Wasim Kempson – Islami QA 12 (13062022)

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of learning and following Islam, particularly manners and worship. They stress the need for personal responsibility and avoiding doubt. The speakers also emphasize the importance of being aware of one's audience and not bringing up anyone's point of view. The speakers also touch on the use of henna for various purposes, including dressing in a black or white color, and the number of people who may not be able to pray during marriage. The segment ends with a recap of the upcoming show and a promise to receive a gift from a non-M-think- language.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yeah Are you ready?

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Oh LTE. Oh Lord Our LTE over was our od M remian

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam or either SureFit Ambia USA edu Mursaleen. While early he was hardly a Jemaine All praise belongs to Allah. I made a peace and blessings of Allah, Allah Allah be upon His final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but even sisters and viewers at home. Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. May Allah subhanaw taala bless each and every single one of you, and may Allah subhanaw taala forgive us all along I mean

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Welcome to a new show of Islamic where you're given the opportunity to put in your questions to us Inshallah, tada, you have a couple of ways of doing that. You have the telephone number which is appearing at the bottom of your screen. So you can call us in China to drop us your question, we'll try our best to answer that. Or you have the option of putting your question via their WhatsApp number. And then then it will be put to us on this little tablet here trying to tailor and we'll again try our best to to answer those questions but isn't it later either.

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So while we are waiting for your questions, inshallah to Allah,

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I wanted to remind ourselves, first and foremost, about a very beautiful Hadith actually, and narration of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which more people know Jebel, the great companion of the messenger SallAllahu ala Selim, what are the Allahu Anhu in which he asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam, an amazing question.

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And he asked a question that the pianist to be honest with you, most of us, we may ourselves asked the same question.

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When he said to the messenger Elisa to Salam, O Messenger of Allah, tell me about an action view, the Helio Neogen that will enter me into the paradise. You will you by the knee, give it an hour.

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But it will distance me and take me away from the hellfire. Tell me something that takes me into paradise and takes me away from the hellfire. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, look, let's see, that you have asked about a great matter.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam answered the question by mentioning a number of important things, if you like, was just for Dean, the, the establishment or the fundamentals of the religion about establishing the prayer giving zakat and so on. And then the Prophet alayhi salatu salam further emphasized about the importance of extra deeds, the voluntary deeds about fasting are so much fun. And that giving charity or the like the example of giving charity is like how water puts out the fire. This charity wipes out your sins. And then the Prophet, Allah mentioned, if you like in a metaphorical sense, the levels of which a person can establish their Islam, and that there

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is the tip of it, the very highest part of it, which would be the striving for the path of Allah subhanaw taala

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its pillars are the prayer, and then the Prophet Allah. So some said, Shall I not inform you about the king or that which owns or is superior to that all.

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After mentioning prayer, and all of this shall have not mentioned something which is the control of everything,

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or which will be the judgment by everything else is seen. The perfect size for aka Billy says he saw the Prophet SAW Selim took hold of his own tongue.

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And he said COFA alayka had

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Hold your tongue.

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So therefore Subhan Allah, upon this response, more authority, Allahu Anhu upon hearing about the establishment of prayer, fasting and all of these righteous actions and all the

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voluntary acts that may go with that from fasting and from charity and all of that mashallah a person may or may put forth then the then morality responded the tongue

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are we going to be held account by that what we see in comparison, not that more of Radi Allahu Anhu was oblivious that you can't speak as you like, but in the face of a person establishing all of this, are we still going to be held account for what we see?

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And then the Prophet alayhi salam said something very profound. Well, Halia Coburn, NASA will do him for not Do you think the people will be dragged on their faces in the Hellfire ill household? snotty him at

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kept by what their tongues have harvested.

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So in Islam, brothers and sisters, we are accountable for everything that we say.

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And even when one of the companions spoke, so in glowing terms about our particular Muslim woman, who at the time of the companions are the term of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, that she was engaged in a birder worship chiamo Lille charity so on and so forth. Someone what might see as a true servant of Allah subhanaw taala, except

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it led to the Adjara except that she harms her neighbor, by what she says.

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Upon hearing this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he FNR they shouldn't be in the hellfire. Why? Because of the harm that she caused her neighbor by what she was speaking about.

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So a person may have all of these good deeds,

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from charity, from prayer and fasting, what if a person does not control their tongue that that could wipe out all of those good deeds? And the topic is long and really mashallah I think deserves

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a set of lectures, or an in depth lecture about how to control one's tongue. But again, this is an Islamic question program, we don't want to go into a lecture here. So as a reminder, button sisters feel free to call in inshallah to Allah

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to put your question to us we'll try our best to answer inshallah tailor and also, there's the WhatsApp number that you can call by the drop your question on the WhatsApp and we'll try our best to answer that Bethany later on.

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So we have a question that's come through on the WhatsApp is

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well, it should say soy sauce soya is something else I think, but soy soy sauce which is used mainly in you know Chinese and Thai cooking

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is it halal?

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Right. So,

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with regards to the sources

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with regards to the sources,

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if it doesn't contain any alcohol, then clearly it is not a problem in some of the ingredients, you may find something like spirit wine vinegar, okay. And things like that, which may cause the Muslim to be doubtful about the presence of what they see as something haram because they say the word alcohol however, this is spirit wine vinegar,

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wine vinegar wine, immediately comes to your mind is you know, alcohol, but it is no longer in a form that will intoxicate it is no vinegar, vinegar does not intoxicate. So therefore, with regards to these sources, under like,

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sometimes you find these dressings that you find in sandwiches and things like that, it cannot intoxicate you okay, you cannot get you know become drunk from it.

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And so therefore, we say it is permitted for you to use the sources inshallah to Allah.

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There is a very important Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Al Hillel will be in will haram will be in the halal is clear and Haram is clear. While they you know whom wish to be heard,

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that between these two, the halal and haram there are matters which maybe are unclear. This is relative, meaning that the some people it's unclear, but in a situation where it's unclear to you, maybe to others it's very clear hamdulillah it's clearly Hello clearly haram. And this is why that when there are doubtful matters doubtful to you, but not necessarily to others. It's important that you don't impose your doubt that you have upon others because upon others that hamdulillah May Allah Allah Allah, he may have blessed them with a knowledge or may have blessed them with the opportunity to ask somebody, so that they are now clear on that matter, but it may be doubtful for you. So you

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personally is better as the Prophet sallallahu said for the person who wants to protect their own religion, then you stay away from it from those doubtful matters. But remembering that was doubtful for you may not be doubtful for others, okay? They may have clear knowledge on that matter and therefore it's not doubtful for them is clearly halal or haram. And Allah subhanaw taala is best. Which, you know, leads me on to actually

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another point, this hadith that I just mentioned to you and hello by Yun will haram over yonder the halal and haram are both clear. And also the hadith of morality of Najarian that I mentioned at the begin of the show, with regards to

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you know, heavily sin or protecting one's tongue. These two generations, amongst many other generations, are found in the 40 Hadith of Imam and Noway.

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This compilation of a hadith which I would in

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coverage, every single Muslim to read every single Muslim

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even if you are a young child, and you can just about understand, you know the basics of Islam for a parent to read these Hadith to their children,

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but 42 narrations, they all talk about the fundamentals of Al Islam. It was compiled by the great scholar of the past Imam,

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Imam and no Euro Mahalo to either, who was a great alum of the past. In fact, he died very, very young.

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He's one of the great scholars of Islam, that he compiled these narrations, and these narrations, or 42 of them represent the, you know, the fundamentals of Islam. And pretty much all of the narrations are very clear in their meaning. What I mean by that is that it doesn't necessarily require vast explanation.

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Extracting Of course, an explanation is very important. But it is possible for the Muslim pretty much most of the narrations for you to take benefit from that what you can read and it's been translated into your particular language. You know, the first Hadith that actions are intention, very important Hadith. So this is something that I would recommend all Muslims to do Inshallah, to Allah is to read through, okay, even it's just reading through the narrations, it's important for us to have a link in attachment to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam no alterations in this particular compilation of sound, Inshallah, tada, they're also here, authentic,

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to read through them and to take benefit from them.

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As I mentioned, many of us have,

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you know, parts of knowledge in different areas of Islam, but then you find there's lots of gaps. So the times it's very important for us to, to go back to very simple ways of learning, and introductory books or compilations, especially with regards to Hadith, which is the primary a primary source for us when learning our religion. So the 40 Hadith of Imam and never we got to him our low to Allah is a very important starting point for all Muslims. Okay, Kabbalah and ASAN, whether you're old or young, you should refer back to these a hadith. And you can find it in all places, there's probably not a masjid that doesn't have the 40 Hadith of Imam and nowhere you can

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find it online,

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with its explanations and so on. And it talks about the, as I mentioned, the fundamentals of Islam, to do with worship, to do with interactions with one another, to do with manners. And if you can, you know, break it down into three categories. It talks about your,

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your manners with Allah subhanaw taala, to do with your worship, talks about the manners with your own self, ie how to stay away from sins.

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The manner in which you're going to ask Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness, okay.

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Deb magnific Amanda with yourself. And thirdly, a dead man offering and how to interact with with other other people. Okay. So you find that all of these Hadith will come under one of these three topics, relationship with Allah subhanaw taala the relation with yourself and the relationship with other people. And it is of the utmost importance. I think, brothers and sisters, that when we are when we are learning, that we have some form of direction, and some form of kind of

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guidance in how we are learning and not just to have this kind of haphazard way of learning that the 40 Hadith of Immerman Nova Rahim Allah and I'll focus on this quite a lot today in today's show.

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Because it's very, very important. And it's has number one very easy access for us. A very easy access for us to go back to

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for us to start learning and Charles Taylor.

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So without any further delay, we have a caller on the line. So we'll take the first caller Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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wa salam ala Global Agriculture heavy, this is your brother from Europe. My name is Rafa. And inshallah we'll have Paula was Sabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was yes, your question brother.

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Yes, my brother. My question brother is about we know about, you know, the people when they get run and that is haram to drink alcohol because it takes your brain away from you.

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The question is, what do you think brother about us as the people who are taking the knowledge about Islam

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Trying to understand our religion. But then you find us sometimes going very deep.

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you know, forgetting about the things that Allah wants from us dearly.

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And we just keep thinking about things that, you know, just to think about it. And we forgot our responsibilities about this team.

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And we just want to understand without doing anything, okay, okay, well, I want that advice from you. Okay. Charlotte had a second question, brother, I'm sorry, the question was about what do you think about

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when a happy

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you know, in the masjid

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or when a share in a gathering

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is, is taking responsibility that you get to do a lecture for one hour or 45 minutes.

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And he choose the wrong topic.

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And he knows that, okay, that is covering a topic that does not, as you know, does not

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concern the people, the community there. He's talking about people that are far away, that struggling in something has nothing to do with the community that we're living in. Okay, so your first question is second question are very close, actually, to be honest with Isaiah, I understand from you know, your question number one, And question number two are very closely related. So shout out to I will try my best I will try my best inshallah tried to give some advice, please, well, I want you please, to forgive me, to be more patient for me shall live very,

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very quick.

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Mashallah, this is in fact, a very important question SubhanAllah. And here's something that I alluded to actually, last Friday when I gave my hotbar. And I mentioned a number of narrations concerning this. So if I can, The brother asked two very important questions. And they're very closely related. And that is, it is very important for us as Muslims or for consult before that, actually, that Allah Tabata, Kota, Allah in the Quran.

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When, if you look at the message of the Quran, it is a very simple message.

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And it is a message which is in line with our understanding, with what you know, humankind can understand it is not a message which is so complicated, that we need other people to arrive at it. What does this mean? Yes, of course, there are elements of certain verses of the Quran which require maybe for you to go to another verse to understand, but the message overall Islam is very simple. The message of the Prophet alayhi salam was very simple, doesn't require you know, certain and special people to to go to to understand this way of teaching is something that the Prophet alayhi salam was a master in similarly the companions and those who follow them in goodness Rhodiola and

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Warhammer malata either

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and upon us as well when we speak to one another, we should speak to people on the level that they are at.

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So some of the narrations that I mentioned in fact in the previous quarter is the innovation of Alibaba authority. What are the other one which has had had this one nurse be Maria ID phone that you should speak to people by matters are in matters in which that they know

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how to read on your calendar Bala Hora Shula Would you like that they'd be like Allah and His Messenger deny Allah and His messenger by talking about complicated matters which they don't understand.

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So it's very important for the Motorhead, just the one who is talking, the one who is speaking to know their audience, not to speak about matters which are very complicated,

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very deep, which require them to have a deep understanding in matters or to talk about matters which will cause fitna amongst the people. It is very important for the one who is talking

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to to know their audience, there is also a very well known statement of

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abdollah and Mr. Udo Radi Allahu Anhu

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in which he said that there may be a time when a person is speaking to people.

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But that information does not reach the minds or the level of understanding of people. Some of them it will be that they benefit from it and at others, it will be a fitna,

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but information that you give to people will be a fitna.

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So it is very important to keep your teaching the information that you give to people that it is online on par with the level of understanding of those people.

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It is the responsibility responsibility of the aroma of the scholars of the Imams or those who are addressing people to speak to people in a way and on a level that

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They understand, not to complicate matters, number one, not to complicate matters so that people are left confused. And that that confusion can lead to then a fitna that the person then starts having doubts. Or that that information is placed in the media and is placed in the area where people start to talk about these matters. They maybe don't have enough knowledge, or even have enough Taqwa to hold their tongue, to start talking about, you know, this, that and the other, this, that and the other and then they fall into sin, which was some of the things I was talking about earlier, that the tongues become very long. They start, you know, in this day and age Subhanallah, with the

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different types of social media, but all it requires is that you for you to write something to question something, and you may earn the anger of Allah subhanaw taala by that statement, and you don't even realize, which may cause you to be punished in the hereafter Subhan Allah.

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On the other hand, a person may something that pleases Allah subhanaw taala, which they are not aware of, which also leads them to the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala for them to be rewarded in the hereafter.

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So, as a general advice to myself, and to anyone who delivers lectures, or delivers advices to people, is to speak to the people on their level, to deliver the message which that their level of understanding can accept, and that they can go away and that they can benefit from that. But it doesn't cause more questions in their minds, doesn't cause fitna in their minds and amongst the people, but rather that they can take that beneficial knowledge and element nerfed that they can go away and start implementing that and start teaching others that this is the responsibility of the one who is talking and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide us to the straight path. Serve on the

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sisters. We've come to the end of the first part Chinatown please remain with us. We're in the second part of the show. We'll continue to answer your questions about a colloquium was Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Yeah, are you

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ldeo Law how LD O

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M remian

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam o Allah ation of Colombia. He was even more to say you know, either early he was her big Marian Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome Back button sisters and viewers to the Islamic a show where just before the break, we had a caller, who was speaking about a couple of questions, and we're talking about the importance of addressing people on the level of their understanding and how important that is and how that can lead to fitna that can lead to confusion and can lead to problems. So the importance of us adhering to that, inshallah Tada.

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We have some WhatsApp questions we've had those come through in the break, Inshallah, tell us I'll try go through some of those now. But isn't it later either? Well, the first question is, the question is, I want to move to a more Muslim area, but my husband is settled where we are now. I think it would benefit my children, should I push on push this matter? With my husband?

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Well, you know,

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what I would say is that my input on this is very limited.

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And ultimately life decisions, meaning where you're going to live, goes back to the family goes back to the husband and wife what they see as as more beneficial to themselves. Can you discuss this with your husband? Yes, by all means, you can discuss this with your husband, yes. If your husband has,

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you know, some reasons why they he wants to be in that particular area, then you can discuss them between your bishop your inner discussed in between yourselves.

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I think the one good thing, or the one thing that should come out of this particular issue is that you communicate with one another,

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and that you discuss and share both of your ideas as to

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what you think is better for the situation. So, yes, but it shouldn't lead to problems. IE, it shouldn't be that, oh, you're not listening to me.

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Look at each other's point of view. And then you know, take it forward and try to learn it should be a fruitful discussion. It shouldn't lead to problems in Charlotte at all on his best.

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Now, the next question is, is it permissible in Islam to migrate from a Muslim country to a non Muslim country for the primary reason of making money okay. Now,

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the issue of Hezbollah of

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moving from the land of the Muslims to the land, which may be seen as you know, a non Muslim country, okay. It is an issue which may differ from one person to the next.

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I mean, the circumstances and the reasons why people do things.

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Many of the alumni have spoken

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about the different person lives in a Muslim country. But then you know that circumstances are so varied nowadays. You know what country you're particularly living at the moment and where you're moving to difficult to give a tailored answer a specific answer to your situation. This may be just, you know, I just want to know, it's not you're not here. You don't know anyone who's making this journey. It's not for you. It's just one of those questions that pops in your head. Okay, fair enough. But if this is the case, it's difficult for me to give a specific answer to this situation, because there are, you know, one situation can differ from the next.

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Maybe in a particular country, they are living in a state of poverty.

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There are great, you know, challenges for that person. And then if they were to, let's say, they have the opportunity to travel to a non Muslim country, as it makes it it's not, you know, Muslim government, anything like that.

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But within that place, there are very good strong Muslim communities, which allow them to flourish, allow them to benefit, maybe there are some options for that. Okay. If it is the case that the person wants to work, as mentioned here, they want to work for a period of time in a Muslim country to gain some money for them to come back to their family. Law Raj, there's no problem in that Sharla Taylor, okay, as long as the one who is I assume as would be the husband he's traveling to go and work as an economic migrant to go there work, earn some money and come back to his family.

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No problem Shana. Tada. As a as a general answer, no loss pattern is best.

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Next question is I'm working offshore for 21 days, would I pray as a traveler or pray in full

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Okay, so we assume that you are going beyond the the distance of a journey. And if the place that you are staying in is you're staying there more than four days, you're staying there more than four days and you have a fixed return.

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Ie that you know, that you are returning after 21 days. And we will say that while you are there, you're considered a resident. Okay? Consider the resident while you were staying there.

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If the date that he that you're returning is unknown,

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meaning that

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you could be away for three weeks you could be for four weeks, you don't have a fixed return date, then for the duration that you are away, you are considered a traveler. Okay. So just to make that very clear, the difference between the two situations that I gave to you is that the time that you are going away, if it is more than four days, and you have a fixed return date, then you're considered resident while you are there. If while you're going away, it is an unknown unknown return date. When sometimes you have these situations I don't know exactly when I'm returning, then you'd be considered a traveler for that duration

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and alasa pattern is best.

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Okay, which type of henna

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I will hinder our men allowed to apply on their hair and beard.

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So henna or Hannah is that originally comes from a leaf and your crush it into a powder. And it is used in a number of different ways. Sometimes it's used

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for curing things you know if people have particularly dry skin and things like that can be put into the skin and can help it is also used in dyeing their hair.

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It is also used in decoration. Women use it as a decoration on their hands before before they get married and things like that. So henna has a number of uses. Henna itself is pretty much if I'm not an idiot I'm not an expert in Hana to be honest with you, but who knows Hyundai might be different types of leaves but essentially it's it's one kind of what we're talking about okay that there was whoever mashallah who have experience in Hana myself or this particular leaf is better than the other one not to that level okay. But henna in itself is it so you know, a man wants to use it in his beard

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or the hair then that's permitted for them to Charlotte Charlotte allows you to dye your hair I think is itself hidden itself can be you can mix things with it

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ie that just using a no loan may just give an orange

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outcome when when dyeing your hair. So, then what you can do with the henna is that you can add things to it and this is where if you like

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the head or the extent of my knowledge really stops

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although that I know that you can add things to the henna itself which can affect the color of the dye that are the desired effect, meaning that the hidden itself can have like a more brownie kind of dying, you know when when you're adding it to hear. So on this issue I would maybe say that you know ask those who have good experience in using Hindi to this to this level where what murderer or what can I mix with the hymnal so it gives me like a really

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Brown effect as opposed to an orange effect when using it on my hair or my beard and alasa pattern is best.

00:30:09 --> 00:30:13

Okay, is it permissible for a girl

00:30:16 --> 00:30:21

to to her fiance see her without wearing hijab, okay?

00:30:25 --> 00:30:32

When a man, he introduces himself to a family, with the intention of maybe

00:30:33 --> 00:30:34

for the purpose of marriage

00:30:36 --> 00:30:47

is allowed for a woman at one particular time to what is allowed for one, what can he see from her? Is it allowed to expose her hair? Or does she have to wear hijab and he can only see her hands and face.

00:30:48 --> 00:31:13

This is an issue that, in essence, the scholars have differed over by what a woman is allowed to show a prospective husband before they get married. Okay, so some say only the hands and face, which is a valid opinion. Others are of the view. And based upon sound evidence is by the way, this isn't just something Well, you're right, and you're wrong. They're all based upon sound evidences.

00:31:15 --> 00:31:27

Others say no, it is permitted for when a man wants to see a woman, maybe he wants to marry her. But it has allowed for her to she just as normally occasion, dress in a

00:31:28 --> 00:31:29

you know, in a way, which

00:31:30 --> 00:31:37

shows a lack of, you know, shyness, but it's allowed for her to show her hair. That's, that's permitted.

00:31:38 --> 00:31:51

And And honestly, I don't know if this is the correct view. But I say correct, to say that the other one is wrong, but this is the view that I take along as best. So it's allowed for her to show her hair, maybe two prospective spouse

00:31:53 --> 00:32:16

does this have to be done on the first meeting? Don't necessarily because maybe on the first meeting, you say, Oh, this is this is a non starter. And maybe this sister doesn't want to be you know, showing her every her hair to every single prospective individual. So maybe she thinks okay, maybe this is after the first meeting, that they see each other I'm short the meeting and then there could be a second meeting this maybe something could go forward that it would be permitted.

00:32:18 --> 00:32:29

On the second meeting, if there was a second meeting for her to show her here, and that's it. Okay. This is different. Now. Let's say they agree to marry okay, we're going to handle everyone is happy

00:32:30 --> 00:32:38

and we agree to marry now does this mean that now every time I see her, the man that she can show her her? No, it doesn't mean that

00:32:39 --> 00:32:45

because the purpose of seeing here her hair was for the man to make a decision to see her how she looks.

00:32:46 --> 00:32:49

And this is one of the you know understandings that

00:32:50 --> 00:32:59

you know a man he sees a woman because when the man comes in the woman can see how he looks okay? Whether he's bald or as long hair short hair, maybe this is important to her.

00:33:00 --> 00:33:19

Similarly, the man has you know preferences. So for him to see her in the way that she may normally look on you know, with her hair and things like that is quite important for the purpose of marriage you're going to spend the rest of your life with this person inshallah Tada so you will see what she looks like not turn up on the day of the marriage and think of it as completely different with the way her hair is.

00:33:20 --> 00:33:40

So once there's an agreement, it doesn't give like green light okay, and you can just see each other like as you you know, without her hair every single time Now the purpose of seeing the hair would be that which for you to make a choice whether this is something which is something you're going to pursue or not after the decision is made, then whatever meetings after that are kind of logistical

00:33:41 --> 00:33:48

and for the purposes of you know, something to do with the marriage itself okay. So last point on this person, I hope that point is clear shall the

00:33:51 --> 00:34:10

next kind of Muslim collect a gift in form of money from a non Muslim? Yes, if a non Muslim gives you a gift of money then as long as you know that the Muslim one is not stolen or something like this similar even for Muslim you're not stolen you can't take it but most of them are non Muslims to give you some money that's okay for you to accept no problem inshallah Allah

00:34:13 --> 00:34:20

bless next question, how long is the time when it is forbidden to pray off the fragile is making dua also forbidden.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:35

So, within the day, there are three times which Salah is forbidden after you've prayed your fragile Salah until the sun has risen to the above the horizon the distance of spear

00:34:36 --> 00:34:46

which is if you see your timetables, you'll see sunrise. Okay, so about 10 minutes after sunrise. That's when you can start praying okay. So answering this question specifically

00:34:48 --> 00:34:59

10 minutes after the sun has risen you can start offering prayer is there are forbidden no drought is not forbidden. Do out you can make at any time in sha Allah to Allah. The other two forbidden times is when the sun is at the zenith

00:35:00 --> 00:35:37

when it's at its peak is a very short time. And the third time is after you've prayed a lot a lot until Margaret time these are the three times which we are not allowed and shouldn't pray. So, these are the forbidden times. But as for the euro that is fine for you to make dua anytime during the day inshallah to Anna, I asked her last pantallas to make it easy for us all. I mean, we've come to the end of this particular show, brothers, sisters, viewers at home. I hope you've benefited from the answers and and the questions that have been placed before I Scalise of Jonathan, except from us all mean so with the ending of this particular show until I see you next time. May Allah subhanaw taala

00:35:37 --> 00:35:42

bless you all barnacle of Yquem wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:46

Yeah, are you

00:35:49 --> 00:35:54

LTE or Allah? Allah LT o Missoula Oli Emery mu

00:35:56 --> 00:35:59

that it and don't be shy.

00:36:00 --> 00:36:03

Do in a law he was already

00:36:05 --> 00:36:05

told me.

00:36:07 --> 00:36:08

You want me a woman?

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