Waleed Basyouni – The Subject of Fear

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The concept of fear is a serious illness that is controlled by individual phobias and phobias. The importance of fear is linked to personal experiences and the need for fearless behavior to avoid negative consequences and achieve success. The speakers emphasize the need for fearless behavior and proper treatment to overcome fear and achieve success. The use of fear in media and political messages is also discussed, along with the importance of avoiding fear and taking all means for strength and wealth.
AI: Transcript ©
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In your hamdulillah who want to stay in who want to study he want to stop Pharaoh want to be like him in Sharia fusina woman sejahtera Medina Maja de la dama De La MaMa you will follow her Yahuwah shadow Allah Allah illallah wa de la sharika wa shadow Mohammed Abdullah who are a pseudo Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Mohammed Camus Elijah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim in Naka, hamidah Majeed and Allah, all praise due to Allah and His praise and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family, his companions and his followers until the day of judgment. I have been witness at the laws the only one, the only one worthy of worship, and Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his last and final messenger. My brothers and sisters, is a very unique verse in the Quran. I was reflecting upon it today

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for several reasons. And this verse, Allah Subhana, Allah said to the believers, fed out to half who whom the half only include meaning Allah Subhana, Allah telling the believers, don't fear them. Rather fear me if your true believers don't fear them, referring to the deities and the gods and idols that the kofod are used to worship and to pray to, and also refer to the jinn. And these beings that the kuffaar also used to fear so much, that they will submit to the will of those who claim that they are in contact with them. So if there is someone say that he control the jinn, he immediately would be controlling those people because of this, so much fear of the jinn.

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And also it could also refer to those who engage in such act of worship any don't fear the kuffaar don't fear their deities don't fear their practice their belief, rather you fear me. So this verse shows us that there is a type of fear we should have an A type of fear we should not have.

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It's natural to have fear Allah Subhana Allah made the human beings made of a combination of multiple things for au soldati, Masha Allah Kabak, he put you together. And one of the meanings that Emma said, Yeah, and he put together a body with a salt, he put together a combination of emotions and feelings inside your heart and mind. You're a combination of multiple things work inside you. So if this is the case, it's natural to be afraid. But this fear is also controlled. Like any other feelings that we have, like any other emotion that we have, it should be something that you control not to be controlled by. It's a big difference between the two.

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And the sherea Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and in Islam came to help the human being to be in the best form. And when he leave the teaching of the prophets of salami goes to the worse. When we look at the concept of fear in the Quran, and I'm not talking about it from a psychology does my areas not my specialty, but fear is a serious illness. There's about 19 million Americans walk every day they suffer actually from mental illness related to irrational fear. 19 million people, one of us could be one of them. Or it's easily to find. This is a common thing between people. You know, a lot of people have

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phobias, different type of phobias, and this is one of the manifestation of this fear. phobia related to specific, like, people have phobia from snakes, cats, stuff like that. phobia related to places people don't like high plays, you know, type plays the Dabba phobia. Sometimes phobia can be related to any any type of thing that you connect to it.

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But again, that's not where I want to take my discussion, I want to look at how Ron and the center spoke about the concept of fear. One of the interesting point that I found out Musashi is Sam is the one that his name was connected the most to the concept of fear.

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It's it's amazing how many times Allah mentioned about Moosa that is always afraid, afraid, afraid. He has feared in his heart, in many verses, him and his brother, yeah, musalla to have Moosa. Don't be afraid in your

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half a day or more salute, my messenger should not be afraid. Then again latter half in any monokuma Asma era, he telling Moosa and her own, don't be afraid, I am with you. I'm hearing and seeing, then, again, Allah Subhana, WA Tada. And in many verses for hodeida mean ha ha afonya taraka, he run away from Egypt, with his heart full of fear, when he after the incident of killing the Egyptian soldier, so many verses like that. But in the end, when you see Musashi Salaam accepted the revelation of a lot, and he became a prophet, and basically, he carried the message in one of the most fear, any position that you can ever think of some of you, if you can't be afraid, you're going

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to be afraid of that moment, which is the moment when he reached that and reach the seat

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on his cell phone, oh, and then his soldiers coming towards them. And guess what, he doesn't have weapons, he doesn't have a place to hide. And all the people with him are any

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basically hopeless leave, he can defend themselves, because he told them no one allowed to bring so weapons, and also not the top of that he all the old carrying their jewelry and their money, so they are really a good target for that army.

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At that moment, he told his people something shows that we have completely different personality. When they said, What would we going to do? The sea in front of us and the enemy behind us? He said, Kela No, no, no fear. In America, Europe be say,

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don't be worried. Don't be afraid Allah with me. And Allah will guide me this change of personality, it's something should let us look at how this is an very interesting concept that Islam doesn't want the negative type of fear to take over the heart. While Islam encourage us to have a positive type of fear, which is to fear Allah subhanaw taala and to fear his punishment.

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That's why it is one of the foundation of towhead is to fear of loss of Hamadan and to fear him because of his nature and to fear his punishment as well. In a half a mil rabina, Yeoman abou sun company era, we feel the Day of Judgment a lot smarter said about the believers. While him and half Mr. camara, Bonnie Madhava. Nakamura be Jenna tan those who fear the Lord

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the Lord, Allah promised them to gentleness. And so many verses praise those who fear Allah subhanaw taala like the Prophet, he had to ruin an hour Robin wa haba. They pray to us while their heart filled with fear and hope. So here you see that this is something as shitty out ordered. But he mentioned something very interesting about the fear of Allah. He said, The fear of Allah not intend for itself. Versus the love of Allah, the love of Allah intend for itself. You love Allah subhanaw taala for the concept of love, but you fear Allah subhana wa tada because of what can lead, but you don't fear a lot because you know that he is something terrifying, you know, because you don't want

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to lose his love. You don't want to be prevented from him. You don't want to be exposed to his punishment. That's why you fit on last panel, what odd anyway,

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going back to my concept, so that means that is something else that is something shitty, I want us not to fear, something to it to be this feared, replace with the strength, with tranquility, with peace with the strength, as I said, and that what we call an Israeli law. Meaning that the the the might the power, that the strength of the believers that should be in the heart of every single believer.

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When we look at our history, and we see how are our Muslim

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scholars or scholars and the companions of the Prophet Allah, and Mohammed wasallam, before all of that, and all the prophets and messengers before him, they demonstrate this in the best format, that how they did not fear someone more than a Lost Planet Allah. That's why they were never afraid to say the truth. They were never afraid from their enemy to the level that they cannot declare or to show their identity. They were never afraid of someone to the level that they will stop themselves from doing the right thing. That's why there is certain type of fear I asked each and every one of you today to take it out of his heart to rip it off of your heart and throw it away and the

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top of my list, what Allah subhanaw taala said that you should not feel ashamed,

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ever, you should not feel ashamed because the sheer bondage much weaker than the believers. That's why Allah Subhana Allah said that he has no salon is no power over the believers. And also one of the thing that people need to get out of their hearts, the fear of poverty, Allah Subhana Allah said, a shining upon we are

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wired to build

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a ship on promising poverty who want to be make you afraid to donate, afraid to give for the sake of Allah. So what Islam wanted to do to overcome that fear? That's why he said salatu salam, to be law was a we who's a poor person, not very well, not rich man. He said to him, amphibia Babylon. Well, I mean, there are Shere Khan yapilan give for the sake of Allah. And don't be afraid that our last panel data will hold back from you. Don't let the fear of you know i don't know about the future. I don't know about my money stopping you from giving the fear that stopping you from making an honorable muroff 191 in mooncup. The fear that will stop you from saying the truth

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is a fear that is not acceptable.

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I might

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give the chair to the brothers back in

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the fear that stopping you from saying the truth is a fear that is not acceptable. That's why Debbie Sutherland said see you the Shahada Hamza, the master of the shadow Hamza, and a man who stood up in front of a tyrant or a dictator and he ordered him and said the truth in front of him. That's the type of fear that is not be should not be exist in our heart. It will prevent us to stand up and to say what we really truly believe in. That's why in Ibiza, Salim said Allah will never bless and oma lepen visit Amaya Nila Baraka, Toma, Leia.

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yaku ha ha Matata, Allah will never bless a nation where an average person in this oma can stand up and ask for his right.

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If you are afraid to ask for your right, or to demand for you, right, there's such community will never be blessed. So if we, as a Muslim community feel that we don't have the ability to stand up and to ask for our rights.

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That is giving it's our inherent rights and heroes, right? That given us not by the Constitution, giving us by God by Alonzo john first,

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then given us by the law of the land, if you feel that you can't stand up for an ask for it. And that fear prevent us from saying such thing, that community is not blessed. There's something wrong with them.

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That's why and Debbie's asylum also said about the Roman or I said that, that one of the quality that made them survive that make them so strong in the nation, and M now NASA will mean

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that they will never let a king or a dictator to rule them. And to abuse them, they will always stop that such key.

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Also one of the fear that is so it's negative. And these are just random point, see which one that you can collect. What the most, the fear from learning. A lot of people have this fear from learning anything new at fear from saying, I'm asking chef, what that means. Chef, you said this, and I don't know what it means. Our last panel data set for solo analytic, ask the people of knowledge, if you don't know, don't be afraid to go back to college. And I can. I know in my community, people, I'm so proud of that even the reach to the highest level of education, they have their PhDs, and they are not afraid to go back to seek knowledge again, and to learn a new subject and to learn something

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new. You know, I know people they have a struggle to find a job today. And the fear that stopping them from finding the job, the fear is to go back to school, the fear from going back and studying the fear from being committed into an academic sessions and stay for two, three years to do that. That's why the struggle to progress, that fear should be taken out of your heart, the fear

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from showing your Islam, the fear to show your identity, that to the extent that Mohammed became moody and Abu Bakar became blue.

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To the extent that people will be ashamed to have their names and their religion

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to say I'm Muslim, the fear to put your hijab and public the fear to pray or to make that fear take over it just make you so scared that you can do it. I'm not saying go Yeah.

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Challenge everybody. But I'm saying that that fear that make your soul feel less feel that you cannot present to do what Allah Subhana Allah have given you that's a negative type of fear. Another type of fear that I want you to think about it, if you have it is to move on from that time of year, which is the fear that prevents you from

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growing financially. You know, why Elon Musk said that?

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And why risk and fuqaha talked about what's the best form of provision, and you will see the majority said as business. Why, because you challenge that fear inside you, you risk your money, you risk your time, and that trust, you get reward for it, because you risk it while you have trust in Allah Subhana, Allah tawakkol and Allah azza wa jal, that's why it is an interesting point to think, why you're afraid to start your own business, even if it's a small, and to do basically partner up with someone and to grow, that fear that to prevent you, from being active in the community, prevent you from attending the program's of the community, because, oh, my name is going to be uncertain

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less, or if I donate to this organization, or the media is going to pick on me, that fear that that prevent you because you're afraid of the social environment pressure around you is unacceptable, that sometimes that fear that social anxiety, which is a common thing in our society, by the way,

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that social anxiety led people to live isolated from the community, we have an event, I can be part of it, you know, and people like this, they might need to see a professional help counseling my word just to encourage you. But some of these things need a serious therapy, to go to to overcome it. Also one of the fears that I found it so irritating, that's the fear from carrying a responsibility. A lot of people, we need their help, we need them to take the lead. We need them to be part of the work. But everybody say Shall I can take the responsibility. Brother, I don't know if I can take this responsibility, that fear of carrying the responsibility. It's a negative type of fear. It's

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about time to get rid of it. And to stand up and say, You know what, I'll take this responsibility. Yeah, Allah insha. Allah, Allah helped me to fulfill this responsibility. The fear of failing, it's another type of fear that it's needed to get rid of. A lot of people don't want to do many things because they're afraid to fail. And you know what, the problem is not to fail. The problem is to fail to stand up every time you fail. Because that's how success is, our success is based on our ability to stand up every time we fail.

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It's never success is about never family. You know, one of the

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fear, which is very specific, it can lead also that to the to the type of

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aggressive behavior and a type of Compulsive Disorder, which is the fear of making a mistake in the ibadah. To the extent that you became have worse was that I'm afraid my was not correct. So you repeat the word again, I'm afraid that it didn't pronounce the fact correct, I need to read it again. I'm afraid that my Salah is, and some people get stuck with that for hours and hours and hours. And just the shape, I'm playing with them laughing at them. If you have this problem, I want you to know, every time you repeat your although every time you repeat yourself, every time you dwell on it, just imagine the ship, I'm just laughing at you. And he giving him a chance. You know,

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in himself, you just say auricular strategy and move on. Don't ever repeat your old rule. Don't ever repeat your Salah, you forgiven and seek a professional help because it helps. One of the things also, a lot of people have so much fear from death. So much fear from sickness, that it became a sec itself. That's this so much afraid of death and sickness that they isolate themselves or about their children. You know, it became sometimes very, not natural, like some kids like in a bubble. And just because their parents so paranoid and create this paranoia about their kids getting sick, you getting that.

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And it became limiting their ability really to grow

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our fear from our enemy. To that I'm not saying underestimate your enemy. But when you fear them so much. To the extent that paralyze you that's unacceptable. When I read in the history, that at one point in Baghdad when the tar walk into Baghdad, the mogul in the small Empire who came from

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Central Asia and wiped out the city about that. One soldier will come drunk with no with the no sword, he will see a group of Muslims and he will say hey, you all wait for me here until I go get my sword and come back he completely drunk and he go get his sort come back to this group of people sit stand sitting there and he slaughtered them like the sheep's

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pets what kind of fear took over the hearts of those people that prevent them even from trying to protect themselves, even dying, trying dying anyway, this is because that much fear of the enemy, because the enemy became so big, you know, they know everything about you, they do this, they have this and became something paralyzing us, you know,

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sometimes it said that fear for for children, make sure just want to remember point, make sure that this fear about children will not lead you, you afraid for so much that they will go astray, they will not be religious, they will do this. And they will not be practicing fear to the extent that you pushing them to that direction. That fear to the extent that you prevent them from having freedom.

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When I hear people telling me, you know, I said How is your home? He said My home is the last standing House of communism and our country. It's like communist

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country each No, no everything. No, no, no, no. It's you don't have freedom. You don't have anything. This is also not right. I mainly This is comes because of fear.

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you're afraid to go against the norm, the culture,

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you afraid to say yes, not the right thing. And that's having a lot an individual level and sometimes scholars, they are afraid to say no and wrong. And I don't do that just because his mental habits people his background is going to start because that's not the common factor. Whatever. That's fear is not this position is not taken based on granson evidence based because of fear.

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Let me just put it this way. Don't ever make a decision in your life based on just pure fear.

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As an advice from your butt, don't ever make a decision in your life, just because solely it's based on fear. Usually, that decision is not accurate. May Allah subhanaw taala to protect all of us. According to Mustapha Laurie

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hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala Milena via

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my brothers and sisters, I tried once to look at the concept of fear in our community in our society and our Muslims in general. And I found that to so much fear. A lot of people raised in an environment and a culture of fear. You know, kids, the, from the beginning, they're always afraid of, you know, parents, the relationship between parents and children is not a relationship of friendship and love and respect. And it's based on fear.

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You know, I'm not saying you're not allowed, you should not prevent or make it behave. But when it is about fear more than anything else, that's wrong. You know, a lot of our kids are out of our family members, part of our culture is B you became so scared because you know, everybody around you can be very sarcastic make fun of you for any mistake you do, can easily trash you. And it became a fun, you know, give you bad nicknames and make fun of you. That's part of the culture.

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And that's very bad because a lot of people became afraid just to express themselves.

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You know, sometimes there is also this fairy tales, especially in October and Halloween, you know, we exposing our kids to so much things to so many things. scare them monsters, you know, and I remember when I'm a lot of kids

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all these names of things that crawled on in every culture, not only a number of Asian American every culture, but this is so much fear putting in the heart of the kids. Why do we have so many kids they've very hard time to go to sleep by themselves.

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You know, sometimes even in our in our schools in our

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homes, there is so much culture of fear.

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Sometimes also because of misunderstanding of the religion, the commonality of things which is not correct. Somebody sent me today, I had just a week Heidi, and salt healthier I will be in the other room. As a matter of fact, I remember visiting one brother who newly whipped

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and I saw in his

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house, a big nice ski the frame, in the middle of it, there was a big stick.

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And underneath the process of them said, hang the web, or the stick in the middle of the house, so people will behave properly this heavy beside it, it's a very two week heading. Is this what it does, and this was the culture is

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yet another guy hanging on his wall, I'm telling you from something, I've seen it, marketing anyone, another guy have a big spanker and the kids you know, area where the play and it called attitude adjuster. You know, that's how he adjust their attitude. It is it is something became this kind of excessive fear and using force against kids, it's absolutely caused that.

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You know, when we look to this snam how he dealt with this just a few points before we end, number one.

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And Islam came to tell us that everything happened it is by the will of Allah. So you should not be afraid, everything by Allah smart Allah.

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And everything happened that avoidable of Allah, according to the great wisdom of our last panel, what odd. Number two, also, a shitless Nam have encouraged us to give us a how to make our model longer to counter that social fear, social anxiety that people have. And it's time for bed to make fun of one another. And Islam order us to take all the necessary means for strength, you be exercise, you have a wealth, you have the money, you have all the means that make you feel strong, also, and Islam made us capable of always admitting our mistakes. And that takes a lot of courage to say I'm wrong.

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And make this as a felina as something of virtues, also forbade people to live by themselves or isolated from the society now and

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then that you live away from people in in isolated places, you should be interacting with the people. My brother and sisters, if we don't counter this fear in our heart and can in our society, what we'll have, we'll have a spirit of doubts, that everybody afraid of everybody. And always think bad about them. If we don't counter this spirit of fear, what we'll have, we will have very bad qualities in the society, we'll have people who lie because they're afraid, a generation who lie a generation who are hypocrites, because they're afraid, a generational stingy because they're afraid to give a generation that they will not stand up for the truth, and will not give support to those

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who need the support a generation who will just look to the other side, when they see something wrong happening in the community in this society. If we don't counter this, we'll have a generation and society and community. They have low self esteem. They have no confidence in themselves.

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We don't counter this,

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the spirit of

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magic and evil and all these kinds of things that it is true in its essence, there is evil AI that is magic. That is stuff like that. Yeah. And maybe in essence, yes. But the excessive use of it, that it became something controlling people live. It's because their generation is raised on fear. Finally, if we don't encounter this will soon have a society and community and the spirit of

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the law. Yes, people giving up hope of change. That's the worst part of it.

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Y'all know heard about this rally about, you know, coming around masajid in America, today and tomorrow carrying their guns. Why would you do a rally around mustards? They're organized by some extreme, very minority group. Why would you make a rally carrying your guns and you know, and showing your rifles is to spread fear in the heart of the Muslims. But I can say it proudly that every Muslim I met and just one of them walking here. A brother use a word I can sit in the member, but it just demonstrate the level of courage and no care. We are not an omen that will bend. It's not an omen that you can ride it's back because the only time somebody ride your bike when you bend.

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It's an AMOLED stand up tall that doesn't terrify us. But we also learn the oma of nobility

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of several years of civilization. So don't let this kind of news and rumors and incident bring fear to your heart. It makes you more any confidence in yourself.

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Allah, Allah to protect all of us.

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And I just want to say also the next door church send me a very beautiful email. I read it yesterday last night to the community here and I just standing up beside us not only us every almost Muslim organization to receive tons of letters from our neighbors from our family, this is something you share with you, their kids, that this is the true spirit of America. Malhotra bless our country in our land, and plus our community. Now last Mandela forgive our sin. Now loss of Canada forgive our sin alarm for linode Hamnet laughing off on Selena Hamada Mohammed Omar Satya

10-09-2015 Khutbah at Clear Lake Islamic Center

  • Arachnophobia – The fear of spiders affects women four times more (48% women and 12% men).
  • Ophidiophobia – The fear of snakes. …
  • Acrophobia – The fear of heights. …
  • Agoraphobia – The fear of open or crowded spaces.

So many more types of fears exists out there but what does the Quran say about fear? It says :-


” Don’t fear them; rather fear me, if you are true believers” – Surah Al-imran 3:175.

So this means there is a right fear and a wrong fear. And did you know that our beloved prophet Musa a.s. felt fear many many times?But what did the Creator tell him when he felt these fears? He replaced the fear with tranquility.

Thus  do you want to know which is the right kind of fear? To know this and to know what to do when you face the wrong type of fear, listen to Sheikh Waleed’s khutbah. And what you take away with you from this talk is there is a positive fear we must have, one that the Prophets and the mukmin had- fear for the love of Allah. Fear of losing the pleasure of Allah. Do not fear Syaitan. Why? Because the syaitan is much weaker than the believer.

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