Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 039C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 285-286

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The confusion surrounding the meaning of "faith" in Islam is discussed, with the speaker acknowledging actions of its creator and following guidance. The importance of forgiveness and the need for one to avoid mistakes is emphasized, along with the importance of avoiding overwhelming emotions and staying true to the Prophet. The importance of learning from mistakes and staying true to the Prophet sallah is emphasized, as it is crucial for personal growth and achieving success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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Allah su the messenger has believed, be my own Xena la Himal Robbie here in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and not just the messenger, but also one more minute own and the believers, meaning the messenger has believed and the believers have believed. What have they all believed in? Be my own Zilla la Hema behave in whatever that was revealed from his Lord meaning from Allah. What is the Iman?

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Remind yourself of the definition recall the definition of Eman faith. What is faith? What is Eman and Lavina? You may know and I believe BYU Ki Moon as well. So what is EMA? And what is faith? Don't tell me what faith includes. But what's the literal technical definition of iman?

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It is to do a cloth the snake to affirm the truthfulness of something and then to accept it Qubool and not just accept but also submit it on.

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So I'm gonna Rasul the messenger has accepted, he believes in he confirms the truthfulness off and he submits to he does whatever Allah has revealed to him. What is it that Allah has revealed to him the messenger, Allah told us in Surah Nyssa I 113 that were under Allah who are legal Kitab will Hikmah that Allah has revealed upon you the book and the Wisdom, what is the book? What's in front of you the Quran? And what is the wisdom that was revealed in the messenger so a lot is on them it is in the form of the Sunnah. So both the way that is reciting the way that's not recited the Quran and the Sunnah, every command, every instruction, every information, every fact that Allah revealed

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upon His Messenger, the messenger believes in it, he accepts it to be true. And he also submits to it meaning he does what is required. So the messengers, Iman, is that he accepts and he conveys, and he does, which is why we see that the prophets of Allah Salam didn't just believe didn't just have faith, that I believe in Allah. No, he also accepted. He also did what was required. He conveyed the message, no matter how hard it was, even if it meant leaving your hometown, even if it meant suffering great persecution, many battles, hunger, famine, whatever suffering he experienced, he did. Why? Because he believed that Allah had revealed to him he submitted, and this is the reason

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why he conveyed even if people called him insane and madman and a magician, and the list goes on, whatever he was called, still he conveyed. Why, because he believed and he didn't just convey but he also did he also worship Allah. He didn't just tell people pray. He prayed himself to in the nights that his feet would swell up. He didn't just tell people give charity No, he gave it himself as well. He didn't just help people go fight in the Cause of Allah. No, he went himself as well. He didn't speak the truth. No, he spoke the truth himself as well. So am I not Rasul? The messenger believed he did he conveyed he submitted he surrendered to Allah. But is it only the messenger? No,

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Allah says one more me No, in Florida men, the believers also in footsteps of the messenger, they have also believed so what is the Eman of the believers?

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That the believer in the morsel they believe in the morsel? And they believe in the most Salbi? Who is the morsel the one who sent the one who revealed Allah subhanaw taala who is the most cited the one who was sent the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the third is Musa obey what the messenger was sent to it. What is that he was sent with the Quran and the Sunnah to the believers, Iman is that they believe they accept they acknowledge they affirm the truthfulness of Allah, the messenger and whatever that Allah revealed, and they don't just say yes, Allah is is how the messenger has helped. The Quran has helped. No, they don't just say it has helped but they also do

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what is required on their part. They also do what is required on their part, well me known Allah says Colin, all of them and I've been there. They all believe in Allah Cullen, meaning the messenger as well as the believers. They all believe in Allah, woman or equity and his angels believe in Allah means believing in His existence in His Lordship, in the fact that he is the only one who deserves worship in his names and attributes. They believe in Allah

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Woman equity His angels, that he is the creator of the angels, the one who was assigned them certain tasks. They also believe in the angel to the angels brought the messengers of Allah to the prophets. And not just the angels were called to be called the plural of kita. Meaning all of the books that Allah revealed that they were revealed as guidance will also lead he and his messengers plural off will assume the believer in all of his messengers, notice, it's not Rasul Lee he, but recently he not one messenger, but all of them, because we have to believe in every single messenger. Rejecting one messenger is like rejecting all of them.

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Because if you reject a messenger, you're saying that I don't believe that God sent him. I don't believe that God sent that message for the benefit of people for the guidance of people. So you are in reality, rejecting who Allah and His favor and his guidance. And when a person is rejecting one,

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then he's rejecting all his Eman will not be accepted. This is why believing in all of the messengers so we believe in our hearts we say with our tongues that Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was true. recited Salam was true, Musa Salam was true. No Hedison was true. All of the messengers, whether we know them, or we don't know them, we believe in them. We believe in the fact that Allah sent messages to them and that they did their job they conveyed the message to the people. Allah says in sort of Hadith i are 25, la casa de oro, sallAllahu Sula, and I've been begging it were unzila, Muhammad Kitab, Awami. Zan, that certainly we sent the Messengers with clear evidences, and

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we send to them the book, to the messenger is what was given the book. So all of the books that are visible to the NGO, whether we know it, or we don't know it, whether it's preserved in its original form, or altered,

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or forgotten by people completely still, we believe in it. But obviously, when it comes to following which messenger Do we follow Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam because the teachings of the previous messengers, they're lost. But there are examples that are mentioned in the Quran. Yes, we do follow them because Allah tells us Fabi, who devil macdaddy follow the example of the previous prophets.

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If a person is questioning the INJEEL the Gospel and he's trying to refute it constantly is that disrespect to the messenger, if it is done in an appropriate way, with respect because Allah says with gentle humility here are some argue in the best manner. And it is done for a purpose that you're trying to convince someone that look, this cannot be the truth anymore, because it is altered, it has been changed by people, the original message was lost. As long as a person does it in a respectful way, it is okay. Because the person is doing it to convince someone, there should be a reason behind it. And sometimes we get so lost in refuting others and we don't know what we have

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to do. People know the Bible more than they know the Quran unfortunately. So believing in the books means that we believe that Allah has revealed them, and especially the book that was the last message that Allah has promised that he will preserve it believing in that means that a person knows what it says and he also acts on it. So Colin, M and Avila human Ekati were called to be what also Lee? Allah says learner Federico Beiner hadn't morosely, the believers they say that we do not differentiate between any of the messengers no fabrico from the fruit fell or cough, which is to differentiate. So we don't differentiate, we don't discriminate between any of the messengers. What

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does it mean that we believe in every single one of them? We don't do what the people of the past day that we're not going to believe in this messenger. Because there are many who say that yes, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is the messenger, but for the Arabs, not for us. This is what discriminating between the messengers. It doesn't fit a believer in Allah, that he says, Oh, this prophet, not for us, this prophet, not for us know all of the messengers, we believe in them. Yes, Allah has given them different ranks we learned earlier. That difficult was Zulu for Burna Baba whom Allah burrow. Allah has preferred some over the others, but it doesn't mean that we go on to

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disbelieve in some and believing in some note, we believe in all of them,

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will call you and they said Samir, Allah what Alterna the believer said we've have heard and we have obeyed, Samina summer, and Athena Ihlara. Following that we have heard the commands we have heard the prohibitions we have heard, the instructions will alternate and we will obey meaning we will listen. We won't say that. No, I'm not going to do it. No, of course you Samira now what authority we will obey we will comply. And this should be the attitude of a believer

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Because in this ayah who is Allah describing who is praising the true believers, those who are true in their faith who don't just say they're believers, but they actually believe in their art. They show it so severe now what aterna A believer does not say, I know but I cannot do No way. A believer says, Oh Allah I know. I have found out and I will try my best you help me Forgive me for the past and help me in the future. Samir now will Alterna Lafonda your forgiveness will fun it's from the letters Lane photo same route as mafia and withdrawn forgiveness and Wolf Ronica means your forgiveness, meaning or Allah, we beg your forgiveness. Notice it hasn't been said Ness a Luca of

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Ronica, not to LuBu of Ronica what has been said, Just love Ronica. Why? Because when a person realizes the burden of sin that he's carrying, that he feels heavily weighed down, and when a person is heavily weighed down, then you know what he cannot talk much, much doesn't come out of his mouth. He cannot even find a words with which he can seek Allah's forgiveness. All that he can say is, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

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When you're really guilty, when you feel bad about what you've done, then what happens? You don't even know what to say, Oh franak, Oh Allah, we beg your pardon of banana or our Lord, we need your forgiveness only you can forgive us what you like and mostly and to us our return to you is the destination mostly return meaning in the dunya in the era, any affair, any matter, any problem, any challenge, any difficulty, who do we turn to Allah because who can forgive him who can create ease him who can facilitate only him when he like on my sleeve? We returned to you? What do we learn this if we see that the believers are the followers of the messenger. The believers are the followers of

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the messenger. The messenger believed Muhammad so a lot of send them we do will believe the messenger did something we do, we'll do that. Once the Prophet sallallahu sallam was praying for Allah. He was leading the people in prayer. He was wearing his shoes. And in the middle of the prayer, he took his shoes off and put them on the side.

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And the Sahaba even they were wearing their shoes in the Salah. So they also took their shoes off and put them on the side.

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After the prayer of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked him that, why did you remove your shoes? They said, We saw you. So we did it too. He said, I took my shoes off because my shoes had some impurity on them.

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Gibreel told me this is why I removed my shoes, but your shoes are not impure. So when you come to the muscles, check your shoes, they're clean, parading them if they're impure, then clean them and then pray.

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But what do we learn that the believers are to follow the messenger whatever he does, we do it too. He ate with the right hand we eat with the right, he said Bismillah we say Bismillah he said Allahu Akbar when going up we do that too. Because over here, look at how it is mentioned, am Anna whistle. And then while mock me known, the believers are to follow the messenger. And the fact is that the stronger the faith of a person, the more he will follow the messenger. Because it has to do with iman, the messenger believed the believers believed the stronger their belief will be, the more they will follow him. Then we also learned in this verse that of the attributes of the believers is that

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they hear and obey. A believer hears and submits, he finds out and he does it. Allah says, in order to know if 51 that in nama can a colon walk meaning either do il Allah who are solely heliacal muy bueno, Colusa Marina, or authority now what Allah eco whom will mostly Hone, that the only statement of the believers when they're called to Allah and his messenger for judgment is that they say we have heard and we will obey. So Marina will alternate.

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Now when it comes to this matter, people are of three types when it comes to hearing and obeying. People are three types. One type of person is he who doesn't hear and doesn't obey. He doesn't listen, doesn't find out, doesn't learn. And obviously he doesn't obey. And this is the case of the majority of the people. They said, don't study. Otherwise you'll have to do it. Don't learn. Otherwise you have to follow so stay ignorant. Ignorance is bliss. This is what many people say. This is what they believe in. Another attitude is of those who here who listen, who find out but they don't obey.

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There is some, but there is no far. Why is it that a person hears? But then he does not obey? What's the reason? Arrogance, Cuba's pride. It is arrogance that prevents a person from submitting from obeying that a person says no, I'm not going to change myself. Now why should I do this? Why should I do that? Who cares? I'm the boss. It's my life. It's up to me my choice.

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This is pride. Allah says in surah Blockman is seven. That what either took literally I Artina Well, lamb stock Bellanca, LM Yes, Mark, that when Our Verses are recited to him, he turns away arrogantly as if he didn't even hear.

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Because if he had heard properly, he would have followed. But when he didn't follow after hearing what is preventing him from following pride?

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Now ask yourself, that when we know about something, yet we don't do it? What is preventing us?

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Our ego, know why should I? Why do I have to do it, I'm not going to.

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It's pride that prevents us from following the commands of Allah. Then the third type of attitude is of those who hear and obey those who hear and obey.

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And only this is the way to success. Allah says in surah Al Ahzab, is 71 that will make you very low or Rasulullah, who forgot the Faza Fosun are Lima, whoever obeys Allah and His messenger that in fact, he has achieved the great achievement, meaning he is the one who's truly successful. Then we also learned in this idea that since the commands that Allah has revealed, sometimes they are difficult for us to follow, and everyone's capacity is different. It is true for one person to wear hijab, not a big deal, but for another. It's like climbing up a mountain every day. Right? For one person to apologize, not a big deal. But for another it's as though he is, you know, throwing

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himself in the river. Right? So everyone's capacity is different. But then, what is required from us that we hear and we disobeyed. No, we hear and we try to obey we keep trying. And for our shortcomings. What do we do little franak? Oh Allah, You forgive us? Because every single person who needs the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala. Remember, even if we think we are doing everything that we're supposed to, even if we think we are doing everything, right, still we make mistakes, isn't it? When you prepare for an exam, when you prepare for a test, before you walk into the into the examination hall?

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You know that you are prepared, or that's at least what you think. But yet, do you make mistakes? Yet you do. You still end up making mistakes. So this is the reality. We think we are doing things right? We think we are doing everything but in reality, we are making mistakes. So what does that mean that off, run a golf, run a golf Ronak all the time, we need to seek forgiveness, because over here who is begging for forgiveness? The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? And if he's seeking forgiveness, then what about you and I?

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Then what about you and I? Remember, every day we make mistakes, like we discussed earlier, you might think you are right, but ask others, they know about the mistakes that you're making, because we don't look at ourselves but other people see us.

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So beg forgiveness for the mistakes that we know we are committing and the mistakes that we don't even know we are committing, we don't even realize, or we think it's not a big deal, but it is in reality a big deal. So keep seeking forgiveness or frolic or a banana. And when can a person do that? When he knows that he is a human being and that he is going back to Allah were illegal Muslim, I am going back to Allah, I cannot avoid him. And always remember that when a person makes a mistake, he falls down. Now he has two choices. Either he can stay there, or he can get up and seek forgiveness.

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Every day, as we go through our 24 hours, we fall in a pit every now and then.

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Now it's up to us. Either we stay there, or we try to get up. And if you try to get up, then you know what, you're gonna go higher than where you were before.

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If you seek forgiveness, you improve yourself. You will be at a better location and a better level and a better rank. Then you were at before you made the mistake about Adam Alayhis Salam Allah says we're also Adam or Abba who fell Hawa some Mudgett Abell that Adam release time he disobeyed his Lord and he the whole way he was an air

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But then Allah chose him the magic the bear who Allah chose him, meaning his rank was even higher afterwards. But you have to seek forgiveness what you like and mislead. And Allah assures us that Allah does not overburden a soul more than what it can bear. So whatever Allah is imposed on us, it is within our capacity to do it, we can do it. It's not beyond our scope. Now, these two verses, the previous one of the following ones that we're going to learn, so in other words, the last two verses of Surah Baqarah.

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There are special verses very special, how special are they?

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We learned that they are from a special treasure from beneath the Throne of Allah subhanaw taala. From a special treasure from beneath the Throne of Allah. Now don't think about beneath the Throne of Allah is treasure from that the verses but the Verses are recited, how can they have a physical form, don't think about that. Because even if you think about it, you're not going to get anywhere. What we need to learn here is that these verses are special, especially from ALLAH SubhanA. Because they are from his treasure, the treasure beneath his throne.

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Then we also learned from our Hadith, that this these verses when they were revealed, when they were given to the messenger, sallAllahu wasallam, a special door, a special gate of the heavens was opened, which was never opened before.

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Never opened before you don't like someone special has to come, then you bring them in from a special entrance. Right? Then we also learn the Hadith, that these verses are such that they were only given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not to any messenger before, you know there are many teachings that were given to us, but they were also given to the previous nations isn't at all, many teachings, but these two are so special that they're, they were only given to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when you will look at the meaning you will realize that yes, this was a special mercy upon this month alone. It's a special gift upon this final Allah.

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Then we also learn that whoever recites these two verses in the night then these verses suffice him they are sufficient for him. What does it mean by this, that there are sufficient for him scholars have given two meanings one is that there are sufficient for his protection. Nothing can harm him in that night. No, Jen no Shavon nothing in sha Allah. Allah special protection is with that person. And other scholars have said that what it means by this, these verses being sufficient for him is that they will suffice him from the night prayer meeting if a person is not able to get up for the night prayer, stay up the whole night long in Salah begging Allah for forgiveness. These two verses

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are enough to bring the same reward the same forgiveness.

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Are we able to pray all night long?

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Tell me Are we able to we make the intention at night? That tonight I'm gonna wake up and pray. Right? I'm gonna wake up 20 minutes earlier 40 minutes earlier, but then what happens? The next thing you know, it's fine your time.

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But if a person recites these verses in the night, it's as though he has done it on Monday. Because what does a person doing PMO lay he is trying to earn good deeds, and he's begging Allah for forgiveness. That's the main point. But when a person reads these verses, then he is begging Allah for forgiveness as well. And in the Hadith that I mentioned to you earlier, we learned that when a person says

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that word for now what Fiddler now what a Hamner than ALLAH says that I shall accept your supplication.

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So Allah says law you can live Allahu nevsun Allah does not burden a person in law Wasaga except with what is within its capacity you can live us from the cliff Cath Lab and the cliff is to impose something on someone which is challenging.

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Okay, to impose something on someone which is challenging meaning it's not a piece of cake for them it is it requires some hard work on their part. So for example, on you is that a cliff that you have to do your lesson seven times. Right? Every lesson seven times on you is it the cliff that you have to come here 10 o'clock in the morning, Saturday and Sunday?

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Is that challenging? Of course when you have to sit for half an hour, one hour, repeating the same verses seven times. It is challenging, when you have to leave your bed, have a quick breakfast even on Saturday morning and go in uniform, do a class and sit there for hours. Is that challenging? Yes. But this is the cliff. Sorry, but this is what life is about. Alright, but Allah says, Take comfort. Allah says lay you can live Allahu Allah does not burden a soul nevsun in Nauvoo saraha except

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With its worser meaning except what is within its capacity, except with what is within a person's scope. What is Wooster? What sir is from well seen rain? And what's there is the capacity of a person what a person is able to do in normal circumstances without exerting extra effort

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for you to cook in an hour, that's within your wisdom, but if I tell you cook in 15 minutes, is that within your was? No,

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not for me at least. Right? So Allah says that he does not burden people more than what they can bear. And this the cliff, this the cliff, remember, it includes the cliff, shuddering, as well as the cliff Kony,

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the commands of the religion,

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the obligations that are upon us because of the deen and altered the cliff Kony meaning, the other matters of our lives that Allah decides for us. So for example, the command that Allah has given us our in our day that we have to pray five times a day, can we pray five times a day? Is it humanly possible? Yes. It's not 50 prayers, how many? Is it five, performing Hajj once in a lifetime? Is it possible? Yes. fasting in the month of Ramadan possible? Yes, not fasting all your round? If it was fasting all year round, then it wouldn't be within our capacity. But one month, it is within our capacity doing will do before we pray, is it within our capacity? Yes, if it wasn't we have to

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shower that would not be within our capacity. Right? So when it comes to shattering commands, within our capacity, when it comes to Kony commands, are they within our capacity? When it when it comes to the decree? Yes. Meaning if Allah makes a person sick, are they able to handle that sickness? They are able to this is why Allah make them sick.

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If a person loses the job, are they able to live without that job? Yes, they are able to this is why Allah made them suffer in that way. If a person has some, you know, health concern, some some social some problems with, you know, family members or with friends or with coworkers, anything? Is it that a person is not able to handle it? No, he can handle it.

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Remember, any challenge that we face in life, any test that we go through in life, whether it is our children acting up, or it is our body getting tired, or it is too much work to do, or it is too many expectations of us. Remember, if Allah gave it to you, then you can do it.

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If Allah put you in that position, in that situation in that problem, then you can come out of it successful? No, it's not that Allah is making you fail. No.

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Allah has put you in a situation that you can handle. You can come out of it with flying colors, but it's up to you.

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It's up to you. You can succeed or you can fail.

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You may have to change yourself. You may have to try harder. But remember, it is within your capacity. But what do we say? I can't do it.

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I can't do it too difficult, too hard. No way. That's what we say. And when we say no way, then yes, it becomes No way.

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Tell yourself I can I will. I can do it. I have to do it. I have no choice. I have to do it. So now you can live Allahu nevsun Illa Wasaga. And when a person is in a situation that either he can do good or he can do bad, right? Like for example, somebody who's picking up fights with you all the time when you say why is this person in my life? Because you can handle them? You can handle that conflict, okay? This is why Allah put you in that situation. This is why Allah made certain people a part of your life. Now it's up to you. Either you can do Hey, or you can do shout you can do good or you can do bad. If you do good than Allah says Lahoma cassava for it is what it earned. Cassava,

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cassava cassava, what a person earns and Lucha in its favor, it refers to good meaning if a person does good, then it's for his benefit, he will get the reward for it. And if a person chooses to do otherwise than Allah says, where I lay her Makossa an on it is what it acquires. Meaning a person will suffer the consequences of the sin that he commits of the evil that he does. But the choice is with you. You choose to do good or you choose to do evil you do good you get reward you do evil you suffer punishment. Lahoma cassava where I lay her Makossa I want you to notice something. Guess I bet and

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IQ test robot?

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Why is there a difference in the form of the word? There are different reasons that the scholars have given. One is that Guseva if you look at the word it's easy to pronounce IQ test other difficult to pronounce more letters. Cassava is what a person can acquire easily. An actor Saba is what a person does with intention with, you know, he decides to do it, he intentionally does it, he deliberates he sometimes has to make extra effort to do it. And this is a reality, opportunity to good sometimes it comes very easy.

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And when we choose to do bad, it becomes more difficult.

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It requires more effort on our part, you know how,

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let me give you an example. Somebody does back to you, if you forgive them, what do you have to tell yourself? Okay, let them go. Allah knows inshallah Allah will forgive me. You know what, there must be a reason. Finished done. You did good. One step done.

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But you decide to do evil, which is that you want to take revenge. So then you think and you plan,

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this is what they did. I'm gonna say this and I'm going to do that. And I'm going to talk to this person. And next week I'm going to do that and next year when they come and after two years when I see them, it never ends, doesn't it?

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It never ends it becomes more and more difficult for you. So every time you make that decision to continue when that wrong whose fault is it your fault because you are making that choice? You are making that decision? So remember Lahoma cassava, while they have maca, sir but the choice is yours the decision lies in your hands.

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This is why Allah teaches us what I've been

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saying. I've been a learner to hidden in the Cena a well thought that Oh our Lord. Don't hold us accountable to acid no Hamza Hodel moussaka to catch someone to hold them responsible for something to recompense them for what they have done. So our Lord don't hold us accountable in the Cena Oh, if we forget, or we are the Cena from this era noon scene, yeah. What is this yen that when there's something you know, but it escapes your mind? Something that you know escapes your mind, you cannot recall it, you cannot remember it. So for example, you told yourself, I'm going to be good to them. But the moment they come in front of you, you forgot that firm resolve you made you forgot about

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those feelings of forgiveness. And that intention to be nice. You forgot everything that anger that frustration just came and those you know those flashbacks those memories of what happened in the past keeps coming. And you forget.

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Or you learn that when you pray. You're not supposed to move much. But then when you're praying, you forget you look here and you look there and you move too much. This yen right you forgot and then halfway through the stuff that hola How could I forget that?

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You were eating? You forgot to say Bismillah halfway through like a stuffer? Allah I forgot to say Bismillah we're human beings we forget. And then our thought now what is hotter, hotter is to oppose meaning to disobey without the intention to disobey. You oppose you contradict the rules, without the intention to oppose the rules meaning you didn't do it deliberately. It just happened. You forgot, you did not know. You didn't remember. There could be different reasons. So Oh, Allah don't call us to account if we forget. Or we make a mistake we are because sometimes we don't know we don't remember Robina or our Lord well I mean our Lena Do not lay on us. hammy blam hammer to carry

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so don't lay on us being don't make a scary isn't a burden. Come on Hamilton, who just as you made it carry on alerting him and Albertina upon those people who came before us. Meaning don't make a scary a burden. Like the people before us were made to carry what is so important from their letters homes, a small draw, and so is a burden that prevents a person from going forward. Meaning it's so heavy, that it doesn't let you move on. It slows you down or it stops you completely. So Allah don't impose something on us that will slow us down. That will demotivate us that will make things so difficult for us that we cannot continue and the people of the past yes they were made to carry such

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heavy burden such difficult burdens. What does this burden refer to it refers to both the Khalif meaning the commands

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For the obligations, and secondly, it includes punishments as well. The difficulties that Allah creates for a person because of his disobedience. So don't make the command so difficult that we cannot carry them on for a long time. Don't make our work so difficult that we cannot continue for a long time. Nor Allah punish us so that because of that punishment, we are unable to continue. You know, for example, the course that we're doing so far Alhamdulillah with the Mercy of Allah, many of us have been able to continue, but with many people what happens because of the difficulties at home or because of personal challenges or whatever, they're unable to continue? It's an issue. And there

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are things that cannot be avoided. It's an insult. A person starts doing something good, but he finds it too difficult, he cannot continue. We see that the commands that Allah has given to us are such that we can do them. So we should ask Allah for Aafia, for protection, for wellbeing, in every matter in everything that we're doing.

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That because of our sins, Allah does not make things more difficult for us than Allah teaches us. Robina wala to her Mela, mela Takata Nabi Well, Allah don't make a scary what we don't have the strength to bear my left pocket Elena, we don't make a scary what we don't have the strength to bear meaning don't impose on us something that we cannot handle that we cannot do, whose commitment we cannot fulfill. This could be in religious matters and also in our personal lives and shuttering matters as well as county matters.

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Meaning don't make the religion such that we cannot follow it. Don't make our life so difficult that we cannot carry the responsibilities that have been laid upon us. You know, what happens that one person has nothing to do and another has so many things do they cannot handle it? Who decrees Allah decrees so all know, whatever you decree for me, make it such that I can handle it. I can bear it, I can come out successful. Don't put me in situations where I will fail. rather give me problems that I can manage? What for now?

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And pardon us? What fifth learner and forgive us what how not and have mercy on us. What for now often? What does that mean to erase? So forgive what our shortcomings wherever we have fallen short, the lessons we were supposed to memorize but we did not do them the classes we were supposed to attend but we did not attend the things we were supposed to do but we did not do them fully. We fell short and do we fall short? Yes, we do. Other people they deserve certain rights from us, but we are unable to fulfill them. We're for under Oh Allah forgive us. Pardon our shortcomings. We have fallen short. And we have in reality Wolfin learner and forgive us meaning Forgive our faults, the mistakes

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that we make forgive them for us. What Hannah and have mercy on us so that because of that mercy, we don't fall into that same pit again. We don't make that mistake. Again. We don't repeat that mistake again. Rather we learn from our mistakes, and we only go higher and higher. That life does not just become like falling into square roots and trying to jump back up. Know that we become steady. And if we do fall, then we go higher. What Hannah, have mercy on us protect us from falling into sin and demo Lana, you are our patron our guardian. Mola Mola is the one who protects who doesn't just offer protection and help but he also protects from the clutter as well. I'm here you are our Mona meaning

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we are nothing without you. And this is true. No person can do anything good without the help of Allah. No person can forgive without the fear of Allah. No person can respect without the tofield from Allah. No person can do anything good. cannot avoid anything bad unless and until Allah facilitates that for him. So we acknowledge this Oh Allah, we are weak. You are our molar from sadhana so you help us NASA Moon Sodre you help us on alchemy caffeine against the disbelieving people, meaning against any challenge against any difficulty that we face, any hurdle that comes our way, any opposition that we face, you help us You make us victorious. Any mountain we have to climb

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you help us you give us the ability to climb that fan sadhana Coleman caffeine because the reality is that we are weak and only Allah can help us. Recitation

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hands either

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for the

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want to be

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was on a

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work for

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Sinai hamdulillah now we have heard the entire sort of toolbox

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and in the sewer we have heard many commands many prohibitions, many admonitions

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an email means accept and submit and change. And yes, we realize that it is difficult, but do we give up? No. But we are weak we forget we make mistakes. So what is necessary that first we trust that we can do it. And secondly, we turn to Allah for help. And thirdly, we beg his forgiveness. We asked him for help to let us continue. And we beg his forgiveness for whatever mistakes that have been committed in this journey. And that might be committed in this journey, because only then can a person be successful. Now, these two verses are the last verses of Surah Baqarah. And they end with a beautiful door. And we learned that these two verses a person should recite when every single

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so that they're enough for his protection, enough for forgiveness in sha Allah.

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And in order to do that, we have to memorize or we have to open up the must have to read them every day. Your homework is that tonight, and tomorrow, and day after and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that until you die. Your responsibilities. Your homework is because Samira now well, Athena, what that before you go to bed, read these verses, and you'll go to bed with a light heart.

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You'll go to bed as a happier person and you'll wake up the next morning inshallah as a better person with the resolve to become better and improve in every situation.

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And the Quran that the surah concludes with the Sahaba when they would listen to the story or when they would read it they would say I mean, so but Allah to ask in the in the center of thought now, what should we say? Mean? After every door? Why are foreign welfare law now what Hamner mean and with this Dora we conclude the Surah, the longest Surah of the Quran, and this is not just the first time we are reading it, let it not be the first time the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Learn Surah Baqarah and surah earlier Imran in order to learn something, you don't read it once and I tell you, yes, you have heard that the FSI you have done the assignment. Yes, you have done the lessons. But I

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don't say that I or you or any one of us here has fully learned to the surah you need to keep learning the Prophet sallallahu sallam said learn Surah Baqarah Surah earlier Imran now don't stop here, study Surah earlier Imran don't finish here continue. Why? Because there are two lights and they shed their people on the Day of Resurrection just as two clouds or two spaces of shade or two lines of flying birds. They will shade you. They will honor you on the Day of Judgment. Samir Anna well

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authority. So my advice to you is read, study and keep studying. So the Buchla has ended and now inshallah Surah Al Imran will begin. So let's continue with that, in sha Allah.

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Another Hadith tells us about total Baqarah that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that learn sort of the Lakota because in learning if there is blessing, in ignoring it, there is sorrow and the Batala the people of falsehood, they cannot challenge it. They cannot defeat it. So what we learn in this hadith is that if a person leaves the surah there is regret. And believe me, if you haven't memorized the surah properly, the lessons the translation, then you will regret but don't let this regret overcome you. Go back and finish and complete whatever was missed out in Chava.

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Script subhanaw taala Houma will be Handicare Nisha de la ilaha. illa Anta the stuff with Luca wanting to really a Salam or Aleikum, wa Rahmatullah Hilbert

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