Wasim Kempson – How to deal with social media

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the negative impact of social media on Muslims, including the use of social media in a digital world and the potential negative consequences of extremism. They emphasize the importance of educating people about certain words and phrases that may be considered extreme or offhanded and the potential for it to tarnish people's lives. The speakers emphasize the need to educate people about certain words and phrases that may be considered extreme or offhanded and the potential for it to strengthen people's lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sisters Welcome back to

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the ICC Patricia and I'm here with old friend

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to meet in London a few months back. So have you been since last time? This may not have the London Times flying? Okay, as usual It's good to see you again Sala avec. So it's your first time I believe in Malaysia Can you just share with us your first impression of the country and yeah and the people I've actually met so far. Yeah. Well

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the reputation of the people preceded me coming here. Okay. And coming here to see that the Malaysian people here my father the very humble very soft people

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getting to see the country itself is beautiful countries amazing country.

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The weather is a little difficult for me. Okay. Quite humid.

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It's better than the London weather. I mean,

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I don't actually mind the cold. But I don't mind. It's okay. Okay. He is a bit difficult for me. But it's not a complaint. Really. It was a food. Food is enough. only been here about two days. Okay. Okay. And I'm leaving tonight. Alright, but it's on my list that we stopped a family restaurant tonight. Before we go in Charlotte, let's get some beliefs or religions, Indonesian. And generally people in the region are very keen on social media. They use they use a lot this, you know, this way of communicating. And it was your topic during this conference, a very important topic. Yeah. What are the main key points that you share to your audience during your lecture? Yeah, you're right. And

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then the use of social media in the know, once upon a time Malaysia was like 6000 miles away and contact them as very difficult. Yeah, now by you know, by few clicks, you can contact millions of people.

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I send you the spoke about

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especially now you hear a lot of lectures about social media. And I think a lot of research needs to be done into it in that, what impact is it having on us as Muslims? It's a new phenomenon. You know, let's give it you know, seven or eight years with Facebook and Twitter and so on, and it's relatively new. What impact is that having on us with our knowledge, our character, our behavior?

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It's, you know, it's not as it's something very new, it's, I was trying to try to tap into Cabrini to be very, very careful, alright. Because even though it has great benefits, it has big pitfalls as well, because so these were the main points, really, and I had a discussion with somebody else earlier. He's doing their research and their PhD about social media and Islam. What impacts his habits, honestly, yeah. So what are the advice we give to a young young audience because they are the most

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affected? And the one we're using the most social media to? As Muslim to use it wisely? And, you know, to benefit from from it rather than to be harmed from? Yeah, yeah. I mean, the general advice is, with anything to fear Allah, it's a tool, it can be a benefit to you, it can be of harm to you, I mean, these general advices that you hear on the lectures, I mean, this is all very, very good. But I would say is that and I tried to focus on the, the effect that has on us as people, it's more of a psychological kind of perspective. But it's, it makes up our character. And, you know, our manners and our character, and Islam is very, very important. So how we, you know, dispense of, you

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know, knowledge, interacting with other people, because essentially, by knowledge is a virtual world. It's not real, right? So how do we interact with a virtual world? How do we interact with knowing 1000s of people, but at the same time, really knowing that

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sometimes there's a false sense of security, a false sense of knowing people, these are things that I think, you know, we should Don't forget. But it's a virtual world. It's not real, we shouldn't substituted by really going to the masjid meeting people going to lectures physically, this is very, very important. There is an attempt, some companies like Milan to try to make the social media industry more a lot.

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So it's a it's a Muslim version of Facebook. Do you think that it's important that somebody had the skills to create

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Let's say you Muslim YouTube version, or what made you drive into bed for us to make those choose? Yeah, let's say more suitable to outfit? Sure. You know, the reality is that

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things like Facebook and Twitter and these

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apps which are worldwide. They are part of our lives now. A lot of us. So what's stopping us really, from tailoring apps and programs, software, which are slightly more to our needs? I think it should be commended.

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pushed religion that we have things which will enable us to have a Hillel environment or more not to worry about, you know, people whose the how they're going to contact us. We have similar minds, you know how we think on these platforms, I think I'd be very good if we could kind of push this forward. So we encourage skillful Muslims to grow because we are lacking that type of

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genre we see more and more coming in the future. We're gonna go for a short break, and afterwards we can talk about the second topic, which was extremism. Right. So sticking with us.

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I found the truth. I found the truth Yana. So Bravo. To COVID ability

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pick up the virus

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was called bertola berita. In control, I found the truth.

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I am Muslim.

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I'm Muslim.

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Muslim on

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Muslim ban a Muslim or there's also non Muslim man on a pedestal out so Muslim man, I'm a Muslim

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to hear

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Baker was

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confetti, then

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we'll hire

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Salam Alaikum Welcome back to Twins Affair 2015. We share our symptoms on talking about extremism. That's a big word. How do we define that? And what are the thing we should do to avoid it?

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Yeah, I mean, it's a common word extremism, radicalization. And, and you know, a lot of it's directed towards Muslims and directed towards Islam.

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I guess I was talking about Muslims really

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reclaim reclaiming our religion,

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and reclaiming our reputation. As you know, God fearing people, having good character being just and fair people. I think for too often, we've been taking a backseat and watching what's been going on. And unfortunately, there are individuals who use the religion in a wrong way, use them in a wrong way. And they're called extremists. And a lot of non Muslims are confused. That is this really Islam because we've not been proactive enough. We need to push ourselves forward and let our reputation as Muslims and allow Islam to be an example for other people, so that they can view that this is extremist, well, nothing to do with Islam. But we don't feel forced, that we need to come out and

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start condemning and defending Islam. It's far from Islam. So this is essentially what I was talking about, and us really taking the middle path. I'm in the middle path. So what what does the middle one mean? What does that mean to be in the middle, being in the middle means that you're not extreme on either side, you're not extremely lazy and negligent, nor you over the top, you take that middle. So that's the context of being in the middle. You know, a lot tells us in North America,

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and most of the day we made you a middle nation, middle and what not being extreme or being lazy, negligent. So this is essentially what my lectures about.

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There's a current thinking, especially developing my country in France, which is very extreme is to me, which is a concept of no religion. Yeah. And so we often talk the media was not Muslim or just to talk about muslim extremists but very secular is extremism as well that we start to see a nurturing in in France and do you feel the same in in UK but some people I think, this type of crazy idea? Yeah, but we don't need no more religion, which means to me is very extreme. Yeah, I mean, on the use of word extremism, this is the point that people are somehow always using the word and connecting it with Islam, extremism, Islam.

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extremist Islam radicalization Islam, we need to make clear that extreme extremism comes in so many different forms. You can have extreme thinking about doing away with a religion completely not accepting religion. That's an extreme, you know, way of thinking things like, and it happens in the UK, unfortunately, you do find individuals or all movements that go to extremes in their behavior, but they're not called extremists. So called, you know, they're given different titles, you know, just simple like criminals, you know, I mean, but there's extreme behavior, why is it extreme radicalization has to be attached to Islam has to be attached to Muslims. So we need to really

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contextualize and dilute this really kind of,

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I don't want to say attack, but this kind of focus on Muslim Islam and connect it with certain words, we need to be proactive as Muslims and educating people about these terms, and that they comply to many things. Yeah, right after the attacks, you know, Shelley is actually a famous Jew writer, a British writer,

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taught by Islam, and he actually talked about this, like extremism, and I was what is quite inspiring what you mentioned, because we so often just talk about Muslim, as you mentioned, but despite, it's important for the people to understand that some

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security people are starting to become radicalized by the media themselves. Yeah. So due to the input, I mean, this is where the importance of social media comes back. And this is maybe our only way to talk to most people, when to realize that they themselves are a victim. That's the irony of it, that they're warning people of becoming extreme regard themselves or falling into it, you know. So it's, it's quite interesting to see that we're at once upon a time, it may have seemed innocent, or that they have the, this atheism existed, it's not become free militant, militant atheism, you know, you know, looking at religion as something very backward, or something not progressive and

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dealing with real life challenges that we have, when in fact, you know, when you start really dealing with what solutions they have, they don't have very much. And, you know, you find, I think, eventually people will, will go back to religion will start to find answers in any religion, because that's what is within us, is to turn back to our long term, to turn back to God, to try and find revelation to find guidance, and not to find it in the minds of individuals, you know, so I think eventually, that people will come around the shadow matter. And this is where Sorry to interrupt you, this was important for us as Muslims to be there to catch these people. Is that for sure, this

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is what Islam is about. And I mean, I was quite, very pleased with my last trip in in UK, because I wasn't expecting the people to be actually open to Islam. And it seems that among the European countries, the British are actually protecting Muslims in some many ways. So can you just share with you and the good things that you see about your country? As a convert yourself? Yeah. How about taking the lead? Maybe in Europe to show? Definitely, definitely. I mean, I would say that, you know, in the United Kingdom and tolerance in the Western world, if you'd like, to some extent, there's, as a foreigner, you know, along with, I'd say, Canada's or maybe Israeli as earlier, that

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they're very understanding and tolerant with, with Muslims who want to practice their religion in the correct way. It's just unfortunate that we do find words, it's a tiny percentage. But the problem is I have is that why is it that this tiny percentage is allowing to tarnish all Muslims, you know, but you know, hamdulillah we have, you know, the ability to build masajid have halal meat, give it our all these opportunities are there for us. So we can complain? Yeah, we can. But we should also think that we have lots of opportunity, especially in the United Kingdom, UK, and India to get that one should take take this opportunity now make it easy and strengthen the woman, UK and

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all over Europe. And it was a pleasure to see you again. I hope next time would be nice. Maybe?

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I'll say no, no. Okay. All right. Thank you for your time.

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Thank you so much.

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