Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas The Seventh Muslim
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
Salatu was Salam ala CL mursaleen who are the the he will be he was
seldom at the Sleeman cathedra on Ilario Medina Ahmed, mashallah in
our series of the 10, who are given the glad tidings of
paradise, just to remind us of the Hadith in which the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned these 10 individuals
starting from Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah one,
they also happen to all come together. On that one occasion,
when the prophets Allah son was sitting there by the well and then
they all came in. And the prophets, Allah, Allah has made
this statement and it's not only then that he said that they are
going to Jana, there were a number of other occasions that he
mentioned about each one of these different individuals.
When we mentioned these individuals, we believe that the
mercy descends,
why does it descend? Why do we say that mercy descends when the sila
Hina mentioned the reason that I say that mercy descends when the
salah Hina mentioned is because when they are mentioned, people's
hearts become soft. People think about Allah subhanho wa Taala they
get inspired to piety and righteousness. That's all mercy.
That's all the mercy
if the mention of something can bring us closer to Allah subhanho
wa Taala and can increase our obedience to Allah subhana wa Tada
and our inspiration, and that is a mercy.
That's how we say that. There's baraka and blessing in the
mentioning of these people. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us
the ability to follow in their footsteps and to be inspired by
them inspired by their strength, their Kuwa the strength of their
faith, their diligence, and the love of Allah subhana wa Tada.
Today we speak about Saturday, be webcast so you do not Saturday, be
walk us through the Allah one.
Again, another amazing personality. It's just so
difficult to try to work out. Who's greater. That's why we say
all of them are great. So sad. Son of abou walk us.
Sad the son of Abu outcasts abou walk us is the title of his
father. He is a Qureshi. Originally from the Qureshi is
Zuri tribe. He was born in either the 23
he was either born,
he died in let's just talk about when he died, he is a data on the
55th Hijiri and that is approximately 674 Gregorian.
He is also from the Serbia cone, a Serbia Cornella Walloon most of
the Ashara Mubaraka the 10. Given the glad tidings of Jana they are
also from the Serbia Kunal away alone, which Allah subhanho wa
Taala refers and mentions in the Quran, a Serbia Cornella. Varun
means those who are pioneers in the faith, the first to accept
something. They're the ones who generally people who are the early
adopters, they show the highest love, generally speaking.
There's a narration that's related by Abu Yala
in which it's related from Abdullah Hypno Omar the Allah who
couldn't julu son and the Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we
were one sitting with the Roxana lorrison
and the prophets Allah some suddenly said yet who are the
common hurdle Barbie Raju, La Mina, halal Jana,
a person who's going to come in from this door, there's going to
be a person who will come in from this door and he's from the people
of Ghana.
Now you can just imagine what people will be thinking and
suddenly started to not be walked past comes in.
So it's not just on that one occasion that they were given the
glad tidings of Jannah.
The different Sahaba some of them were given Glad Tidings in
different times as well. He says that.
So I don't know be what cost is that I became Muslim when I was 19
years old. That's when he embraced Islam. He was 19 years old. And
you have to have a thought process to go against the grain of your
tribe and your society. And to take this on because this Islam
was not after it had spread. It was still when it was very much
secret, because he was either the third or the seventh person. He
says he reckons he's the third person. But according to maybe
others, they say he is the seventh person to become a Muslim at the
age of 19. That means he must be very thoughtful. He made a very
good choice at that time. One is it becomes very popular, everybody
accepts the trend. Everybody goes in, then you follow suit, but
those who make the early decision and get it right from the
beginning Subhanallah that's where the command and perfection is
insulated from his daughter Aisha. She says that Saddam Nabi Wakasa
the Allahu Allah says that I saw in
My dream now this is before he became a Muslim. He says I saw a
dream before I became Muslim. It was like I was in a dark room. I
was in a dark room and I couldn't see anything, when suddenly I
spotted the moon. So from the window wherever he noticed the
moon, so I went out and I started following this moon. And then
suddenly I saw that there are people who are ahead of me in
following this moon in trying to find where this moon is. So I see
is a div no Hadith, Ali Vitali and Abu Bakr Siddiq are the Allah one.
Now he may be saying third because he doesn't know about the women
Khadija that was the first, right? I literally alone was the first
child. Oh, Bacardi was the first adults. They didn't know how that
was the first slave to become Muslim. So he may have not known
about these others. So he says, anyway, he says, I saw all of
these people had gone ahead of me in this. And then I see myself
asking them the question, when did you get here? They said, Oh, we
just got here now as well. And then they told me that the
messenger of allah sallallahu Allah He or after that I was told
that the Prophet salallahu Allah he was sending the Messenger of
Allah was inviting people to Islam discreetly, secretly, this was
still in those early days when it was all secret. So then I had a
meeting with him in the in the ravines of ageod. Now most of us
know where a jihad is. It's behind the king's palaces, you know,
where some of these hotels are still an old area, it's not being
destroyed. That's ageod. I met him there in one of the ravines, the
prophets, Allah had just performed Nasser prayer, and that's when I
embraced Islam. And he said that, except those people that he just
mentioned, there was nobody else who became Muslim before me,
according to his knowledge, so he was, according to him seventh or
the seventh, the seventh one.
Now, what's very interesting here is that, as I mentioned this last
time as well that Abu Bakr radi, Allahu Anhu
is the one who gets all of this investment, he is profiting from
all of this investment.
And even from us today.
When Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allahu Anhu embraced Islam,
then with Abu Bakr through his persuasion that our invitation
a number of the other greatest Sahaba Zubaydah in an hour another
one of the 10
of them out of not affirm the third Hadith as we know that the
Allah one palha ignore obey the law, neither one of the 10
Sardegna abhi raucous and Abdul Rahman now if another one of the
10 He's got so many of the 10 that he is responsible for.
That's the most amazing thing Subhanallah the Dawa? Serious
Don't just do Dawa because it's a movement and because he's you need
something to do do it for the sake of Allah.
And then you will see what happens.
This is what you call serious Dawa investment Allahu Akbar. And Allah
keeps all of this Allah keeps record of all of this.
So they embraced Islam and then they went with him to the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And the prophets Allah was explained, gave them the Dawa,
read some Quran to them, told them about the hack of Islam. And then
Subhanallah this is who they were.
The issue with Sadiq Nabi, what curse was that when he became a
Muslim, his mother who followed the trend of the society of the
time, that culture, she, they used to have a lot of love for each
other. He was very beloved to him.
And when she found out about this, she warned him, she says that I am
not going to eat or drink until you give up this faith.
And she was very serious.
She did this for a short while. And then she realized, and he
actually said to her, Oh, Mother, I love you so much. But this is
something I will never give up. Now. Regardless of what you do, it
doesn't matter if you have 1000 lives. This was his discourse with
her. And she understood that this is not going anywhere. So she
stopped and then she was fine.
And then it mentions that Saturday alone says that it was about
myself that the verse in Surah glucomannan was revealed.
What injure Hidaka Allah and to Shrieker be Malay silica be here
in Fela to Hoonah wa saw Him whom I fit dunya ma rufa what terabits
of Elam and Annaba la familia managerial comb, but when a bit or
convener quantum term alone, despite what Allah subhanaw taala
had said about the in the Quran about parents, so much so that
don't even say woof to them. One article Lahoma will be the wily
Dini asana and all of these other verses here when it comes to
Don't compromise with religion then it doesn't work. If they
force you to do shit, and to ascribe with me that which you
have no knowledge about is no truth in it. Then do not obey them
he says here
but still interact with them nicely with hate and goodness in
this world. You still have to do that with your parents regardless,
Side of Nabi Waqqas he has a very interesting relationship with the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his father's name abou
walk us is actually his title his cornea his abdomen. His real name
is Marek Marie Cubana. We're Hebe is Malik of no hate or hate ignore
abdomen enough abdomen enough he joins up IGNOU Zuora
IGNOU Zahara IGNOU. Caleb, so it's a killer where he joins in the
province of Dolores and because the province a lot is synonyms
ancestry also goes to Caleb ignore Maura Abner Gab, Abdullah,
Mohammed Al affair and so on. However, he is actually from the
blue zebra. They are a clan of the
mother of Rasulullah sallallahu Amina been to what happened. So in
that sense, he actually is in the position of a maternal uncle to
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He's the maternal uncle Harlow. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. That's why Jabby Dibner Abdullah, if no Amrit no haram
relates that one side of the Allahu Anhu came in and the
Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Ha Holly, this is my uncle. Foley
urinary Imran ha Allah who show me any person show me who is their
uncle. This is my uncle, show me who's your uncle. This is related
in the center of humanity and maybe he had three brothers.
I mean, it'd be walk us or two but ignobly walked us and or may even
be walked us out of them. We know that I'm in an army, they
definitely were Muslims. Then they embraced Islam and one of them
died in the battle of butter. About rudabeh It's there's a
difference of opinion whether he embraced Islam or not. But it is
known that when Saudi Arabia Wakasa the Allahu Anhu migrated
from Mecca to Medina Munawwara he went with his brother who made
and they apparently his brother Otava, the one we say may have not
become a Muslim, had had a little problem in Bucha. Before before
this time before Islam, it killed somebody or he was in cremate. He
was incriminated in some case of murder or something. So he left
Makani and settled in Madina Munawwara in the battle Unbeliev
no Alf, so when his brothers came over, they settled with him. They
first came to him. Then in Madina, Munawwara There's a very famous
narration that once the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, as it
showed the Allahu Akbar relates that one night the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam just said this earlier on the Prophet sallallahu
sallam said, later Rajul and Salah had been as heavy yeah Rosani
later, if only
one of my companions could come and guide me at this night. This
probably sounds just voice this and suddenly they hear
the sound of some weapons outside, you know, a sword or something. So
they knew somebody's outside the province or some said manha Who is
this is a sidenote because I know ya rasool Allah to rusak I've come
to God you. So the Prophet said was set very peacefully that
night, but after that, Allah subhanho wa sallahu wa Similkameen
and NUS. Allah will protect you from the people who said I don't
need any more gods. Allah subhanaw taala gave him guarantee and
protection. We have a security company for you. Don't worry,
nobody can see it. But it's a security company that nobody can
go over. No barbed wires. No God at the door, no weapons, no
cameras, nothing. It's it's a very special one. Nobody's discovered
it yet.
As we know, with all of the Sahaba in this early period of Islam, it
mattered which battles they took part of because that showed that
they were on the defense they showed that they were part of the
community. And thus the first one which is the battle of brother
in this one Saturday alone definitely took part and he had a
very interesting and unique experience in this a very
praiseworthy experience. Abdullah had no matter whether the Allah
one relates it he says that I saw Sarah
as a amazing warrior.
In this battle, the way he was fighting and going through the
lines, his brother or maid was killed and martyred during this
And Saudi have no idea what cause he killed sided in the last one of
the disbelievers and he took his sword he sold was very famous
decidable losses. He had a very famous sword that had a an
name, it was called the ruku Teva has a very interesting sword. So,
sad Nabi Waqqas, after he killed him, he took the sword he went to
the Prophet sallallahu and he said Can I keep this and the prophets
Allah said no go and put it in the in the general booty. And it will
be decided, who is going to give it given to later. So sadly alone
came back he gave it in and then saw little unfurl was revealed,
and in the mentions the rulings with regards to the spoils of war.
So the prophets, Allah some said to him gone, you can, you can go
and get your sword now. This is your sword now. So this was an
interesting thing that happened. He also captured two prisoners
during the Battle of burden. He is known to be the first person he's
known for some firsts. He is known to be the first person to fire an
arrow in the path of Allah.
He was an expert marksman
and he was the first to fire an arrow in the path of Allah. In
fact, in one of the first skirmishes
during the expedition of butter in the beginning, there were some
Qureshi is that came up, there was some people of Makkah that came up
and there was a small skirmish. And he's the first person who
wounded somebody in the path of Allah as well. He's also the last
of them, oh, hygiene to pass away
from this earth. So he's a very interesting character.
Now, during the Battle of orange now, you know, this is the one
where they were winning initially. And then halfway through, there
was a bit of a problem, when the promise was I had mentioned to
these 50 artists to remain where they were, but they thought that
the battle was won and over, and thus they moved and Khalid bin
Walid, who was on the other side, at this time he came in, there was
a counter attack, and then there was a bit of a
there was a bit of a commotion in that one. So it said about him
that during sat web webcast during the Battle of or hurt. He remained
with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did not scamper
anywhere. And he was one of the Marksman people with the with the
bow and arrow, and zakhary relates that sad on that day must have
fired 1000 arrows.
Now, do you know what that means? Have you have you fired an arrow?
Have you done any practice? If you go, you know, they have these
archery practices.
It is not easy to fire an arrow. You have to really it's not like
firing a gun. Or finding a gun is a different story, right? There's
a recoil and so on. Depending on the caliber of the gun, that's a
different story. When it comes to an arrow, you have to especially
if you're going to get somewhere with it. The it requires a lot of
effort and 1000 in a in one battle in a day in 1000 of them. That's
not an easy thing. You do five and your shoulder will be hurting if
you're doing it properly.
So this is I mean this is obviously us unfit and the
prophets of Allah Islam is making the offer him is saying enemy
feeder can be your own me. Keep shooting, shoot, shoot, my father
and mother be sacrificed for you. That's why Ali Radi Allahu Anhu
says in this hadith in Sahih, Al Bukhari that I have heard the
Prophet sallallahu Allah He was I've never heard him say that my
parents be sacrificed for anybody other than sadly Allah. He's the
only one He's made this statement for.
And you can tell this special
connection with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is not
Asha animal Bashara for nothing. This is not an arbitrary group of
people. These are very special people who have proven their
So there are the Allah Allah Himself says during the Battle of
or hurt, he says that I saw on the right of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and on his left two men that had totally white
garments on I've never seen them before and I never saw them again.
They were Gibreel and Mikael, this is during the Battle of Sahih
Muslim narration. Then, of course, he took parts during the hospital
hunchback. He gave the baby during the holiday via so he was there,
you know, one of the major expeditions. And then of course,
he was there in Fatima QCCA in the conquest of Makkah, which was a
very simple process eventually, but he was one of the three flag
bearers of the MA hygiene.
He was given one of the flags of the Maharaja into bear on that
day, and all the other expeditions he had
accompanied the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Now what happens is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam departs
this world and then comes Abu Bakr Siddiq are the Allahu Anhu is time
for about two years and five months or so. And then you get to
aroma the Allahu Anhu Stein
Now we've dealt with this in a bit detail a bit of details previously
a bow or Bay the ignorance era. However aboard obey the ignorant
gyro, his focus was Sham. He was the commander of Sham. And as you
know how he'd been when when either the Allahu Akbar was the
commander first in Iraq and Persia, then he was moved from
there by Omar the Allahu Anhu. And you're sent to Sharm to help them
there. And then after that, Abu Bakr, Radi Allahu Anhu
put a bow obey the ignorant Jarrah in charge of Shambo had been wary
that they continued there.
This one is focused on Iraq. Now he is sad web workers is the
conqueror of some of the greatest cities of the Persian Empire.
And these cities, I don't think Rome had any comparison to in
those days. In that sense. You're talking about the city of Muda.
Muda in is called muda in the prologue, Medina is basically the
cities of cities, a group of cities today it's nothing. It had
the major Iwan of Kisara, the major arc arch of Kisara. This was
the crossroads. This was the center of the great pompous,
Persian Empire. This was the IWAN of Kisara muda in a
number of other cities gelila called the CEO he was the
commander in qadisiya. qadisiya Is anybody who's read history they
will know by the sea. This was a this was an amazing, you know, it
brings back a Jeep memories. So anyway, before all of just to give
you an idea before all of that Abu Bakr Siddiq, or the Allahu Anhu
took Khalid bin Walid from Iraq, and he sent him to shum North when
Abu Bakr Siddiq Radi Allahu Anhu then passed away.
Omar the Allahu Anhu made a bow obey the sucker fee,
the commander of the forces all the general commander of all of
the forces of Iraq, and this was in the 13th year of hijra, so the
boys are some passes away in 1011. Oh bucker is there for two and a
half years in 13 PGD is one of the Allah hands first year or so. And
he does this a boo boo obey the McAfee is the commander of the
forces of Iraq. However, it was only a few months that he lost it
because he became Shaheed and martyred during the Battle of the
juicer, his famous battle of Jesus.
There's a wonderful book called The fall of fire, which is
published by to wrath publishing. It's called The Four caliphs. It
has all of this in great detail. Anyway.
After about obey the McAfee is martyred.
The Persians they consolidate their forces.
And they make yes the Jagath Yes, the God they make him the leader.
Then what happens is because they see some weakness, they feel that
there's a weakness in the muscles because the leader has died and
been killed Martin. So a number of the areas that had already been
taken over under them the protection they were giving Jizya
they threw out their Muslim governance, and they refuse to
pages here, because they thought that there's no point doing this
Remember, the Allah on became extremely angry, so this cannot
He decided himself in Muharram of the 14th Hijiri to depart himself
and take part in this himself. You can imagine the seriousness of the
situation with this.
He says, Ali Radi Allahu Allah will become the governor of Medina
in my absence,
then he decided to form a modulus to make mashallah to consult with
the major Sahaba of the time as to
when they should depart, how they should depart and so on.
The announcement made that solid, solid time everybody's together.
Amara, the Allahu Anhu called for it or the Allah one. And he came
to Madina Munawwara.
And then he asked everybody, and he said that this is what I want
to do. And they all agreed, yes, you should go. Except Abdurrahman,
Remember he's also from the National militia.
Is it except to have drama live now? He said, No. I fear that if
anything happens to you, then the Muslims will become very weak
around the world, in all the areas that are there.
And as soon as he said this, you know, he said that I think you
should send somebody else in your place and you should stay in
Madina. Munawwara this is your place.
So Subhanallah they understood the wisdom in this
and I'm one of the Allah one says, Okay, fine. Who do you think then
we should send? So Abdurrahman
St Khadija Do I have a man? I have a man for this. Who is it? He said
Assa Doofy. Bara bara theny he this is the lion with his claws
out. This is the lion with his paws out.
And this is who lion talking about valor is out there is the bravest
man there sat I don't know Monica Zuccardi Serendib nomadic
Missouri. This is our web workers. His dad's name is Marty cousins.
They all loved what he said, I'm one of the Allah who approved over
the cold side. And then he made him the commander of Iraq. And as
he was departing gave him a certain number of nnessee. He
says, Look, you are the uncle of the prophets of the Lord. But
don't use that as your means of staying back from other piety and
righteousness, no relationship, no connection, no ancestry will
benefit without piety for Allah subhanho wa taala.
So he gave a number of advices. And he said to him, you are going
to embark upon a very, very difficult voyage. This is a very
difficult task that you've taken on for southern suburbs have a lot
of patience and perseverance on what's gonna now be confronted by
May Allah subhanho wa Taala gather in you the fear of Allah.
And know that the fear of Allah comprises in two things. The fear
of Allah comprises in two things number one, in his obedience, it
shows that you are fearful if you are obeying Him. And number two in
abstain from his disobedience, that proves you have the fear of
Allah. If you don't do these things, you have no fear of Allah.
And he says that the obedience of the one who obeys Allah is by him
disliking the aspects of this dunya and he's loving the Ark era.
That is what it means to be obedient to Allah. And anybody
who's disobeying, that it means he does it out of love for this world
and hatred for the hereafter. And he said that hearts have a
reality. Hearts have a reality and Allah subhanahu wa taala produces
in there are two things one is external and one is internal, what
is external, what is internal, the external thing is that a person
has anybody who praises him or criticizes him is the same for
him. He is not bloated by praise, and he is not demoted by
criticism. He knows where he is. If he has the real reality of
Islam in his heart, then these things don't matter to him. So
this is the external aspect. And he said in turn the internal
aspect, internal aspect, something that works in a different way is
that Allah subhana wa Tada will make him beloved to the people.
He says that if Allah loves somebody, then he will cause the
people to love him. And if Allah subhanaw taala doesn't like
somebody, he will cause the paper to people to hate him as well. for
the betterment Zillow tech, you should test your position. In the
LA Beeman Zillow ticker in the NUS, you should test your position
with Allah by how people are treating you. It's all reflective.
So Saturday, Allahu anhu, goes out and he departs to Iraq in 6000
force of 6000. When he gets there, then he combines the forces and he
takes over the leadership of all of them
on one of the Allahu anhu, then supports him strengthens him with
a number of other things until finally they get to call the CEA.
When they're called the CEA they are 30,000.
That's a long way away from 313 in the Battle of butter, and from
1000. In the Battle of our hood, it's a long way from the 30,000.
Some say 36,000. But listen, wait till you hear how many the Romans
So qadisiya.
It's a long story. I'm not going to go into details of these
battles. I just want to tell you about sad web workers.
Allah subhanaw taala helped. Amazingly, during this time, when
the two forces met, sad, unfortunately, he had to stay
back. He couldn't take part in the battle and some people were
complaining he doesn't fight in the battle. And the reason is that
he had at that time he was suffering from sciatica. She
called her Erica NASA in Arabic sky, Attica, and he had boils when
his body couldn't see it on a horse. Anybody was at a boil will
know, they don't mess with boys there. They can really make you
upset. They can really cause you a lot of turbulence. So what he was
doing is he was propped up on a number of pillows in the fourth
wherever he was, and he was watching the battle from there and
he was directing everything from there. No TV screen, no cameras,
He was just doing it from there.
The Muslims, as I said, were 30,000
the Persians were 200,000. And they just bought 33 Elephants for
good measure.
elephants were these weird things that people were didn't know how
to deal with Arabs in order to deal with them.
However, despite this massive
difference in the number of forces of each 10,000 of the Persians are
killed in this time 10,000 And from the Muslims, about two and a
half 1000.
But they take over,
then they move from there to muda in and the first they take one
side of this muda and I believe is on the Tigris River.
It's on the Tigris River.
So they take this site first.
But this is the glorious place where there's so much treasure and
gold and these huge buildings, the arch it's there's still a part of
this arch left today is some remnants of it, right?
When yes, there, Jared he was in originally in Medan. But when he
discovered that they had taken the outer area, then he ran with his
entire escape with his entire family, and a number of others and
he took a lot of the treasure.
So eventually, the long story short, this better, let's take a
few days. It's a long story. I don't have the time for that. But
he goes in, they go into
they go into muda and Medina is called testify and it's an ancient
city in English, they call it tests, even Latin call it tests.
And they take over the IWAN of Kisara, the arch of Kisaan his
entire area. And he makes that a Musala. makes that a place of
And then after that he all of these Muslim families are with him
with the Sahaba and the tourbillion. And the others, he
asked them whoever wants to stay in Medina and settler they can,
they can stay there. Then after that he sends a small contingent
to go behind Yes, the Germans because they're gonna regroup
somewhere and come back. Some of these forces that he sent, they
found Yes, digital, they all killed and they get a huge
treasure that comes from there.
On that day, the amount of booty that was received by the Muslims
was enormous. It's one of the greatest booties that were
received during this time. We're talking about pure gold things
that were received. Saturday alone sends 1/5 of the spoils of war to
Medina minority Ramona, the Allah one as is the as is the ruling.
Salman al Farsi ready alone is made in charge. He's with him
Salman Farsi, Athena is made in charge of distributing the rest
among the forces of the muslimeen.
When it gets to Madina, Munawwara this fifth portion, in there is
the bracelet, the bangles, bracelets of the cosmos.
And this these are given to Soraka, if nomadic magician but
the Allaha. And this was because of a prophecy that the Prophet saw
some had said to him, that you will be given the bangles of the
cosmos of Persia. And this was in a time when you could never
imagine never imagined. Those were the super powers of the world,
that you are going to be wearing the bangles of this man. It's
amazing. They took his crown and everything. Anyway, these were
given to Soraka Abdulmalik in New Jersey and the prophecy, it became
a reality. Now what happens is in the 17th year, so you know, a few
years after this, Amaro the Allahu Anhu receives news that the Arabs,
the people who had gone from the Arabian Peninsula, and of course,
lots of people have become Muslim, then the lot of the Iraqis and the
Persians that become Muslim so they were extended there. However,
the Arabs they were all becoming very weak skins and they were
becoming very dry. The color had changed the environment there was
just very difficult for them to bear because they were so used to
this desert environment of, of over Arabia.
So remember the Allahu Anhu wrote to Saddam Nabi raucous. And he
said to him, tell me what is causing all of this problem. So
Saturday alone wrote to him, he says, it's the unfavorable
conditions, the weather is just not suitable for us, because Arabs
from the area, whatever. And the way he explained it is that
whatever areas are suited for camels, then those would be suited
for the Arabs there as well because they like the same kind of
environment. So Omar, the Allahu anhu, then said to him, send
Salman al Farsi. Some of us here the old must have been very old at
this time because he was already old, when he was in Madina,
Munawwara since Salman al Farsi and who they refer or the Hola,
Go out scouting they should go out to scout out an area that they
think will be appropriate.
Now remember, there's no Bodard. In those days, there's no Kufa and
there's no buzzer, the famous cities of Iraq.
So, one takes the east of the Euphrates River now the Euphrates
River which is further east of the Tigris, the Tigris is the Tigris
is further west. And it's very long, it's very long, it goes all
the way into
it goes all the way into Turkey, is very long river.
So, Amara, the Allahu Anhu said to him that I want you to send these
two people to find the location that is very good, but it has to
be a place where between us in Madina Munawwara and it there is
no river or there is no bridge.
I don't want any obstacles in our path. It needs to be just landed
between us.
Salman, are the hola Juan, he goes out.
To the west. He goes out to the west of which is in the direction
of Saudi Arabia in the direction of Arabia as well, the west of the
Euphrates River, and he's not happy with anything until he comes
to this place which is now called Kufa. Well today it's actually
called Najaf. Kufa. There's not much left of it. The bigger city
it looks like Nigeria is the more famous city. So Kufa is right next
to Niger, and it's probably south southwest of Baghdad.
Basara is much more south east. That's a much bigger city today.
Basara is a big city. However the masjid
of sadhana will be worker still exists. Of course, it's probably
been rebuilt just like Amarula answer the Allah Juan's Masjid in
Cairo still exists. So do not be workhouses, Masjid in Kufa still
exists today.
he found this place who they are the Allah, Allah, the Allah one,
he went on the east of the Euphrates, and he goes up because
there has to be water, right? So they're looking at the bank of the
Euphrates. He goes on that site, and he also comes to the same
place things this is the perfect location. So when they meet up
there Sodre the Allahu Anhu he says, Okay, this is where we're
going to build and he tells the families in Medina and you can
either stay here or you can move to Kufa. Now you understand where
Ali Rhydian finally went to Kufa eventually, Abdullah Masuda de
Allah who was in Kufa, Imam Abu Hanifa is born there. You have all
of these other great scholars then the second greatest tradition
after Madina Munawwara isn't good for afterwards became the greatest
center of learning in Iraq, just followed by busser afterwards.
He initially said that the houses must be must be made of wood, wood
cane or something like this. But then there was a fire that took
place. So then after that, he allowed that they built with
unbaked bricks. But Amara, the Allahu Anhu said that nobody
should have more than three rooms.
Nobody should have more than three rooms, three bedroom houses we
have right
we have we need attics and so on as well don't we conversions?
Anyway, and they should not make them too high Leia totowa Luna
Phil Bruneian as the Hadith mentions sign of Day of Judgment,
they should not go too high.
Then Sadra the Allahu Anhu was made the governor of Kufa so he is
the first governor of this first city established by the Muslims
under ombre the Allah 118 Hijiri Sather, the Alon mix this masjid
and the 20th Hijiri
the PEEP some people in Kufa take a complaint of him to make a
complaint of intermodal the hola Juan
Amara, the hola and dismisses
he puts in his place and might even know yourself as the governor
of Kufa
their complaint was that he doesn't pray properly.
Namaste Brava nippert day bye
Imams of the Muslim whatever this is even in those days you have
people write in saying things like this
on what are the Allahu Anhu sent for Saturday Allah He said yeah
about his hug these people they are claiming that you don't pray
properly let let us into Sunday
so Saturday alone said the Allah Amma Anna for wala he for any
country also Libya him salata rasool Allah is Allah Allah, I am
praying, I am leading them in the same way as the prayer of Surah
allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I'm not making any
shortcomings in this regard. No discussions in that regard. I make
Salah out of Asia. I make the first two records long and I make
the law
asked to record short. I keep them light
on what are the hola on said the cousin Vaughn ubica about his
hack. That is what I thought about you. That is all that is what I've
been thinking about. You're all along. Like I don't I don't agree
with the criticism.
Then he sent with him Mohamed El Mundo Muslimah to Kufa so he sent
sad with Mohammed Abdullah Muslimah to Kufa to make an
inquiry to ask the different places in Kufa what is the
Because again, this is one man's word against another one complaint
came in southern gave him response, he wants to find the
They went to every single masjid
and every single Masjid praised him
except when they get got to this Masjid called the masjid of the
bedroom ARBUS.
One man got up among them and they asked this question and he said,
since you are asking us
his name was Osama ignore Qatada
abou Saturday is his title was a Bousada said since you are really
asking for
a response and a view, then sad. He it has three problems. He
doesn't go out and expeditions
meaning he doesn't go out in the battles. He doesn't distribute
fairly, equally. And number three, he doesn't give just judgments
and major criticism This is really big issues. So Sandra Dillon there
and there he said something is a Willie of Allah. He said Allah
Allah he the one be fella here. I'm going to make $3 right now.
I'm going to make $3 Allahumma incarna Abdu Kochava Kathy Ben
Carr Maria and it was so much fun for Attila Umrah, who were until
fakra who were well read who will fit in,
said, Oh Allah.
If this servant of yours here
is lying, and has just got up for show and fame, just to be somebody
then extend his life.
extend his poverty, long life with poverty, how Allah what a misery.
extend his life, extend his poverty, and have him confront
different trials and mischief.
If he's telling the if he's lying
after that this person used to be this old.
This old pervert, essentially that's the word
Yatta out of the jewelry, he used to try to touch with little girls
and used to try to touch them and do things you know. And he was
known for this and some way he was even asked like, why did you do
this? And he said che Han kabhi Ron Mattoon. This is an old man
who has been challenged by this mischief and problem or Sabatini
that were to set it in. Sad. Dada has reached me.
That's why I don't ever mess with the Olia. I remember one somebody
speaking to another scholar. And he was just about to speak about a
particular individual
and probably about to criticize him and immediately the other
scholars didn't look stop. He's a woody of Allah, something will
happen to you if you say this, be careful.
I mean, you know, when is this genuine something, then you're
allowed to criticize, but when it's just criticism on rumors and
things of this nature want us to be very careful. If somebody is
beloved to Allah subhanaw taala then we're in big trouble. If we
come in their way, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't like it.
Then after this aroma or the Allahu Anhu he is on his last few
hours. And as you know, the last few days of Ramadan, we've read
this in detail. We've studied this in detail on what are the Allahu
Anhu towards the end after he is attacked? He builds He forms the
shura of six people along with Abdullah Hebner Omar or the Allah
one. And what does he say about these six people? He said, Humann
Levina to fear rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam well
who are in whom rather than these other people that when the
prophets Allah has passed away, he was happy with them and satisfied
with them.
So these are the six people that formed and we've read this in
detail when Amara, the Allah one's life we read in detail. So when
they got together after Almighty Allah and passed away,
as you know, three of them gave their position their share over to
the other side of the look, we give it over to this person. So
when you had saddled Nabil walk us, he said gen two umbrella
Abdurrahman mouth. He gave he says my position I give to undramatic
mouth. zubaid said I
give mine to Addy Rhodiola. Anton has said I give mine to Earthman.
So now, who's left? Abdurrahman mouth? Osman and it? Abdurrahman.
I said, Okay, I'm going to act as the mediator between you two. So
he's out and then after that he's the one who chose between Ali and
Amanda the Allahu Allah and he chose Earthman to the Allah
so sad that he alone was out of it. Now you also know from the
discussion we had over Omar Osman are the Allah who understand and
denial you know, the Allah homes time and all the fitna. Between
Marley or the Allahu Anhu and led along the and then I show the hola
Juan and Zubaydah and Talhah Radi Allahu Anhu in the Battle of the
Camel, the Battle of Safin you know the whole story last time
that we had where was Saturday in all of this remedies Asha militia
is one of the prominent Sahaba after Earthman or the Alon passes
away during time of audio then he's one of the
and as you'll see later on, there are people who even told him that
you should stand up for the healer for after with one of the Allah
says no, absolutely not. Absolutely not. So anyway, he
stayed completely away. He stayed completely away.
After Earthman and I found out the and passed away his son, Omar
Abner said, told him that look, you can even stand up for Khilafah
because you're one of the six committees part of the six
committee assure of armor another relative of his one of his nephews
Hashem Narottama he said the same thing as well but sad said
absolutely not. No way. So then Hashem his nephew, he became a
took the pleasure that it really Allah one. He stayed in his house
during this time. He didn't take part in the Battle of the Camel.
He did not take part in the Battle of Safin. Neither did he take part
during that arbitration the Dakine that caused another big issue
afterwards. He told his family that do not even tell me anything
that's going on. Until they all agree on one person. I just want
to know when it all gets resolved. I want to know nothing in between.
So difficult from today when you just waiting for news, WhatsApp
message what's going on new message? New Video. Agha right.
This is so and so's talk. Oh, he's on his side. He's on his side. Or
they've just they've just left. All of these guys have left the
main headquarters. There was another gathering in this place.
And there was this ban given down there.
This is the big problem. Allah Tala save us, Allah protect us,
says no, I don't want to know anything until this all sorted
More Are we really alone and it really both tried to get him on to
support them because he was a very prominent individuals, but just
like Abdullah Hypno hormone and others, he refused. He said no to
it, really. And then when we came to him as well, he said a number
of lines of poetry to him. And he said earlier the UN has tried you
think if I've said no to him, you think I'm going to come to you?
And he says no. And then the one thing about him was that on one
occasion he was SubhanAllah. This is what the person said promise a
lot of someone said that a time will come when the best person is
the one who will take his goats, his sheep, whatever, to the edge
of a mountain, and he will just be with them. That's what the
prophets ultimate says. And this is exactly what he was doing. One
of his sons, Omar, he came over from Madina Munawwara because he
had moved outside of Madina, Munawwara he had a foot, he had a
he had a large estate outside money because a lot of children
I'll tell you about them afterwards, at large, and so he
used to live, say the outside of Madina Munawwara so one of his
sons came, and as soon as he saw him, he knew what kind of message
he was going to bring in. He says our Altavilla him in Shelby
Huracan I seek refuge in Allah from the evil of this person who
is mounted. When he came to him. He says, Oh, my father, are you
happy? Are you satisfied with just staying like a Bedouin among your
sheep? You're satisfied with just being like a Bedouin among your
sheep. When people are disputing the so important matter in Madina,
Munawwara so sad really alone. He struck him on the chest and he
said was said Be silent. For in nice America. Rasool Allah He
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yaku live heard Rasulullah sallallahu
I'm saying that Allah Azza wa Jalla you hate bolawrap The Totti
l honey, Al Hafi.
Allah may Allah have you relate to this in his cry lamb in novella,
it says, I have heard us all Allah salAllahu Salam saying that Allah
loves that servant who is righteous and pious, who is
independent, and who is concealed and hidden.
Sadly, the Allahu Anhu said that
I have done jihad.
And I know what jihad is.
He was the commander of the Iraqi army. He says, I know what jihad
is. And
I will not
Fight in all of this. And I mentioned this before, I will not
fight in this until somebody brings me a sword that has two
eyes and a tongue. And it will tell me exactly who's a believer
who's not a believer who I'm allowed to kill and whom I'm not
allowed to kill, basically is looking for a smart sword that
will only attack the people who are worthy of being attacked. I
should have been too sad. His daughter relates that once sadder
the Allahu Anhu became sick in Makkah Makara, Rama earlier on.
And he is actually the one who when he became very sick, he
thought he was going to die at that time, and he went to the
voiceless. And he said, I want to give
all of my wealth away in South Africa. And the person said, No,
you can't. He said, half is not half he said 1/3 is okay, fine.
I'll agree with 1/3 is a famous story about this. I'll agree with
1/3. And it's better for you to leave your children with something
than to leave them begging other people. That's where we get the
hook of wasI being allowed a bequest being allowed up to 1/3 of
your wealth for other than your inheritors. Otherwise, two thirds
have to go to your inheritance unless you give things away before
you're dead.
Anyway, it became very, very sick in Makkah macabre, and he said the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam came to visit me and he passed his hands
over my face my chest and my stomach and he said, Allah Who
mushy sadden Oh Allah grant cure to serve.
After that, he said I would constantly feel the coolness of
the progress of the Lauryssens hand on my liver until the last
day. That was a constant feeding was natural cooling of my liver.
Right natural system of cooling until then Buhari and NASA have
related this and so the hubby if not Buster, the Allahu Anhu said
that the prophecy was set to about Saturday Allah one during the
Battle of Allah who Mr. jibley said, Oh Allah except the two
hours of sight. He was a monster job with that word. We already saw
one story of how his daughter was accepted. The progress that was
made this two or three times for him during on that time at that
time. That's why I say the Mineral Museum. He says that there was a
person who used to constantly abuse it told her and zubaid You
know, when all of this was going on. There was somebody used to
come in he used to abuse you know, he is the one who likes to talk.
Always give criticism, right? Write articles, go on talk shows,
and all of these weird people you have all the time. He says he used
to like to speak bad things about Ali Todd hands obeyed. And
Saddledome used to keep prohibiting him saying don't do
this don't do this.
He said to him lotta coffee whiny don't say these things about my
brothers but he refused to Saturday when they got up make
total cuts of salad and he made the door a Bactrian camel which is
a specific type of a camel a Bactrian camel with I think as
one hump right back to income and I think has one hump is you have
two humps.
Anyway, a Bactrian camel camel
suddenly charged in
push this guy down onto the ground and then dragged him.
Now Amara, there was a Saturday there was obviously making Salatin
dua he didn't know this was happening. People rushed to him
saying that oh boy is half your DUA has been accepted about this
Everybody has to die and leave this world.
His death as the death of all beautiful people happens in
beautiful ways. As I said he was the final Mahajan to pass away
among Golda Mahajan.
When his death was near, he asked for a very, very old tunic jumper
of his that was made of wool. And he said, I want you to make my
coffin in this, this you should be used as my shroud. Because this is
what I used to confront the Mushrikeen with during the Battle
of butter, and this is what I was wearing at the time. And I've been
keeping this for this day. Musab ignore Saturday some relates that
my father's head was in my lap.
So this is a son, he's cradling him. And he was breathing is lost
and I started to cry and he raised his head up to me and he said a
bunny my ukic what is making you cry my son? He says just what I'm
seeing right now of you. He said let them let them Don't Don't cry.
Don't cry for in hola hola. You are the Boonie other than Allah is
never going to punish me. Allah will never punish me. We're in
even a real Jana and I am the people of Jana.
What confidence Subhanallah what confidence
May Allah also give us this kind of satisfaction? You can't say
this. These are, you know, when you're about today, it's a very
precarious, precarious moment, you know, very difficult moment, very
sensitive time.
When you start seeing reality when you see when you will actually
start seeing whether you've won your test or not when this world
has been worth it, your efforts in this world have been worth it.
This is when the promises of St. Videography colada, he knew what
was going on. He had a pangs of they were the pangs of death which
is separate. So your feeling of wanting to go says don't worry
about it. And this is exactly what the professor has said to his
daughter, la Karumba Allah Rebekah Leone, she was saying Why carrabba
Abba? Oh, the pain of my father. And the both of them said to her,
don't worry, la curbar Allah be covered to handle him. There's
going to be no difficulty and pain on your father after this day. And
he goes the same way. His wife hurts his death was during the
time why we should not be Sophia so much later. That's when he
passed away in the 55th Hijiri. So after all of these things had then
finally been worked out and while we are the old man taking the helm
in in Damascus and peace and come back into the world, he died in
this place called archaic in his 14 archaic and major estate, which
was about 10 miles from Madina Munawwara and he was carried on
the shoulders of people in these 10 Miles he was carried to Madina,
Munawwara Marwan Abdul Hakim Marwan Abdul Hakim was the one who
did the janazah because he was the one he the governor of Medina, and
the more we are the Allah one.
He died when he was just over 7070 something.
The wives of the Prophet sallallahu sent those who were
there. They said that we can't come out for his Janaza prayer, we
can't come out where you know, his Janaza prayer will come. So they
were told to pass his Janaza through the masjid, so that the
wives that lived by the masjid Omaha Momineen, they could pray on
Even they valued it.
The day side of the Allahu Anhu passed away, he left approximately
250,000 dyrham
Everybody had become more wealthy by that time.
His the card that he had just sent at that time to Marwan was
24 25,000 did him. So if that's 40% If that's 2.5% 114 Then you
can work out his estate at that time.
Sadly, the Allahu Anhu was on the shorter side, but well built with
a prominent forehead and
well endowed hands.
His hair, he had hair on his body. He was a slight wheatish
complexion. And he used to have a dark day he used to dye his hair
So that he was known to have a very sharp eyesight, even towards
the end.
Once he said once, he said, look, look down there. Do you see
something? And they said, Yeah, it's just a bird. It was like a
speck. Just a bird. Is that know that somebody's riding a camel.
And then yes, it was somebody riding a camel is he had very good
He left behind as a family. He had approximately 10 wives over the
course of his life 10 wives and an
omen words humble wallets, which means
would you call it concubines from which your children right? So over
the course of his life, he had 10
And subhanAllah he had 18 sons and 18 daughters,
good 18 sons and approximately 18 sons approximately 18 daughters.
But mashallah, what a life. What a life to go at the end like this,
saying that to handle I've got nothing to worry about. And it's
comforting somebody else you don't have to worry about it today. May
Allah subhanho wa taala. Grant us the ability to follow in the
footsteps of these people have the same zeal have the same Eman, the
same strength
and the same connection to Allah subhanho wa Taala the same love
and longing for the hereafter. But to accomplish something while
we're in the dunya whatever you're doing, stay attached to Allah
subhanaw taala whatever you may be doing people always saying we have
so much to do. We work all the day we have to earn a living, it's
expensive, that's fine. But don't forget your vicar of Allah. Don't
forget your Salah on time.
These are the things that will help. These are the things that
will work these this is what will keep the internal battery charged.
Without it we're just absolute worldlings we have nothing to do
with our angelic side the human has a side of Bohemia, and a side
of Molokhia every human being that we are made in this animals are
just Bohemia, which means they just animalistic, that's it. We
have an aspect of an angelic quality which is our spirituality
without solid
If you feel no good, you have the dunya at your hands. You have the
latest gadgets in your pockets, and yet you will feel emptiness
because fullness accomplishment. The warmth of the heart soundness
of the heart can only come with the remembrance of Allah through
our salah, through our sitting through our connection with Allah
subhanho wa Taala that's what we need to keep these people never
forget Allah subhanho wa Taala they never forgot Allah subhanaw
taala regardless of their situation, may Allah subhanaw
taala grant us acceptance to our hero Darwin