelation stopped with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, but the good dreams is from Allah subhanaw taala. So with these good dreams and these other dreams that you may have, which are

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if you like,

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something's going on in your life. It may not be it's not an exact science, ie that you're you're absolutely able to say that right? This is absolutely

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something that you know, you're busy with your mind on and that's what it is and don't think about it too much, or something is a good dream from Allah subhanaw taala and this will

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this will absolutely happen to you. It's not an absolute science, you know, a last point I know is best concerning all of this. Another principle is that we don't base decisions don't base decisions on your dreams. Okay, I had you know, a meeting put up a potential spouse

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and we had mashallah a number of meetings, and it's going very well. And then I had a bad dream shape on came to me and that person appeared as like as a monster. And they're going to do this to me and, and then therefore, I had a dream, a bad dream about that person, therefore, it's not a good sign. This is obviously from shape on who wants to stop you doing something which is good. So bad dreams. Bad dreams. This is not you know a lot of panels and is telling me not to marry this person. I prayed istikhara I was waiting for the dream. I had a bad dream. And then you see that was a sign for me not to marry that person.

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No, don't make your decisions do not base your decisions on your dreams. Okay, this is a very important principle.

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If you do have a good dream, it could be, you know, at times a person may have seen maybe a deceased person that they know. And they see them in a good way.

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because indeed there is something as a dream interpretation, the prophet Elesa ceramah times would ask the Sahaba, who had, they can remember a dream that he or he at least of salaam would inform them if he had some meaning to them.

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So number one, you should go to an authentic and trusted and well no person who's able, it's a gift from Alice pantalla. To interpret dreams. It's not just you go to like a book and start following things and interpret in your own dreams and whatnot. But certainly don't make any decisions based upon those dreams. And if something you could have a nice dream, you see here in Sharla, fit, we hope, maybe some good maybe Allahu Allah, maybe some good it's a good sign. Or there's some goodness in that. And we say Allah Subhana Allah is best, but certainly you're not going to start making life decisions and basing your whole life around, you know, some dreams that you have had.

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And Allah Subhana Allah knows best.

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We have a couple of questions.

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From the WhatsApp is spirit wine vinegar Halal to consume.

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Okay, so the fact that now it is vinegar, meaning it's no longer alcohol, even if its origin was like a white wine or red wine. It's now vinegar, meaning that this vinegar now cannot intoxicate you. Okay? It's no longer alcohol, it's gone through a process

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in which its nature has completely changed. So there's not a problem, there isn't a problem in you consuming that vinegar, it's vinegar now. So it's allowed for you.

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I understand that, you know, Muslims, we may be very concerned and worried about names like white wine and red wine and things like that, and rightly so. However, because it's now vinegar, because it's vinegar. It's not a problem for you to consume in sha Allah, Allah. Okay. And the last part, I notice, there is a longer discussion about the processes of alcohol and that if you do it intentionally, and then we can pause what I'm telling you now shall the diet is allowed for you okay, the processes by which it may go through and what they already might have said to that

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all lead back to with an editorial it to say that it is allowed for you to consume.

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So, if it's a sandwich or something like that you find you know, there's not a problem if you consume or whatever other fruit. Wallah annum, some people read Surah Fatiha in Jumeirah behind the Imam and some don't what is the correct position? read surah Al Fatiha behind the imam or not okay. So, this is a well known difference of opinion, valid difference of opinion by the way, meaning that there are different schools of thought there are a lot of different views. Some of them are of the view that the man is sufficient or the recitation of the one leading the prayer is sufficient for those who are behind so they just listen. Others are of the view

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that everyone the lead on who's the Imam and the one who is following the Imam they all recite Surah Fatiha they're both valid views. And on situations like this

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you may have one line in the soft in the Salah. This person's reciting refer to her and the other one is not. Now the one who isn't

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the one who recites al Fatiha, can they say to them, your Salah is not valid, because you didn't recite al Fatiha

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is a person who recite Surah Fatiha says learn a lot of women lamb Jacobi Fatiha Kitab there's no prayer for the one who does not receive recited Fatiha aka Hadith I'm sorry, that person has recited al Fatiha so they turned to them so your Salah is invalid you need to repeat it

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not aware not being aware that there is a view valid view by schools of thought to say that the recitation of the Imam was sufficient, okay. So on this issue, the madhhab that you are following.

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They must have that you are following is sufficient for you to follow. Maybe you're a person who is not sure of what the month have or maybe you don't have a motive specifically right but you go to a chef or you go to Imam a trusted well known person of knowledge and say what do I do? They will give you the answer their opinion to follow and then you go with that and that is sufficient for you but if any later either okay. So, that is what you should go with in shadow talent that is what you follow. And both as I mentioned,

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views are valid.

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Meaning that if one follows one opinion, they cannot invalidate the other. That's what I mean by that. Okay? So if you personally take one view, you don't jump around you

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wouldn't say for example they're both valid opinions you know some Salah I'm going to recite Fatiha and other salah I won't recite it, you have one position and you stick to that position you don't jump around. So if you've asked somebody or you're following them I've heard that says that you recite al Fatiha, then you recite al Fatiha. Okay. If you're following other than that, then likewise, you would follow that particular view. Okay. So this is the opinions concerning that.

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And this is where on issues like this, there was where there was a valid difference of opinion. Okay, what is valid, he had, both have evidences for their position, that there's no incar there's no rejection or rebuking of of the other party. There are, of course, other opinions within Islam that may be based upon

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very odd opinions based upon very weak evidence, and when the position may be followed by that person, and then you can inform them that this position maybe is clearly based upon weak evidence, or irregular and odd. It's an odd opinion.

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This is what is correct, then, you know, it's okay for you to do that Charlotte, Allah meaning that you will ever see me rebuke, or to discuss with them what is more correct. Okay. There may be occasions where it's permissible to rebuke because it's opinion that's maybe not accepted. It's not accepted. So

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with knowledge you will be able to

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verify and be aware of, of when and where and when it's suitable to, to discuss these issues. None.

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Next question is what do you do when your partner bullies you,

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whether it's a wife or husband

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bullying, of course, means that one

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party is taken advantage of the other, or pressing the other.

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Whether it's bullying or pressing, taking advantage, all of which, by the way, is not allowed in Islam. Okay. It's talking about relationships between human beings, husband, wife, parents, and children or siblings, or whatever relationship you have everything is based upon being just being fair.

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And not not wronging the other person. So what do you do is first and foremost, you tell them that what you are doing is haram.

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Okay, what you are doing is haram, if you're oppressing me or you're wrong, you're doing wrong to me, that's Haram is not allowed you to do that. It's not about I'm the husband.

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Okay, so what if your husband doesn't give you a right to oppress doesn't give you the right to bully doesn't give you the right to speak in a foul way.

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You know, this is maybe some misunderstandings can with some Muslims that because you are the father or you are the husband, that you've got, like a free right to speak and behave as you like? Absolutely not. All of us are bound by the guidance and teachings of the Quran and Sunnah Do not oppress one another. Do not cheat one another, do not deceive one another. Okay. The many narrations that talk about the

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the believers about the brotherhood and sisterhood, okay, these are of course talking about Muslims and the believers, not speaking about husband and wife, but the husband and wife have more right to be like, just and fair with one another.

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So the narration is talking about, you know, establishing bonds between Muslims and the believers, the husband and wife, believe it or not, are included in that.

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So, if somebody is oppressing another, then they should be told to fear Allah subhanaw taala that this means that the question is a little general. So I can answer in a general way

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that they should be taught to realize how to behave correctly, to uphold justice and fairness in all the decisions and the things that they are doing. Okay, to sit down and to communicate, like any problem that may exist between partners. And if it is other than that,

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that and they're unable to solve it, then maybe they can ask their family member, maybe get involved, who's wise and can help them? And if not, maybe they can seek help from

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a person of knowledge was able to counsel them or advise them to see what is correct, Walter irlam

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Mareeba Alhamdulillah What's your view on people doing 40 days in the path of Allah all the time?

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this is obviously referring to certain practices within certain groups and whatnot. And the best way to answer

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and, and talk about because we don't need to mention names, but the practice

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The practice because names that come they appeared may they may disappear. But the practice, right? How do we look at this practice? Because there may be certain practices within certain

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communities that may be in line with the teachings

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of Islam. So no problem. They may have teachings which don't have any direct evidence for them, you can speak about that. Okay, you can say that this is not correct or that's not correct.

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As for Muslims, going out and teaching other Muslims giving that hour and so on and so forth. Is this a prophetic tradition?

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Absolutely, yes. The Sahaba Rhodiola Ryan whom the professor sallam said many companions to different places to give their our to call people to Islam. So this principle this tradition exists within Islam, absolutely. Okay and should never be left.

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Okay, so going out, whether it's in educating Muslims,

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as long as you are what you are teaching is authentic, that you're teaching people to be close to Allah subhanaw taala to worship Allah subhanaw taala to follow the Prophet alayhi wa sallam based upon, you know, authentic sound knowledge apps, no one can argue with Illa and takamasa. Nobody can argue with until the hour comes, nobody can argue that this is a sound practice to go and give Dawa.

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Right? As for specifically that you have to fulfill a specific amount of time, whether it's three days or seven days, or 10 days or 40 days or 120 days, or to specify a specific time, then we don't have that. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam did not specify to us that you need to do it for a specific amount of time.

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So if you happen to do it, if you want to go out for

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you know, a period of time no problem, you don't have to specify it. Okay? And again, if you're able to do the lack of agile Inshallah, tada we have the reward of educating and helping Muslims.

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And this particular practice has helped many Muslims.

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we should understand that that hour

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is done in different ways. There are different methods of giving Dawa. And not everybody is able to do all aspects of Dawa. Not everybody can do the same job.

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So there are those who may be on social media and refuting Shabbat refuting doubts, tackling atheism and whatnot. Then there are other aspects of Dawa, where the person maybe isn't that productive being in the public domain, but their actions, their behavior is their source of power in the workplace, or their place of study or at home. Then there are other aspects where in terms of Dawa, you're teaching

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and educating Muslims in the masjid, okay, it's your local area you participate. Then there's another aspect of the hour where people will go out and want to educate Muslims.

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Maybe a lot of people don't have time to do that. But that aspect of the hour has caused lots of lots of said, has been the reason by Allah's permission to be to do lots of good. Okay, so we mustn't dismiss completely just because a person may do it for a particular duration. Therefore, it's moon car is evil. No, it's not. What they might be doing is actually some

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fulfilling an aspect of Dawa which removes the sin from us.

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So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide us through that what is best and ensure what we're teaching is based upon sound teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Okay, not telling if you like, which may come under, I don't say fairy tales, but stories which have no basis full stories, week stories, information, which is, you know, is incorrect and has no basis within Islam. Okay. It's important to teach people and educate people bring people close to Allah subhanaw taala based upon and I cannot emphasize this as the importance of this. I mean, we mentioned at the beginning of the show that yeah, that is mentioned to introduce the show, but obeying Allah, obeying His messenger following

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these teachings and educating people about these teachings is absolutely key for us in shallow Turla.

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This is the end of the first part of this robot and sisters so we'll have a short break. Please join us after the break. We'll continue taking your questions by the coffee come Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. You

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LD was all Missoula Emery.

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while early he was a big marinaside

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Armonico Maroc Montolivo Barakatuh Welcome back brothers, sisters and viewers at home to the second part of islamicate. Where we are still continuing to take your questions whether they come via the telephone number, which is at the bottom of your screen, or the WhatsApp number, which is also appearing you can send your questions via that number as well. And we'll try our best to ensure that how to answer those questions.

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So I do believe we have a caller on the line Charlotte Allah, so we'll take that now. Salaam aleikum?

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Yes, Alhamdulillah fine.

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So, in relation to what somebody just asked before,

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about the dreams, like one hour long, horrible dream, stupid episodes of everyday occupying you and you're unable to sleep. So consulting or asking people and somebody suggests that if you read

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Alif Laam means alone will not realize the whole how you will consume your Wi Fi

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around 313 times

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or Yala T for Yahoo? Do you have you three are in 13 times things like this? A where is the figure come from? And is it useful to do it to alleviate your problem?

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That's the first question. Can I go question by question or

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you go with the question inshallah.

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Second is that young crowd in the community and I'm laying facts on the ground, they are going to be clubbing sometime and getting sucked into the system

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alcohol consumption whatever and then they do it over and you see them they're praying as well. And it's sort of in and out how do you positively encourage them to extract themselves out from the situation

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because B especially or whatever you want to call it you know, they exist

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I want to sort of tell them

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is every time they are being told what to say

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it is it accepted

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there's alive cetera because

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you know committing that again. So, how do I positively you know encourage them and third one is about the web which 40 days 30 days we were talking about, I have the situation I did go once once or twice 40 days etc. The problem is this a this there is lecture so not fine.

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Almost like a rigid regimental routine, we are asked to go and knock the door in the vicinity around the mosque center, shops etc, wherever and call them come to the mosque. Now we are learning we are in the process of learning. We are not even 2%

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and the people in the house family houses just knocking. They could be busy into doing something and I used to argue with the leader that this is not right. The shops and others they were fed up they will slam the door metaphorically. And they'll say please you know we have enough and this is a constant practice and pressure, which they are which the leaders of the organizers place people on and if you're not doing it and you are you know, labeled as a you know, troublemaker so it's not right as it so are we grateful if you can throw some light on that as well. Okay

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thank you

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thank you for your question. Okay mashallah, these were three

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regular questions I should say.

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But before we answer those questions, we have another caller on the line.

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So that might as

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yes, your question please.

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My question is basically about the winter Salah

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sometime I intend to pray before Fajr by mistake. I was wondering that in daytime. I got to know that you can pray for recall instead of three. Yep. But as soon as I wake up or up to what time can I just know about it? Because I'm not sure I heard that. He can just do it before

00:29:51 --> 00:29:52

Salah Okay.

00:29:53 --> 00:29:53

Thank you.

00:29:57 --> 00:29:57


00:30:00 --> 00:30:04

Guess the show wouldn't be a show unless we have a question for Witter. Okay.

00:30:08 --> 00:30:12

We have four questions here. Mashallah. Very for very good questions. The first one is

00:30:13 --> 00:30:16

the cattle before sleep, okay.

00:30:18 --> 00:30:44

There is to cut to the chase, there are some people who say that you should recite some duras and you do this 313 times, and then you do another 313 times, maybe you want to do both. So then you want to do like 626 Maybe you'll end up when you complete that you finished this before selected fragile. So the idea is that the Dhikr before sleep doesn't cause you to be awake.

00:30:46 --> 00:30:59

It kind of defeats the object. For this reason, people when they invent things like this, when it is not from the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it causes issues.

00:31:00 --> 00:31:13

So the Prophet ILA said Salam mentioned to us, we find in many generations what the Prophet alayhi salam used to recite before he slept, okay, so, we we you know, reciting one area AYATUL kursi.

00:31:14 --> 00:31:21

Your telco to see okay recital codici, or, for example, the last two verses from Surah Al Baqarah. Okay.

00:31:22 --> 00:31:32

And even more than that, sort of till milk, okay, and making just be on your fingers before you sleep. These are sound practices of the prophet Elijah salaam, purposely

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not a person saying that you should say this 313 times which has been taken from his pocket or her pocket, we don't know where it came from. This number has no basis.

00:31:43 --> 00:31:57

What is best if a person is suffering from sleeplessness, difficulty in sleeping and whatnot, okay, try your very best not to sleep in the daytime. And it's very simple for me to say that but try your best not to sleep during the day. And

00:31:59 --> 00:32:00

after you've prayed salata, Lucia,

00:32:02 --> 00:32:12

whatever is suitable time for you to put your head down, make this liquid before you sleep, and not just do it as they could, as I mentioned to you like a delicacy, or the last few verses from

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sort of Bukhara, or sort of milk, and just be on your fingers, just as you do

00:32:22 --> 00:32:25

after salah, but with you saying Allahu Akbar 34 times

00:32:27 --> 00:32:50

these are something which is can be done in a short amount of time. And then you have trust in Allah subhanaw taala. That, as we know that reciting it, of course, the Eliza, which will send angels to protect you until, until you wake in the morning, have certainty in that and make dua to Allah Subhana Allah will make it easy for us. Okay, so do things like this and don't ignore that. Ignore the Sunnah of the Prophet lsfm and follow the wave of people make things up.

00:32:52 --> 00:33:25

All right. Next question was regards to the Shabaab use. I mean, this is a very long, deep topic, to be honest with you about the challenges that our youth are facing. And some of them may be going to clubs may be going to places which from an Islamic perspective is contrary to Islamic teachings go into places of alcohol, free mixing and things like that. You're living in a society which promotes this allows this. So there's big temptation. There is a big temptation and this this world is full of temptations.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:35

But, you know, as parents are those who have responsibility over our, our young youngsters that from a very young age, we try our best to teach them right from wrong

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to teach them and not just to teach them right from wrong, but to teach them on understanding why this is right and why this is wrong. Why this is a path worth following, and why that path is not worth following.

00:33:52 --> 00:34:02

So the best, or one of the best examples is the Sahaba or the Lyneham who had a life prior to Islam. And when they embraced Islam, that they knew what the two lives were about.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:06

They had tasted the life of Joe Hillier.

00:34:08 --> 00:34:14

And then upon embracing Islam, you know, experienced and valued the blessing of being guided.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:27

I guess that's a big advantage that they had a lot the Allahu Anhu that they were able to see clearly between the difference between Cofer and Islam disbelief and, and guidance and Islam

00:34:29 --> 00:34:33

along with the majority of our show, but they're born into Islam, Al Shabaab were born into Islam.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:43

Maybe for early part of their lives. Maybe, maybe didn't priests often always, but, and they consider that Ajay hadiah

00:34:45 --> 00:34:54

which maybe can be considered in a time of ignorance in their lives, but they're certainly not living in a life where, where they were brought up in a life where,

00:34:55 --> 00:35:00

you know, you just didn't know anything about Islam. You didn't know what prayer was or you didn't know

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fasting was you didn't know what the Prophet Muhammad was, who he was. I mean, you grew up in a household where these things were kind of you may not have followed it but you knew about it.

00:35:10 --> 00:35:15

So you inherited these ideas and surroundings environment. So they may not necessarily

00:35:17 --> 00:35:20

if you'd like value, the

00:35:21 --> 00:35:22


00:35:23 --> 00:36:00

the Allah's pound or the blessing that Allah spent Allah gave to them, you know, at least that they had a Muslim family and not being brought up in complete non Muslim family not knowing, knowing nothing about Islam, for that person to that enter into Islam to value that they don't know that. So they're attracted by things like clubs, free mixing alcohol, and drugs, and think that they will find happiness in those who may be embraced this to them know that this is you're not gonna find anything you can you can spend a billion years looking for happiness and that you'll never find it, but they don't know that. So they're tempted by it and it's beautiful at the shaytaan beautifies

00:36:00 --> 00:36:06

these things for them what to do, you know, it's it's not easy guidance isn't in our hands, we don't guide our children.

00:36:07 --> 00:36:11

And Allah subhanaw taala gives us you know, strong reminders

00:36:12 --> 00:36:46

that the son of new new Harris alum from the odorless mineral salt, use from the great, great profits of a lot of other metallic, his son will perished. In Sun perished in in the because he was drunk, did not listen to his father at least knew Hello, sir. So guidance is in our hands is not in our hands, not in our hands. The uncle of the Prophet Allah Salama bubbleup, was not guided, died upon disbelief, the best quality of Islam in the history of mankind the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:36:47 --> 00:37:18

So, ultimately, guidance isn't in our hands, but we try our best. We try our best to educate our children. And try not to make Islam as something which is just cultural, that they just inherit, this is just, this is just what we do. We're living in a society which has big challenges for us as Muslims, and just relying on that we just go to the masjid and we just do this because that's just what we do. And there's an element of risk to that. If you don't preserve the environment very much, that they may then be tempted by,

00:37:19 --> 00:37:55

you know, this facade, this this wrong doing an evil, they'll be tempted by that. So it is a challenge living in an environment which has these temptations you making dua to Allah subhanaw taala, to protect and guide your children, and that you as parents, or those who have responsibility over youngsters, you try your best to educate them in the best way. And to come on the good, educate them forbid the evil, educate them, why this is evil, why this is wrong, why there's real happiness and real satisfaction, that this is only with the last panel to Allah, on all of these worldly things that you're trying to,

00:37:56 --> 00:37:59

that you're engaged in. Because at the end of the day, what are they doing, they want to be happy.

00:38:00 --> 00:38:02

They want to find some internal satisfaction

00:38:04 --> 00:38:20

that will not bring it to you. That will just destroy you. And it's an ongoing process. It's not just one lecture and away you go it's a constant struggle every single day. So may Allah subhanaw taala to me Allah guide us guide Shabaab I'll use our sons or daughters Allahumma Amin

00:38:26 --> 00:38:31

while we've got a caller on the line, we'll take that call inshallah. Taylor. We do want to keep you waiting. So Salaam Alaikum

00:38:32 --> 00:38:44

Hey guys, good. It's probably Africa question which is quite widespread. You know, just think, in Quran. You see when you read Quran eufa Allah said that her his name,

00:38:45 --> 00:38:48

he's mentioned his names and how we should

00:38:49 --> 00:39:23

remember him. And but now, you know, there are some people from India and Pakistan, you see there because I was four bucks from as well and but I when I came to learn about it, they call Allah coda. But Kudo was a Persian day he, you know, and so I think it's not really the right because Allah doesn't like the name, which doesn't, you know, come from other

00:39:25 --> 00:39:29

you know, and those inner because Allah is the only

00:39:31 --> 00:39:52

our own only if he's worried his there is no partners to him. And this was just a, you know, so, but it's so widespread that people don't like accept it and it's they argue and they, I don't know how to go about with them. So I would be very grateful for you. If insha Allah may Allah bless you.

00:39:53 --> 00:39:59

abundantly in just explain, you know, how he do about it, because it's

00:40:00 --> 00:40:12

Not in Quran I told them it's not mentioned in Quran. And it's not mentioned in any Hadith. Yeah, so, but they still don't know they say oh by all our ancestors used to say it and

00:40:13 --> 00:40:36

you see so I find it very difficult to hear that because even coffee say that says, you know, so you know if it hurts me at times when I hear the Muslim saying it, you know, may Allah bless you because this is I have to bring this to your notice because some of them are hard of hearing. Okay, so can you please I just

00:40:37 --> 00:40:43

make this again just bought a coffee question. May Allah bless you, Mashallah.

00:40:45 --> 00:40:50

Okay, so continuing with the questions that we had, prior to that, or the other mentioned about certain

00:40:51 --> 00:40:53

groups of brothers,

00:40:54 --> 00:40:59

that they go around for different durations of time, whether it's three days, seven days, 40 days

00:41:00 --> 00:41:12

and that at times, that may be the way that an individual goes about giving that hour may not be the wisest way. Okay. And what I would say

00:41:13 --> 00:41:58

is that Allah subhanaw taala tells us, are we less abelian or bigger Bill Hekmati? will mow a lawn Hasina would deal humility here hasn't that call to the path of your Lord? And this is a principle in Dawa Allah subhanaw taala tells us how you give Dawa how you call people to Al Islam. Call to the path of your Lord Bill Heckman wisdom Yana unit using the Quran and Sunnah being wise, don't bother people don't harass people, harassing people to the extent that they turn away from the message is absolutely what we do not want. Yes, we want to come on to good. remind people about Allah subhanaw taala. But do it in a wise way. achieve your objective in delivering the message to people. So if

00:41:58 --> 00:42:32

you know, somebody is engaged in you, passing by knocking on somebody's house, and that they weren't so receptive to you today, okay? Then you'd have to message with them. And then the next day you knock on their door, I was here yesterday and you bother and then you go the third day? And then they say, Well, you know, and then they go the fourth day, what are they gonna think of you? They're gonna say, what is this? What do you call it? You're bothering me, please. So when calling people to Islam, do it in a wise way, not harass people, not to bother people. Okay, but to deliver the message in the very best way in the way that the Prophet alayhi salam would do that. And the methods

00:42:32 --> 00:42:43

and the ways that our our disposal now these means utilize them in the best way. Okay, so advertise in the local area about some maybe some courses or some classes that are

00:42:44 --> 00:43:08

happening to remind people and educate them about Islam. Okay, so this is very important for us to do that. And as the Prophet sallallahu it was said Bashir will attend a funeral. The shiru were led to an a pharaoh and to give people Glad Tidings encourage them, and don't run them away. You know, yes, 01 to zero, make things easy for people don't make things difficult. So when delivering the message,

00:43:10 --> 00:43:20

is it that you are giving Glad Tidings to bring them close? Or is it you're telling them something and they are running away? This is something you could you can bear in mind with and relate to Allah?

00:43:21 --> 00:43:29

Okay, as question through the WhatsApp here, how can one perform also with dreadlock or dreadlocks and also evolution? Right.

00:43:32 --> 00:43:42

There's a difference between braids, braiding your hair, and having dreadlocks, okay, traditionally, the dreadlocks that the hair is not washed. And so that it becomes kind of, if you like,

00:43:43 --> 00:43:50

I don't even how you describe it becomes like, crumpled up. Okay. And this is, especially with

00:43:51 --> 00:44:13

Rastafarians and things like that, that they have this kind of part of their, of their way of life. And as a Muslim, well, you know, if this is how the day is treated, not washing it. And if we don't do that, I'm gonna say it's not washed, but there's a certain process that they do to ensure that the hair goes like this as Muslims, we don't have our hair like that. We brush and comb and look after your hair, okay, in a different way.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:16

Braiding is not an issue,

00:44:17 --> 00:44:39

you can perform the hosel of Geneva, no problem and if your hair is braided, that's fine. As for the woman, when she is performing the hosel for the end of the month, monthly cycle and hair is braided, the hair needs to be unbraided. Okay, you need to unbraid your hair, and so ensure that the water reaches all of your body in this manner.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:43

So if your hair is braided, then you can keep it braided.

00:44:44 --> 00:44:49

That's fine. When you're making more, that's fine as well in Charlottetown. Okay, making sure that your hands go all over your head.

00:44:52 --> 00:44:54

So I hope that's clear in Charlottetown.

00:44:55 --> 00:45:00

Next question, I have a flight from London to Jeddah at 930 in the morning

00:45:01 --> 00:45:05

And I arrived local time 730 How should I pray my lord NASA?

00:45:06 --> 00:45:08

Okay, so you pray on the plane on the plane

00:45:14 --> 00:45:18

as a traveler, you can shorten your press up to one, two, and you can join them.

00:45:19 --> 00:45:49

So you'll be praying in the direction of Makkah, so that's fine, the direction is not fine while you're on the plane, that's not an issue. If you can find a place to stand on the plane, then you stand and offer your Salah, if you don't have a place to stand, then you can appreciate it. Okay, make sure that you're obviously the state of will do and you pray your Salah like this, and then upon arrival in Jeddah, then you can pray your market in Asia. Okay, so you pray a lot on acid on the plane.

00:45:50 --> 00:45:56

So as you're taking up 930, we're not gonna do it straightaway. Because Doha is not obviously not come in. So maybe after

00:45:58 --> 00:46:12

because you're flying some more in the direction that the sun is coming in. So maybe after like halfway through the flight, okay, for sure the HUD will be in Charlottetown. And then you can offer you'll go ahead and answer in the manner that I just described to you.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:14

And the last pattern is best.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:18

How do I find a rich husband?

00:46:19 --> 00:46:24

Rich in what what are you looking for rich in Eman or rich in money?

00:46:28 --> 00:46:32

You know, somebody asked such a question. You know, what they're looking for?

00:46:33 --> 00:46:51

When somebody has deep pockets, big, big bank balance, is that because you think that that will make you happy that a rich husband will spend on you and this is where you'll find your happiness? Maybe he's very rich, but has a very bad attitude. Okay. So therefore, you should follow the advice of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam

00:46:54 --> 00:47:01

if you find somebody has good Deen, good manners, that will make you happy even if he's poor. That is what will make you happy in sha Allah Allah.

00:47:03 --> 00:47:05

I've got a couple of questions time is running very short.

00:47:06 --> 00:47:20

May Allah Subhana Allah grant you the best what you're looking for? I mean, how can I explain to my mom, I don't want to marry a certain person. You tell them I don't want to marry this person. It is haram to force anybody to marry a person that they do not want. The person's position has to be taken into consideration.

00:47:22 --> 00:47:23


00:47:24 --> 00:48:03

without making a Witter Yes. If you missed it, you slept over okay, you can pray for in the morning time before the huddle, that's fine inshallah Taylor, this is to ask about the word hold office and things like that. The time has went up, or what I would say brothers and sisters, and that there is a media blackout. Meaning that unless you go to certain areas you won't hear about there has been major flooding in Pakistan 1000s of our brothers and sisters Subhanallah have been killed due to these floods. Whatever help you can give to your brothers in Pakistan make dua for them. This is a dire situation emergency. So I wanted to mention this before we come to the end of this particular

00:48:03 --> 00:48:33

show. So whatever means you can find out what's happening to abundance sisters in the floods, please do that inshallah. Tada. I think that may be live appeal soon tonight and shot it out on the show. So make sure that you are tuned into that you can do what you can to help our brothers in Pakistan we ask Allah Subhana Allah to alleviate the difficulties to have mercy upon those who are perished in the situation Allah Amin and may Allah Subhana Allah save us all. That's the end of the show brothers and sisters. Hope to see you soon inshallah. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Yeah, are you

00:48:36 --> 00:48:42

LD your own Allah LTE was only m remian.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:51

That is done as vishay in do in a law he was already

00:48:52 --> 00:48:53

done don't mean

00:48:54 --> 00:48:55

he wasn't near will mean

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